How to draw a layout by hand. How to draw a house plan on a computer yourself: choosing a program, step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks

Many of us dream of our own country house, where we could come for the weekend and take a break from the annoying and noisy city life. And if we talk about the independent construction of such a house, then the most difficult stage will probably be the selection of a suitable project that fully meets the requirements and wishes of the future owner. Designing a house on your own is quite difficult; this procedure requires certain knowledge and skills.

First you need to figure out what a country cottage should be like. There may be quite a lot of requirements, but they all boil down to three important points:

  • multifunctionality;
  • simplicity of design;
  • aesthetics.

There are a lot of ready-made projects on the Internet, both standard and individual. But when choosing one or another of them, you should not rush; first of all, you should decide - is an individual project really necessary?

Important! Such projects are used mainly for non-standard sites, where construction standard house problematic or even impossible.

The best option (in terms of time and finances) would be to purchase a standard project and then link it to a specific site by an experienced architect. But this is provided that only slight adjustments are required, and if you need to completely change the project, then it is better to immediately order an individual version.

If plannedDIY house design, then it is unlikely to be possible to do without a qualified specialist, since when drawing up problems may arise with numerous technical details - the number and location of lamps, sewerage connections, thickness/height of walls, etc. Based on this, we can distinguish only two possible (read: inexpensive) options.

  1. You can contact designers who will make a sketch of the house, but without any technical details. With such a sketch, you can easily build a small country house, but only with the most primitive layout.
  2. Another way to save money is to ask for help from student project designers who have already learned the basics of the profession.

Important! Regardless of who and how the project was drawn up, construction must be entrusted to a qualified foreman who is able to determine “by eye” what exactly needs to be done to implement this or that detail.

If this is not done, then in the event of the destruction of the house there will be no one to blame, since according to the law the foreman cannot be responsible for the compliance of the house design with safety requirements.

If an architect was involved in the design of the house, then you need to remember the basic requirements and, if possible, fulfill them.

  1. It is necessary to provide the architect with a site plan, the results of geological research, and a detailed description of all existing landscape elements (forests, country roads, ponds, etc.) that can affect the location of the house.
  2. You also need to notify the contractor of all restrictions imposed management company or legislation. This could be, for example, a ban on construction in a water protection zone, requirements for the strength of the facade, the height of the house.
  3. In most cases, communication inputs must be connected at your own expense. This also applies to gas supply, which should be handled exclusively by specialized companies.
  4. Before starting work, the architect will ask the customer to fill out a so-called questionnaire, which will indicate the basic requirements for the project. All these points are mutually agreed upon in writing.
  5. Sometimes the architect himself suggests making certain adjustments. A striking example of such adjustments could be a bedroom for elderly family members, which is moved from the second to the first floor so that there is no need to often move up the stairs.
  6. Customers often treat documents with disdain, which is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to carefully study and fill out the questionnaire - this will significantly reduce the time of drafting the project.
  7. Creating an individual project takes a long time - on average it takes three months. This moment is an additional incentive to independently draw up a project.

Important! Sometimes the customer, after reviewing the finished project, wants to make adjustments or additions. Of course, this will also increase the preparation time.

DIY project

As mentioned earlier, you can design a house with a primitive layout with your own hands. To create a sketch of a “dream house” you only need paper and pencil; no specific skills or an architect’s diploma are needed. Below is the sequence of main actions.

Stage 1. Geological exploration

Design should begin with georeconnaissance of the site. This will allow you to obtain accurate information about the properties of the soil and the depth of groundwater (the latter is necessary when planning the foundation and basement). It is advisable to carry out exploration in the spring, when groundwater rises to its highest level.

Stage 2. Determining the scale

First, take a sheet of paper in a box. Let’s say one meter of land is two squares. In this case, the scale will be 1:100, that is, 1 mm in the project will equal 10 cm in real life.

Stage 3. Marking the contour of the site

Next, you need to draw the outline of the site with all adjacent buildings in order to correctly determine the location of the house. At the same stage, the number of floors and whether there will be other structures in the yard are determined. If there are already some objects on the site that will not be removed (for example, a swimming pool), then they are applied first. So the design will be carried out taking into account the free space.

Important! You need to be prepared to use the tape measure multiple times, because everything needs to be done in accordance with the scale.

Stage 4. Start of planning

Let's say the house has two floors, two bedrooms, two toilets, a living room, a kitchen and a basement.

If there are any structures nearby, then there must be at least three meters between them and the house - this is necessary for fire safety.

Stage 5. Basement

Next you need to start planning the basement. If the groundwater level is high enough, then installing a basement will increase the total cost by about a third. Therefore, it is advisable to simply make an additional room instead, but provided that the area of ​​the site allows this.

Stage 6. Ground floor

After determining the height and type of foundation, the issue of building materials that will be used to build the house is decided. Next, a hall is drawn, the living room and kitchen are connected to it, and the toilet is placed in the formed “pocket”.

Then you need to see what happened. Let’s say right away that you shouldn’t be upset about this, because this is just a rough sketch.

It turned out quite well, but some things could be improved.

  1. The kitchen and toilet should be located next door - this will facilitate the layout of communications. In the first version of the project, these rooms are located far from each other.
  2. The living room usually gathers a lot of people, so its area should be appropriate. The hall should be slightly reduced and thus the living room should be expanded.
  3. You also need a staircase to the second floor, so you need to find a place for that too.
  4. In the first sketch there were no auxiliary rooms - such as, for example, a boiler room.

The basement may need to be modified. There were some changes in the second version of the sketch.

  1. The dining room was swapped with the kitchen, since the exit from the living room should lead directly to the dining room, where the family will gather.
  2. The dimensions of the bathroom have changed. It was decided to place the bathroom on the second floor, so the free space of the first floor was saved in favor of the boiler room.
  3. A staircase appeared.
  4. The living room has been enlarged.

Stage 7. Second floor

On the second floor everything is much simpler. The toilet is located in the same place so that there are no problems when connecting communications. The wall between the bedroom and the recreation room moves somewhat in favor of the bedrooms.

You also need to plan out all the windows and the front door.

Stage 8. Roof

When designing a roof, keep one simple rule in mind: the more bends and joints, the higher the value of the house. In addition, a roof that is too complex will be unreliable and, over time, leaks will form in the bends.

Stage 9. Thermal insulation

In order to reduce heat loss, all non-residential premises should be located in the northern part of the house. In addition, thermal insulation largely depends on the quality of the materials used for insulation, as well as on the location of the windows.

Important! Despite the fact that the house looks ideal on paper, once it is built you may no longer like it. At the same time, using an unfinished and “raw” sketch, you can build a quite decent cottage that will last for decades.

Step 10: Approvals

So, the project is almost ready, all that remains is to take it to the architecture department for approval. Most likely, the department will offer to modify it somewhat - you should not refuse. In addition to the project itself, the architecture must provide:

Important! Risu NK must be accompanied by a realistic estimate for building materials.


Designing a house, like any other important event, should be thought out in advance, because the future may depend on it. The above project already takes into account the possibility of increasing the size of the family (there are two bedrooms on the second floor - one of them is a children's room).

Video – DIY house design

Even at the very beginning of construction, or rather even at the moment of conception, private developers are faced with the problem of how to draw up a house plan correctly themselves.

A custom-made house plan can be quite expensive for the developer, so in this article we will look at the issue of making a house plan yourself.

Designing buildings and houses is a rather complex and multifaceted issue. Drawing up a house plan will require you, at a minimum, to have certain skills and knowledge in geometry and drawing. You will also need information about the characteristics of the site where construction is planned. Spatial thinking will also help in this matter.

Before starting work on designing a building, consider certain points: how many people the house will be designed to accommodate, how many rooms and bathrooms you need to provide, where the kitchen will be located, etc. Correlate all these data with the construction budget and get to work.

Execution options

Today there are several ways to draw up a house plan:

  • order a plan for building a house from specialists;
  • draw it on paper yourself, i.e. do it by hand;
  • use special professional programs that are installed on the computer;
  • use online services.

Let's consider each of the options for drawing up a plan yourself in more detail.

Drawing a house plan by hand

First of all, you will need a plan of the construction site, as well as data on the soil conditions in the area.

You will need a site plan in order to orient yourself and determine the size of the house and its location on the ground. Soil data will help you choose the optimal type of foundation for your house.

  1. Decide on the scale of the drawing and start drawing a plan by marking the central axes of the external walls and each room. It is best to keep your house design simple, without complex design solutions. This will help you bring it to life more successfully and not spend extra money just for the sake of an interesting design solution.
  2. Mark the interior walls and wall partitions. Plan the arrangement of rooms so that non-residential premises are located on the north side, and residential premises on the south.
  3. Decide on the location of the windows and doorways, be sure to indicate them on the plan. Optimally located window openings so that the maximum amount of daylight from the sun enters the living rooms (bedroom, living room, office, nursery).
  4. “Increase” the expected wall thickness on the axis evenly on both sides in accordance with the selected construction material. Do not forget to respect the selected drawing scale.
  5. Draw on the plan the location of heating devices (this is especially true for country house where it is not possible to connect to central heating).
  6. Decide on the location of communications (in the kitchen, bathrooms, etc.) and mark them on the drawing.
  7. Mark the drawing with the main dimensions of walls, partitions and openings.
  8. Assign a serial number to each room inside the house. Decipher these numbers - determine which room is indicated by which number.

We draw up a house plan using a program installed on a computer

Today, when everyone (at home or at work) has a personal computer or laptop, it is absolutely unnecessary to waste time and nerves on compiling a complete home page by hand. There are a number of software products that can be downloaded from the Internet and installed on your PC. With the help of these programs, many of which are designed for non-professionals, you can solve quite professional problems and draw up a plan for a country house of any complexity.

Buy specialized software not at all necessary. It is enough to download the shareware product. This kind of software provides access for a certain period of time or for a number of starts.

Architectural program designers are able to create a two- and even three-dimensional model of a house according to given parameters. It is also possible to draw up a house plan with several floors.

One such program is Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0. Installed on your computer, this program will help you draw up a house plan using ready-made templates and design solutions.

When starting work, you will need to set the basic dimensions of the building and the number of floors. Next, doors and windows are applied to the rough layout.

If you have a site plan, you can enter cadastral data into the program. A 3D model will allow you to view your future home and its location on the ground.

The functions of the Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0 program include the ability to design not only the premises, but also the roof of the future home. There is also a function for selecting interior decoration and even furniture arrangement.

Also inexpensive and quite convenient, and most importantly – understandable (even to an inexperienced user), are the software products *Design Studio 3D Home 3.0* or *ArCon Home & Landscape*.

Online services

There are also online programs that allow you to create 2D or 3D models of a house. One of these services is the online designer

Draw a house plan

You can draw a house plan in a regular Word editor.

If you urgently need to draw a plan of a house or bathhouse yourself, just for clarity, to clarify certain dimensions of the premises, then you do not need to look for a special program.

Special programs are usually multifunctional and have a complex interface. They are designed for designers, so you will need a lot of time to understand it and learn how to use it.

You can draw the layout of a bathhouse or house very quickly and professionally enough for DIY construction in regular Word. For example, I drew a plan for a bathhouse with a steam room using Word tools.

So, the sequence of actions:

Drawing a plan of a house or bathhouse in a regular Word editor is much easier than mastering a program designed for specialists. And often more is not required. Such a plan looks and reads easier and more clearly than hand-written sketches.

How to draw a house project

Drawing up the basic design of a new house is one of the most important stages of any construction. So, how to draw a house project, taking into account the most complex design structures and the wishes of customers.

Main design stages

First of all, qualified specialists from construction companies must make an accurate assessment of the landscape, soil characteristics and climate. Also, before drawing a house drawing, it is necessary to decide on the use of certain building materials, and only after that proceed to initial stage design.

One of the most important stages in drawing up a house drawing is designing the foundation. Here you should also take into account the characteristics of the soil and the presence of groundwater. Another important factor that can affect the operation of a building is weather conditions. Frequent precipitation and frost will quickly damage the foundation supports, so most construction companies recommend installing supports in the shape of an inverted “T”. The drawing of the future residential building must accurately reflect the distances from the supports to the concrete surface and a number of other parameters.

How to draw a house project correctly? Highly qualified architects begin the drawing by drawing the main axes and boundaries, in the center of which, in the future, the foundations of the main and load-bearing walls of the building will appear. If you plan to build a rectangular house, the coordinate axes should be drawn along the center of the outer wall panels. Next, on the resulting lines, the architects place the outlines of walls and various partitions, after which windows and doors appear on the drawing, next to which the direction of opening must be indicated on paper.

Before you draw a house plan in finished form, you should put an image of the roof on the drawing. This element is placed on paper in compliance with strict proportions and basic geometric rules, so that the roofing is combined with the load-bearing walls of the building. In suburban areas, it is not uncommon to find residential buildings with complex European-style roof structures.

Programs and online services for drafting projects

If you wish, you can design your own home yourself. There are a huge number of online services and comprehensive software packages for designing houses of any complexity. When working with such applications, no special skills in the field of construction are required; services of this class have a simple user interface and an intuitive control system. Users do not have to worry about maintaining certain proportions and dimensions of the designed structure; the program itself does this work.

Programs for building design have the necessary set of special tools that will help not only make bright design amendments to the finished project, but also calculate the approximate cost of construction. For people for whom working with such applications is a big problem, professional architects from construction companies are ready to draw a house project online for free and provide all the necessary information on this matter.

Many people prefer a regular pencil, straightening rod and other drawing tools to computer programs out of habit. In addition, such drawn projects can serve as the basis for more detailed design in special programs. In this video you can see how you can draw a simple house design online in less than 1 minute.

The article has been read 35274 times.

House design online 3d

3D projects for creating designs for houses, apartments and other premises are traditionally created in AutoCad. This is a professional 3D modeling program. You can view the prices for this product and buy autocad here. If your profession is not related to design and architecture, then it will be enough for you free program online at

Pros of online house design:

  • There are no costs for purchasing a special program,
  • All design work is done in the browser,

The main disadvantage: you must understand that this is not a professional program, and one way or another, you will be deprived of all the features that AutoCad offers.

Check out another interesting service for designing apartments online in 3D

Registration is required to use the program. Without it, you will not be able to save your project, and some functions will not be available to you. You can create your projects on mobile phone. Special applications have been developed for this; download links can be found on the website.

This is what Autodesk online design offers us:

Click on the “Create Project” button from the top horizontal menu and start volumetric modeling.

You will be offered 3 options:

  1. start from scratch
  2. loading background image. This could be a diagram of a house,
  3. select a project from the gallery.

First, we “build” the walls of the house and create a general layout. In the toolbar on the left, you take objects (rooms, partitions, walls, openings) and drag them onto the work area. Here you can rotate them, change their size and proportions.

We add bulges, balconies, loggias using the “stretch with room enlargement” function - we add these objects to the perimeter of the room.

We change the scale of the project using the mouse wheel or using the magnifying glass from the top menu.

The 3D viewing function will be very useful to you; you will also find it on the top toolbar.

Even at the very beginning of construction, or rather even at the moment of conception, private developers are faced with the problem of how to draw up a house plan correctly themselves.

A custom-made house plan can be quite expensive for the developer, so in this article we will look at the issue of making a house plan yourself.

Designing buildings and houses is a rather complex and multifaceted issue. Drawing up a house plan will require you, at a minimum, to have certain skills and knowledge in geometry and drawing. You will also need information about the characteristics of the site where construction is planned. Spatial thinking will also help in this matter.

Before starting work on designing a building, think through certain points: how many people the house will be designed to accommodate, how many rooms and bathrooms you need to provide, where the kitchen will be located, etc. Correlate all these data with and get to work.

Today there are several ways to draw up a house plan:

  • order a plan for building a house from specialists;
  • draw it on paper yourself, i.e. do it by hand;
  • use special ones that are installed on the computer;
  • use online services.

Let's consider each of the options for drawing up a plan yourself in more detail.

Drawing a house plan by hand

First of all, you will need a plan of the construction site, as well as data on the soil conditions in the area.

You will need a site plan in order to orient yourself and determine the size of the house and its location on the ground. Soil data will help you choose the optimal type.

  1. Decide on the scale of the drawing and start drawing a plan by marking the central axes of the external walls and each room. It is best to keep your house design simple, without complex design solutions. This will help you bring it to life more successfully and not spend extra money just for the sake of an interesting design solution.
  2. Mark the interior walls and wall partitions. Plan the arrangement of rooms so that non-residential premises are located on the north side, and residential premises on the south.
  3. Decide on the location of windows and doorways, be sure to indicate them on the plan. Optimally located so that the living rooms (bedroom, living room, office, nursery) receive the maximum amount of daylight from the sun.
  4. “Increase” the expected wall thickness on the axis evenly on both sides in accordance with the selected construction material. Do not forget to respect the selected drawing scale.
  5. Draw the location on the plan (this is especially important for a country house where there is no way to connect to central heating).
  6. Decide on the location of communications (on, in, etc.) and mark them on the drawing.
  7. Mark the drawing with the main dimensions of walls, partitions and openings.
  8. Assign a serial number to each room inside the house. Decipher these numbers - determine which room is indicated by which number.

We draw up a house plan using a program installed on a computer

Today, when everyone (at home or at work) has a personal computer or laptop, it is absolutely unnecessary to waste time and nerves on compiling a complete home page by hand. There are a number of software products that can be downloaded from the Internet and installed on your PC. With the help of these programs, many of which are designed for non-professionals, you can solve quite professional problems and draw up a plan for a country house of any complexity.

There is no need to buy specialized software. It is enough to download the shareware product. This kind of software provides access for a certain period of time or for a number of starts.

Architectural program designers are able to create a two- and even three-dimensional model of a house according to given parameters. It is also possible to draw up a house plan with several floors.

One such program is Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0. Installed on your computer, this program will help you draw up a house plan using ready-made templates and design solutions.

When starting work, you will need to set the basic dimensions of the building and the number of floors. Next, doors and windows are applied to the rough layout.

If you have a site plan, you can enter cadastral data into the program. A 3D model will allow you to view your future home and its location on the ground.

The functions of the Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0 program include the ability to design not only the premises, but also the roof of the future home. There is also a function for selecting interior decoration and even furniture arrangement.

Also inexpensive and quite convenient, and most importantly – understandable (even to an inexperienced user), are the software products *Design Studio 3D Home 3.0* or *ArCon Home & Landscape*.

Online services

There are also online programs that allow you to create 2D or 3D models of a house. One of these services is the online designer

The modern world enjoys a huge amount computer technologies, with which it is very easy to draw a plan for a private house. A large number of multifunctional programs have been developed specifically for design.

This is what the layout and interior of the house looks like

However, these programs have a complex interface. To work, they use a large number of different tools, and only designers can understand how to use them. Therefore, you can use another method to create a house plan. The simplest option is Word with its own set of tools.

Not everyone can draw a house plan; for many it becomes a problem. If a person has never dealt with such a problem, he may encounter a lot of difficulties. To do it correctly, certain provisions must be observed.

The house plan shows:

  • Ventilation system;
  • Door numbers;
  • Floor height;
  • Window numbers.

The drawn plan shows previously made measurements. The general dimensions of the building must be indicated. In addition, the binding must be drawn:

  • Partitions;
  • Window openings;
  • Door niches.

The plan is drawn on a certain scale, usually 1:100, in other words, one meter corresponds to a 10 mm line. In principle, the scale of the drawing is selected depending on the dimensions of the building. It can be: 1:50; 1:200. The resulting drawing is given the name “First Floor Plan”.

Then an explication of the premises is carried out, summarized in a table consisting of several columns:

  • The first is the reference number;
  • The second is the name of the room;
  • The third is the area of ​​the building.

The table is drawn on a sheet framed with a stamp.

Several popular design programs

Of course, today designing buildings and drawing house plans is done using computer programs. They all have different complexity and interface.

Google SketchUp

This program will allow you to easily follow the specified parameters. She is able to view 3D building designs and edit them.

The program is versatile: in addition to design, you can add own project various details.

Google SketchUp is more about design work. There are no GOST standards, there are no standardized sizes. In the program it will be possible to quite realistically see a building built from the building materials included in the plan.

The process of creating a project and planning a cottage in Google SketchUp

To make it easier to work with the program, a large amount of training material is built into it. For modern design, it is possible to add a base of elements designed by other users, for example, an exclusive sofa or a vintage chair.


With the help of such a development it is possible. It is possible to view the design of the future building in three dimensions.

The program allows, in addition to creating a plan, to develop, taking into account all the details.

With its help, you can calculate the required material for repairs. It will show you exactly how much is needed:

  • paints;
  • wallpaper;
  • putties.

You will even be able to calculate the financial costs that will have to be spent on renovating the premises.
This program can be successfully used by a simple amateur and an experienced professional. The fact is that it is distinguished by a very accessible and easy interface. The main advantages of this program are:

  • Possibility of designing houses of any number of floors;
  • All calculations of the required areas occur automatically;
  • Absolute precision;
  • Large range of building materials, variety of textures;
  • Landscape design;
  • Adding decorative details;
  • Modern room design;
  • Model libraries;
  • Interactive tips.


Using such a program, you can plan the installation of each part, and then see what happened in three-dimensional space. In the program you can:

  • Draw a house plan;
  • Show its internal structure;
  • Determine interior design;
  • Create .

For normal operation, the program is provided with a huge library, which contains more than 3,000 different interior details. Thousands of finishing materials were used for the display. The building looks very realistic.


Perhaps this is the most famous program of its kind. It is used by most designers and hobbyists. Among all similar programs, it occupies a leading position. It is distinguished by an intuitive interface that makes it possible to work with two or three files at once.

An example of a house layout made in AutodeskAutoCad

The most important positive quality is the ability to create arbitrary shapes, in accordance with one’s own imagination. Moreover, the created object can be immediately viewed in three-dimensional space.

Many users may need to draw online. This can be any sketch, diagram, plan or technical illustration that needs to be created on a PC using the appropriate tools. At the same time, the computer may not have the programs necessary for this, which will prompt the user to search online for resources that can help in creating the project the user needs. In this material I will tell you how to make a drawing online, and what services will help us with this.

The best online services for drawing

Let's move on to a direct description of online network services. I note that these services for creating drawings have rather compressed functionality compared to professional programs, which, however, may be enough to solve many basic problems.

GLIFFY online editor

This visual editor GLIFFY has a fairly wide range of tools for creating drawings and schematic images, including many templates and diagrams for architectural projects, flowcharts, network diagrams and other relevant purposes.

To work with this editor, go to, log in if necessary (authorization via social network). After this, you will have access to the editing screen where you can create your drawing.

Working screen of the GLIFFY editor

On the left are tabs for various templates (you can expand a tab by clicking on it), on top is a toolbar, and on the right there will be a direct field for creating a drawing.

To save your work, you will need to click on “File” - “Save” (or “Export”) at the top. service

The English-language service will help you create a drawing online by drawing various graphs, diagrams and charts.

To work with this service, go to the website. The resource will ask where to save the works you created (select “Device” to save to your hard drive).

Click on “Create New Diagram”, select its name, as well as the corresponding template to create on the left.

Click on "Create New Diagram" to create a new drawing

Select a blank starting diagram (Blanc Diagramm) or any of the existing templates for charts, Engineering diagrams, Flowcharts, layouts, maps and other types of templates

Once you have selected a template, click on “Create”.

The left and central part of the editing screen of the “” service

To save the created drawing, click on “File” - “Save as”.


The service is a simple English-language service for drawing on the Internet. After switching to it, you will be greeted with a screen for creating a drawing with a rather limited set of tools. On the left there is a toolbar, on the top you can select the size of the drawing and rotate it 90 or 180 degrees, and on the right you can select the diameter of the drawing tool, as well as switch between layers.

Working window ""

To save the drawing you created to disk, click on the “Save” button on the left.


This service is designed to create a technical plan for a construction project, which can later be saved to your PC. Like most similar services, this service has a set of built-in graphic templates that make the process of creating a technical floor plan practical and convenient, allowing you to easily draw a drawing online.

  1. To get started with this service, go to
  2. Specify the dimensions of the room at the top right, and then click on the “Create” button.
  3. If you need to add another room, then specify its dimensions again and click on “Create”.
  4. After all the necessary premises have been created, click on “Continue”.
  5. After this, various graphic objects will become available to you on the right - windows, walls, interior items, and so on, which you can place on your object.
  6. Next, once the site plan is created, you can save it to disk by clicking on the “Save” button below.

Working window of the service “”


"" is another simple English-language resource for constructing simple drawings, creating graphic sketches and sketches. The functionality of the service is quite simple, and is suitable primarily for beginners in creating drawings.

  1. To work with the service, go to
  2. On the right is a toolbar with which you can perform all necessary operations.
  3. After the drawing is created, click on the “Export” button (floppy disk on top), then on “Save” - “Download”.

Drawing programs

Also, when describing online services for creating a project sketch, one cannot ignore a number of popular programs created specifically for such purposes. However, most of them are paid, since the functionality of free programs may not be enough to solve professional problems.

  • "Autodesk AutoCAD" is one of the most famous computer-aided design (CAD) systems designed to create various types drawings, diagrams, graphs. Allows you to create 2D and 3D drawings at a highly professional level, has rich functionality, copes well with rendering 3D objects, and can work with a 3D printer. Supports working with drawings in DVG, DWF, DXF formats;
  • "Askon Compass" is a whole range of software solutions for drawing and diagramming, which are quite popular in the Russian Federation. These solutions support many formats of electronic drawings, have a large database of attached libraries, and are quite simple and easy to use;
  • "nanoCAD" is a free program for beginners, which includes the necessary set of basic tools for designing and creating drawings. The program is aimed at creating mainly 2D drawings, supports working with DWG and DXF drawings, the advantage of the program is the fast output of objects, working with DirectX and so on.


In this material, I reviewed several popular services that allow you to implement online drawing. They all have quite different functionality, generally inferior to their professional desktop competitors (for example, Autodesk AutoCAD). If you are just trying your hand at drawing, then I recommend using both the online services I have listed and the mentioned free program “nanoCAD” - the tools described are perfect for gaining basic skills in creating the drawings you need.
