Instructions for use of the Vakderm vaccine for dogs. Veterinary drug Vakderm

Skin diseases, the cause of which is a fungal infection, spoil not only the fur of animals, but also their claws. In animals with a good defense system, the disease is often asymptomatic, but weakened animals and young animals can develop severe skin lesions. To prevent infection of pets and avoid infection, owners need to use the Vakderm vaccine.


"Vakderm" is a vaccine intended for the treatment and prevention of dermatological fungal diseases in rabbits, cats, dogs and some fur-bearing animals. This vaccine helps treat microsporia, ringworm, dermatophytosis, and trichophotia.

Composition and form of production of the Vakderm vaccine

Ingredients: inactive (killed) spores of the fungi Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and gypseum.

The vaccine is produced in two forms:

  • dry (spongy mass of a brownish-yellow hue);
  • liquid (cloudy brownish suspension).

The vaccine is produced in the form of:

  • Ampoules of 1-5 cubic meters. cm.
  • Bottles:
    • penicillin (PET) 1-15 cc. cm;
    • glass 50-200 cubic meters cm.
  • Graduated containers of 400-500 cubic meters. cm.

Containers with the drug must indicate its name, serial number, production number, expiration date, technical specifications.

Application and dosage of the Vakderm vaccine

To dilute the dry preparation, use purified water, saline solution or a specialized solvent in a proportion of 1 ml per 1 dose of the vaccine. The liquid vaccine is heated to approximately 36 ° C and administered without dilution in accordance with the required dose. The syringe needle is boiled before the injection, and the injection site is wiped with 70% alcohol. One needle is used only once. The injection site is usually the thigh muscles. First, the vaccine is injected into one thigh, and two weeks later into the other.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the weight and age of the animal.


When vaccinating animals in which the disease is latent, the drug causes the appearance of external signs of infection in the form of the formation of mycotic foci. In such cases, the pet is vaccinated two more times in doses prescribed by a specialist. The medicinal effect of the vaccination becomes noticeable 2-3 weeks after the second injection: the scab at the site of scratching becomes less dense and falls off, and new hair begins to grow.

The use of Vakderm for preventive purposes does not cause dermatophytosis. Immunity occurs 30 days after the last vaccination and lasts for a whole year.

Side effects and contraindications

You cannot vaccinate if your pet has elevated body temperature, infections, non-communicable diseases, general weakness. Also, females are not vaccinated during advanced stages of pregnancy. After vaccination, some cats experienced lethargy and hypersomnia; in dogs, dense formations appeared at the injection site. These phenomena went away on their own after 3-5 days and were considered benign.

Animals that experience the above effects are protected from stress for 3-5 days.

Storage conditions and special instructions

As the instructions indicate, Vakderm can be stored in a dry, dark place for 12 months, provided the temperature is maintained at 2-10 ° C. Containers with the drug that do not have labels, are not tightly sealed or are damaged are considered unsuitable and are disposed of. The solution on which mold has formed, as well as the remainder of the unused substance, must be destroyed by boiling.

Every owner who loves their pet always wants to give it a chance to frolic in nature. And so that your pet doesn’t get bored, you also need to find him company. Therefore, a frequent choice is to decide to take a four-legged friend with you to the dacha. However, this often results in your pet developing dermatophysis f.

Dermatophysis f is skin fungus in cats and dogs, caused by the pathogen Microsporum canis. It is often transmitted both from rodents and other animals infected with it. It can also be found in the soil on which an animal infected with the fungus had previously been located for some time. This pathogen also loves large crowds of cats, as this helps it spread much faster.

From observations of cats, it turned out that this fungus is more often occurs in young individuals. Due to the incubation period varying from a week to three months, it is very difficult to timely track the fact that your pet needs treatment. Sometimes an animal can suffer the disease in a latent form (that is, asymptomatic), but sometimes this can lead to the fact that the dermatophysis f can subsequently give complications that are very diverse in their manifestation and it will be difficult to distinguish it from other skin diseases.


Of course, you will be immediately offered treatment and will be advised on various ointments, shampoos or bath products. The first thing to do is isolate your cat. If you have a long-haired breed, it would be advisable to cut your pet's hair. It would also be a good idea to trim the claws. Also try to treat the room where the cat is with disinfectants. For this the best option will use chlorhexidine.

The best treatment is to use the Vakderm vaccine.


Your veterinary clinic should offer you the Vacderm vaccine. It is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of dermatophyses. Sometimes impatient owners may panic that no therapeutic effect is observed. However, this is not at all true. The vaccine is administered twice, and the effect occurs two to three weeks, immediately after the second vaccination. After this amount of time you will be able to see the result. The scabs will begin to flake off and fall off, and new hair and fur will grow.

You must be provided with instructions for using Vakderm.

If you use the vaccine for prophylaxis, you should consider that immunity will not develop immediately. First, the first vaccine is administered to a healthy animal intramuscularly in the thigh area, and after two weeks it is reintroduced into the second thigh. After about twenty-five days or a month, intense immunity is developed, which will last for a year.

The vaccine itself is a fraction of weakened dermatophyte spores. Once in the body, the immune system will begin to produce antibodies to the incoming antigen, and they will protect the body from the pathogen for another year, preventing it from manifesting itself. Ultimately, it will abort, and your cat will be healthy and feel almost nothing.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Naturally, the vaccine also has contraindications for use, such as:

  1. second half of pregnancy;
  2. elevated temperature cat body;
  3. acute poisoning;
  4. presence of an infectious disease.

Possible adverse reactions in the form of the development of a compaction at the site of vaccine administration, but it resolves after three to five days. Fatigue may also occur quickly, so do not give the animal heavy loads and carefully monitor your cat.

Release form and price

This vaccine is suitable for cats, dogs, rabbits and other fur-bearing animals.

It is produced in two forms:

  • vaccine solution
  • vaccine powder

The latter is diluted in a sterile solvent. The cost of a dose is approximately one hundred and ten Russian rubles. Different veterinary clinics set their own price for the drug.

To prevent a cat from getting lichen or other dangerous fungal diseases localized on the skin, a conscientious owner must vaccinate on time. One of the affordable and highly effective means used for the prevention and treatment of dermatophytoses is Vakderm for cats. This medicine helps to develop strong immunity in the animal and prevent infection upon contact with carriers of lichen.

Operating principle

The main component of the drug Vakderm F for cats is spores of dermatophyte fungi in inactivated form. These fungi will not cause any harm to the body of a healthy animal. preventive vaccination will protect your pet from trichophytosis and microsporia. The protective effect of the vaccine will last for a whole year.

If the injection is given to a cat that has already been infected with a fungal infection, but does not yet have symptoms, after the administration of the veterinary drug, lesions will appear on the animal’s body (bald patches, peeling skin, scabs, etc.). 2-3 weeks after the second vaccination, which is usually given 10-14 days after the first injection, the disease will begin to recede, the skin will clear, and new hair will grow at the site of the lesions.

The drug Vakderm is available in two forms: as a liquid solution or a yellow-brown powder. Both products are sold in ampoules of 1 milliliter.

Rules of application

Vakderm injections must be given according to certain rules. The instructions for use of the drug contain detailed instructions for vaccinating animals. The cat owner must follow these recommendations:

  • the Vakderm vaccine is always given intramuscularly (in the thigh area);
  • to achieve a preventive and therapeutic effect, the injection must be given twice, the interval between vaccinations should be 10-14 days (immunity to fungal diseases will begin to develop 20-30 days after the second vaccination);
  • the first and second injections must be given in different limbs (one vaccine is placed in the right thigh, the other in the left, or vice versa);
  • 10 days before the procedure, you need to give the cat anthelmintic medication;
  • during vaccination, it is necessary to use disposable sterile syringes; it is best to lubricate the needle insertion area with alcohol;
  • the dry vaccine must be diluted with saline solution, purified water (distillate) or a special diluent for vaccines, the medicine must be thoroughly mixed until smooth;
  • the temperature of the finished solution should be approximately the same as body temperature (to warm up the vaccine, the ampoule can be held in warm palms for a while);
  • a single dose for kittens up to 6 months is 0.5 milliliters, felines older than six months are given 1 milliliter of solution;
  • owners should not use the drug after its expiration date;
  • An ampoule that has been opened but not completely used cannot be stored or reused; any remaining medication must be disposed of immediately.


  • when body temperature rises;
  • for any infectious diseases;
  • with poor immunity;
  • for chronic pathologies in the acute stage.

Also, cats should not be vaccinated in the second half of pregnancy.

In some cases, after vaccination, animals may develop a lump in the area where the vaccine was given. Usually like this unpleasant symptom goes away after a few days. To avoid the appearance of puffiness and swelling, you should use sterile syringes and use medicine that is at body temperature.

Many owners notice that their pet becomes lethargic and drowsy after vaccination. In most cases this condition does not require medical care and disappears on its own after a couple of days.

Your pets need constant protection from various diseases. A special group consists of fungal diseases, which are very unpleasant. For effective fight The Vakderm vaccine was developed with them. Instructions for use for cats emphasize the need for such preventive measures, so that you do not have to deal with long and difficult treatment of the diseases themselves.


In fact, many hobbyists or professional breeders know this drug well. Vakderm has been used for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases for many years. Instructions for use for cats tell us what it is effective remedy from microscopy and trichophytosis. Made from weakened dermatophyte spores, the drug is completely safe. If used correctly, you can be completely confident that there will be no side effects.

Brief description

We have already told you a little about what the Vakderm vaccine is. The instructions for use for cats tell us that it is available in two forms. The dry form is a porous, dry mass, usually yellowish-brown. The liquid form is a ready-made solution, pinkish in color. It is packaged in ampoules or glass bottles. Please note that only a doctor should determine the appropriateness of using the drug and administer it. The vaccine is suitable for use throughout the year, provided it is stored at 2 to 10 degrees.

Biological properties of the vaccine

What is different about the drug "Vakderm"? Instructions for use for cats emphasize its absolute harmlessness. The concentration of fungal elements is very high, over 50 million/cm2. After administration, immunity is formed within three weeks. It is stored for approximately 1 year. Despite the safety of the drug, the condition of the animal must be assessed before its administration. If the immune system is weakened or there is an elevated body temperature, vaccination should be postponed until your health is completely restored.

The drug in the practice of doctors

Allowed to use different forms drug. If the prepared solution can be administered directly to the animal, then the dry preparation must first be diluted. Let's take a closer look at how Vakderm is used for cats. The instructions for use recommend using a special solvent. It ensures ideal dissolution, as well as safety for the body into which it will be introduced. But veterinarians can use saline solution. It is especially important to regularly prevent skin diseases in cats and other fur-bearing animals. In this case, the procedure must be repeated throughout life, since immunity is developed only for 12 months. Cats aged 3 to 6 months are injected with 0.5 ml, twice with an interval of 14 days. Over 6 months, 1 ml of the drug is administered. How is the Vakderm vaccine administered? The instructions and method of application for cats are very convenient; even if it is impossible to call a veterinarian, the owner can administer the injection himself. They place it intramuscularly, the first one in the thigh of one paw, the second in the thigh of the other paw.

Prevention and treatment

In what cases is the Vakderm vaccine used? Instructions for use for cats (the composition, as we have already indicated, is weakened dermatophyte spores) recommends using it primarily as a prophylactic against various skin diseases. However, it is also used for treatment with great success. This confuses many owners. How can a vaccine that contains pathogen spores treat the same disease? In fact, the special form in which fungal spores exist in solution helps to very quickly activate the immune system to fight this disease. That is, within a few days the hair loss will stop, the surface of the bald spots will begin to peel off, and after 20 days you will see a short undercoat. This suggests that the drug helped the body completely overcome the disease.

Vaccination time

Is the Vakderm F vaccine for cats limited to a certain time of year? The instructions for use indicate that vaccination with this drug is not tied to a specific season, so you can develop your own regimen together with your doctor. The drug is administered intramuscularly, only to a healthy animal. If there are symptoms of weakness, lethargy and malaise, then it is necessary to postpone vaccination until complete recovery. Approximately 25 days after administration of the drug, stable immunity is formed.

Side effects

How do animals tolerate the Vakderm vaccine? Instructions for use for cats (reviews fully confirm its good tolerability) indicate that in most cases there are no side effects, the animal feels great, remains active and has a good appetite. Sometimes a local reaction may occur after immunization. Most often it is a lump or lump. This phenomenon does not require any medical attention. Sometimes a cat may become lethargic for 2-3 days after vaccination. If you notice a depressed state in your pet, then provide him with complete rest, and if after 3 days the symptoms do not go away, then immediately seek help.


There are no direct contraindications to the use of this vaccine, since it is not toxic and is easily tolerated by the body. However, before use, it is necessary to measure body temperature. At increased rates Vaccination is prohibited to avoid worsening the condition. In the second half of pregnancy, cats are prohibited from being vaccinated, including with Vakderm. Leakage of any infectious diseases, even if non-infectious, is also a direct contraindication. Be sure to tell your veterinarian about all your observations so that he can make the right choice.

This article provides general introductory information about one of the commonly used drugs, which allows you to understand how it is used in veterinary medicine and why pets need it at all.

You need to understand that prescribing treatment and drawing conclusions about what is wrong with a cat or kitten is the task of an experienced veterinarian and only when examining the animal, but not in absentia, because it is not possible to diagnose accurate diagnosis and get the optimal solution for subsequent treatment.

Vakderm for cats instructions for use, price, reviews

Vakderm is a vaccine intended for the prevention of trichophytosis and microsporia in cats and other fur-bearing animals. Together with other drugs, Vakderm can be used not only for the prevention, but also for the treatment of these diseases.

Reviews about Vakderma are positive. In some cases, due to non-compliance with medical recommendations, the effect of the drug was weakened by half and did not bring the desired effect.

The price of 1 ampoule of Vakderma is 100 rubles.

Vakderm for cats for medicinal purposes where to buy and how much it costs in Moscow, Russia, Ukraine

Vakderm is sold in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian Veterinary Animal Center, so it is better for Ukrainian buyers to order this drug through a network of well-established online pet stores.

The price of 1 ampoule of Vakderma in Ukraine will be about 50 hryvnia, and for Russians – approximately 100 rubles.

Can Vakderm for cats be injected into dogs or not, how and where to inject and how many times

Vakderm for cats can also be injected into dogs. Dogs up to 5 kg are given 0.5 ml of the drug, over 5 kg - its double dose. The most painless place for injections in cats and dogs is the withers and femoral muscle (the so-called “ham”). This is where we stick.

If Vakderm is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, then vaccination is carried out twice with an interval of 10-14 days. It is believed that a vaccinated animal will be insured against dermatitis, demodicosis and similar diseases for a whole year.

Vakderm for the treatment of cats, how it works and side effects, treatment of microsporia, lichen

Vakderm has an unfair reputation about its low effectiveness and microsporia. This is due to the fact that the drug is often injected into already sick animals, immediately expecting an immediate improvement. In addition, Vakderm alone, without ointments and other medications, is not able to overcome the disease, and one injection is clearly not enough - three of them need to be given, and not all at once, but with an interval of 10 days.

With the correct dosage, the medicine does not cause any side effects.

Vakderm for cats during pregnancy, prevention, how and where to apply, indications for use

In the second half of pregnancy, Vakderm for cats is not prescribed for fear that the drug may cause a miscarriage. For preventive purposes, the vaccine is injected into the withers or thigh muscles of absolutely healthy animals. An injection with the drug heated to 35 degrees will also be less painful for the animal.

Vakderm for cats: harm or benefit, analogues, dosage and therapeutic dose

When used correctly, the benefits of Vakderm are beyond doubt. Many people are confused by the fact that before vaccination it is necessary to remove fleas and worms from the animal, and the vaccination itself must be carried out twice, with an interval of 2 weeks. In addition, the dosage of the medicine must be calculated correctly - for young dogs and cats it is enough to administer half a cube of the drug, while adults will need a cube. But the health of our pets often requires not such sacrifices. Analogues of Vakderm are Polivac and Microderm.

Vakderm for cats manufacturer, composition

Vakderm is produced in Russia. The drug is prescribed not only to cats, but also to dogs, rabbits and other fur-bearing animals. The vaccine is based on fungal cultures of dermatophytes.
