Pregnancy 5 weeks temperature rises to 37. What body temperature can be in the early stages of pregnancy

A new lifestyle, a change in nutrition to a healthier diet and a responsible attitude towards one’s health - all this is a consequence of the emergence of a small life in a woman’s body. Thoughts about the baby and his well-being in the womb sometimes become manic, and even a slight deterioration in one’s own health can cause panic in a pregnant woman.

A common occurrence during pregnancy is a slight increase in body temperature to 37 degrees. The body aches that accompany this phenomenon give rise to fear, because if the mother becomes ill, the embryo may also become ill. Today we will try to figure out what to do if the temperature expectant mother increased, for what reason this happens, and how the child feels when his mother is sick.

Could a temperature of 37 be a sign of pregnancy?

This question may seem stupid, because an elevated body temperature in normal conditions indicates inflammatory process or fighting the virus, which is unacceptable during pregnancy. In fact, the very fact of pregnancy is already the reason for the rise in mercury. This is due to the fact that a pregnant woman experiences rapid changes in the body and a drop in the level of heat transfer. At the same time, the speed of metabolic processes changes, and as a result, the release of energy. In the early stages, a factor such as elevated temperature is not considered a pathology; moreover, it is one of the signs of conception that has occurred. Guided by numerous medical research, experts say that a temperature of 37 is normal on early stages pregnancy. But it is still necessary to pay attention to this factor, because a thermometer value of 37 in the second and third trimester may indicate the presence of a viral disease.

In addition, everyone has their own body temperature, and even 36.6 is not normal for every person. Therefore, the doctor managing the pregnancy should find out about the fact of elevated temperature, regardless of what stage of pregnancy you are at.

What is normal body temperature during pregnancy?

In order to understand what body temperature is normal during pregnancy, you need to remember such a concept as basal temperature. For those who do not know, let us remind you that basal temperature is considered to be measured in the morning, rectally. Graph of basal temperature values ​​throughout menstrual cycle not stable. It varies from values ​​of 36.4 to 37 degrees and above. This is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the body. And it is this hormone that causes an increase in body temperature during pregnancy. Growth is also affected by the weakening of the immune system, which accompanies the onset of pregnancy in any woman. Thus, a slight increase in mercury values ​​during pregnancy is normal, namely a temperature from 37.2 to 37.4 degrees. This phenomenon can be observed both in the second week and in the 37th. So if the expectant mother does not feel unwell and others viral symptoms are absent, then there is most likely no reason for alarm.

Colds during pregnancy

Decreased immunity may be the reason why a pregnant woman's body temperature rises slightly. But do not forget that a weakened body is vulnerable to various kinds of viruses floating in the air during epidemics. Pregnancy lasts 9 months, so it experiences all the seasonal features. In winter, the body is exposed to hypothermia and outbreaks of various colds, and in warm seasons it can overheat in the sun, which can also cause an increase in temperature. The period beginning in September and ending in April is considered especially dangerous in terms of epidemics. If all the factors of the disease are “present”: cough, high temperature, sore throat, then regardless of the duration, you need to urgently visit a doctor or call him at home.

Many pregnant women experiencing fever and other symptoms of a cold are concerned about how dangerous this can be for the baby. In the early stages, an increase in temperature due to a disease depends on the nature of the disease and the intensity of its course, so here everything depends on the timely discovery of the cause and the correct treatment.

In the second trimester, the contracted virus is not so dangerous, because the fetus is now reliably protected by the planetary barrier. Nevertheless, the fact of high temperature can still affect successful development. The fact is that this symptom provokes the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, which makes it difficult for nutrients and oxygen to penetrate to the fetus. In addition, it is in the second trimester that the nervous system baby and such negative factors, as heat is highly undesirable here.

To avoid the above negative phenomena, you should be careful during the cold season and follow a few simple rules:

  • Avoid public places where there may be large crowds of people.
  • After walking, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Use your own hygiene supplies.
  • Clean the apartment regularly.
  • Ventilate the room where you are most of the time.

Consequences of rising temperatures

Despite the fact that a slight increase in temperature is considered normal, the doctor should know that you observed this symptom during pregnancy. It is especially important to immediately go to the hospital if the readings rise to 38.5 degrees. Regardless of whether you are in the 2nd week of pregnancy or in the 5th, a value exceeding 37 indicates a danger to the fetus. The consequences may be:

  • Placental abruption and, as a consequence, premature birth.
  • Intoxication of the mother's body.
  • Disorders in the development of the central nervous system, brain, tissues and muscles of the child.
  • At the beginning of the term, in the first trimester, fever can cause a miscarriage, so you should never turn a blind eye to it.

What to do if during pregnancy the temperature is above 37 degrees

Let's consider options for raising the temperature above 37 degrees separately.

If a pregnant woman’s body temperature has risen to 37.0, 37.1, 37.2, 37.3, 37.4, then in the absence of any cold symptoms, the condition can be regarded as normal. But, if there is at least one sign, such as body aches, general malaise, sore and sore throat or runny nose, you should follow the sleep regime and call a doctor.

When the body temperature rises to 37.5, 37.6, we can talk about the disease, and if the symptom persists for several days, then there is a possibility that the disease will become chronic. A doctor must know about this, who will find out the cause and prescribe appropriate therapy.

If a fever occurs and the pregnant woman’s body temperature rises to 37.7, 38.0, it must be brought down as soon as possible, since this state mothers may affect the normal development of the fetus. The algorithm of actions is described below.

First of all, you need to call a doctor. It is better not to take any medications, since many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. Try to bring down the temperature folk ways below and wait for qualified assistance.

Let us note right away that it is the refusal of self-medication that can preserve the child’s health. If your body temperature is 37.5 or higher, you should not take any medications, but rather consult a doctor immediately. It is the urgency of help that is important. If the fever occurs at night, you need to call ambulance in order for her to take you to the hospital, where all diagnostic measures will be carried out.

If you have visited a doctor and the cause of the negative symptoms has been successfully determined, you can use some approved methods to reduce your temperature. Doctors allow the following folk remedies during pregnancy:

1. Tea with lemon

There are practically no contraindications to such a drink, except that lemon in large quantities is a fairly allergenic product. Therefore, even such a seemingly harmless remedy should be discussed with a doctor.

2. Compress on the head

A cool compress will help you relax and lower the thermometer reading a little. You can do it with water or a water-vinegar solution in a 1:1 ratio.

Raspberries in fresh and dried form, as well as in the form of jam, are allowed for those who do not suffer from allergies. In all other cases this remedy may alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman.

Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. Although, if you have a high temperature, you can take a paracetamol tablet until you visit a doctor. This antipyretic is most effective and acceptable for pregnant women.

Strictly prohibited

Those who took aspirin as an antipyretic before pregnancy should know that it is strictly forbidden to take it while carrying a child. The point is that this drug thins the blood, which can lead to irreversible consequences. Doctor prescribing any medicines always weighs the risk to the fetus and the danger to the health of the mother. In this regard, any medications are prescribed with extreme caution and the regimen for taking them during pregnancy is specific. Therefore, you cannot take anything on your own.

Reduced temperature in pregnant women

Expectant mothers may be wary not only increased performance thermometer, but also a decrease in temperature values. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.

Firstly, this may accompany a phenomenon that is quite common in the early stages - toxicosis. Secondly, a decrease in temperature may indicate some endocrine disorders. Besides, low temperature may manifest itself due to the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body, which were not manifested in any way before the interesting situation.

In the case of toxicosis, a decrease in temperature may be a consequence of dehydration resulting from vomiting. This condition is regarded by specialists as serious and serves as the basis for inpatient treatment.

A decrease in temperature may indicate immunodeficiency or infectious diseases, which is also a direct indication for contacting your doctor.

If the temperature stays at 37 for a long time

As we found out above, a temperature not exceeding 37.4 can be normal during pregnancy. Under the influence of progesterone, a pregnant woman’s body temperature rises naturally and this does not indicate pathological reasons. The effect of the hormone lasts throughout the entire gestation period, so a temperature of 37 can persist for several days, months, and even the entire gestation period.

So, we looked at the main reasons for the temperature to rise to 37 degrees and above during pregnancy. All causes can be divided into natural and not dangerous, pathological and requiring urgent medical intervention. It is good if the temperature has risen due to the effects of hormonal changes or a natural decrease in immunity. In this case, the pregnant woman does not feel unwell or other painful symptoms. However, you still need to tell the doctor leading the pregnancy about this. Since this factor may be the beginning of the disease, you will provide yourself with timely diagnosis and treatment. If the temperature rises noticeably and the condition worsens, then you should immediately call a doctor and ensure yourself bed rest with plenty of fluids. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe inpatient treatment, where you and your child will be safe.

Author of the publication: Alexey Kulagin 

So you have a delay. And if your period doesn’t come on time, then this is a reason to take a pregnancy test (if you haven’t done it, of course), because the cessation of menstruation is a sign of pregnancy!
Seeing 2 stripes for the first time is an unspeakable joy for any mother. Meanwhile, rapid processes of growth and development of the baby are taking place in your tummy.

Baby at 5 weeks pregnant
In just one week, the baby has doubled in size and is already 2 mm in size. Now it resembles the letter “C”, although it is still incredibly small and bears little resemblance to a small child. Over time, the head, back, legs and arms of the fetus will develop from this small letter. At the site of the bend, the spine will form, and above – the brain of the future genius. Around The spine develops tissues that give rise to muscles, ligaments and various other tissues.

Development begins circulatory system, the center of which is the place where the heart will appear. The baby's heartbeat can be seen as early as 5/6 weeks of pregnancy. The rudiments of the pancreas, liver, and precursors of germ cells appear.

The amniotic cavity and the amniotic fluid contained in it serve as protection for the child during this period. It protects the baby from shocks and other physical influences of the environment.

Blood cells continue to flow from the yolk sac.
All the changes described are accompanied by the release of a large number of hormones, with which the baby tries to rebuild the mother’s body and make it work for its needs. This cannot always be done easily, so during this period the mother may experience symptoms of pregnancy toxicosis: nausea and vomiting. If you vomit more than 3-5 times a day, you should consult a doctor.

How many months are you pregnant at 5 weeks?
Pregnancy is counted from the first day of the last menstruation, so it turns out that week 5 begins the second month of your pregnancy (an obstetric month is exactly 4 weeks or 28 days). Because Ovulation occurs on average on days 14-16 of the menstrual cycle; the embryo at the 5th week of pregnancy is approximately 3 weeks old.

Basal temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy
Due to the ongoing influence of progesterone, basal temperature remains elevated and ranges from 37.2 to 37.5 degrees Celsius. If this is not the case, don't be upset or scared, it won't harm your baby. Basal temperature is not the best reliable sign, and temperature different women occurs at different concentrations of progesterone.
Ultrasound at 5 weeks of pregnancy
Week 5 is too early to get any data during an ultrasound. Therefore, most doctors recommend conducting this study a little later (the first screening is at 12 weeks). However, many curious mothers still prefer to do an ultrasound themselves. What can we see on such an ultrasound?
  • fertilized egg in the uterine cavity (if the fertilized egg is not found in the uterine cavity or is found outside the uterine cavity, they speak of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary for further examination and possible treatment. Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is only surgical).
  • At 5 weeks of pregnancy, it is already possible to determine twins, if any.
  • The baby's heartbeat is clearly visualized, if not by an abdominal sensor, then by a vaginal one. If there is no heartbeat, doctors begin to think about a missed abortion. In this case, further examination is necessary to exclude or confirm this diagnosis.
HCG test at 5 weeks of pregnancy
Finally, we can confidently expect 2 clear lines on the test! Usually tests show the presence of pregnancy from the first day of the delay. Save positive test as a keepsake, during pregnancy it will be a symbol of your happiness.
HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood continues to rise and ranges from 20 to 100 thousand IU/ml. Let us remember that normally the level of hCG should double every 3 days.
Is it possible to have sex at 5 weeks pregnant?
It's possible if you don't have bloody discharge from the genital tract and abdominal pain. It is not dangerous for pregnancy.
  • Take food in small portions, trying to eat more often, but less.
  • Eliminate spicy, smoked, fried foods from your diet; rich in spices and seasonings
  • If you feel nauseous, eat a piece white bread or suck on a lemon wedge.

Many women during pregnancy note that body temperature in the early stages often stops at 37. And since we are accustomed to the fact that such a temperature is characteristic of the development of any disease, it is not surprising that many expectant mothers simply panic when they discover temperature rise. However, an increase in body temperature during pregnancy is not always a cause for concern. What body temperature is normal for pregnant women and whether you should worry if your body temperature has increased slightly - we’ll look at it in today’s article.

Many women during pregnancy note that body temperature in the early stages often stops at 37. And since we are accustomed to the fact that such a temperature is characteristic of the development of any disease, it is not surprising that many expectant mothers simply panic when they discover temperature rise. However, the body during pregnancy is not in all cases a cause for concern. What is normal for pregnant women and whether you should worry if your body temperature has increased slightly - we will look at it in today's article.

The main reasons for increased body temperature during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that low body temperature during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is the norm, so there is no need to worry or worry in advance. This “anomaly” is due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman, undergoing hormonal adjustments, reacts with slower heat transfer from the body, and, as a result, the body temperature rises slightly. Therefore, if in the first weeks of pregnancy your body temperature is 37-37.1 degrees, and there are no other symptoms of the disease, then this temperature is considered normal for your “interesting” position.

In addition, the medical explanation for the increase in temperature in the body of a pregnant woman is due to the production huge amount progesterone is one of the most important and important hormones of pregnancy.

Also, an increase in temperature in a pregnant woman may be due to overheating in the sun or due to insufficient fresh air in the room where she is currently located.

All these factors are not serious reason for anxiety - this is a normal reaction of the pregnant body!

Another thing is if your body temperature during pregnancy reached 37.5 or higher - this indicates the presence of an infection in the body and in this case special attention should be paid to the situation. After all, it’s no secret that any infection in a pregnant woman’s body threatens great trouble for the development of the fetus. It is especially dangerous (more than 37.5) in the first two weeks, which leads to spontaneous miscarriage. And during the formation of the fetal organs, in the first trimester of pregnancy, an increase in temperature to 38 degrees can lead to the development of fetal pathologies. In the last stages of pregnancy (from 30 weeks), elevated temperature can lead to placental abruption.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature during pregnancy?

Not high temperature(up to 37.5 degrees) is not disrupted during early pregnancy, even if it is a consequence of a cold. Doctors explain this by saying that such a temperature, even during a cold, is the body’s protective reaction to the development of infection and perfectly fights viruses on its own.

If a pregnant woman’s temperature has reached 37.5 - 38.5, then it is best to bring it down using traditional methods: tea with lemon, compresses on the forehead, rubbing. A higher temperature can be brought down before a doctor appears. However, remember that high fever is a huge risk for your unborn baby, so call a doctor immediately in this case!

In conclusion, let us recall that a temperature of 37 in the early stages of pregnancy is normal. Therefore, do not worry in vain, but take time for yourself and your future baby. Buy some fruit, take a walk in the park, relax on the couch with your favorite book and don’t think about the bad, because pregnancy is such happiness!

Good luck and good health!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

A woman who is in an interesting position, upon receiving good news, begins to be especially attentive to her health.

Many representatives of the fair sex notice that they have a temperature of 37. During pregnancy, this phenomenon can be called the rule rather than the exception.

Of course, you should consult a doctor and dispel your doubts. But if you decide to become a mother, then it will not be superfluous to know what will happen in the body over the long 9 months and how this will affect changes in body temperature.

The reasons why the temperature stays at 37.3 during pregnancy for a long time can be both natural changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother and various diseases.

You should not turn a blind eye to this condition. It often causes unnecessary worries and doubts.

Negative emotions are not very good for a child, so you should consult a doctor and dispel your fears.

Practice shows that in 8 cases out of 10, a slight increase in temperature throughout the entire period becomes normal. But a lot depends on the duration of pregnancy.

First trimester changes

If the temperature drops, this indicates a threat of interruption. Most often, the cause of this pathology is insufficiency of the corpus luteum and, as a result, the release of a small amount of progesterone.

A temperature of 37 during early pregnancy is the body’s physiological reaction to a new condition. In order for the embryo to develop correctly and the body not to perceive it as a foreign body, a decrease in immune defense occurs.

This process is inherent in nature and does not require the help of people or the use of any means. A natural decrease in immunity cannot but be reflected in temperature values. Many women feel unwell during this period: headache, drowsiness, increased fatigue.

The risk of colds also increases. But if there are no additional symptoms of the disease, then there is no need to worry. In the coming weeks, your condition will improve, and your pregnancy will move to a new stage - the second trimester.

A temperature of 37 during pregnancy (in the first trimester) often appears due to the release of progesterone. This hormone is designed to support pregnancy. It is produced by the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum, formed in the ovary after ovulation.

Progesterone is necessary to relax muscle muscles, so often in the early stages of pregnancy, women experience problems with bowel movements and urination (the urge becomes more frequent).

Progesterone affects thermoregulation and the functioning of the pituitary gland. It is not surprising that it causes fluctuations in temperature values.

It is most noticeable in the evening. By measuring your body temperature after a day of work, you can see values ​​reaching up to 37.5 degrees, which are not a cause for concern.

Separately, it should be mentioned that a basal temperature of 37 during pregnancy is good.

Not all women are faced with the need to control these values. But for those who have had problems conceiving or difficulties in the early stages, this becomes a necessity.

Please note that the temperature may also increase during an ectopic pregnancy. This pathology can only be reliably established using ultrasound.

Changes that occur in the second trimester

It is important that high performance thermometers measured in the second trimester are much more likely to indicate pathology than indicators at the beginning of pregnancy.

With the beginning of the second third of pregnancy, a woman’s placenta forms. But she cannot immediately take on all the tasks, so the corpus luteum will function for another 1-3 weeks. As is already known, it secretes progesterone, which provokes slight increases in body temperature.

Very soon the placenta will take over the tasks of the ovaries and secrete the pregnancy hormone on its own. From this moment on, the expectant mother may notice an improvement in her well-being: mood swings occur less frequently, toxicosis and drowsiness disappear.

But a body temperature of 37 during pregnancy in the second trimester can still persist for natural reasons.

The second third of pregnancy requires rapid growth embryo.

If in the early stages only its formation and the appearance of organs and the formation of systems occur, then now all this will grow at an incredible speed.

This additional load especially affects the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

If a woman has any chronic diseases (for example, venous insufficiency or pyelonephritis), then an increase in temperature may occur precisely for these reasons.

Therefore, if you detect any extraneous symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice.

Third trimester

A temperature of 37.1-37.3 during pregnancy in the third trimester is usually no longer normal.

Sometimes this condition, in the early stages, is physiological and does not indicate abnormalities.

Also, women with pituitary gland dysfunction can remain in a similar temperature regime constantly.

But statistics show that the third part of pregnancy usually occurs with normal indicators thermometer. What does a slight increase in temperature indicate?

Acute period of illness

The immune system makes the body of the expectant mother especially vulnerable in the early stages, in the first trimester. But even before childbirth he cannot be called strong.

Therefore, very often a woman catches a viral infection:

  • flu,
  • cold,
  • intestinal diseases.

In this case, the expectant mother has a fever for 3-5 days. If it does not reach critical levels, but stays within 37.2-37.6, then nothing needs to be done.

The organization of appropriate conditions, peace and positive emotions will quickly return the pregnant woman to normal life.

Under no circumstances should you carry the disease on your feet, since you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your baby.

Recurrent chronic pathologies

A temperature of 37-37.5 in a pregnant woman can be diagnosed with chronic diseases or indolent pathologies.

Usually their exacerbation occurs with increasing load on the body. Thus, over time, blood volume increases, and obstructed urine flow can affect the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Chronic rhinitis and tonsillitis often worsen in expectant mothers. There is also the concept of " asymptomatic bacteriuria", which often develops in the last trimester.

In this case, the expectant mother may not observe any signs of illness, except for a slight increase in temperature. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis.

External influence of factors

An increase in the thermometer to 37.5 degrees or higher can occur due to overheating. This happens more often in hot weather. This is not the best condition for the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, when going on vacation, do not forget about a hat and sunscreen.

Slight fluctuations in temperature in pregnant women can result from eating hot or spicy foods.

Physical exercise (swimming, cycling or house cleaning) also provokes a slight rise. The value of 37.4 on the thermometer can also be seen after sexual intercourse.

The influence of external factors can very easily be distinguished from a pathological process.

If the expectant mother unexpectedly discovers that she has an elevated temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, then it is worth taking a second measurement after some time.

If hyperthermia disappears within 24 hours, then it can be said with high probability that it arose under the influence of external provocateurs.

In what cases does a woman need treatment?

If you have a temperature of 37 in the early stages, then you should not immediately panic and grab medications. First, visit a doctor and find out the causes of this condition.

If the body reacts naturally to external stimuli or there are physiological causes of hyperthermia, usually no action needs to be taken.

Remember that taking any medications can now negatively affect the formation and development of the fetus. When a doctor discovers a pathology, women are recommended to undergo certain treatment regimens that are safe for her condition.

  • At viral infections Permitted immunomodulators and homeopathy (Ocillococcinum, Grippferon, Viburkol) are often used. The woman is shown peace and comfortable conditions.
  • Treatment of bacterial diseases requires the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents. This is a very serious decision that the doctor makes after weighing all the pros and cons. Expectant mothers are usually prescribed medications penicillin series and only from the second third of pregnancy. Treatment involves subsequent restoration of microflora and vitamin therapy.
  • Need for treatment chronic diseases determined by the doctor. Some situations do not require emergency treatment and may well be eliminated after delivery.

Don't forget about symptomatic treatment. Expectant mothers should try to lower their body temperature when it exceeds 37.5 degrees. Otherwise, this condition can be dangerous for the baby and negatively affect the functioning of the placenta.

The use of folk remedies

To reduce a high temperature, the expectant mother needs to drink plenty of fluids: fruit drinks, compotes, milk, still water and everything a woman likes.

Hot drinks should not be consumed. Their temperature should be as comfortable as possible. You can use decoctions of chamomile, linden,...

But you should be careful with herbal drinks, as they can trigger allergies. Rubbing with water will help reduce body temperature by 0.5 degrees.

It is strictly forbidden to add vinegar or alcohol to water. If within an hour the thermometer values ​​​​have not decreased or they continue to rise, then you will have to resort to medicinal methods treatment of hyperthermia.

Medications for expectant mothers

The most popular and safe antipyretic drug in the early stages is Paracetamol and drugs based on it. In the second trimester of pregnancy you can take Ibuprofen.

Please note that the use of antipyretics should not become regular. If, after the first decrease, the pregnant woman’s temperature rises again, then this is a reason to urgently seek medical help.

The well-known Aspirin is prohibited for use by expectant mothers.

This drug can affect the formation of the baby’s central nervous system or even cause termination of pregnancy. Analgin and other antipyretics can only be used with medical permission.

Doctors do not advise expectant mothers to constantly measure their body temperature unless there are additional reasons for this.

By self-hypnosis you can influence the results and provoke hyperthermia yourself.

Thermometer readings ranging from 36 to 37.5 at the beginning of pregnancy are normal. There is no need to make any attempts to bring them to 36.6. Relax and enjoy your new position. Your condition will soon stabilize.

– not always a reason to panic; sometimes the values ​​increase due to physiological reasons and the influence of external factors. But if hyperthermia is accompanied by other symptoms, start treatment immediately; such a condition negatively affects the health of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

Elevated temperature in early pregnancy is associated with physiological factors

Causes of temperature 37 during pregnancy

Changes in indicators at the beginning of pregnancy may be normal, or indicate the development of infectious diseases.

Normal indicators during pregnancy

A slight increase in temperature is one of the first signs of pregnancy; the values ​​increase immediately after conception, even before the delay. In the first weeks, a temperature of 37–37.4 degrees is normal; hyperthermia develops against the background of a sharp hormonal change and an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood.

A basal temperature of 37–37.4 in the first trimester is the norm; such indicators indicate the correct course of pregnancy.

Causes of low-grade fever in pregnant women in the first days:

  1. Headache, slight increase in temperature, weakness, drowsiness - these symptoms occur against the background of a natural decrease in immunity, so that the body does not perceive the embryo as a foreign body and begins to reject it.
  2. Minor hyperthermia in pregnant women can be provoked by overheating in the sun, a long stay in a stuffy, hot room - in such situations it is enough to go to a cool place, drink water, preferably lie down and apply a cold compress to the forehead or neck.
  3. Temperature fluctuations occur after eating spicy or hot food.
  4. After intense physical activity During sexual intercourse, the temperature often rises to 37.4 degrees.

Terzhinan is prescribed for diseases of the reproductive system

In case of exacerbation of chronic pathologies, treatment is prescribed only in emergency cases, most often doctors postpone drug therapy for the postpartum period.

During pregnancy, drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, it is better not to use vasoconstrictor drops to treat rhinitis.

Folk remedies

Use alternative methods of treatment during pregnancy with caution, since many of them can cause serious allergic reactions, other negative consequences.

A few simple and safe recipes:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. raspberry fruits, 4 tbsp. l. coltsfoot, 3 tbsp. l. plantain. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the collection, leave in a sealed container for half an hour, strain. Take the infusion 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
  2. Brew 250 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. chopped white willow bark, cool, strain. Take 15 ml every 6 hours.
  3. For a cold, brew 2 tsp. linden 220 ml boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink 100 ml of the drink three times a day.

Rubbing with vodka and vinegar solutions should not be done during pregnancy.

Why is an increase in temperature dangerous?

A prolonged increase in temperature above 37.5 degrees is dangerous for pregnant women, especially in the early stages - the likelihood of miscarriage with hyperthermia increases 5 times.

The consequence of elevated temperature is early toxicosis

Consequences of hyperthermia in the early stages:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • disruption of protein production;
  • severe early toxicosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If the temperature rises in the second trimester, the formation process is disrupted internal organs and systems in the fetus, the child may be born with deformities or severe congenital pathologies.

Dangerous for pregnant women and low temperature, if the readings drop to 36 degrees, this may indicate recent viral infections, anemia, or missed abortion.

A slight increase in body temperature at the beginning of pregnancy is in most cases a normal phenomenon - there is no need to be nervous again, stress negatively affects the development of the fetus. If you are still worried, do not self-medicate - medications and folk remedies can harm the health of the expectant mother and child.
