Cases of terrorism in crowded places. Measures to prevent terrorist actions and basic rules of conduct in emergency situations

Terrorists often choose crowded places for their attacks to achieve the greatest damaging effect.

In addition to the fact that a person may be exposed to the direct effects of a terrorist act - an explosion, there remains a residual threat that a person may be harmed in a crowd that is trying to leave the scene of the explosion. In such cases, it is necessary to adhere the following recommendations:

  • avoid crowded places;
  • do not join the crowd, no matter how much you want to watch what is happening;
  • finding yourself in a crowd, allowing it to carry you, but not trying to get out of it “against the flow”, the ego can lead to loss of strength and injury;
  • take a deep breath and spread your arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides to give yourself the opportunity to breathe;
  • strive to be away from tall and large people, people with bulky objects, boxes and bags;
  • try to stay on your feet by any means;
  • do not keep your hands in your pockets;
  • when moving, raise your legs as high as possible, place your foot on your full foot, do not rise on your toes;
  • If you drop something, under no circumstances bend over to pick it up;
  • fasten all zippers and pockets tightly, if there is a hood, put it on, if something prevents you from walking, for example your bag or backpack, get rid of them;
  • If you fall, try to get to your feet as quickly as possible. At the same time, do not lean on your hands, they can be broken, try to quickly get to your feet;
  • If you can’t get up, curl up into a ball and protect your head with your forearms.

If you find yourself hostage, you must remember that your main goal is to stay alive. Remember that all terrorist attacks are “demonstration performances” by terrorists; This way they attract attention to resolve their issues. This means that the authorities are already aware of this incident, and they will definitely make attempts to save you and save your life.

In order to protect yourself as much as possible when taken hostage, try to follow the following recommendations’.

  • do not create unreasonable noise or movement; unexpected movement or noise may result in violent response from terrorists;
  • prevent actions that could provoke terrorists to use weapons and lead to casualties;
  • be prepared for terrorists to use blindfolds, gags, handcuffs or ropes;
  • endure hardships, insults and humiliation, do not look criminals in the eyes (for nervous man this is a signal for aggression), do not behave defiantly;
  • do not try to resist, do not show unnecessary heroism, trying to disarm the bandit or break through to an exit or window;
  • do not resist if you are forced to leave the premises, saying that you are being taken hostage;
  • fulfill the demands of criminals, do not contradict them, do not risk the lives of others and your own, try to avoid hysteria and panic;
  • when requesting assistance medical care try to speak calmly and briefly, without irritating the bandits, do nothing without obtaining permission;
  • try to remember the signs of criminals, distinctive features their faces, clothes, names, nicknames, possible scars and tattoos, features of speech and behavior, topics of conversation, etc.;
  • remember that upon receiving the message about your capture, the special services have already begun to act and will do everything necessary for your release;
  • if you have health problems, make sure you have the necessary medications with you, inform the guards about your health problems, and, if necessary, ask for medical assistance or medications;
  • be prepared to explain whether you have any documents, phone numbers, etc.;
  • do not let your consciousness weaken, constantly train your memory: remember historical dates, names of familiar people, phone numbers, etc. As far as the strength and space of the room allow, practice physical exercise;
  • if you are given the opportunity to talk to relatives on the phone, control yourself, do not cry, do not scream, speak briefly and to the point. Try to establish contact with the guards. Explain to them that you are also a person, show them photographs of your family members, do not try to deceive them;
  • if the guards do not make contact, talk as if to yourself, read poetry in a low voice or sing;
  • be sure to keep track of time, marking the past days with matches, pebbles or lines on the wall;
  • finding yourself locked in any room, try to attract someone's attention. For example, break a window glass and call for help, if you have matches, set fire to paper and bring it closer to the fire detector, etc.

In case of an assault."

  • do not try to neutralize terrorists on your own;
  • lie on the floor face down, cover your head with your hands and do not move; if you manage to take a place away from windows, display cases and under a table or chair, the position will be safer;
  • try to stay away from terrorists, because during an assault they are the target for the assault group;
  • do not move anywhere or move until the force actions are completed;
  • do not try to leave the premises abruptly, immediately after capture; intelligence officers may identify you as a potentially dangerous object;
  • If possible, take a place as far as possible from windows, glazed doors, passages, and stairs. If possible, use shelters and any obstacles.

time, can you give?

IV. Lesson summary

V. Homework:§ 5, pp. 26-29; practical tasks (to be recorded):

1. Prepare a message on one of the topics: “Rules for personal safety if you are taken hostage”, “Rules for personal safety in the event of an explosion in a public place.”

2. Solve a situational problem: “You received a parcel (or parcel) by mail with a return address unknown to you. Your actions."



Objective of the lesson: To familiarize students with the concept of “terrorist activity” and criminal

responsibility for participation in terrorist activities.

Class: 1/6

Lesson 6

Time: 40 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Educational and visual complex: life safety textbook, grade 10, PC, projector

Lesson progress:

I. Introductory part

* Organizational moment

* Monitoring student knowledge:

What are some examples of explosions in crowded places that have occurred recently?

time, can you give?

What do terrorists mainly achieve through terrorist attacks?

What safety rules should be followed when discovering an ownerless item?

Why is aircraft hijacking considered one of the most dangerous terrorist acts?

II. Main part

Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Explanation of new material : § 6, pp. 30-33

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Countering Terrorism” (adopted in 2006), terrorist activity means: organization, planning, preparation, financing and implementation of a terrorist act; incitement to a terrorist act; organization of an illegal armed group, a criminal community (criminal organization), an organized group for the implementation of a terrorist act; recruiting, arming, training and using terrorists; informational or other assistance in the planning, preparation or implementation of a terrorist act; propaganda of ideas of terrorism, dissemination of materials or information calling for terrorist activities or justifying or justifying the need for such activities.

Responsibility for participation in terrorist activities (extracts from the Criminal Code Russian Federation)

Article 205. Terrorist act

1. Committing an explosion, arson or other actions that frighten the population and create a danger of death, causing significant property damage or other serious consequences

consequences, in order to influence decision-making by authorities or international organizations, as well as the threat of committing these actions for the same purposes, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of eight to twelve years.

2. The same acts, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, with the use of firearms, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to twenty years.

3. Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, if they were committed by an organized group or caused by negligence the death of a person or other grave consequences, and are also associated with an encroachment on nuclear energy facilities

or using nuclear materials, radioactive substances or sources of radioactive radiation or poisonous, poisonous, toxic, dangerous chemical or biological substances, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of fifteen to twenty years or life imprisonment.

Related information:

  1. D) An event that occurs short-term and has a high level of negative impact on people, natural and material resources;

One of the most widespread terrorist actions is the organization and carrying out of explosions in crowded places (Figure 24).

Such actions lead to numerous casualties and cause fear and panic among the population. While in these places, you need to be extra vigilant. Pay attention to people exhibiting strange behavior, to packages, bags, packages and other items left unattended.

The following signs may also indicate the possible installation of an explosive device:

  • crackling, smell and smoke indicating combustion;
  • ticking clockwork;
  • receiving antennas in places where they are inappropriate;
  • stretched wire or cord.

Suspicious persons, objects and situations should be immediately reported to an employee of the institution (driver vehicle) or a law enforcement officer.

Scheme 24
Crowded places

If there is an immediate threat of explosion, you must quickly lie down on the ground (floor) and cover your head with a bag (briefcase) or hands. If possible, take cover around the corner of a building (concrete urn, thick tree, pillar).

    Remember: the severity of the injury to a person standing outside the shelter is approximately 6 times greater than to a person lying down or behind a shelter.

      After the explosion, if you are injured, you need to provide yourself with all possible first aid. If you are not injured, you should help other people to the best of your ability.

      Questions and tasks

  1. Why do terrorists often choose crowded places for their attacks?
  2. What crowded places are located near your home?
  3. From newspapers and magazines, select material about explosions carried out by terrorists in crowded places.
  4. What signs may indicate the possibility of planting an explosive device?
  5. What should you do if there is an immediate threat of explosion?

Creative work on the topic “Explosions in crowded places” was made in the form of a presentation with the aim of providing practical and methodological assistance to the teacher or teacher-organizer of the subject of life safety in preparing for the lesson and conducting it in the 6th grade. This work can also be used in extracurricular activities with both students and parents (legal representatives).



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municipal government educational institution "Naryshkinsky secondary school" (Tyoplo-Ogarevsky district, Tula region) Presentation on life safety for grade 6 on the topic "Explosions in crowded places." Completed by: teacher: Yu.D. Kozyr

One of the most widespread terrorist actions is the organization and carrying out of explosions in crowded places.

Such actions lead to numerous casualties and cause fear and panic among the population. While in these places, you need to be extra vigilant. Pay attention to people exhibiting strange behavior, to packages, bags, packages and other items left unattended. The following signs may also indicate the possible installation of an explosive device: - crackling, smell and smoke indicating combustion; - ticking clock mechanism; - receiving antennas in places where they are inappropriate; - stretched wire or cord.

Suspicious persons, objects and situations should be immediately reported to an employee of the institution (vehicle driver) or a law enforcement officer.

If there is an immediate threat of explosion, you must quickly lie down on the ground (floor) and cover your head with a bag (briefcase) or hands. If possible, take cover around the corner of a building (concrete urn, thick tree, pillar).

Remember: the severity of damage to a person standing outside a shelter is approximately 6 times greater than to a person lying down or behind a shelter.

After the explosion, if you are injured, you need to provide yourself with all possible first aid. If you are not injured, you should help other people to the best of your ability.

Questions and tasks 1. Why do terrorists often choose crowded places for their actions? 2. What crowded places are located near your home? 3. From newspapers, magazines and the Internet, select material about explosions carried out by terrorists in crowded places. 4. What signs may indicate the possibility of planting an explosive device? 5. What should be done in the event of an immediate threat of explosion?
