What causes lymph nodes in the neck. Causes and treatments for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

The lymphatic system is an important component of the human cardiovascular system. Understanding its importance, knowing where a person’s lymph nodes are located, and checking them regularly, you can independently prevent the development of serious diseases.

What is a lymph node?

They can be felt when the following cancers develop:

  • prostate cancer in men;
  • ovarian cancer in women;
  • stomach cancer;
  • Bladder;
  • pancreas;
  • neoplasms in the breast.

Examination of the lymph nodes of the armpit

The axillary lymph nodes are checked by sliding the hand in the armpit. Determine the abundance and density of lymph nodes, whether there is swelling, redness or pain when touched. For good access, during palpation, the patient moves his arms slightly to the sides, after which palpation is repeated with his arms down.

Examination of inguinal lymph nodes

The inguinal nodes are examined with the patient in a supine position. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin indicate inflammatory process in the pelvic area or the presence of a tumor. When the nodes in the groin are inflamed, the patient experiences severe sweating, weight loss, increased body temperature, and men may have difficulty with potency. They might even start purulent processes. In women, the inflammatory process often affects several organs.

To determine the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, the presence of cancer, syphilis or HIV infections, ultrasound diagnostics. If necessary, MRI, CT or radiography is done.

Inspection of popliteal nodes

Lymph nodes under the knees are palpated during examination. The examination is carried out with the patient lying down and the leg bent at the knee. When there are no external signs of inflammation, but the patient complains of pain under the knee when bending the leg, this often means that the lymph nodes are inflamed.

When there is damage to the skin on the lower leg or foot, and there is already an infection there, then the infection is delegated directly to the popliteal glands. The nodes become large and painful - inflammation appears.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck occur for many reasons. Treatment tactics depend on the location of the inflammation and the main symptoms. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid unpleasant health consequences.

Lymph nodes are a kind of filter of the protective system; they are the first to capture pathological microelements, preventing them from spreading throughout the body. Therefore, the course of any viral or bacterial disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the nodes lymphatic system.

The most common causes of enlarged cervical nodes are:

Various inflammatory processes in the mouth and ears can also cause an increase in lymph nodes.

Symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes

Changes in the size of lymph nodes occur at the very beginning of the development of the underlying disease.

The first symptoms of inflammation include:

The consequence of inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes is often enlarged tonsils, swelling of the salivary and parotid glands.

Usually there is bilateral enlargement of the nodes, which gradually disappears with recovery. Detection of inflammation on only one side without pain on palpation is an alarming symptom that requires immediate medical attention.

Enlargement on one side

The spread of the disease provokes the active production of lymphocytes, resulting in the growth of nodes on one or both sides at the same time.

In addition to infections, the cause of unilateral lymphadenitis can be:

Right localization of inflammation is more common. Sometimes it may indicate the development of tuberculosis; such symptoms are especially common in children.

Left-sided enlargement can occur with abscesses in the neck and oral cavity. Enlargement of the tonsillar node complements the list of symptoms with the appearance of bad breath.

Increase on both sides

The causes of bilateral and unilateral lymphadenitis most often coincide.

But there are a number of signs that require immediate contact with a specialist:

On the back of the neck

Enlarged posterior cervical lymph nodes are a sign of pathological changes in the body. In addition to ARVI, the nodes on the back of the neck can become inflamed when infected with rubella, toxoplasmosis, or tuberculosis. Sometimes swollen nodes in the occipital region are encountered during examination of cancer patients.

The first symptom is the discovery of soft lumps on the back of the neck. Palpation may cause discomfort and pain. In rare cases, swollen areas may not bother you at all.

Under the chin

The nodes under the jaw swell when chronic infections respiratory tract, ear infections. But the most common cause is dental problems.

Such cases are characterized by a gradual onset of symptoms. At the beginning, the increase in size is almost imperceptible; as the disease progresses, the nodes become larger, and pain appears when moving the jaw.

Inflammation develops in local or generalized form. The first option involves changing the size only in the chin area, the second - extending to the cervical nodes.

The cause of an enlarged lymph node in the neck may be a tumor in the thyroid gland. In this case, a biopsy is required

In cases when the causes of tissue growth have not been established, a diagnostic biopsy is performed– microscopic examination of a small part of the affected tissue. Based on the examination results, pathogenic cells are detected and a treatment regimen is determined.

Enlarged lymph nodes in children

Lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged in children, usually for the same reasons as in adults. Since the specificity of childhood lies in frequent illnesses ears, throat, bronchi, then inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes are more common.

The main symptoms in children coincide with those of influenza or ARVI. On average, it takes about 7-14 days to normalize the condition of the nodes.

A common cause of chronic inflammation in children after 3 years of age is dental caries. Lack of treatment is fraught with enlargement of other nodes, a decrease in immune defense the whole body.


As with any other disease, timely and correct therapy is important. At the initial stage, the tissues become slightly denser. Further development pathological condition leads to the formation of pus in the lymphoid tissue. In the absence or improper treatment, purulent melting of the node and the formation of fistulas are possible.

The entry of purulent contents into the blood causes blood poisoning (sepsis) and triggers inflammatory processes throughout the body. An extremely dangerous condition, treatment is only surgical in combination with many medications.

Impaired lymphatic drainage leads to increased swelling, especially the legs and arms become swollen. The nutrition of the skin deteriorates, which is manifested by trophic changes in the upper layer of the skin.

In the most advanced cases, cancer cells grow into the walls lymphatic vessels, the risk of bleeding and the spread of pathogenic cells through the lymph to all organs and systems of the body increases.

Consequences of complications

Complications of lymphadenitis can lead to:

Pain with enlarged lymph nodes

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck are in most cases accompanied by discomfort. Pain in lymphoid formations can occur with various pathological processes. One of the reasons is acute inflammation of the nodes. Associated symptoms include fever, headaches, and general malaise.

Types of pathology:

  • hemorrhagic (with the release of red or brown liquid in the lesion, permeating the skin and mucous membranes);
  • catarrhal (purulent stage);
  • with discharge of pus.

The pain syndrome increases with the spread of diseased cells into the walls of blood vessels, blood, and tissues of neighboring organs. Without treatment, the acute form of the disease becomes chronic, and lymphoid tissues grow into dense formations.

How to cope with pain

For elimination pain it is necessary to seek qualified medical help.

You may need to consult the following doctors:

  • therapist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • hematologist;
  • surgeon;
  • oncologist.

The specialist will determine the causes of pain, make a diagnosis, and prescribe therapy.

You can temporarily relieve pain with special painkillers, such as:

The release form must correspond to the age of the patient (adults take tablets, capsules, children - syrup).

Temperature increase

Fever is a symptom acute course diseases. It is recommended to bring down the temperature above 38.5 degrees using antipyretic drugs. Therapeutic measures to eliminate the underlying disease contribute to the disappearance of pain, discomfort and fever.

The chronic form is characterized by frequent increases in temperature to a level of 37-37.5 degrees. With such a clinical picture, a comprehensive examination followed by therapeutic therapy is recommended.

What examination should I undergo?

The initial examination is carried out by a general practitioner. The consultation includes a visual assessment of the patient’s condition, clarification of details of the medical history, and the presence of chronic ailments. Appointed standard tests blood and urine to confirm infection.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, near the ears, under the jaw indicate infection of the oral cavity, respiratory system, ENT organs. Such a clinic requires consultation with narrow specialists in otolaryngology, taking cultures from the throat and nose, which determine the presence of pathogenic microorganisms

If no violations of the ENT organs are detected, the patient is prescribed examinations to identify serious infectious diseases, disorders in endocrine system. The formation is analyzed using X-rays or computed tomography to identify malignant tumors.

If there is no diagnosis after a comprehensive examination, the patient undergoes tissue sampling for laboratory research. A biopsy allows you to accurately determine the causes and level of cell damage.

Types of treatment

For treatment acute form with the release of pus, the following methods are used:

  1. Based on the test results, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. It is important to strictly follow the recommendations for taking medications and not interrupt the course before the prescribed time.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to bed rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Application is prescribed vitamin complexes, drugs that stimulate the immune system.
  4. Special physiotherapy is recommended as restorative procedures.
  5. If there are no tumor formations, treatment is carried out with laser, current, or phonophoresis.

Medicines for the treatment of lymph nodes

Medicines used to relieve inflammation of lymphoid tissues are collected in the table:

Drug group Drug name
Immunomodulatory group of drugs.Groprinosin, arbidol, cycloferon.
Anti-inflammatory tablets.Dexamethasone, prednisolone, hydrocortisone.
Ointments for external use.Heparin, Vishnevsky, diclofenac.
Antibiotics wide range actions.Ceftriaxone, augmentin, amoxicillin, amoxiclav.
Intramuscular injections of antibiotics are prescribed to patients with disorders of the stomach and liver.

How quickly does enlargement of lymph nodes go away?

With a mild course of the disease, normalization of the lymph nodes occurs in approximately 1-2 weeks. It is important to monitor the patient's well-being. If elevated temperature lasts more than 3-5 days, symptoms intensify or additional complaints appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

When pus forms, the duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the body. It will take time to recover after the procedure of opening the lesions using drainage.

Malignant tumors require surgery, long-term treatment with radiological or chemotherapy.

Allergic manifestations in the form of enlarged lymph nodes are eliminated by a course of anti-allergenic therapy and regular preventive medications.

Is it possible to warm up the lymph nodes?

It is not recommended to warm up inflamed lymph nodes on your own.. Applying warm compresses can only make the situation worse. If there is an infection, heating the seal will activate pathogenic microorganisms and stimulate their spread throughout the body.

Thermal effects on cancer tumors promote the development of metastases.

In some cases, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck are treated with warming procedures at the stage of stimulating the immune system. For these purposes, alcohol-based compresses, iodine, and salt bags are used.

Contraindications to warming procedures:

  • acute and severe stages of the disease;
  • benign formations;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • abscesses with pus;
  • feverish conditions;
  • strong inflammatory processes in lymphoid tissue.

Any thermal exposure in the presence of contraindications is fraught with the following side effects:

  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • fainting conditions accompanied by dizziness;
  • severe headaches;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • general malaise.

If any of the side effects occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid irreversible health consequences.

Alcohol compress

Purpose alcohol compress on initial stage development of the disease is allowed only as an auxiliary method of therapy. Warming increases blood flow and activates the immune system. The effect of heat from the compress relieves discomfort for a while and relieves pain.

To prepare a compress, use a regular medical alcohol or various tinctures based on it. The substance is combined with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Several layers of gauze are soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the swollen area of ​​skin.

Traditional methods of treatment

Therapy with folk remedies is allowed only as an addition to the main treatment regimen. Before use, you should consult your doctor to make sure there is no allergic reactions to any of the components of therapy.

Several variants folk remedies, relieving inflammation from the lymph nodes:


Main preventive measure is timely treatment of infectious diseases.

  1. Try to maintain your body’s defenses, eat right, and drink a lot of water.
  2. Prevent diseases from becoming chronic and undergo regular preventive examinations by specialists.
  3. IN Everyday life You need to avoid hypothermia, stressful situations, and get more rest.
  4. Proper and regular hardening is encouraged.
  5. It is necessary to treat all damage to the skin with special antiseptics to prevent infection from entering the body.
  6. It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and use protective bandages during the epidemic.
  7. Need to provide proper care behind the oral cavity, especially in children. It is necessary to teach how to brush your teeth correctly and visit the dentist every six months.

The danger of untreated lymph nodes

Untreated lymphadenitis can lead to negative consequences for human health in general. Timely detection of malignant tumors or AIDS increases the chances of full life and recovery. The entry of infected cells into the blood contributes to the rapid spread of infection to all organs and systems of the patient.

There is a risk of developing life-threatening conditions such as meningitis, an inflammation of the lining of the brain or spinal cord caused by various bacteria and viruses. The proximity of infected cervical vertebrae can serve as a source of infection.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck indicate intensive work of protective mechanisms in the body. With this manifestation of the disease, it is not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis or treatment at home without first consulting a specialist. Preventive measures will help prevent infection and facilitate treatment in case of infection.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about inflamed lymph nodes in the neck

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck:

When the lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed, we usually associate this symptom with a viral disease. However, there can be many reasons for their inflammation, and besides, a person has lymph nodes not only on the neck. Let's try to figure out what role the lymph nodes play in our health, why they can become inflamed and what to do in such a situation.

Where are a person’s lymph nodes located and why are they needed?

Lymph nodes are tiny, bean-like glands that are distributed throughout all parts of our body (they are present even in abdominal cavity). This is the main part of the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph fluid (and its nutrients and waste) between all tissues and the bloodstream.

There are a lot of lymph nodes in our body, which are located both individually and in whole groups. On your own, you can feel only the 3 largest groups of lymph nodes - in the neck, under the armpit and in the groin. In a healthy state, they are not felt at all and do not cause pain.

The main task of the entire lymphatic system is to protect all parts of the body from diseases, and the lymph nodes filter lymph fluid, capturing and destroying bacteria, viruses and other foreign bodies. Thanks to this, we get sick so rarely.

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes?

If a node in the lymphatic system becomes inflamed and begins to enlarge, it is a sign that something has gone wrong in your body.

This condition is called lymphadenitis and it can cause discomfort and pain in the lymph nodes, as well as swelling, which can enlarge the node to the size of a pea, bean, and sometimes a walnut.

Depending on the cause of inflammation of the nodes, you may experience other symptoms:

  1. Common symptoms of a cold: runny nose, sore throat, heat. In this case, the lymph nodes under the jaw and behind the ears may also be bothersome.
  2. General enlargement of lymph nodes throughout the body (this symptom may indicate infections such as HIV or mononucleosis, as well as some autoimmune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis).
  3. Swelling of the extremities, which may indicate blockage of the vessels through which lymph flows.
  4. Hard and rapidly growing nodes, which may indicate the possibility of developing a cancerous tumor.
  5. Fever, without any other cold symptoms.
  6. Increased sweating at night.
  7. The appearance of unusual vaginal discharge among women.

The nodes become especially painful when they suppurate. In this case, they can become very dense, lose clear contours and cause many severe symptoms in the patient:

  • temperature,
  • headache,
  • loss of appetite.

Purulent nodes are also very painful, so they can interfere with movement.

What can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes?

Most likely, you will notice inflammation of only one group of lymph nodes, the location of which may give a hint as to the cause of lymphadenitis.


  1. When nodules grow on either side of the neck, under the jaw, or behind the ears, the doctor may suspect a sore throat. Inflammation can affect these nodes and subsequently injuries, surgery, and insect bites. Cervical lymph nodes may become swollen due to infections in the mouth, neck, or brain.
  2. Lymph nodes under the arms may become enlarged as a result of injury or infection in the arm or area of ​​the body near the arm. A more rare cause of a tumor in the armpit may be breast cancer or lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic tissue).
  3. Lymph nodes in the groin (femoral or inguinal) may grow due to injury or infection of the legs, groin, or genitals. In rare cases, a similar symptom may occur due to testicular cancer in men or ovarian cancer in women, lymphoma or melanoma.
  4. Nodes above the collarbone (supraclavicular lymph nodes) may become enlarged as a result of infections or tumors in the lungs, chest, neck, or abdomen.

For precise setting diagnosis requires a mandatory visit to the doctor, since there are many more causes of lymphadenitis.

Viral infections

A slight increase in nodes can be observed even with a common cold or flu. In this case, their size will remain moderate (that is, you will not be able to notice the change with the naked eye, but only upon palpation).

Also, the lymph nodes will practically not cause you any discomfort, and after successful treatment of the cold they will return to their previous size. They can become more noticeable with severe cases of rubella, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, HIV and AIDS.

Immune response to vaccination

When a vaccine is administered, a very small dose of the virus enters the body, to which the immune system immediately produces antibodies. This is necessary so that when faced with the same virus in everyday life, the immune system can react to it as quickly as possible and prevent the development of the disease.

However, if the dose of the vaccine was large or the adult’s body is weakened, it will be difficult for the immune system to cope with the vaccine, as a result of which the lymph nodes may become inflamed. Most often this by-effect develops in children.

Chronic alcoholism

When drinking alcohol, mild intoxication of the body occurs, which can be easily eliminated by lymph. If intoxication occurs constantly, the load on the lymph nodes increases, and therefore in chronic alcoholics they can be constantly in an inflamed state. This symptom occurs in both men and women.

Upper respiratory tract diseases

Diseases in which the lymph node on one or both sides of the neck often becomes inflamed include rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and influenza. Also, the lymph nodes can become inflamed due to otitis media.

Oral diseases

Any inflammatory processes in the mouth can cause enlargement of the lymph nodes located in the neck. This often occurs with periodontitis, gingivitis, intensive development of caries, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums and/or tongue.

Infectious processes on the skin

Even if the inflammatory process develops on the skin, the infection that provokes the disease can enter the blood and lymph. As a result, the lymph nodes become inflamed and enlarged (especially common in children). Such consequences may be caused by purulent wounds, boils, various dermatitis.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes may be a consequence of too high activity of the immune system in an adult or child, when it forms an enhanced allergic response to external irritants. As a result, in addition to the usual symptoms for allergy sufferers (sneezing, rash, hives, swelling), enlarged lymph nodes will also appear.


In addition to the fact that the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis itself can provoke inflammation of the cervical or axillary lymph nodes, this disease can also affect the lymphatic system itself. The so-called tuberculous lymphadenitis is extremely difficult: with fever, inflammation of the tissue around the lymph node, as well as death of its tissue.

Sexually transmitted infections

Since the causative agents of many “intimate” diseases are bacteria and microbes (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia), they can also penetrate the lymph. The answer to the latter may be inguinal and cervical lymphadenitis.

True, if you begin to treat this kind of inflammatory process in a timely manner, enlargement of the lymph nodes can be avoided. But in chronic forms of syphilis, inflammation of the lymph nodes can also become chronic.

Autoimmune diseases

With such diseases, malfunctions occur in the human immune system, in which the immune system begins to perceive its own tissues as foreign, and therefore tries to destroy them. Because antibodies to destroy own body are produced precisely in the lymph nodes, the latter can greatly increase in size.

This happens with rheumatism, gout, sarcoidosis, Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Tumors of organs and tissues, as well as the lymph nodes themselves

Many types of cancer can cause lymphadenitis, since the development of a cancerous tumor can interfere with the normal functioning of the human body and also cause an immune response.

In more rare cases cancer cells can form directly in the lymphatic tissue (which makes lymphadenitis inevitable) or metastasize to swollen lymph nodes(for example, for breast cancer in women).


Injuries to the lymph nodes themselves can also cause them to become inflamed and enlarged. Considering the fact that lymph is the main organ of our immunity, if the lymph nodes are damaged, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What to do if the lymph nodes are inflamed?

Do not self-medicate, but go to the hospital immediately. If you are unable to independently determine the cause of such a symptom, it is best to make an appointment with a therapist.

If you observe a disease that could potentially cause lymphedema or already have a history of it, go to a highly specialized physician specializing in the treatment of such diseases (for example, if you have a sore throat, go to an otolaryngologist; if you have problems with the genitourinary system, go to a urologist or gynecologist).

Why can’t lymphadenitis be ignored?

It is impossible to leave lymph nodes without treatment, since inflammation can develop into more serious conditions (read about this in the next section). In addition, do not forget that a variety of diseases, including even deadly cancer, can provoke enlarged lymph nodes.

The sooner you can find the real problem and fix it, the better for your general condition health. After all, if the lymph nodes are inflamed, you risk contracting some other disease.

What complications can there be?

Complications can be caused not only by diseases that provoke inflammation of the lymphatic system, but also by purulent lymphadenitis.

If treatment is left untreated, the patient may develop:

  1. Phlegmon - inflammation connective tissue, which is necessarily accompanied by the accumulation of pus. As a result, a painful swelling may form around the lymph node, making it difficult to move or swallow.

  1. Periadenitis is an inflammation similar to phlegmon, but affecting not only connective tissues, but also all others, including organs. Forms around an inflamed purulent lymph node.
  2. Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation that covers the inner wall of blood vessels. Due to its increase, a blood clot forms in the vessel and blood circulation is disrupted.
  3. Sepsis - infection of the whole body pathogenic bacteria that enter the bloodstream. With lymphadenitis, septicopyemia can also develop - the most dangerous form sepsis.
  4. Fistulas (ruptures) that occur in various organs and tissues (usually the esophagus and trachea). Due to their appearance, the functioning of the body can be significantly disrupted. Sometimes fistulas cause death.

What should not be done if the lymph nodes are inflamed?

Only a doctor can treat inflamed lymph nodes and the cause that led to this condition. The fact is that many traditional methods are not only ineffective, but sometimes even life-threatening.

In particular, official medicine categorically prohibits the following manipulations for lymphadenitis:

  1. Make warm compresses and apply a heating pad to the lymph nodes. During the inflammatory process, heating is strictly contraindicated, since it only intensifies pathogenic processes in the organs. Due to heating, your condition can only worsen, and the lymph nodes will become even larger, and pus can accumulate in them.
  2. Apply warming ointments and gels to the lymph nodes. Such drugs can also enhance the inflammatory process.
  3. Massage the lymph nodes. In your desire to alleviate your condition, you can only increase the pain. In addition, massage movements can disrupt the integrity of the lymphatic vessels, and this is fraught with life-threatening consequences.
  4. Apply iodine nets. Although this method of treatment is quite common, it absolutely cannot be used for purulent lymphadenitis. In addition, the use of an alcohol solution of iodine is not recommended by endocrinologists for problems thyroid gland, against the background of which the lymph nodes can also become inflamed.

Don't expect the problem to go away on its own. If your health condition has already caused lymphadenitis, it means that the problem is really serious and the immune system cannot cope with it on its own. And the longer you remain inactive, the more dangerous the situation will become.

Please also keep in mind that after treating the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes, they will not immediately return to normal size. This may take several more weeks or months (especially if we're talking about about a child’s illness).

Prevention of lymphadenitis

Since there are many reasons for the development of lymphadenitis, it is difficult to create a single algorithm for its prevention.

  1. Visit your dentist regularly - timely treatment will prevent the development of oral problems.
  2. Treat viral and other diseases in a timely manner. Be sure to consult a doctor and do not self-medicate so as not to worsen the situation.
  3. Get routine vaccinations. This rule is especially relevant for the prevention of diseases in a child who has a weak immune system.
  4. Maintain personal hygiene. Dirty hands are the main source of bacterial and viral diseases, provoking cervical lymphadenitis and other types of inflammation. It is equally important to shower regularly and keep your underwear and towels clean. Avoid using clothing and personal hygiene items from people you do not know - such items can also harbor pathogens of many diseases (for example, gonorrhea).
  5. Strengthen your immune system regularly. For this, it is very important to eat well and drink water regularly. Include more movement in your life (this doesn’t have to be a visit to the gym - you can just take an hour-long walk every evening), do some exercise.
  6. Avoid contact with sick people. They can carry viruses and bacteria to which your body does not have antibodies. Even if you have to come into contact, use a face mask and wash your hands regularly.
  7. Avoid visiting crowded places during epidemics of ARVI and influenza. This will greatly reduce the likelihood of your own infection.
  8. If you are prone to allergies, eliminate or limit contact with allergens as much as possible. This will reduce the burden on your immune system and therefore the likelihood of lymphadenitis will also decrease.

Feeling any unpleasant symptoms in the area of ​​congestion of lymph nodes, contact your physician immediately. Such a precaution is never false; moreover, lymphadenitis may be the only symptom of dangerous diseases.

Video: possible causes of lymphadenitis and its treatment

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck usually occur as a result of contact with bacteria and viruses. If the enlargement is caused by infection, it is called lymphadenitis. Less commonly, cancer may be the cause.

The lymphatic system plays a vital role in keeping our body alive and is a major component of our immunity. Lymph nodes can be felt in the neck, chin, armpits and groin. In some cases, no action is required for treatment and a warm compress is sufficient. Treatment depends on the cause.


The lymphatic system includes a network of organs and lymph nodes located throughout the body. Most of them are in the head and neck area. Enlarged lymph nodes indicate that something is wrong in the body. The first signs are sensitivity, pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes to the size of a bean or even larger.

Depending on the cause of its appearance, symptoms of the disease may be as follows:

Runny nose, sore throat, fever and other signs of an upper respiratory tract infection. Swollen lymph nodes throughout the body may indicate HIV, mononucleosis, or immune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Swollen limbs may indicate a blockage in the lymphatic system caused by tumors in the lymph nodes, which are deep under the skin and cannot be felt.

When treatment of lymph nodes in the neck requires seeing a doctor

Lymph nodes return to normal over time if the cause of the enlargement was an infection that can be treated. But there are a number of factors in which you should consult a doctor:

  • Swelling for no apparent reason
  • Duration 2-4 weeks
  • The nodes are difficult to palpate and do not move when you press on them
  • Accompanied by persistent fevers, night sweats and weight loss
  • Accompanied by a sore throat and difficulty swallowing.

Why the lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed - reasons

A lymph node is a small, round or bean-shaped cluster of cells covered by a capsule of connective tissue. The cells are a combination of lymphocytes that produce protein particles that fight viruses and macrophages that break down harmful substances. Lymphocytes and macrophages filter the lymphatic fluid that travels throughout the body and protects us.

If the cause is an infection and it is not treated properly, complications may occur.

Abscess formation. Localization of accumulation of pus caused by infection. Pus contains fluid, white blood cells, dead tissue, bacteria and other elements dangerous to the body. If an abscess occurs, drainage or treatment with antibiotics may be required. Significant damage can occur if vital organs are affected.

Bloodstream infection. Bacterial, can occur anywhere in your body and progress to sepsis caused by significant blood poisoning. Sepsis can lead to multiple organ failure and death. Treatment includes hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics.


To diagnose the disease, your doctor may need to:

  • Medical history
  • Body check
  • Blood analysis
  • X-ray chest and computed tomography
  • Lymph node biopsy (as a last resort).

Treatment of lymph nodes in the neck

If the cause is a virus, the lymph nodes in the neck will themselves return to their previous state after the infection itself is treated. But if this does not happen or there is another reason, the following treatment may be required:

  • Infection. The most common treatment for enlarged lymph nodes is antibiotics. If the cause is HIV infection, treatment appropriate to the disease is required.
  • Autoimmune disease. For lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary correct treatment the disease itself.
  • Cancer. Depending on the type and degree of development, it may be necessary surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

Treatment of lymph nodes in the neck at home

If your lymph nodes are swollen and causing painful sensations, you can relieve symptoms in the following ways:

  • Exposure to heat. Apply a warm, damp compress, such as a sponge soaked in hot water.
  • Painkiller. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen can help relieve pain and reduce fever. Do not give aspirin to children without consulting a doctor.
  • Rest. A good rest is sometimes all that is needed to bring your condition back to normal.

There are more than 4 hundred lymph nodes in the human body, and the system of lymphatic vessels itself permeates our entire body. The main function of this system is to provide mechanical and biological protection against infectious agents, foreign genes, tumor cells, and toxins.

In contact with


Lymph nodes hurt in the neck for several reasons. The localization of lymph nodes (LN) in the area of ​​the carotid artery, close to the upper respiratory tract, is provided by nature to quickly neutralize infection that enters the body through the mouth or nose. During acute respiratory infections, ENT diseases, focal dental infections, the nodes increase and become inflamed.

Reasons why lymph nodes in the neck hurt

Pain in the lymph nodes in the neck indicates the presence of infection in the body, lack of immunity, autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors and others hidden pathologies. The exact cause of pain and inflammation of the lymph nodes can be determined by examination by a doctor.

The most common reason why the lymph nodes in the neck hurt are the following diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

  • purulent sore throat;

Colds, viral rhinitis, and other diseases traditionally classified as “ear, nose and throat” are often accompanied by enlargement and pain in the lymph nodes. Depending on the patient’s immune status and the severity of the disease, the condition of the lymph nodes can vary: from slight enlargement to severe inflammation and severe pain.

In severe infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the cervical lymph nodes hurt quite severely, sometimes increasing in size up to 5 cm. In normal condition, they are the size of a large pea or bean.

Infections in the oral cavity are another cause of pain in the lymph nodes. Advanced caries, pulpitis with the formation of a purulent fistula, periodontal disease, gingivitis and stomatitis with ulcers of the mucous membrane are associated with the active proliferation of anaerobic bacteria. In this regard, an excessive immune response of the body to infection is often observed, which is accompanied by an increase in nodes.

How do they hurt?

The nature of pain in the lymph nodes, their size and structure vary depending on the type and course of the disease.

  1. The lymph nodes in the neck hurt, but are not enlarged, the discomfort is of medium intensity, the pain intensifies only with palpation.
  2. The nodes are significantly enlarged, protrude above the surface of the skin and are visible even without palpation. Pain is felt when chewing and swallowing food, talking and turning the head. The consistency of the node is dense and hard, less often soft.
  3. The lymph node on the neck on the right, left or both sides hurts severely. The enlarged node protrudes significantly above the surface of the skin and is clearly visible. The area around the LU is red.

Other symptoms

It is difficult to make a diagnosis solely based on how the lymph nodes in the neck hurt or look. It is also important to observe associated symptoms. Most often, pain and enlargement are associated with infection, so the patient may experience other characteristic features diseases:

  • elevated temperature;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • headache;
  • fever, chills;
  • cough;
  • rhinitis, lacrimation.

What does pain in the cervical lymph nodes indicate?

Painful sensations vary in intensity and nature. In respiratory and dental infections of moderate severity, the pain of the nodes is insignificant and is felt only upon palpation. How more serious illness

  1. If, when swallowing, moving the head, or talking, the cervical lymph node on the right under the ear hurts a little and is enlarged, this may indicate unilateral otitis media or ARVI with damage to the auditory canal.
  2. Severe pain in the submandibular node will indicate pulpitis, caries, stomatitis, impacted or dystopic wisdom teeth.
  3. Pain in the supraclavicular nodes on both sides or when the left cervical lymph node is painful and inflamed indicates an infection of the upper respiratory tract, trachea or lungs.
  4. If the lymph node on the neck hurts on the left, right or on both sides in the area of ​​the corner lower jaw, this may indicate purulent sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils.
Respiratory infections are a common, but not the only group of diseases that cause pain in the lymph nodes in the neck: the reasons may lie in pathologies of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis, autoimmune thyroiditis, diffuse goiter). Autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency conditions (including HIV and AIDS) can cause pain.

With malignant tumors, enlargement and pain in the lymph nodes are often observed. The focus of malignant cells can be either in the node itself (lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis, lymphocytic leukemia) or in metastases.

If pain is observed in one place in the area of ​​the carotid artery, collarbone or lower jaw (for example, the right cervical lymph node near the clavicular cavity hurts or aches), this may mean pathology in the node itself. Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph node caused by infection through a wound or scratch.

If the cervical lymph node on the back right side hurts and is enlarged, especially in a child, the doctor may suspect Infectious mononucleosis. Other diseases accompanied by pain in the posterior cervical nodes may be associated with the presence of cytomegalovirus and tuberculosis.

If the lymph nodes hurt but are not enlarged

Pain that is not accompanied by enlargement or inflammation may indicate various conditions of the body. Most often this is a residual phenomenon after ARVI, purulent sore throat and other respiratory infections.

By how long the cervical lymph nodes hurt after recovery, one can indirectly judge immune status patient: the longer pain in the nodes is observed after a cold or flu, the weaker the body’s protective function.

Other common reason pain without lymph node enlargement - their local infection and mild hemorrhagic inflammation that does not affect the general condition.

What to do?

No qualified doctor has the right to give general recommendations on what to do if a lymph node in the neck hurts or is enlarged. Pain, increase in size and inflammation may be associated with various pathologies. The main task of the patient is to visit the doctor in a timely manner.

An infection accompanied by severe inflammation and the formation of pus, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications: sepsis (blood poisoning) and other acute conditions.

If the lymph node in the neck hurts for a long time and the pain becomes chronic, you should not let the condition take its course. It is important to see a doctor and get examined. The specialist who can solve the problem works in the field of surgery, infectology, hematology or oncology. The doctor will conduct an examination and questioning, and, if necessary, prescribe an ultrasound of the inflamed/painful node. A biopsy is sometimes prescribed to determine the quality of cells in the lymphatic system.

Useful video

From the following video you can find out what causes inflammation of the lymph nodes:


  1. Pain in the lymph nodes in the neck most often accompanies ARVI and others infectious diseases upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis).
  2. Less commonly, pain in the lymph nodes is associated with caries, pulpitis, and stomatitis.
  3. Sometimes the nodes can hurt due to autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency states, pathologies of the thyroid gland and malignant tumors.
  4. In case of chronic pain in the lymph nodes or severe inflammation, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination.

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