Where and in what products folic acid is contained - a large list of products. Folic acid in foods Products that contain folic acid

For pregnant women, folate intake is essential to prevent birth defects. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, vitamin BC, glutamic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B9 is essential for various body functions. This vitamin is important in cell division and growth period. Children and adults require folic acid to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia.

Folic acid is very sensitive to light and high temperature because it dissolves quickly in water. It is recommended to consume vegetables containing folic acid both raw and in salads. In pregnant women, folic acid also serves to aid fetal brain development, thereby preventing birth defects as mentioned above. Pregnant women should consume at least 400 mcg to 600 mcg of folic acid daily. Below are daily recommendations for dietary intake of folic acid:

For children:

  1. Infants 0 - 6 months: 65 mcg
  2. Infants 7 - 12 months: 80 mcg
  3. Children 1 - 3 years: 150 mcg
  4. Children 4 - 8 years old: 200 mcg
  5. Children 9 - 13 years old: 300 mcg
  6. Adolescents 14 - 18 years old: 400 mcg

For adults:

  1. 19 years and older: 400 mcg
  2. Pregnant women: 600 mcg
  3. Breastfeeding women: 500 mcg

In this article we will look at which products contain the vitamin folic acid in large quantities, provide a list of products and an additional table.

Foods high in folic acid - a complete list of what it actually contains and a lot of it!

1. Avocado. Avocado contains 90 mcg of folic acid, which is equivalent to 22% of the body's needs. This is really a lot! Eat this fruit and get the right amount of vitamin. Avocados also contain fiber, which the body needs, vitamin C and fatty acids. If there are no contraindications, avocados are recommended for pregnant women for this reason.

2. Oranges. Many people know that oranges are rich in vitamin C. In fact, not only that, oranges also contain folic acid. Apparently, this citrus contains a lot of folic acid, with one orange containing 50 mcg of folic acid. So, if you eat more than 1 piece of fruit, you are getting more than 50 mcg of folic acid.

3. Papaya. Papayas also contain vitamin B9, but not as much as oranges. Folic acid in papaya contains up to 115 mcg.

4. Strawberry
. 1 cup of strawberries contains 25 mcg of folic acid.

5. Pomelo
. Unlike regular types of orange, pomelo contains 30 mcg of folic acid per fruit. Pomelo has a sweeter taste than regular oranges. He has a lot.

6. Raspberry
. One cup of raspberries contains 14 mcg of folic acid. Although low in folic acid, raspberries can be used as an alternative vitamin B9 requirement.

7. Potatoes
. An average potato tuber contains 30 mcg of folic acid.

8. Corn
. One cooked corn can contain up to 76 mcg of folic acid.

9. Spinach. One cup of spinach contains about 263 mcg of folic acid.

10. Asparagus
. One cup of asparagus contains at least 262 mcg of folic acid. And in this way it can fill half of the daily requirement of folic acid. In addition, asparagus also contains vitamin C, K and A.

11. Cauliflower
. This vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C, but also contains folic acid. In every one cup of boiled cauliflower, you can find at least 55 mcg of folic acid, which is equivalent to the body's needs of about 14%.

12. Broccoli
. Broccoli serves as an excellent anti-detoxifier. Eating one cup of broccoli provides at least 24% folic acid or vitamin B9.

13. Celery
. Celery is used to help people suffering from kidney stones. Thus, for those who experience difficulty urinating, it is advisable to consume celery. In addition, celery has a lot of folic acid. One cup of celery contains up to 34 mcg of folic acid, which is equivalent to 8% of the daily value.

14. Carrot
. In addition to being a source of vitamin A, carrots also contain vitamin B9 or folic acid. Eating one cup of carrots can meet up to 5% of your daily folate requirement.

15. Pumpkin. Each one cup of pumpkin contains a whopping 36 mcg of folic acid.

16. Bread and cereals
. Not all breads and cereals contain folic acid. To determine the contents, first read them on the packaging.

17. Sunflower seeds
. Eating sunflower seeds in a quarter glass provides 82 mcg of folic acid. In addition, sunflower seeds also contain natural fibers that are beneficial for health.

18. Beef liver. Beef liver contains vitamin B9, which is quite high. In 100 grams of boiled beef liver you will fulfill the folic acid requirement by 70% - this is more than all other products. However, it is not advisable to consume too much beef liver because it contains a lot of cholesterol and fat.

Folic acid content table

We are accustomed to paying attention to sufficient consumption of the most common vitamins (A, C, B, E), which the body requires daily in considerable quantities. At the same time, few people think about what vitamins F, U, P, and folic acid are and what significance they have in human life. Meanwhile, these are extremely important components, without which many processes in the human body cannot proceed properly.

Today the Eco-life website dedicated its publication to folic acid (Vit.B9)

Vitamin B9 affects the production of red blood cells. With its help, protein synthesis occurs in blood hemoglobin. Vitamin B9 also ensures proper metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. Finally, nucleic and ribonucleic acids (DNA and RNA), responsible for hereditary information, simply will not be synthesized without the participation of folic acid.

B9 is responsible for correct work digestion and normal appetite. It is involved in the production of serotonin in the body, called the “hormone of joy.”

Where did the name come from?

Folium - translated from Latin as “leaf”. Hence the name - folic acid. It was first obtained by scientists from green leafy spinach. Later it turned out that B9 contains the tops and leaves of many garden and wild plants.

To maintain the required level of the “green vitamin” in your body, you need to be aware of which foods contain folic acid. All sources of vitamins can be roughly divided into two groups: plant and animal.

The first group includes all types (leaf and head) of lettuce, spinach, fresh leaves any cabbage, parsley, dill. Pumpkin, red beets, fresh carrots, spring onions and leeks, garlic, wild garlic, as well as all green vegetables (cucumber, zucchini, squash) contain vitamin B9. If you add to this the plants of the legume family: peas, beans, beans, it turns out that an ordinary vegetable garden is a real treasure trove!

There is a lot of folic acid in the leaves of rose hips, black currants, viburnum, and even in birch and linden. Some wild herbs contain vitamin B9.
Gifts of the forest - mushrooms are very rich in vitamin B9.

Folic acid is present in all cereals, wholemeal flour, bran, sprouted grains, and most cereals.

Fruits supply a lot of vitamin B9 to the human body. Regarding plant origin vitamin, then the list of which foods contain folic acid can be continued almost endlessly.

Folic acid of animal origin is found in offal. In first place are beef and chicken liver. Only slightly inferior to them is the liver of fish, especially cod. It is found in salted fatty herring.

Some vitamin B9 is produced by the body itself, which has healthy microflora in the intestines. But this amount is not enough for the needs of life systems. Products containing folic acid compensate for the deficiency.

Feature of Vitamin B9

folic acid is a rather fragile and unstable substance. It is destroyed by prolonged exposure of the product to bright light; during heat treatment, only about 10% of vitamin B9 remains in the products. Therefore, it is better to eat vegetables and fruits raw. The liver should not be overcooked; it is recommended to stew or boil the meat rather than fry it. The healthiest way is to steam it.

Fresh milk is rich in vitamins, but boiled or pasteurized milk lacks it.
It is harmful for lettuce and spinach leaves to be long time even at normal room temperature and in the light. Only fresh garden plants, recently picked from the garden, will bring benefits.

What does B9 deficiency mean for the body?

Folic acid in the sense of deficiency is similar to air, the true meaning of which is known only when it is lacking. In case of acute deficiency of vitamin B9, a person experiences:

  • lack of appetite,
  • weakness throughout the body, decreased performance and fatigue,
  • various sleep disorders,
  • constant headaches,
  • low hemoglobin,
  • constant irritability.

Pregnant women are at particular risk. Severe deficiency of this acid in expectant mother can lead to the development of severe abnormalities in the fetus, including mental pathologies. Often pregnancy ends in miscarriage.

During any stress, adrenaline is pumped into the blood, which helps a person concentrate, become more collected, decisive and, in the end, successfully solve their problems. With an acute lack of acid, instead of energy and optimism, irritation and unjustified aggressiveness begin to awaken in a person, giving way to deep depression.

Therefore, what we often mistake for bad character traits is nothing more than a result of folic acid deficiency. And this is already a disease from which it is possible to recover. You just need to know which foods contain folic acid in especially large quantities, and start including them in your menu.

Particularly complex cases require medical care. Doctors usually prescribe the vitamin medicinally. An overdose is hardly impossible, because to do this you need to take a dose that would exceed the required amount hundreds of times!

To avoid health problems, you should constantly consume foods that contain folic acid.

The need for it per day is only about 200 mg. You should eat more of what you can eat raw without cooking. Salads, okroshka with the addition of a large amount of greens will only bring benefits. You can and should generously sprinkle fresh herbs on prepared soups, meat and fish.

Lyudmila Safonova

When compiling a diet, it is important to give preference to foods containing large amounts of vitamins and minerals. However, most often people pay attention to the content of common vitamins A, C, E. In this case, insufficient attention is paid to B vitamins. But folic acid (vitamin B9) is of maximum value for the human body. The benefits of folic acid include hematopoiesis, improvement of blood quality, and synthesis of RNA and DNA. Therefore, it is important to include foods with vitamin B9 in your diet. From the article you will learn which foods contain folic acid.

Where is vitamin B9 found: animal products

When considering the list of foods that contain folic acid, you should pay special attention to products of animal origin. First of all, this is the liver of cod, beef, pork, and chicken. For example, 100 grams of beef liver contains 240 mcg of vitamin B9, and the calories in beef liver are only 127 kcal. In pork liver, the content of this vitamin is slightly less - 225 mcg. Do not forget to include in your diet at least once a week canned cod liver, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, fish oil, proteins and many vitamins.

The leader among animal products rich in vitamin B9 is fish: salmon, tuna, trout, salmon. It is best boiled or steamed.

What other foods contain folic acid? Of course, in dairy products: kefir, fresh milk, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese. We recommend choosing natural homemade milk, without chemicals in the composition. This will bring maximum benefit to your body.

The list of foods containing folic acid includes chicken and quail eggs. Eat them raw whenever possible. It is especially useful to include raw quail eggs in your diet, which do not cause allergic reactions. In addition, quails do not suffer from salmonellosis, so even children and pregnant women can eat their eggs raw.

Please note that the high folate content of foods will be reduced during cooking.

Folic acid in plant foods

If we consider the question of which foods contain the most folic acid, then we need to talk about leafy green vegetables and herbs. They are the leaders in the content of vitamin B9 in food products.

Spinach, parsley and green tops of vegetables are foods rich in vitamin B9 in large quantities. For example, 100 grams of spinach contains 80 mcg of vitamin B9, parsley contains even more - 117 mcg per 100 grams. Don't forget about mint, lettuce, blackcurrant leaves, nettle, wild garlic, broccoli and other herbs.

Vegetables such as carrots, beets, turnips, cucumbers, champignons, and pumpkin also contain folic acid. By including them in your diet, you will protect yourself from education cancer cells, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folic acid is found in large quantities in fruits and berries. The leaders are apricots, bananas, kiwis, raspberries, pomegranates and melons. It is worth highlighting citrus fruit(oranges, tangerines, grapefruits). By eating 1 orange a day, you provide up to 15%daily requirement of folic acid .

Legumes are also foods rich in vitamin B9. for example, lentils contain 180 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams.

Whole grains are not the richest foods in folic acid. Per 100 grams of buckwheat there is about 50 mcg of vitamin B9. The advantage of whole grain crops is that they do not need to be affected by heat if they are sprouted. In this case, folic acid in the human body will be completely absorbed.

Folic acid is present in nuts in sufficient quantities to meet up to 100% of the daily requirement. The leaders here are almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, walnut, pistachios. For example, 100 grams of peanuts contain 240 mcg of folic acid! Include sunflower, pumpkin, sesame or flax seeds in your diet. They are rich not only in Vitan B9, but also in amino acids, vitamin E, B6. It is not necessary to process nuts and seeds, so the vitamin will be absorbed as much as possible.

Foods containing folic acid and vitamin B12

Vitamins B9 and B12 are directly involved in the formation of red blood cells and hematopoiesis. Therefore, foods rich in folic acid and vitamin B12 are extremely important to take to prevent anemia.

Meat, animal by-products, dairy products, honey, eggs, yeast and wholemeal flour are a list of foods that simultaneously contain these two B vitamins. Now you know which foods contain folic acid and vitamin B12. Include them in your diet to prevent diseases associated with anemia.

Foods containing folic acid: table

If you don't know which foods are rich in folic acid (vitamin B9), the table below will help you figure it out. We present to your attention foods rich in folic acid: the table is very simple, you can quickly create your diet by including plant or animal products that contain vitamin B9.

Product Folic acid % of the daily value in 1 serving weighing 2OOg
beef liver 240mcg 120%
peanut 240mcg 120%
beans 229mcg 115%
sunflower seeds 227mcg 114%
spinach 194mcg 97%
seaweed (kelp) 180mcg 90%
green dill 150mcg 75%
cod liver 110mcg 55%
beet 109mcg 54.5%
nut (walnut) 98mcg 49%
avocado 89mcg 44.5%
basil 68mcg 34%
cabbage (broccoli) 63mcg 31.5%
cauliflower 57mcg 28.5%
pumpkin seeds 58 mcg 29%
oats 56mcg 28%
asparagus 52mcg 26%
nuts (pistachios) 51mcg 25.5%
mushroom (honey mushroom) 48mcg 24%
greens (salad) 46mcg 23%
nut (almond) 44mcg 22%
white cabbage 43mcg 21.5%
mango 43mcg 21.5%
peas 42mcg 21%
corn 42mcg 21%
pomegranate 38mcg 19%
wheat 38mcg 19%
nut (pine) 34mcg 17%
buckwheat 30mcg 15%
green onions 30mcg 15%
orange 30mcg 15%
mushroom (champignon) 28mcg 14%
coconut pulp 26mcg 13%
kiwi 25mcg 12.5%
blackberry 25mcg 12.5%
strawberry, wild strawberry 24mcg 12%
tangerine (clementine) 24mcg 12%
chili pepper 23mcg 11.5%
eggplant 22mcg 11%
raspberry 21mcg 10.5%
brown rice 20mcg 10%
pearl barley (barley) 19mcg 9.5%
onions 19mcg 9.5%
mushroom (white) 17mcg 8.5%
coconut milk 16mcg 8%
tangerines (regular) 16mcg 8%
brown potatoes 14mcg 7%
passion fruit 14mcg 7%
green sorrel 13mcg 6.5%
grapefruit 13mcg 6.5%
yam (sweet potato) 11mcg 5.5%
lemon 11mcg 5.5%
dill seeds 10mcg 5%
mushroom (morel) 9mcg 4.5%
celery root vegetable 8µg 4%
white and red currants 8µg 4%
rambutan 8µg 4%
pear 7µg 3.5%
figs 6µg 3%
nectarine 5µg 2.5%
grape 4µg 2%
cherries 4µg 2%
watermelon 3mcg 1.5%
quince 3mcg 1.5%

SOURCE: https://vk.com/vkhousewife

Folic acid is a vitamin that is essential for the human body. Its deficiency can lead to the development of anemia, and in short-term pregnant women - to miscarriage. It is important to know not only what foods contain folic acid, but also how to use it correctly in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future.

Role in the body

Influence on the internal state of a person:

  • Participates in protein synthesis, while regulating brain activity.
  • Helps other vitamins be better absorbed and improves sleep.
  • Maintains the immune system at the required level.
  • It is very important for women who are expecting a baby to know which foods contain folic acid. After all, it is this vitamin that reduces the risk of premature birth and miscarriages and helps the fetus develop properly.
  • Vitamin B9 - effective remedy to combat postpartum depression.
  • Regular consumption reduces the risk of stroke, improves blood circulation and prevents blood clots.
  • Relieves symptoms of menopause.

Daily requirement of folic acid

For an adult, the recommended dosage per day is approximately 200 mcg. It is advisable for pregnant women and nursing mothers to receive more vitamin B9 - up to 400 mg. To maintain health infant, 40 mgk per day will be enough for him.

Interaction with other substances

The effects of folic acid can be enhanced if taken at the same time as vitamins C and B12. However, if taken with contraception or with drugs for ulcers, the absorption of B9 may be impaired and negatively affect the person’s condition.

Signs of folic acid deficiency in the body

  • Fatigue for no specific reason.
  • Insomnia or increased nervousness.
  • Diarrhea, loss of appetite.
  • Hair loss, premature graying, or changes in skin color.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, it is recommended to immediately contact your doctor. Most likely, the reason will be precisely the lack of vitamin B9. If the diagnosis is confirmed, find out which foods contain folic acid and start eating them in larger quantities than usual.

Vitamin B9 overdose

Consuming a substance in larger quantities than the daily requirement may lead to an overdose. Symptoms may include the following: bloating, trouble sleeping at night, nausea, vomiting. In this case, you need to contact your doctor and reduce the dose of the drug.

Products containing vitamin B9

What foods contain folic acid?

  • Green. This is the first thing you need to pay attention to. Fresh parsley and lettuce are very rich in this vitamin.
  • Vegetables- main source useful substances for the body. They contain not only the required daily requirement for a person of folic acid, but also many other useful microelements that have a beneficial effect on health.
  • Asparagus. This plant has long been considered medicinal. Any variety contains copper, iron, calcium, phosphorus and huge amount vitamins, including B9. Asparagus regulates blood pressure and is dietary product, therefore there are no contraindications to its use.
  • Fruits. If you want to know where folic acid is found and which foods contain the most of it, then pay attention to citrus fruits. For example: 100 grams of lemon will give you about 80% of the daily requirement of the vitamin. It is also useful to eat oranges, kiwi, bananas, pears and apples.
  • Whole grain products. It is recommended to consume this product in sprouted form, without additional heat treatment. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and supplies the necessary amount of vitamins of all groups.
  • Nuts. The only product containing folic acid in excess. 100 grams of regular peanuts provide approximately 240 mcg of vitamin B9, so you need to eat the product in moderation. Nuts are especially recommended during lactation in women.
  • Seeds. It is commonly believed that they only clog the stomach, but this is not so. It doesn’t matter in what form you consume them - the product contains vitamins B6, B9, E, which have a beneficial effect on human health.
  • Where is folic acid found, in what foods can it be found in summer? Almost all of them. Season watermelons- an excellent way to replenish the amount of B9 needed by the body.
  • Corn. In the summer, it is very useful to eat it fresh, but if you want to try your favorite sugar in winter, a canned product is quite suitable. Of course, it contains a little less vitamins, but in any case it will not only be tasty, but also healthy.

  • Bread. Many women refuse to eat bread for the reason that it spoils their figure. However, if we talk about which foods contain the vitamin folic acid, then grain bread simply cannot be ignored. This is not only a storehouse of B9, but also an excellent option for normalizing metabolism and removing excess fats from the body.
  • Do you want a little something exotic during pregnancy? You can safely buy yourself a few ripe ones avocado. One fruit contains approximately 22% of vitamin B9 from the dose that should be consumed per day. In addition, this fruit is rich in other beneficial substances. Despite all its beneficial properties, avocado is not recommended for consumption during breastfeeding. If it is harmless for the mother, it may cause an upset stomach in the baby.
  • If you're wondering which foods contain more folic acid than plant-based foods, then this could be a great alternative. chicken liver . 100 grams contain approximately 240 mcg of vitamin B9.
  • Cod liver- another product that people consume in canned form. This delicacy is not only tasty and nutritious, but also rich in vitamins, proteins and fish oil.
  • What foods contain folic acid and vitamin E? Of course, in eggs. Moreover we're talking about not about chicken, but about quail product. Scientists have proven that it is very useful to consume them raw. In this way, the human body receives all the valuable microelements to maintain excellent health. Quail eggs are not capable of causing an allergic reaction, so they can be consumed by pregnant women and even children at any age.
  • Cereals- especially useful product for women during breastfeeding. Rice, oatmeal, and buckwheat improve lactation and provide the necessary dose of vitamin B9 for the body.

Now you know exactly which foods contain folic acid. The list presented above details where and in what quantities this vitamin can be found.

Vitamin B9 for men

It may seem that consuming folic acid is only beneficial for women. This is wrong. During pregnancy planning, vitamins are recommended for both sexes.

It is especially important for men to know which foods contain folic acid and zinc, because these microelements have a beneficial effect on sperm and general condition health of the future father.

Cooking food correctly

Vitamin B9 is found in almost every product we consume throughout the day. However, in most cases, folic acid is simply destroyed. This happens precisely during cooking.

As is known, during heat treatment almost everything beneficial properties products are destroyed. It is for this reason that it is important to know a few nuances that will allow you to saturate your body with folic acid and at the same time eat deliciously.

Helpful Tips:

  • Some foods cook much faster than we actually keep them in the pan. If you see that, for example, the mushrooms are already covered with a light golden crust, there is no point in cooking them further.
  • Cooking should take place under a closed lid, this will minimize the evaporation of nutrients and speed up the cooking process itself.
  • If the product can be eaten raw, then it is generally not recommended to subject it to heat treatment. For example, vegetables or quail eggs.


Now you know which foods contain folic acid. But you also need to have information about contraindications for use.

Scientists have proven that vitamin B9 is not capable of causing negative effects on the human body. The only exception may be individual intolerance ( allergic reaction). However, this phenomenon is very rare. You can get tested to make sure you are not allergic to folic acid.

When using vitamin B9, you must strictly follow your doctor's instructions regarding dosage. If the dose is incorrect, it may appear side effects(sleep disturbance, abdominal pain).

The human body always needs vitamins, and not just during planning pregnancy or lactation. It is recommended to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and other foods from the list every day to avoid causing vitamin B9 deficiency. With regular use, the general condition of the body will improve, strengthen immune system, it will become noticeable

In the modern rhythm of a big city, due to environmental problems, stress, poor nutrition and other factors, the human body not only receives less, but also loses a large amount of vitamins.

Vitamins containing folic acid - BC and B9 - are among the most vital for humans, because they are necessary for development circulatory system, as well as for the growth of the immune system. B9 is the most important vitamin for women. When present in the body, it leads to fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and diarrhea, abdominal pain, hair loss and skin problems. In a more global sense, a lack of vitamin B9 can cause a heart attack or stroke. An adult needs about two milligrams of folic acid per day.

Foods containing folic acid: table


Brussels sprouts

White mushroom

Green peas



Powdered milk

Rye flour


Pearl barley

Beef liver

Chicken liver

Pork liver

Wheat cereal

Fat cottage cheese


Barley groats

Is it possible to have too much folic acid?

It is non-toxic, therefore it is almost impossible to overdose on it. Foods containing folic acid can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Hypervitaminosis is also excluded, since you physically cannot eat such an amount of nuts or greens that would be dangerous for the body.

Theoretically, an overdose of folic acid is possible, but only if you take a dose that is a hundred times higher than the body needs, and this is about 30 tablets of pure vitamin B9 for an adult (the amount depends on weight and lifestyle). Any other excesses of the daily norm are displayed immediately and without any consequences. A slight excess intake of folic acid is safe even for pregnant women. We can conclude that an accidental overdose of B9 is completely excluded.

Folic acid for children

A growing body needs to consume all products containing folic acid for children and adults are absolutely identical. The difference in dosages: for children, one milligram per day is enough.

However, many children, especially in early age, refuse to eat foods containing folic acid such as liver, onions or broccoli. In order not to harm your child’s health, replace your baby’s sweets with melons (100 mcg), strawberries (62 mcg), grapes (43 mcg) or oranges (30 mcg). This way you can maintain your daily intake of this vitamin in full.

Be careful with the dosage of synthetic vitamins containing folic acid. If a child takes them regularly in unreasonable quantities, then over time he will develop indigestion, sleep disturbances, or increased excitability.

Foods containing folic acid and vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 and folic acid are two vitamins that are involved in the maturation and development of blood cells, as well as the formation of red blood cells. Daily norm B12 consumption is much less than B9, however, in order to avoid anemia, you need to remember about this vitamin.

Most products containing folic acid also contain vitamin B12. This includes: meat, kidneys, liver, eggs, dairy products, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, wholemeal flour, honey, yeast.

Foods that contain folic acid and B6

So, products containing folic acid and vitamin B6 can be divided into groups:

Products containing folic acid and vitamin E

Folic acid (or B9) is the most important vitamin for pregnant women:

    This vitamin is responsible for the growth and development of living organs and tissues, and this is important at the stage of embryo formation. Folic acid is also an integral part of the process of cell division and DNA formation.

    This vitamin takes part in the formation of all blood elements: leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets, and is also important for the process of hematopoiesis itself.

    Folic acid contributes to the formation of the brain and neural tube fetus

    B9 participates in the creation of which, in turn, transmits hereditary characteristics to the child.

It is not for nothing that vitamin B9 is considered a “female” vitamin; it helps to cope with toxicosis, depression, and malaise during pregnancy. The correct amount of this vitamin not only improves the well-being of the expectant mother, but also affects the development of her child and his health in the future.

Long-term intake of vitamin B9 (over 800 mcg per day) during pregnancy can threaten both mother and child: because of this, the amount of vitamin B12 decreases, and this can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, changes in kidney function, and increased nervous excitability. This can happen if you take 10-20 mg of the drug in its pure form daily for more than three months. But a lack of B9 during pregnancy can cause the development of severe fetal anomalies.

How to get the most benefit from folic acid?

Every person has taken antibiotics for one reason or another since childhood. As a result, the intestinal microflora certainly suffered, and therefore vitamin B9 ceased to be synthesized in it. To prevent this, you need to drink live yoghurts and eat other fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria. They play an irreplaceable role in restoring intestinal microflora.

Folic acid is destroyed during heat treatment, so you need to cook dishes with the lid closed and as quickly as possible (for example, vegetables or liver). Try to eat vegetables and fruits raw, this way you will retain all the vitamin properties of the products. Train yourself to add fresh herbs and spinach instead of seasonings to all the dishes you prepare; you can also add a handful of nuts.

What does a lack of folic acid lead to?

It’s hard to believe, but each person’s mood and attitude to stressful situations often depends on how much folic acid their body contains.

With a lack of B9, a person is constantly in a bad mood, shows indifference to everything that happens, and sometimes open aggression. Hobbies are forgotten, work is done poorly, such a person prefers the company of a sofa and a TV remote control rather than active recreation with family or friends.

Another interesting fact: About a third of all mentally ill people or those who seek help from psychiatrists are severely deficient in folic acid. When such patients begin to take vitamin B9 as a dietary supplement (sometimes this is a whole complex of vitamins), the diseases take on a different character, and sometimes go away completely.

With long-term and severe folic acid deficiency, it develops quickly and rapidly. dangerous disease- megaloblastic anemia, which must be treated immediately in a hospital setting, otherwise there is a risk of death. Therefore, you cannot ignore even the slightest signs of B9 deficiency in your body.

Vegetarians or vegans usually do not suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B9, since they compensate for the lack of meat by eating more vegetables, greens, soy and nuts, thereby eating foods containing folic acid and vitamin B12. But those people who often eat processed foods or large amounts of preservatives should reconsider their diet. They additionally need to take vitamins containing folic acid (or a complex of vitamins and minerals) in the form medical supplies, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Be vigilant, don’t get carried away and monitor the amount of vitamin you consume, because exceeding the dose also carries with it a number of side effects:

    skin irritation;

    gastrointestinal disorders;

    excitability of the nervous system;

    functional changes in the kidneys,

    and also do not forget about allergic reactions.

Folic acid is an integral part of the vitamin balance. She is responsible for the most important life processes. Monitor your diet carefully, and also pay special attention to your children’s diet. For a growing body, it is extremely important to have a good supply of vitamin B9.
