Taoist Park "Heavenly Grottoes" (Dong Tian). Taoist temple complex Dong Tien (Heavenly Grottoes) Taoist temple complex Dong Tien

Day four.

Having planned the trip in advance at three various places oh, we were able to get out of the hotel only at eleven. A thunderstorm raged at night and only at half past nine the weather improved and Julia and Max went swimming. I slept in because I stayed up very late writing these notes.
Our first destination was the Taoist center - Dun Tian. It is part of Nanshan Park, but is located on the other side of the mountain. As I was told, the Taoist Center is not a tourist place, but a religious one. Pilgrims come here from all over China and here, according to legend, is the habitat of one of the dragons who created the earth.

The drive to get there turned out to be quite long, much longer than yesterday to Nan Shan. The fact is that the entrance to it is on the other side of the peninsula, which can only be reached by taking the highway leading to the capital of Hainan - Haikou. It’s worth noting that we negotiated a taxi for 180. Maybe someone else can do it cheaper, but I was happy. After all, the distance turned out to be much greater than we expected.
Entry to the park cost us 71 yuan for two, in addition, we were given 3 types of tickets, 2 of which we managed to find a use for, if anyone knows, tell me, otherwise Yulia can’t find a place for herself. :)

Walking down to the coast, we found a map with descriptions of places worth visiting. But we still haven’t found the place where we are. Therefore the map was useless.

The same card. Find yourself :)

We took electric bus tickets for 10 yuan, round trip. We naively assumed that the operating principle of these buses was the same as in Nan Shan, but no...

When we almost passed one of the attractions, we asked the driver to stop. Of course, he didn’t understand, but he stopped. We went out, quickly took a photo, but realized that if we hesitated, he would simply leave :)
They sat back down and didn’t come out until the end.

The end, I must say, came very quickly. Our trip lasted about 2 minutes in total. The bus stopped and they showed us where to go. Well, off we go.

We went up to a nearby temple, they weren’t allowed to take pictures there, but we weren’t upset, we bought incense sticks there and set them to smoke.

We reached the birthplace of the dragon, if I understand correctly. Basically, all the memorable places in this park look like stones with hieroglyphs of various sizes on them.

Which we successfully recorded :)

We must pay tribute to this park, unlike yesterday there are inscriptions in Russian too, which is not entirely correct and sometimes very funny :)

There was also an inscription “Steep descent”, which made me very happy :)

We began to climb to the top. Higher and higher up the stone stairs, hoping to see something unusual. After enough for a long time(I didn’t carry a watch with me) we realized that this something was very high. On the way up this staircase we came across a lot of stones with hieroglyphs. But a little more time passed and the stones disappeared, leaving only one staircase up. But it is not in our principles to give up, and we, with Max in our arms, climb up.

Climbing to such a peak will make you feel better. I just don't have the strength to be angry. Although you certainly can’t tell from the photo :)

It was strong. It seems that there used to be a hermit’s home there, but apparently everything has changed :)

Nevertheless, the view from there was magnificent.

In general, we were in a state close to Nirvana. Apparently this was intended. We were completely wet, and the weather was sunny and very hot. But my physical beginning, unfortunately, prevailed over my spiritual one and we went down.
The return journey was quick.
To summarize, I cannot say how long the climb took, but I know for sure that our entire walk, through a generally small park, took 4 hours.

After that, we finally decided to go to Oceanarium. We were dissuaded, they said that the picture was depressing, the animals were poorly maintained, etc., etc., but we decided to please Max, since he was very tired of what was interesting to us.
And they didn’t regret it. I won’t say that the aquarium fully met my expectations (I at least expected to see fish there), but there we took two cool photos of Max with a turtle and a crocodile and watched a good show with sea lions. Max liked it.

Rest after a hard day...

Next there were many pools with different temperatures. All sources are natural. The fact is that Hainan Island is of volcanic origin; volcanic activity ceased 8 thousand years ago, but there are many hot springs scattered throughout the island, one of which is Nan Tian.
There is a cool pool with coconut milk (we tried in vain to smell the coconut, but couldn’t), with coffee beans, it smells like coffee - great.
Heaven on earth is here :)

The effect is the same as from a bath, only more powerful.
All the fatigue from climbing to the top disappeared as if by hand.
We took a 9 o'clock bus back to the hotel. The children's pool closed already at 8 o'clock and Max was very bored, so we decided to repeat the next day.
I forgot to mention a very unusual pool with fish. When you lie down in it, the fish begin to pleasantly bite the skin all over your body. At first it becomes unbearably ticklish, so everyone laughs very contagiously :)

We called it the pool of laughter. They say that this is very good for the skin, the fish remove dead scales and it rejuvenates :)

It's good that it's not piranhas :)

This story is one of a series of stories about our trip to Hainan Island in October 2006.

The fame of the temple is explained by the fact that, according to ancient Taoist beliefs, it is in these places that the Southern Dragon, one of the 4 lords of the world, lives. Thanks to this addition, the Dong Tian temple complex is popular not only with ordinary tourists, but also with followers of this religion who come here to worship this sacred creature. The guides know many other interesting legends and traditions associated with this place.

The importance of the temple for China is confirmed by the fact that in the early 90s of the last century, the Secretary General of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, Jiang Zemin, visited the Dong Tian Temple. This was the only landmark of Sanya that he paid attention to during his visit to the region. By the way, one of the picturesque stones in the park contains the inscription that Jiang Zemin left on it.

The beautiful Taoist temples of Dong Tian are perfectly integrated into the marvelous seascapes with stone hummocks. Next to them there is a forest with rich tropical vegetation, among which stands out a unique relict plant - the “dragon” palm (dracaena cambodiana), which has been growing in these places for 6,000 years and is a symbol of long-livers in China. An excursion to Dong Tian will appeal to all lovers of Chinese architecture and outdoor recreation.

How to get to Dong Tian in Hainan

Dong Tian is located 35 kilometers from the city of Sanya. You can get here by bus No. 25, by taxi or with a tour group.

If you have already been here, leave a review about Dong Tian!

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40 kilometers from the city of Sanya, on the other slope of the mountain, where the Nanshan temple complex is located, lies another beautiful park in Hainan - Dong Tian. Translated from Chinese, “Dong Tian” means “heavenly grottoes”; this term in Taoism refers to caves where immortal saints live.

The Dong Tien Taoist Center is one of the island's most visited attractions. Various festive and special events are often held here; cultural, political and public figures come here, as evidenced by photographs along the main entrance alley.

And we immediately encounter a warning sign.

Everywhere is very clean and beautiful. Grow grass :)

I would like to say one thing right away interesting place park - Archaeological Museum of Natural History. The extensive exhibition of the museum deserves close attention; it contains more than 2 thousand exhibits, among which are unique objects protected by UNESCO: fossil dinosaur eggs, the skeleton of a huge ichthyosaur, the first fossil flower, the skeleton of a Sanyang pterosaur, an ancient ebony tree.

The park is located on a mountain slope and a rocky seashore. Huge boulders and small stones add an indescribable charm to the beauty of the sea.

The elegant decorations of the park are stone sculptures: real and mythical animals, wise elders.

A forest spirit peeks out from a huge stump.

From the central square there is a wide staircase leading up to the sculptures of Buddhist monks. The staircase is framed by fragrant hibiscus bushes, in which exotic butterflies flutter from flower to flower. And flocks of snow-white doves live on the palm trees.

At the foot of the stairs is a family of turtles.

Some young ladies shared their hats with the turtles

Many stones are carved with hieroglyphs with wise sayings.

We make our way along a path surrounded by tall grass.

There are benches hidden in the mangrove thickets next to the path.

The path leads us to the beach.

And grottoes.

Essentially, a grotto is a small gap under a rock that you can slip through and come out on the other side of the rock.

Despite the narrowness of the space, incense is smoked inside the grotto. We climb out of the grotto along the ladder :)

Walking along the sea, we reach other grottoes

We find phrases carved on the rocks: small and large.

Some stones that resemble something or someone are overgrown with legends and traditions. For example, the Magic Peach stone. According to legend, the Empress of Heaven Wang Mu gave a magical peach to the Eight Immortals. But half of the peach was stolen and eaten by a magic cow, and the other half of the peach was left by the Immortals on the shore. And after thousands of years the peach turned to stone.

Or Jian Zhen's stone. According to legend, the monk Jian Zhen often bathed and basked in the sun here. Much time has passed since then, and a stone similar to the sunbathing Jian Zhen appeared here.

We go to the farthest point of the park along the picturesque rocks, along the seashore.

Bas-reliefs on the rocks depict sages and divine characters.

Stone carving "Lao Tzu looks at the sea". Lao Tzu, one of the greatest ancient Chinese philosophers, founder of the teachings of Taoism.

Southern God of Longevity.

Let's go back a little and go to the Dragon Temple. According to legend, it is here, in Dong Tian Park, that the giant Dragon of the Southern Sea lives.

By the way, here at the Dragon Temple I was able to observe and film the scene of a snake hunting a frog, but more on that in the following posts.

From the Dragon Temple, a path rises up the mountain, or rather a huge staircase, completely endless.

Along the way you come across hanging bridges and sayings immortalized on stone.

Climbing the stairs, we pass by gazebos.

A tree hugging a stone.

Quite unexpectedly, the trail leads us to the Immortal Turtle of the South Sea. Beautiful and unusual, made of copper, and weighing 1.5 tons, the Turtle is also a sacred symbol.

There are incense on the square in front of her, and red ribbons with wishes are tied nearby.

And the staircase leads us up and up, never ending. But everywhere there are carefully placed warning signs with wonderful Russian translations.

From the top there is a beautiful view of the sea.

To be honest, we didn’t get to the very top platform, it was already getting dark, and the park was going to close soon, so we went down.

We enjoy the empty paths of the park and the coolness of the evening.

Finally, a clickable panorama.

40 kilometers from the city of Sanya, on the other slope of the mountain, where the Nanshan temple complex is located, lies another beautiful park in Hainan - Dong Tian. Translated from Chinese, “Dong Tian” means “heavenly grottoes”; this term in Taoism refers to caves where immortal saints live.

The Dong Tien Taoist Center is one of the island's most visited attractions. Various festive and special events are often held here; cultural, political and public figures come here, as evidenced by photographs along the main entrance alley.

And we immediately encounter a warning sign.

Everywhere is very clean and beautiful. Grow grass :)

I would immediately like to say about one very interesting place in the park - the archaeological Museum of Natural History. The extensive exhibition of the museum deserves close attention; it contains more than 2 thousand exhibits, among which are unique objects protected by UNESCO: fossil dinosaur eggs, the skeleton of a huge ichthyosaur, the first fossil flower, the skeleton of a Sanyang pterosaur, an ancient ebony tree.

The park is located on a mountain slope and a rocky seashore. Huge boulders and small stones add an indescribable charm to the beauty of the sea.

The elegant decorations of the park are stone sculptures: real and mythical animals, wise elders.

A forest spirit peeks out from a huge stump.

From the central square there is a wide staircase leading up to the sculptures of Buddhist monks. The staircase is framed by fragrant hibiscus bushes, in which exotic butterflies flutter from flower to flower. And flocks of snow-white doves live on the palm trees.

At the foot of the stairs is a family of turtles.

Some young ladies shared their hats with the turtles

Many stones are carved with hieroglyphs with wise sayings.

We make our way along a path surrounded by tall grass.

There are benches hidden in the mangrove thickets next to the path.

The path leads us to the beach.

And grottoes.

Essentially, a grotto is a small gap under a rock that you can slip through and come out on the other side of the rock.

Despite the narrowness of the space, incense is smoked inside the grotto. We climb out of the grotto along the ladder :)

Walking along the sea, we reach other grottoes

We find phrases carved on the rocks: small and large.

Some stones that resemble something or someone are overgrown with legends and traditions. For example, the Magic Peach stone. According to legend, the Empress of Heaven Wang Mu gave a magical peach to the Eight Immortals. But half of the peach was stolen and eaten by a magic cow, and the other half of the peach was left by the Immortals on the shore. And after thousands of years the peach turned to stone.

Or Jian Zhen's stone. According to legend, the monk Jian Zhen often bathed and basked in the sun here. Much time has passed since then, and a stone similar to the sunbathing Jian Zhen appeared here.

We go to the farthest point of the park along the picturesque rocks, along the seashore.

Bas-reliefs on the rocks depict sages and divine characters.

Stone carving "Lao Tzu looks at the sea". Lao Tzu, one of the greatest ancient Chinese philosophers, founder of the teachings of Taoism.

Southern God of Longevity.

Let's go back a little and go to the Dragon Temple. According to legend, it is here, in Dong Tian Park, that the giant Dragon of the Southern Sea lives.

By the way, here at the Dragon Temple I was able to observe and film the scene of a snake hunting a frog, but more on that in the following posts.

From the Dragon Temple, a path rises up the mountain, or rather a huge staircase, completely endless.

Along the way you come across hanging bridges and sayings immortalized on stone.

Climbing the stairs, we pass by gazebos.

A tree hugging a stone.

Quite unexpectedly, the trail leads us to the Immortal Turtle of the South Sea. Beautiful and unusual, made of copper, and weighing 1.5 tons, the Turtle is also a sacred symbol.

There are incense on the square in front of her, and red ribbons with wishes are tied nearby.

And the staircase leads us up and up, never ending. But everywhere there are carefully placed warning signs with wonderful Russian translations.

From the top there is a beautiful view of the sea.

To be honest, we didn’t get to the very top platform, it was already getting dark, and the park was going to close soon, so we went down.

We enjoy the empty paths of the park and the coolness of the evening.

Finally, a clickable panorama.


When we talk or think about China, we usually think more about the huge, densely populated cities of the mainland of this country, numerous factories and inexpensive goods.

However resorts in China, at least most of them, very different from our ideas.

One of the most beautiful holiday destinations in China and perhaps in the world is tropical island of Hainan, which is also a province of the same name in the People's Republic of China.

It is worth noting that this island includes a group of small islets, including: Qizhou, Dazhoudao and Simaozhou.

The largest city on the island and also itscapital - Haikou. The name of the city translates as “Sea Gate” and it boasts a developed recreation and entertainment sector, as well as a large chain of hotels of various levels.

In just 20 years, this city has turned from an ugly duckling, an ordinary small provincial town, into a white swan - modern city with a population of over 1.5 million people.

Where is Hainan Island

This island is located in southern China. Its area is 33,920 sq. km, the length of the coastline is 1,500 km, and the population is 8.18 million inhabitants.

Since Hainan is located same latitude as Hawaii, it is also called "East Hawaii".

The name of the island can be translated into Russian as “an island south of the sea.” Hainan Island is surrounded by the waters of the South China Sea.

Dense forests, fruit mango, banana and pineapple plantations, plantations coffee and tea located under the slopes of mountains, as well as plantations coconuts are located in the central part of the island.

But the industrial zones are located in the northern part, in the same place as the capital.

This island has rich flora and fauna. Most of the endemic species of the island. Hainan is under the protection of UNESCO.

Anchar tree (Antiaris)

Anchar tree grows here, which contains milky sap. This juice is used as an antidote for snake bites.

The rare and rich nature of the island is preserved in special botanical gardens.

Hainan on the map

How to get to Hainan Island

Airports in Hainan

There are two major airports on the island: one is located in Haikou - and the other in Sanya - Sanya Phoenix Airport.

Haikou Meilan International Airport

Both airports host a total of 384 domestic flights and 21 international flights. Charter flights fly from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg several Russian airlines. In addition, there are charter flights to the island from several cities in Siberia and the Far East.

Most planes from Russia to Hainan Island arrive at the airport in the southern city of Sanya, which is the main tourist region here.


This is the most popular mode of transport by which tourists get to various places on the island. However, it is worth remembering that taxi drivers speak almost no English, which means you must know the exact name of the desired place or have a photo of this place or a business card with you.


The Sanya-Haikou High Speed ​​Train can be taken if you want to visit various attractions. It stops at many popular tourist spots.

Weather on Hainan Island

On Hainan Island the sun shines 300 days a year. The climate here is subequatorial. The average air temperature for the year is +24 C, and the water temperature is +26 C.

The island's climate makes it possible relax and swim all year round. However, the tourist season here is considered to be between November and May.

Between June and October the climate on the island is wetter and very hot., and the air temperature can reach +39 C. It also often rains during this period.

But such things do not scare many tourists. The point is that exactly between June and October prices for all services are lower than usual, and there are much fewer people on the beach.

Hainan. Temperature by month.

Hainan in September, October

It is very hot and humid here at this time. Divers should be aware that their equipment will not dry well.

Hainan in November, December, January, February

At this time, the rainy season ends, the heat and humidity subsides, and the temperature becomes more pleasant for relaxation. However, for evening walks it is still better to wear long sleeves.

Hainan in March, April, May

Perhaps the most suitable time for relaxation, since the temperature is the most comfortable, and in the mornings and evenings it is almost never cold.

Hainan in June, July, August

During this period it rains and there is intense heat. The highest temperatures are recorded in July.

Between May and November the threat of typhoons- no more than one per season.

Hainan. Water temperature.

All environmental standards are strictly observed on the island:

* Within a radius of 100 kilometers from Sanya - the southernmost city on the island - it is prohibited to build any industrial facilities.

* Any discharge into the sea is prohibited.

* All sewer systems are connected to centralized treatment facilities.

Sanya, Hainan, China (map)

Infrastructure in Hainan

International tourism in this region continues to develop, and along with it, infrastructure continues to develop rapidly.

Here you can find:

* A developed network of tourist routes that go both through the mountains and along the coast.

* Excellent highways.

* Health complexes with radon and mineral springs.

* Beautiful sandy beaches.

* Ethnographic villages belonging to the indigenous inhabitants of the island (the Li and Miao peoples).

* The island's capital, Haikou, has a very developed recreation and entertainment industry. Here you can find a large number of hotels of different levels.

In addition, the island is located close to Hong Kong and Macau. If we take everything together, both ecology and infrastructure, then we can understand how Hainan Island differs from other resorts located in Southeast Asia.

Economy of Hainan Island

There are plantations of tropical fruits such as mangoes, bananas and pineapples, as well as plantations of coffee, tea and coconuts.

Most industrial facilities is located in the northern part of the island, near Haikou.

In the area of ​​the city of Wenchang in the northeast of the island, a spaceport was built in 2014, bearing the name of the city - Wenchang. Not far from the cosmodrome, the authorities plan to create a theme park that will be dedicated to the PRC space program.

Visa to Hainan Island

Hainan Island is a special economic zone that promotes the development of inbound tourism. This means that the visa regime here is simplified, and tourists planning to visit Hainan can obtain a visa right at the airport, immediately upon arrival.

Also citizens Russian Federation Those who arrived in a group of more than 5 people and for a period not exceeding 15 days can take advantage of visa-free entry according to the group list.

A Brief History of Hainan Island

Ancient map of. Hainan

The island first became part of the centralized Chinese state during the Han Dynasty. But Chinese representation here was limited to a military camp, which was located in the northern part of the island.

The name of the island was given during the reign of the Mongolian Yuan dynasty. Between the 15th and 17th centuries, colonization of the island intensified. More and more people arrived from the continent, pushing the natives to the southern coast of Hainan.

Hainan again received the status of a separate administrative entity in 1906. Chinese politician and reformer Deng Xiaoping (1904 - 1997) was able to create the largest free economic zone in China in this region.

Holidays on Hainan Island

Beaches of Hainan Island (photo)

Most of the famous beach resorts can be found in the southern part of the island. Here are the bays of Yalongwan, Dadonghai, Sanya and Haitang Bay.

Every year, thanks to the fine clean sand, clear warm sea, developed infrastructure and clean air, this place attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists.

Sea. Hainan.

In addition to the famous large beaches, there are also small beach towns, as well as wild beaches.

It is worth noting that all beaches on the island are municipal, and they are equippedeverything you need, including sunbeds with umbrellas and showers.

All the beaches of the island are sandy and gently sloping. The cleanest water is considered to be the water in Yalong Bay. The sea here is calm, but the water is cooler compared to other beaches on the island. The largest diving centers in Hainan are located in this place.

The most popular hotels are located in Dadonghai and Yalunwan. But each place has its pros and cons.

Bays of Hainan Island

The city of Sanya has two of the most popular bays on the island - Dadonghai and Yalong Bay.

Each bay has its own distinctive aspects. Some parts are freer, others are more touristy.

Dadonghai Bay

The beaches in Dadonghai City are often crowded. Locals usually relax here. In addition, you may not have enough umbrellas and sunbeds. As a rule, the Chinese vacationing here are more love to sit on the beach.

Most Chinese try to vacation further from the coast, where the cost of vacation is lower.

Yalong Bay

If you decide to relax in Yalongwan, then peace is guaranteed for you here. But if you want to have an active holiday, attend parties, for example, you will have to go to Sanya, which is 30 km away.

Bonus: Sanyawan Bay

This place is located near Sanya airport. The infrastructure here is not yet highly developed, but the pace of its development is very high. At this stage, the disadvantage of this resort area is that the beaches of Sanyavan Bay are located across the road.

Although the water here is not very clear compared to the waters at Yalunwan, the impressive surrounding landscapes still add a positive touch.


Be careful with water sports in Hainan. Activities such as parasailing, scuba diving and boating have not yet been given much attention by the government, and local staff do not provide lessons. In addition, some equipment may be very old.

Hainan Island Hotels

Most of the hotels on the island are located in tropical forest areas. Here you can not only relax comfortably and breathe fresh air, but also feel like a part of nature and see all its richness.

If you are a lover of ecotourism, you can choose medium or small hotels.

If you prefer comfort, then you will find 4- and 5-star hotels belonging to well-known brands: Mariott, Hilton, Holiday Inn and others.

On the first lines you can find both simple and luxury hotels - the choice is quite large.

Shopping center in Hainan (Haitang Bay Duty-free Shopping Center)

This International Duty Free Shopping Center opened relatively recently in Haitang Bay.

It is the largest duty-free shopping center in the world, covering an area of ​​72,000 square meters. m.

The most famous brands of clothing, cosmetics, shoes and accessories are represented here, including: Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Prada and Giorgio Armani.

In addition to shops, this shopping center also has many entertainment venues, restaurants and even a hotel.

You can get here from Sanya or Haikou in the following ways:

1. Every half hour (09-30 - 20-00) there are shuttle buses from Dadonghai, Yalongwani, and Wuzhizhou Island.

2. Shuttle bus No. 34 runs every 8-12 minutes (09.00-21.00 towards shopping center and 10.00-22.00 from the store to the city).

3. You can take a taxi from Sanya.

4. By car.

Excursions on Hainan Island

On the island huge amount attractions, but it’s still worth starting with one of the most striking.

Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park

This tropical forest park is located in Yalong Bay in Sanya. The park was built in accordance with all construction rules in environmentally friendly areas, and fully meets international eco-tourism standards. All the flora and fauna of these places were completely preserved here.

The total area of ​​the tropical park is 1,506 hectares and it is divided into several zones, each of which corresponds to a specific theme.

On the top of the mountain located in the park, an amazing mountain forest resort, which includes 142 villas and several rooms created in a tropical style.

Each room has its own name of a bird's nest. There is a nest of an eagle, a magpie, a peacock and others.

Guests can use an audio guide, and it is better to get around by shuttle bus.

What you can find in the park:

Valley of Orchids - you will see a lot rare flowers, and along the way you will meet antelopes, peacocks and parrots. The valley also has a "Snake House" where you can watch a snake show. Having climbed to the observation deck, you can go down on a long cable car.

Dragon Bridge or Lover's Bridge - the length of this suspension bridge is 168 meters, and it connects the two banks of the park. The bridge can sway a lot, so you need to hold on to the handrails tightly. The bridge offers amazing views of the sea and mountains.

Dragon World Theme Park - to get to it, you need to conquer the mountain (450 m), on the top of which there is a park, or just take a bus.

The main attraction of the park is the bronze dragon statue, and it also offers beautiful views of Yalong Bay. Other attractions include the Hainan Island Photography Museum, the Buddha Stone hanging over a cliff, and the Phoenix Gate.

Sanya Aquarium (Sanya Tropical Marine World)

This is one of the most popular holiday destinations on the island. It is only 25 km away from the city of Sanya.

In this aquarium you can see more than 200 representatives of the animal and marine world, including turtles, crocodiles, dolphins, unusual tropical fish, parrots and birds.

The oldest representative of the aquarium is turtle that is over 600 years old. She is kept in a special nursery for sea turtles.

Also at the aquarium organize various show programs, whose main characters are parrots, dolphins and crocodiles. By the way, specialists perform various deadly tricks with crocodiles.

The workers will let you (for an additional fee) feed the crocodiles live chicken and take a photo with one of them hugging.

If you really want, you can ride an ostrich.

There are several restaurants on the territory of the aquarium that offer seafood.

World's End Park (Tianya Haijiao)

This park is located 25 km from Sanya city at the foot of Malingshan Mountain. Despite the fact that this place is officially called a park, it is difficult to call it such, since here is the seashore, “strewn” with large smooth boulders scattered across the sand and partially submerged in the sea.

Most often, this park is visited by lovers who come to watch the sunset and confess their love to each other.

Between the boulders you can ride a camel or take a photo with an ostrich. You can come here on your own or with a guide, and you can get there in several ways:

* By buses 2 and 4 (fare 1 yuan) - get to the final stop and change to a tourist bus (fare 5 yuan).

* By tourist bus that goes to World's End Park and Nanshan (fare 5 yuan).

* By taxi (fare 30-35 yuan).

Monkey Island

This place is located 80 km from Sanya city. You can only get here by air, or more specifically by cable car, which connects Monkey Island and the big island.

The cable car adventure itself can be regarded as a separate attraction. While in the cabin, you will have beautiful views of groves with rare plants, and you will also see coastal town and fishermen's bay, dotted with many old boats, old houses and wooden walkways from above.

Monkey Island is a large park that is home to about 2,000 monkeys. They are everywhere - you can see them in the trees, walking on the ground, sometimes they even approach people to ask for sweets or take away shiny jewelry.

The park also houses a circus where monkeys show their acrobatic abilities. In addition to monkeys, other animals perform in the circus, such as goats, which can walk on a tightrope while carrying a macaque on their head. For the performance you pay a parrot, who happily collects money from guests.

Butterfly Museum

This museum-reserve is located 30 kilometers from the center of Sanya. It is divided into two parts. In one you will find a large collection of butterflies and other insects living in China, other Asian countries, as well as America and Africa.

In another part of the museum is the Butterfly Garden, a small gorge located in the middle of the rainforest.

You can see all the beauty of the museum by walking along the winding paths that will take you through many tropical plants.

The museum territory is considered a protected area, so catching insects is prohibited, but guests are allowed to photograph them.

Near the exit you can find a small shop selling various souvenirs.

Pearl Museum (Hainan Jingrun Pearl Museum)

China's largest pearl mining and processing company has decided to open a pearl museum on Hainan Island. Guests have the opportunity to visit a real pearl plantation and visit the pearl museum, where you can learn more about how pearls are grown and mined.

It is worth noting that pearls are a symbol of Hainan Island. Today, Hainan is China's leader in producing and exporting the highest quality pearls. The South China Sea has all the necessary conditions for harvesting the best pearls on Earth.

Of course, in such a place, guests can purchase products made from pearls, as well as from precious and semi-precious stones and many different cosmetics.

Crystal Museum

In this museum you can see a huge collection of crystal, as well as many semi-precious stones.

Here guests can also receive interesting information about crystal and its varieties, how crystal was mined in the past, and what modern technologies are used today for crystal processing.

In addition, visitors are offered to purchase a huge amount of jewelry and souvenirs made from different types crystal, including white crystal, yellow and green.

Pirate Island

This small island has an area of ​​only 1.5 square meters. km and is located 20 minutes from the pier of Hainan Island.

He stands out pure white sand, transparent sea ​​water, untouched nature, an incredibly diverse underwater world of coral reefs, as well as a large number of beach activities, including: a trip on a glass-bottom boat, scooter rental, sea fishing, boat and motorbike rental.

Walking along the shore, you can spot peacocks, and large tropical turtles rest in a specially created pool.

In addition, the island has hotels with their own beaches and sun loungers, as well as a diving center. And the bungalows in which you can relax are equipped like 4 and 5 star hotels.

You can get here by buses 23 and 28, and by taxi (from Yalong Bay). It costs about 50 yuan to get to Wuzhizhou port, and about 200 yuan from Sanya to the port. Ask the taxi driver to turn on the meter, and also try to check that the amount starts at 8 yuan.

You can also get to Wuzhizhou on China's largest hovercraft (from 8:30 to 16:00). The cost of a round-trip ticket is about 130 yuan.

If you like such places, then you can also visit the West Island, which is also famous for its clean water, beautiful sandy beach and water activities.

Animal World in Sanya (Thai Park)

This zoo was built in 2005, and today it is home to more than 20,000 crocodiles and more 200 tigers. The animals were brought from Thailand.

This park offers guests the opportunity to take photos with a small tiger cub and/or crocodile. In addition, on the territory of the Animal World there is a tiger circus.

It is worth noting that crocodiles here live in spacious enclosures equipped with swimming pools. You can view them while walking along the safe concrete bridges that were built over the enclosure.

But you can see tigers and lions using special vehicles. The animals move freely throughout the park, and you can see them from the transparent car windows.

Perhaps the most interesting animal in this park is tiger lion, which is a being that combines the appearance of a tiger and a lion. Similar hybrids have been bred in China since 2001.

DongshanHu Zoo, Sanya Nanshan Dongtian Park

This is one of the most popular places on Hainan Island. Dongshanhu Nature Reserve rich in tropical flora and in size it is largest natural park in Asia.

The total area of ​​the reserve is 130 hectares. It is also home to about 1,000 exotic animals, which were brought from all over Asia. Guests will be able to see here: bears, sika deer, tigers, leopards, flexible gibbons and many other animals and birds.

Perhaps the most interesting thing in this park is that the animals are not kept in cages - they simply live their usual lives, a natural habitat has been created for them. Only small enclosures separate some animals from others.

Animals that are peaceful to humans, such as giraffes, elephants or ostriches, are allowed to pet and feed.

A tour of the park takes place in the form of a jeep safari. Guests board special SUVs or buses with a guide.

Nanshan Buddhism Center

Asia's Largest Buddhism Center located near Mount Nanshan (South Mountain). Its total area is 50 sq. m. km, and it was opened in 1997. In this center, an ancient Buddhist temple was reconstructed, and a large landscape park was built.

It is worth noting that on a small island in the sea there rises bronze statue of the goddess of mercy Guanyin- its height is 108 meters.

In addition, the park has a pavilion that stores giant golden statue of goddess Guanyin, whose weight is 140 kg. The statue of the goddess is decorated with precious stones. The statue stands on a pedestal, the shape of which follows the shape of a lotus flower, and the pedestal itself is made of white jade.

This statue was included in the Guinness Book of Records as largest golden statue in the world- it took 100 kg gold. The statue also contains particles of Buddha's ashes.

Taoist temple complex Dong Tian

This complex of temples is considered one of the most ancient (more than 800 years) surviving complexes in China.

Dong Tian is a sacred place for all adherents of Taoism. The temple became famous due to ancient Taoist beliefs, according to which the Southern Dragon lives in these places. This creature is one of the 4 rulers of the world. Here you can hear from tour guides and others interesting legends that are associated with this complex.

The temples of the complex look especially beautiful among the amazing seascapes of the island. Nearby you can see a forest “decorated” with amazing tropical plants.

One of the most interesting plants - "dragon" palm(dracaena cambodiana), which is already more than 6,000 years grows in these places and is therefore a Chinese symbol of longevity.

This garden is located near thermal radon springs. It is considered one of the largest tropical botanical gardens in the country. Its total area is 32 hectares, and the garden is decorated with more than 1,000 species of different plants.

In addition, in the botanical garden, scientists are working on studying some species. Here you can also get acquainted with the culture, traditions and even cuisine of various countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and India.

Taking a tour to this garden, you can visit the Xing Long Garden of Asian Traditions, where everything around is stylized in Asian style.

Hike to the crater of Ma An volcano

This volcano is located 27 km from the capital of the island, Haikou. The extinct Ma An volcano last erupted about 50,000 years ago, and today it is one of the few extinct volcanoes that are well preserved.

To reach the crater, you need to climb steps created from volcanic magma. To make travel more comfortable, railings were installed along the diameter of the crater and everything was arranged so that this place looked more like an observation deck. From here you can safely look straight into the depths of the volcano itself.

The crater area was developed as a park. In its lower part, right in the palm grove, an open-air restaurant was built. In the evenings, folklore performances of the local Li and Miao peoples are held here at a special area in front of the restaurant.

Treatment in Hainan

If you decide to relax on this island, then you will definitely be advised to use traditional Chinese medicine.

It is worth noting that in the city of Sanya you can find more than a dozen branches of famous medical centers Beijing and Dalian. These centers offer a variety of traditional Chinese ways rejuvenation and healing.

In addition, on the island you can try to treat yourself with radon and potassium-sodium thermal waters in the popular springs of Hainan Island. Since the sources contain a large amount of fluorine, silicic acid and radon, they have a beneficial effect on the skin and joints.

It is believed that these procedures can help those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, nervous system(insomnia, migraine, neuralgia), skin and respiratory organs.

The following procedures are also offered here:

Treatments on the island can help with:

  • problems with the spine (arthritis, rheumatism, radiculitis)
  • problems with prostatitis
  • gynecological problems
  • problems with alcohol, tobacco and/or drug addiction
  • problems with diabetes mellitus
  • problems with gastritis
  • problems with excess weight.

With all of the above, it is worth remembering that with some ailments it is better to consult a doctor. Before leaving, do not forget to take out medical insurance. According to Rostourism, the first place in the list of insured events is colds and infectious diseases, followed by digestive problems and in third place are injuries and bruises of various types.
