What body type is ideal? The most ideal female figure. Ideal parameters of a female figure. Photo

This video from BuzzFeed Video looks at how the idea of ​​the ideal female figure has changed over 3,000 years. Interesting, see for yourself! In just three minutes you will see how the ideal female figure has changed over 3 millennia, from thin to curvy.

So what was the standard? female figure over the centuries?

Art of this era Ancient Egypt depicts slender women, with high waists and broad shoulders. Apparently, in those days this was the ideal female figure. You can add long black hair and thick dark makeup around the eyes to this look.

Ancient Greece (from 500 - 300 BC)

The ancient Greeks were much more willing to portray men than women. Moreover, they depicted men naked, and women were always covered with something. It is believed that the first female nude sculpture was of Aphrodite of Cnidus. And it is precisely by this sculpture that historians judge the figure of a woman of that time. That is, plump and plump.

Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD)

During the Han Dynasty period of Chinese history, female beauty- these are thin, slender bodies. They were believed to emit an internal glow.

The ideal woman should have pale skin, long black hair, red lips, white teeth.

She should have small feet and a smooth gait. Small legs have been almost the main aspect of Chinese beauty for hundreds of years.

The ideal female figure of the Italian Renaissance (from 1400 - 1700)

Beauty in Renaissance Italy meant a rounded body, full and large. Pale skin, blond hair, and high foreheads were considered the standard of physical beauty for a woman.

Victorian England (from 1837–1901)

Women wore corsets that pulled them in as tightly as possible, creating an hourglass figure. You can add more to the perfect image long hair as a symbol of femininity.

Roaring Twenties (c. 1920s)

Apparently, at this time the era of women's emancipation began, when the efforts of women to become on the same level as men turned female body with a boyish figure and small flattened chest.

Golden Age of Hollywood (1930s - 1950)

The Golden Age of Hollywood lasted from the 1930s to 1950, creating an idealized version of women that quickly spread throughout the world. The standard of the female figure was Marilyn Monroe with a beautiful curved body line with a thin waist.

Swinging Sixties (c. 1960s)

The first wave of minimalism, the new aesthetics of femininity, the new canons of beauty - the “swinging 60s” became the starting point for many trends that are still relevant today.

Era of Supermodels (c. 1980s)

Jane Fonda made aerobics a hobby for women who want to get fit. Supermodels like Cindy Crawford symbolized the ideal body of the era: tall, slender, athletic, but still full-breasted. This era of supermodels linked the ideal female figure with physical ones.

Heroin chic (c. 1990s)

After the materialism and overexertion of the 1980s, fashion swung in the other direction. Thin, reserved and pale, British supermodel and actress Kate Moss symbolized the “heroin chic” trend, associated with emaciated and haggard pale young people who were addicted to drugs.

Parameters, proportions of the most ideal female figure. Kelly Brook.

ABOUT very few women nature gave a beautiful figure, which does not need correction. There are only one percent of such female representatives on earth. We agreed that this is very little. Many of them dream of losing weight so that the excess weight never returns, since it is not so easy to fight it. But the weight always returns to those who have a predisposition to " turning into a chubby" By the way, the return of excess weight is one of the reasons that discourages the desire to maintain a figure. Judge for yourself: you try, you spend time and energy on training, and then you decide to treat yourself to something tasty once or twice, and the kilograms are right there. Isn't it a shame?

It's a shame, but being offended is completely useless: feeling offended will not improve the situation. Yes, women sometimes dream of the incredible: to eat whatever their heart desires and not gain a single gram. It is impossible to deceive the body with a dream. I would like to. At such moments you begin to think: are there such women whose figure is like a fairy tale and a dream? Eat. There is also a known lady whose body proportions are absolutely ideal. No matter how implausible it may sound, however, it is true.

The most ideal female figure.

Possessor the most beautiful and ideal figure - Kelly Brook. This woman is a famous actress, TV star and model - (photo). Her role in the following films brought her fame:
  1. "The Ripper - Letters from Hell."
  2. "The Italian Job"
  3. "In the mud."

Ideal parameters of a female figure - Kelly Brook. Even scientists from the University of Texas became interested in this woman. They examined it (of course - remotely, without contact). This beauty broke many men's hearts. Almost every man could not resist the appearance and parameters of such a beauty.

D Even at a time when this celebrity did not have ideal body parameters, she was considered the sexiest and most attractive woman. What influenced her so much? Why did she decide to change her body parameters? She met the man of her dreams - a twenty-one-year-old athlete Denny Cipriani. She was so amazed by the structure of this man’s body that she also wanted to achieve perfection in the field of body and figure.

Marvelous, but she even asked Denny to come up with and create a diet for her. What love does to people... Well, naturally, the athlete helped his chosen one. He drew up a weight loss plan in such a way that it included both nutrition and sports elements. Kelly Brook's diet was simple: for breakfast we had to eat skinless chicken and an omelet. But the elements of sports that he considered necessary to combine with dietary nutrition: abdominal exercises, running “sprint – sprint – sprint”, various exercises with a bench. At first, of course, it was difficult for the “star” to withstand such a load. But she soon got used to it and is now even happy that such changes “burst” into her life.

She broke up with her athlete boyfriend a long time ago, but she never stops watching her figure and body. Maintaining such an achievement is easier than achieving it.

The actress admits that helps her maintain her figure in perfect condition having sex. Well, what is intimate life? protects“from extra calories, everyone knows, it’s just that no one thinks seriously about it.

Do you think Kelly limits herself to various goodies? Yes, but not really. She said in an interview that, from time to time, she treats herself to several servings of ice cream and a couple of glasses of wine. Kelly Brook is not into smoking and does not accept cigarettes at all. And she just loves pizza. And, as you know, it contains a lot of calories. Foods that are high in calories aren't scary at all famous people. They know that even after gaining weight, they will not cease to “shine” with fame. On the contrary, new shocking sensations will appear in the newspapers.

A The actress complained that her breasts did not meet the ideal parameters. However, as it turned out, she exaggerated, since everything was fine with her breasts. And in general, her figure was recognized as the most ideal back in two thousand and five.

D She was never into dieting, she was lucky. Her parameters of the most ideal female figure, “breathing” the ideal, were equated to the number 0. 70588253 (0. 7). This number “drives” every man crazy. This number fully corresponds to the hourglass figure type. Here are the characteristics of this type of female figure:

  1. Horizontal waist line.
  2. Shoulders and hips are identical in width.
  3. The buttocks and breasts protrude evenly (relative to the axial profile line).
  4. Twenty-five centimeters is the difference in the volume of the hips and the volume of the waist.

WITH how many such figures look at us from magazine covers and TV screens. Brooke isn't the only lucky one. There are also a great many magazines and programs that feature such beauties. Some people can only admire such “charms”. Some simply dream of being, at least for a moment, in the image of such a figure. It's a pity that such miracles don't happen. It’s a pity that this is subject only to imagination, sins, dreams and fantasies.

Let you will never be Kelly Brook(perhaps you will be similar to her, but only in appearance), let nature not endow you with an “ideal” body, but remember: You can always get closer to the ideal if you only put maximum effort into it. Maximum does not mean to the point of exhaustion.

Overweight- not a sentence. You can get rid of it, you can correct it and even adjust it to your individual preferences. You know that you can remove, separately, fat from the buttocks, fat from the hips, and fat from the waist? The main thing is to know how to do it correctly. But knowledge is not enough. They must be supported by actions.

The fact that you are not “” is not your fault. You can make a “doll” from any type of figure. Yes, you will be more than one hundred percent satisfied with yourself, but you need to love yourself now. Always! You will “scare off” the future result with your complexes and dislike for yourself. Love yourself and others will love you. You will fall in love with nature and the world that is around you. Even your own reflection in the mirror “declares your love” to you! But you need to be able to love yourself.

The 90x60x90 parameters are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Proportional, not very thin girls are in fashion now.

The ideal figure of a woman is calculated primarily by weight. Ideal weight is calculated in relation to height, using the Paul Broca method. Brock calculated that to calculate weight, you need to measure height (in centimeters) and subtract from it 100 cm (for height up to 165 cm), 105 cm (for height 165-175 cm), 110 (for height above 175 cm). Of course, these results are just an average.

When calculating the ideal weight of each individual, physique should be taken into account. There are several types:

  • thin-boned (asthenic);
  • normosthenic;
  • broad-boned (hypersthenic).

Body type is usually calculated according to the circumference of the wrist (right for right-handers, left for left-handers). For women, the indicators should be as follows:

  1. thin-boned body type has a wrist girth of less than 15 cm;
  2. normosthenic – from 16 to 18 cm;
  3. broad-boned – more than 18 cm.

If you have a normosthenic physique, you should use the exact data from Broca’s table; if you have an asthenic physique, 10% should be subtracted from the result; if you have a hypersthenic physique, add 10%.

The ideal parameters of a female figure are calculated not so much by centimeters, but by ratio. The waist-to-hip ratio should be 0.7. This is not only visually beautiful, but also gives men information on a subconscious level that such a woman can easily bear healthy offspring. As a result, she becomes sexually attractive and desirable.

Classical proportions were also calculated by the genius Leonardo da Vinci. He defined the impeccably correct female form as a form of equality of chest and hips, with a noticeably narrowed waist. That is, the shape of an hourglass or a modern acoustic guitar. The ideal figure has parameters that can be calculated in other ways.

The proportionality of the figure is calculated using the formula: hip circumference divided by the sum of the shin circumference, shoulder circumference and neck circumference. The ideal indicator is 0.55 – 0.63. The harmony of the figure can be calculated if the length of the legs is divided by the length of the body and multiplied by 100%. Elegance is calculated using the "slimness" equation: chest circumference subtract waist circumference and divide by the result of subtracting hip circumference from two shin circumferences. The result should be between one and four.

Scientists have also calculated that a thin waist contributes to a long life. The standard is a ratio of 0.66 (waist to chest circumference).
A harmonious, symmetrical body is an indicator of beauty and attractiveness. But that's not all that can make a woman beautiful. Men also pay a lot of attention to other aspects - a pretty face, sexy breasts, well-groomed hair and beautiful teeth.

Information on how to make breasts beautiful without plastic surgery can be found in almost any women's magazine or on the Internet. First of all, you need to consider that diets and food restrictions contribute to breast reduction. It can be increased through special complexes physical exercise. Elasticity and firmness can be restored to the skin by massage procedures and specialized cosmetics.

Everyone knows how to keep teeth healthy. It is enough to use a quality toothbrush that is not too hard toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss. Regular visits to the dentist are also recommended, at least for preventive purposes. The strength and health of teeth is promoted by the use of fortified complexes and calcium.

Beautiful hair can be achieved after several procedures. Keratin hair care has become the most popular nowadays. This type of procedure means applying a specialized vitamin mixture not only to the roots, but also to the very structure of each individual hair.

Many people are probably wondering what ideal parameters female figure. After all, all ladies have their own characteristics in physique and posture. Moreover, every woman is beautiful in her own way. But there are still approximate parameters that everyone should focus on. For some time it was believed that the owner of the perfect figure was actress Kelly Brook. Her sizes are perfect.

There is still a lot of debate about what the ideal parameters of a female figure are. Some believe that these figures are 90-60-90. Others believe that natural women are beautiful. This question is difficult to answer definitively because there are many types of female figures. Each of them has its own parameters.

Common parameters

Based on research from the University of Texas, a perfect figure has been identified that many people like:
  • Women's legs should have “4 windows” - at the toes and ankle, at the calf muscle, at the lower part of the thigh, and at the top of the thigh. The legs should be 10-20 cm larger than half the height. Thin legs are not considered perfect: with a height of 174 cm, the circumference of one thigh should be 58 cm, and the circumference of the lower leg should be 36 cm;
  • The chest should be size B and above, and this is regardless of height;
  • There should be a difference in volume of at least 25 cm between the waist and hips, and 20 cm between the waist and chest;
  • The buttocks should be convex by 25-30 cm. A slight arch in the back is attractive;
  • Muscles can be only slightly pronounced, adipose tissue should be 20-22%;
  • The best posture is considered to be upright.

Men's opinion

Each person has his own reasoning on this issue. Men expect ladies to be feminine. They should not have:

  • A trained figure, pronounced biceps. Professional athletes usually have this;
  • Short hair, bohemian hairstyles, piercings, tattoos. These ladies look unnatural;
  • Increased breast size. It doesn't look very attractive. Naturalness is important, and therefore one should be content with what is;
  • Women's body measurements must correspond to generally accepted parameters.
It turns out that women should have long curls and a slender figure. But you don't need intense training to achieve extreme leanness.

How to make your body perfect?

To get a perfect physique, you will need to perform 5 effective exercises with a body bar:
  • Squats are required while holding the bodybar above you. You should tighten your abs; you will need a bar with a wide grip, which is brought back above you. You will need to perform 20 squats;
  • Push-ups are useful. You need to get on your knees and hands. Your arms should be bent. You will need to perform 12 exercises;
  • You have to bend over and grab the bar. At this time, tension occurs in the abs and back. The bar should be brought to the crown area. Then you need to return to the starting position. Exercises are performed 8 times;
  • The knees are pulled towards the chest in a lying position. It is useful to perform exercises 20 times;
  • You need to sit on your tiptoes and place your hands on the floor. The right knee should be pulled towards the left shoulder about 30 times. Then you need to change legs.
You should not do bending exercises with dumbbells, as this will make your waist larger. Before you get the perfect parameters, you need to take into account that the woman must be confident in herself, and then everything will definitely work out.

Standard 90-60-90

How did the information come about that the perfect figure of a woman should have dimensions of 90-60-90? There are many arguments about this. It is believed that Marilyn Monroe had these dimensions. But her height was short, which did not make her very slim. There is a version that the sizes were chosen by fashion designers for the convenience of making patterns when creating clothes. All this happened in the last century, when fashion houses opened, and slender girls began to dismantle outfits. Thinness has become more popular.

Psychologists also have explanations for this phenomenon. Fashion is always interconnected with people's mood. During the Renaissance, curvaceous forms were popular, indicating the enjoyment of food. Now thinness indicates youth. But still there is no single standard. Nutritionists have their own formula by which a normal figure is calculated.

The waist should measure 2/3 of the hips and chest. There are also individual characteristics: structure, body type, genetics. Women of different nationalities may have their own. Naturalness is gradually becoming fashionable, which is why it is not particularly important what kind of physique.

Body types

  • Pear. This figure has wide hips, narrow shoulders, and the top is longer than the bottom. The waist of such women is narrow. Excess weight usually accumulates on the hips, buttocks, and abdomen. If you use effective weight loss methods, your figure will transform. For such a woman, posture is important, otherwise even some flaws will be very noticeable;
  • . This body type is considered classic. The hips are almost equal to the shoulders. The body looks proportional. Excess weight can accumulate on the hips and around the chest. To maintain a slim figure, a balanced diet is important. There are special exercises for losing excess weight;
  • . Women of this type tend to be overweight. Their waist and chest are approximately the same. The middle of the body is usually round. In this case, it is important to focus on the legs and highlight the face;
  • . In this figure, the shoulders and hips are almost the same, and the waist is not clearly defined. Such women tend to be overweight. Excess weight can hide muscle definition. Sports will help you lose weight;
  • Triangle. This type refers to athletic women. They have broad shoulders and narrow hips. Excess weight accumulates in the chest, arms, and back. To lose weight, it is better to use an integrated approach.
To ensure a harmonious look, it is important to choose the right clothes based on your body type. It will highlight the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages.

Therefore, there are no clear criteria for female figures. There are only approximate guidelines. This applies to the parameters of the hips, waist, and chest. Can be used in any form effective methods losing weight. If you use them regularly, you can achieve a slimmer body. For each figure there are rules for choosing clothes. Of course, moderate slimness is important. The main thing in women is naturalness, and then she will be confident.
