Temperature 33 8 in an adult what to do. Low body temperature, causes and treatment methods

A person’s temperature indicators change under the influence of various facts; their deviation from the norm is not always a pathology. If there is a low body temperature, the reasons may be associated with certain diseases, overwork, or hypothermia.

Diseases that cause hypothermia

The ideal temperature for a person is 36.6 degrees, but they can change even in healthy people throughout the day. In the morning the values ​​are always slightly lower; in the evening they can rise. Therefore, the range of 35.8–37.0 degrees is considered normal. Hypothermia means a prolonged decrease in temperature to 35.0 degrees or below. Pathology occurs when various diseases, accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.

What diseases are accompanied by hypothermia:

  • hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus;
  • AIDS;
  • are present in the body malignant tumors, radiation sickness;
  • anemia, low hemoglobin, severe blood loss, sepsis;
  • depressive states;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • disorders of brain function, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • acute disorder cerebral circulation, myocardial infarction;
  • severe poisoning.

The reason for a sharp drop in temperature values ​​to 35.2–35.5 degrees may be a loading dose of antipyretic drugs for colds, flu, or uncontrolled use sedatives, barbiturates, antidepressants, poisoning with poisonous and toxic substances. Hypothermia is often diagnosed after surgical interventions, for severe burns. In women, the indicators are affected by the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Important! A decrease in body temperature often occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin C - this substance is not synthesized in the body, so it is necessary to regularly replenish its reserves.

Other causes of low temperature

All people are different, so a long-term decrease in temperature below 35.8 degrees is not always a pathology.

Why does the temperature drop:

  • old age - in older people the temperature is often lower than normal, which is associated with certain processes in the body;
  • physiological characteristics - a temperature of 35.6–35.8 degrees occurs in people with chronically low blood pressure, while no particular deterioration in well-being is observed;
  • asthenic physique - in such people metabolic processes proceed slowly, so the temperature may be below 36 degrees;
  • pregnancy, menopause - if a woman feels normal, medical intervention is not required.

A temporary decrease in temperature values ​​occurs during hypothermia, prolonged stress, overwork, chronic lack of sleep, shock, after fasting or extreme diets, against the background alcohol intoxication. The causes of hypothermia in young children and adults are identical. After 10 years of age, a child often develops a low temperature, which is associated with the onset of puberty and significant changes in the body.

Important! Hypothermia is a normal condition for a premature baby. In children in the first days of life, reduced levels do not pose a threat to health, but require monitoring due to imperfect thermoregulation.


If hypothermia develops suddenly, characteristic features that are difficult to ignore. Most often they are a consequence of the underlying disease, pathological condition.

How does hypothermia manifest?

  • frequent and prolonged attacks of dizziness, fainting;
  • the person is very cold, there is a chill;
  • the skin becomes pale, sweating increases, and the sweat is cold;
  • certain parts of the body become numb, tremble, and there is a sensation of crawling goosebumps;
  • nausea.

At low temperatures, a person constantly feels weak, tired, drowsy, speech slows down, the patient becomes inhibited, and sometimes anxiety and unreasonable fear appear. In children, when the readings drop below 35.8 degrees, lethargy, moodiness, tearfulness are observed, appetite worsens, and the child does not want to participate in active games.

Important! Hypothermia is a consequence of prolonged dehydration. Sometimes it is enough to start drinking at least 2 liters of clean water a day to normalize your levels.

What to do at home

Almost everything medicines to increase the temperature they are used only in a hospital setting, since they have many contraindications. If the dosage is not followed, serious complications may occur.

What you can do at home:

  • drink a decoction or tincture of ginseng, echinacea, St. John's wort;
  • Strong black, sweet tea with cinnamon helps a lot;
  • tea with ginger has a warming effect;
  • in case of hypothermia, you need to quickly change into warm clothes made of natural fabrics, put a hot heating pad on your feet, wrap yourself well, drink something hot, you can’t warm yourself with alcoholic drinks;
  • contrast shower quickly improves the condition - the method is not suitable for people with high blood pressure;
  • get some sleep;
  • make a warm foot bath with mustard powder;
  • if the reason for the decrease in temperature is stress, you can drink tea with mint, lemon balm, or take tincture of hawthorn, motherwort, and valerian.

In case of hypothermia, rubbing with alcohol or vinegar should not be used, especially for children.

If the temperature is constantly below 35.8 degrees, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a doctor. The list of necessary examinations includes general, biochemical analysis blood, HIV test, ECG, ultrasound, CT scan of the brain, assessment of thyroid function, chest x-ray.

Important! Tea with raspberries and honey is not suitable for raising the temperature - such drinks only temporarily increase the values, but due to the strong diaphoretic and diuretic effect, the values ​​rapidly decrease after a short time.

When to call an ambulance

The lowest temperature you can try to raise yourself at home is 34.5–35 degrees. If the condition does not improve within an hour, there is confusion, loss of consciousness, it is necessary to call ambulance. With a further decrease in indicators, coma may occur and death is possible.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • a sharp and significant decrease in blood pressure;
  • impairment of vision, hearing;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting;
  • abdominal pain, tarry stool.

Important! Depressed breathing, disruption of the functioning of all internal systems and organs, slowdown of the main processes that occur in the body, fainting - all this is a consequence of a prolonged decrease in temperature below 35 degrees.

Body temperature is a variable indicator. Many people live with low levels throughout their lives without experiencing much discomfort. But if hypothermia is accompanied by deterioration in health, weakness, fainting, and other unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a thorough comprehensive examination.

The hypothalamus is the area of ​​the brain responsible for the temperature of the human body. Thermoregulation in a healthy body occurs reflexively. Internal organs and skin have receptors responsible for thermal processes and cold exchange processes. When the temperature of circulating blood increases, the activity of hypothalamic neurons is activated; when it decreases, their activity also decreases. When a person has what to do, the body does not know. Receptors that determine the level of metabolism, blood circulation speed and other methods of thermoregulation disrupt their usual rhythm. As a result, the hypothalamus loses its ability to maintain the body’s usual temperature of 36.6 degrees.

What to do and how to help the body survive this syndrome? You can use pharmacological drugs, which are taken on the recommendation of a doctor. These include tenoten and persen, but you should not take them on your own, since the reason that led to this disorder is important, and only a doctor can identify it.

Low temperature- this is a temperature that does not reach 35.8 degrees. This indicator may be influenced by overwork, illnesses the person has suffered, or exacerbations of chronic ailments. Bacterial and viral infections may cause a decrease in temperature. In these cases, the reason, as a rule, lies in the excess content of toxins - products of the breakdown of microbial cells.

Suppose you are faced with a problem such as low body temperature. What to do in these situations? First of all, for this there are specialists who will determine the root cause, so a visit to the doctor is required. If the result of a decrease is overwork, it is caused by stress or severe overload, then what to do at a low temperature becomes clear. The advice in this case is simple:

  • refuse additional loads;
  • provide the body with complete, deep sleep;
  • Avoiding stressful situations is a great way to return your temperature to normal.

Don’t panic if you have what to do in such circumstances, we will tell you. The best recipe, which allows you to help your body is a herbal tincture consisting of valerian root and motherwort, prepared in a ratio of 1 tbsp. valerian and 1 tbsp. motherwort, filled with 2 tbsp. boiling water Let it sit for 10-12 hours, then strain and consume in small portions. You can replace the dry mixture with a tincture of the same herbs.

If the low temperature is caused by a serious illness, then the functions of the body in this case can be extremely depleted. Suffering the most nervous system. In particular, the center responsible for thermoregulation is the hypothalamus.

It is recommended to keep drugs used to regulate temperature processes for some time before swallowing. oral cavity, the absorption of substances occurs much more efficiently. Be sure to include vitamins C and E in your diet for one month.

Do you or your loved ones need to provide additional assistance to the body? There are several preparations of animal origin, which include antlers (non-ossified deer antlers). These are cigapan and pantocrine, which will quickly restore impaired function. Aralia and Eleutherococcus are very effective; they are also called adaptogens. 20 drops are dissolved in water and taken 3 times a day for a month.

  • In the morning - ginseng tincture.
  • At lunchtime we will repeat the adaptogen intake. During meals - vitamins.
  • Dinner - motherwort with valerian.
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Cases when a person has a low body temperature, i.e. below normal, are much less common than elevated temperature. Many do not pay due attention to this, but this manifestation may indicate serious problems with the body, which must be addressed immediately.

What body temperature is considered low?

A person has a thermoregulation center in the brain area, and with the slightest disturbance in its functioning, body temperature begins to change. It is impossible to accurately determine the low temperature in the same way for all people due to the individual characteristics of each organism.

The norm is considered to be a temperature of 36.4–36.8C. But doctors increase the range from 35.5C to 37C. Anything below or above this norm is already a deviation. You can raise the low temperature barrier yourself at home. But if the problem lasts more than a day, it is better to go to a general practitioner to determine further actions.

A decrease in temperature exposes the body to malfunctions of all systems and threatens normal exchange substances.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases can be manifested by a temperature of 35C. A decrease in temperature to 29.5C leads to loss of consciousness, and with an indicator of 27.0C the patient falls into a coma.

Causes of low body temperature

Temperature 35.5C – a person feels tired, cold, lethargic and drowsy, and the cause may be:

  • The presence of chronic diseases that have begun to progress. A doctor's help will be required.
  • Regular overwork due to lack of sleep, constant worry, physical or mental stress.
  • Weakened immune system, which may be caused by a recent history of serious illness or use of diet.
  • Lack of vitamin C in the body. When drinking hot tea with lemon, you need to know that this vitamin loses its properties at a high temperature of the drink.
  • Self-medication. Many, having made a diagnosis for themselves, begin to use the medicine at their own discretion. Taking some medications can cause a decrease in temperature.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Stressful situations. Their influence weakens immune system and malfunctions of most important body systems.
  • Pregnancy, during which a woman's hormonal levels change.
  • A tumor could appear in the area of ​​the hypothalamus (the thermoregulation center), which leads to malfunctions in the brain, which leads to disturbances in heat exchange.
  • Low body temperature is observed more often in people who are bedridden. The reason is a weakened body.
  • Minor injuries to the head can lead to a drop in temperature (if the thermoregulation center is affected).

The temperature in the body is maintained with the help of fats consumed in the form of food. Their processing provides heat transfer energy, and a shortage leads to hypothermia (a decrease in body temperature).

What to do with low body temperature - 34,35,36

In case of frequent hypothermia, the following rules should be followed to activate the body's protective features:

  • try to ensure that the duration of sleep is at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • go to bed no later than midnight;
  • getting rid of unhealthy habits (if any);
  • the room must be ventilated at least 2 times a day;
  • acceptance contrast shower;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • proper nutrition;
  • eat vegetables and fruits to replenish the body with vitamins;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • do physical exercise.

You can increase your immunity and improve your vitality with the help of a sweet delicacy, consumed daily, 1 teaspoon, prepared at home.

To prepare you will need:

  • raisin;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • walnut kernels and honey.

All ingredients (except honey) are crushed (stick to an approximate ratio of 1:1). Afterwards, the delicacy is poured with honey and taken daily before breakfast.

How to raise body temperature if it is low

Minor hypothermia can be treated using the following methods:

An interesting method is to use the lead found in a pencil. To do this, break the pencil to get the core. Grind it and drink it with a little water. Helps for 2-3 hours.

During hypothermia, any restrictions that are required in diets are prohibited, but overeating will put an unwanted burden on a weakened body.

Even with slight drops in body temperature, you should not ignore the problem. The body is already signaling its failures. Try to find the cause and eliminate it. After all, it is much easier to cope with the disease at the initial stage.

Body temperature is considered the most informative and accessible indicator of health status. At colds, infections and exacerbations of many chronic diseases, its increase is usually diagnosed. However, a reverse reaction of the body also occurs - when the body temperature is lowered. Is this a pathology? How dangerous is a drop in temperature and what should be done to help the body cope with the problem?

First, let’s clarify which lower thermometer readings can be dangerous and what is normal.

The standard norm for human body temperature in the armpit is 36.6 Celsius. However, this is an average standard that varies greatly when measured on a case-by-case basis.

So, for the same person at different times of the day the temperature will be different: in the morning it is lower (the subject has just woken up and all the systems of his body are still being adjusted), in the afternoon the thermometer will record 36.6, and in the evening, when the person is tired, the thermometer will again show lower numbers (say 36.4).

At the same time, some have normal values ​​of 36.6, while others have a slightly higher or slightly lower level. The range 35.6 - 36.9 is considered normal. But provided that the subject feels well, does not feel discomfort, fatigue, headaches, and such indicators are detected in him for a long time.

However, a decrease in a person's body temperature (hypothermia) can be a symptom of illness or a sign of hypothermia. In both adults and children, it will be dangerous even at levels below 35.0. If the temperature drops further and the thermometer drops below 34.0, the work of all internal systems will slow down: the patient will feel shortness of breath, he will develop bradycardia, chills and a feeling of cold, the skin will turn pale, cold sweat will appear, slight tremors in the hands and fingers , speech will slow down, consciousness will be confused, hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting are possible.

A thermometer reading below 35.0 is a reason to call a doctor.

If the temperature is low, drops below 32.0, this is life-threatening. You need to urgently call a doctor. Such indicators can provoke coma, respiratory arrest and death of the patient. Mark below 21.0 degrees considered fatal to humans.

When is hypothermia normal in children?

In different age groups of children, the causes of low indicators thermometers are different. How are the methods for eliminating them different? of this state. In many cases, hypothermia in children has the same causes as in adults, but sometimes it is triggered by specific factors.

In infants

In the first days of life, newborns sometimes have low temperatures. This is the so-called cold shock. The baby experienced stress at birth, and then found himself in new conditions. His thermoregulation system is still being adjusted, so in the first days, newborns’ normal readings are up to 35.6 degrees. The baby just needs to be well covered and kept warm.

Premature babies also have low body temperature. They need extra warmth until their own thermoregulation is adjusted.

During adolescence

A hormonal surge occurs, which sometimes affects the regulation of heat exchange in the teenager’s body. This is due to the fact that the hypothalamus, which is responsible for ensuring normal thermoregulation of the “core” ( internal organs), also undergoes a hormonal surge and reacts to changes in such an unusual way.

Common causes of low thermometer readings in adults and children

Hypothermia as a pathology is uncommon; increased body temperature is much more common. However low temperature body causes are also serious and are a kind of marker signaling a problem.

Statistics say that about 80% of all cases of hypothermia are associated with insufficient nutrition and too much stress, which leads to depletion of vitality. Among the most likely pathological causes are:


When a person is in a stressful situation for a long time, a person sleeps little, he has no appetite, and from constant stress he loses a significant amount of energy, which affects his health.

A person feels constant cold, fatigue, sometimes headache, dizziness and nausea.

If the reason is a stressful situation, then you just need to rest and the temperature will return to normal. In difficult cases, a consultation with a psychotherapist will be required.


Causes of hypothermia include: chronic fatigue, too much energy is consumed from overexertion, which affects the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. Their deficiency leads to exhaustion and impaired thermoregulation. In such cases, fatigue occurs quickly, headache, and a feeling of cold, sometimes the person shudders and feels sick. If you are overtired, to restore normal temperature you will need to rest well, eat right and get enough sleep.


Another reason for low human body temperature and carbohydrate-protein imbalance is diet. Long-term restrictions on carbohydrates and fats lead to exhaustion of the body, iron deficiency anemia and disruption of thermoregulation.

Here comes the feeling of nausea constant fatigue, chills, hair becomes brittle, nails are pale and weak, skin is very dry and pale. Ringing in the ears and dizziness may occur.

To relieve symptoms, you will need to visit a doctor and receive treatment. Low hemoglobin is dangerous for more complex disorders, since there is a failure in the delivery of nutrients to literally all internal organs.

Past infection

Moreover, literally any infection from a common ARVI to Botkin’s disease or syphilis can cause a low temperature. When viruses or bacteria enter the body, all immune forces are mobilized to fight them. A significant increase in temperature occurs, after which the reverse process occurs: first, the fever is replaced by a subfebrile temperature, and then it may decrease to 35.6. The body needs to adjust thermoregulation. Here you just need to wait a little and after a few days the temperature will return to normal by itself.

Treatment outcome (iatrogenic hypothermia)

Hypothermia occurs after surgical operations, here, as a result of anesthesia, a blockade of nerve endings occurs, which causes a malfunction of the thermoregulatory organs.

Among the more familiar and more common reasons the churning will be too intense high temperature. This is typical for young patients; mothers cannot always correctly calculate the dose of the medicine. In such cases, cold sweat, pale skin, headache, cold hands and feet are noted.

What to do if you have a low temperature after taking too much of an antipyretic? Be sure to wrap the patient in a warm blanket, put a heating pad on his feet, and you can offer the patient a warm foot bath with mustard. Drink warm tea with raspberries or green tea with echinacea. Do not give coffee or tea that is too hot. Measures should be taken gradually so as not to expose the patient to sudden changes in temperature.


Humans are warm-blooded and therefore are affected by low temperatures. environment. Temperature may decrease with prolonged exposure to cold water, being out in the cold for too long without proper clothing.

The most famous record (the child survived) is a girl staying in the cold without clothes for 6 hours.
To warm up and increase the temperature you will need a lot of warm drinks, warm blankets and clothes. It's good to take a warm shower or bath. A warm heating pad is placed on the chest and to the back of the head. In the most difficult cases, a warmed solution of calcium chloride is administered intravenously in the hospital.

But you need to warm a person gradually. Working slowly with increasing heat. So, for a person with a body temperature of 34.0, a bath with a temperature of 37.0 will be not only warm, but also hot.

If there are frostbitten areas, you cannot rub them, you just need to apply a thermal bandage (this way the skin will warm up from the inside and receive the least damage).

If breathing stops, perform artificial respiration.

When hypothermia is a symptom of a chronic disease

The causes of low human body temperature may be hidden in the exacerbation of chronic diseases. A prolonged decrease should definitely alert you if you have the following symptoms:

  • Constant feeling of cold, chills.
  • Headache.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Cardiac dysfunction.
  • Brittle hair and nails.
  • Pale skin.
  • Difficulty remembering.
  • Confusion.
  • Fatigue, general weakness.

A constantly low body temperature, supplemented by some of these symptoms, should be a reason to visit a therapist. In the future, a number of examinations will be required to establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Low body temperature itself is not a disease, but it is a sign of another disease. Diseases that can cause hypothermia include:

Thyroid gland dysfunction. Here, a low temperature will occur against the background of slow mental processes, brittle hair and nails, and rapid fatigue. This condition is caused by a lack of the hormone TSH (thyroid). Treatment can only be prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Hormonal imbalances. They are characteristic not only of adolescents, but also of pregnant women, women in menopause. A decrease in body temperature is not always a reason for treatment. For examination and treatment, you will need to contact a therapist or gynecologist.

Chronic diseases in latent form. In some diseases, such as brain tumors, prolonged hypothermia is possible as one of the symptoms of the disease. The presence of specific symptoms at low body temperature can be caused by diseases of the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, and internal bleeding. Hypothermia is also observed when blood pressure decreases.

Only a specialist with a narrow focus can determine the causes and prescribe treatment, but first you need to consult a therapist.

Skin diseases. The occurrence of skin diseases that affect large areas can provoke a decrease in temperature. Here it is caused by the fact that the blood must serve the affected areas, as a result of which the supply of other organs suffers.

Alcohol, drugs. Too large doses of ethyl alcohol in the body, drugs and a number of other poisonings, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction also cause a decrease in body temperature. It is especially dangerous to be intoxicated in the cold. This will provoke a faster decrease in temperature, which often leads to complications such as frostbite and damage to internal organs.

If as a result of an exacerbation chronic disease low body temperature has occurred, only a specialist can tell you what to do. Here you need not only a consultation, but also competent, long-term treatment.

What to do at low temperatures?

In everyday life, at low body temperature, a number of mandatory actions should be taken:

  1. Measure the temperature, if the reading is below 35.0, call an ambulance.
  2. For readings above this mark, the cause will need to be determined. If this problem is caused by hypothermia, a recent illness or diet, you will need warm drinks, hot foot baths, and warm clothes.
  3. In case of overwork, all of the above procedures must be supplemented with good sleep.
  4. With a long-term decrease (over 1-2 weeks), it is better to consult a therapist to determine what the low temperature means.
  5. The presence of additional symptoms such as speech inhibition, loss of consciousness, severe pallor should be a reason to urgently call an ambulance.

Get treatment and be healthy!

Everyone knows from childhood that a sign of illness is an increase in body temperature in both adults and children. However, what to do if the opposite situation arises. Let’s say a person has a low body temperature, the causes and nature of which are unknown, and few people know what to do in such cases. Therefore, we will devote today’s article to this topic. You will be able to find out why deviations from the norm occur, how the temperature turns out to be low, and also what treatment will be relevant.

The human body is a unique mechanism. This is confirmed by many factors, including the process of thermoregulation, which constantly provides approximate values ​​of 36.6 degrees.

Warm-bloodedness is inherent in us by nature. Human evolution has contributed to the easy survival of people in different climatic zones. Therefore, the thermoregulation mechanism constantly maintains the same readings in any conditions. And if any changes occur, the person immediately consults a doctor. Including if the temperature drops to 35.5 degrees or lower.

Typically, the temperature of an adult and a child who does not suffer from any diseases can range from 35.5 degrees to 37. We are used to the fact that with a cold, inflammation, or other immunity disorders, our body immediately begins to burn, and the readings on the thermometer immediately increase . Now let's try to find out why they can decrease, and whether treatment is necessary.

First of all, a low body temperature that remains stable for 2 days is a reason to visit a specialist.

Many people also note lethargy, groundless oppression, and apathy as accompanying factors for decreased readings. In some cases, when the body temperature is below 35 degrees, the patient notices chills localized in the arms and legs.

The following reasons for the violations can be identified:

In addition to this list, which includes diseases, there are also a number of other factors that can result in low temperature. These are the following reasons:

The thermometer readings may also drop below normal (from 35.5) after taking certain medications, as side effect when self-medicating a person. Pregnancy can also be considered as a cause of low temperature. Therefore, when planning a family, you should carefully monitor your body’s readings and your own feelings.

Why does pathology occur in children?

Most often, low temperatures (35.8 and below) occur in infants. This is due to the fact that the mechanism of thermoregulation in them after birth has not yet been established. As a rule, it takes about 2-3 months to restore the child’s optimal body temperature. If parents observe a phenomenon of low temperature for 2 days, and other symptoms also appear, they should immediately make an appointment with a doctor.

In older children, as a rule, pathological changes in body readings can be a consequence of an infectious or viral disease.

If the temperature usually rises with a cold, then the opposite symptom that occurs in a child may signal a disease such as diabetes mellitus. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to your baby, as changes in his condition can help prevent illness. early stage. It’s not for nothing that experts recommend constantly monitoring the readings of the child’s body.

The causes of low temperature (below 35.8 degrees) in a child from 2 to 15 years old can be:

Symptoms and signs of pathology

As previously mentioned, low temperature (35.5 and below) can manifest itself as chills in the extremities, apathy and depression. In addition, depending on the reason that provoked the decrease, the change can be recognized by a number of signs. These include:

  • physical ailment of the whole body;
  • drowsiness;
  • pale skin;
  • disturbance of brain activity;
  • irritability.

In some situations, a temperature whose readings are constantly kept below the generally accepted norm (from 35.8 to 35.5) is considered an individual characteristic of the body. In this case, the symptoms and accompanying factors may differ. In such situations, only a specialist can say whether there is a threat to a person’s life. However, his health usually does not suffer.

If the child’s body temperature drops to 35.5 or below, the following symptoms may be a cause for concern:

  • weakness, decreased activity;
  • frequent tantrums;
  • cry.

A child whose body temperature is kept low becomes depressed and begins to think “inhibited.” Often, parents can detect a deterioration in appetite when such a pathology manifests itself. At the first signs, you should consult a doctor. A pediatric specialist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

What to do in such situations?

If you notice one (several) symptoms of low temperature in yourself or your child, which persist for one to two days, you should consult a specialist. Deviations from the norm in the form of decreased readings of the human body from 35.8 degrees and below should be a mandatory reason for a visit to the hospital. Firstly, they will help to establish the causes of low body temperature. To do this, specialists will conduct an examination and prescribe tests. Secondly, if necessary, only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment.

Diagnose the causes of pathology in medical centers can use:

  • blood tests (biochemical, general);
  • X-ray examination;

These methods will help determine the nature of the origin of hypothermia in adults and children. Thanks to the examination, the specialist can prescribe the optimal treatment. If there are no prerequisites for serious illnesses, and the low temperature is a consequence of reduced immunity, the doctor will recommend increasing it using “folk” methods. These include: balanced nutrition, a normal daily routine that is gentle on the human body. In addition, the doctor may recommend taking vitamins and immunomodulators.

In any case, a decrease in the body temperature of an adult or child, characterized by marks on the thermometer below 35.5 degrees, should not be ignored.
