Exercise therapy for congenital clubfoot in children. How to correct clubfoot in a child with exercises

The news of a child’s clubfoot should not always be taken as a sentence to surgery. For mild degrees of foot deformation, conservative treatment methods will be quite effective. In this case, the decisive factors for success will be discipline, perseverance and parental attention.

Who can assess the child’s condition?

Congenital pathology musculoskeletal system the child is identified in the maternity hospital, and in some cases even before birth by ultrasound. At the slightest suspicion of clubfoot, the mother will definitely be advised to show the baby to an orthopedic traumatologist. You should not delay your visit to the doctor for too long, since treatment can begin from the second week of the baby’s life.

Mild cases of foot deformity may go unnoticed by pediatricians at the maternity hospital. Over time, the defect is discovered during periodic examinations in the clinic. Alert relatives can also pay attention to the baby’s inverted feet.

In addition, clubfoot may appear when the child takes his first steps. Overweight children with weak legs prefer to curl their toes inward to feel more confident. This type of gait should not cause concern unless it becomes habitual. After several months of trials, the baby should learn to place his legs straight.

In any case, parents should not neglect consulting an orthopedist. He will assess the condition of the baby’s foot, identify the cause of the pathology, prescribe a course of treatment and give a preliminary prognosis for recovery.

The orthopedist will begin examining the small patient by assessing the degree of clubfoot. Today, two methods are used for this purpose: the Pirani scale and the Dimeglio scale.

Conclusions about the severity of clubfoot according to Pirani (Fig. 1) are made based on six clinical signs:

  • curvature of the outer edge of the foot;
  • depth of the medial fold;
  • depth of the back fold;
  • the possibility of palpating the lateral part of the head of the talus;
  • the ability to palpate the heel bone;
  • foot mobility.

Severities of clubfoot according to Pirani

Table 1. Scheme for accruing points using the Pirani method

According to Dimeglio, the angles of possible correction are analyzed in all possible planes, taking into account additional signs (Fig. 2):

A – equinus of the foot;

B – heel varus;

B – internal rotation of the foot relative to the anterior surface of the knee joint;

D – adduction of the forefoot.

Rice.  2 Assessment of the main signs of clubfoot in degrees

Table 2. Definition of foot type and degree of severity clubfoot

Both methods accurately characterize the severity of the disease and make it possible to predict the success of conservative treatment.

How are foot defects treated?

Orthopedic efforts to treat clubfoot are successful in 96% of cases. Another thing is that the path to healthy feet and a beautiful gait lies through hard work, and maybe even surgery. In any case, parents should be patient.

In mild cases of foot deformity, the orthopedist will prescribe:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • orthopedic shoes.

Moderate to severe clubfoot will require:

  • bandaging;
  • plastering;
  • wearing orthoses and braces.

After removing the fixing bandages, children are prescribed rehabilitation procedures.

If conservative treatment methods are powerless, achilloplasty is used, followed by exercise therapy, massage, and hardware rehabilitation methods.

Therapeutic gymnastics is included in all therapeutic courses practiced for clubfoot. In cases of mild deformities, it, along with massage and physiotherapy, plays a decisive role in recovery. After casting or surgery, exercise therapy will be the key to quickly restoring walking skills and strengthening the correct fixation of the foot.

The first lessons with children are conducted by a trained trainer. Due to the fact that gymnastics for young patients should become a daily activity, exercise therapy techniques are taught to parents. Exercises are selected taking into account the age of the children and change over time. The decision to move to the next complex of exercise therapy is made by an orthopedist-traumatologist.

Target physical exercise– train atonic muscles and relax contractures. For classes to be successful, they are conducted 2-3 times a day. Since only a specialist can accurately determine the groups of spasmed and relaxed muscles, he prescribes a complex of exercise therapy.

Gymnastics for newborns

At first, the parents’ implementation of all exercise therapy techniques is supervised by a specialist. Exercises for babies are combined with massage movements. In this case, they are in the nature of passive gymnastics, but the benefits are no less than from independent training of older children.

Main principles:

  • the complex is performed after thermal procedures;
  • be careful not to cause pain;
  • all movements should be smooth and soft;
  • activities should be fun.

Shortened muscles and ligaments are stretched by rubbing, hypertonicity is relieved by stroking, patting, and light vibration. Atony is countered with intense flexion-extension and rotation.

The duration of work with the feet is at least 5-7 minutes. Each technique is performed 10-12 times for one leg and the same number for the other. First, the baby is placed on the changing table on his back. To warm up, bend and straighten your knees alternately, straight legs are raised to an angle of 90° together and one at a time.

  • Exercise 1

Starting position “on your stomach”, leg bent at the knee (Fig. 3). Hold the shin with one hand and use the palm of your other hand to gently press the baby's foot toward the back. This exercise helps stretch the heel tendon and eliminate plantar flexion of the foot.

Rice. 3 Exercise 1

  • Exercise 2

For the same purpose, an exercise is carried out with the child lying on his back (Fig. 4). With one hand, press the child's shin to the table surface, securing it in the ankle area. With the other, grab your foot so that your palm rests on the sole. Gently bend your foot dorsally while applying pressure to the outer edge. An effective combination of flexing the foot with simultaneous acupressure at the transition point of the dorsum of the foot to the lower leg.

Rice. 4 Exercise 2

  • Exercise 3

Prescribed to eliminate forefoot adduction.

Starting position “lying on your back” (Fig. 5). Secure the child's foot at the ankle joint. With your other hand, gently make straightening movements, gradually moving the forefoot outward.

Rice. 5 Exercise 3

  • Exercise 4

Rotational movements of the foot outward along the longitudinal axis (Fig. 6). Rotational movements of the foot outward are carried out very carefully, gradually lowering the inner and raising the outer edge of the foot.

Rice. 6 Exercise 4

If the baby can walk

For children aged 2 to 3 years, a special course of exercise therapy has been developed, aimed at general strengthening of muscles and ligaments, improving blood circulation. It takes into account the child's increased abilities and his desire to play. Exercises are performed at home without shoes. At the initial stage, perform the exercises three times, eventually increasing the number of repetitions to eight.

Rice. 7 Warm-up before gymnastics

As a warm-up (Fig. 7), walking options are used, each of which lasts 1-3 minutes:

  • “ballet step” - with the toe moving to the side and the heel moving forward;
  • “clown step” - walking from the position of heels together, toes far to the sides while maintaining the direction of the feet;
  • “on the heels” - with the toes pointed to the sides;
  • “on the inside of the foot”;
  • “soldier's step” - with high knees.

After warming up:

  • Exercise 1

For 20-40 seconds the child should stand on the outside and internal sides stop. The first tests can be done with the support of parents.

  • Exercise 2

The baby places his feet parallel and, without lifting his heels from the floor, raises his toes as high as possible (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8 Heel exercise

  • Exercise 3

Starting position is the same as in exercise 1. You should tuck your toes without lifting your heels from the floor.

  • Exercise 4

Each foot individually needs to lift a pebble, rope or piece of paper from the floor.

  • Exercise 5

Learning to walk backwards. From the feet-together stance right leg We place it on the toe far back. We transfer the body weight to the outstretched leg, while lowering the foot onto the heel. We repeat the movement with the left leg.

  • Exercise 6

In the “sitting” position, the child alternately rotates his feet outward (Fig. 9)

Rice. 9 Rotation of the feet

  • Exercise 7

Corrective pose “sitting between the heels” (Fig. 10). The child is on his knees, feet spread apart with toes apart. Slowly lower yourself and sit between your heels. Sitting this way, the child can play for quite a long time.

Rice. 10 Landing "between the heels"

  • Exercise 8

The child squats without lifting his heel off the floor (Fig. 11). Alternatively, you can practice cross-legged squats. To maintain balance, the first tests are done while holding the parents' hands or the back of a chair.

Fig 11 Squats with support

  • Exercise 9

To train and massage the arch of the foot, walk across a gymnastic stick with a diameter of up to 2 cm. The heels touch the floor.

  • Exercise 10

Walking on a stick with your arms spread to the side.

It's good to study wall bars. Even simple climbing on the bars is a good workout for your legs.

In bed in the morning and before bed, in the “supine” position, children can move and rotate their feet in directions opposite to the deformity.

Preschooler consolidates the result

At the age of 5-6 years, children can begin their daily activities with a light jog. In this case, attention should be focused not on speed, but on the correct positioning of the legs. If clear success is achieved and the child does not forget to monitor the position of the feet, the task can be complicated. To do this, the complex includes exercises for shoulder girdle which they perform on the go.

Older children will enjoy playing with a ball, lifting objects with their toes, sitting “like a frog,” practicing with a stick, swimming, and riding a bike.

At this age, all the exercises described above are performed 20-40 times, and the total duration of classes is increased to 30-45 minutes. The following exercises can be added to the complex:

  • Exercise 11

Wall squats. The leg rests on the full foot (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12 Wall Squats

  • Exercise 12

Lowering the heels from the step (Fig. 13). It is more convenient to do these exercises while holding onto a support located at chest level, or with the help of an adult.

Rice. 12 Exercise step

With clubfoot, the chances of a complete recovery in children are very high. Therapeutic exercise plays an important role in this process. In addition to the impact physical activity, an exciting game and the desire to be beautiful will help in treatment.

It is a defect in which the feet are partially or maximally turned inward. It can be congenital or acquired. To avoid serious consequences, including disability, it is necessary to take urgent measures immediately after the birth of the child. In the first months of a baby’s life, ligaments and muscles are easily stretched and can be corrected, so the foot can be quickly returned to its natural position. Next, we will tell you what types of clubfoot can be treated with massage and how to deal with them.

Indications for massage

Massage can help with mild or moderate clubfoot; in more complex situations, other methods are used

Massage is recommended for children diagnosed with mild or moderate clubfoot. An initial examination by a neonatologist of a newborn in the maternity hospital will suggest existing clubfoot based on the following signs: the big toe is turned inward, the axial indicators of the lower leg and heel do not coincide, the inner edge of the foot or heel rises when the leg is placed on a flat surface. If the child’s clubfoot is mild and mobility in the ankle joints is preserved, then massage is prescribed. Preventative treatment It is carried out by a doctor in a clinic, and at home parents repeat the massage movements shown by a specialist.

Clubfoot may be a consequence of improperly selected shoes

Some parents believe that clubfoot will go away on its own over time, especially when the child begins to actively walk and run, regularly loading the leg muscles. However, this is a big mistake. Ignoring treatment for clubfoot will lead to distortion of gait, and in the future can provoke the development of scoliosis. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to alarming symptoms and begin treatment immediately.

Indications for massage at the age of 2-3 years are underdevelopment of bones (dysplasia), weakness and improper formation of bones as a result of lack of vitamin D (rickets) . Incorrectly sized shoes worn by a child can also trigger the development of the disease. Clubfoot has a negative effect on the ankle: when walking, the external muscles become overstrained and stretched, while the internal muscles, on the contrary, find themselves in a relaxed state. As a result, extensive deformation of the foot occurs, leading to lameness in severe cases.

Contraindications to massage

If clubfoot is not treated, the consequences for the child can be very sad.

Massage is undesirable in the following cases:

  • temporary course infectious diseases related to elevated temperature and the general weakened condition of the child;
  • dermatological skin diseases;
  • acute bone diseases;
  • congenital heart and neurological diseases;
  • the presence of a hernia in close proximity to the massage area;
  • , hepatitis, atrophy, tuberculosis of the osteoarticular system.

Improper massage can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. Massage is considered ineffective for severe forms of clubfoot. In these cases, the doctor prescribes plaster correction or surgery.

Types of massage movements

Before choosing massage movements, the doctor diagnoses the child’s legs and feet by palpation. This allows you to assess the condition of the muscles and identify areas of hypertonicity that require increased attention. The massage is performed in such a way that the child does not experience pain.

For lower limbs The following types of movements are used:

  • point pressure with fingers;
  • massaging rubbing in a spiral direction;
  • stroking the foot with pressure;
  • light touch followed by deeper rubbing;
  • corrective movements with patting;
  • final strokes.

Exercises during

Massage for clubfoot helps best in the first month of a baby’s life.

The best time to massage the feet using massage is the first month of a child’s life.. If this time is missed, then you should try to undergo massage procedures for up to six months, while the bones on your feet are soft and amenable to correction.

  1. Place the baby on his stomach. With your left hand, bend the leg at the knee, with your right hand, using stroking movements, move from the lower leg to the foot. The right hand applies pressure to the baby’s foot, slightly pressing the toes downwards.
  2. Turn the baby onto his back. With one hand, fix the position of the leg, with the other, begin to perform acupressure in the area from the foot to the shin.
  3. To help blood flow better into the small arteries of the sole, alternate stroking the lower leg and massaging the thigh area.
  4. Massage of the inner thigh is carried out in the direction from bottom to top. The thickened skin of the back of the thighs requires more intense kneading and rubbing.
  5. In those areas where increased tone is observed, stronger hand pressure is used.
  6. Work with the feet is carried out with extreme caution, since there are about 90 points on the soles of the feet, which, if pressed inaccurately, can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.
  7. The front of the thigh is stroked, the knee joint responds well to cyclic movements, then rubbing. Any movement is suitable for the ankle.

Clubfoot after one year of age

Herringbone pattern

Hallux valgus can be found in a child who has already begun to walk. Visually, it is determined as follows: with the knees tightly clenched, the inner ankles of the legs cannot approach each other. To strengthen muscles and ligaments, the orthopedist recommended a certain set of exercises performed in a medical institution, wearing orthopedic shoes or a specially made insole that corrects the position of the foot and heel.

Clubfoot in children is one of the types of deformation of the musculoskeletal system. It occurs relatively often - out of 1000 children it is found in 1 baby.

Deformities of the feet, heels and joints of the lower extremities are those visual pathologies, without treatment of which restrictions on mobility when walking and disability occur. Why and how is delay in eliminating such a disease dangerous?

A disorder of the musculoskeletal system in a child, such as clubfoot, requires mandatory long-term treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Classification of clubfoot

There are several classifications of clubfoot, but taking into account the latest data, it is customary to divide the pathology into 3 categories:

  • nature of manifestation - typical and atypical;
  • origin – congenital and acquired;
  • the manifestation is unilateral or bilateral, that is, it is diagnosed on one or both feet.

There is also a division according to the severity of clubfoot, taking into account certain signs:

  • Easy. The ankle is mobile, there is no bone deformation. Can be treated at home.
  • Average. There are deformations of bone, muscle tissue and ligaments, and the ankle joint. Requires professional treatment in a hospital.
  • Heavy. Congenital deformation of the musculoskeletal system on both feet.
  • Very heavy. Risk of child's disability. Often resistant to surgery.

Causes of deformation

Orthopedists are able to determine the cause of clubfoot in a child only in 20% of cases. Most often these are congenital forms of pathology, but there are also those that developed after the age of 2 years due to external factors.

The first group of causes of pathology:

  • genetics;
  • heredity;
  • mistakes in pregnant behavior;
  • disturbances in the intrauterine formation and development of the fetus, when there is pressure from the walls of the uterus and umbilical cord on the feet;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • oligohydramnios and uterine hypertonicity;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • the position of the fetus before birth does not correspond to the physiological one;
  • pathologies of the development of muscle and nervous tissues, tendons, ligaments, joints, and the vascular system of the fetus;
  • vitamin deficiency in a pregnant woman.

Fetal clubfoot is sometimes diagnosed in the womb

If a child was born healthy, but in the first years of life or adolescence he is clubfoot, the cause of the problem may be the following:

  • consequences of polio, rickets (we recommend reading:);
  • improperly healed areas after fractures;
  • severe bruises, burns, injuries to the ankle area, including sprains, ruptures, damage to muscle tissue;
  • consequences of dysplasia hip joints, hallux valgus pathology (we recommend reading:);
  • diseases of the spine – scoliosis;
  • hypertonicity of the lumbar muscles;
  • increased physical activity;
  • development of neoplasms in the foot area;
  • mistakes made by parents when choosing shoes, when they excessively compress children’s feet when walking.

Symptoms of clubfoot in a child

The doctor can be the first to see the prerequisites for the development of clubfoot in a child during a routine ultrasound examination at the 16th week of pregnancy.

After birth, visual changes in the baby’s foot or both feet, allowing one to suspect a pathology, are expressed in the following:

  • small and swollen foot, different from its size for the corresponding age;
  • difference in leg length if the pathology affects one foot;
  • fingers turned inward or just the thumb;
  • an arch on the inside of the foot and a deep longitudinal wrinkle on it;
  • the heel is above the level of the toe, which looks down;
  • the line of the outer surface of the foot is located significantly lower or higher than the inner one;
  • outward twisting of the ankle joints;
  • low mobility of the lower leg and joint;
  • adduction, or complete rotation of the foot so that it is in the same plane as the knee.

For an adult child, the symptoms of pathology will be:

  • abnormal gait, when the child is clubbed, walks as if raking towards himself, wraps his foot;
  • placement of knees towards each other;
  • shoe trampling;
  • irregular foot prints of the baby in the sand;
  • deformation of the ankle joint in a relaxed state;
  • a corn, callus or lump under the thumb due to the fact that the baby turns it inward;
  • baby's complaints when walking.

Parents who constantly monitor their child’s behavior will be able to notice deformities in their child’s feet. The external manifestation of clubfoot in children is in the photo above.

Treatment methods for clubfoot

Depending on the type and origin of pathological deformation of the child’s feet, orthopedists select methods of its treatment. To correct pathological condition ankles help:

  • tight bandages;
  • applying plaster (the so-called plaster boot);
  • therapeutic massages;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Exercise therapy, gymnastics, corrective exercises;
  • paraffin applications;
  • baths with aromatic pine needle oil;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes, braces, insoles;
  • medicinal methods;
  • surgery.

The positive effect of treating an illness in children is a combination of methods that is determined by a specialist. Sometimes he prescribes a replacement if the previous scheme did not give the expected result.

Soft bandages and elastic orthopedic structures

From the 3rd week of life, newborn babies diagnosed with clubfoot begin treatment with bandages after a set of exercises and massage performed by a doctor. For mild forms of foot deformities, this method shows positive results.

Children's plaster boots are used as follows: the baby wears them for a week, then the doctor removes and stretches the ankles, and applies bandages again for the next 7 days. The duration of wearing the structure is 1.5-2 months, followed by a break.

Ponseti method

This method shows its effectiveness in almost 90% of cases of congenital forms of clubfoot in children. It is prescribed to children aged 9 months – 2 years.

Treatment using the Ponseti method has 3 stages:

  • applying plaster casts, which are changed every other week for 2 months;
  • surgery to truncate the Achilles tendon;
  • wearing braces.

Plastering the legs of a newborn using the Ponseti method


Physiotherapy, in combination with other methods, helps to speed up the return of ankle mobility. It normalizes blood circulation in the affected areas and the condition of muscle fibers. The doctor may prescribe for your child:

  • electrophoresis - indicated for severe forms to reduce pain;
  • magnetic therapy – for relaxation muscle tone after walking, improving blood flow and useful substances to tissues;
  • electrical stimulation to strengthen ligaments and muscles;
  • paraffin applications are prescribed for small children to gently fix the joint.

Use of drugs

One of the methods successfully practiced by orthopedists is the injection of Botox into the calf muscle. She relaxes and the foot takes the correct position. The therapeutic effect after one injection lasts 6 months, then a repeat is required. The method is good for treating clubfoot in the initial stages of manifestation.

Medicines can also be used in therapy to improve nerve impulse conduction. They are necessary if the cause of the disease is a nervous pathology.

The drugs often contain proserine, strychnine and are taken for 2 weeks.

Selection of orthopedic shoes and insoles

Buying orthopedic shoes for a child involves going to specialized stores. When choosing it, focus on a number of features and characteristics:

  • hard back;
  • the height of the product reaches a third of the shin;
  • lacing or Velcro system for fixing the legs;
  • arch support

If the doctor prescribed braces from the first months of the child’s life, buy them in stores that sell orthopedic shoes. In the first 90 days, the child should wear them 24 hours a day, with the exception of bathing breaks. Subsequently, they are worn either for daytime or main sleep and are completely removed closer to 3 years.

When a series of measures to treat deformity has been completed successfully, it is important to consolidate the result. Special insoles will help prevent relapses.

After bracing, a child with clubfoot will need specialized orthopedic shoes

Surgical intervention

Severe forms of ankle deformation that developed after injuries are partially or completely eliminated after surgical operations. Their goal is to cut or replace the Achilles tendon that holds the foot in an abnormal position.

In some cases, one operation is not enough. Therefore, regular visits and observations from specialists of a child with clubfoot are mandatory conditions. effective treatment and restoration of the normal state of the feet.

Correcting pathology at home

Mild forms of clubfoot in childhood can be corrected at home. These include therapeutic massage and special exercises that activate the muscles and ankle joint. When prescribing such measures, check with your doctor about the possibility of doing it at home, and also agree on a schedule of visits to the clinic for follow-up examinations.

Gymnastics and corrective exercises

For infants, the first sessions of therapeutic exercises are carried out by a medical specialist. Then parents repeat them at home.

The first sessions of exercise therapy for clubfoot should be carried out by a qualified medical worker

Key points that adults must take into account:

  • the duration of work with each baby’s leg is 5-7 minutes;
  • monitoring the foot so that the baby does not turn it inward;
  • the number of approaches to performing the exercise on each leg is 10-12 times;
  • warming up the muscles with a massage or warm water in the bath;
  • performing a warm-up on flexion and extension of the knees.

The complex of corrective exercises for the treatment of clubfoot includes:

  • foot rotation;
  • walking on heels, squatting;
  • flexion and extension of the feet;
  • lifting both legs at right angles;
  • drawings with a pencil or stick held between the fingers of the lower limb;
  • pulling up the towel with your toes.

Performing a massage

After prescribing a massage for a child, parents spend it with a specialist for a month and adopt the tactics of the procedure (we recommend reading:). Species therapeutic massage are selected taking into account the condition of the patient’s muscles: when they are toned, they are relaxed, when they are sagging, they are toned (we recommend reading:).

The massage therapist performs the following types of movements:

  • stroking;
  • light and moderate pressure;
  • tingling;
  • slight vibration.

Possible complications

Despite the obvious signs of foot deformation in a baby, sometimes there is negligence and inattention on the part of adults who do not consult a specialist in a timely manner or do not follow his instructions. Therefore, the child faces complications:

  • starts walking later;
  • often injures the feet (dislocations, sprains);
  • muscle atrophy develops;
  • roughening of the skin on the outside of the foot occurs;
  • flat feet develops (more details in the article:);
  • worried about diseases of the knee joints;
  • the axes of the legs are bent;
  • deformation of the spinal column occurs;
  • stagnation processes form in the veins;
  • disability and walking on crutches is possible due to lack of treatment at an early age.

The video below presents comments from a specialist and a number of massage exercises for this pathology.

Clubfoot in adults, which is not given due importance in time, causes many health problems, and also significantly reduces the quality of life, causing some motor restrictions.

Anyone who has encountered such a problem is interested in the question of which doctor to turn to for help, how to correct clubfoot and protect their feet.


This kind of defect does not occur unexpectedly. Sometimes clubfoot is a congenital condition of the limbs; in some cases, the underlying causes of its formation are quite predictable. However, the presence of provoking factors does not necessarily affect the formation of clubfoot.

A congenital disease is formed due to the incorrect lifestyle of a pregnant woman and the abuse of bad habits.

Why acquired clubfoot may occur:

  • failures in the transmission of nerve impulses in the muscle frame;
  • the presence of hormonal diseases;
  • wearing tight, narrow shoes from an early age;
  • injury to muscles, ligaments;
  • disharmonious body proportions, excess weight;
  • diseases of the spinal column;
  • defects of the hip joints;
  • genetic predisposition.

Heavy stress on the legs in childhood, if parents forcibly place the child when his body is not yet ready for this, is also one of the reasons. Clubfoot in an adult almost always has its roots in a person’s childhood, but regardless of what it appeared, the treatment is always the same.

Signs of the disease

If a serious foot defect is just beginning to develop, it is very easy to miss the first symptoms. The more the legs are bent, the more discomfort a person experiences. When there is a history of risks of this problem, you should pay attention to all suspicious changes in the body.

If clubfoot has developed, this will be indicated:

After some time, deformation of the leg muscles and knee joints begins to occur. The gait changes, blood circulation is disrupted, resulting in pain and various complications. Also, in the absence of comprehensive treatment for a long time, joint subluxations are observed.

Possible complications

If you don’t start paying attention in time to the fact that your legs hurt, without paying attention to the first signs of the disease, chronic problems begin to form that damage not only the limbs, but also the internal organs. In this case, therapy becomes significantly more difficult; some diseases cannot be completely cured.

What complications of clubfoot are most often diagnosed in adults:

  • varicose veins, thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • omission internal organs located in the abdominal area;
  • ulcers in the lower legs;
  • circulatory disorders of the lower extremities.

To prevent serious complications, the disease should be diagnosed in a timely manner.

It is very easy to identify clubfoot on your own. To do this, just look at the insole of the shoe that a person most often wears. If its outer side is heavily trampled, and the recesses in the area thumbs is not observed, we can say with confidence that there is a risk of developing clubfoot. In such cases, treatment by an orthopedist should be carried out immediately.


Video - Clubfoot in children


Treatment of clubfoot combines a set of preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at preventing the development of complications, as well as correcting existing defects.

It must be remembered that in order to successfully combat the disease, it is necessary to influence it only in a comprehensive manner. Therapy includes the use of a certain group of medications, wearing specialized orthopedic shoes, preventive physical procedures, massage and gymnastics. In severe cases, treatment with surgery is indicated. After eliminating all unpleasant symptoms Lifelong prevention and regular monitoring by the attending physician are necessary.


One of the methods to get rid of clubfoot is the use of drugs that improve nerve impulse conduction. Such medications are taken only as indicated, if The root cause of the problem was precisely the nervous pathology. Tablets prescribed by a doctor often contain strychnine, distigmine bromide or proserine.

The course of treatment is usually at least 14 days. Such medications have many contraindications and complications, so their use should be fully justified.


Another method that helps treat clubfoot is special gymnastics. It allows you to relax muscles that are in good shape or strengthen the frame, if this is what is required from the procedure. The main rule is regularity. If you perform the exercises with varying success, you will not be able to get any effect from them. Such gymnastics is indicated not only for the treatment of defects, but also to prevent their occurrence, if there is a genetic predisposition.

Exercise 1


  1. You need to stand up straight, put your hands on your belt. Then you should place your feet on their inner part.
  2. After this manipulation, spread the toes of the feet in different directions, while keeping the heels together.
  3. Then dorsiflexion of the feet should be performed.

Exercise 2

To do this exercise, you need to sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Pull a tight elastic band over your feet. Then you need to try to pull your socks apart, overcoming the tension. You must hold the tension for at least 10 seconds at a time.

Exercise 3

To perform the next exercise, you need to draw an imaginary straight line. Then you need to walk on it and spread your feet in the form of a Christmas tree. You can walk like this at every opportunity.

There are many more exercises that will help get rid of the problem. If you don’t have time to study at home, you can attend special courses offered by paid clinics.


Massage must be performed by a medical professional who has certain qualifications allowing him to engage in this activity. Depending on the desired result, there are two types of massage: toning and relaxing. The first is indicated in the absence of muscle tone, the second, on the contrary, to relieve it.

The duration of the course is determined by the orthopedic surgeon. He evaluates the effectiveness of the measures taken, as well as their further feasibility.

Wearing special shoes

One of the most important ways to correct clubfoot is to wear special shoes with orthopedic insoles, which are made to individual measurements. It is not forbidden to purchase a finished product. Specialty stores offer a lot of shoe options: flat shoes, sneakers and even boots.

These boots keep the foot in the correct position, preventing it from moving at other angles. Greatest result Regular wearing will help achieve this, then it will be possible not only to prevent, but also to cure the disease.


It is unlikely that it will be possible to correct a leg defect with the help of physical procedures, but they may well contribute to a speedy recovery. This effect restores metabolic processes in tissue cells, increases blood circulation, and strengthens the immune system. There is a general improvement of the body, which inevitably affects the gait. Treatment is carried out using sound, light or magnetic waves.

Phonophoresis also has a beneficial effect. During the procedure, special medications are injected under the skin and penetrate there under the influence of ultrasound.

Surgical intervention

If other methods of influence do not have the desired effect, surgical intervention becomes a radical method of correction. The operation is also indicated for severe congenital foot defects, when conservative treatment not advisable.

This impact on the problem is a very serious step, but at the same time the most effective. The decision about the need for surgery is made by the orthopedic surgeon observing the patient.


Preventive measures against clubfoot should be carried out from early childhood. If there is a predisposition to the disease or the first signs begin to appear, you should devote the maximum amount of free time to prevention.

What can be done to prevent the defect from occurring:

  • provide massage;
  • do exercises;
  • walking barefoot on sand, sea pebbles or gravel, grass;
  • put the baby on specialized shoes with pronounced arch support and enhanced heel support until his step is formed;
  • periodically go for preventive consultations with an orthopedist, treat all diseases in a timely manner.

A useful purchase would be a rug that consists of elements in the form of spikes or balls. It is recommended that children and adults walk along it, devoting at least a few minutes to their health every day.

Since clubfoot is very serious illness and provokes many complications, it is much easier to prevent its occurrence than to eliminate all the consequences later.

Gymnastics for clubfoot occupies a special place at the treatment stage, because it will strengthen the muscles and early stages together with massage will eliminate deformation. Before performing any exercises, consultation with a specialist is required, because there are forms of clubfoot that are taken into account when prescribing a set of exercises. A physical therapy instructor can also help, but only after consulting with your doctor. In the article, we will give ourselves some complexes for different clubfoot and general principles.

Let us give an approximate complex of therapeutic exercises for clubfoot. Everyone starts by fixing the child’s lower leg with one hand, and rotating the foot outward with the other. Left leg rotates clockwise, and the right one in the opposite direction.

Parents can help during gymnastics not only for children, but also for adult children

The second exercise fixes ankle joint, after which realigning movements are carried out, the forefoot is retracted outward.

Next, the child is placed on his back, while his shin is fixed in the ankle area with one hand. Right hand fix the left leg, and vice versa. With your free hand, grab the foot so that the palm rests on the sole area, then carefully bend the foot upward, while pressing on its outer edge. This exercise helps stretch the Achilles tendon and eliminate plantar flexion.

With varus deformity

With varus deformity, the foot also resembles a clubfoot. This condition most often is not congenital, but acquired during life, mainly due to rickets, flat feet and many other reasons, one of which may be a bad habit.

The child sits, his legs should be extended, his knees pointing up, his feet parallel. It is necessary to alternately bend the feet outwards, the child can be helped.

Without changing the previous position, the child rotates the foot of one leg, and then the other, then rotates both feet. The rotation occurs outward.

The child lies on his back and lifts his straight legs up together or in turn. You need to reach your hand or toy with your fingertips.

It is useful to sit “between the heels” in case of varus foot. The child stands on his knees, his legs are slightly spread, after which he sits between the heels. It is necessary to sit in this position as often as possible.


All exercises for clubfoot will be useful if the child performs them barefoot or in socks, but only without shoes.

There can be many exercises for clubfoot, you can even come up with your own

There are many options for walking that will help not only make your muscles strong, but also place your feet correctly. You need to do these exercises every day.

  1. You can start with the “ballerina step”, which is done by pointing the toe forward and also slightly to the side. Then the heel of this leg extends and a wide step is taken. The same sequence is repeated with the second leg. It is important to constantly pay attention to the aspect that the foot is in knee joint was completely straightened.
  2. Then you can move on to the “clown walk”, this exercise is reminiscent of the famous steps of Charlie Chaplin. The heels should be together, but the socks, on the contrary, should be spread as far apart as possible. In this position, walking begins, but it is important to maintain the original position as much as possible.
  3. The gait is “on the toes”, with the tips of the fingers necessarily spread to the sides.
  4. When walking on your heels, the same principle is followed as in the last exercise.
  5. When walking “X,” you need to stand on the inner edge of the foot. To achieve this, you need to squat slightly, your knees move forward, the outer edge of your foot rises, and meanwhile your toes are turned to the sides. It’s unlikely that your child will be able to do this exercise right away, but it’s worth trying; over time, everything will work out.
  6. The “soldier’s gait” is performed with the knees raised high (their direction is strictly forward, and parallel to each other), the toes are spread to the sides.

Using a stick

You need to do exercises with a gymnastic stick every day. For them, a long gymnastic stick is used, having a diameter of 1.5 to 2 centimeters.

During gymnastics, you can use not only a gymnastic stick, but also other equipment

You can walk across a stick, but the child must feel the ground with his heels. The gait along the stick should resemble the gait of a circus performer, as if a child were walking on a tightrope under a big top. You can walk, as in the “ballerina step” exercise, only in this case the toe is placed on a stick, while the heel touches the ground.


You can squat in different ways and it is important to combine several types of exercises. The child can do regular squats himself, with his arms extended forward and the entire surface of the foot touching the ground. During the first exercises, the child can be supported by the hands. The multiplicity of execution is from 10 to 15 times.

Cross-legged squats, in their technique, repeat the previous exercise, only now parents must help and hold their hands, otherwise nothing will work.

The “Pussy” exercise can also be an element of a squat. To perform it, the child stands in front of a sofa or chair. Then he bends down, his hands should reach the floor, then with his hands he reaches the sofa and smoothly begins to move, imitating the curves of a cat, his legs must straighten.

One of the parents is always behind and holds the child from behind, trying to make sure that the heels do not leave the floor. When the goal - the sofa - is achieved, a push-up is done, after which you need to return to the starting position.

Using a gymnastic wall

The use of this apparatus can be combined with squats. Of course, someone might think that this item can take up half an apartment, but if a child has a clubfoot or is suspected of having one, it is better to get one.

The wall bars are a must for kids with club feet.

It is better to buy or make a small wooden slide for the wall. The child stands on it with the entire surface of the foot and, with the help of the parents, begins to step upward. It is important that your knees are fully straight during this exercise.

It is always necessary to ensure that the toes are pointed to the sides and the entire surface of the foot touches the surface of the slide.

Standing on the surface of the slide and holding onto the bar, the child can do squats himself. The knees should look only forward and be parallel; it is considered an error if they are directed to the sides.

It is also important to simply climb the wall; it is advisable to do it without shoes. You can also climb “sailor style.” During this exercise, you need to imitate the sailors; one leg grasps the support of the gymnastic wall. And the second foot with the toe turned to the side is placed on the crossbar, after which a push is made and the second leg is placed in exactly the same way.

Before bed

There is also a complex that is important to perform before going to bed, and then put splints on your legs. In a lying position, the foot rises all the way up, and then to the side. The repetition rate for each leg is approximately 20 times.

In the same position, the parent lifts the child's leg up and then to the side. After holding the leg in this position, the child counts to 10. The repetition rate for each leg is three times.

Other options

You can come up with your own complexes, only after first consulting with your doctor or exercise therapy instructor. Gradually, with clubfoot, the load increases, this is the key point of all exercises.

The first lesson, for example, begins with the child running, preferably in a circle. This exercise helps warm up the muscles, and you don’t have to develop speed. The main thing during this procedure is the correct positioning of the legs; parents should control this.

One of the right ways prevent and cure clubfoot - swimming

Regardless of the cause of clubfoot, the child should have a strict daily routine. An important place in the process of the day is given to therapeutic exercises and swimming, which promotes muscle development. Clubfoot can be prevented by swimming. If the correct approach to treatment is followed and all recommendations of the orthopedic doctor are followed, the foot deformity is completely eliminated. Due diligence of the child leads to faster and better results. The parents’ task is to arouse the child’s interest; games during which exercises are performed are suitable for this; you can come up with them yourself and play with the child.
