How to trigger a gag reflex in a kitten. A cat is vomiting, what to do at home: what to give for vomiting, the presence of blood or white foam in the vomit

Vomiting is a protective physiological process of the body that helps rid the gastrointestinal tract of foreign and toxic substances.

Why does a cat vomit?

By contracting the abdominal muscles and diaphragm with the help of abdominal pressure, all contents are expelled.

Often this unpleasant phenomenon occurs with pets - cats and kittens. Since vomiting syndrome is not a disease, but one of the symptoms, there are different reasons:

  • ingress of foreign objects: wool, grass;
  • overeating;
  • swallowing food too quickly;
  • cancer;
  • inflammation of the throat or esophagus;
  • worms;
  • uremia;
  • ketosis;
  • reaction to medications;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;

Vomiting in a cat.

If a spasm in a cat occurred spontaneously and was an isolated incident, the cause is most likely that hairballs got inside when the animal “washed itself.”

Continued vomiting indicates a more serious problem and should be contacted by a veterinarian immediately.

Types of vomiting

Based on the nature of the vomit, duration, severity, and smell, several types of this process are distinguished. In kittens, the cause may be excessive activity after eating or eating foods that are heavy for a small body. In adults, in addition to mechanical irritants, there are many reasons for the appearance of vomiting:

Persistent type (the cat is choking and appears to be vomiting)

This type is characterized by incessant spasms of short duration.

The cat involuntarily burps, gags and coughs.

The cat involuntarily burps and gags for some time. It is observed that the animal is worried and bends its head to the floor. After a couple of minutes, vomiting begins directly, lasting quite a long time. After the contents are removed, the spasms continue for some time, accompanied by the release of clear mucous fluid in small portions.

It is necessary to carefully examine the withdrawn substance to understand the suspected cause.

Irregular type

It happens that a cat periodically vomits for several days, or even weeks in a row. Process not food related because there is no or very poor appetite. The pet is depressed, inactive, reluctant to respond, and not allowed to be handled.

No wool, grass, or other foreign objects are observed in the vomit. If no worms are found, which would lead to a conclusion about helminth infection, the signs may indicate other diseases, such as or. Irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes mellitus.

Blood type (blood in the cat’s vomit)

The presence of blood in the vomit makes it clear to the owner about serious problems with the health of the animal.

Vomiting blood.

If blood present in gastric stool light red , this almost always means damage to the esophagus, mechanical irritation of the pharynx or wounds on the oral mucosa. A thorough examination of the pet's mouth and throat is required to identify foreign objects: bone fragments, splinters, weed residues.

Bright red color , dark or brownish shows the fact of bleeding directly in the stomach. The blood changes color or darkens due to hydrochloric acid found in the gastrointestinal tract.

Caused by a number of diseases:

  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • severe intoxication with damage to internal organs;
  • presence of sharp objects in the gastric cavity - glass fragments, needles, small nails.

Presence of excrement

It happens that the vomit has a very foul odor and looks similar to feces. This manifestation of symptoms gives rise to suspicion the animal has serious illnesses . Possible reasons There are: intestinal blockage, severe trauma to the abdominal area, penetrating or blunt. Saving a cat depends on timely professional assistance.

Biliary (yellow cat vomit)

The physiological location of bile is the gallbladder, so the presence of even a small fraction of it in the stomach is a pathology.

Vomiting with bile.

When a cat vomits bile, you should suspect a problem with gallbladder and biliary tract, toxic liver damage. The appearance of bile in the discharge may be a consequence of prolonged vomiting, when the spasms are still ongoing, and the stomach has already emptied all its contents. In this case, the contraction of the stomach under abdominal pressure pulls out what is closest.

Vomiting with green impurities.

The same type includes greenish discharge . This state of affairs indicates, as a result of which feces, entering the intestines, return back to the stomach. The second provoking factor is excessive production of bile, which, in turn, is a sign of liver disease.

Spontaneous abundant

A reflex that occurs suddenly is accompanied by a strong, abundant release, often uncontrolled. In addition to gastrointestinal diseases and ingestion foreign objects and toxic substances, with this type neoplasms are often diagnosed.

Brain diseases characterized by increased intracranial pressure - tumor, encephalitis, thrombosis.

Vomiting in pregnant cats

Pregnant cats, like women, feel sick in the morning. This happens due to the increased toxic atmosphere during gestation of kittens.

Often a pregnant cat vomits in the morning due to toxicosis.

If nothing suspicious is observed in the vomit of a pregnant female - blood, bile, foul odor - there is no need to worry. This is a normal condition during pregnancy.

If such impurities exist, consult a doctor immediately. This symptom leads to, so drinking plenty of fluids and contacting a veterinarian is mandatory.

Vomiting in kittens

Kittens vomit for several reasons. A possible reason is congenital anomaly of the sphincter in the stomach , which does not allow food to be excreted into the intestines in full, returning it back through vomiting. Eliminated by reducing portions during feeding. Often, a kitten burps or vomits after active play.

Cats vomit white foam

Vomiting white foam.

The eruption of white foam is most likely not dangerous. After some time, the food digested in the stomach enters the intestines, and the gastric cavity remains empty. The remaining gastric juice collects protein mucus from the walls, forming a foamy mass.

An isolated case has no dangerous consequences. Regular repetition is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Treatment of vomiting

Treatment for vomiting has general principle, but aimed at eliminating the primary causes. Treatment methods used for vomiting:

  • diet;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antiemetics;
  • gastroprotectors;
  • acupuncture;
  • homeopathy;
  • folk remedies;
  • surgical care.

The mechanical cause of the manifestation of vomiting syndrome is eliminated surgically.

Foreign bodies are removed from the animal’s stomach during surgery, after which restorative therapy is carried out. Sometimes it is possible to remove artificial irritants endoscopically - inserting a probe through the esophagus. Some types of tumors - lymphoma - are amenable to chemotherapy. Adenocarcinoma – surgical removal only.

Use of antibiotics

Inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract are being treated antibiotics , anti-inflammatory drugs, restoratives. Additionally, vitamins and immunostimulants are prescribed.

Antibiotics are given by injection from a syringe.

Throat conditions such as tonsillitis are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Local therapy is used - anti-inflammatory spray, antibacterial ointment. In severe cases it is recommended surgical removal tonsils


There is no effective remedy to combat plague. Recovery depends on the immunity of the sick animal. Maintenance therapy is used to prevent contracting other infections. Intravenous infusions and subcutaneous injections of etiotropic and antiviral drugs are used.


Infection with worms is eliminated by the use of angelmintics, depending on the type of helminths that have infected the cat’s body: antitrematodes, antimnemthodes, anticestodes.


Therapy for uremia is determined by ensuring the free passage of urine to avoid further intoxication. Electrolyte balance is corrected by intravenous infusion. General restorative and symptomatic assistance.

Diet for vomiting

The cat eats a special diet food based on rice.

Together with drug treatment plays an important role dietary food. First 10–12 hours The pet is kept on a starvation diet. Water should also not be given during this period; you can give an ice cube to lick. Upon completion acute syndrome excluded from the diet: fatty foods, spicy, salty. is replaced by medicinal. Meals should be frequent, small portions.

In conclusion

For preventive purposes, pets should be vaccinated on time and prevented from getting into the food. hazardous substances. To avoid hairballs, brush thoroughly every day. Attention to your pet will be provided healthy sleep owner and excellent health of the animal.

Diagnosing cat diseases is not easy, because not a single pet can explain in human terms what is hurting him. Symptoms can be ambiguous, but if your cat has vomited, there is no doubt that her health is not in order. It remains to find out why the cat is vomiting and how to treat vomiting in cats - and this is the most difficult thing. Because there are several causes of vomiting in cats, and each of them can affect your pet. And before treating vomiting in a cat, it is necessary to find out the nature of the disease. Or, to your relief, make sure that the animal is healthy and simply cleanses the stomach.

Even if you find that your cat’s vomiting is caused by a harmless phenomenon: a ball of his own hair or banal overeating, do not forget to observe his behavior. And just in case, remember how to properly treat vomiting in cats at home, and under what circumstances it is time to stop self-medication and contact a veterinarian. You can hope that natural mechanisms will help your four-legged friend recover on his own, but you must be there to help him in time and cure the cat’s vomiting, or rather, the reason that caused it.

How to treat and cure vomiting in a cat at home?
The sooner your cat is in the veterinarian's office, the more likely it is that the vomiting will be treated quickly and without consequences. But until you see a doctor, you can alleviate your pet’s suffering at home. First aid for a cat vomiting consists of the following simple measures:

  1. Stop feeding your cat and make sure he doesn't steal food from the table. However, he most likely will not show interest in food himself.
  2. If the cat’s condition returns to normal within 24 hours, the urge to vomit goes away and appetite appears, start feeding him small portions of soft food, and observe his behavior in between meals.
  3. Leave the cat's drinking water in open access– vomiting dehydrates the body, and the animal will want to drink. Except for those cases when drinking also provokes belching, which indicates the seriousness of the problem.
  4. In case of poisoning chemicals like acidic or alkaline nature, household chemicals or other toxic liquids, make the cat swallow 1-2 teaspoons of enterosgel, atoxil or other absorbent and try to get to the clinic before the next burp.
  5. If the cat has swallowed solid and/or sharp object, is experiencing stomach pain and nausea, pour 1-2 tablespoons into his esophagus Vaseline oil and show it to a veterinarian surgeon as quickly as possible.
Do not try to prescribe or give anti-vomiting medications to your cat yourself - this can only be done by a qualified doctor. Human medicines are absolutely not suitable for animals and will not only not help, but will also worsen the situation. If the animal feels very unwell and may not tolerate transportation to the clinic, it would be wise to call a veterinarian at home.

How is vomiting in cats treated?
When contacting a veterinarian, be prepared to answer all his questions about the cat’s behavior and nutrition, try to remember in detail what and when the pet ate at the last meal, when the vomiting began, with what frequency and how many times the cat vomited, what the vomit looked like and whether vomiting was accompanied by other painful symptoms. Be sure to tell us what the cat was sick with before and whether he has chronic diseases when and what vaccinations he received. The doctor needs all this to collect anamnesis and make a correct diagnosis. The following procedures may also be required for diagnosis and treatment:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • gastroscopy;
  • X-ray, incl. contrasting;
  • blood test;
  • laparotomy (an incision in the peritoneum to access the internal organs).
If vomiting is profuse and prolonged, it is very likely that the doctor will prescribe saline or Ringer's solution to protect against dehydration. To reduce acidity and restore pH balance in the stomach, Famotidine is often prescribed. Don’t be surprised if you have to give a No-Shpa injection or put on an IV - all this is available and allowed only by a doctor in a clinic, but not by you at home.

In some rare cases, before treating vomiting in a cat, it is necessary to provoke it to cleanse the stomach of a foreign and/or toxic substance. This can be done in the same way that people use: press on the root of the tongue. Another option is to force the cat to drink a lot of water or aqueous solution table salt, but not hydrogen peroxide, which causes a burn to the mucous membranes in cats, although this method can often be found among folk recipes from vomiting in cats. After your cat recovers, continue to monitor his habits and feeding behavior. Only with such a careful approach can you cure vomiting in a cat and prevent it from recurring.

With the presence of some bacteria in the animal's body, in order to defecate the stomach, it is necessary to induce vomiting, thereby ridding the animal of a certain number of harmful bacteria. Let's look at how and why vomiting is caused in a cat.

Sometimes, exploring the environment around them, cats often try everything to their teeth, especially small kittens. In principle, cats themselves often chew grass to induce vomiting, thereby clearing their stomach naturally. But when an animal swallows or drinks something, it is necessary to induce vomiting in the cat . Yes, I know you should get this to a vet or veterinary clinic as quickly as possible. However, if you cannot get to the vet in time, inducing vomiting may help the cat rid itself of the poison it has ingested.

Stimulating vomiting in a cat reduces the absorption of harmful substances that enter the stomach, thereby causing minimal harm. But this is relevant only in the first 2 hours after the absorption of harmful substances. If the cat swallowed harmful substances more than 2 hours ago, then the stomach has already managed to process them and it is necessary surgery veterinarian

When to induce vomiting in a cat.

Before learning how to induce vomiting, let's consider when it is relevant.
-If a cat ingests rodenticide, Priuf II or Talan, the cat's substances cause blood clotting.

-Arsenic It is deadly for the animal; without showing any signs of poisoning, the cat can die. Usually such poison is spread in gardens to get rid of harmful pests.

Swallowing pain pills can be fatal to a cat.

If your cat has swallowed one of these medications, it is necessary to induce vomiting.

Usually an owner can see that a cat has been poisoned, for example if it shows signs such as seizures, excessive drooling, vomiting, loss of appetite or diarrhea.

Hydrogen peroxide

The appropriate dosage of hydrogen peroxide is one teaspoon per ten pound body weight, which is up to three teaspoons per dose, every 10 minutes. After 15 - 20 minutes, vomiting should occur. In case there is no vomiting, you can repeat the dosage again. Sometimes, you may find a label indicating that hydrogen peroxide is poisonous. However, it is for cats as it is considered poisonous since it causes vomiting and therefore does not remain in the body.

Other Methods

There are others alternative methods promoting vomiting in cats and delaying the absorption of harmful substances into the esophagus. For less serious cases, try milk, egg whites, or vegetable oil to prevent the absorption of retained toxins. For more serious cases, you can give your cat activated carbon. 2-3 tablets.

It is important to realize that you should not induce vomiting in a cat if spontaneous ejection of food from the stomach has occurred.

A pet is not a machine that will obey any command. He has his own character, he likes to be sad and play. Just like small children, pets are capable of swallowing a toxic substance or small object. But if everything is more or less clear with a child, then not everyone knows how to make a cat vomit.

In what cases is vomiting caused?

Before inducing vomiting, it is necessary to determine the cause of the cat's poor health. There are several situations where this procedure will help save the life and health of your pet.:

  • Serious poisoning with chemicals, rat poison. If your cat has ingested a deadly substance, you need to act immediately.
  • Accidental ingestion of arsenic along with an herb used by cats to cleanse their stomachs. This substance is often used to remove weeds.
  • Swallowing medications or detergents. Here treatment must be carried out with caution, since the product often contains alkali or acid.
  • Eating poor quality food, which caused poisoning.
  • Ingestion of foreign inedible objects.

You can determine that your cat is sick and need to induce vomiting by observing your pet’s behavior. The animal becomes lethargic, there is a urge to vomit, and diarrhea. It stops eating and drools noticeably. The cat becomes drowsy and may have seizures.

How can I call?

Inducing vomiting in cats is not an easy procedure. If you need to cleanse your stomach due to poisoning, then it is better to contact a veterinarian, since it is unlikely that you will be able to do without a dropper. In other cases, you can cope at home:

Means Description
Pharmaceutical drug A veterinarian's prescription is required to purchase it. Improper use of the medicine can kill the animal. This treatment is the most effective, but inaccessible
Hydrogen peroxide The amount of product that will be given to the cat depends on the weight and breed of the animal. Typically the amount is 1 tsp. for 5 kg of weight. It is best to consult a specialist first. You will need a 3% solution. It refills every 15 minutes. Vomiting usually appears after the first procedure
Ipecac This remedy can also help and can be bought at a pharmacy, but a prescription is not required. The main advantage of this medicine is its naturalness. However, it has a negative effect on the cardiac system.
Salt solution First you need to pour about 100 ml of water into the cat's mouth. You can’t throw your head back so that your pet doesn’t choke. Next, you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt and sprinkle it on the root of the tongue.
Potassium permangantsovka The solution should have a faint pink tint. Otherwise, the cat will get a burn to the esophageal mucosa.

To make a cat vomit, you need to give him the chosen remedy. In this case, the pet needs to be wrapped in a towel, taken outside and held tightly so that it does not run away.

What is prohibited?

Before you induce vomiting in cats, you need to know when not to do it. You should not do gastric lavage in this case:

  • if the cat is unconscious;
  • in the presence of convulsions, convulsions;
  • if the cat has ingested an acid-based substance or an alkali.

After vomiting has been induced and the stomach has been cleared, the cat should be on a strict diet for some time. This is the main condition for a quick recovery.

You can help your cat yourself if the cause of the poisoning is minor. The first thing to do is contact a veterinarian. It is better to consult with him in advance and purchase those products that will help overcome poisoning and intoxication.

Sometimes a pet may swallow foreign body and this can threaten their life and health. And there is no time to go to the vet. What to do in such a situation, and how to induce vomiting in your pet yourself.

Why induce vomiting in an animal?

You may need to induce vomiting in your pet for the following reasons. For example, a pet has eaten a toxic substance that is absorbed into the blood. Therefore, this process urgently needs to be stopped by vomiting. This must be done very quickly, because after a few hours all actions will be useless.

What toxic substances require inducing vomiting in a pet:

  • a rodenticide that causes blood clotting;
  • various tablets;
  • arsenic;
  • foreign object;
  • antifreeze, which causes kidney failure.

In this case, poisoning in an animal may look like this. Excessive salivation, diarrhea, cramps. We remind you that you need to perform all gastric lavage actions as soon as possible.

How to rinse a dog's stomach?

Not everyone knows how to induce vomiting in a dog. To do this, use peroxide and salt. The ratio is calculated as approximately 1 teaspoon per five kilograms of dog weight. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate. This solution not only provokes vomiting, but also has a good disinfecting effect. This is very good for poisoning.

Also, a solution of potassium permanganate will help if a foreign object gets into the dog’s stomach. Prepare a weak solution. Up to three liters of water can be poured into a small dog. If a foreign object gets in, it is good to do an enema to eliminate toxins from the body. The process is carried out using a syringe and cool water. All this is done in small portions.

How to induce vomiting in cats?

In case of poisoning adult cat or kitten, take hydrogen peroxide (3% solution). Pour a teaspoon into the animal’s mouth and force it to swallow. If the animal does not vomit, then the process must be repeated after fifteen minutes. The method is quite gentle for the pet.

Ipecac root emetic. With the help of such a root, you can also induce vomiting in a cat. One teaspoon is enough. But the problem is that this ipecac root itself is toxic. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in case of poisoning. But if a cat has swallowed a foreign object, then this is a suitable remedy.

Salt can also trigger vomiting. Table salt is diluted in water and this liquid must be poured into the cat. At least a glass should be poured into the cat’s stomach. In this case, the stomach will definitely be cleansed and get rid of foreign objects. But usually getting an animal to drink that much is very difficult. Therefore, the most popular method remains the peroxide method.
