Treatment of female inflammation with folk remedies. Herbs for the treatment of female diseases

Hog queen(or ortilia lopsided) is a gift from heaven for ladies, since first of all it has a healing effect on the female genital area. But this is her healing properties are not limited to, it is not for nothing that the people consider the hogweed uterus “a remedy for forty diseases.” The plant is successfully used to treat kidneys and bladder, helps with inflammation prostate gland and prostate adenoma, diseases digestive tract and nervous disorders.

Ortilia (ramishia) unilateral treats fibroids with heavy bleeding, inflammation, infertility, uterine infantility, uterine bleeding, polyps, cervical erosion, disorders menstrual cycle with heavy periods, tubal obstruction, toxicosis during pregnancy.

This is a perennial herbaceous plant with creeping stems. The leaves are oblong-ovate to broadly ovate, with a rounded wedge-shaped base and a short pointed apex, serrate, on thin petioles. Peduncle with several scale-like leaves. Small green flowers are collected in a one-sided drooping raceme. The corolla is greenish or white, almost bell-shaped, 3.5-5.3 mm long and 1.5-2.5 mm wide. Anthers without carob appendages, opening at the apex with holes. The column protrudes from the corolla; stigma with 5 wide lobes. The fruit is a capsule almost spherical, 4-6 mm wide, blooms in the first half of summer.

Distributed in the Arctic (European Arctic), in the European part of Russia (all regions except the Black Sea, Lower Don and Lower Volga), Western and Eastern Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus. It grows mainly in dry, coniferous, mixed, and less often deciduous forests, in the mountains up to an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. In Siberia it forms thickets.

WITH therapeutic purpose grass (stems, leaves, flowers), leaves are used.

Can be used in water infusions and alcohol tinctures (10-20%).

Pharmacological composition:

Borovaya uterus is a perennial plant that contains many tannins. Borovaya uterus contains: arbutin, hydroquinone, coumarins, vitamin C, hydroquinone, resins, flavonoids, bitter substances, saponins, tartaric and citric acids, trace elements: titanium, copper, zinc, manganese.

Indications for use:

Borovaya uterus has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumor, absorbable, analgesic and diuretic effects. It also helps maintain immunity. Preparations from this plant can increase the functional activity of the uterus and appendages, and therefore improve the functioning of reproductive system generally

Borovaya uterus is widely used in medicine to treat:

Gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature,
uterine fibroid,
uterine bleeding,
menstrual irregularities,
obstruction and inflammation of the tubes,
stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer,
liver diseases and gallbladder,
diabetes mellitus

And also: as a diuretic, disinfectant
with inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder,
for cystitis,
for inflammation of the prostate gland,
urinary incontinence in adults and children,
acute inflammation of the ear (purulent).

It can be used as part of preparations for the treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, gout, gastritis, purulent diseases, colitis, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, radiculitis, inflammation of the prostate gland, rheumatism.

For treatment, tincture, infusion and decoction are used. Contraindication for use is individual intolerance.

For oncological diseases and tumors of the uterus (fibroids, myomas, cysts, polyps), in addition to the boron uterus, it is advisable to take: hemlock, hellebore, antitumor herbs, douche with wolf bast. It must be remembered that in women, the breasts and uterus are interconnected, i.e. single organ.

When undergoing a course of treatment, it is strongly recommended to take Milk Thistle (seeds) together. Milk thistle will prepare your liver to receive Borovaya uterus.

The duration of use of boron uterus for various diseases depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. Herbalists believe that for each year of illness you need to take 200-250 ml of tincture. For example: if the inflammatory process of the ovaries or uterine fibroids is three years old, then you need to drink at least 600-750 ml of tincture. But even then, for prevention, drink a small course of 3-4 weeks annually for 3-4 years.

Decoction: 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes, leave for 3-4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Tincture: 50 g of boron uterus herb (5 tablespoons of dry crushed boron uterus raw materials), pour 500 ml of vodka, leave for 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 15-30 drops 3 times a day an hour before meals.

Infusion: 2 tablespoons of crushed dry leaves of the uterus, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover, wrap and leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Alcohol tincture of Borovaya uterus (ready-made pharmaceutical preparation) is used in adults, 30-35 drops added to water or juice, 3 times a day before meals.

Borovaya uterus herb (pharmaceutical preparation): used for preparing infusions and decoctions. Pour 10 grams of herb into 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Store the finished infusion for no more than 2 days. Take the infusion 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. If necessary, the dose can be repeated after 1 month.

Red brush. The official name is cold Rhodiola (Rodiola guadrefida). It is an endemic plant, found only in the Altai highlands. Flowering grass carpets the rocky cliffs, surviving in very harsh conditions. Its red flowers really resemble brushes in shape. This is one of the most popular in folk and official medicine. medicinal plants. First of all, Rhodiola cold is known as a rejuvenating agent. But this is an obvious result of its application, and the essence of this process is much deeper.

The plant is unique in chemical composition: it contains tannins, essential oils, anthraglycosides, organic acids, flavonoids, waxes, sugar, fats, proteins, sterols, phenols, tertiary alcohols, glycosides, silver, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt, gum, nickel, chromium, molybdenum.

The red brush relieves cerebral spasms, is part of drugs that increase mental and physical performance, and have pronounced adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and immunostrengthening properties. It is recommended for use after severe injuries, operations, and antibiotic treatment. This is an excellent tonic, unlike common drugs (for example, nootropil), which has no contraindications.

With the help of a red brush, they treat severe diseases of a viral and bacterial nature, cystic formations, polyps, anemia, atherosclerosis, and stimulate the active restoration of the immune system, the natural forces of the body, and potency. In addition, as a result of taking medications from this plant, the amount of free radicals in the body is sharply reduced, which is very important for achieving a beneficial effect in the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. As a natural hormone, Rhodiola cold helps to “regulate” the work endocrine system and get rid of problems with the lymph nodes, thyroid gland and adrenal glands. It cleanses the body of toxins and restores the blood formula. The ability of this plant to significantly accelerate the healing of fractures has been experimentally confirmed.

The invaluable qualities of the red brush in treatment are highlighted separately. gynecological diseases varying degrees of severity: irregular and painful periods, menopause, uterine fibroids, mastopathy, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and tumors of various etiologies. In gynecology and urology (and in the treatment of prostate adenoma, among other things), medicinal plants that complement each other are often used, for example, red brush in combination with white cinquefoil root or wintergreen rotundifolia and upland uterus. This composition has the most effective, complex effect on the genitourinary system. Along the way, the cause of infertility, both female and male, is often eliminated. This miracle herb treats not the obvious consequences, but the cause of the disease.

But treatment with preparations from red brush cannot be carried out without taking into account some of the characteristics of the plant. For example, it is unacceptable to combine it with alien hormonal drugs– artificially synthesized or natural (hops, cocklebur, licorice, etc.). The herb is contraindicated for nursing and pregnant women, patients suffering from hypertension, fever, and mental agitation. An overdose can cause a state of lethargy and drowsiness.

1. Decoction. Pour 1 tbsp into an enamel bowl. a spoonful of crushed dry red brush root. Pour it into a glass hot water and cover with a lid. Stirring, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool the infusion, covered, at room temperature, for 45 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and boiling water is added so that the glass is full. Drink it three times a day with a teaspoon of honey, 30–40 minutes before meals for 30–45 days. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

2. Tincture. For 50 g of crushed dry herb root you will need 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka. For a month, the mixture is infused in a dark place, shaking regularly. Then filter and apply in a dosage of 30–40 drops (for adults) three times a day, 30–40 minutes before meals. After 30 days of treatment, take a break for 10–15 days.

3. Fees. Other medicinal plants go well with red brush: licewort, lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea, Leuzea, Eleutherococcus, aralia. 2 tbsp. raw materials (red brush root and the original plant in a 1:1 ratio) are poured with a liter of boiling water. Leave it in a thermos all night. You need to drink everything during the day. Course – 2 months.


No side effects on the human body were identified. Red brush preparations, if the dosages are observed, are completely harmless to the body and do not cause allergic reactions.

Methods for taking Borovaya uterus and Red brush together:

Taking these two herbs is always done in four steps. Each stage lasts 2 weeks. The mandatory break between doses lasts from one to two weeks, depending on how you feel. During the treatment process, water infusions should be used. Take on an empty stomach 3 times a day: in the morning - before 9:00, at lunch 1 hour before meals, in the evening - at 19:00. The infusion is taken 1 tbsp. spoon with a small amount of natural honey. If symptoms of the disease remain after the treatment course, then before the second course you should take a month break, during which you can drink an infusion of Wintergreen, brewed and taken according to the same scheme

Diseases of the female reproductive system are divided into several types: hormonal, inflammatory and hyperplastic pathologies. Inflammatory diseases are caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, hormonal diseases attack the female body due to malfunctions of the endocrine glands, and hyperplastic diseases are cysts, tumors, hyperplasia (conditionally pathological tumor processes). Naturally, if you have such health problems, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment is prescribed medicamentally, conservatively or, in extreme cases surgical. But to alleviate the symptoms and course of such pathologies, you can use traditional methods medicine, in the form medicinal herbs.

Important! You should not self-medicate; before using a folk remedy, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Herbs for fibrocystic mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy occurs in women from about 35 to 50 years of age. Cysts that grow in the tissues of the mammary glands are very dangerous to health, as over time they can degenerate into malignant neoplasms. But you can fight mastopathy with the help of herbs.

cat claw

With the help of this unique herb, not only mastopathy is treated, but also malignant neoplasms. The decoction should be taken as follows:
  • pour one tablespoon of dried cat's claw with boiling water in an amount of about 200 ml;
  • Infuse the decoction for an hour and drink 100 ml before meals.
Healing herbal tea

Another unique way getting rid of mastopathy, herbal tea, which requires absolutely simple ingredients, such as:

Mix the herbal mixture thoroughly, add one liter of hot water and let it brew for about half an hour. It is recommended to consume 100-200 ml three times a day.

Calendula tea

An excellent remedy for the formation of cysts is sage tincture. Pour boiling water over a couple of teaspoons of herbs and add a little and. You can drink, regardless of meals, half a glass three to four times a day.

Treatment of endometriosis with herbs

Recently, more and more young women are suffering from uterine endometriosis. Endometriosis is considered to be a hormonal-dependent pathology. During this process, the uterine mucosa becomes inflamed and grows; in advanced stages, endometriosis can lead to malignant neoplasms. Recently, herbal remedies for this disease have been sold, but it is best to make tinctures from fresh medicinal herbs.

Herbal collection from the serpentine

Since ancient times, serpentine has been considered a healing remedy for combating female diseases. This herb has properties that increase local immunity, which is so necessary for normal tissue regeneration in the uterus.

To prepare it you need:

50 grams of dry coil;
2 teaspoons shepherd's purse;
1 teaspoon calamus root;
two tablespoons of nettle;
one teaspoon of bloodroot and knotweed.

The herbal mixture should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. Brew this mixture with two glasses of strong boiling water, and then boil in a water bath for ten minutes, then filter and pour into a storage container. After the decoction has infused (five hours is enough), we drink it at least twice a day before meals, the course of treatment is one month.

Stir the mixture, pour boiling water and leave for about half an hour, then boil in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. After the decoction has cooled, you should drink 50 ml before meals for two to three weeks.

Antitumor herbal teas

It is recommended not only to use it internally, but also to take baths from medicinal herbs, which increase not only the general, but also the local immunity of a woman. Baths are made from elm, sorrel, rhubarb, horsetail, wild yam, and hops. In this case, the herb is first steamed, then expressed through cheesecloth, and only then the decoction is added to the bath.

Important! If you have uterine fibroids or cysts, you should not take hot baths, as this increases tumor growth.

Herbs for ovarian cysts

An ovarian cyst is a benign formation that is usually localized in the epithelium of a woman’s ovaries. Although the disease is benign, it can degenerate if the process is neglected. The cyst can cause infertility in young women, so it needs to be dealt with.

Chamomile and coltsfoot

Field miss flowers have strong anti-inflammatory properties, and coltsfoot fights tumor processes in the body. An ovarian cyst should be treated with this method for at least three months. The recipe is simple, mix three tablespoons of chamomile and two tablespoons.

Important! Do not drink the mixture on an empty stomach or if you have gastrointestinal diseases! After the herbs are mixed, simply pour boiling water over them, strain and drink three times a day.

Healing infusion of five herbs

For this herbal decoction you will need five natural components, such as:

Mix everything, pour boiling water, then leave in a water bath for 10 minutes. You should drink in courses of two weeks, twice a day, 50 grams of tincture.

Adenomyosis treatment with herbs

Adenomysis, a common disease of the female reproductive system, which is characterized by a strong proliferation of the uterine endometrium, if you miss the important point of timely treatment, then such a pathology leads to infertility and tumors. The cause of this pathology is abortion, failed operations in the uterine cavity and hormonal imbalances in the body.

You need to take:

Two tablespoons;
three tablespoons of boron uterus;
pour boiling water and take half an hour before meals.

Sabelnik has excellent absorbable properties, reduces inflammation, and cinquefoil has always been considered a panacea for gynecological diseases.

Healing juniper and birch buds

Approximately 60 grams of juniper berries are mixed with one hundred grams of birch buds and plantain leaves, poured with boiling water, infused, and taken an hour later, half a glass after meals. In general, it is useful to drink not only a decoction of young birch buds, but also birch sap, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

As you can see, the power of medicinal herbs can fight unpleasant gynecological ailments, but most importantly, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Do not forget about preventive examinations with a doctor.


Women are increasingly being harassed these days various diseases related to gynecology. Even very young girls can be diagnosed with infectious or inflammatory diseases genitals. especially effective for young girls.
At the very beginning of the development of the disease, women do not feel worried. This is due to the absence of pronounced symptoms on initial stages diseases. Therefore, in medical institution Such patients usually do not apply.
Meanwhile, various inflammatory, infectious diseases can actively develop, provoking complex complications in the future. Among the main complications of such diseases are female infertility and various damage to internal organs. These diseases must be treated immediately.

Groups of gynecological diseases
Today, gynecological diseases are conventionally divided into three categories. The first group includes ailments that provoke various tumors. They usually provoke specific and nonspecific pathogenic microorganisms. When gynecological diseases are associated with specific microorganisms, they are usually transmitted sexually. Various nonspecific microorganisms usually enter female body from the external environment or through blood transfusion.
Gynecology treatment folk remedies carried out under all kinds of hormonal imbalances. They appear due to disturbances in the normal functioning of the endocrine glands.
The third group of gynecological ailments includes diseases that are dystrophic or hyperplastic in nature. These can be tumors, various pathological formations.

Herbal medicine in the treatment of gynecological diseases
Throughout their lives, most representatives of the fair sex need treatment for gynecological diseases. When prescribing treatment for gynecology with folk remedies or medications, all qualified doctors take into account the fact that medical supplies can sometimes cause negative allergic reaction. This leads in most cases to unwanted side effects.
Sometimes medications are generally contraindicated for girls. This applies to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. In this case, gynecological treatment with folk remedies is used. Most often, doctors prescribe herbal medicine, namely treatment with herbal infusions.
This method is also practiced as an additional therapy in the treatment of various gynecological diseases. Often, treatment of gynecology with folk remedies (herbal preparations) can completely replace medications.
It is worth knowing that modern herbal medicine is not only a means traditional medicine. Today she gives useful, time-tested knowledge about beneficial properties various herbal infusions, extracts from medicinal plants. Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is very effective due to pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
Today, various herbal preparations are produced in the form of tablets or special tinctures. Consequently, each patient can choose the most convenient treatment method for herself.
Often phytomedicines are part of complex treatment. They help with menstrual irregularities in women, uterine bleeding, disorders associated with menopause, treatment premenstrual syndrome. Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is quite effective, also for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, various inflammatory processes. However, for the most effective treatment a qualified doctor prescribes complex therapy, which includes a combination of herbal and medicinal drugs.
Currently there are a number of medicinal fees, which are most often changed to treat women's ailments.
For example, the bark of an ordinary or pedunculated oak contains a large number of tannins, acids, various proteins, starch, and the flavonoid quercetin. Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is used as douching with oak bark for many female ailments.
Can often be used for douching medicinal infusion, made from sage leaves. This plant is distinguished by the presence in its composition of essential oils, useful tannins, many vitamins, alcohols, resins, and acids. Sage leaves can have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is carried out using St. John's wort. The composition of this plant includes flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, resins, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid and others as much as possible useful substances for the female body. When women take St. John's wort internally, it can act as a good sedative. At the same time, the medicinal herb has an antimicrobial effect.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is actively carried out with the help of chamomile. It contains acids, flavanoids, and chamazulene. Everyone knows that a decoction of chamomile flowers has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps stop bleeding.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies, namely birch leaves or buds, is practiced quite often. This therapy has an antimicrobial, diuretic, choleretic effect. Birch buds contain many vitamins, tannins, and essential oils.
Stinging nettle helps cure uterine bleeding. The leaves of this plant contain tannins, histamine, vitamins, and carotenoids.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is purely individual. Only the attending physician can prescribe the correct diagnosis and proper therapy.

Laser therapy in the treatment of gynecological diseases
Professional gynecologists often prescribe laser therapy to women. These can be various methods of treatment, which are based on a physical effect on the body. This effect is carried out using a laser, magnetic fields, ultrasound, and electric currents.
Treatment with laser therapy for gynecological diseases makes it possible to most effectively supplement the main treatment regimen. This method can also be complemented by gynecological treatment with folk remedies. Today, laser therapy often replaces the use of many medications.
This method treats adhesions, adenoxitis, and other women's diseases. A popular method is used to correct various menstrual irregularities, erosion, postpartum endometritis, and treat ovarian dysfunction.
Laser therapy is often prescribed for the treatment of chronic diseases of the pelvic organs in women. This treatment method has a beneficial effect on reducing pain, significantly improves blood circulation, and helps get rid of various functional disorders.
Sometimes laser therapy is the only possible method therapy. Like the treatment of gynecology with folk remedies, this method is quite effective. Such a technique, for example, can significantly reduce chronic pelvic pain and reduce congestion that occurs due to poor blood circulation.
When treated with laser therapy, it significantly decreases recovery period, and the risk of adhesions is reduced. A similar method of therapy is prescribed to representatives of the fair sex who have terminated their pregnancy and undergone curettage surgery of the uterine cavity. The use of this procedure allows you to effectively and quickly restore the damaged uterine mucosa (endometrium).
Treatment of gynecological diseases with laser therapy makes it possible to achieve many positive effects. It reduces the duration of therapy, guarantees high-quality prevention of various complications, and prevents the development of relapses in the future.
With such treatment, the woman absolutely does not feel the manifestation of side factors that can occur during treatment with medications. When using the laser therapy method, you can significantly reduce the number of used medicines, which may further negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
Laser therapy, like the treatment of gynecology with folk remedies, helps women who have been diagnosed with chronic ailments of the reproductive system of the body. In this case the method gives the ability to achieve stable remission. This allows you to improve the options of some organs of the female reproductive system.
The laser therapy method is performed using two methods. It can be performed through the genitals or the anterior abdominal wall. However, the patient does not feel pain with any of these methods. A professional doctor chooses the method of treatment. When diagnosing and selecting treatment, attention is paid to the individual characteristics of the female body.
The laser therapy method can also be used on an outpatient basis. It is worth noting that this does not require additional restrictions. However, this procedure is contraindicated for representatives of the fair sex who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, cysts and tumors.

Gynecological massage
In the treatment of gynecology, antibacterial or hormonal medications are mainly used. However, treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is also used quite often.
Many gynecologists believe that fairly simple and inexpensive treatment methods can bring enormous benefits to the body.
Treatment of gynecology with folk remedies is often carried out with using special massage. This technique received its active development at the beginning of the twentieth century. This method is carried out through physiological influence. It can have a positive effect both on a specific organ and on the woman’s body as a whole. Massage is considered the most effective in combination with other methods of physiotherapy.
This gynecological treatment with folk remedies is prescribed to representatives of the fair sex for chronic inflammation of the uterus, abdominal cavity, periuterine tissue. Such a massage can alleviate the patient’s condition with strong pain in the area of ​​the sacrum, uterus, coccyx.
When using gynecological massage, a professional doctor must carefully monitor the various reactions of the female body. It is very important to monitor this reaction mainly in the first few days of the procedures.
Quite often, representatives of the fair sex may experience displacement of the uterus. This happens due to various inflammatory processes or other gynecological diseases. This deviation from the norm can cause discomfort. And the names gynecological massage can help women in this case.
In addition to the above pathologies, professional massage, prescribed as a treatment for gynecology with folk remedies, is used after difficult childbirth, possible consequences abortions, amenorrhea. For girls who have been diagnosed with infertility, massage can help and bring a certain positive effect.
During the massage, a reflex and mechanical effect occurs on the female body. At the same time, blood circulation and lymph circulation are activated. As a result, purulent phenomena disappear completely during internal organs. This treatment of gynecology with folk remedies allows you to maintain normal menstrual function. Massage provides effective prevention of uterine fibrosis.
Gynecological massage is performed by qualified specialists on a specially equipped table or massage chair. When carrying out this procedure, the doctor must take special care to act as softly, easily and gently as possible. It is important that the woman does not feel any pain.
A gynecological massage is performed with both hands. In this case, the fingers of one hand are massaged on the side of the vagina or rectum. The fingers of the other hand gently massage the abdominal covering.
It is very important that the woman breathes correctly during the massage and is able to relax her abdominal muscles well. Before the massage procedure, representatives of the fair sex should not eat food; it is necessary to completely empty the intestines and bladder. Using a special antiseptic, the doctor must thoroughly clean the external genitalia before starting the procedure.
The first massage sessions should last less than 7 minutes. However, over time they should become longer, reaching 15 minutes. The number of procedures depends on individual characteristics women's health and ranges from 10 to 30.
During menstruation, massage is prohibited. It is also recommended to use contraceptives during the massage, and not to have sexual intercourse on the day of the massage.

  • With low estrogen levels and poor follicle maturation.
  • With early menopause.
  • At elevated prolactin.
  • With adhesions.
  • For inflammation of the ovaries and infertility.
  • To stimulate and heal the ovaries.
  • For polycystic disease, for infertility, for anovulation.
  • For polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  • During anovulatory cycles.
  • Herbal medicine for acute and chronic adnexitis, to restore patency fallopian tubes.

Most gynecological problems in women are associated with hormonal imbalance. Diseases such as endometriosis, fibroids, fibroma, dysmenorrhea, algomenorrhea, adenomyosis, mastopathy, infertility are most often caused by a deficiency or excess of any hormones in a woman’s body. To influence hormonal balance, women have long used herbs that have hormone-like activity. With proper use of herbal medicine, many women's diseases are completely cured. Here we present the most effective recipes herbal treatment of hormonal gynecological diseases.

(Based on materials from the forum

With low estrogen levels and poor follicular maturation:

  • 1st phase of the menstrual cycle - Sage;
  • 2nd phase (or the entire cycle) - Borovaya uterus.

Sage It is recommended to drink in the first half of the cycle (after the end of menstruation for 10-11 days, approximately before the start of ovulation) in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, and only for those women who have low estrogen. An excess of this hormone causes the egg to burst prematurely. While taking Sage, if there is a lack of progesterone in the 1st phase, you can take Duphaston or Utrozhestan.
You should remember to use Sage in moderation: allergies may occur, and large doses can lead to poisoning.
When taking Sage, the 1st phase can either increase or decrease, this depends on the level of your own estrogen in the blood. In order to drink Sage you need to know your hormones in the first phase. And the most important thing: when engaging in such self-medication, you need to listen to your body, it itself will hint with some side effect if something is wrong. (Recipes and ways to use Sage ).

Hog queen Suitable for those who have too large endometrium, i.e. there is endometrial hyperplasia, and this happens due to increased estrogens. The Borovaya uterus helps to reduce or even disappear fibroids, and since hyperestrogenism is considered one of the causes of fibroids, we can certainly say that the Borovaya uterus helps to reduce estrogen, so when reduced level estrogen, it is recommended to take Borovaya uterus only in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.(Methods of using Borovaya uterus).

With early menopause:

Borovaya uterus, Red brush the entire cycle. First, in small doses, gradually increasing to normal, you can add a little Burdock root to the herbs (a very good stimulant)
After leveling the cycle, if necessary, Sage is introduced into the 1st phase.

With elevated prolactin:

Prolactin is in inverse relationship with progesterone, so herbs with a progestogenic effect are prescribed. These include: Vitex sacred, Meadow lumbago, Cinquefoil, Cuff, Raspberry and others.

Vitex sacred or Prutnyak in the form of tincture is sold by the drug “Cyclodinone”. The components of the drug have a normalizing effect on the level of sex hormones. The action of the drug leads to a decrease in prolactin production and the elimination of hyperprolactinemia. Normalization of the synthesis and ratio of gonadotropic hormones leads to normalization of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Cyclodinone can be combined with Sage and Borovaya uterus.

For adhesions:

Infusion:3 teaspoons of Sporysha herb per 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 4 hours, drink half a glass before meals 3-4 times a day.Knotweed can be drunk only before ovulation and under the control of the so-called. "male" hormones testosterone and DHEA-S (Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) (DHEA-S).

In the second phase, it is undesirable to drink, as it increases uterine contractions. Sporysh is especially effective in combination with Borovaya uterus.

Knotweed can be taken together with Sage (2 tbsp. Knotweed + 2 tbsp. Sage in 2 cups of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes and take half a glass 30 minutes before meals). Improves flora, helps against erosion.

For inflammation of the ovaries and infertility:

For andexitis or inflammation of the ovaries, you can use an infusion of Coltsfoot with other herbs. To do this, mix 50 g of Coltsfoot leaves, Calendula flowers, Centaury herb, Chamomile flowers, Sweet clover herb. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture 0.5 liters of boiling water, then leave for 2 hours. Strain and take 1/3 cup 6 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

To stimulate and heal the ovaries:

Herbal collection No. 1:

  • Sweet clover (herb) 1 part;
  • Common cuff (grass) 2 parts;
  • Salvia officinalis (herb) 1 part;
  • Meadowsweet (flowers) 2 parts;
  • Knotweed (grass) 1 part.

Prepare a decoction at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon in a glass of water, keeping in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain. Add water to the original volume. While the decoction is still hot, add 1.5 ml of 10% tincture of Rhodiola rosea (Golden root) to it. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Herbal collection No. 2:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Tripartite sequence;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Yarrow;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Motherwort.

Pour the mixture 0.5 liters of boiling water for 1 hour, then strain. Drink the infusion in the morning, immediately after waking up and in the evening before bed, half a glass. You need to drink this tincture daily (never skip a day!) to regulate hormonal levels. Drink the entire cycle after the end of menstruation and before the start of the next one.
You should not drink during pregnancy.

For polycystic disease, for infertility, for anovulation:

For the 1st phase of the cycle, i.e. before ovulation:

  • Rosemary (promotes ovulation, affects the sex gland);
  • Wormwood (promotes ovulation, removes toxins);
  • Elderberry color (supports follicle-stimulating process);
  • Raspberry leaves (estrogenic effect).

For the 2nd phase of the cycle:

  • Cuff (regulates the corpus luteum);
  • Yarrow (gestagenic);
  • Nettle (removes toxins).

The following scheme is also possible:
Drink Borovaya uterus for 2-3 cycles, do an ultrasound check to make sure there is a result (reduction in the number of cysts), and drink Borovaya uterus (and maybe even Duphaston) until the cysts completely disappear, and then introduce Sage into the first phase.

For hypothyroidism (long-term, persistent lack of hormones thyroid gland):

Herbal collection No. 1:

  • St. John's wort herb;
  • Celandine grass;
  • Rose hips;
  • Licorice root;
  • Angelica root;
  • Rhodiola rosea root;
  • the fruits of the cocklebur - equally.

Herbal collection No. 2:

  • Leuzea root;
  • Celandine grass;
  • flax seeds;
  • Coltsfoot leaf;
  • horsetail grass;
  • the fruits of the cocklebur – equally.

For polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):

It is possible to use both Borovaya uterus and Red brush. It is recommended to alternate phases for 3 cycles. The red brush is the first, the Hog queen is the second.

Herbal medicine for acute and chronic adnexitis, to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes:

Wintergreen round-leaved. 1-2 teaspoons of dry wintergreen leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped for 2 hours, strain, squeeze. Take ½ glass 3 times a day.

Tincture: 50 gr. leaves and stems of wintergreen per 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day.

For anovulatory cycles:

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry leaves of the Great Plantain (sold in pharmacies) with a glass of boiling water, leave it wrapped for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day in the first phase.

  • Sage in the treatment of infertility
  • Plants that affect women's sexual function
  • Plants that affect male sexual function
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