A lump has appeared on the foot and it hurts to step on it. Lumps under the skin Painful lump on the leg

Every person has encountered a lump under the skin at least once in their life. Sometimes they appear as suddenly as they go away, they do not cause discomfort, in other cases the bumps may not go away for a long time, increase and create a clear cosmetic defect, and sometimes even become inflamed.

In any case, if the bumps appear quite often, or do not go away for a long time and cause any inconvenience, you should use a qualified medical care and undergo examination. We must not forget that any disease in an advanced form is much more difficult to treat, those pathologies that were discovered in the formative stage.

A lump under the skin can occur for a variety of reasons, sometimes it indicates a serious pathology, but it is possible that the formation arose due to some kind of malfunction of the body. Compactions can occur in various places: on the face and neck, back, arms or legs, even in the groin, buttock or thigh.

Let's look at the most common causes of subcutaneous lumps on the human body:

  • due to the inflammatory process;
  • The appearance of various types of tumors, this includes oncological formations of a benign and malignant nature;
  • Violation of fat metabolism in the body;
  • Infectious pathologies and progressive inflammation in soft tissues;
  • Elevated physical activity, stress, overwork;
  • Sometimes the cause is a birthmark;
  • A lump may be a sign of sebaceous gland growth;
  • Skin pathologies.

We should not exclude the fact that lumps under the skin can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, drinking alcohol and poor nutrition. As well as a passive lifestyle, untimely treatment of infectious diseases and hereditary predisposition to pathology.

Let's look at the most common diseases that can cause a lump to form on the leg under the skin, or on other parts of the body.


Lipoma is a common benign growth that may cause a hard lump. A lipoma consists of adipose and connective tissue, usually it is about 1.5 cm in size, but it can increase depending on the characteristics of the patient; it is localized in various places, for example, on the back, neck, buttock. A lipoma is removed if it creates an obvious cosmetic defect or compresses surrounding tissue.

Monitor your health. The risk of tumors is higher in people with immune disorders, endocrine system, so it is very important to treat on time infectious diseases, hormonal imbalances. In order to detect pathology in time, it is necessary to undergo a full examination at least once a year. medical examination. And if any unpleasant symptoms see a therapist rather than self-medicate.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of their health in general are less susceptible to tumors and generally get sick less. Sports and a healthy diet are the foundations of longevity, so if a lump appears on your body, you urgently need to change something in your life, otherwise the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle may become irreversible.

Various formations under the skin: bumps, balls, compactions, tumors - this is a common problem that almost every person faces. In most cases, these formations are harmless, but some of them require emergency treatment.

Lumps and lumps under the skin can develop on any part of the body: face, arms and legs, back, abdomen, etc. Sometimes these formations are hidden in the folds of the skin, on the scalp, or grow so slowly that they remain unnoticed for a long time and are discovered reaching large sizes. Benign neoplasms of the skin and soft tissues usually proceed asymptomatically.

Lumps, seals, causing pain or discomfort are more often a consequence of infection. They may be accompanied by an increase in general or local temperature. The skin over them usually turns red. Associated disorders occur: general malaise, headache, weakness, etc. With timely treatment, such formations usually go away quickly.

Much less common are malignant neoplasms of the skin and underlying tissues, which can be palpated or noticed on your own. You need to be able to recognize these diseases in time and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Below we outline the most common skin lesions that may cause concern.

Lumps under the skin most often turn out to be lipomas. These are benign, completely safe tumors from fat cells. Lipoma can be felt under the skin as a soft formation with clear boundaries, sometimes with a bumpy surface. The skin over the lipoma is of normal color and density, easily folded.

Most often, lipomas appear on the scalp, neck, armpits, chest, back and thighs. When they reach large sizes, they can cause pain by squeezing neighboring organs or muscles. Find out more about how to get rid of lipoma.

Atheroma is often confused with lipoma, also called a wen. In fact, it is a cyst, that is, a stretched sebaceous gland in which the excretory duct is blocked. The contents of the atheroma - sebum - gradually accumulate, stretching the capsule of the gland.

To the touch it is a dense, round formation with clear boundaries. The skin over the atheroma cannot be folded; sometimes the surface of the skin takes on a bluish color and you can see a point on it - a blocked duct. Atheroma can become inflamed and fester. If necessary, it can be removed by a surgeon.

This is a dense, inactive ball under the skin, which most often appears on the wrist in the form of a lump. Hygroma does not hurt or cause harm, it causes only cosmetic discomfort, and when located in rarer places, for example, on the palm, it can interfere with daily work. With an accidental blow, the hygroma can disappear, since it is an accumulation of fluid between the fibers of the tendon and bursts under mechanical stress. Read more about hygroma and its treatment.

Various joint diseases: arthritis and arthrosis are often accompanied by the appearance of small, hard, immobile nodules under the skin. Similar formations in the elbow joint are called rheumatoid nodules and are characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. Nodules on the extensor surface of the joints of the fingers - Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes accompany deforming osteoarthritis.

Gouty nodes - tophi, which are accumulations of uric acid salts and grow on the joints of people, can reach a significant size. for many years those suffering from gout.

A subcutaneous lump on the foot deserves special attention - a hard growth of the joint of the big toe, which is accompanied by valgus deformity - curvature of the toe. The bunion on the foot gradually grows, interferes with walking and creates difficulties in choosing shoes. Learn about the treatment of hallux valgus.

It feels like a soft protrusion under the skin, which can appear during exercise and disappear completely when lying down or at rest. A hernia forms in the navel area, postoperative scar on the stomach, groin, inner thigh. The hernia may be painful when palpated. Sometimes you can push it back in with your fingers.

A hernia is formed internal organs abdomen, which are squeezed out through weak spots in the abdominal wall during an increase in intra-abdominal pressure: when coughing, lifting heavy objects, etc. Find out whether a hernia can be cured traditional methods, and why it is dangerous.

Most often accompanied colds. Lymph nodes are small round formations that can be felt under the skin in the form of soft elastic balls the size of a pea to a plum, not fused to the surface of the skin.

Lymph nodes are located in groups in the neck area, under lower jaw, above and below the collarbones, in the armpits, in the elbow and knee bends, in the groin and other parts of the body. These are the components immune system, which, like a filter, pass interstitial fluid through themselves, clearing it of infection, foreign inclusions and damaged cells, including tumor cells.

An increase in the size of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), which become painful when palpated, usually accompanies infectious diseases: sore throat, otitis media, flux, panaritium, as well as wounds and burns. Treatment of the underlying disease leads to a reduction in the node.

If the skin over the lymph node turns red, and palpation becomes sharply painful, the development of lymphadenitis is likely - a purulent lesion of the node itself. In this case, you need to contact a surgeon. Minor surgery may be required, and early treatment can sometimes clear up the infection with antibiotics.

If a dense bumpy formation is felt under the skin, and the skin above it cannot be folded, the node is likely damaged by a malignant tumor. In this case, consult an oncologist as soon as possible. Read more about other causes of swollen lymph nodes.

All these terms refer to small growths on the skin itself. different shapes: in the form of a polyp, a mole on a thin stalk, growths in the shape of a cockscomb or cauliflower, a hard nodule or papilla protruding above the surface. These lesions may be yellowish, pale, brown, or flesh-colored and have a smooth or flaky surface. Read more and look at photos of warts and papillomas.

The reasons for them are different: more often it is viral infection, mechanical injury, hormonal disorders. Sometimes warts and papillomas grow “out of the blue,” for no apparent reason, and can be located on any part of the body, including the mucous membranes of the genital organs. For the most part, these are harmless growths that cause only cosmetic discomfort or interfere with wearing clothes or underwear. However, the variety of their shapes, colors and sizes does not allow one to independently distinguish a benign wart, condyloma or soft fibroma from malignant skin diseases. Therefore, if a suspicious growth appears on the skin, it is advisable to show it to a dermatologist or oncologist.

Almost every woman experiences breast lumps at various times in her life. In the second phase of the cycle, especially on the eve of menstruation, small lumps may be felt in the breasts. Usually, with the onset of menstruation, these formations disappear and they are associated with normal changes in the mammary glands under the influence of hormones.

If hardening or peas in the breast are palpable and after menstruation, it is advisable to contact a gynecologist who will examine the mammary glands and, if necessary, prescribe additional examination. In most cases, breast formations turn out to be benign; some of them are recommended to be removed, while others can be treated conservatively.

The reason for urgent appeal to the doctor are:

rapid increase in the size of the node; pain in the mammary glands, regardless of the phase of the cycle; the formation does not have clear boundaries or the contours are uneven; over the node there is retracted or deformed skin, an ulcer; there is discharge from the nipple; enlarged lymph nodes can be felt in the armpits.

If these symptoms are detected, it is advisable to immediately contact a mammologist or, if such a specialist could not be found, an oncologist. Read more about the types of breast lumps and their treatment.

A whole group of skin lesions may be associated with infection. The most common cause of inflammation and suppuration is the bacterium staphylococcus. The skin in the affected area turns red, swelling and induration of varying sizes appear. The surface of the skin becomes hot and painful to the touch, and overall body temperature may also increase.

Sometimes the inflammation quickly spreads across the skin, covering large areas. Such a diffuse lesion is characteristic of erysipelas (erysipelas). A more serious condition - phlegmon - is purulent inflammation subcutaneous fat tissue. Focal inflammatory diseases are common: carbuncle and furuncle, which form when damaged hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

Surgeons treat purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues. If redness, pain and swelling appear on the skin, accompanied by an increase in temperature, you should seek help as soon as possible. On initial stages the problem can be solved with the help of antibiotics; in more advanced cases, surgery has to be resorted to.

Compared to other skin lesions malignant tumors are very rare. As a rule, first a focus of compaction or a nodule appears in the thickness of the skin, which gradually grows. Usually the tumor does not hurt or itch. The surface of the skin may be normal, flaky, crusty, or dark in color.

Signs of malignancy are:

uneven and unclear boundaries of the tumor; enlargement of nearby lymph nodes; rapid growth education; adhesion to the surface of the skin, inactivity when palpating; bleeding and ulceration on the surface of the lesion.

A tumor can develop at the site of a mole, like melanoma. May be located under the skin, like a sarcoma, or in situ lymph node- lymphoma. If you suspect a malignant skin tumor, you should contact an oncologist as soon as possible.

If you are concerned about formations on your body, find a good doctor using the NaPravku service:

a dermatologist - if the lump looks like a wart or papilloma; surgeon - if required surgical treatment abscess or benign tumor; oncologist - to exclude a tumor.

If you think that another specialist is needed, use our help section “Who Treats It”. There, based on your symptoms, you can more accurately decide on the choice of a doctor. You can also start with an initial diagnosis from a therapist.

Some rashes and formations that appear on our body cause concern and may not look aesthetically pleasing in photos or in real life. A lump under the skin on your leg is one of these worrying symptoms. The ball has a dense consistency, is easy to palpate, and is mobile. Usually does not cause inconvenience or pain. However, a harmless “sore” can turn out to be a serious symptom of the disease.

The compaction can be of different localization, on which the causes of the disease depend:

at the base of the big toe; on the “instep” of the foot; on the sole; shin.

Orthopedists call a lump on the foot in the area of ​​the big toe “ hallux valgus" It is a deformation of the position of the finger due to a violation of the articular connection. This deformation is especially pronounced in older people, in particularly advanced cases thumb assumes an almost horizontal position relative to the foot.

The main reason is wearing too tight, narrow shoes. This is aggravated by the presence of heels; frequent wearing of uncomfortable shoes leads to a forced concentration of body weight pressure on the toe. Under constant load, the metatarsal bones begin to diverge under the weight of the whole body, leading to changes in the foot. The appearance of compaction is accompanied by horizontal flat feet.

There are many reasons for the appearance of such bumps, they differ in associated symptoms, thanks to which a specific diagnosis can be determined. You should take into account pain - at rest and when pressed, whether there is an increase in size from the moment it appeared, a local increase in temperature, skin manifestations and disruption of normal functioning.

Many of these diseases require surgery. Consult a specialist if you notice these symptoms or notice a lump on the sole or instep of your foot.

The most common reason When a compaction appears on the arch of the foot or sole, neoplasms and cysts appear. Typically this “ball” is:

lipoma; hygroma; atheroma; fibroma.

Lipoma is a benign formation of adipose tissue. It does not cause concern, the wen moves easily under the skin and is dense. This type of tumor rarely becomes malignant and grows slowly. Most often does not require treatment if it does not cause aesthetic discomfort.
Hygroma is another type of benign tumor. Formed at the site of the joint capsule, characterized by the presence of fluid. The most common location is the back of the foot, at the base of the toes. Painless, with sudden growth there may be nagging pain from overstretching of the joint capsule. The seal usually appears as a result of frequent foot injury.

Atheroma - occurs when the sebaceous duct is completely blocked. Since there are no sebaceous glands on the sole, such a ball cannot form there. However, compaction is possible on the rise. The tumor is painful on palpation and may become inflamed, complicated by an abscess. Due to poorly developed subcutaneous fat, it does not reach large sizes. Occurs after bruises, poor hygiene, metabolic disorders.

Fibroma is a connective tissue tumor, mainly localized on the sole. The formation feels like a dense nodule, the skin color may change for days, and is prone to growth. Due to its specific location, it causes inconvenience when walking or standing for a long time.

Lumps on the sole and instep of the foot are most often removed surgically. The extent of the intervention depends on its origin. At malignant neoplasms Surrounding tissue may be excised. In inflammatory diseases, drainage is installed to drain purulent contents, always adding antibiotics to the treatment.

If the lymph nodes are inflamed, you need to find out the underlying disease. The lymph node ball should regress with properly selected therapy. You should not apply warming compresses or warm them up - there is a high risk of worsening the inflammatory process.

All benign neoplasms are often treated surgically in a minimally invasive manner. Depending on the morphology of the tumor, it is added to treatment drug therapy. Fibroma undergoes cryo or laser removal.

Lipoma is rarely treated, but if it is inconvenient, it is possible to excise the formation under local anesthesia. Gaining popularity laser removal– the method is practically painless, does not require preparation, and does not leave scars. After this procedure, traces will not be visible even in a photo under high magnification.

Hygroma can be removed either surgically or undergo conservative therapy. Because of rapid progression It becomes difficult to wear and select shoes, so patients often decide to have them removed.

With the conservative method, the cavity is simply pierced, removing the accumulated fluid. Then a drug is injected into the cyst to harden the capsule. It is performed without local anesthesia and a splint is applied to immobilize the foot. However, with this method of treatment, recurrence of the disease is possible. At surgical treatment the capsule is completely removed under anesthesia. Recurrence of the disease does not occur with this therapy.

Treatment of atheroma is similar surgical removal hygromas, due to the similarity in structure.

Healthy legs are the key to good health and full activity. A lump on the foot can cause a lot of trouble if not treated promptly. Pay more attention to the condition of your feet, early stages, the “ball” that appears is easily treated, without the risk of complications.

Bumps and lumps on the skin are skin formations that are dense to the touch, varying in size, cause and location.

The duration of their presence on the surface of the skin depends on the cause that caused them and the quality of treatment. In cases where these formations quickly increase in size or are accompanied by other symptoms (for example, itching, redness, soreness), then it is necessary to seek medical help from a specialist as soon as possible.

There are many reasons for the appearance of various bumps on the skin and they are all directly related to skin diseases:

Lipoma(benign tumor of adipose tissue). The lump can be any size (from a few millimeters to several centimeters). Usually painless, no change in skin color, firm to the touch. Mole. The lump on the skin is soft, brown or black, absolutely painless. Skin cancer. A lump or lump can occur in various places on the body, have a different color (from normal to dark), and is fused to the skin and surrounding tissues. Accompanied by pain and suppuration in the later stages of its development. Enlarged lymph nodes. The lump is located above the underlying lymph nodes, dense and hot to the touch, painful, size from a pea to walnut, not fused with surrounding tissues. Combined with the presence of infection in the body (fever, intoxication). Intradermal cyst. Formation of various sizes, usually of dense consistency, with unchanged skin color. It can periodically become inflamed, even with the contents coming out. Skin abscess. The lump is dense and painful, the skin over it is red and hot, and there is pus inside. Combined with an increase in body temperature. Hemangioma. It is a red lump, soft or dense in consistency, painless. Warts. They are bumps or nodules of different sizes, painless or slightly painful. The skin over them may retain its natural color or acquire red tones. Malignant tumors of superficial structures. These formations include basal cell carcinoma, soft tissue sarcoma, neurofibromatosis, etc. Lumps and lumps can range from several millimeters to tens of centimeters. At the beginning of the disease, they are painless and do not cause much concern for the patient. Later they can become inflamed and decompose. Presence of foreign bodies. These are all kinds of fragments, bullets and other objects. In this case, the bump depends on the size foreign body, often painful. Rheumatoid nodules. They are lumps on the skin that do not manifest themselves at all. However, in addition to this, pain and deformation of the joints can be detected.

Lumps and lumps on the skin can be single or multiple, painful or not, with or without inflammation, hard and soft, and ranging in size from 1 millimeter to tens of centimeters. Moreover, such a variety of clinical manifestations does not depend on gender or age, but only on the cause that caused them.

Treatment of lumps and lumps is mainly surgical. The doctor excises this lump with its capsule, and, if necessary (in the case of oncology), with the surrounding tissues.

If there is no growth of the lump (unless, of course, it causes discomfort and does not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the patient) and without inflammatory changes, treatment may not be carried out. Examples of such formations are moles, lipomas or small cysts without inflammation.

In the case of warts, you can use Feresol, which burns out this bump without surgical intervention.

Redness and various rashes on the skin cause discomfort and look unsightly. If spherical lumps form under the skin and gradually increase in size, there is a serious reason to consult a doctor. A lump on the calf of the leg is a clear symptom of problems in the body.

Such a ball can be easily palpated; in severe cases, it protrudes strongly under the skin. Usually the lump looks mobile, dense, and not harmless. Becomes serious reason for concern, a harbinger of the development of a serious illness.

Primary causes of a lump on the calf

The calf muscles in humans are located at the back of the leg in the lower leg area. Participate in flexion of the foot. Often pain of various types occurs in this part of the leg. The pain appears during movement and becomes worse when running. Pain in the calf usually signals a person about internal problems in the body.

The muscles in the calf are responsible for the condition of the cardiovascular system. The more developed they are, the better the heart works. The formation of a blood clot that breaks off in the calf (often due to alcohol consumption, smoking, or blood stagnation) is fatal. Pain in the calf muscle is caused by tumors affecting bones, blood vessels and muscle fibers. The tumor forms in the soft tissues and occurs inside the calf.

Lump on the bone

Reasons for the appearance of a lump on the calf:

Mechanical injuries of the lower extremities. Gout. Syphilis. Cystic formation. Chronic rheumatism. Inflammation in the lymph nodes.

Diagnostics will help determine the cause of the formation under the skin.

Secondary causes of a lump on the calf

A compaction under the skin in one or both calves also indicates neoplasms that can be benign or malignant. The formations can grow in adipose tissue, this is typical for lipoma, in cartilage tissue (fibroma), muscle, and bone. At first they do not cause any inconvenience, but gradually the lumps become painful and increase in size. A lump under the skin indicates a malignant lesion of the limbs.

A benign formation in the form of a lump is called osteoma. Often formed in bone tissue shin, develops slowly, does not develop into cancer. Osteoma is often diagnosed in children and young people under 20 years of age. The formation is characterized by pain due to pressure on the vessels and nerve nodes. Osteoma is removed surgically. There are two types of osteomas: connective tissue tumors and bone tumors.

Calf osteoma

Lumps in the soft tissue of the legs indicate a lipoma. The main location is the lower leg and calf muscle, ankle. Lipoma is characterized by the growth of adipose tissue, which occurs due to hormonal imbalance or heredity. Such neoplasms under the skin are usually soft to the touch, difficult to notice, and do not cause discomfort. When palpated, the bumps move and do not cause pain. Lipomas are eliminated through surgery after histological examination. Medicines will not help with this type of tumor. Lipomas are removed using a laser. A lump under the skin sometimes indicates the presence of a fibroma - a tumor that typically grows into fibrous and connective tissues. Formations appear due to injury or inflammation. Fibroids of the legs develop without symptoms, rarely cause complications, and do not require special treatment. They can cause redness of the skin; the structure of the lump is dense and nodular. If it occurs not in the area of ​​the calf muscle, but on the ankle, the skin will change color from a matte shade to purple and will increase in size. Treatment with liquid nitrogen is recommended.

Traditional methods of treating lumps on the calf

If a lump appears on the calf of the leg, treatment is prescribed only after examining the body and diagnosing the neoplasm. Depending on the stage and nature of the formation, the doctor will prescribe a course of correct therapy. If the formation is benign, it is applied drug treatment, laser, surgery.

With a malignant lump under the skin, the situation is much more complicated. The focus is affected by radiological methods, radiation therapy killing cancer cells, preventing them from spreading. They use surgery and chemotherapy. When a diagnostic examination of the formation has been carried out by an oncologist, a course of cytostatic drugs is prescribed. Chemotherapy is necessary to neutralize and prevent the occurrence of tumor mutations. Admission course medicines and chemotherapy is strictly individual.

Any disease of the legs is dangerous and can cause severe consequences for the body. Appropriate treatment prevents the disease from developing and relapse. If, after the first successful treatment of the lump, a second malignant tumor appears in the calf muscle, the doctor will prescribe anticancer therapy - a hormonal course to restore the correct biological balance in the body together with taking bisphosphonates. Neoplasms of various types and diseases of the legs can usually be cured in time, taking into account that it turned out to be complex and individual. A lump in the lymph nodes of the leg is not considered a separate disease, but a symptom of a serious disorder in the body. It is strictly forbidden to apply hot compresses to the legs where the tumor is located.

Traditional therapy for a lump on the calf consists of a set of measures and techniques, depending on the picture of the disease:

Drug therapy. Radiation therapy. Laser. Cryotherapy.

Foot treatment

Radioactive. Chemotherapy. Minimally invasive surgical intervention.

Traditional methods of treating lumps on the calf

The use of home methods for treating a lump on the calf of the leg cannot completely eliminate the disorder, but it will alleviate the patient’s condition, and in combination with therapy it will become a good helper. If the neoplasm is malignant, it is better not to resort to self-treatment. In any case, before use unconventional methods You must consult your doctor! Massage of the tumor, strong friction of the sore spot, and hot compresses are prohibited.

A good method for treating bumps is regular soap. Grate the soap, knead the resulting shavings and massage (not aggressively) the skin. Then wash it off and draw an iodine grid in place of the bump. The method is used daily for a month. Relieves pain and severe inflammation. Potatoes are effective folk remedy, has proven itself in the fight against various diseases. It is necessary to peel a large potato tuber and grate it until it turns into a watery paste. The mass is applied to the affected area, and a cling film wrap is made on top. It is advisable to make a potato compress daily until a positive result occurs.

Treatment with potatoes

Propolis helps with bumps under the skin. Rub the product in your palm until soft and apply to the affected area. Secure the top loosely with a dry cloth. At home, make a special ointment. To prepare you will need raw egg and vinegar. Place the egg in a transparent jar, pour table vinegar on top and leave for several weeks in a dark place. The shell will soften and should be removed. Mash the egg with one tablespoon lard(melted) and turpentine ointment – ​​10 g. Apply the resulting ointment to the skin every other day, then make an iodine network. Infusions medicinal herbs having a diuretic effect ( birch buds, horsetail, lingonberry), should be applied internally and make cold compresses. Prepare an ointment yourself: 3% iodine - one part, lemon juice - two parts and 2 aspirin tablets, mix and knead to a paste. Apply the resulting product to the affected area of ​​the skin and wrap it with film on top. You need to use the ointment for three days in a row, then take a break for a week.

If a lump is detected, it is not recommended to take a hot shower or bath, sunbathe, or visit bathhouses or solariums. You should not act aggressively, mechanically on the subcutaneous lump, knead it, or apply heating pads. It is better to use folk remedies under the supervision of a doctor. You should review your diet and reduce stressful situations.

Symptoms of a lump on the calf

Early symptoms of a lump on the calf of the leg are distinguished by the characteristic sensations:

Pain in the lower extremities. At night, the pain becomes more acute. Various disorders in the functioning of the joints. Difficulty moving. Brittle bones. General malaise. Increased body temperature. Weight loss. Fatigue. If a tumor has formed, the pain radiates to the heel.

If symptoms occur, it is important not to delay seeking medical attention and treatment. You should reduce physical activity and, if possible, get rid of bad habits which become a factor in the development of diseases.

Various formations under the skin: bumps, balls, compactions, tumors - this is a common problem that almost every person faces. In most cases, these formations are harmless, but some of them require emergency treatment.

Lumps and lumps under the skin can develop on any part of the body: face, arms and legs, back, abdomen, etc. Sometimes these formations are hidden in the folds of the skin, on the scalp, or grow so slowly that they remain unnoticed for a long time and are discovered reaching large sizes. Benign neoplasms of the skin and soft tissues usually proceed asymptomatically.

Lumps or lumps that cause pain or discomfort are often the result of infection. They may be accompanied by an increase in general or local temperature. The skin over them usually turns red. Associated disorders occur: general malaise, headache, weakness, etc. With timely treatment, such formations usually go away quickly.

Much less common are malignant neoplasms of the skin and underlying tissues, which can be palpated or noticed on your own. You need to be able to recognize these diseases in time and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Below we outline the most common skin lesions that may cause concern.

Lipoma (wen)

Lumps under the skin most often turn out to be lipomas. These are benign, completely safe tumors from fat cells. Lipoma can be felt under the skin as a soft formation with clear boundaries, sometimes with a bumpy surface. The skin over the lipoma is of normal color and density, easily folded.

Most often, lipomas appear on the scalp, neck, armpits, chest, back and thighs. When they reach large sizes, they can cause pain by squeezing neighboring organs or muscles. Find out more about how to get rid of lipoma.


Atheroma is often confused with lipoma, also called a wen. In fact, it is a cyst, that is, a stretched sebaceous gland in which the excretory duct is blocked. The contents of the atheroma - sebum - gradually accumulate, stretching the capsule of the gland.

To the touch it is a dense, round formation with clear boundaries. The skin over the atheroma cannot be folded; sometimes the surface of the skin takes on a bluish color and you can see a point on it - a blocked duct. Atheroma can become inflamed and fester. If necessary, it can be removed by a surgeon.


This is a dense, inactive ball under the skin, which most often appears on the wrist in the form of a lump. Hygroma does not hurt or cause harm, it causes only cosmetic discomfort, and when located in rarer places, for example, on the palm, it can interfere with daily work. With an accidental blow, the hygroma can disappear, since it is an accumulation of fluid between the fibers of the tendon and bursts under mechanical stress. Read more about hygroma and its treatment.

Nodules on the joints

Various joint diseases: arthritis and arthrosis are often accompanied by the appearance of small, hard, immobile nodules under the skin. Such formations in the elbow joint are called rheumatoid nodules and are characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. Nodules on the extensor surface of the joints of the fingers - Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes accompany deforming osteoarthritis.

Gouty nodes - tophi, which are accumulations of uric acid salts and grow on the joints of people who have suffered from gout for many years, can reach a significant size.

A subcutaneous lump on the foot deserves special attention - a hard growth of the joint of the big toe, which is accompanied by valgus deformity - curvature of the toe. The bunion on the foot gradually grows, interferes with walking and creates difficulties in choosing shoes. Learn about the treatment of hallux valgus.


It feels like a soft protrusion under the skin, which can appear during exercise and disappear completely when lying down or at rest. A hernia forms in the navel, postoperative scar on the abdomen, in the groin, on the inner surface of the thigh. The hernia may be painful when palpated. Sometimes you can push it back in with your fingers.

A hernia is formed by the internal organs of the abdomen, which are squeezed out through weak spots in the abdominal wall during an increase in intra-abdominal pressure: when coughing, lifting heavy objects, etc. Find out whether a hernia can be cured using traditional methods, and why it is dangerous.

Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)

Most often accompanied by colds. Lymph nodes are small round formations that can be felt under the skin in the form of soft elastic balls the size of a pea to a plum, not fused to the surface of the skin.

Lymph nodes are located in groups in the neck, under the lower jaw, above and below the collarbones, in the armpits, in the elbows and knees, in the groin and other parts of the body. These are components of the immune system that, like a filter, pass interstitial fluid through themselves, clearing it of infection, foreign inclusions and damaged cells, including tumor cells.

An increase in the size of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), which become painful when palpated, usually accompanies infectious diseases: sore throat, otitis media, flux, panaritium, as well as wounds and burns. Treatment of the underlying disease leads to a reduction in the node.

If the skin over the lymph node turns red, and palpation becomes sharply painful, the development of lymphadenitis is likely - a purulent lesion of the node itself. In this case, you need to contact a surgeon. Minor surgery may be required, and early treatment can sometimes clear up the infection with antibiotics.

If a dense bumpy formation is felt under the skin, and the skin above it cannot be folded, the node is likely damaged by a malignant tumor. In this case, consult an oncologist as soon as possible. Read more about other causes of swollen lymph nodes.

Warts, papillomas, condylomas, soft fibromas

All these terms refer to small growths on the skin of various shapes: in the form of a polyp, a mole on a thin stalk, growths in the shape of a cockscomb or cauliflower, a hard nodule or papilla protruding above the surface. These lesions may be yellowish, pale, brown, or flesh-colored and have a smooth or flaky surface. Read more and look at photos of warts and papillomas.

Their causes are different: most often it is a viral infection, mechanical injury, hormonal disorders. Sometimes warts and papillomas grow “out of the blue,” for no apparent reason, and can be located on any part of the body, including the mucous membranes of the genital organs. For the most part, these are harmless growths that cause only cosmetic discomfort or interfere with wearing clothes or underwear. However, the variety of their shapes, colors and sizes does not allow one to independently distinguish a benign wart, condyloma or soft fibroma from malignant skin diseases. Therefore, if a suspicious growth appears on the skin, it is advisable to show it to a dermatologist or oncologist.

Lump in the breast (in the mammary gland)

Almost every woman experiences breast lumps at various times in her life. In the second phase of the cycle, especially on the eve of menstruation, small lumps may be felt in the breasts. Usually, with the onset of menstruation, these formations disappear and they are associated with normal changes in the mammary glands under the influence of hormones.

If hardening or peas in the breast are palpable and after menstruation, it is advisable to contact a gynecologist who will examine the mammary glands and, if necessary, prescribe additional examination. In most cases, breast formations turn out to be benign; some of them are recommended to be removed, while others can be treated conservatively.

Reasons to urgently consult a doctor are:

rapid increase in the size of the node; pain in the mammary glands, regardless of the phase of the cycle; the formation does not have clear boundaries or the contours are uneven; over the node there is retracted or deformed skin, an ulcer; there is discharge from the nipple; enlarged lymph nodes can be felt in the armpits.

If these symptoms are detected, it is advisable to immediately contact a mammologist or, if such a specialist could not be found, an oncologist. Read more about the types of breast lumps and their treatment.

Skin inflammation and ulcers

A whole group of skin lesions may be associated with infection. The most common cause of inflammation and suppuration is the bacterium staphylococcus. The skin in the affected area turns red, swelling and induration of varying sizes appear. The surface of the skin becomes hot and painful to the touch, and overall body temperature may also increase.

Sometimes the inflammation quickly spreads across the skin, covering large areas. Such a diffuse lesion is characteristic of erysipelas (erysipelas). A more serious condition - phlegmon - is a purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Focal inflammatory diseases are common: carbuncle and furuncle, which are formed when hair follicles and sebaceous glands are damaged.

Surgeons treat purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues. If redness, pain and swelling appear on the skin, accompanied by an increase in temperature, you should seek help as soon as possible. In the initial stages, the problem can be solved with the help of antibiotics; in more advanced cases, surgery must be resorted to.

Malignant tumors

Compared to other skin lesions, malignant tumors are very rare. As a rule, first a focus of compaction or a nodule appears in the thickness of the skin, which gradually grows. Usually the tumor does not hurt or itch. The surface of the skin may be normal, flaky, crusty, or dark in color.

Signs of malignancy are:

uneven and unclear boundaries of the tumor; enlargement of nearby lymph nodes; rapid growth in education; adhesion to the surface of the skin, inactivity when palpating; bleeding and ulceration on the surface of the lesion.

A tumor can develop at the site of a mole, like melanoma. It can be located under the skin, like a sarcoma, or at the site of a lymph node - lymphoma. If you suspect a malignant skin tumor, you should contact an oncologist as soon as possible.

Which doctor should I contact with a lump or lump on the skin?

If you are concerned about formations on your body, find a good doctor using the NaPravku service:

a dermatologist - if the lump looks like a wart or papilloma; surgeon - if surgical treatment of an abscess or benign tumor is required; oncologist - to exclude a tumor.

If you think that another specialist is needed, use our help section “Who Treats It”. There, based on your symptoms, you can more accurately decide on the choice of a doctor. You can also start with an initial diagnosis from a therapist.

If you have small bump on the lower leg, you should immediately go to the hospital and undergo a medical examination. This alarming symptom may be a sign of the development of quite dangerous diseases. Skin formations can be of two types - soft tissue compaction or bone growth. The doctor will examine and diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

There are many reasons why a tumor may form on the lower leg. Most often, this symptom is a sign of strong pressure on the bone. Often, bumps on the shins occur during adolescence in adolescents. In this case, they do not pose any danger and disappear on their own.

Tissue thickening on the leg may be the result of improperly treated abscess. This inflammation develops due to infection entering the body, causing pain, general malaise, and fever.

The most common causes of shin bumps include:

  • Heredity;
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • or ;

It is impossible to determine the exact cause of the formation of a lump on your own. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after an initial examination and examination of additional examination results.


A lump on the shin is a clear symptom that can be noticed immediately. However, depending on the reason for the development of such a formation, the patient may exhibit additional symptoms, namely:

  • Soreness when touched;
  • Swelling and redness of the lower leg;
  • Thickening of the skin on the damaged area;
  • Increased body temperature, general weakness.

A tumor on the leg can cause the patient a lot of discomfort and interfere with normal movement. When found primary symptoms Such pathology should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner you start treatment, the faster you can cope with the disease, preventing dangerous consequences.


If you notice a lump on your shin, make an appointment with your doctor or surgeon immediately. A tumor on the leg not only looks scary, but also causes discomfort while walking or running.

First, the doctor will examine you, perform palpation, and study alarming symptoms. If it is impossible to immediately make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostics - a blood test, ultrasound of the thyroid gland or.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. If you want to use your own preparation, be sure to consult your doctor first. It is also forbidden to heat the bump, as this often only leads to aggravation of the problem.


The treatment method for shin bumps is selected individually for each patient, and depends on the type and cause of the pathology. Let's consider the main types of therapy for this pathology.

  • If tissue compaction on the lower limb is formed as a result of injury or bruise, surgery may be necessary.
  • Fibrous lumps are removed using modern laser equipment. The procedure is painless, after it there are no traces left on the skin.
  • treated with conservative methods. To remove the tumor, it is punctured and the fluid accumulated inside is pumped out. After such therapy, relapse is possible.
  • Proximal or corrective Austin-Reverdin-Green surgery.

Each treatment method has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you consult a doctor at an early stage of the development of the pathology, you may be able to treat the lump with medication and the use of external anti-inflammatory agents.

Folk remedies

Traditional treatment methods can be used as an additional remedy to get rid of bumps on the lower leg. Use these methods only after consulting your doctor first.

Let's look at a few of the most effective means traditional medicine.

A lump on the leg can be cured with regular soap and iodine. First, prepare a strong soap solution, rub it thoroughly into the damaged area of ​​the skin, and then apply an iodine mesh to the tumor. Repeat the procedure daily for a month, and the inflammation will significantly decrease and the pain will disappear.

Treat the steamed bump on the shin one at a time camphor oil and iodine. Grind raw potatoes. Apply the resulting paste to the sore spot.

Chicken egg ointment is an excellent remedy for bumps on the legs. This folk remedy allows you to cure it at home quite quickly. A whole egg should be placed in a deep container, filled with vinegar, and placed in a dark, cool place for 2-3 weeks.

The hard shell will gradually soften until it disappears completely. After the required time has passed, add melted pork fat (50 g) and 10 g to the liquid. turpentine ointment. Mix everything thoroughly. This ointment should be used to treat the tumor every other day. When not in use, treat your skin with iodine.

The most common causes of the formation of lumps on the lower leg and foot are diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and inflammation of the periosteum. To prevent such pathologies, give preference only to comfortable shoes, wear special ones or inserts. For prevention purposes, you can do. The procedure is quite simple and can be done at home.

Doctors strongly discourage women from wearing only high-heeled dress shoes. This is certainly beautiful, but it can harm your health. An active lifestyle will be an excellent prevention of bumps on the legs. It is not necessary to exercise for a long time; 10-15 minutes of simple warm-up is enough.

About cones (video)

Some rashes and formations that appear on our body cause concern and may not look aesthetically pleasing in photos or in real life. A lump under the skin on your leg is one of these worrying symptoms. The ball has a dense consistency, is easy to palpate, and is mobile. Usually does not cause inconvenience or pain. However, a harmless “sore” can turn out to be a serious symptom of the disease.

The compaction can be of different localization, on which the causes of the disease depend:

  • at the base of the big toe;
  • on the “instep” of the foot;
  • on the sole;
  • shin.

Orthopedists call a lump on the foot in the area of ​​the big toe “valgus foot.” It is a deformation of the position of the finger due to a violation of the articular connection. This deformation is especially pronounced in older people; in particularly advanced cases, the big toe takes on an almost horizontal position relative to the foot.

The main reason is wearing too tight, narrow shoes. This is aggravated by the presence of heels; frequent wearing of uncomfortable shoes leads to a forced concentration of body weight pressure on the toe. Under constant load, the metatarsal bones begin to diverge under the weight of the whole body, leading to changes in the foot. The appearance of compaction is accompanied by horizontal flat feet.

Sealing on shin and sole

There are many reasons for the appearance of such bumps, they differ in the accompanying symptoms, thanks to which a specific diagnosis can be determined. You should take into account pain - at rest and when pressed, whether there is an increase in size from the moment it appeared, a local increase in temperature, skin manifestations and disruption of normal functioning.

What diseases can cause formations?

  1. Neoplasms can be either malignant or benign, differing in tissue origin. They can represent the growth of adipose tissue (lipoma), bone, cartilage (fibroma) and much more. At first they do not cause concern, but later they can become painful and enlarge.
  2. Rheumatism is one of the manifestations of this disease are rheumatoid nodules, which are located along the projection of the joints. The ball is painless. But the joint underneath often bothers you when walking, and it can become deformed.
  3. Inflammatory processes – most often these are abscesses. The lump is covered with red, shiny skin, sharply painful and hot to the touch.
  4. A subcutaneous cyst is a hollow formation that is dense on palpation. There is usually serous fluid inside. Painless, when inflamed it can begin to hurt, and fistulas may open with its contents coming out.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes are small in size and can be located both on the sole and on the back of the foot. The consistency is dense, burning when touched. Usually combined with other manifestations of general infection of the body - fever, weakness.

Many of these diseases require surgery. Consult a specialist if you notice these symptoms or notice a lump on the sole or instep of your foot.

Neoplasms and cysts

The most common reason for a lump to appear on the arch of the foot or sole is neoplasms and cysts. Typically this “ball” is:

  • lipoma;
  • hygroma;
  • atheroma;
  • fibroma.

Lipoma is a benign formation of adipose tissue. It does not cause concern, the wen moves easily under the skin and is dense. This type of tumor rarely becomes malignant and grows slowly. Most often does not require treatment if it does not cause aesthetic discomfort.
Hygroma is another type of benign tumor. Formed at the site of the joint capsule, characterized by the presence of fluid. The most common location is the back of the foot, at the base of the toes. It is painless, but with sudden growth there may be nagging pain from overstretching of the joint capsule. The seal usually appears as a result of frequent foot injury.

Atheroma - occurs when the sebaceous duct is completely blocked. Since there are no sebaceous glands on the sole, such a ball cannot form there. However, compaction is possible on the rise. The tumor is painful on palpation and may become inflamed, complicated by an abscess. Due to poorly developed subcutaneous fat, it does not reach large sizes. Occurs after bruises, poor hygiene, metabolic disorders.

Fibroma is a connective tissue tumor, mainly localized on the sole. The formation feels like a dense nodule, the skin color may change for days, and is prone to growth. Due to its specific location, it causes inconvenience when walking or standing for a long time.


Lumps on the sole and instep of the foot are most often removed surgically. The extent of the intervention depends on its origin. For malignant neoplasms, surrounding tissue may be excised. In inflammatory diseases, drainage is installed to drain purulent contents, always adding antibiotics to the treatment.

If the lymph nodes are inflamed, you need to find out the underlying disease. The lymph node ball should regress with properly selected therapy. You should not apply warming compresses or warm them up - there is a high risk of worsening the inflammatory process.

Treatment of tumors on the leg

All benign neoplasms are often treated surgically in a minimally invasive manner. Depending on the morphology of the tumor, drug therapy is added to the treatment. Fibroma undergoes cryo or laser removal.

Lipoma is rarely treated, but if it is inconvenient, it is possible to excise the formation under local anesthesia. Laser removal is gaining popularity - the method is practically painless, does not require preparation, and does not leave scars. After this procedure, traces will not be visible even in a photo under high magnification.

Hygroma can be removed either surgically or undergo conservative therapy. Due to the rapid progression, it becomes difficult to wear and select shoes, so patients often decide to have them removed.

With the conservative method, the cavity is simply pierced, removing the accumulated fluid. Then a drug is injected into the cyst to harden the capsule. It is performed without local anesthesia and a splint is applied to immobilize the foot. However, with this method of treatment, recurrence of the disease is possible. During surgical treatment, the capsule is completely removed under anesthesia. Recurrence of the disease does not occur with this therapy.

Treatment of atheroma is similar to surgical removal of hygroma, due to the similarity in structure.

Healthy legs are the key to good health and full activity. A lump on the foot can cause a lot of trouble if not treated promptly. Pay more attention to the condition of the feet; in the early stages, the emerging “ball” can be easily treated, without the risk of developing complications.
