Mark synonyms. So both through bilateral relations and through non-governmental structures

Dear letter, please tell me the correct punctuation in this case: It should be noted, that (,) due to your statements about the sanitary condition of the dental office (,) a representative of our company visited this office to check...

The specified commas are not needed.

Question No. 301880

Hello! Should the commas in parentheses be used? " It should be noted, that all over the world (,) in religious and mythological ideas (,) the connection between the wolf and the sun is extremely widespread.”

Russian help desk response

There is no reason to separate words in religious and mythological ideas. Both commas are not needed.

Question No. 291837

Please tell me whether in the sentence "Based on the above it should be noted..." the phrase "based on the above..." is a participle? And is there a need for a comma after the word "the above"? Thank you

Russian help desk response

Question No. 287858

Hello! Tell me if a dash is needed in this sentence: “The products of the new brand are of high quality and have a bright design.” Best regards, Evgeniya

Russian help desk response

As a basic rule, a dash is not required. It should be noted that the sentence is difficult to perceive, it is better to rearrange it: The products of the new brand are distinguished by high quality and bright design.

Question No. 286313

Please tell me whether a comma is needed before “based on monitoring results”: Sed – the cost of a unit of working time, rub./month, is established as the arithmetic average of wages (,) based on the results of market monitoring of companies operating in the market of works and services on the organization and conduct of competitive procedures in Moscow in 2013 (according to official data from three organizations).

Russian help desk response

Comma before according to the results not required.

It should be noted, that in general the phrase is perceived extremely difficult.

Question No. 284822

Is the phrase “foot” tautological?

Russian help desk response

This combination is not tautological (tautology is the unjustified proximity of words with the same root, for example: it should be noted following features), but pleonastic (i.e. lexically redundant), because the foot is the lower part of the leg.

Question No. 259587
“useful skill” - is it a tautology or not?

Russian help desk response

This is not a tautology, but a pleonasm (lexical redundancy of a statement), since a skill is not harmful ( tautology– unjustified proximity of cognate words: it should be noted ).

Question No. 257535
Good afternoon. In the example of a tautology in the answer to question No. 257523 " it should be noted the following features of the text" I didn’t understand where the tautology is. Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

Tautology: follows - the following.

Question No. 257523
please tell me what is the difference between the words tautology and pleonasm? the meaning is very similar

Russian help desk response

Pleonasm- lexical redundancy of a statement (when the meaning of one word duplicates the semantic component included in the meaning of another), for example: memorable souvenir(a souvenir is already a “memory gift”), icy iceberg(the iceberg itself is a “block of ice”). It should be noted that some phrases, initially pleonastic, still make their way into the literary language through clerical speech ( month of February, today).

Tautology– unjustified proximity of cognate words ( it should be noted the following text features).

Question No. 251783
“Who made science and technology what it is” Is a comma needed here? And why? Thanks in advance...

Russian help desk response

A comma is placed between parts complex sentence. However it should be noted, that stylistically the phrase is constructed unsuccessfully.

Question No. 251217
Hello! My name is Karina.
I work in the press service of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia).
Disputes often arise regarding FAS, and the answer has never been found.
Which is correct, the FAS decided or the FAS decided?
Did? Or did? Masculine or feminine?
Thank you!!!

Russian help desk response

Since the key word in the abbreviation FAS (service)- is a feminine noun, then the abbreviation takes on the syntactic properties of feminine nouns. Grammatically correct: FAS decided. It should be noted that this grammatical pattern may be violated if there is a stable, established tradition of using an abbreviation with a deviation from the rule. As we understand, in the case of the abbreviation FAS, such a tradition (deviation from the grammatical rule) is not observed.

Question No. 251061
Is it legal to separate words of the state category into an independent part of speech?

Russian help desk response

There are reasons for this - otherwise there would be no theses in the works of scientists about the need to separate the category of state into a separate part of speech. There are also reasons for not highlighting such a part of speech. It should be noted, that the very question of parts of speech in linguistics is debatable. Parts of speech are the result of a certain classification, depending on what is taken as the basis for the classification. The number of parts of speech in different linguistic works varies and ranges from 4 to 15 parts of speech.

The academic “Russian Grammar” of 1980 does not consider the category of state as a separate part of speech.

Question No. 250764
Hello! Please tell me whether the expression “quite possible” in the following sentence is introductory and whether it needs to be separated: “Some antiviruses swear [about this program], and it’s quite possible that this is true.” Thanks in advance for your help.

Russian help desk response

This expression needs to be isolated as an introductory one. It should be noted, that since the union AND in the given example is used in an adjunct meaning, there is no need to place a comma after this union (in other words, a comma is placed only after introductory words).

Question No. 250215
A report about the not entirely decent actions of employees. Is it not quite written together or separately in this case?

Russian help desk response

Right: about not quite dean... It should be noted what's the word dean accompanied in dictionaries by the mark outdated(obsolete), in modern official business speech its use is hardly justified.

Question No. 249079
Good afternoon Happy New Year!!!
I have a “New Year’s” question for you: how to write correctly - “Happy New (?) 2009 Year”
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

First of all it should be noted that the name of the holiday is New Year , not New Year 2009. Therefore it is true: Happy New Year!

If we still talk about the spelling of the combination given in the question (and we need to talk about it, since this combination is becoming more and more common on the eve of the New Year), then we can note several interesting spelling and punctuation features.

Firstly, because 2009(even if it’s new) is not the name of the holiday (with this phrase we congratulate not so much on the holiday New Year, which is celebrated annually on January 1, as with the onset of the next year itself), the word new here should be written with lowercase. Wed: New Year has come(holiday), but: the new year has begun.

Secondly, the words two thousand nine act as an explanatory definition for the word new, and therefore a comma is required between these definitions: new, 2009.(Cf. example from D. E. Rosenthal’s reference book “Punctuation”: We will soon enter a new, 21st century). If you do not put a comma, you will get a very strange in meaning combination “new (i.e., another) year two thousand and nine,” as if such a year had already happened before in the history of mankind.

So, if you congratulate on the holiday, then you need to congratulate Happy New Year. If we congratulate on the arrival of another year, then congratulate happy new year 2009.

What about the upcoming holiday? We will write about him: Happy New Year!

Why does the writing of the phrase in question raise so many questions? How did numbers “creep” into congratulations on the New Year (a holiday, not a calendar year)? We can assume that this happened thanks to the “postcard design” culture: in a postcard, the ordinal number indicating the “number” of the year could wander from place to place (the year number was written, for example, on Christmas tree decorations drawn on the postcard), and in the end In the end, this numeral took its place in the name of the holiday, between the adjective New and noun year. In the same way, numbers are an indispensable attribute of New Year's street decoration, functioning in a special, extra-textual, extra-syntactic environment. It was precisely the fact that the numeral could initially function not as part of the text, but as a decorative element, that influenced the established (contrary to punctuation laws!) traditions for the design of this phrase.

Relatively recently, it has become popular to enter into annuity and lifelong maintenance agreements with dependents. In accordance with Art. 583 Civil Code of the Russian Federation The essence of a lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents is that the recipient of the annuity - a citizen - transfers a residential building, apartment, belonging to him, land plot or other real estate in the ownership of the rent payer on the terms of regular payment of the amount of money established by the terms of the contract (the rent itself). A lifelong dependency agreement assigns to the annuity payer, in addition to paying a certain amount, the obligation to provide care for the annuity recipient and (or) a third party (persons) specified by him.

At first glance, the development of this institution is justified, since elderly, lonely people, people with poor health are in dire need of care and constant care, and the pension, as we know, is meager and is not enough for food, medicine, utility bills, etc. d. If such a citizen owns real estate, he can enter into a rental agreement, thereby making his life easier and at the same time retaining the right to live in his apartment (house).

A rental agreement is also a way out for those who want to purchase real estate at a relatively low price. But it is worth considering that such real estate is sold together with the residents, i.e. with an encumbrance, and becoming the full owner of such housing is possible only after the natural death of the rent recipient.

Many have heard media reports about “black” realtors, unscrupulous rent payers who want to hasten the demise of rent recipients and free square meters from unwanted tenants. However, one should not consider rent recipients so defenseless; very often it is the rent payers who are deceived.

Let's look at some of the most common ways to deceive rent payers.

Method 1. “Grandma is God’s dandelion”

For example: a certain grandmother turns to the Center for Social Assistance for Pensioners and Disabled People, complaining about her difficult life, that everyone has abandoned her, no one cares, but she owns real estate, and she has heard something about rent agreements. After checking the documents, everything stated by the pensioner is confirmed. The social assistance center helps the grandmother find a potential rent payer and conclude an agreement with him. Next, the pensioner sets the condition that when signing the contract, she wants to receive a lump sum payment in the amount of, for example, a million rubles. The rent payer is usually satisfied with such conditions. After signing the agreement, the parties must appear at Rosreestr and submit documents to register the rent agreement and transfer of ownership.

Then the most interesting part begins: the granny can simply refuse to go to Rosreestr, or after signing the application for registration of the contract, she can independently apply to terminate the registration of the contract. In both the first and second cases, the outcome is the same: the rent payer remains with an unregistered rent agreement.

Important to note, that in situations with annuity and lifelong maintenance agreements with dependents, the norms of paragraph 3 of Art. 165 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which states that if a transaction requiring state registration is completed in the proper form, but one of the parties avoids registering it, the court has the right, at the request of the other party, to make a decision to register the transaction. In this case, the transaction is registered in accordance with the court decision.

Let's consider the Ruling of the Supreme Court of Russia dated June 23, 2009 No. 5-B09-51.

On May 16, 2006, a life annuity agreement certified by a notary was concluded between Center-Garantia LLC, on the one hand, and Ch., on the other hand.

Under the terms of the agreement, Ch. transfers ownership of the apartment to Center-Garantia LLC, and Center-Garantia LLC undertakes to pay Ch. a lump sum in the amount of 350,000 rubles. 00 kopecks, and make monthly rent payments in the amount of 3,000 rubles. , 00 kopecks, preserve the disputed living space for free lifetime residence and use of the annuity recipient, pay for utilities, telephone subscription costs, and in the event of the death of the annuity recipient, pay for funeral services.

Before the state registration of the agreement, Center-Garantiya LLC paid Ch. an amount in the amount of 350,000 rubles. 00 kopecks.

The agreement was submitted to the Federal Reserve Service Directorate for Moscow for state registration, but on May 22, 2006, Ch. filed an application to the Federal Reserve Service Directorate for Moscow to terminate the registration of the agreement, as a result of which registration of the agreement was refused.

Center-Garantiya LLC filed a lawsuit against Ch. for the obligation to register a life annuity agreement, as well as to carry out state registration of ownership of the disputed residential space.

Ch. filed a counterclaim to declare the life annuity agreement invalid on the basis of Art. 178 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

By the decision of the Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow dated May 18, 2007, the claims of Center-Garantia LLC were satisfied.

By the ruling of the judicial panel for civil cases of the Moscow City Court dated August 9, 2007, this court decision was left unchanged.

Having checked the case materials, the Judicial Panel finds the complaint to be satisfied.

In resolving the case and satisfying the LLC's demands, the court was guided by the provisions of Art. Art. 165, 178, 425, 433, 551 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and proceeded from the fact that the LLC fulfilled its obligations under the life annuity agreement, and therefore had the right to count on registering the transaction and registering the apartment as its property.

In refusing to satisfy the counterclaim, the court referred to the fact that Ch. had not presented evidence indicating that she was mistaken regarding the legal nature of the transaction.

It is impossible to agree with these conclusions of the court, since they are based on incorrect interpretation and application of substantive law.

By virtue of Art. 584 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a rent agreement is subject to notarization, and an agreement providing for the alienation of real estate for the payment of rent is also subject to state registration.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 165 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, failure to comply with the notarial form, and in cases established by law, the requirement for state registration of a transaction, entails its invalidity. Such a transaction is considered void.

Based on these legal norms, since a life annuity agreement is subject to state registration, the parties have rights and obligations under it from this moment. In the event that the mandatory requirement for state registration of an agreement provided for by law is not met, such an agreement is void.

The above-mentioned requirements of the law were not taken into account by the court when considering the dispute that arose and led to an incorrect resolution of the case.

It should be noted that for older schemers such activities do not require costs and do not incur any serious negative consequences from the side of the law. This method of fraud is one of the most used. The maximum liability is 50% of income (pension), even for several writs of execution (Article 99 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”), in other words, the rent payer has no chance of returning the money spent.

The result of the above: the annuity recipient cannot be forced by court to register the transaction. Fraudsters not only steal the money (one-time payment), but also keep their property.

Conclusion:It is necessary, first of all, not to make any settlements with the annuity recipient until receiving a certificate of registration of the agreement; it is also necessary to make sure on the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service that no enforcement proceedings are being carried out against the pensioner (for this, the personal data of the annuity recipient is sufficient).

Method 2. “Unexpected relatives”

Rent agreements are usually concluded by single people. But there are cases when there are relatives, but they do not care for the elderly person, and the latter are forced to turn to third parties for help. However, when the prospect of receiving real estate arises, relatives appear and demand that the annuity recipient terminate the contract, which most often they succeed in doing. As a result, the contract is terminated in court due to violation of the terms of the contract, failure to provide a sufficient level of quality of care, which is very difficult to challenge.

In this case, judicial practice rarely takes the side of the annuity recipient, but with the correct execution of the annuity agreement and the correct construction of the system of evidence in court, the annuity payer also manages to defend his right.

Let us consider as an example the decision of the Moskovsky District Court of St. Petersburg.

From the case materials: Plaintiff E.A. filed a claim against L.F. for the return of real estate (apartment) transferred as security under a life annuity agreement. The court found: E.A. and L.F. entered into a life annuity agreement on the terms of payment by the annuity payer of a monthly allowance in the amount of 1 minimum wage. The agreement was duly certified by a notary and registered with the Federal Registration Service.

At the court hearing, the plaintiff E.A. indicated that the purpose of concluding this agreement was not so much her maintenance at the expense of the defendant, but to provide care. The same position was supported by the plaintiff's witnesses.

The court critically evaluates the testimony of these persons. As follows from clause 6 of the concluded agreement, “The annuity payer undertakes to provide lifelong maintenance with the dependency of the annuity recipient. The cost of the entire amount of maintenance with a dependent includes the provision of an apartment to the rent recipient for free lifetime use and the payment of a monthly allowance.”

Thus, clause 6 of the agreement establishes an exhaustive list of the contents agreed upon by the parties (provision of housing and cash payments). The text of the agreement was agreed upon by the parties at its conclusion and was never disputed by the plaintiff. There is no requirement to provide care for the plaintiff in the contract, and references to it by the plaintiff are unfounded.

The witness, the daughter of the plaintiff A.E., testified that she did not know why the requirement for care was not included in the contract. Thus, A.E. confirmed that the provision of care is not contained in the contract in question, either explicitly or implicitly.

The court found that defendant L.F., on her own initiative, cared for E.A.

The court also takes into account that long before the conclusion of the agreement in question, the plaintiff repeatedly offered to transfer the disputed apartment to the defendant, having drawn up a will for it, which is confirmed by their correspondence. The defendant L.F. repeatedly refused this, inviting E.A. to draw up a will for her daughter A.E. However, the plaintiff, being on bad terms with her daughter, did not want to transfer the right to the apartment to her.

The court has no doubts about the proper execution of the life annuity agreement.

Based on Art. 602 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “The obligation of the rent payer to provide dependent maintenance may include providing for the needs for housing, food and clothing, and if the citizen’s health requires this, also caring for him.” Thus, based on the text of this article, the law gives the parties the right to independently determine the subject of the agreement regarding the provision of needs for housing, food and clothing. The terms of the agreement concluded between the plaintiff and the defendant only provided for the provision of housing to the plaintiff. Further, according to the text of this article, the provision of care is the subject of a lifelong maintenance agreement only in cases where the citizen’s health condition requires it. However, as follows from the testimony of the plaintiff herself, her witness A.E., as well as all the defendant’s witnesses and other evidence, at the time of the conclusion of the lifelong maintenance agreement, the plaintiff moved freely, could care for herself and did not need any care.

The court does not accept the plaintiff's assertion that the defendant did not make monthly payments under the lifelong maintenance agreement.

Giving explanations at the court hearing, plaintiff E.A. claimed that the defendant gave her cash only 1-2 times. Neither the plaintiff nor her witnesses could explain whether the defendant had arrears for these payments, and what kind of debt they were. At the same time, the defendant presented to the court evidence of the payments made.

Considering that the plaintiff did not provide evidence of violation by the defendant of the terms of the concluded life annuity agreement, the court considers the claims not subject to satisfaction.

Conclusion: the contract must contain a clear list of obligations that the annuity payer will bear in relation to the annuity recipient. When fulfilling obligations, it is necessary to record in writing the fact of its fulfillment with certification by the signatures of the parties. Payments are preferably made through a bank, because The rent payer will retain documents confirming by whom, when and in whose name the funds were deposited. It is imperative to save all receipts and other payment documents.

3 Method. “In sound mind and sound memory”

The pensioner enters into an annuity agreement, and subsequently himself, or at the request of relatives, submits an application to the court that he was misled when concluding the agreement, or that the annuity recipient is generally of limited legal capacity due to poor mental health. It should be noted that the death of the annuitant does not always put an end to the annuity agreement.

Let's look at an example. Cassation definition Supreme Court Republic of Tatarstan from August 2, 2010 in case No. 9194.

From the case materials: Abdulov I.V. filed a claim in court against G.G. Chaplova. on invalidation of a life annuity agreement and recognition of property rights.

The substantiation of the stated claims states that between Abdulova Z.S. (mother of the plaintiff) and Chaplova G.G. a life annuity agreement was concluded. The plaintiff's mother died.

As the plaintiff points out, after the death of his mother, Abdulova Z.S., an inheritance opened in the form of a homeownership, in which the plaintiff is registered and permanently resides.

The plaintiff considers this agreement invalid, since Abdulova Z.S. Due to her advanced age, the presence of hypertensive encephalopathy and somatic psychopathy at the time of this transaction, she was in a state where she was not able to understand the meaning of her actions or manage them.

He asks to recognize his ownership of the extension to the residential building and to recognize the lifelong annuity agreement concluded between Z.S. Abdulova. and Chaplova G.G., invalid.

The court of first instance satisfied the claims.

In the cassation appeal G.G. Chaplova is asked to cancel the court decision as illegal.

The panel of judges considers the court's decision to be left unchanged.

In accordance with Art. 166 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a transaction is invalid on the grounds established by this Code, due to its recognition as such by the court (voidable transaction), or regardless of such recognition (void transaction).

The requirement to apply the consequences of the invalidity of a void transaction may be made by any interested party. The court has the right to apply such consequences on its own initiative.

If the transaction is invalid, each party is obliged to return to the other everything received under the transaction, and if it is impossible to return what was received in kind (including when the received is expressed in the use of property, work performed or service provided), reimburse its value in money, if otherwise the consequences of invalidity of the transaction are not provided for by law.

By virtue of Art. 177 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a transaction made by a citizen, although legally capable, was at the time of its commission in such a state where he was not able to understand the meaning of his actions or manage them, may be declared invalid by the court at the claim of this citizen or other persons whose rights or interests protected by law are violated as a result of its commission.

In order to determine the ability of Abdulova Z.S. During the conclusion of the contested contract, to understand the meaning of their actions and to guide them, the court ordered a post-mortem forensic psychiatric examination.

According to the conclusion of forensic psychological and psychiatric experts, Abdulov Z.S. suffered from an organic personality disorder. This is evidenced by medical documentation data. Available from Abdulova Z.S. mental disorders during the period of concluding the contract were so pronounced that they deprived her of the ability to understand the meaning of her actions and manage them.

Under such circumstances, the judicial panel agrees with the conclusions of the court of first instance and comes to a reasonable conclusion that the stated claim to declare this agreement invalid and invalidate the registered property right must be satisfied.

Conclusion: to avoid getting into such a situation, Before concluding an agreement, it is necessary to obtain certificates about the pensioner’s health status from the PND and ND, as well as obtain a properly certified extract from the elderly person’s outpatient card.

It should be noted that taking advantage of the difficult financial situation of the annuity recipient will also be grounds for termination of the transaction in court. Thus, it must be remembered that the payments and services provided under the contract must be truly mutually beneficial.


1. Accidental destruction or accidental damage to property transferred under an annuity agreement with lifelong maintenance does not relieve the annuity payer from the obligation to pay it on the terms provided for in the lifelong annuity agreement.

In practice, there are cases when a pensioner draws up a real estate insurance contract and enters into an annuity contract. Then he commits actions aimed at damaging property, for example, arson. In this case, the annuitant will receive both insurance and monthly annuity payments. Moreover, the payer must monitor the condition of the transferred property and in case of “violation” of the terms of the contract, the recipient has the right to demand the return of the property or the redemption of the rent without providing compensation for the expenses incurred to the rent payer.

2. The annuity payer should not be afraid if, before concluding a lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents, the pensioner wrote a will on the disposal of the subject of the agreement, because This property does not belong to the annuity recipient, and he cannot dispose of it.

3. The annuity recipient, despite the fact that he is the owner of the annuity, does not have the right to alienate, pledge or otherwise encumber the real estate transferred to him to ensure lifelong maintenance, without the prior consent of the annuity recipient. In turn, the recipient of the annuity also cannot, without the consent of the payer, dispose of the subject of the annuity, including registering someone.

4. The amount of tax deductions to the state when concluding an agreement is less than when completing a purchase and sale transaction. Thus, concluding an annuity agreement is beneficial from a tax point of view.

Let's summarize. Before concluding an annuity agreement, you must be very careful about the choice of the opposing party, minimize the reasons for terminating the agreement, and you should also objectively assess your capabilities.

“both through bilateral relations and through non-governmental structures. Regarding the volume of financial assistance, it is worth noting that it was not always significant. But..."

both along the line of bilateral relations and along the non-ruler line

natural structures. Regarding the volume of financial assistance, one hundred

It should be noted that it was not always significant. But such cooperation

partnership was important for the development of relations in general

and expansion of its other directions in the future.

1. External palpa of Belarus zb. Duck. i materiyalau. - T. 6 (1976-

spring 1991). - Mshsk, 2003. - 335 p.

2. Pstoriya znesh nyay palggyy Belarus vucheb. dapam. for students

f-ta chpzhnar. adnossh: 2 parts / U. E. S’napkouskk - Mshsk: BDU, 2004. - Part 2: Hell of the XVII century and the pachatka of the XXI century. - 302, p.

3. Chernobyl disaster. 1986-1991: doc. and materials / comp.: V.I. Adamushko [idr.]. -Minsk: And n-tradiology, 2011, - 336 p.

5. External pale of Belarus zb. Duck. i materiyalau. - T. 6 (1976 - spring 1991). - Mshsk, 2003. - 335 p.

6. NARB. F. 507. Op. 2. D. 3. L. 1, 30.

7. Navschkhkh, U. Belarus i Charnobyl: 25 years of advance of the technological disaster/U. Navschk1//Belarus. gkt. chasop. - 2012, - No. 12. - P. 24.

8. Chernobyl and the European solidarity movement: [trans.

with him. and Spanish lang.] / Intern. Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk. -Dortmund:

Peter Ju nge-Wentrup: Int. education center Dortmund (I BB), 2 0 1 2.-1 3 8 p.

9. NARB. F. 507. Op. 2. D. 3. L. 19.

10. Mishurovskaya, O. Belarusian-Italian cooperation in overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster/O. Mishurovskaya//Furnish urn. international law and international relations. - 2006. - No. 4. - P. 69.



A. S. Pisarchik The process of globalization as the most influential trend in world development is aimed at the formation of a single social space in the process of economic, social and information and communication integration. The increasing interdependence of individual communities and their involvement in world processes lead to contradictory consequences, which is determined by the uneven dynamics of world space. The increasing pressure of social systems on the external environment and on each other becomes a source of risk of negative consequences, which are primarily associated with ensuring global security and maintaining the competitiveness of individual communities, and the ecological state environment and resource shortages, as well as the spread of universalist projects and strategies for global development.

The traditional understanding of globalization focuses on the formation of a global market economy and a global network of information and communication interactions. However, the uneven distribution of these processes leads to the emergence of new subjects on the world political arena and the complication of the global agenda. Today, globalization is a multilateral, nonlinear process, and “global sociality”

as a result of this process, it becomes the object of national and regional competition.

The globalization strategy for the competitiveness of the European Union is the regional integration of the socio-economic and partly political space of European states on the basis of cultural and historical commonality. This strategy involves the transformation of national sovereignty into supranational power to implement the set development goals: creating a single socio-economic space for the free movement of goods, capital, information and persons, ensuring peace, freedom and respect for human rights values ​​within the Union, as well as promoting relevant priorities of world development.

Acting as a single entity is the key to increasing the competitiveness of individual countries, which allows the EU to remain a leading global player.

However, recently the EU system has been experiencing serious external pressure, which is determined by the complication of globalization processes, combining unifying processes with tendencies towards differentiation and fragmentation. These trends are a consequence of relativization - the process of equalizing the normative and value components of different cultures on the basis of a broader, macrocultural context. Relativization inevitably leads to a clash of interests of subjects with different identities and ideas about the normative value basis of world development, which becomes the cause of globalization challenges and threats. The globalization challenge is the impact on a social community exerted in the process of unfolding globalization processes, which contradicts its identity and collective socio-cultural experience and, as a consequence, has uncertain consequences for its development and reproduction of the system of social relations.

European identity influences the formation of a global ideological paradigm, and also acts as a factor in the civilizational mission of the EU. The basis of this identity is enshrined in Art. 2 of the EU Treaty, the values ​​of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, as well as the principles of pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality of women and men. Despite the fact that these values ​​are recognized and consolidated as regulatory framework existence of the world community, European identity turned out to be unable to cope with significant extracultural influence. The use of this concept in foreign policy (in particular, in the implementation of humanitarian interventions), as well as its introduction into mass consciousness, contributed to two multidirectional processes: 1) the migration crisis; 2) the radicalization of some subjects of the world political space with a different identity and, as a consequence, an increase in the terrorist threat.

The attractiveness of high living standards in the European region, as well as cultural tolerance, have become factors in the growth of emigration from the Middle East and North Africa.

In 2015, Eurostat recorded more than a million applications for refugee status. Presumably, the real number of refugees and economic emigrants may be much higher, since border crossings are carried out illegally.

The EU's inability to cope with the influx of emigrants against the backdrop of economic instability and an increase in terrorist attacks has caused growing dissatisfaction with the Union's policies among European citizens and the leadership of individual European countries.

Discontent is characterized by both the growth of nationalist and religious-conservative sentiments among the population, especially in the central-eastern region of the EU, and the implementation of unilateral political actions: the restoration of border controls by individual EU states, for example Denmark and Sweden, the introduction of restrictions on the number of admitted migrants by Austria etc.

Some researchers note that destabilizing processes are directly related to the incomplete integration of all subjects of the union into a single normative and value space. As Ya. Shimov notes, the reasons for the socio-political and value split in the EU are the excessive acceleration of European integration in the 1990-2000s, the “democratic deficit” and the ideological imbalance of the EU. The split primarily affected the relations between the “old” and “new” members of the union, which are characterized by different historical, political and socio-psychological characteristics of democratic regimes, which is explained by the post-communist heritage of the countries of Central Europe. Given their own political and socio-economic problems, Central European countries are effectively unable to cope with the impact of migration.

Differences in views also affected the EU's leading countries.

Thus, on the agenda of the meeting of the European Council - the summit of the heads of state and government of the EU, held on February 18-19, 2016, one of the main topics was “Brexit” - the possible exit of Great Britain from the EU, which became relevant against the backdrop of the migration crisis. The UK's demands include the triad of economy - sovereignty - migration, thus affecting the very foundations of the EU organization.

Consequently, we can conclude that European identity, which, according to A. Merkel, is based on the idea of ​​​​the inseparability of Europe and human rights, turned out to be the national idea of ​​the leading countries of continental Europe. The remaining EU members are not fully integrated into this concept, either due to their socio-political and economic development (Central European countries) or as a result of geopolitical choices (Great Britain).

The terrorist threat is also directly related to European (Western) identity and its civilizational mission.

The clash between European and Islamic identities is presumably the most acute of all possible intercultural interactions. This can be explained by the monotheistic nature of the religious component of these cultural paradigms, which does not allow normative and value pluralism (unlike the countries of Southeast Asia, which have successfully integrated Western values ​​into their own historical and cultural paradigm).

A significant challenge for the EU has also been to ensure security and governance in the European region, which is primarily associated with EU-Russia relations. According to R. Sakwa, relations between the EU and Russia were problematic long before the Ukrainian conflict arose. The reason lies in the different vision of the development of the European idea: Atlantic or continental. R. Sakwa notes that the transformation of the EU from a peaceful civil project into a competitive geopolitical actor based on the Atlantic integration of the EU-NATO-USA is becoming a tool for creating new dividing lines on the continent.

Thus, the main challenges faced by the EU are related to the crisis state of European identity. These challenges include the problems of European integration and the formation of a common normative and value space, the migration crisis, the terrorist threat and ensuring security and governance in the European region. The split in European identity is associated with the incomplete integration of the subjects of the union into a single normative and value space, which is determined by different levels political and socio-economic development, as well as the geopolitical priorities of individual EU countries. R. Sakwa concludes that the EU's problems are largely related to the lack of a continental vision of European development. According to the researcher, the EU should carry out peaceful integration on the basis of a pan-continental idea, which is a way to ensure full integration of Europe not only within the borders of the Union.

List of sources used

1. Robertson, R. Comments on the “Global Triad” and “Glocalization”

[Electronic resource] / R. Robertson. -Access mode: http://www2. - Access date:

2. Treaty on European Union [Electronic resource] / EU R Lex. - Access mode: N/TXT/?uri=CELEX: 12012M/TXT. - Access date: 04/11/2016.

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    MARK, -sword, -you're aiming; prib. suffering past marked, -chen, -a, -o; sov., trans. (nesov. note).

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Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):
