Comic lotteries for the holiday. Lottery and auction

1.And to you, dear guest,
The prize was not easy.
Get it for your luck
The vacuum cleaner is wireless.

2.To look like a “5”,
We have to get up early in the morning,
With a super-duper trainer
Jump two hundred times in a row.
(Jump rope)

3.You are full of charm,
Like the sun dawning.
It will help you make sure
This is your living portrait.

4.Everyone dreams of getting
The treasured golden key.
Here are the keys to your apartment.
But we don’t know from which one.

5. Don’t get lost in the mainstream of life -
Take care of your personal business.
Let everything be as reliable as in a tank,
We have opened a bank account for you.
(Jar with change)

6. To be cooler than others,
I'd recommend this as soon as possible:
Wherever you are, don’t forget!
Have the “roof” with you.

7.You and fortune are friends!
There are many secrets in this fact.
It is no coincidence that we give you
New food processor.

8.Long evenings,
So as not to be idle.
Here is a set for creativity -
You will do handicrafts.
(Thread with needle)

9. We give a sip of joy,
We give an indoor flower.
Let the scents come in the morning
The breeze brings you.
(Artificial flower)

10. At least to someone - not me - please.
Fuck you up.

11.You’ve been dreaming for so long, you believe,
Finally, your time has come.
And now, like everyone else, you have
You are a glass made of crystal.

12.It will be useful to you without words
A fancy deadbolt.

13. Time is not under our control,
But sometimes you can
To a happy childhood
Dive in head first.

14.Enchant today
In anyone's slippers.

15.Forget about all problems:
Family and global.
You got a new one
Music center.
(Music box)

16.Nowadays painting is in price,
Everyone likes art.
And a picture from the Tretyakov Gallery
It won't fall out of the sky for you.

17. Surprise everyone with health,
Include calcium in your diet.

18.This sticky thing
It will help you not to get drunk.

19.Fashionable, what to wear now?
Something you can seduce in!
Get your extreme
To improve intimacy.

20. There are many different words in the world,
Of all the most important of them -
"Love"! I would like to clarify to all guests:
The love of money warms us.

21.You don’t sleep at work,
You will receive a can of coffee.
(3-in-1 coffee bag)

22.U your neighbor,
Really, the prize is lucky.
But you get it
Gosloto lottery.
(Another lottery ticket)

23.You cherish hope
About a hot bathhouse, hot...
To kindly and tenderly
Someone was rubbing his back with a washcloth.

24. Not Russian felt boots,
And the perfume is French.

25.If you have wit,
Then try a lighter.

26. May your home live for many years
Kind light streams from the chandeliers.

27. Don’t let anything bother you
The prize protects for life.
Bad odor blocker
Get a respirator.
(Medical bandage)

28. We fulfill your whim,
Your long-awaited service.
(Set of disposable tableware)

29. Let your money live with you,
Rake them with a large shovel.
(Children's scoop)

One of the popular entertainments during the holidays is a comic lottery. Be it a birthday, anniversary or wedding. The toastmaster can hand out lottery tickets to guests at the entrance or immediately before the drawing; at a wedding, lottery tickets can even be sold for a nominal fee. If there are a lot of lots, you can play the lottery throughout the evening, with breaks. Each ticket is assigned a number, starting with the first. The lottery must be a win-win, so prizes are given to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny. We offer you sample texts for drawing lots of comic lotteries:

1. For your kind eyes, a souvenir - read (Fairy Tales).
2. A thing that does not go out of fashion. (Laces).
3. Here’s a lighter for you, use it, don’t mind. (Box of matches).
4. When you go for a walk, to keep your pants from falling off, you need to have a steel pin with you. (Pin).
5. Who is the happiest among us? Get that basin. (Pelvis).
6. Don’t be angry with us, my friend, the boxes will come in handy. (Box of matches).
7. Let the bride’s smile suddenly touch your eyes, and the good mood will never leave you.
8. Fate took a quitrent from you, for change - a box of matches. (Matches).
9. Accept this (Button) and walk around the world with joy.
10. You will have to live with the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar).
11. Household vacuum cleaner. (Broom).
12. You are desperately lucky - you will receive (Sandwich).
13. Your winnings are special. You will read about everything in the world in the newspaper. (Newspaper).
14. Pour this into this glass and drink quietly. (Disposable cup).
15. I hand over your winnings with confidence, use them in your business. (Sheet of paper).
16. Whoever receives a can of beer will live happily all year! (Beer).
17. Even the old man Koschey himself swept away the dust from his ears. (Brush).
18. Dear comrade, get (Candy), Just don’t eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.
19. Here is the ticket, so the ticket, don’t rummage through the numbers, Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).
20. Since you got a chocolate bar, it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet! (Chocolate).
21. Extend your hand. Get the onion head. (Onion).
22. You are a tough nut to crack, which means good luck awaits you! (Peanut).
23. Although this cream is inedible, the smell is simply incomparable! (Coconut cream).
24. To avoid eating in the canteen, get a bay leaf. (Bag with bay leaf).
25. If you want to be strong, like a gin, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
26. Don’t drip on your neighbor, and win a napkin. (Napkin).
27. Today you are not the hero of the day, a laurel crown does not shine for you, you better accept from us (a bag of bay leaves).
28. Something will not happen to you, this item will be useful to you. (Condom).
29. So that you can keep your money, we hand you a wallet. (Wallet).
30. We give you a piece of chintz, you can get married again. (Handkerchief).
31. Somehow it’s not even clever, but now for you (Carrot).
32. And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life! Among your friends you have no equal! (Juice packet).
33. Don’t be bored in the evenings - drink aromatic tea (Tea).
34. Soccer ball substitute. (Old tin can).
35. It will help you remember an object from long past childhood years. (Dummy).
36. The lottery is not a scam. Here is a self-assembled tablecloth for you. (Oilcloth).
37. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice. (A handful of small coins).
38. You will receive a rusty nail, I ask you not to be angry, because even the most rusty nail will be useful in the household. (Nail).
39. You won a spoon. Go and eat a little. (Wooden spoon).
40. If suddenly a child starts crying, you must calm him down, beckon him with a rattle and make him shut up. (Beanbag).
41. Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
42. This prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Nuts, bagels or crackers).
43. Antique hanger. (Nail).
44. Vessel for drinking strong drinks. (Thimble).
45. Comrade, believe, hope and wait, your winnings are ahead.
46. ​​We wanted to win a flashlight. You only got the ball. (Balloon).
47. The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
48. To shave very cleanly, you will need this tool. (Blade).
49. The tulle was eaten by moths yesterday, it was torn to the point of pain, we give (a package) in return - there is nothing else!
50. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will give me a ride on it. (Machine).
51. Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook).
52. There is no more practical gain than a garbage bag. (Garbage bag).
53. While the boss is “taking the shavings off” from us, calmly brew a mug of tea! (Mug).
54. You don’t have striped pants, but you do have a cigarette. (Cigarettes).
55. Why should you have a wallet? Put your money in a bag. (Plastic bag).
56. A treat for your heart awaits you - a big increase in salary! (Yogurt "Uslada").
57. For good people I don’t feel sorry for anything, get it as soon as possible, comrade, (Jump rope).
58. Imported hair dryer "Roventa" with nozzle. (Comb).
59. You didn’t win a penny, but a real (Ruler).
60. And for dessert we have. There is a pill for you. (Vitamins).
61. We are giving you (a notebook) so you have something to write on.
62. And great love awaits you And kisses all year round! (Set of dish sponges).
63. You are a welcome guest with us. As a gift to you (Valuable nail).
64. For your sweet smile, given to us now, We present you with this (Button), may it make you happy.
65. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen).
66. Come on, dear little friend, have some (Pie).
67. Typewriter no, we offer this item. (Kernel).
68. So that the wind doesn’t blow your cap away, here’s a gift for you (Paperclip).
69. This ball will stop children's crying. (Balloon).
70. Straight from the department store (Toilet paper).

Comic lottery- this is a pleasant, funny and exciting procedure, and if it is also humorous, then a lot of laughter or at least smiles at the wedding is guaranteed. All guests present at the wedding are given lottery tickets or exchanged for real ones (warn guests in advance in wedding invitations) with numbers from 001 to... (how many guests are at the wedding), you can simply set a certain price for lottery tickets and sell them to everyone.

Comic lottery text

A cool lottery for guests is a great way to pay attention to each guest by giving him a funny gift as a souvenir. And if the text is original and in poetic form, then it will be a kind of anchor of laughter at the wedding celebration.

  • And great love awaits you, and kisses all year round! Set of sponges for dishes
  • And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life! Among your friends you have no equal! juice pack
  • And for something sweet for you, we have a tablet. Vitamins
  • And there is no better gift - a box of chocolates. Only you are in trouble - we chewed the candy yesterday. Box of chocolates
  • And this decoration is just a sight for sore eyes. Beads made from paper clips
  • Give this to your future baby book.
  • Be the happiest person in the world, accept lottery ticket.
  • Your lot contained a grand prize, I give you a calendar sheet! Calendar
  • Anything can happen in life, and even something like this can happen, you will tarnish your reputation somewhere, clothespin will help dry it out.
  • In life you have to hope for the best glue take it if life doesn’t work out for you.
  • Receive this tube as a gift to make your tooth sparkle in the sun! Toothpaste
  • Pour this into a glass and drink quietly. Disposable cup
  • You got it soap to wash your hands more cleanly.
  • You got this prize, it seems simple rice!
  • We give you notebook, there was something to write on.
  • A souvenir for your kind eyes - read fairy tales.
  • You're the best, you'll see, there's a glass for you, you'll get over your hangover. Glass with vodka
  • You don't need to get excited, it will calm you down mustard.
  • To you postcard got caught, that’s how it was supposed to be with us.
  • You are desperately lucky - you will get sandwich.
  • You would like a piano, but you got it calendar.
  • You got a flower - rose, it does not wither from frost.
  • We give it to you for free, let your happiness not be unsteady, we give you powder for a joyful smile. Tooth powder
  • Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, there is no doubt, you got not three candies, but three candy papers.
  • Your winnings are special, you can read about everything in the world in newspaper.
  • Your winnings came to you like manna from heaven piece of bread. 3
  • Don't be bored in the evenings - drink the fragrant tea.
  • A thing that never goes out of fashion. Laces
  • After all, nothing is a pity for you, you are a designer lighter.
  • A delicious fragrant prize, that's why it's a surprise. Pack of waffles or cookies.
  • Perhaps you are planning to run away, but your lot is to continue working! Soap
  • Here's the ticket, here's the ticket, don't rummage through the numbers, assume there's no winnings - cry and calm down. Handkerchief
  • Here's a lighter for you, use it, don't mind. Box of matches.
  • It seems that you are sober now, but if you drink too much, you will definitely fall into her shoes in difficult times. Shoe spoon
  • You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go great! Coffee
  • You won spoon, go and eat a little.
  • You didn't win a penny, but a real one ruler.
  • Forget for a moment how much this joke costs. Said in advance, dear attention. Kiss your neighbor
  • You will receive nail, I ask you not to be angry, because even the rustiest nail in the household will be useful.
  • You and your companion will never be lost; you will never come home hungry from any guests. Spoon
  • You are well-versed in your work and will be held in high esteem by us all year. Horseshoe
  • I confidently hand over the winnings to you, put them to use. Sheet of paper
  • You are great at your work, we will give you lollipop.
  • You are the best guest at the wedding, you got this one nail.
  • Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it up pencil.
  • Even the old man Koschey himself swept the dust from his ears with this. Brush
  • Even better than a mobile phone, here magnet on the refrigerator.
  • We give you toothpaste so that you have teeth.
  • We give you a piece of chintz, you can get married again. Handkerchief
  • It's an everyday matter, as they say, and this thing may come in handy. Cork
  • A treat for your heart awaits you - a big salary increase! Yogurt "Uslada"
  • For good people nothing is a pity, get it as soon as possible, comrade, stick.
  • For love pleasures, our nut will come in handy. It will add strength to you and add pleasure. Walnut
  • Dear comrade, receive candy, just don’t eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.
  • For a good friend there is head of garlic.
  • You thought that there was no happiness, oh, what an eccentric you are, so buy yourself some candy with the money you won nickel.
  • If there is a first aid kit in the house, then you also need candle.
  • If suddenly a child cries, you must calm him down, rattle beckon and silence.
  • If you are tormented by thirst, its edge will not be visible, you will brew in an instant, this very tasty tea!
  • If you want to cry, you need to rub your eyes. Onion
  • Fry, cook, boil, just don’t add too much salt. Pack of salt
  • Success awaits you today, get yours nut.
  • For your sweet smile, given to us now, we present you with this cover, may she please you.
  • For your funny ears get this one mug.
  • Close your eyes and dream, drink the fragrant tea.
  • Soccer ball substitute. Tin.
  • Why should you have a wallet, put your money in a bag. Plastic bag
  • Evil lottery fate clothespin only given to you.
  • Imported hair dryer "Roventa" with nozzle. Comb
  • Warm greetings to you from the distant taiga. What a pity that there are no nuts in the gift. But still, you are happy with us - and buy more nuts yourself! pine cone.
  • Somehow it’s not even clever, but now for you carrot.
  • Whatever mug you break, it will help glue it back together super glue.
  • When you go for a walk, so that your pants don’t fall down, you need to have pin made of steel.
  • Coconuts and bananas eat, and expect a reward from fate!
  • Lids take it as a gift, and roll up some mushrooms for the winter
  • Who will receive can of beer, will live happily all year!
  • Who is the happiest among us? Get this one pelvis.
  • The lottery is not a scam, here is a self-assembled tablecloth for you. Oilcloth or tablecloth
  • Your lottery ticket is only good for plastic bag.
  • It's a small thing, but nice. A handful of small coins
  • Well done for playing, Get two Ferraris. Children's cars
  • Maybe there will be a chance in life, and you’ll fly to Mars.
  • Keep your muscles in order, this thing is for charging. Manual expander
  • We remember the verse about that old woman, we’ll get it for you too mug.
  • Our gift without a flaw is natural blush. Beet
  • Don't get sick, be strong, we give you pills.
  • Don’t be sad, dear friend, your souvenir is already here. Icon
  • Don't be sad, don't worry, get up, neighbor kiss.
  • Don't be angry with us, my friend, it will come in handy boxes.
  • You shouldn't be upset, you have new luck. You got the ticket spoon.
  • You bought an unlucky lottery ticket, 100 rubles pay the fine.
  • You don't have striped pants, but you do have cigarette.
  • There is no greater gift than an envelope with a free brand.
  • I will not give up any blessings in the world kefir.
  • Come on, dear little friend, take it pie.
  • Well, that’s it, just in case you forget to buy it, oh well, so as not to torment you, I’m in a hurry to hand over the piece of paper! Toilet paper
  • Well, you, dear friend, only got as a prize soap.
  • I need her a little too, because this disposable spoon.
  • This gift is unusual, it looks colorful and bright, but what’s inside, it’s better to look at home. The gift can be anything, colorfully decorated in a box
  • You turned out to be very clever, you will get a glass of vodka.
  • Oh, what a great guy you are, take this lollipop.
  • Anyone, rich or simple, always needs it, sometimes it is not enough, and this toilet paper!
  • Small business seal. Eraser
  • There is no typewriter, we offer this item. Kernel
  • You are extremely lucky: kiss your neighbor right!
  • Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, receive pencils.
  • By chance you got this one on your ticket tea.
  • While the boss is taking the piss out of us, calmly make some tea mug!
  • Enjoy, my friend, a little for you three candies got it.
  • Receive your winnings quickly as a gift - balloon.
  • Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will give me a ride on it. Typewriter
  • Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write a letter to them as soon as possible. Pen
  • Get it, hurry up, you - notebook, write poetry.
  • It will help you remember an item from long-ago childhood years. Dummy
  • Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is? Life will be joyful and bright! Markers
  • Portrait of the most beautiful man. Mirror
  • Since you got chocolate, then it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet!
  • After a glass, have a snack. This is very important. Here's a sleeve for you paper napkin.
  • There is no better gift in the world, for you - cellophane bag. Receive the prize sooner and carry some goodies in it.
  • There is no more practical gain than for garbage bag.
  • We'll have to live with grief and forget about the days of the calendar! Calendar
  • Now you will have to buy a baby so that you have someone to suck on the pacifier. Pacifier
  • This prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. Nuts, bagels or crackers
  • We have only one prize - multi-colored plasticine! Make whatever you want, just take care of the tablecloth!
  • We have only one such prize - you got it petrolatum.
  • This prize is rich in joy - you will receive it chocolate.
  • Accept it button this and walk around the world with joy.
  • A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. Envelope
  • Reach out your hand, get the head Luke.
  • May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. Candle
  • Make your neighbor jealous of your box sweets.
  • Let her cover color not be bright. Still, book- the best gift.
  • Let bride's smile suddenly touches your eyes, and the good mood will never leave you.
  • Since you are no longer at your desk, cards will come in handy in life. Deck of cards
  • A colorful, even row will brighten up everything. Colored pencils
  • The flamingo's secret has finally been revealed, and the ticket you get is not a piece of ice. Lottery ticket
  • Draw pictures master - get it from us felt-tip pen.
  • Nothing will happen to you, this item will be useful to you. Condom
  • Run around the whole city with the dream of a shortage, but you will rarely meet paper napkin.
  • A familiar taste to everyone since childhood, as a gift to you Chupa Chups.
  • Put on a smart face, you won an egg. Kinder surprise
  • Today you are not the hero of the day, the laurel crown will not shine for you, you better accept it from us bay leaf bag.
  • A vessel for drinking strong drinks. Thimble
  • Pet control product. Velcro for flies
  • Antique hanger. Nail
  • Washing machine "Malyutka". Soap in a soap dish
  • The rod is a prize, then nonsense! But pen- it's true!
  • Fate took a quitrent from you, for change - match boxes.
  • Happiness fell into your hands, great apple got it.
  • Happiness fell into your hands, two potatoes You got it.
  • You are not alien to any standards, get it playing cards.
  • Hush, hush, don't cry, we got your ball. balloon
  • Comrade, believe, hope and wait, your winnings are ahead.
  • To the one who receives candle this one, you will have to travel around the world!
  • You are as strong as walnut , which means good luck is still ahead!
  • Don't piss off your neighbor and win napkin.
  • Don't be bored today, get some Indian tea.
  • You are as cunning as three little foxes, here's what you get for it matches.
  • Here you got a fur coat, but for now this one sponge.
  • Yesterday the tulle was eaten by moths, it was torn to the point of pain, we give in return plastic bag- there is nothing else!
  • You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane. Shampoo
  • You wanted to win a flashlight, you only got ball.
  • Even though people say that vodka is poison. We give you as a reward - this glass of poison. Glass of vodka
  • Although your name is not Fekla, you got it beet.
  • At least notebook- this is a mere trifle, but this is what you wanted.
  • Even this one cream and inedible, but the smell is simply incomparable!
  • If you want to be rich, be it. 10 rubles
  • If you want to be as strong as a gin, get your vitamin. Carrot
  • To keep the jar full, you need lid.
  • To be Pablo Picasso, you only need one thing, and he will only be yours, simple, this one pencil!
  • So that your nose can breathe like a flower, I give you paper handkerchief!
  • What is useful for sending greetings to friends? envelope.
  • To record where your pay went, this will be very useful for you. pen!
  • To always have a hairstyle, here's a new one for you comb.
  • To save you from torment, you won hand cream.
  • So that the keys find the lock, I hand you a luminous keychain!
  • So that the kitchen is clean, so that everything is wiped quickly, I entrust to you from my heart, this kitchen towel!
  • To save up money in abundance, sew outfits, here you go threads!
  • So as not to eat in the canteen, get bay leaf.
  • So that the wind doesn't blow your cap away, here's a gift for you clip.
  • To throw off ten years ago, you don’t have to think long, this wonderful lipstick will give you excellent advice. Beet
  • So that you don’t completely wilt, here lottery ticket get it.
  • To find out your income, it will be useful for you notebook.
  • So that you can keep your money, we give you wallet.
  • So as not to stare at the scales, here are some panties with a drawstring. Diaper panties
  • To keep your hair in order, you will need a potholder. Hair band
  • To look cool, we give you a limousine. Children's car
  • To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. Toothbrush
  • So that you don’t get shocked by the gift, we’ll give you the keys keychain.
  • For a very close shave, this tool will come in handy. Blade
  • Balloon get it, you are flying into space to the stars.
  • Open your mouth wider, a roll of paper for you. Toilet paper
  • This thing is necessary for lovers of intimacy. Candle
  • This is an antique. Your gift - clock face. We present it with all our hearts, we don’t know where to get the arrows!
  • There is nothing more important than this book, only you are the writer in it. Notebook
  • It's a miracle, it's a miracle, you won a bottle of beer.
  • The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. Paper boat
  • I'll give it to you for free, this tint balm. Remember our wedding and change the color.

For a comic lottery for a wedding the best option gifts will be ordinary little things, for example, household items and things. In red The prizes in the wedding joke lottery have been highlighted.

Lottery scenario

You've probably already decided on the prizes for the lottery. But if finances allow, then you can organize a super prize. It could be a good gift edition of a book, an expensive pen or lighter, and if you have the opportunity and desire, then a smartphone. In addition, do not be lazy to make pens or notebooks with images of the bride and groom to give to guests. Such a gift, although inexpensive, will remind you of the wedding celebration for a long time. And all you have to do is think through an approximate scenario for holding a win-win lottery for wedding guests.

Please note that guests must be in a good mood. You should not start your wedding celebration with a lottery, since most of the invitees do not know each other well. The tense atmosphere during the event will probably not in the best possible way will affect the overall impression of the wedding. But after the active competitions at the wedding, a little laughter won’t hurt, and the lottery will come in handy. After all, the more guests take part, the more fun the draw will be. It all starts with the presenter, who calls the number and invites the lucky one to come out, while reading out loud a funny phrase. In such cases, the lottery is always fun, lively, with the active participation of all guests.

If the wedding involves a large number of guests, the presentation of prizes should be divided into several stages. Don’t forget that a win-win comic lottery must be designed for the number of guests; if there are more of them, look for a rhyme to what is on the table and confidently give it.

Wedding lottery ticket template

Initially, you need to think about their design. It all depends on your preferences. Lottery tickets can be either printed on paper or in the form of balls with numbers. And so as not to waste time coming up with your own design for a lottery ticket, and to make the wedding lottery more interesting, you can download the template in psd (sample template below), adding a photo of the newlyweds to it and printing it on a color printer.

The lottery must be a win-win, so prizes are given to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny. And if you have prepared too much, and few guests have come, then lottery tickets can be given out as prizes for winning various wedding competitions. In addition, after such an evening, guests will not only keep such a lottery ticket as a souvenir, but they will have a good and warm memory of the wedding, and it’s good if it is supported by something material.

Not all wedding guests want to take part in the entertainment program. Passive invitees will definitely not be impressed by the abundance of competitions. The only entertainment left for them is to watch those dancing and participating in games. At first it's quite fun, but then it gets a little boring. How to interest absolutely every guest? We are ready to offer you a win-win wedding lottery, which will surely appeal to everyone present at the celebration.

Wedding lottery: how to prepare

Have you planned a wedding raffle for your guests but don't know where to start in preparation? will introduce you to the main preliminary stages for the lottery:

  1. Lottery tickets. Initially, you need to think about their design. It all depends on your preferences. Lottery tickets can be either printed on paper or in the form of balls with numbers. The total number of tickets is equal to the number of guests (so that there is enough for everyone). The host or his assistant can sell tickets for a symbolic price, arrange a real wedding auction, or hand them out to guests at the entrance for free. In the first case, the collected amount will definitely be included in the newlyweds’ family budget
  2. Prizes. For a comic wedding lottery, the best gift option would be ordinary little things, for example, household items and things. We will tell you more about which gifts to choose, as well as how to give them in an original way below.

Competition with prizes for guests: win-win lottery

A cool lottery for guests is a great way to pay attention to each guest by giving him a funny gift as a souvenir. is pleased to offer options on how to present the following funny gifts in an original and humorous way:

There is no better gift in the world,
A plastic bag for you.
Get your prize soon
Take away goodies from the table in it. (Cellophane bag)

The gift is undoubtedly without flaw,
After all, you got natural blush. (Beet)

You are great at work,
Get your lollipop! (Lollipop)

Designer lighter,
After all, nothing is a pity for you. (Box of matches)

So as not to have dinner in the dining room
We present you with a bay leaf. (Pack of bay leaves)

Provided with hooks
You catch pike yourself. (Fish hooks)

Feel free to pour into the glass
And drink bitterly! (Disposable cup)

This gift went to you,
To chew on in the evenings. (Pack of crackers)

Since you are no longer at your desk
Get your hands on the cards. (Deck of cards)

Even though you are sober now,
But if you drink too much
With her in boots in difficult times
You'll hit it smartly! (Shoe spoon)

For your love pleasures
Our nut will come in handy. (Walnut)

Spin the prize on your hair,
So do your hair,
All men, I know
They'll just end up in stacks. (Curlers)

Hold the rattle
Andryushka was born. (Beanbag)

They all want to win the car,
And women, and children, and men.
While you're saving up the bills,
We will give it to you in miniature. (Toy car)

As you can see, there can be many more options for comic gifts and ways to present prizes in a win-win lottery. It is not at all necessary to give gifts based on the interpretation of funny poems. Prose is also a cool option for presenting these types of prizes during a wedding raffle. See for yourself:

  1. We present to you a portrait of the most beautiful person in the world. (Mirror)
  2. Elixir of life for tomorrow morning. (Bottle mineral water)
  3. To attract finance to the house. (Head of cabbage)
  4. Limiter from gluttony. (Clothespin)
  5. We give you a trip to the stars. (Balloon)
  6. For life in pink. (Rose glasses)
  7. Italian gourmet dish. (pack of spaghetti)
  8. Helper for getting out of bed. (Coffee)
  9. You have won a super prize. You can hug the groom.
  10. Jackpot! The bride gives you a kiss.

Important: If children are present at the celebration, then it is worth purchasing sweet gifts or small toys.

Lottery scenario

You've probably already decided on the prizes. It's time to think through an approximate scenario for holding a win-win lottery for wedding guests.

Choose the most suitable moment

Please note that guests must be in a good mood. You should not start your wedding celebration with a lottery, since most of the invitees do not know each other well. A tense atmosphere during the event will certainly not have the best effect on the overall impression of the wedding. But after the active competitions at the wedding, a little laughter won’t hurt, and the lottery will come in handy. If the wedding involves a large number of guests, the presentation of prizes should be divided into several stages. It would be fair to entrust the conduct of the lottery to the presenter.

How exactly to play tickets?

In addition to distributing or purchasing tickets, guests can try to pull their luck from a common bag, hat, black box, etc. Here the options will directly depend on the color style or theme of the wedding celebration. Newlyweds who are particularly demanding of details can arrange a real lottery draw with a spinning reel.

Tip: You can always choose ready-made wedding scripts and remake them to suit your celebration.

Wedding lottery for newlyweds: distribution of responsibilities

There are many traditional wedding competitions that are gradually becoming less popular. Newlyweds often refuse to hold a “boy or girl” contest, steal a shoe, etc. Surely you have heard about the game where the bride and groom decide among themselves who will have what responsibilities. family life. There are a lot of execution options, for example, open voting - the newlyweds raising a white and a red rose or two dolls, symbolizing a man and a woman. We propose to organize this fun competition in the form of a creative win-win lottery, where by chance everyone will get a responsibility. When preparing, we pay attention to:

  • Definition of props. Lottery tickets can be made in the form of balloons with notes, which the newlyweds will have to pop in turn. An equally interesting option would be to pull your responsibility out of the common box. Bundles can also be hung on a rope.
  • Preparation of responsibilities. It is important not to overdo it here so that the competition does not drag on. 10-12 duties will be enough. Comic options are always a priority.

If the newlyweds begin to voice their responsibility with a tender address to each other (“my beloved, for your sake I am ready every day...”, “darling, I love you madly and will...”), the competition will take place in an even more romantic atmosphere.

List of promises in family life

  1. Lounge on the couch in front of the TV.
  2. Do nothing.
  3. Vacuum and wipe away dust.
  4. Welcome home from work with a delicious dinner.
  5. Pamper and indulge.
  6. Wash dishes constantly.
  7. Take her on a weekly shopping spree.
  8. Brew delicious coffee.
  9. Carry on your hands.
  10. Surprise until old age.

We sincerely believe that holding a wedding lottery will give your celebration a truly friendly and warm atmosphere. We are sure that your guests will truly enjoy the process. Such a win-win lottery can be held not only on the wedding day, but on the anniversary or anniversary of the wedding.

    71. After a glass, have a snack. This is a very important matter. Here's a paper napkin instead of a sleeve. (Paper napkin).
    72. Don’t get sick, be strong, we give you (Pills).
    73. Who is so joyful there? As a keepsake for you - (Thermometer)!
    74. Everyday matter, as they say, this thing may come in handy. (Cork).
    75. You got a flower - a rose, It does not wither from the frost. (Rose).
    76. Your winnings are like manna from heaven; you got a piece of bread. (A piece of bread).
    77. And this decoration is just a sight for sore eyes. (Beads from paper clips).
    78. You don’t need to get excited, mustard will calm you down. (Mustard).
    79. Receive your winnings quickly as a gift - (Balloon).
    80. You bought an unlucky ticket, show us a 100 ruble fine for diapers.
    81. To find out your income, a notebook will come in handy. (Notebook).
    82. This thing is necessary for lovers of intimacy. (Candle).
    83. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is? Life will be joyful and bright! (Felt pens).
    84. I will not give up (Kefir) for any good in the world.
    85. You are extremely lucky: kiss the neighbor on the right!
    86. You and your companion will never be lost; you will never come home hungry from any guests. (Spoon).
    87. You (Postcard) came across it, that’s how it was supposed to be with us.
    88. You would like a piano, but you got a calendar. (Calendar).
    89. (Notepad) - this is a small thing, but this is what you wanted.
    90. Give this book to your future baby. (Children's book).
    91. If there is a first aid kit in the house, then you also need a candle. (Candle).
    92. Now you will have to buy a child so that you have someone to suck on the pacifier. (Pacifier).
    93. Make a smart face, you won the egg. (Kinder surprise).
    94. Happiness fell into your hands. You got two potatoes. (Two potatoes).
    95. There is no more important book than you, only you are the writer in it. (Notebook).
    96. To write down where your pay went, this pen will be very useful to you! (Pen).
    97. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle).
    98. Since you are no longer at your desk, cards will come in handy in life. (Deck of cards).
    99. Don’t be sad, don’t grieve, get up and kiss your neighbor. (Kiss the neighbor).
    100. Evil lottery fate, The clothespin is only given to you. (Clothespin).
    101. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope).
    102. To save you from suffering, we won hand cream. (Hand cream).
    103. Open your mouth wider, you will get a roll of paper. (Toilet paper).
    104. To look cool, we give you a limousine. (Children's car).
    105. With the dream of a shortage, you will run around the whole city, but you will rarely meet it (Paper napkin).
    106. Your winnings are yet to come, but for now, look at others. (Additional number).
    107. Success awaits you today, Get your nut. (Walnut).
    108. Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, there is no doubt, you got not three candies, but three pieces of paper from candies.
    109. You may have decided to run away, but your lot is to continue your work! (Soap).
    110. Eat bananas and coconuts and expect rewards from fate! (Banana).
    111. Receive this tube as a gift, so that every tooth shines in the sun! (Paste).
    112. Enjoy yourself, my friend, a little - you got (three candies).
    113. Happiness fell into your hands, you got a big apple. (Apple).
    114. Don’t be bored today, get Indian tea. (A pack of Indian tea).
    115. To keep your hair in order, you will need an oven mitt. (Hair band).
    116. Although your name is not Thekla, But you got beets. (Beet).
    117. Seal of a small enterprise. (Eraser).
    118. To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. (Toothbrush).
    119. If you want to be rich, be it. (Wallet).
    120. Washing machine "Baby". (Soap in a soap dish).
    121. Oh, what a great fellow you are, get a lollipop. (Chupa Chups).
    122. We give you toothpaste so that you have teeth. (Toothpaste).
    123. You are well-versed in your work and will be held in high esteem by us all year. (Horseshoe).
    124. You got this soap to wash your hands cleaner. (Soap).
    125. In life you have to hope for the best. Take glue if life doesn’t stick. (Glue).
    126. Well done for playing, Get two Ferraris. (Children's cars).
    127. Forget for a moment how much this joke costs. Said in advance, dear attention. (Kiss the neighbor).
    128. In life, anything happens and it can even happen, if you tarnish your reputation somewhere, (A clothespin) will help dry it.
    129. You are the best, you will see that the glass is for you, you will get a hangover. (Glass with vodka).
    130. Don’t be sad, dear friend, your souvenir is already here. (Icon).
    131. The one who receives this candle will have to travel around the world! (Candle).
    132. In order for the jar to be full, you need (a lid).
    133. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it up (Pencil).
    134. Pet control product. (Velcro for flies).
    135. You will walk around with your hair beautiful, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo).
    136. You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go great! (Coffee).
    137. Even though people say that vodka is poison. We give you a glass of poison as a reward. (A glass of vodka).
    138. The turn has reached you, a fresh bar (“Mars”) for you!
    139. Whether you need it or not, Here’s lipstick for you (Lipstick)!
    140. For an overgrown baby - wonderful (Nipple)!
