Postinor is a drug for early termination of pregnancy: instructions for use and possible consequences. Postinor - how to terminate an early pregnancy, side effects, consequences of Postinor during pregnancy, who took it

If the pregnancy is unplanned and at the wrong time, many women decide to terminate it because they are not ready or do not want to give birth to a child. If the period is short, abortion can be done not only in the classical way, but also with medication.

But, there are also drugs that can be used to terminate a possible pregnancy almost immediately after sexual intercourse, if it was unprotected. To such drugs emergency contraception Postinor applies. For example, if sex was unprotected, you can take it the next day, running to the pharmacy in the morning. In most cases, it works and pregnancy does not occur.

But, all the same, then, if you still have any suspicions, it is better to double-check, do a test, at least just to calm yourself down and get rid of the obsessive thought.

Features of Postinor

Many women mistakenly believe that Postinor is a kind of birth control pill, one of the varieties. This is not entirely true. Manufacturers state that their product does not protect against unwanted pregnancy, but it causes abortion at the shortest terms, i.e. a few hours after coitus.

It all depends on whether or not. Therefore, in different cases its effects may differ from each other, but the ultimate goal pursued by a woman taking this drug will be achieved - she will not become pregnant.

Postinor contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel, which is a synthetic hormone. It is also found in other classical oral contraceptives, but in much smaller quantities.

There are two options this drug:

  • Option 1: the drug slows down the release of the egg into the fallopian tube from the ovary, which helps prevent its fertilization. Therefore, pregnancy does not occur.
  • Option 2: This option works if fertilization does occur. The fertilized egg must attach securely to the wall of the uterus. It is there that the fetus will develop and grow throughout the 9 months of pregnancy. If you take Postinor, it affects the structure of the inner lining of the uterus, changing it temporarily. Therefore, the fertilized egg cannot securely attach to the wall of the uterus, which also terminates the pregnancy.

In the vast majority of cases, Postinor taken on time really helps to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy and prevent it. But, if everything were so simple and harmless, everyone would just drink it, without using any other contraceptives.

The drug has many side effects and contraindications, so under no circumstances should you use Postinor too often, as it is harmful to female body, can cause severe hormonal imbalances.

As for the manufacturers themselves, they also do not give 100% guarantees that their product will prevent unwanted pregnancy. The approximate chance that it will work is 85%. Despite this, in the vast majority of cases pregnancy does not occur. This is also due to the fact that not after every sexual intercourse, even unprotected, the egg is fertilized. Therefore, the total percentage is greater than the stated 85%. This is the main reason for the popularity of this drug.

Should I keep Postinor in my medicine cabinet? It is better not to keep it because taking it is not very beneficial. If suddenly, a woman and her partner want to have sex and there are no contraceptives at hand, she will do it with peace of mind, because Postinor is in stock. Many begin to abuse it, which negatively affects their overall health. Therefore, it is better not to keep it, and if you have had unprotected sex, 72 hours is enough to run to the pharmacy and buy it.

Side effects and consequences after taking Postinor

Since there is a large dose of the hormone, this, of course, affects the general hormonal background. In addition, it interferes with blood clotting and can cause bleeding, moreover, repeatedly. This is one of the most common side effects of Postinor. Nausea, dizziness and headache.

This rapid contraceptive should only be taken when extreme cases. In general, it is better to protect yourself, use a condom, or regularly take regular oral contraceptives. But, if you still have sexual intercourse without using contraceptives and the risks of getting pregnant are very high, you should take Postinor so that you don’t have to have an abortion or give birth later if the woman doesn’t want it.

Opinions about this drug around the world are contradictory. Some people, along with women, have a positive attitude towards him, believing that he saves them from possible unwanted pregnancies and abortions. This is better than giving birth to an unwanted child, or killing him by having an abortion at a later date.

Many have a negative attitude towards Postinor because the drug is intended to terminate pregnancy, considering it murder. But there is also an opinion that pregnancy actually occurs if the fertilized egg attaches securely to the wall of the uterus. Since Postinor allows you to avoid this, it turns out that it does not kill an embryo that has not yet had time to consolidate. Therefore it is not an abortion. Opinions may vary.

The risks of ectopic pregnancy in the future increase, which is also fraught with problems and even surgical intervention when detected at a later date.

If you draw conclusions, it is difficult to say whether you should take it or not. It all depends on the situation, each woman decides for herself what is best for her. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Reviews from those who took Postinor

  • Veronica: “We lived with my future husband for about a year, and our method of contraception was coitus interruptus. Girls, do not believe that PPA will protect you from pregnancy! This is wrong! In order to avoid pregnancy, the most effective ways are oral contraceptives, the IUD, or at least a condom! One day after sexual intercourse, we were not sure that everything had gone as usual, and I decided to take this “miracle pill” Postinor. I accepted it and accepted it and forgot about it.Delay after Postinor: is it real? It turns out yes. Pregnancy after Postinor is possible. When my period did not come on time, I thought that my cycle from Postinor had gone wrong and I went to the gynecologist. Imagine my surprise when she said that I was 7-8 weeks pregnant! After all, according to my calculations there should have been a maximum of 5! It turns out that my pregnancy came earlier, and I took Postinor while pregnant. And it had no effect on the child, the miscarriage did not occur on his mental and physical health didn't have any effect either.After this, my future husband and I decided to have a child, which I am very happy about now! Do not believe gossip from the Internet that after Postinor you will definitely have down children and do not rush to have an abortion if you find out that you did get pregnant after Postinor. Using my example, you can be convinced that children can be born absolutely healthy (Apgar 8-9) and I am so glad that now I have it! Of course, all this should be confirmed by tests and ultrasound, but there is no need to be afraid in advance!”
  • Elena: “I would give a lot not to take this pill one day, because the risk of pregnancy was minimal. But nothing can be changed, I hope my story will help someone not to make the same mistake. After unprotected sexual intercourse, it got into my head that I should take Postinor just in case, I went to the pharmacy, bought it and drank it there. I felt suddenly ill: my head was spinning, it became hard to breathe, my hands and feet were cold, I felt like I was petrified. I couldn’t just walk, it’s good that I wasn’t alone and they took me home, where I immediately went to bed. The next morning I didn’t feel better, it was time to take the second pill, but I was seriously afraid of dying right there, so I decided to tell my parents everything. Oddly enough, they understood me and forced me to immediately call the gynecologist. The doctor forbade me to take the second pill because my symptoms were so obvious side effects. The doctor also said that, even if the pregnancy took place, any abortion would be safer for the body than this Postinor!I wasn’t pregnant then, but “thanks” to that little pill, I haven’t been away from the doctors for a year now: diagnosed with VSD, functional disorder without organic disorders, I feel incredibly bad, but they cannot identify the cause. At 20 years old, I already feel like an old woman! And all the doctors, when they find out about Postinor, say without hesitation that it is to blame.Of course, this is my individual reaction, but after my case I searched a lot for similar ones and found the program “Criminal Abortions,” which I recommend for viewing to everyone who wants to use Postinor. There a girl died of a heart attack after taking this pill. It’s better to be a single mother than to die from your desire to “live for yourself!”
  • Julia: “I only took these pills once. This happened when my boyfriend and I broke a condom. What to do and where to run? Google helped me, since I had never heard of such pills before. At the pharmacy, blushing, I asked them to sell it to me, and the angry pharmacist looked at me with a disapproving look and said that there were 2 tablets.The manufacturer warns in the instructions about many side effects, of which I only experienced slight dizziness. As a result of taking them, my cycle was a little off, but it wasn’t that bad.”

This medical product has a powerful effect, therefore its use should be carried out only after consultation with a gynecologist.

"Postinor" for abortion at early stages

“Postinor” for early termination of pregnancy is a time-tested drug that contains the synthetic hormonal substance levonorgestrel.

The drug has been well studied, has undergone many tests, and its effectiveness has been proven by many years of clinical use.

It should be noted that in many developed countries There are no abortion pills in pharmacies. They are sold only with a gynecologist's prescription.

Release form, cost of the drug

"Postinor" is produced only in tablet form. The blister contains 2 tablets of the same composition, it is located in a cardboard box. The box contains the name of the medicine, expiration date, composition, manufacturer and other important information.

The average price of the drug in Russian pharmacies is about 310 rubles. The cost of medicine should not be confusing, because health is not valued in monetary terms.

The effect of "Postinor" to terminate an unwanted pregnancy

The tablets have a triple effect:

  • Suppress ovulation. An egg ready for fertilization does not leave the ovary, then slowly loses its ability to conceive and atrophies.
  • A synthetic hormone modifies the mucous membrane fallopian tube and uterus. Even if fertilization has occurred, pregnancy becomes impossible, because the embryo will not attach to the walls of the reproductive organ. Self-abortion occurs, and the egg leaves the female body relatively safely.
  • After taking the pills, the shell of the egg changes its structure, which becomes too tough for sperm, because they cannot penetrate inside.

When to take Postinor

"Postinor" belongs to the group pharmacological drugs for emergency contraception. You can use the pills after sexual intercourse that occurred without the use of any contraceptives.

Sometimes it is possible to detect a violation of the integrity of the condom late. This circumstance dramatically increases the risk of becoming pregnant. In some cases, additional contraception is required after skipping birth control pills when manufacturers do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against pregnancy.

How to take Postinor to terminate an unwanted pregnancy?

"Postinor" is taken strictly in accordance with the instructions

The tablets are taken at intervals of 12 hours. You need to drink it with clean boiled water; it is better to take the product after meals.

The effectiveness of the drug changes dramatically with time after sexual intercourse. If the drug is taken on the first day, then pregnancy does not occur in 95% of cases.

If you take the pills within 2 days after intimacy, then fertilization does not occur in 85% of cases. But on the third day the drug will protect you by only 58%.

Statistics show that the sooner you take Postinor, the more effective it will be in your body. After 3 days after sexual intercourse, there is no point in taking pills.

"Postinor" during early pregnancy: contraindications

The drug should not be used to terminate pregnancy if you have a history of:

  • liver diseases. These include cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and chronic inflammation of the gallbladder. The drug is used with great caution in the presence of gallstones;
  • viral hepatitis - Botkin's disease.

During adolescence, the drug should not be taken either. “Postinor” is incompatible with such strong changes in hormonal levels, because the young woman’s body has not completed puberty.

Side effects of the drug

When using Postinor, severe weakness, dizziness and intense headache may occur. Such symptoms should alert a woman, so she should listen carefully to herself. If their intensity increases, you should immediately go to the clinic.

Special precautions when terminating pregnancy with Postinor

Under no circumstances violate the dosage prescribed in the instructions! If you take the tablets in less than 12 hours, profuse uterine bleeding is possible, leading to death. Taking more than 2 tablets is strictly prohibited!

It is forbidden to use Postinor too often. Constant hormonal imbalances can be complicated by ovarian dysfunction, resulting in infertility.

What to do if you don’t have your period after taking the pills?

The menstrual cycle is a fairly constant process for every woman, but Postinor sometimes causes a delay in the next menstruation. It's all due to hormones that are unusual for a certain stage of the cycle. Moreover, the drug may not have the desired effect, then no matter what, pregnancy will occur.

Try to identify the cause of missed periods as quickly as possible, and only a gynecologist can do this. Seek his advice, it’s easier to treat pathological condition in its infancy stage.

On our planet it ends with an interruption. In one case, this happens regardless of the woman’s wishes. Moreover, the average period at which a miscarriage occurs (natural or artificial) is up to eight weeks. Also, an interruption can occur at the request of a representative of the fairer sex. One way to have an abortion is to use the drug Postinor. For early stages it is quite effective. However, some women use it after the expected menstruation has been delayed. This article will tell you whether it is possible to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages with Postinor. You will learn how to use this medication and doctors' opinions on this matter.

Despite the fact that Postinor tablets (for abortion) have good reviews, the drug is not recommended for frequent use. Doctors say that the medication deals a strong blow to the established hormonal levels of the fairer sex. This often leads to further problems.

Gynecologists say that the drug “Postinor” for abortion is truly effective only in the first three days after unprotected sexual intercourse. Later, the medicine has virtually no effect on the pregnancy that has taken place. Gynecologists strongly do not recommend using the medication on your own. Before use, the patient should consult a doctor and receive individual recommendations.

What does the medicine consist of?

The drug "Postinor" (sometimes used by women for abortion in early stages) has the following composition: levonorgestrel in the amount of 0.75 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (0.5 mg), lactose monohydrate (71 mg), potato starch (0.5 mg), corn starch (23 mg), talc (3 mg), magnesium stearate (1 mg).

One package of the drug contains two tablets. The average cost of this medication is 400 rubles per pack.

The action of the drug and its effectiveness

How does the drug "Postinor" work for early termination of pregnancy? The instructions for use provide consumers with the following information.

Immediately after ingestion, the drug is delivered to the stomach and then to the intestines. Absorption of the drug begins immediately. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood of a representative of the fairer sex is detected after an hour and a half. The drug "Postinor" for abortion in the early stages has good reviews. Consumers and experts say that if you take the pill on the first day after unprotected contact, then the probability of a positive outcome will be 95 percent. When the medication is used after two days, the effectiveness is estimated at 80 percent. After three days, the medication is considered useless. However, some people manage to interrupt even then.

Medicinal substance has an effect on a woman's ovaries. It blocks the functioning of the reproductive organs. This leads to reverse development of the follicle and cancellation of ovulation. If the release of the egg has already occurred, the medication acts on the corpus luteum, suppressing its work. In addition, the product makes cervical mucus more viscous. This fact prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus. If this inevitably happens, then “Postinor” begins to act on the uterine mucosa. Thus, the endometrium undergoes reverse development and is unable to accept an already fertilized cell. All these facts together prevent further development of pregnancy.

Indications for use of the drug

In what cases is this medication used? The instructions for use indicate only one indication - the need to terminate the pregnancy. Thus, the remedy can be used in cases where conventional methods of contraception are ineffective. For example, you missed taking another birth control pill, and so on.

It is worth noting that before use you must read the instructions. Like any medicine, the drug "Postinor" has limitations and contraindications.

In what cases should you stop using the medication?

  • Liver and kidney diseases in the acute stage.
  • The age of the fairer sex is up to 16 years.
  • Congenital diseases of a genetic nature.
  • Increased sensitivity or the possibility of an allergy to any component of the drug.
  • Pregnancy, including those developing outside the uterine cavity.

The drug can be taken only after permission from a doctor during lactation, hepatitis of various types.

How to terminate an early pregnancy with Postinor?

The drug must be used strictly by induction. In this case, the effect of such a correction will be maximum. One package of medicine contains two tablets. The first of them must be taken as soon as possible after sexual intercourse. The sooner you do this, the greater the likelihood of a positive outcome.

The second capsule of the drug is taken 12 hours after the first. In this case, the break between them should not exceed 16 hours. That is why it is so important to correctly calculate the correction scheme with such a substance.

Doctors say that the drug "Postinor" is not used to terminate a pregnancy after a missed period. However, some ladies claim that they managed to terminate their pregnancy this way. Gynecologists testify that this is just a coincidence. A normally developing pregnancy after four weeks cannot be interrupted by the use of this substance.

Special instructions

If you take Postinor tablets to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages, then be prepared for side effects. ABOUT proper operation the drug is indicated by the onset of bleeding. In most cases, it resembles normal menstruation. Moreover, the next period may begin within a few days after the end of this discharge.

The medication often causes nausea. That is why doctors do not recommend eating before using the drug. You should also avoid eating for several hours after taking your last pill. If vomiting occurs, the woman needs to take an additional tablet, since the effect of the correction may be incomplete.

After two weeks after the correction, you should visit a gynecologist and undergo ultrasound examination. This will make sure that the pregnancy is really not developing.

There are often situations when, during sexual intercourse, partners choose unreliable methods of contraception or for some reason do not use means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. In this case, to prevent fertilization of the egg, special measures must be taken as soon as possible. For this purpose, there are postcoital contraceptives. A delay of even a week can lead to the birth of a new life.

In case of unprotected sexual intercourse or the use of an unreliable method of contraception, Postinor is often used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages. How to take this drug? When is its use prohibited? What do doctors think about taking this drug?

Composition and principle of action of the drug Postinor

Postinor is available in tablet form. The medicine is a pressed white round powder with beveled edges. The word “INOR” is stamped on one side of the tablet. The tablets are placed in aluminum blister packs of 2 pieces. The drug is packaged in rectangular boxes made of thick cardboard, each containing 1 blister.

In the manufacture of this postcoital contraceptive as active substance Levonorgestrel is used. It also contains the following auxiliary components:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • potato and corn starch;
  • food emulsifiers E553b and E572;
  • lactose monohydrate.

The drug has a whole spectrum of action:

  • contraceptive;
  • gestagenic;
  • antiestrogenic.

The medication inhibits the process of ovulation and fertilization if coitus occurs during the preovulation period, when the likelihood of conceiving a child is highest. If the egg does leave the ovary, Postinor inhibits the activity of the corpus luteum. In addition, the drug gives cervical mucus increased viscosity, making it difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterus. Even if this happens, pregnancy will still not take place, since the postcoital contraceptive will affect the mucous membrane of the female reproductive organ. As a result, the endometrium begins to develop in the opposite direction and becomes unable to accept a fertilized cell. With the combined action of all these factors, the process stops further development pregnancy.

Postinor has proven effectiveness in 95% of cases, provided the first tablet is taken within 1 day after unprotected coitus. If the drug was taken after 24 hours, but provided that 2 days have not passed since sexual intercourse, its effectiveness is reduced to 85%. If a woman takes a pill between 2 and 3 days after sexual intercourse, Postinor is only able to terminate a possible pregnancy in 58% of cases.

If there is a delay of at least a week, Postinor completely loses its contraceptive effect. The drug is effective only in the earliest stages of gestation.

How to take the drug to terminate a pregnancy?

This medication can be taken to terminate pregnancy in the early stages only after consultation with a gynecologist and in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Each package of Postinor is supplied with instructions for use, which contain detailed information on when and how to use the drug. How long will it take for the medication to start working? The pharmaceutical agent reaches its maximum concentration in the blood after 1 hour 36 minutes. after reception.

Basic rules for using this postcoital contraceptive:

  1. The drug must be taken orally.
  2. To terminate pregnancy in the early stages, the use of Postinor is effective only during the first 3 days from the moment of unprotected coitus or the use of an unreliable method of contraception. If you delay taking it for at least a few hours, the medication completely loses its contraceptive effect. The sooner the first pill is taken, the lower the risk of unwanted pregnancy.
  3. In total you need to take 2 tablets. There should be 12-16 hours between taking them. This time frame requires strict adherence.
  4. If vomiting occurs within a 3-hour period after the first or second dose of the drug, it is recommended to take another tablet.

After taking the medication, barrier contraceptives must be used during coitus until the next menstruation. How long after taking Pastinor your period begins depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

If the drug was taken in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the regulation will come 2-3 days after taking it. Often, menstruation begins a week after using the drug - this phenomenon is considered normal.

Contraindications for use

Before taking this medication, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its use. Otherwise, the use of pills can lead to serious consequences, including the development of infertility. Postinor has absolute and relative restrictions on its use. The first include:

  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the pharmaceutical product;
  • severe forms of liver failure;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypolactasia;
  • lactation period.

This drug should be taken with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract;
  • Gospel and Crohn's disease;
  • period of feeding a child with breast milk.

If you take the medication in the presence of one of the listed relative contraindications, its effectiveness may be reduced. The contraceptive effect of this drug may also decrease when used together with a number of drugs: Nevirapine, Tacrolimus, barbiturates, antibiotics (Rifampicin, Ampicillin, Tetracycline), drugs containing St. John's wort.

In this regard, when agreeing on the use of Postinor with a gynecologist, it is necessary to provide him with information about all medications taken. In addition, the doctor will select the most suitable method of contraception at the appointment, which will subsequently avoid the need to take postcoital contraceptives.

Possible side effects

When using this drug, side effects may develop. They can affect the reproductive, digestive and nervous system. In addition, the effect of Postinor can be expressed in damage to the skin. If any of the side effects described in the table below worsen, you should immediately see a doctor.

Frequency of occurrence of negative effects of the drug on the body Side effects
From the reproductive system From the side of digestion From the nervous system Skin reactions Others
Uncommon None Hives, itching, rashes, facial swelling None
Often Chest pain, delay of menstruation for 5-7 days. Vomiting, frequent urge to have bowel movements. Dizziness, migraine. None
Very often Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, metrorrhagia. Attacks of nausea None Loss of strength, fatigue.

If the recommended doses of the drug are violated, an overdose is possible. This condition usually manifests itself as acute form listed side effects. In this situation there is no specific medicine, stopping or reducing the negative impact on the body. In this case, resort to symptomatic treatment.

Postinor has many positive feedback, as well as proven effectiveness and safety, subject to compliance with all manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the use of the drug. Despite this, most gynecologists have a negative attitude towards it. According to doctors, this pharmaceutical negatively affects female hormonal levels, which can subsequently lead to problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

However, no matter how much experts urge women not to use such potent medications, emergency postcoital contraceptives are still very popular.

If the need arises to use these drugs, doctors recommend following a number of rules:

  1. Before using abortion drugs for early stages Be sure to consult a gynecologist. At the appointment, you should inform the doctor about the exact time of sexual intercourse, the methods of contraception used, and whether the patient is currently using any medications.
  2. Taking a postcoital contraceptive makes sense only during the first 3 days from the moment of unprotected coitus.
  3. These drugs can be used no more than 3-4 times a year. Due to their high hormone content, they are suitable for use only in exceptional cases.
  4. Postcoital contraceptives do not provide a 100% guarantee of preventing egg fertilization, so when using them you need to be prepared for the possibility of conception.
  5. If the first menstruation after taking the drug is delayed by more than 7 days, it is necessary to be examined to exclude a possible pregnancy. Sometimes menstruation stops for several months, up to six months.

Almost every woman knows about possible methods contraception to help avoid unwanted pregnancy. But what to do in the case when intimacy took place, but precautions were not taken or, for some reason, the means used did not fulfill their function? If pregnancy is currently extremely undesirable, then it is worth considering emergency contraception methods. Modern pharmacology offers a drug for early termination of pregnancy, such as Postinor.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies, release form of Postinor

Postinor is available in the form of tablets containing 0.75 mg of the active substance levonorgestrel; there are 2 of them in a blister. The cost of packaging today ranges from 310–390 rubles. You can purchase this contraceptive at almost any pharmacy.

The main active ingredient is a synthetic derivative of progesterone (the hormone of the second phase of the menstrual cycle) - levonorgestrel, which is also used in other hormonal contraceptives, only in much smaller quantities.

The instructions indicate that the drug is available with a prescription, but in fact, you can buy it without a doctor’s prescription. Usually, pharmacists sell Postinor without any questions asked, since the time to start taking it is very short, and the procedure for obtaining a prescription can significantly delay the time of taking the first pill. An exception to over-the-counter sales is Belarus, where it is prohibited to buy any hormonal contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription. Postinor falls into this category.

But do not forget that this is a serious medication that has a number of contraindications and side effects, and its uncontrolled use (or on a regular basis) is unacceptable. When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account all possible negative consequences and consult your doctor.

In Russia, Postinor can be bought without a doctor's prescription.

Indications for emergency contraception

Postinor is sometimes called the “firefighter” method of contraception. It belongs to the group of postcoital (used after sexual intercourse) contraceptives. Taking Postinor is possible as an emergency alternative contraceptive after unprotected sexual intercourse or when the contraceptive method used cannot be considered reliable. Examples can be very diverse:

  • various injuries during the use of male condoms;
  • damage to the cervical plate or contraceptive cap;
  • skipping birth control pills intended for continuous use;
  • incorrect calculation of the day of ovulation with the calendar method of contraception;
  • unsuccessful interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • loss or other damage intrauterine device etc.

The use of Postinor is possible to prevent pregnancy during rape.

Timing and dosage regimen for abortion

Postinor should be taken orally no later than 72 hours after intimacy. The drug prevents pregnancy in the following ways:

  • blocks ovulation if it has not yet occurred;
  • affects the quality of the endometrium, making implantation of a fertilized egg impossible;
  • thickens mucus in cervical canal, which prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus.

Postinor - emergency hormonal contraceptive which helps prevent pregnancy until the fertilized egg is implanted

The contraceptive effect of Postinor decreases as the time that passes from the moment of intimacy to taking the pills increases:

  • effectiveness reaches 95% if the drug is used in the first 24 hours;
  • 85% if tablets are taken between 24 and 48 hours;
  • 58% when taking the drug within 48 to 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

If the drug was taken after fertilization has occurred, then it creates conditions under which implantation of the egg into the inner lining of the uterus is impossible.

Postinor is a very unsafe drug and should not be taken regularly. Postinor contains a very large dose of a strong hormone, it should not be a method of contraception, it was created for the so-called. emergency case: God forbid, rape.

Postinor should be taken according to the following regimen:

  1. As soon as possible after sexual intercourse, but no later than 72 hours, you need to take the first tablet.
  2. Take the second tablet after 12 hours (if this is impossible for some reason, then the interval should not be more than 16 hours).

Contraindications and precautions

Postinor has a number of contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe renal failure;
  • genital bleeding;
  • tendency to form arterial and venous blood clots;
  • sensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • lactase deficiency.

You should be careful when using the drug for diseases of the biliary tract and liver, if you have a history of jaundice or Crohn's disease. It is also worth consulting with a doctor if there is a need for a woman who is breastfeeding to take Postinor.

In addition, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • in case of vomiting within three hours after taking one of the tablets, you need to take another one;
  • after using Postinor, it is recommended to use reliable methods of contraception until the start of the next menstruation;
  • repeated use of the drug in one cycle is contraindicated, as it increases the likelihood of side effects, bleeding and hormonal imbalances;
  • It is advisable to take this contraceptive in the preovulatory phase, as well as during ovulation; if the menstrual cycle is irregular, then you must first make sure there is no pregnancy.

Postinor should not be taken repeatedly during one menstrual cycle.

Side effects of the drug

Like others hormonal drugs, Postinor has a number of possible side effects:

  • allergic reactions in the form of itching, rash, redness of the skin, swelling of the face;
  • with a frequency of 1–10%:
    • headaches;
    • diarrhea;
    • vomit;
    • pain in the mammary gland;
    • delay of menstruation (no more than 5–7 days, if menstruation does not begin for more than long time, it is necessary to do a test to exclude pregnancy);
  • with a frequency of more than 10%:
    • pain in the pelvic area;
    • nausea;
    • acyclic bleeding(bleeding).

Typically, the above side effects are temporary and do not require taking special medications.

Emergency contraception, like abortion, is an unnatural phenomenon, a disruption of the body’s hormonal balance, and does not always pass without a trace. Therefore, you need to try to take measures to avoid resorting to this method.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Malyarskaya M.M.

What to do if you don’t get your period after taking the pills

After finishing taking Postinor, menstruation can begin either in a few days or on time, according to menstrual cycle women. Since the drug contains a significant dose of second-phase hormones, this can lead to a disruption in the cycle and a delay in menstruation, but not more than 7 days.

If after taking your period your period does not come on time and is delayed for more than a week, then you need to make sure that there is no pregnancy. Repeated use of the drug is unacceptable. If pregnancy occurs, then Postinor will not have any effect on it, since it is not a means for medical abortion in case of implantation of the fertilized egg. For further advice, you should consult a doctor.
If menstruation is delayed by more than 7 days, pregnancy must be excluded.
