When does a baby start to roll over? How to help your baby? When does a baby start to roll over? What time do babies start to roll over from their back?

The first year of a baby’s life is full of new discoveries and achievements that make parents so happy. It is for this reason that mom and dad carefully monitor the development of the baby and worry about the timely acquisition of each skill. Rolling over is one of the first manifestations of a baby's motor activity, so it is so important to monitor whether this stage is proceeding normally.

How and when does the skill of turning over develop?

Doctors have established approximate dates for a child to pass through each stage of development. They are mostly conditional, since everything depends on individual development every baby. The speed of mastering new skills largely depends on the child’s temperament and body composition: active children are slightly ahead of calm peers; It is harder for a chubby child to change position than a thin one.

The speed of development depends on genetic predisposition, as well as on whether parents devote enough time to educational games and activities.

By the age of three months, the baby learns to lift and hold his head. He begins to raise his shoulders, throw his head back, stretch out and try to lean on his hands. All these movements are a kind of gymnastics that develops muscles and motor skills. The baby will do these exercises many times until the muscles acquire the required tone. Pediatricians often ask parents to place their baby on his stomach to give him the opportunity to practice these skills well. And after that, at 3-4 months, the child will finally be able to roll over onto his side.

Most often this happens by accident, for example, when a baby reaches for a beautiful, bright toy. At the first successful experience, the child will feel interest and surprise - after all, this situation is new to him. Soon he will learn to repeat this movement. Parents can additionally encourage the child to roll over by placing a toy nearby that the child can only reach after turning over.

Turns from tummy to back and vice versa

Soon after the baby can freely roll over onto its side, a rollover from tummy to back will follow. This occurs at approximately 4-5 months.

By the age of 5 months, the baby can already hold his head well and confidently lean on his arms. When bathing in the tub, like a real champion, he tries to row with his arms and legs, thus training his muscles. And at 5-6 months of age, the child masters such a complex skill as turning over from back to tummy.

Let us note once again that the dates are approximate, they are individual for each baby. In addition, many children skip this stage altogether; they immediately crawl, or even sit down.

Safety measures during this period

From the moment the baby learns to roll over, it is time for parents to be extra vigilant. The baby can no longer be left unattended lying on a changing table or bed, because he may roll over and fall.

If it becomes necessary to leave the child alone, he should be placed in a crib or on the floor, having first laid a blanket or blanket. You can also cover the baby on both sides with pillows or bolsters, but they can only be placed near the lower part of the body: the back or legs. Under no circumstances should the pillows be placed at shoulder level - the child may roll over and suffocate.

In what cases should you contact a specialist?

Even if your baby is slightly delayed in development, there is no reason to worry. You should consult a doctor (pediatrician or neurologist) about this problem if, by the age of 6 months, the child has not learned to roll over, does not strive to develop this (or other) skill, and does not show motor activity. In each individual case, the pediatrician will define specific terms. In addition, if the baby is premature, he will develop a little slower than his peers.

Do not panic until the reasons are found out; perhaps the child simply has weak muscles and will need a strengthening massage or physiotherapy.

How can parents speed up the onset of turning?

Parents should never force their baby to roll over, but they can help him with this. The main thing is to create a positive atmosphere that will help the baby strive for new achievements. Praise your child often, even if there is very little progress in development. There are a number of ways to speed up the baby’s development, but they can only be used if he is healthy and feels comfortable.

You can motivate a child in the form of a game, since this technique is the most acceptable way for him to understand the world. For example, you can provoke him to roll over if he reaches for something that interests him. You can turn the child over on his side and play with him in this position. To prevent it from falling onto your tummy or back, prop it up with pillows or bolsters. Thus, the child will learn to control his body, which will inevitably lead to mastering new skills.

There are many assistive devices available for busy parents on the market today, such as rocking chairs. They are very convenient for mothers, but the child needs to develop, move, raise his legs and head. Every minute spent in a rocking chair is time not spent training. For this reason, refuse to use such devices or reduce the time your baby spends in them as much as possible. Do not turn the baby over when he is lying on his tummy, because it is in this position that he trains his initial skills. Also in this position, the muscles of the back and neck are well trained.

Special exercises, strengthening massage and hardening will help the child.

The benefits of using massage and hardening to speed up turning over

You can do the massage yourself or entrust your child to a professional children's massage therapist. In addition to strengthening muscles, massage has a positive effect on nervous system, improves blood circulation, immunity; it has an unsurpassed effect on posture, development internal organs. A separate type of massage, finger massage, will have a powerful stimulating effect on the development of the baby’s speech and thinking.

Hardening - stimulates muscle development and will also make the child’s body more resistant to the occurrence of colds, increases immunity and metabolic processes.
Exercises to help your baby learn to roll over

Attention! The simplest and most common exercise for developing motor functions is the “bicycle”. Place your baby on his back and bend his legs one at a time, bringing his knee toward his stomach.

Pediatricians and physiologists have developed a set of exercises to help a child strengthen the muscle groups necessary for turning over and quickly master this skill:

  1. Starting position - the child lies on his back. With our right hand we bend the baby’s leg, bringing the knee to the stomach; turn the child over onto his right side, moving the bent left leg to the right. After this, you can complete the revolution or hold the child in this position, slightly rocking.
  2. I.p. - Same. We pull the handle in the opposite direction, allowing the child to roll over on his own. It is necessary for the baby to pull up his leg, helping himself to roll over. If he doesn't do this, help him by bending and pushing his leg.
  3. I.p. - Same. We grab the child by the side of the body and push him to turn over. We don’t touch the child’s arms and legs, we try to let him complete the revolution himself.

We repeat each exercise 6-7 times in each direction.

Video about how to massage an infant

How will the child develop further?

Rolling over involves the same muscle groups as when sitting and crawling. Therefore, soon after the baby learns to roll over well, he will sit up (at 6-7 months), and then crawl (after 7 months).

Rolling over is a very important indicator of a child’s development; he learns to roll over at the age of 3-6 months. This period is approximate and is determined individually for each child. At the age of 3-4 months, the baby rolls over onto its side; 4-5 months - masters turning onto his back, and up to 6 months of age - on his stomach. If a child, upon reaching 6 months of age, has not learned to roll over and does not try to do so, he must be shown to a doctor. Parents can help their baby successfully master this skill through games, massage, and exercises.

Video of babies starting to roll over?

When a baby comes into the family, the lives of parents and grandparents begin to revolve around him. And at this time they have huge amount issues related to the development and upbringing of the baby. One of them is related to when the child begins to roll over from his back to his stomach and vice versa. Some adults may feel that this happened to their baby too early - and they worry. Others think that the baby is in no hurry to turn around - and they are also nervous! To relieve both of them from worry, we will try to understand the issue.

Nuances matter

To begin with, let us remember that each child is individual, does not owe anything to anyone, and his development may well follow his own scenario. Therefore, it is impossible to give a single correct answer to the question of when a baby should roll over.

However, there are limits within which every child must fit. Of course, a one-month-old baby turning over is nonsense. A one-year-old toddler who has not yet mastered this skill is a serious cause for concern. Therefore, there are numbers that allow us to understand at what age a child begins to roll over. We are talking about the period from 2 to 7 months after birth. Such a serious time scatter is explained by a number of factors. Here they are.

  • Weight: the greater it is, the later children begin to roll over onto their sides, belly and back.
  • Temperament. This is an innate property that cannot be influenced throughout life. It has been proven that choleric and sanguine people begin to “spin” earlier than their phlegmatic or melancholic peers.
  • Heredity. If both parents started spinning late in their early childhood, it is quite possible that this will be passed on to their children at the genetic level.
  • Attention from adults. Children from “cold” families, where little attention is paid to children, lag behind in physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Therefore, from the first days, play with your baby, do gymnastics with them, entertain them with bright toys and safe household items. Then the baby begins to roll over at an average of 4-5 months, which is the average age for this skill.

The earlier he was born, the later he turned over

In addition, there is a group of children who, by definition, begin to roll over later than most. We are talking about premature babies. The earlier the baby was born, the later she will learn to do quite simple things.

Thus, babies born at seven months may be “delayed” in physical development just for those 60 days that were supposed to be spent in the mother’s womb. And there's nothing wrong with that! If the pediatrician and neurologist do not see any abnormalities, then there is no reason to panic.

To be sure, you can consult with different specialists. The fact is that premature babies can suffer from a number of ailments that inhibit their physical and intellectual development. This list includes paraparesis of the lower and/or upper extremities, displacement of the sacrum and some others. If a specialist identifies them at the initial stage and prescribes competent treatment, then the child will be able to overcome his illness and begin to quickly catch up with his peers.

Gymnastics, massage and water

In any case, you should not rely on nature alone. There are several ways to activate the functions of the musculoskeletal system that will be useful for all children without exception. It's about the basics:

  • Gymnastics. This is a simple set of exercises, including moving the legs apart and spreading them apart, flexing and extending large joints. Also, remember to pull your child closer to you when he is holding you. thumbs. Very soon the child will be able to perform this important trick on his own.
  • Light massage. Parents should stroke and pat their baby's limbs, back, and tummy every day. Among other things, this strengthens the tactile connection between the baby and adults.
  • Regular water treatments. The simplest, initial option is to take a bath every day. However, in the absence of contraindications, babies can be enrolled in the pool as early as two months.

Everything has its time

Some mothers believe: the faster the baby starts spinning, the better. And they teach their babies to roll over before the time given by nature itself. This is a serious mistake!..

The body needs to “mature”. After all, in order to perform such a difficult act as a complete revolution of the body, the baby must have sufficiently developed muscles of the muscular corset. Especially those associated with the neck and back area.

Three important signs indicate that the child is ready to move on to a new stage in exploring the world: the ability to confidently hold his head, lie on his tummy, and sit up on bent arms. In addition, the baby should show interest in the outside world. The fact is that most often your child turns over on his stomach out of curiosity in order to expand his field of vision.

If at least one of these factors is missing, you should not teach your child to roll over on his side and, especially, on his belly. Wait a little longer: as statistics show, the vast majority of children begin to spin no earlier than four and no later than six months of age.

If help is not harmful

And now - about the algorithm of actions on the part of the baby himself. First, the baby begins to roll over onto his stomach. The first "news" that important event What is about to happen is the child’s regular attempts to push off with his leg from the crib and fall on his side. Of course, it is not always possible to do this the first time. And the “training” period can last from one day to several weeks. However, there is no need to panic: if the baby is trying, and you see his interest in the final result, then everything is going as it should.

However, you are able to help your child cope with a difficult task in a faster time. There are several simple exercises for this. The simplest and most effective can be done daily, because it has no contraindications.

To do this, take the child by the arm, leg and slightly pull him to the side so that he feels the process of turning over with his whole body. Remember: the baby must be well-fed, healthy, and in a good mood. Don't forget to smile at him and hum your favorite songs. When the child begins to roll over with your help, he should experience only the most pleasant emotions. This will be recorded in his memory, and the process of revolution will be perceived as pleasure.

And now - on your back!

Having mastered the tummy roll, the newborn will consolidate this skill for some time. This means that the time for relative peace for parents has passed! You will no longer be able to leave your child alone on a bed without sides or on a changing table, because this oversight can lead to his fall.

Further - more. It takes on average from several days to a month when the baby begins to roll over from his stomach to his back. This is an even more difficult skill, but the little champion is ready for it. By the way, it is not at all forbidden to provide your little one with some help. To do this, take your favorite rattle and wait until the baby is on his tummy. Show the toy and, when the baby concentrates on it, slowly begin to lift it above his head. Noticing this, the baby will no longer be able to lie still and will want to roll over. He will begin to make similar movements. When your baby rolls over from his stomach to his back, help him. Repeat this funny exercise several times, and very soon your child’s collection of skills will be replenished with another achievement.

Main rules for attentive parents

Thus, there is no clear answer to the question of how many months a baby begins to roll over. And we will summarize everything said above to make it easier for you to navigate such a significant amount of information. So:

  • pay attention to your child: play with him, do massage and gymnastics;
  • regularly visit a pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist and other specialists;
  • independently monitor your baby’s condition and adapt your behavior to it;
  • rest assured: the nervousness displayed by family members greatly affects the condition of the children.

And remember: when the baby starts to spin, there is no need to interfere with this process, as some young, busy or simply lazy mothers do. Yes, after mastering this skill, the child requires more attention. But this is one of the most important stages of growing up, so you should only meet it with joy!

Parents watch with interest the development of their baby, note his achievements and contribute to them in every possible way. When the baby holds his head confidently, the baby is ready to roll over from back to stomach. It is worth noting that each baby develops individually, however, many parents wonder when the baby begins to roll over.

The age at which a child begins to roll over without adult help from side to side or from back to stomach depends on:

  1. Child's weight;
  2. Activities;
  3. Heredity;
  4. Muscle hypertonicity;
  5. Consequences of birth injuries (if any).

An energetic and slender baby, endowed with natural curiosity, turns over on his side or even on his stomach within two months of birth. A plump and sedentary child is able to refrain from changing body position until six months of age. This does not in any way indicate a developmental delay or pathology of the motor functions of the latter. Doctors find it normal if the very first turn of the body occurs between the ages of 2 months and six months.

When does a baby start to roll over, at what months?

In most cases, the baby begins to roll over after he can confidently hold his head and turn his neck. These achievements will be followed by the first desire to independently rotate the body in a horizontal position.

These efforts are accompanied by great curiosity of the little ones, as they look at the surroundings and those around them in a completely new way. For mom and dad, when a baby begins to roll over onto his stomach (and back onto his back) it stimulates an abundance of positive feelings and becomes one of the most unforgettable moments.

At three months, the child, lying on his tummy, tries to raise his head and shoulders for the first time. At the same time, he actively supports himself, leaning on his hands. Such an effort is involuntary and is due to the baby’s interest in the world around him. This is his very first in life physical exercise. It gives strength to his muscles for meaningful revolutions.

The first rollovers can only be characterized in this way relatively, since they are more like rolling from side to side, from a lying position on the back. But directly with such awkward movements, the baby begins to set the basis for the beginning of physical activity. And this is a signal for relatives to increase their vigilance. Many babies can easily roll over onto their back when lying on their stomach at 3 months. In the opposite direction, the baby begins to roll over around 5-6 months. Just then the muscles of the back, neck, abdomen, and arms are strengthened in infants.

The baby will begin to roll over on his own as soon as his muscles, including his back, legs and arms, become strong. And this happens closer to 4-5 months. Most of all, these efforts, like other motor abilities of infants, are motivated by the desire to better examine this or that object, get a bright toy, or have their mother in sight.

Children at 5 or 6 months of age can hold their head perfectly, turn their neck in the right direction, arch their back, focusing on their arms, and know how to push off with their legs. The range of their movements is constantly growing. There are more rolls from back to tummy and back, rolls in both directions, and in the near future - crawling and attempts to sit down.

Exercises for child development

The question: “when does the baby start to roll over” should not worry parents much until the baby learns:

  • Rise up on your arms while lying on your tummy;
  • Raise your head in a horizontal position on your back;
  • Keep your head on your stomach.

Before this, all efforts will be in vain, you may even harm the baby.

Gymnastics can help you master coups:

  1. When the baby is lying on his back, right hand you need to hold his right shin, and with your left, grab his left leg so that it does not bend.
  2. We smoothly pull the right leg down, and bend the left leg and easily turn it to the side, where we want to make a revolution. In the end right leg should be under the left.
  3. Hold the rotation position for 10 seconds. The baby's arms remain under the body so that he tries to pull them out on his own.

We repeat these movements in the other direction. Conduct training up to 5 times during the day.

The order of performing the flip exercise:

  • When working with your baby, do not rush or procrastinate - only soft movements without jerking or jerking.
  • It is necessary to make revolutions in each direction. Turning only through one side has a negative effect on the muscles of the back and neck and has a bad effect on the spine.
  • To motivate revolutions, it is better to use bright toys.
  • Be sure to praise and encourage your child if he makes a revolution without the help of others.
  • Do not start training if the baby is unwell or in a bad mood.
  • Remember that every baby develops individually. Do not demand from your child anything that he is not currently able to do.
  • It is good to combine physical exercises with swimming and massage. Such training guarantees the good development of the child, strengthening the immune system, developing bones and muscle mass, has a positive effect on brain function.
  • If the baby has rolled over from his back to his tummy, he will not be able to learn to roll back over without help. Be sure to help the baby roll over to its original position, that is, on its back.
  • Conduct activities with your baby on a flat, smooth surface with restraints to prevent him from falling. These can be pads and sides.
  • The child should receive only positive emotions from classes. Then he will love physical activity and master the acquired skills well.

The doctor may also advise for physical development:

  1. Gymnastics, during which it is necessary to bring and spread the arms and legs, developing large joints;
  2. Massage, which includes stroking and patting;

All these procedures lead to increased activity of the musculoskeletal system. However, it happens that it is enough to simply stimulate the baby to roll over by getting him interested. For example, you can use spectacular and favorite toys. The baby will independently reach for the toy and roll over onto his side and stomach. If the baby cannot roll over on his own without assistance, you can lightly pull him by the hand in the right direction.

How to teach a child to roll over?

If you want to teach your child to roll over, then, first of all, you must understand the end goal, that is, why you will do it. If it is important for you that your baby meets the standards prescribed by someone, then you don’t have to worry too much, because each child develops according to his own individual plan. Parents also need to understand that rolling onto your back is not an essential skill. After all, turning over on the tummy allows the baby to study and experience everything that surrounds him. This skill also helps prepare for further crawling and perfectly strengthens the muscles. Therefore, if a six-month-old child turns over from his back onto his tummy without any problems, then his “maximum” program has been completed, and turning over onto his back will happen by itself over time. But those experts who talk about the key importance of turning onto your back are misleading you.

If you are seriously concerned about this issue, when the child begins to roll over from his tummy to his back, let the doctor offer you several effective methods to ensure that the baby begins to roll over from his tummy to his back.

Every mother worries about whether her child is developing correctly. Moms study various literature and ask other mothers how their children are developing. They compare the answers received with their child, and if they see the difference, they begin to be proud or, conversely, worry whether everything is normal with the child.

This is especially evident during the process of finding out when the child begins to turn onto his stomach. A very large spread is possible in this matter, which gives rise to controversy and frustration.

Turning from stomach to back and from back to stomach is a very important skill that develops the back muscles and shoulder girdle to the process of crawling and the first attempts to sit up on their own. However, before this, the child must learn to hold his head firmly while lying on his stomach. This usually occurs by 3 months.

From this moment on, children become mobile enough to still accidentally, but still turn from their stomach to their side, or even to their back. It is from this time that you must begin to be careful: three-month-old children can no longer be left unattended on surfaces from which they can fall if they roll over: a changing table, a sofa or parents’ bed, armchairs, and so on. Even when simply swaddling or changing a child’s clothes, turning away for cream or powder, it is better to hold the baby with your hand, pressing him to the table.

By four months, most children have fully mastered turning onto their back.. When does a child begin to turn from his back to his stomach? This process is somewhat more complicated and therefore requires more effort and greater concentration. This usually happens by 5–6 months.

However, it is very important to understand that all children are individual, and the development of many skills depends not only on age, but also on many other factors, including the health of the child, the presence of deviations and pathologies, excess weight, and even the temperament and character of the child.

Active, thin children, as a rule, learn to roll over faster than plump or calm ones. Some abnormalities, including prematurity, can slow down the learning process. Others, on the contrary, will speed up.

You can often find parents boasting on forums and blogs for young parents that their child was easily turning from his stomach to his back by the age of one month. Other parents immediately begin to suspect the braggarts of exaggeration. However, a month-old baby can actually accidentally turn onto his stomach 1-2 times, especially if he is very active and mobile. But this is unlikely to become established as a systemic skill.

If the child is so early age is able to repeat this trick regularly, then this may not be so much a cause for pride as for concern. In such a situation, it is worth suspecting the presence of increased muscle tone. This condition requires treatment, so it makes sense to see a doctor.

It is also possible that the child begins to crawl and sit earlier than to roll over. This scenario for the development of events is also considered not the most favorable, since in this case the child begins to sit before his muscles are ready for this. And this is fraught with improper development of the musculoskeletal system.

How can I help my child learn to roll over from his back to his stomach?

If your baby is almost 6 months old and still doesn’t roll over onto his stomach, it’s still too early to panic, especially if the baby is chubby. However, by this point, many parents are already wondering whether it is possible to somehow teach their child to turn.

Of course, you can help your baby in this difficult matter. And this must be done, of course, in a playful way. The simplest option is stimulate him: put the baby in the crib on his back, and put a bright toy on the side. Wanting to examine the object, the baby will reach for it, and perhaps he will cope with the task himself. Sound can be used as additional stimulation.

If it didn't work, try to help a little to the child. Pull it lightly on the handle. Without sudden movements, without forcing, but as if hinting, showing the direction to turn.

Another option is to do special exercises. Place the child in front of you on a table covered with a soft blanket. It is best to exercise 1.5 hours after eating. At first, just gently and gently stroke the baby. Then help him turn on his side, press his arm to his chest, and bend the leg that is on top at the knee and press it too. Rock your baby on his side and then lower him onto his tummy.

Regular lessons and constant stimulation of interest in rollovers will certainly convince your baby that it is time for him to learn this extremely useful skill. And not only useful, but also interesting. After all, lying on his back, a child can only study the ceiling, the mobile, the people hanging over him, and himself. And by turning on his stomach, the child gains access to a huge amount of information. He can freely inspect the surrounding space, choosing the direction of his gaze.

From birth, children actively study the world around us and acquire new skills. By three months, babies are already holding their heads quite confidently, which means they will soon begin to roll over.

Timely mastery of the skill of turning onto the side and tummy by the baby indicates the beginning of his motor activity and a new stage of development.

It is not surprising that many parents are concerned about the question of when the baby begins to roll over. This is what we will talk about today.

The baby develops physically every day, trying to reach his favorite rattle or touch his mother.

It seems like just yesterday he only knew how to pick up a small toy, and today he’s rolling onto the edge of the bed while swaddling.

That is why, closer to three months, when children gradually master turning over, it is necessary to hold the baby with your hand while changing a diaper or reaching for a tube of baby cream.

At what months does a baby begin to roll over?

Not a single pediatrician can tell you the exact age for mastering this skill. Many babies begin to roll over, learning to hold their head and turn their neck.

The stage of revolutions will be followed by numerous attempts to straighten up - to sit up with support on your hands or on your own.

Experts list a number of factors that determine when a baby begins to roll over on his own:

  • child weight;
  • characteristics of temperament (phlegmatic people master the skill later than choleric and sanguine people);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • normal muscle tone;
  • no history of birth trauma or difficult pregnancy.

An agile and slender baby with innate curiosity will begin to roll from side to side within two to three months after birth. A phlegmatic and more well-fed baby will wait until he is six months old.

Such a “delay” is not a developmental delay and, moreover, a consequence of a disorder of the musculoskeletal system.

When does a baby start to roll over?

It is curious that the first skill in moving in space that a baby can master is precisely turning left and right on its side. Most often this happens by four months.

The first rollovers are more reminiscent of clumsy attempts to roll onto his side from the position on his back, where his mother carefully placed him. However, it is precisely such movements that are the basis for future physical activity.

To interest the baby and make him want to repeat this movement, you need to captivate him with a large, bright toy.

Children will truly begin to roll over only when their entire muscular system becomes stronger, including the muscles of the back, arms and legs.

Children will definitely enjoy being independent. Having learned to turn on their side, they will lie for a long time, walk, look at the toy and even “talk” with it.

Now the mother must monitor the baby with redoubled effort - not leave him alone on a bed without sides or on a sofa.

When does a baby start to roll over onto his stomach?

At the age of four months, many babies already know how to turn on their back if they are placed on their tummy.

But the reverse process of turning over is somewhat more complicated and therefore requires more tension and concentration from the baby.

  • After four months, the baby, lying on his back, often raises his head and carefully examines his legs. Then he bends them at the knees to pull them towards his chest and touch them with his fingers. So, unnoticed by himself, he learns to roll over - on his side for now.
  • By the age of five months, the baby loves to rock when placed on its back. And at this age, children often roll around the crib, pushing off with their legs. Such movements actively develop muscles, which means that the child is already developed enough to roll over onto his stomach.
  • By the way, as soon as the muscles of the neck, back, legs and arms become sufficiently strong from constant upheavals, your child will begin new attempts - now the baby will want to sit up and crawl on his own.

How to help your baby learn to roll over onto his stomach?

If your baby is five months old and still doesn’t have the desire to roll over onto his tummy, don’t panic, especially if there’s a strong, plump baby growing up in the family.

However, you can help your baby learn to roll over. And the best way to do this is in a playful way.

The easiest option is to put the baby in the crib on his back, and put a bright toy on the side. The baby will begin to reach for it, wanting to take a closer look at the object, and perhaps he will be able to cope with the task himself.

There are other simple exercises designed to teach children how to flip. They are aimed at generally strengthening the muscles of the baby’s back and abdomen and stimulating its motor activity.

  1. Leg support. Place the little one on his back and give him your finger to grab. Then you need to support his heels with the other hand. He will begin to reach for his mother’s finger and at the same time begin to push off with his heels. Such double support will give him additional opportunity for a coup.
  2. Back support. Starting position – the child lies on his side. You need to lie behind him, thereby creating support. Place your favorite toy a short distance in front of the baby. He will begin to reach for her, and the additional support in the form of his mother will not allow him to tip over, but, on the contrary, will help him roll over onto his stomach.
  3. Rolling over by the leg. Place the baby on his back, clasp the baby's right shin with your right hand, and with your left hand gently hold his left leg so that it does not bend. Then start pulling slowly right leg in the direction of the turn so that it is above the left leg. Try to fix the position on your side. The baby should roll over smoothly and not flop down on his tummy. When the revolution is complete, the child's hand may remain under the body. Try to massage the child's shoulder, then he will pull his hand out on his own. Make all movements smoothly, without jerking or jerking!

Remember that the baby should roll from back to stomach in both directions with equal ease and speed.

If you have difficulty turning over to the left or right, when practicing the exercises, place the main emphasis on this side.

When should you sound the alarm?

Parents should be wary if the baby is seven months old and he doesn’t even try to roll over.

If the above exercises to stimulate physical activity also did not bring good result, such a situation should be discussed with your pediatrician.

The fact that the baby is older than three months may also cause concern among parents:

  • does not turn his head towards his mother’s voice when lying on his back;
  • does not try to raise his shoulders and fix his head, lying on his tummy and leaning on his hands.

And finally, parents should not forget that each child develops and grows at his own pace. Of course, the mother will always worry and carefully monitor when the baby raises its head, rolls over onto its tummy, and begins to crawl and walk.

However, you should not overreact to the fact that the children of friends and acquaintances begin to master any skills before your child. Your baby is no worse, he's just different.
