Carbohydrates in baby stool: normal or a sign of pathology. Meaning and interpretation of stool analysis for carbohydrates Analysis of stool for carbohydrate content

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Digestive problems are common in young children. To find out their origin and select treatment tactics, doctors prescribe various diagnostic tests. Feces for carbohydrates in an infant are examined if the child is suspected of having lactase deficiency.

The study allows us to accurately determine the causes of disruption of the digestive tract in infants, namely, to evaluate the process of breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates.

As a rule, this analysis is carried out in the first year of a child’s life, since in most cases the signs disappear over time, and the baby’s digestion returns to normal.

Why get tested?

A stool test for carbohydrates is carried out in case of lactose malabsorption or infant intolerance to foods that contain milk sugar. The analysis determines the norm of carbohydrate content in the feces of a newborn, which is extremely important for children in the first year of life, since during this period their main diet is.

If, as a result of the diagnosis, elevated carbohydrates are detected in the baby’s stool, most likely we're talking about about what children's body unable to digest lactose or milk sugar. This is a sign of a threat to his health and development.

Not only does this disease cause severe discomfort in the baby (abdominal pain and increased gas production), lactase deficiency also deprives him of the ability to fully absorb nutrients from milk. And this becomes the reason for insufficient, lag in physical development etc. That is why it is necessary to carry out an analysis, and if carbohydrates in the feces of a baby are elevated, look for the causes of this condition.


The main indication for analyzing stool for carbohydrates in infants, as mentioned above, is the suspicion of lactase deficiency.

The following signs may indicate this:

  • Retarded physical development. The symptom indicates that the carbohydrate content in the feces of a newborn is increased against the background of enzymopathy - insufficient absorption of nutrients by the body. In this case, it is recommended that the child grow systematically and if he does not meet the age criteria, contact a specialist.
  • Frequent and copious stools (up to 8 times a day), sometimes with a sour odor and mucus.
  • , colic, bloating.
  • on the skin.
  • Difficult to treat iron deficiency anemia.

All these symptoms cannot be ignored. But to diagnose lactase deficiency only on the basis clinical signs diseases are wrong. The diagnosis can be confirmed by analyzing stool for carbohydrates in infants and having it interpreted by a specialist.

Preparing for a stool test for carbohydrates

In order for the study to be reliable, that is, the norms of carbohydrates in the feces of a newborn correspond to their real value, it is necessary to correctly collect biological material for analysis.

It is important to take feces not from the child, but from a clean oilcloth or other non-absorbent surface, immediately after the baby has emptied his intestines. For research, a teaspoon of feces is enough, and its liquid part should be collected.

Before the test, the baby should receive the same food as usual. There is no need to introduce something new into his diet or disturb the nursing mother. Otherwise, the result of the analysis may be far from the truth.

The child's bowel movements should be spontaneous. Feces for analysis are collected in a special sterile plastic container, which is hermetically sealed. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

The container with the collected material for research must be delivered to the laboratory within 4 hours. The results of the analysis usually become known after 2 days.


The norm of carbohydrates in a baby's feces is from 0 to 0.25%. Indicators of 0.3-0.5% are considered a minor deviation of the study. In this case, you do not need to do anything.

The average deviation from the norm for the content of carbohydrates in the stool of an infant is 0.6-1%. In this situation, observation and an acidity test may be recommended. feces.

A cause for alarm is the increased content of carbohydrates in the feces of a newborn - more than 1-1.65%. This condition requires treatment.

Deviations from the norm

Examination of children under three months of age practically does not make it possible to determine the recommended amount of carbohydrates in the feces of children. infant. At such a tender age, a microbial biofilm is just forming in the digestive tract, and enzymatic processes are developing in the intestines. This is why there is no need to worry if there are elevated carbohydrates in a newborn’s stool. Under no circumstances should you stop breastfeeding. Most likely, the analysis will have to be repeated in the future.

Various deviations from the norm in the level of carbohydrates in the feces of an infant usually indicate conditions such as the immaturity of the enzymatic systems of the digestive tract. In this case, the pediatrician may prescribe additional research and carry out therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at correcting microbiological disorders in the baby’s intestines.

It would be wrong to self-medicate, especially if the result of the test for carbohydrates in the baby’s stool is more than 2.0%.

The need to determine the amount of carbohydrates in the baby's stool is required by 1 out of 15 newborns. This study does not always give a positive result.

Timely determination of the norm of carbohydrates in the baby’s feces is an important diagnostic measure, which becomes the right step towards recovery if any pathologies are detected. Therefore, there is no need to worry that your child is scheduled for this test.

Useful video about lactase deficiency

The analysis of stool for carbohydrates in infants is directly related to lactose intolerance (lactase deficiency). In the first year of a child’s life, the digestive system is not fully formed. Hence the emergence of problems with the absorption of mother's milk or an adapted formula. What are the symptoms for which a coprogram is indicated? How to correctly collect material for analyzing feces for carbohydrates and decipher the results?

Indications for stool analysis in infants

The intestines of an infant are immature and are sometimes unable to cope with the required digestive processes. A coprogram is involved in a full study of feces, which helps evaluate the functioning of gastrointestinal tract, other organs involved in digestion - liver, gall bladder. During the analysis of stool, among other things, the content of carbohydrates in it is necessarily revealed.

For a growing baby, lactase deficiency (lactose intolerance) becomes a serious problem. A stool test for carbohydrates is indicated if there is a suspicion of inadequate absorption of mother's milk or formula. Lactase is involved in the breakdown of lactose. Enzymes are closely interrelated. If there is insufficient production of the digestive enzyme in the child's body, milk is not completely absorbed, which causes lactose intolerance.

The following symptoms indicate lactose deficiency in an infant:

  • sharp sour smell from feces;
  • loose stools, sometimes foam is observed;
  • increased gas formation, bloating;
  • the presence of frequent bowel movements (the child goes to the toilet up to 10 times a day);
  • poor weight gain by the baby, even a decrease in body weight may be observed;
  • crying, capriciousness of the child during feeding or immediately after;
  • Instead of diarrhea, the child may suffer from constipation.

Sometimes you can see in the stool undigested food, lumps of mucus, greenish foam. Regurgitation and even vomiting are possible. The process of digesting milk (formula) becomes uncomfortable for the child. Even when feeling hungry, the baby takes the breast and, not having eaten, throws it away. Feedings are delayed. A small amount of milk causes the baby's stomach to growl and swell. Allergic reactions occur, and the skin may break out in a rash.

Violation of the intestinal absorption of nutrients leads to a lack of iron in the body. The level of hemoglobin in the blood drops. Externally, this is expressed in the blanching of the skin and mucous membranes.

Breast milk is the main source of nutrients. From it the child receives proteins, calcium, glucose, vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for life and growth. Lack of lactase provokes the inability of the intestines to fully absorb and accept the necessary nutrition. When lactose is broken down, galactose and glucose are produced. The latter is the main source of energy for humans.

Galactose is necessary for the full development of the central nervous system. The danger of insufficient lactase for a child is developmental delay. Therefore, any of the above symptoms should be a cause for concern for parents, a mandatory visit to the pediatrician, and a reason for taking a stool test for carbohydrates.

How to prepare for a stool test for carbohydrates

The result will be as reliable as possible if the baby’s stool is collected correctly. It is necessary to feed a newborn in his usual way. The diet cannot be changed a few days before sampling; it should be normal for the child. It is not advisable to introduce new foods into the diet.

If the child is on breastfeeding, this rule fully applies to mom. For several days preceding a stool test for carbohydrates, you should not take any medications. They are permissible only if absolutely necessary for the health of the baby.

Material for stool analysis for carbohydrates is taken naturally, no enemas or medications to ease bowel movements. To collect feces from a baby who can already sit on the potty, the latter should be washed with baby or laundry soap, scalded with boiling water, and dried. Feces from very young children should be collected from the most sterile oilcloth. Biomaterial scraped from the inside of a disposable diaper or fabric (sheets, diapers) is not suitable for analyzing stool for carbohydrates.

For analysis, a volume of stool equal to approximately one teaspoon is enough. The mixture should be collected in a clean container with a lid. It should close tightly, preventing air from entering there. It is advisable to purchase a container with a stick for collecting material. Similar special containers are sold in pharmacies. Their cost is relatively low. After collection, the box should be delivered to the laboratory within four hours. The countdown begins after the act of defecation.

Decoding the results of fecal analysis for carbohydrates

The pediatrician evaluates the result of a stool analysis for carbohydrates, while simultaneously comparing the data with the presence of other symptoms, general condition health, well-being of the child. Even if a stool test for carbohydrates shows a slight deviation, but the baby behaves well and no pathological symptoms are identified, treatment is not prescribed. It is usually assumed false positive result. Repeated stool testing is scheduled.

What is included in a stool test for carbohydrates in infants? The content of carbohydrates in the masses under study, their acidity, and the number of molecules are assessed fatty acids, leukocytes, the presence of protein.

If lactose is poorly tolerated by the body, traces of it will certainly be found in children's feces. A lot of carbohydrates, proteins, and leukocytes indicate the presence of inflammation. With an increased content of fatty acids, the intestines poorly absorb food. All this accompanies poor absorption of lactose in the body. Highly acidic feces (having a pH of up to 5.5) are often observed when acetic and lactic acid are included in the process of breaking down undigested lactose.

The normal amount of carbohydrates in baby feces is up to 0.25% of the total volume. The detected elements can be either lactose, galactose, or glucose. If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes additional examinations to prescribe treatment.

Deviations from normal value

What does the carbohydrate content in feces mean for a healthy baby under one year of age?

In infants up to the age of three months, the content of carbohydrates in feces is slightly higher than normal. This is caused by the formation of the digestive system, food processing, and enzyme secretion. Up to 0.6% carbohydrate content is considered a conditional norm. 0.7 - 1% also do not require therapeutic intervention, in the absence accompanying symptoms. The health of such babies, their nutrition, and the introduction of complementary foods should be kept under the supervision of a pediatrician.

The body consumes a lot of carbohydrates from liquid and sweet foods. Lactase deficiency is diagnosed when there are more than 1% of detected carbohydrate inclusions in the test masses, provided they are highly acidic.

Digestive problems are not chosen by the patient’s age or gender. Therefore, even infants are not immune from it, although they drink only breast milk or an adapted formula. Troubles with a small tummy are immediately noticeable - bowel movements are disrupted, the baby becomes restless. To determine the cause of the pathology, various tests are prescribed, including determining the level of carbohydrates in the feces.

In our adult concept, carbohydrates are found in bread, porridge, and sweets. Where do these products come from for a child under one year of age?

It's simple. The baby receives mother's milk or an adapted formula. Both are rich in lactose, maltose, and galactose.

They, in turn, are broken down into glucose and fructose during the digestion of food. So carbohydrates are present in the baby’s diet.

The baby adjusts and learns to digest milk or formula. This is not always possible and lactose intolerance develops. Indications for stool analysis for carbohydrates:

  • suspected lactase deficiency;
  • slowdown in physical and mental development due to lack of nutrients;
  • up to 10 times a day;
  • uncharacteristic odor and character of the stool - sour, fetid, foamy, with traces of mucus;
  • and private belchings;
  • weight loss or poor weight gain;

In addition, the baby becomes restless, whiny, sleeps poorly when lying on his back, tries to bend over, and refuses to eat.

How to prepare your baby for analysis

Diaper stool is not suitable for analysis.

The object of the study is the feces of a toddler.

No specific preparation is required before collecting samples. The baby should be fed as usual.

Violation of this rule before sampling will lead to distortion of information. To transport the sample to the laboratory, you should purchase it in a sterile special cup. IN as a last resort Glass containers are allowed.

Before collecting a sample, it should be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. The material must reach the laboratory no later than 4 hours after collection. It is advisable to store the container with biological mass in the refrigerator. Important points:

  1. Taken from a diaper or diaper is not suitable for research. The baby should be placed on a clean oilcloth or placed on a potty. Immediately after bowel movement, place 1 teaspoon into a container.
  2. Defecation should occur naturally. The use of laxatives is not allowed.
  3. Before collecting the material, the little one must live and eat in its usual rhythm.
  4. The processing time for the material depends on the laboratory and averages 48 hours from the moment the samples are delivered. The research is carried out in both private and government laboratories.

Normal indicators

Carbohydrate levels in feces should be minimal.

To obtain reliable information, you should take a responsible approach to collecting material.

Carbohydrate levels in the baby's feces should be minimal. The degrees of deviation from the norm are presented in the table:

  • Deviation degree
  • Carbohydrates in feces in %
  • Normal indicator
    From 0 to 0.3
  • Minor
    From 0.3 to 0.5
  • Significant
    From 0.5 to 1.0
  • Excessive (pathological)
    From 1.0 and above.

Important! The results of the analysis do not constitute a diagnosis. This is a diagnostic tool. Based on the study data, the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment. As a rule, lactase deficiency is provoked by an imbalance and immaturity of the baby’s enzymatic system. In any case, the baby’s digestive system should be put in order.

Additional information from the analysis

The diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory testing.

What else is determined as part of this analysis? In addition to carbohydrate indicators, during the study the pH of the environment, the presence or absence of leukocytosis, protein fractions are determined, and the amount of fatty acids is determined. Other indicators of stool analysis for carbohydrates:

  1. Milk sugars are broken down in the intestines to form organic acids - acetic and lactic. Normal stool acidity should be at least 5.5.
  2. Increased leukocytosis is a symptom inflammatory process in the intestines. One of the reasons, but not the only one, for this condition is lactase deficiency.
  3. Fatty acids should not be present in feces. Their presence indicates a malabsorption of nutrients.
  4. The indicators are not an absolute sign of lactase deficiency. If the little one feels good, has fun, develops normally, and gains weight steadily, then even if there is an excess of carbohydrates in the stool, he does not need treatment.
  5. Increased leukocytosis, changes in stool acidity are a sign various diseases gastrointestinal tract, and not just a symptom of lactose deficiency or intolerance.

The results of a stool test for carbohydrates give the doctor the opportunity to assume that the child has developed this pathology. But they do not give a 100% guarantee and will not help establish the cause of the disease.

The diagnosis is made only based on the combination of symptoms and data from the laboratory report.

Important points

Test results may be unreliable or false positive. Why is this possible:

  • Taking some medicines– aspirin, some groups of antibiotics, sacilates.
  • Using a low-lactose formula to feed your baby.
  • In this case, according to the results of the analysis, the child will be healthy, but the symptoms will indicate the opposite.

Thematic video will tell you about the study of stool for dysbacteriosis:

What to do next?

The baby's mother should monitor her diet.

Lactase deficiency has been confirmed and parents are concerned about how to treat the toddler.

If a child eats breast milk, then first of all the mother’s diet should be reconsidered.

The doctor will select a special one to normalize the amount of carbohydrates in milk. This procedure is mandatory if the baby is not yet 3 months old. It is still impossible to introduce complementary foods during this period due to immaturity digestive system baby.

If the level of carbohydrates remains high, the doctor will recommend stopping breastfeeding and switching to specialized formulas. This is the case when breast milk will do more harm to the baby than good. During this period, the toddler is recommended to undergo exercise therapy and age-appropriate massage.

This will help cope with pain, help the passage of gas, relieve discomfort and colic. Complementary foods are introduced gradually and only under the guidance of a pediatrician. The child's condition is carefully monitored by a doctor and parents. Self-medication is unacceptable. Using Methods traditional medicine will put the baby's health at risk.

If the infectious nature of the pathology is proven, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. After the pathogens are suppressed, the level of carbohydrates in the feces returns to normal. After 6 months, toddlers are introduced to additional foods that do not contain lactose - vegetables, fruits, meat. It is recommended to consume goat's milk if there are no cases of intolerance to this product in the family.

Breasts react very sensitively to negative changes in their own. Parents should notice changes in the baby's behavior and, if necessary, contact a pediatrician. This is the case when it is better to show the child to the doctor once again than to blame yourself for inattention later.

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Infants often suffer digestive problems and to identify the causes, studies are prescribed, including analysis of stool for carbohydrates. This absolutely painless procedure will not harm the infant and will help find the source of the pathology.

In the first year of life, the main element of nutrition for an infant is mother's milk, which contains large amounts of lactose and other sugars. When absorption is impaired, digestive system disorders occur.

Purpose of analysis- identify pathologies by collecting information based on the child’s stool.

Indications for analysis

In the first weeks after the birth of the baby, mother's milk provides all the necessary substances for healthy development. At the same time, the composition of mother’s milk gradually changes and the baby’s digestive system must adapt to these changes.

Unfortunately, the baby’s body is not always able to withstand it and problems arise with digesting lactose. As a result, intestinal bacteria appear in the digestive system, which provoke fermentation of dairy products and the formation of gases.

Symptoms become:

  • bloating;
  • frequent belching and regurgitation;
  • diarrhea (more than 10 times a day);
  • stomach ache;
  • flatulence.

In addition, it is observed low baby weight gain or even a decrease, since the body does not absorb the required amount of sugar that the child needs for full development. The child becomes capricious, restless, tries to arch while lying on his back, sleeps poorly and refuses to eat.

If all measures are not taken to identify the causes, the consequences can be very serious. To do this, the attending physician first prescribes a stool test.

How to take analysis

  • material for analysis should be taken from clean diapers or oilcloths(diapers are not suitable);
  • on the eve of stool collection, the child should receive good nutrition for maximum data accuracy;
  • emptying should be natural;
  • capacity for analysis it must be clean and sealed (it is recommended to boil before collection);
  • shelf life no more 4 hours from the moment of collection.

A serious attitude towards a procedure that seems simple at first glance will help to diagnose the baby as effectively as possible, and therefore cure it.


In infants the amount of carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum level, which is a sign of good digestion. Using the table, you can determine the deviation from the norm.

Based on the test results, the child is diagnosed. In case of lactose deficiency, the cause will be dysbiosis. In some cases, problems may be associated with the immaturity of the baby's enzymatic system. In any case, treatment is aimed at eliminating disorders of the microbiology of the digestive system.


Treatment first begins with the young mother. The doctor prescribes for her a gentle diet with a certain set of products to normalize the level of carbohydrates in breast milk.

Most often, a diet is prescribed if the baby is under three months old, since at this age their own enzymatic processes have not yet developed and it is impossible to do without breast milk.

If the baby is more than three months old, and the level of carbohydrates in the stool is high, then the doctor may decide to take a radical step and completely stop breastfeeding until the clinical picture normalizes. In this case, artificial mixtures with sugars that are easy for the child to digest are prescribed.

All data should be recorded in order to monitor the baby’s body’s reaction to new foods and make adjustments if necessary until the carbohydrate level decreases. Your baby should have regular tummy massages to relieve pain and discomfort.

In the case of infections that cause disturbances, they are prescribed medicines depending on the type of disease. There should be no changes in feeding. The drugs eliminate the infection and baby is coming to get better if the diagnosis was correct.

To improve baby's health over 6 months Additional lactose-free products are introduced into the diet: fruits, vegetables and cereals. Sometimes goat's milk can be effective if the child's body is not allergic to it.

Important points

A stool test can give false results in some cases, this must be taken into account when conducting it. Low carbohydrate levels may occur if the child has been given antibiotics, salicylates, ascorbic acid and other drugs or medications.

A mixture with low lactose content may also be the cause. In this case, the clinical picture will be observed in the form of symptoms, but the analysis will show the opposite.

Be sure to inform the specialist about all substances that the child used. This will make the diagnosis easier and, if necessary, additional tests will be required to more accurately identify the problem. For example, an acidity test or a biopsy of the colon mucosa.

According to leading experts in the field of pediatrics, if the baby does not have symptoms of dysbiosis or lactose deficiency However, the level of carbohydrates is higher than normal, there is no need to rush into treatment. Perhaps the child has an individual peculiarity in digesting food.

It is important that he feels healthy and if increased level carbohydrates don’t bother him, which means he’s fine. In this case, it is only necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the feces and the baby’s well-being and only seek treatment if it worsens.

The health of the child is the number one task for a young mother and she needs to be attentive during breastfeeding. If suspicious symptoms occur, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Any delay can have serious consequences on the baby’s health. However, you should not self-medicate and try to make diagnoses yourself. Only an experienced specialist, based on a series of tests, can assess the condition of an infant and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Stool analysis for carbohydrates is a test that is often performed in pediatrics in order to identify lactase deficiency in a child.

Since such enzymopathy is considered very common, it is useful for all parents to know when to do this analysis, how to prepare for it and collect material for the study.

Lactose is a substance that belongs to the group of carbohydrates, more often it is called milk sugar, since it is found precisely in milk, the main food of an infant. The breakdown of lactose into monosaccharides suitable for absorption occurs with the participation of the digestive enzyme lactase.

In some infants, this enzyme is not produced in sufficient quantities, resulting in milk sugar remaining undigested and not absorbed into the body. small intestine.

Getting into large intestine, lactose becomes a breeding ground for bacteria living there. Thus, lactose intolerance in infants often becomes a cause of exhaustion, because during the first months of life, the child’s body receives the bulk of its nutrients from milk.

However, despite the prevalence of lactase deficiency, such a diagnosis is sometimes made incorrectly, which leads to unjustified cessation of breastfeeding, and this has a negative impact on the development of the child.

It is worth noting that adults also often experience lactose intolerance; this is mainly due to the cessation of lactase production in them as the enzyme is not needed.

In adulthood, lactase deficiency is not a serious problem, since you can simply refuse to drink milk or reduce it to a minimum without harming your health.

When to do this analysis

There are certain symptoms that may indicate lactase deficiency in a child:

  1. Developmental delay of the child. This symptom is due to the fact that, against the background of enzymopathy, the child’s body does not absorb sufficient nutrients. It is recommended to weigh your child regularly and compare weekly or monthly weight gain with standard values. If your baby's weight and height are increasing too slowly, it's time to sound the alarm.
  2. Very frequent (8–10 times a day), watery and sometimes foamy stools with a sharp sour odor and an admixture of mucus.
  3. Constipation.
  4. The appearance of allergic rashes on the skin.
  5. Iron deficiency anemia, which is difficult to treat (manifests itself as pale skin and mucous membranes in a child).

If such signs appear, you should consult a pediatrician and have your stool tested. It is impossible to make a diagnosis of lactase deficiency based on symptoms alone, since they are not considered strictly specific for this enzymopathy. Therefore, for the purpose of diagnosis, a stool test for carbohydrates is required, and if necessary, additional studies are carried out.

Conducting analysis and evaluating results

This test includes determining the amount of carbohydrates in the stool, measuring the pH level of the stool, assessing the amount of inflammatory protein and white blood cells, and microscopy to look for fatty acids.

Indicators when deciphering the analysis:

  1. The amount of carbohydrates is the main indicator, because in case of lactase deficiency, carbohydrates remain undigested and are excreted in feces. It is believed that newborns' feces should contain no more than 1% carbohydrates. Over time, this figure decreases - in children under 6 months it is 0.5 - 0.6%, and at the age of 6 months to a year, the norm is considered to be up to 0.25% carbohydrates in feces.
  2. In the large intestine, bacteria partially process lactose, breaking it down into lactic and acetic acids, which leads to increased acidity of the stool. Normally, the pH level of stool should not be less than 5.5. At a pH level of 5.5 and below, lactase deficiency can be suspected.
  3. An increase in the amount of inflammatory protein and leukocytes in the feces indicates the occurrence of inflammatory reactions in the intestines, which may be caused by lactose intolerance.
  4. The detection of large amounts of fatty acids in the stool indicates a malabsorption of nutrients, which occurs with lactase deficiency.

This analysis is quite simple, and therefore is performed on all infants. However, interpretation of the results of this study must be carried out by a doctor and compared with the existing symptoms. An increased amount of carbohydrates in the stool may be a sign of enzymopathy, but if the child does not have any pathological symptoms and weight gain remains normal, no special measures are required.

An increase in stool acidity, as well as an increase in the number of leukocytes, inflammatory proteins and fatty acids, are observed not only with lactose intolerance, but also with other disorders of the digestive system (especially if they are found in isolation, with normal level carbohydrates).

Thus, stool tests for carbohydrates make it possible to establish the presence of lactase deficiency with a high degree of probability, but this study does not make it possible to determine its type and establish the cause. Congenital lactase deficiency is a very rare phenomenon. If it is suspected, it often becomes necessary to conduct a special genetic test, during which a search is made for genes responsible for low lactase production. Most common cause such a state are different intestinal infections, protein allergy cow's milk or celiac disease. Such diseases lead to disruption of the small intestine and subsequently to disruption of the digestion and absorption of milk sugar.

In some cases, in addition to analyzing stool for carbohydrates, respiratory tests are performed to diagnose lactase deficiency. They are based on determining the amount of methane and hydrogen in the exhaled air - gases formed during the partial breakdown of lactose by bacteria. Sometimes a method such as a biopsy of the intestinal mucosa is used. Such diagnostic techniques are suitable for adults and are extremely rarely used when examining children.

Since lactose intolerance interferes with the absorption of many nutrients in the small intestine, the child is given general analysis blood to assess hemoglobin levels. Its fall indicates a malabsorption of iron.

To determine the cause of lactase deficiency in a child, tests such as microscopy of a stool smear to look for protozoan microorganisms or helminth eggs are often carried out along with a stool test for carbohydrates.

If the doctor suspects a child has an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein, he may prescribe an immunogram (if allergic reactions the level of immunoglobulins E and G usually increases).

How to prepare for analysis

Feces cannot be taken from diapers or diapers; it should be collected in a special colostomy bag. It must be delivered to the laboratory in a sterile container as soon as possible, at least no later than 10–12 hours after bowel movement, provided it is stored in the refrigerator, since this affects the reliability of the results (especially the pH level). It is very important to collect material after spontaneous bowel movements, and not after an enema, taking laxatives or oils, or using suppositories with a laxative effect.

If, during the examination, lactase deficiency was discovered in the child, parents should not take any measures without first consulting a pediatrician, especially if the child is breastfed. You can stop breastfeeding only for very compelling reasons.

An increased amount of carbohydrates in the feces of premature babies is a natural phenomenon that only indicates the immaturity of their digestive system. In this case, it is forbidden to interrupt breastfeeding, since lactose stimulates the production of lactase in the premature baby.
