It hurts to press on the eye from above. Causes and treatment of eye pain when moving the eyeball

These diseases are collectively called sinusitis. The most common are sinusitis and frontal sinuses, and less commonly - labyrinthitis (inflammation of the small ethmoid sinuses deep in the skull). All sinusitis can present with eye symptoms, such as a feeling of fullness in the eye sockets, pain when moving the eyes and pressing on them. Sometimes a swollen bag under the eye appears on the affected side. When the torso is tilted forward, so that the head is below the center of gravity, the symptoms increase significantly. Usually the disease is accompanied by intense headache localized in the frontal arches, orbits or temporal zones.

Often the symptoms of sinusitis that appear in the orbital area are so pronounced that the patient rushes to an ophthalmologist rather than to an ENT doctor. But with sinusitis, additional symptoms always arise, which make it possible to confidently distinguish them from diseases of the organs of vision - this is high temperature, purulent nasal discharge, nasal congestion. Symptoms extending to the eye area are usually characteristic acute form diseases.

Sinusitis often occurs as a complication after suffering from influenza or tonsillitis.

An experienced doctor, no matter what field of medicine he belongs to, can skillfully determine the nature of the disease and prescribe treatment or send the patient to the appropriate specialist. Adequate treatment allows you to completely get rid of all eye symptoms, as well as the disease itself.

Other diseases that may cause eye pain

Another condition that can give painful sensations in the organs of vision is an allergy. In this case, the eyeball is exposed to allergens that may be contained in cosmetics, certain medications, or the surrounding air. It is usually not difficult to recognize allergic manifestations; they are accompanied by redness of the mucous membranes, lacrimation, runny nose and irritation in the nasopharynx.

Once the allergic effect is eliminated, all symptoms quickly disappear.

Narrowing of the eyeballs can also lead to pain in the eyeballs. blood vessels, impairs blood supply to the eyes, which leads to pain. Mechanical impact or trauma eyeball sometimes cause the formation of a blood clot, the only manifestation of which may be pain when pressed.

Approximately 85% of information a person receives through the organs of vision, the importance of the eyes for full life extremely high. Therefore, all conditions that cause discomfort in the eyes should be eliminated immediately, and a doctor should be consulted if there is any suspicion of a possible pathology.

Painful sensations in one or both eyes are a reason to consult a doctor, since independent treatment or its complete absence can lead to a decrease in visual acuity.

If a person of any age has an eye pain when pressed, it cannot be ignored or not noticed. Any habitual action - washing your face, the habit of rubbing your eyes after reading or when working at the computer - is accompanied by painful sensations. It is important to understand what symptoms accompany such eye pain, in what situations the pain occurs and how long it lasts.

Reasons for appearance

Pain that occurs when pressing on the eyeball can be associated with a variety of processes. The most common ones are the following:

  • increased intraocular pressure (secondary and primary glaucoma);
  • inflammatory processes (of the eye itself and surrounding tissues);
  • traumatic injuries;
  • tumor processes.

Each of these processes is characterized by certain clinical symptoms, which make it possible to find out exactly why the eye hurts and how to eliminate this pain.

Increased intraocular pressure

Under normal conditions, the human eyeball has a certain tone, which ensures the functioning of all intraocular sections. Increased pressure associated with a variety of reasons is called glaucoma.

A distinction is made between congenital glaucoma, which develops in the first months of a child’s life, and acquired glaucoma, that is, developing in an adult under the influence of various external and internal factors. Glaucoma is also divided into acute and chronic.

The chronic form of glaucoma is characterized by:

  • gradual development of the disease, which is not always noticeable to humans;
  • bursting pain in the eye, aggravated by pressure on the eye;
  • progressive disturbances of color perception and light adaptation (deterioration of vision in the dark or bright light);
  • loss of visual fields and decreased visual acuity.

As glaucoma progresses, the eye hurts almost constantly, and visual acuity quickly and irreversibly decreases.

The worst option is acute glaucoma, which occurs in attacks or even as a single sudden episode (the so-called fulminant form - from complete health to sudden complete blindness). An attack of glaucoma is characterized by:

  • sudden eye pain combined with headache, nausea and vomiting;
  • upon examination, a clouding of the cornea, a sluggish pupil responsive to light, and dystrophic changes optic nerve head.

In the treatment of glaucoma, conservative agents are used to reduce intraocular pressure; sometimes surgical intervention is necessary.

Inflammatory processes

The inflammatory process can affect almost any of the eye membranes. Most often, inflammatory changes in the protein membrane (so-called scleritis) are accompanied by significant pain. In this case, the eye hurts almost constantly, and the body temperature often rises. Treatment uses antimicrobial agents and drugs that improve vascular blood flow.

Taking into account the structural features of the orbit, namely the close location of the paranasal sinuses (frontal, maxillary, sphenoid, ethmoidal), inflammatory process these cavities can provoke the occurrence painful sensations in the eye. In this case, pressing on the eye causes compression of the tissues affected by the swelling, resulting in increased pain.

In most cases, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is accompanied by severe headache and discharge from the nasal passages, which allows a correct diagnosis. During treatment, systemic treatments must be used. antibacterial drugs, agents with anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

Traumatic injury

A strong blow to the eye area cannot go unnoticed. However, even minor blows to the head can provoke the development of bleeding, the formation of a hematoma and, accordingly, eye pain.

Traumatic damage to the ocular structures is characterized by:

  • the presence of a connection with impact (as well as a sharp pressure drop, immersion to great depths in water);
  • change external form eyes (one larger than the other);
  • increased pain when pressing on the eye;
  • A hematoma and swelling may form under or around the eye.

In the process of diagnosing traumatic eye injury, it is important to establish whether or not there is damage to other structures of the skull (brain) and what their degree is.

In the treatment of traumatic injuries of the orbit are used surgical methods, as well as the use of drugs that reduce swelling and improve blood flow to the eyeball.

Tumor processes

The formation of a tumor in the posterior part of the orbit or retrobulbar tissue is quite rare. Metastatic foci in this area are also rare. When a tumor node forms inside or behind the eye, the following is noted:

  • aching, almost constant pain in the eye, aggravated by pressure;
  • double vision caused by a displacement of the visual axis;
  • weakness and loss of appetite, as well as other symptoms typical of cancer intoxication.

Treatment of the tumor process of the orbit is always surgical, if the size of the pathological focus allows and there are no metastases.

A one-time episode of painful sensations in the eye can be easily and quickly forgotten. Repeated or prolonged pain involving the eyeball is a reason to visit an ophthalmologist in order to begin the necessary treatment in a timely manner and prevent further damage to the eyes.

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Painful sensations in the eyes can occur for a variety of reasons. And the nature of the pain has a close relationship with the location of its concentration. Thus, the pain syndrome can affect the muscles of the visual organ, mucous membranes, eyelids and eyeball. Pain is a symptom of an inflammatory process that occurs in the eyeball.

Only by understanding the true cause of eye pain when moving the eyeball can effective treatment be prescribed.


A similar symptom can occur in people who sit for a long time in front of a computer or TV monitor. In this case, the resulting pain syndrome is the result of prolonged tension of the eye muscles. The pain becomes aching and dull. It is difficult for a person to blink and also to move the pupils in different directions.


Often, eye pain is the result of a long-term headache. These symptoms worry mainly people who suffer from migraines. This relationship is explained by the fact that the vessels of the brain and eyes begin to expand and tense. This leads to the development of severe pain that is paroxysmal in nature.

Infectious process

In this condition, a person is bothered by severe inflammation and pain.

Infection and pathogenic bacteria can penetrate into the visual organ not only from the outside, but also as a result of inflammatory foci from the human body itself.

If before man If he had to suffer from sinusitis or purulent sinusitis, then the likelihood of developing an eye infection is quite high.

Wrong glasses

If you wear glasses that enlarge or reduce the image in front of your eyes too much, your eyes will become overstrained and your vision will be distorted. The result is pain. To solve this problem you just need to.

To choose glasses, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. He will be able to accurately determine the size of the glasses for comfortable wearing of this accessory.

Extended wear of contact lenses

If you get too carried away contact lenses, this will lead to overstrain and pain in the eyes. Old lenses can also lead to discomfort, so they need to be changed from time to time.
