Instructions for labor protection when performing tire fitting work. Tire fitting and tire repair work Description of the technological process of tire fitting work vulcanizer

forest complex
Ministry of Economy
Russian Federation
December 15, 1997

Central Committee of the Workers' Trade Union
forestry industries
Russian Federation
December 17, 1997


TOI R-15-049-97

This Instruction was developed in connection with the adoption of Inter-industry rules on labor protection in logging, woodworking industries and during forestry work, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 1997 N 15, and in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for developing and approving rules and instructions on labor protection, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 07/01/93, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 07/13/93 N 302.

The instruction was approved by the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation on December 15, 1997 and agreed upon by the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Forestry Workers of the Russian Federation on December 17, 1997.

The instructions are intended for managers and specialists of logging, woodworking and forestry organizations of all forms of ownership.

1. General requirements security

1.1. Persons who have passed a medical examination, special course training, passed exams and received a certificate for the right to perform these works are allowed to work on vulcanization machines.

Only male persons who have undergone a medical examination, training and safety instructions, have mastered the practical skills of performing work safely and have received the appropriate certificate are allowed to perform vulcanization and tire fitting work.

1.2. The worker servicing the steam generator or vulcanization apparatus is not allowed to leave workplace during operation of the device or allow other persons to operate it.

1.3. The room for vulcanization work must be isolated, spacious, bright and equipped supply and exhaust ventilation and local suctions.

The room in which self-fired vulcanization devices are installed must be isolated from rooms where gasoline or rubber glue is used.

1.4. Vulcanizing devices must be tested at least once a year. The test results are recorded in a special journal.

1.5. Machines for roughening tires must be equipped with devices for local dust extraction, have reliable devices for supporting and fastening the tire, and also be equipped with safety screens.

1.6. Installation and dismantling of tires at an enterprise must be carried out in a specially designated area equipped with the necessary equipment, devices and tools.

1.7. All workers involved in vulcanization and tire fitting work must be provided with special clothing, safety footwear, personal protective equipment and use them correctly.

1.8. Workers at vulcanizing tire fitting operations must comply with all measures fire safety. Smoking in a designated area.

1.9. Every worker must know first aid techniques in case of accidents and be able to provide it.

1.10. Workers performing vulcanization and tire fitting operations must observe personal hygiene rules. Clothes should be clean, neatly tucked in and not have any loose ends. Wash your hands with warm water and drink only boiled water.

1.11. This Instruction is mandatory for workers involved in vulcanization and tire fitting work. Persons who violate the requirements of the Instructions are subject to disciplinary liability.

1.12. In cases not provided for in these Instructions, the worker is obliged to apply for a specific decision to the immediate supervisor of the work (mechanic, senior mechanic, foreman).

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, a worker engaged in vulcanization and tire fitting work must put on special clothing and the necessary protective equipment;
check the serviceability of tools and mechanisms, fences;
check and turn on the ventilation.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. When working on vulcanizing machines, it is necessary to constantly monitor the water level in the boiler, the steam pressure on the pressure gauge and the operation of the safety valve. When the water level decreases, it can be pumped up only in small portions. The safety valve must be adjusted to the maximum permissible operating pressure to prevent the boiler from exploding.

3.2. Not allowed:

work without a valve, as well as with a faulty, unsealed valve on the vulcanization apparatus;
install additional weight on the valve;
use a faulty, unsealed or untested pressure gauge, put a limit line on the glass of the pressure gauge. The red line corresponding to the maximum operating pressure must be marked on the pressure gauge dial.

3.3. If the pump malfunctions (impossibility of pumping water), you should immediately stop working, remove the fuel from the firebox and release the steam. You cannot extinguish fuel with water.

3.4. When inspecting tires using a spreader, make sure that the hooks completely grip the tire beads. If the hooks are bent, work must be stopped immediately. Damage to the tire must be cut out with special knives.

3.5. The tire should be delaminated to make cuffs on a special machine. The non-working part of the knife on machines used for cutting bevels of edges and cuffs must be fenced.

3.6. The internal areas of tires should be roughened and glue should be applied inside the tires on a special stand or workbench using special spacers (bead expanders).

3.7. When repairing tires, the knife blade should be moved away from you (away from the hand in which the material is clamped), and not towards you. You can only work with a knife that has a working handle and a sharp blade.

3.8. After cleaning the damaged area, the patch is pressed against the chamber being repaired with a clamp screw. You can remove the camera from the clamp after the restored area has cooled down.

3.9. Before removing the tire (from the wheel rim), the air from the inner tube must be completely released. Dismantling a tire that fits tightly to the wheel rim is carried out on a special stand or using a removable device. Installation and dismantling of tires on the road must be done with a mounting tool. You cannot knock out discs with a sledgehammer.

3.10. Before mounting the tire, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the rim, wheel disk and lock ring. Do not mount a tire on a rim that is covered with rust or has dents, cracks or burrs.

3.11. When mounting the tire on the wheel rim, the locking ring must fit securely into the rim recess with its entire inner surface.

3.12. Not allowed:

when inflating the tire with air, correct its position on the rim by tapping;
mount tires on a wheel rim that does not match the tire size;
While inflating the tire, hit the locking peg with a hammer or sledgehammer.

3.13. It is possible to inflate a tire without dismantling if the air pressure is reduced by no more than 40% compared to normal and you are confident that the decrease in pressure does not affect the correct installation.

3.14. Inflating and inflation of tires removed from a vehicle in an enterprise environment should be carried out only in places specially designated for these purposes, using safety guards and devices that prevent the lock ring from flying out.

3.15. An air pressure dispenser or pressure gauge must be installed in the tire inflation area.

3.16. Before removing the wheel, you must check the position of the lock ring and make sure that the car is securely installed on the trestles, and that there are stops under the wheels that have not been removed.

3.17. Operations for removing, installing and moving wheels of vehicles weighing more than 20 kg must be mechanized.

3.18. While working on the tire dismantling and mounting stand, the gearbox must be covered with a casing.

3.19. Rubber glue should be prepared and poured in a separate room equipped with general and local ventilation. The workplace should have a supply of gasoline and glue not exceeding 3-hour requirements.

3.20. While working, workers must maintain order and cleanliness in the workplace. Avoid cluttering aisles with industrial waste and garbage.

3.21. To create a safe working environment, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment correctly.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In case of any accident or the occurrence of situations that could lead to accidents or accidents, the worker is obliged to immediately take all measures within his power to prevent the possibility of damage (destruction) of the emergency facility and eliminate the danger to human life. At the same time, report the incident to the work manager (mechanic, senior mechanic).

4.2. Each employee must be able to provide first medical care to the victim of injury, poisoning, or sudden illness.

When providing first aid, it is necessary to: eliminate the impact on the body of damaging factors that threaten the health and life of the victim (free from electric current, remove from a contaminated atmosphere; extinguish burning clothing, remove from water, etc.); assess the condition of the victim;
determine the nature of the injury, the greatest threat to the life of the victim and the sequence of measures to save him;
carry out the necessary measures to rescue the victim in order of urgency (restore patency respiratory tract, perform artificial respiration, external cardiac massage, stop bleeding, immobilize the fracture site, apply a bandage, etc.);
call an ambulance or a doctor or take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, a worker performing vulcanization and tire fitting work must:

disconnect the equipment from the power supply;
remove all instruments to the designated place;
residues of glue, gasoline, as well as brushes, spatulas and other devices should be stored in a warehouse or in fume hoods;
clean the workplace from debris and dirt.

5.2. Wash your face and hands with warm water or take a shower. Report any deficiencies noticed during the shift to the foreman or shift worker.





"__" ___________________ 2011



In this section, it is necessary to describe the safety requirements for carrying out tire fitting, tire repair, and wheel balancing work in accordance with STB 960-2011

For example:

1.1 The vehicle installed on the floor station must be braked with the parking brake, while the gearbox lever must be set to the neutral position (for manual gearboxes), the automatic gearbox must be set to the “N” position, the ignition must be turned on off, the key is removed from the ignition. After this, you need to securely fix vehicle from moving along its axis by installing at least two wheel chocks on both sides of the wheel...

(etc. including the safety requirements set out in the operating instructions for the equipment used during the work).


In this section it is necessary to indicate the list of used technological equipment, special equipment and consumables.

For example:

2.1. Compressor model...

2.2. Tire changing stand model…..

2.3. Rolling jack with lifting capacity....



In this section it is necessary to indicate the list of measuring instruments and diagnostic equipment used, indicating the limits of their measurement.

For example:

3.1 Balancing stand LS1-01 measurement limits 0 – 250 g

3.2 Technical pressure gauge measurement limits 0 – 300 kPa



The section describes the sequence of operations for removing and installing wheels (if this service is provided by employees of a car service organization).

Required to indicate : - order of tightening the wheel fastening elements;

- what technical documentation is used on the tightening torques of wheel fastening elements.

For example:

4.1. Loosen the wheel bolts or nuts.

4.2. Place the jack under a specially designated place and lift the car until the wheel lifts off the surface of the platform.

4.3. Unscrew the wheel fastening elements.

4.4. Remove the wheel and tire assembly (if the wheel does not move away from the hub after removing the fastening elements, then use…..)….



sequence of operations for dismantling/installing tires and tubes (a link to the operating instructions for tire mounting equipment is possible, if available).

Required to indicate : - features of working with alloy wheels and wheels with pressure sensors;

- source of information on tire pressure.

For example:

5.1. Clean the wheel rim from dirt and the tire tread from foreign objects.

5.2. Unscrew the spool and bleed air from the wheel.

5.3. Remove the balancing weights from the wheel rim.

5.4. Place the wheel against the rubber stop on the right side of the machine.

5.5. Place the puller blade at the bead of the tire at a distance of approximately 1 cm from the wheel rim.



The section provides a description sequences of operations by type of repair of tires and tubes for the types of consumables and technological equipment used.

Required to indicate : - control for maintainability (in accordance with clause 4.5 of STB 1641-2006).

For example:

6.1. Tire repair with reinforced harness

6.1.1 Reinforced and harnesses are used to repair through damage to tubeless tires up to 6 mm in size.

6.1.2. We bring the tire pressure to 0.1 - 0.15 MPa. We identify and mark the location of the damage with chalk.

6.1.3. We remove the object that damaged the tire.

6.1.4. We determine the direction of the damage and clean the damage using a spiral file (or a milling cutter).

6.1.5. Apply glue into the prepared hole with a spiral file, rotating it clockwise. Leave the file in the hole.

6.1.6. Remove the protective film from the adhesive layer of the harness.

6.1.7. We insert the tourniquet into the slot of the awl.


6.2. Tire repair with material and vulcanizing devices (if performed)

6.3. Repair of tires and tubes with patches.


The section provides a description sequence of operations for wheel balancing (a link to the operating instructions for the balancing stand is possible, if available).

For example:

7.1. Clean the wheel rim from dirt and the tire tread from foreign objects.

7.2. Check the tire pressure (according to what documentation?).

7.3. Remove the balancing weights from the wheel rim.

7.4. Install the wheel on the drive shaft of the machine by selecting the appropriate cone.

Unfortunately, sooner or later absolutely any car owner is faced with the problem of needing repairs, balancing or some other type of tire work. It has long been a popular tradition for motorists around the world to seasonally replace wheels with their subsequent balancing, inflate tires with nitrogen, and, if necessary, repair alloy wheels.

The modern market for such services is overflowing with car services that have significant experience in performing work. maintenance cars in the direction of high-quality tire fitting. There, all this will be done by specially trained masters who know a lot about this matter. Of course, the work is carried out using expensive modern foreign-made equipment. Particular attention is paid to this, because absolutely every driver, either from his own experience or from the stories of other car owners, knows how dangerous wheel imbalance is and what it can mean.

And, as a rule, it leads to faster tire wear, which has an extremely negative effect on steering. The imbalance, as a result, accelerates the loosening of the suspension. In self-respecting workshops, static processing of the unit and the so-called “finish balancing” are carried out, as well as wheel balancing on a stand.

Carrying out tire fitting work.

The procedure for performing tire fitting work begins with the fact that even before the actual balancing begins, a suitable cone is installed on the wheel. Then the wheel is installed so as to eliminate the possibility of play during braking and rotation. Of course, before starting work, all dirt and all weights that were installed on previous balancing are removed from the wheel. Thorough washing of the wheel and its subsequent drying, despite its apparent simplicity, is a very important step. Its correct implementation will significantly simplify further work and, among other things, reduce energy costs. It is also worth clarifying that balancing the wheels of motorcycles, as well as cars weighing no more than sixty-five kilograms and with a rim diameter of up to twenty-three inches, is carried out on a special stand with computerized control.

In general, wheel balancing is initially carried out during installation itself. Repeated only after the car’s mileage approaches the five thousand kilometer mark. Proper balancing significantly increases the grip of wheels on asphalt surfaces. Of course, during operation and wear, the wheel balance is disrupted. But the undeniable fact is that the more competently and professionally the balancing is done for the first time, the longer the tires will last.

An experienced car enthusiast will at first glance determine the quality of service and professionalism of the specialists performing tire fitting work. It is important to pay attention to the workshop in which the work is carried out. Of course, it must be kept in perfect order, which is very important for such important work. Every year the number of auto repair shops is growing indomitably, but very few can boast of the quality of the services provided.

In a good car service center, before the actual balancing, the so-called double wheel alignment is performed, and this does not depend on the type of disk. This is done for both steel and cast or forged varieties. Preliminary alignment makes a cone along the central hole of the disk, and secondary alignment, in turn, is when the disk is attached to the balancing stand with a special flange adapter (it turns out approximately like a car hub stud). Of course, in such delicate processes, errors are possible, which themselves depend both on the quality of the wheels and tires, and on the professionalism of the master, plus the wear and tear of the equipment also affects this. Usually, if an imbalance is detected, the worker uses a special technique that allows rationally redistributing the loads throughout the entire wheel so that everything is harmonious and competent.

Final balancing.

The final balancing stage is not an alternative to wheel balancing on stands. These two concepts should not be confused, because they are completely different things. The final balancing is carried out in such a way that both the brake disc and the hub and wheel along with it take part in the balancing.

In general, a car is a very complex mechanism, as is balancing the wheels. Here, a lot depends on the interaction of the wheels, hub, suspension and, of course, the tires themselves. Proper balancing significantly reduces wheel vibration when driving, which affects the longevity of the tires. Work done incorrectly, the use of low-quality materials or outdated equipment can lead to very sad consequences, even an accident. Therefore, you need to be very careful when balancing and replacing tires. Without this, it is absolutely impossible to ensure comfort and safe traffic on the road. An unbalanced wheel, along with strong vibration, leads to wear on the steering and wheel suspension components.

The development of such a service sector is proceeding at a very fast pace, and, of course, tire fitting is no exception. After all, today it is a whole range of services for replacing and repairing car tires. The tire fitting process itself consists of a number of operations that are carried out in a strictly defined sequence.

The procedure for tire fitting can be briefly described as follows: the first thing the work begins with is washing the wheel. Roller brushes specially designed for this purpose clean the disk, and then with water under pressure, wash away dirt from the entire wheel. Drying occurs with compressed air. Special machine has many different operating modes, depending on the required time (one to three minutes). Next comes the dismantling and installation of the wheel on the car. Here, equipment plays an important role, which allows you to continue driving at speeds of up to 70 km/h, even if there is no tire pressure at all.
But all this, as they say, in a nutshell. To please yourself and your car, it is better to visit a car service center and observe with your own eyes how the work is performed in practice.

Page 1

Wheel changing station.

The car is moved to the wheel change station area, where it is hung on a lift. The wheel nuts are unscrewed with a model I-318 impact wrench, the wheels are transported to the tire service department on a P-217 trolley designed for removing and transporting wheels.

Tire service department.

Wheel assemblies, tires, and rims accepted into the department must be clean and dry.

Wheel assemblies, tires and rims are placed on racks, tubes and rim strips are placed on hangers.

Dismantling and installation of truck or bus tires is carried out at model stands.

The technical condition of tires is determined by inspection using a pneumatic spreader. Tires must be inspected outside and inside.

The chambers are checked for leaks in the bath. The tightness of the valves of chambers with screwed-in spools is checked with soapy water applied to the valve hole.

A control inspection of the rims, lock and bead rings is carried out to identify cracks, dents and other defects; the rims, lock and bead rings are cleaned from rust with a metal brush. The rims and rings are painted in a painting booth in the tire department.

The same cart is used to transport wheels and tires within the plant as for wheel removal.

Tires are inflated to the required pressure using a garage stationary compressor and a tip for supplying and monitoring air in the tire

When inflating tires, it is mandatory to use a safety cage to ensure safety.

To balance the wheels we use a machine model

If there is no tire repair department in a motor transport enterprise, repair of tubes is provided in the tire department. For roughening the chambers, a double-sided grinding machine is used; for vulcanization, an electric vulcanizer is used to repair the chambers, make valve heels and vulcanize them to the model chamber.

Tire repair department.

Tire repair.

The suitability of tires for repairing local damage and types of repair are determined in accordance with the technical specifications TU 38 10452-77 “Tires and tubeless tires suitable for repairing local damage.” These technical specifications apply to tires and tubeless tires of bias and radial design for cars, trucks and buses.

Depending on the nature and size of local tire damage, two types of repair are established.

Tires received for repair are carefully inspected from the outside and inside using a model spreader or a manual model bead expander, identifying the presence of damage using a probe and determining their dimensions with a ruler.

After inspection, tires suitable for repair are thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter (glass fragments, stones, nails, anti-skid spikes in the damaged area, etc.) and dirt.

Dirt is removed in a model wheel and tire washing machine or with a stream of water from a hose using a stiff brush.

After washing, the tires are dried in a model drying chamber at a temperature of 40-60°C for 2 hours.

Through and non-through damage up to 15 mm in size on the tread or sidewall of tires of cars and trucks, as well as punctures of tubeless tires with metal cord in the breaker and frame up to 10 mm in size and a sealing layer up to 40 mm in size are repaired without cutting out the damaged area using first aid kits in accordance with instructions attached to them - “cold method” of vulcanization.

Larger damage is repaired using the “hot method” of vulcanization.

Cutting out and processing damage to tires during repairs using the “hot vulcanization method” is carried out using a special set of tools and tire repair equipment for processing local damage to tires with a metal cord model.

After repairing the damage, the tires are sent for vulcanization. Tires are vulcanized in universal vulcanizers (molds) with electric oil heated models. In case of non-through external damage, vulcanization can be carried out using electrovulcanization machines. In all cases, the vulcanization temperature should be within 150±5°C. Methods for cutting, processing damage to tires, making plasters, preparing materials for repair, as well as vulcanization modes are given in the “Instructions for repairing automobile tires in the conditions of motor transport enterprises.”

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Job description of a tire service worker[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General provisions

1.1. A tire service worker belongs to the category of workers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A person with special training is hired for the position of a tire service worker, without any work experience requirements.

1.3. A tire service employee is hired and dismissed from work by order of [position of the head of the organization].

1.4. A tire service worker must know:

Basic techniques of operations performed;

Purpose and rules of use of the equipment used;

Consumables used during the process;

Labor safety regulations;

Industrial sanitation and fire safety rules;

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

Types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

Production alarm.

2. Job responsibilities

A tire service worker performs the following types of work:

2.1. wheel beading;

2.2. wheel trim;

2.3. wheel balancing;

2.4. final wheel balancing;

2.5. camera installation and replacement;

2.6. removal and installation of wheels;

2.7. inflating wheels with nitrogen;

2.8. technological wheel washing;

2.9. checking wheels for leaks;

2.10. tire bead sealing;

2.11. wheel inflation;

2.12. inflating wheels with nitrogen;

2.13. wheel diagnostics;

2.14. wheel alignment adjustment;

2.15. wheel repair:

Installation of the harness;

Installation of chamber patch;

Installation of fungus;

Plaster installation;

2.16. oil change;

2.17. replacing brake pads;

2.18. replacement of shock absorbers;

2.19. suspension repair;

2.20. clutch repair;

2.21. air conditioning maintenance;

2.22. editing disks;

2.23. replacing brake fluid;

2.24. replacing coolant;

2.25. changing the oil in an automatic transmission;

2.26. cleaning of injectors (nozzles);

2.27. engine diagnostics;

2.28. replacement of timing belts, power steering, generators.

3. Rights

A tire service worker has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.3. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.4. To receive special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment.

3.5. To pay additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an industrial accident and occupational disease.

3.6. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.7. Submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration.

3.8. Request personally or on behalf of your immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc., necessary to carry out your duties job responsibilities.

3.9. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.10. Other rights provided for labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

The tire service worker is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of structural unit [initials, surname]


[day, month, year]


Head of Legal Department [initials, surname]


[day, month, year]

I have read the instructions: [initials, surname]


[day, month, year]
