How to put on and take off contact lenses. How to put on lenses: tips for beginners.

You probably don't know how to put on eye contact lenses if you've never worn them. It's not as easy as it seems: it doesn't cost anything to wrinkle them, put them on the wrong side or tear them. However, by repeating the same procedure every day, it is easy to learn how to dress contact lenses and always do it quickly and easily.

You should not be afraid: following the basic rules, you will not bring an infection into your eyes, do not spoil the lens and will not experience any discomfort. The best way learn how to quickly and easily put on contact lenses - video, but for those who do it for the first time, we advise you to read the basic rules.

  • To disinfect lenses, use only a special solution, not water or saline.
  • If something gets into the eye, an eyelash or a lint, in no case do not rub your eyes. Gently move the lens to the side and then back to its original position, holding the upper and lower eyelids with your fingers.
  • Always start with the same eye to learn how to put on contact lenses automatically.
  • Always respect the expiration date of the lenses and do not wear them after this time.

Below you can see how to put on lenses, in the photo. Especially for our readers, we have prepared a small simple scheme of actions.

How to wear lenses for the first time?

To make the process easier and more automatic over and over again, doctors advise putting on lenses, each time starting with the same eye. Firstly, it is easy to remember, and secondly, this way you will never confuse left and right, which is especially important if you wear lenses with diopters of different optical powers.

The most important thing to do before putting on contact lenses and, in principle, touching them is to wash your hands with soap: they must be clean and dry. It is important to remember that you need to dry your hands with a towel that does not leave fluff: there is nothing good if they, left on your hands, get into your eyes.

The next step is to check the condition of the lenses before putting them on for the first time. This is especially true for those who wear non-daily lenses. When you take them out of the package (blister). the probability that one of them will be damaged is very small. However, if you use lenses that are designed to be worn for a long time, you need to check the condition of the lens after you have taken the lens out of the container: it should not be torn, wrinkled or stretched. If something is wrong with the lens, it is better to throw it away.

If everything is in order, we determine which side to wear the lenses. This is determined by the shape that it takes when simply placed on a flat surface: for example, on a finger or palm. The correct shape is half a circle or a ball: the edges of the lens should be facing clearly upwards. If they turn outward and the lens looks more like a plate, it must be turned out.

In addition, some manufacturers put subtle markings on the lenses. For example, Acuvue lenses have the numbers 1 2 3: if you see them in the correct order when the lens is on your finger, you can wear it.

Before putting on eye contact lenses, do not:

  • wash them with any liquids, except for a special solution;
  • smear hands with creams: they leave greasy marks on the lens, which has an extremely negative effect on its optical properties;
  • do makeup before you put on your lenses.

How to wear lenses correctly?

The upper and lower eyelids must be held with your fingers: if you blink reflectively, the eye will not close completely. This is usually done with two fingers so as not to put too much pressure on the eye. For example, when putting a lens on the right eye, the lower eyelid is held with the middle finger right hand, the top - with the index finger of the left, and the lens itself is applied to the center of the eye with the index finger of the right hand.

This process only at first glance seems confusing and complicated. After watching the video on how to wear lenses, you will immediately understand. In order for the lens to take the correct place, you can blink, close your eyes and move the pupils in different directions, as if looking right, left, up or down.

You will immediately understand if the lens is worn incorrectly or there is a defect on it: there will be a feeling of something superfluous in the eye. This is due to the fact that it shifts in different directions and does not stand still (on the pupil). In this case, the lens must be carefully adjusted with your finger, after washing your hands. If the lens does not move, use moisturizing drops.

Learn how to put on contact lenses by video

It is difficult to understand how to properly wear lenses, from a photo and a verbal description: of course, it is better to see once than to re-read the instructions over and over again. The video shows much better how the lenses are put on, which side and how to hold hands correctly.

In our video on how to put on contact lenses, you will find the following information:

  • why you should not be afraid to wear contact lenses;
  • how not to bring dirt and germs into the eye;
  • how to quickly and easily put on lenses;
  • what is the difference between disposable and frequent replacement lenses
  • how to determine which side to wear lenses;
  • how to wear lenses: video tutorial;
  • advice for contact lens wearers.

On the Internet, you can easily find videos on how to properly put on and pull out lenses, but we advise you to trust only those that are taken by optics manufacturers or doctors.

If, after reading our tips and watching how the lenses are put on in the video, you do not fully understand how to remove and put on the lenses, contact your nearest optician or the doctor who prescribed the lenses for you.

Many beginners who decide to use contact lenses for the first time, even for vision, even for colored ones, cannot quickly put them on. It takes at least two hours, and then unpleasant sensations torment me. How to put on lenses (contact) correctly, quickly and so that they do not interfere with the eye? Despite the fact that instructions for putting on are given in the salons where they are sold, for many people this still remains an impossible task. It can be simplified by following detailed instructions for those who use lenses for the first time.

Detailed step by step installation instructions

  • Hand washing.
    This step is mandatory, since the eyepiece is in direct contact with the eye, and infections can be introduced with dirty hands. At the same time, hands should be wiped dry and ensure that there is no lint left on them from the towel. If even a small lint gets into the eye, it will hurt!

Contact lenses can be worn with one hand or two. It is advisable to do this while sitting at the table and looking in the mirror. Each eye should have its own lens, it is not recommended to confuse them. The solution must be changed daily!

sometimes even step by step instructions and videos may be useless.

It seems that while you read and watch, everything seems so easy and understandable. And as soon as you start to put on CL, nothing happens.

  1. Calm. It is desirable to engage in putting on CL when there is no one nearby, well, or no one interferes at hand. The mood should be good or normal. Otherwise, the lack of results can further aggravate the situation and cause a wave of irritation.
  2. CCTV. In order to understand what the error is, due to which it is not possible to put on the lens correctly, you can record a video on a video camera or a regular phone. After all, the advice of friends and step-by-step instructions can be incomprehensible. For example, I seem to be doing everything as in the video, but the CL still turns inside out or the eye automatically closes.
  3. Eye contact. Again, it is not necessary to aim directly at the cornea, let the lens, in general, fall into the eye. And there, through the closed eyelid, it can be straightened and it will correctly fall into place.
  4. Lie down. After installation, you can lie down a little with your eyes closed, face down. After that, open your eyes, move them in different directions, blink to check the absence of discomfort.

Dress - dressed, but how to take off?

Removing contact lenses is much easier than putting them on. You need to start removing from the one that was installed first. When removing, the same hygiene rules are followed, that when installing:

  • After washing our hands, we sit down at the table and put a mirror in front of us.
  • With your index finger, gently move the lens down the eye.
  • We grab it with the thumb and forefinger, and then remove it.
  • We clean it with a special tool and put it in a container.

For a better memorization of the sequence, watch the video "How to put on contact lenses and take off":

For people using contact lenses for the first time, it is desirable to have short-cut nails so as not to injure the eye (scratch, etc.) or damage the CL.

Have you tried contact lenses at least once in your life? Probably, then these attempts looked ridiculous and ridiculous? Share your story!

It's pretty easy to learn. Before you take them out of the blister (or container), you should wash your hands well and wipe them dry. Carefully inspect your hands - there should be no lint or other foreign particles left. Before putting on lenses, do not use any cosmetical tools for hands, this can be done after. Fats and oils that have fallen on the surface of the lenses are very difficult to remove, in addition, such traces worsen its optical properties (they cannot be used). It should be understood that the eye is a very sensitive organ. Ignoring the simplest rules for using lenses can lead to irritation and infection of the eye, partial or complete loss of vision. You should also carefully consider the condition of the fingernails, whose sharp ends can easily damage the structure of the lens.

After the preparatory procedures, you need to remove the lens from the container. Carefully look at the shade of the solution - is it clean? The solution should not be cloudy. Take the lens carefully and place it on your fingertip. Take a closer look at the edges - they should not be concave (in this case, you need to turn it out). The photo shows the correct side of the lens when put on.

Before putting on the lens, pull the upper eyelid with a slight movement of the free hand, and the lower one with the middle finger of the other, and place it on the cornea of ​​​​the eye. In such cases, doctors advise looking up.

After that, slowly close your eye and after a few seconds blink a couple of times. Always put on lenses in strict sequence, starting with the right eye (similarly when removing). Each time you will do it faster. You can watch the process in more detail in the following video:

How to remove lenses correctly

This is a very responsible task, especially for reusable models. After all, the slightest damage to the optical surface will not allow the use of the lens in the future (this can injure the cornea). Before removing, repeat the same manipulations as before putting on - wash and dry your hands. In order to quickly and painlessly remove the lens, in some cases special moisturizing drops are used (whether you should use them, it is better to ask your optometrist).

Then determine the position of the contact lens, pull the lower and upper eyelids with your fingers. After that, with a smooth movement of the index finger, shift the lens to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye protein and hold, on the opposite side. soft movement thumb take it off. Repeat with the other eye.

Insert lenses into containers with new solution. The process is shown more clearly in the following video:

Following the above tips on how to put on and take off lenses, you will very quickly learn how to do these daily manipulations correctly. Take good care of your lenses, because your well-being depends on their condition. For more information or advice, it is best to contact the appropriate specialist.

Contact lenses are perhaps the most wonderful means of correcting vision without surgical intervention. Dressing on the front surface of the eye, they tightly fit it and take its shape. Before already familiar glasses, contact lenses have a lot of undeniable advantages: they do not limit the field of vision, restore the ability to increase its sharpness and protect the eye in case of injury. In order for contact lenses to be as comfortable as possible and not lead to visual fatigue, a decrease in visual performance, it is important to know how to care for them.

Contact lenses require especially careful care, and strict adherence to the rules that the ophthalmologist will tell you when writing a prescription for lenses. In addition, you can always read about how to put on and take off lenses in the instructions for the lenses and the solution for them. Regular, proper care for lenses and their timely replacement - a guarantee of comfortable wearing lenses without harm to health.

Currently, in ophthalmology offices and salons, there are classes for beginners, in which they teach how to use lenses. For the first time, a doctor or nurse will help you put them on, and will also tell you in detail at home. The first few days, putting on lenses will be a rather difficult task, since the human eye is designed in such a way that when something gets into it, it starts to close spontaneously, making it difficult to put the lens in place. Wearing lenses in the early days can also cause some inconvenience, some need some time to get used to, while others do not experience any discomfort and may even forget that the lenses need to be removed in the evening.

However, it will take a few days, and you and your eyes will get used to this innovation, how to wear lenses and how to remove them, you will remember by heart without any prompting. And in a couple of months, this process will simply be brought to automatism and become a common thing.

Installing and wearing contact lenses involves strict adherence to a number of rules:

  1. Before putting on lenses, wash your hands with soap and dry them with a towel that does not leave fibers on your hands.
  2. We take out the container for storing contact lenses and open it. As a rule, the lids of the container, in addition to the designations R - the right eye and L - the left eye, differ in color. So, the lids of the container with the designation R are blue or green.
  3. We take out the lens from the container using special tweezers with silicone tips and place it on the tip of the index finger. Check if it is turned inside out - it should look like a bowl with smooth edges. Next, with the middle finger of the other hand, lift the upper eyelid, and with the index finger, we remove the lower eyelid.
  4. Installing the lens in the lower sector eyeball while looking up. Then carefully lower the eyelid and blink 3-4 times, while the lens will fall into place and you should not feel any discomfort.

It is recommended that you sit at a table when putting on lenses so that it is easier to find it in case you drop it. Before putting on or taking off lenses, check the contents of the container cells, if the liquid is cloudy and contains particles of dust or dirt, be sure to change it and rinse the lenses.

Even if the vision of both eyes is the same, never confuse or change lenses, to avoid confusion, always start removing and putting on lenses from the same eye, for example, the right one. Try not to touch the inner surface of the lenses, if this happens, be sure to rinse the lens. To ensure the longevity and clarity of your lenses, use only recommended lens care products and never rinse your lenses with plain water. If the lens is stuck together after removal, in no case try to separate it - you can damage it. Just place it in a container with liquid.

Tired of glasses? Change them to lenses, you will immediately feel like a person. Are you unsure if you can put them on and take them off? But even ten-year-olds cope with such a simple task. At the very beginning, you have a lot of questions about wearing lenses. And the main question: “How to wear lenses correctly”? Before you start dressing, your hands must be sterile.

You need to wash them very carefully with natural soap, wipe dry with a lint-free towel. Why such difficulties? When any foreign body enters the eyeball, discomfort is created. Possible burning, tearing, irritation. Wear and remove lenses from one eye to avoid confusion. Try to perform the action on a clean table. If you drop it, you'll quickly find it.

It is not recommended to take contact lenses with tweezers, nails, you can damage both the eyeball and the inserted material. Be sure to check the integrity: cracks, scratches, moisture, correct position. With such a thorough examination, you will protect your eyes from discomfort.

Difficulties encountered for the first time

There are very frequent cases when, in the process of dressing, you experience fear of touching the shell of the eye. Constant blinking interferes with efforts to put the material in place. leads your efforts to a negative outcome. A lot of attempts, makes some despair and they put on glasses again. It is necessary to carry out the process in complete calmness. You will never hurt yourself if everything that is needed for the procedure is perfectly clean. The main thing that will interfere with you is blinking eyelids.

In order for this problem not to be a hindrance, there is a simple charge. It is so arranged by nature that by blinking, we protect ourselves from getting into the eyes of different foreign bodies. After a few sessions, we can reduce the frequency of blinking. After, you can easily cope with the task.

Place the index finger of one hand on the eyelid, the thumb on the lower part. Open the eye wide and touch the mucosa with the finger of the other hand. Do the exercise for a long time. Do it for two or three days until the eyeball gets used to touching, and everything will work out right away.

Methods for placing a lens on the mucous membrane of the eye

Thinking about the complexity of putting on and taking off the material is a waste of time. After a few dressings, you will have memories of your indecision. And the question: "How to wear lenses"? will disappear.

Practice indicates several ways of applying the material to the eye.

  1. During dressing, one hand works.
  • We take the lens from the container with the pads of the index and thumb.
  • Same hand. The middle finger pulls the eyelid down.
  • Look at the ceiling and quietly place the object on the white part.
  • We lower our eyes. Carefully let go of the eyelid.
  • Close your eyes for a few seconds.
  1. Both hands are involved.
  • Take the material, put it on the right side of the hand, above the phalanx of the thumb. Check carefully if everything is in order.
  • With index and thumb, lift the upper and lower eyelids, gently lean the lens against the mucosa.
  • Close your eyes for a few seconds.
  • Feel the correct position.
  1. Work in front of a mirror.
  • We carry out hygiene procedures.
  • We take out the tool.
  • Open eyes with fingers.
  • We put a lens in the middle of the eyeball.
  • Released eyelids.
  • We blink so that it is correctly positioned.

In the photo there is an opportunity to consider step by step, dressing and removing the means for correction.

Lenses for astigmatism

Are you familiar with toric or contact lenses? They are designed to correct vision problems, namely astigmatism. Such a disease is not a sentence. It just needs to be identified and treated early.

What is the problem? Simply put, a person sees everything in a distorted form. From this appear severe headaches, uncertainty, confusion. Observed interesting fact, such a disease manifests itself in many, but it is difficult to determine. Only with the help of a computer examination, the doctor will be able to confirm the diagnosis.

Previously, this vision was corrected with a hard, uncomfortable lens for the eyes. Now it has been replaced with a soft, comfortable one. The so-called toric lens. It has the shape of a spherical cylinder. The doctor should select the material for such patients after a thorough examination. With a trial lens, a person walks for forty minutes, if it does not cause any inconvenience, they are made for permanent wear. Otherwise, the specialist continues the selection.

There are three degrees of such a disease, but it is not treated with lenses. They just really work on vision correction. Ignoring the treatment of astigmatism, you can get strabismus and unbearable headache. The only correct decision is the correct selection of lenses with the participation of an ophthalmologist.

The world in a new way

In the world, millions of people use lenses and are grateful to manufacturers for the opportunity to look at their surroundings with different eyes. Modern Acuvue lenses of a new generation are released by the company for one-day wear, two-week daily, weekly round-the-clock. For those who have no problems with eyes, there are colored ones.

It is convenient to use the material for one day for those who do not constantly use it. No need to spend money on a special solution for lens care. Absolutely all of them pass oxygen well to the cornea, retain moisture throughout the day, and protect from ultraviolet radiation. Presented toric lenses for the correction of astigmatism, colored, tinted. Moreover, everyone is allowed to wear multi-colored lenses, since the colored background is located inside the material and cannot damage your vision. The online store is able to offer more than ten colors of acuvue lenses.

You can order astigmatic materials for eye correction from us. To do this, you need to specify; cylindrical force, spherical force, degree of cylinder axis. It is these parameters that distinguish toric lenses from ordinary ones. For instructions on how to put them on and take them off, look at the video on the manufacturer's website. You will see that there is nothing complicated in this procedure. A few important tips for lens users. Make the selection strictly with the doctor, after a deep examination.

Feel discomfort, consult an ophthalmologist. Order lenses only from reputable sites or opticians. At the beginning of the application, do not ignore the rules of use. Check with your doctor once a year. Sterility when working with the material is required. A crumpled lens should never be worn. Keep the place where you store it clean. Change the solution daily. If you follow all the recommendations, any lenses will last you the allotted time. By changing uncomfortable glasses to comfortable lenses, you will feel like a person. The main thing is to do right choice both manufacturer and doctor.
