What does a key tattoo mean? Castle tattoo, what does it mean?

The image of a key has long been associated with comprehension of secrets and victory. Christ handed the keys to heaven to the Apostle Peter, his most hot-tempered and jealous disciple. The Apostle Peter denied his Teacher three times, but was forgiven for sincere repentance. In the Middle Ages, the ruler of a city that had fallen during a siege would give the key to the city gates to the winner as a sign of the end of the war. In pirate legends, the treasure locked in the chest of a bloodthirsty old pirate could only be opened with a special key, which was almost as difficult to find as the chest itself.

The word key in many languages ​​is also used in a figurative sense. “Only you found the key to my heart,” says the lover to his beautiful beloved. She listens and smiles.

Key tattoo symbolism

The key tattoo is popular among young people. The meaning put into this drawing is very symbolic. Traditionally, the image of a key is associated with the concept of some secret that a person keeps. The key can also be associated with isolation and the desire to maintain personal space. For lovers, a key tattoo symbolizes sincerity and constancy of feelings.

Did you know? The key tattoo, the photo of which is located below, is used in the criminal world. The presence of such a tattoo indicates that the prisoner has some kind of secret that he is forced to keep, perhaps until the end of his life. However, such criminal symbols should not confuse those who decide to get a tattoo with a key design. The image of the key has an important historical and spiritual meaning, understandable to people from any social environment.

What type of people chooses a key tattoo?

A tattoo with the image of a key is a popular and universal one. It suits both boys and girls equally. Each person puts his own meaning into it, but in general, people who are characterized by the following character traits turn to such a drawing:

  • love of knowledge and wisdom;
  • independence, the ability to take responsibility for committed actions;
  • straightforwardness, honesty;
  • determination, strong-willed qualities, the desire to achieve everything with one’s own mind;
  • patience, calmness, endurance;
  • romance, belief in eternal love, fidelity;
  • the ability to keep other people's secrets.

Perhaps the list can be continued, but it is obvious that people who decide to choose a key as a personal symbol have an optimistic and firm outlook on the world, value simplicity, sincerity, and reliability in others. At the same time, we can say that since a tattoo can not only formally reflect certain character traits, but also attract certain energy, a key tattoo is also suitable for those who lack determination and self-confidence.

Compositions and options for tattoos with a key

The key sketch is interesting because you can harmoniously fit into it various details that are significant for the tattoo wearer. At the same time, due to the complexity of the composition, the tattoo will not only not lose its meaning, but will also become more unusual and deep. The following key tattoo compositions have become widespread:

  1. Key, upper part which is made in the form of a drawing of an owl. This nocturnal bird has long been considered a symbol of wisdom, therefore such a sketch means a love of knowledge and philosophy.
  2. Treble clef, serving as a background into which the real clef is inscribed. The game, based on the polysemy of the original word, in this case successfully emphasizes the symbolism of the tattoo: music touches the strings of the soul, unites people and helps to comprehend the secrets of the universe. To express the same symbolism, another combination is sometimes used: the notches of the key are made in the form of piano keys.
  3. Clock key. Such an original composition has a philosophical meaning: everything in life has its own time, every problem has its own solution, its own key, you can find a way out of any situation, the main thing is to be able to take care of the time allotted to us by fate.
  4. Key made in the shape of a heart. A common symbol among girls. Such a tattoo means that its bearer has already found a life partner and has given someone her love.
  5. Key with the inscription (“Honesty”, “Love”, “Truth”, etc.). Such a tattoo indicates what a person values ​​most, what character traits attract him in other people.

There are also sketches with flowers: roses, lilies of the valley, lotuses. The meaning of such a tattoo is determined based on the symbolism of the plant.

A key tattoo, the sketch of which is made against the background of half a heart, means that some other person also has the other half. This is a common type of couple tattoos for lovers. Also paired tattoos with the image of a key include compositions with locks (one lover gets a tattoo with a picture of a lock, the other with a key to it), writhing ribbons that cross in the heart when the lovers’ hands clasp. Sometimes paired tattoos are accompanied by inscriptions, for example: “One love”, “One heart”.

A key tattoo is considered modern and prestigious.

It is widespread and has different interpretations. Lovers express a sign of endless love in a paired key and lock tattoo. Someone in this way shows the significance of a certain action in life, the safety of the secret entrusted to him, or the value of personal preferences and freedom.

Key tattoo for lovers' hearts

Images of keys and locks are often used in tattoos of lovers, where they symbolize the key to the heart of loving people. Young people especially like these pictures. From time to time, a key with a lock symbolizes a man and a lady in a figurative sense, and a paired tattoo with these images depicts an impeccable couple that can withstand any prosaic storms.

A combined key tattoo, the meaning of which symbolizes a promise to preserve love and fidelity, is often complemented by images of a rose, a skull, a heart and memorable inscriptions. This sketch, as the personification of love, is very popular among married couples. In most cases, such tattoos are placed on the shoulder and wrist, although personal preferences initially play a role in choosing a place for the key on the body.

A creative option for a couple's tattoo is keys tied with ribbons, and to get the complete look, lovers must take each other's hands.

The key on the tattoo means keeping secrets

Versatility is the main feature of the key tattoo. A specific tattoo, the meaning of which can be different, is suitable for both ladies and men. Images of the key are applied to any part of the body, in various sizes and combinations with other motifs.

One of the most common interpretations of tattoos is the storage of some secret that others are not destined to think of. In this version, the key is a serious reminder of the need to remain silent. It's not mind-blowing that in the category of "prison tattoos" the key represents a sin that no one should find out about.

Since time immemorial, the key has been considered an emblem of the secret. What is hidden and tightly closed from others is purely intimate. In some cases, a tattoo symbolizes the memory of a particularly important event in one’s personal life.

A tattoo will not allow the wearer to forget the significance of an exceptional moment in his life.

The main actual value of the owner of the key tattoo is under lock and key.

From time to time, a key tattoo is a demonstration of commitment to some personal current principles. For example, a person values ​​personal freedom and is not ready to share it with anyone. Then he will symbolically hide his conviction under the key on his body.

If the image of a key is complemented by a drawing of a heart with a keyhole, this means that the bearer of the tattoo is looking for real love and strives to find his soul mate, who can open the locked heart.

When a tattoo is applied to the inside of the forearm, this is a direct hint at the secrets hidden deep in the soul. The combination of a key and a skull may indicate a desire to keep the evil in oneself under control or to begin a new step in one’s life, devoid of offensive mistakes.

Young girls get such a tattoo as the personification of their own modesty and innocence. The key may also indicate the closed nature of its owner and the difficulty of gaining his trust and acceptance.

Where to get a tattoo with a key design?

Classic places for key tattoos are the inside of the arm, leg and ankle. A small key will decorate the neck. Applied to the brush, it will always remind you of its own meaning. And if your choice fell on a composition with flowers, a heart or other elements, feel free to place the sketch on your shoulder, shoulder blades or lower back. Tattoos with keys and locks in the Victorian style look very nice, because this option will emphasize your narrow taste and originality.

In the art of tattoos, it is far from always possible to find works that contain a deep meaning that has its roots in antiquity. Let's just say that recently a fairly popular theme for tattoos has been the image of a key, in a wide variety of different forms, the only ancient meaning of which is that it has long been considered a symbol of mystery. The theme of tattoos, which arose not so long ago, is considered very fresh and takes its interpretations mainly from the present time, which nevertheless does not diminish the meaning inherent in the image.

Couple tattoos

Perhaps the most universal element of such tattoos is the fact that they can be used as pairs, which is actively used by couples in love. Such a symbolic gift, when in their images lovers give each other the keys to their hearts, perhaps does not create the impression of a deep, multifaceted symbol, but for the young and intoxicated with their love, this is more than enough.


The image of a key in the form of a tattoo also makes it universal because it will suit any person, regardless of gender. The key can look very beautiful and graceful on a girl’s body, often symbolizing her innocence and extraordinary modesty. At the same time, on a man’s body the key can be depicted in the most various forms, combined with many different, more brutal elements, such as skulls, which will symbolize the desire of the wearer to control those negative aspects of his life that he would like to close turnkey and never open again. This brings up another undeniable advantage of a key tattoo, namely that it can be used in combination with other, even color, images.

Image of a key in a prison environment

The key tattoo is actively used by people who stayed in places not so remote, in memory of important events, most often committed crimes and is interpreted as a terrible secret that no one should know about. However, you should not focus your attention on this; the key became a symbol of secrecy or a cherished secret long before it entered the prison environment.

Tattoo as a symbol of freedom

Despite widespread in places of deprivation of liberty, a key tattoo can symbolize the very freedom that its bearer has. The key in such cases represents control over oneself, one’s fears, time, internal demons, freedom of thought and openness of worldviews.

The key is in the tattoo can be found in a variety of forms. This tattoo is one of the modern and fashionable. This is kind of a new direction in the world of tattoos. It has only modern interpretations, which are not connected with the world of symbolism, with ancient interpretations.

Currently, they practice symbolism; it is nice to endow each tattoo with some interesting meaning, which, according to many experts, can influence the course of a person’s life. Very often, young couples get a key tattoo; the meaning of the tattoo often denotes love and fidelity. Often they get a couple tattoo, thereby presenting each other with the keys to their hearts. Sometimes one person draws to himself key, and the second lock, thus it turns out couple tattoo with deep meaning for a pair of loving hearts.

Some people draw a tattoo in such a way that the drawing can get full view, only when connecting two hands together. In some cases, a broken heart is drawn, which represents a symbol of love and a whole bunch of keys. Key tattoo meaning which is interesting to many, has a huge variety of interpretation options. It can be adequately combined with other tattoos, with floral patterns, and inscriptions. It can be large or small and placed on the most different parts bodies.

Sometimes such a tattoo can also be found in prison meanings. In this case, it denotes a secret event, most often a crime. Such a key is a vow of silence. It reminds the owner of the tattoo of the secret and the promise he made.

Key in the form of a girl's tattoo can mean purity, innocence, modesty. In some cases, the owner of the tattoo has changed his worldview or made a new discovery. Often in Key tattoo meaning h invest internal freedom in decision making. For loving couples, the key signifies the fidelity and value of their love.

There is some interpretation in ancient times, it often meant the keys of the Apostle Paul, that is, a symbol of secret knowledge and wealth. However, in ancient times the key was used extremely rarely in the art of tattooing.

A lock and key is an incredibly popular subject for a romantic couple tattoo. Often, instead of a castle, a heart is filled, which symbolizes the inaccessibility of the chosen one or devoted male love. A key tattoo in pairs looks great on the wrist. This is perhaps the most popular place for romantic key tattoos.


If you are an introvert, then you most likely unconsciously seek to hide from the outside world. In this case, a tattoo with a key on your body may mean a desire to close your inner world from prying eyes. The key itself symbolizes the fact that you are not ready to open your inner world to the first person you come across, but every persistent person has a chance to know your soul.


It is impossible to give an unambiguous assessment of this quality - it all depends on the characteristics of the individual. Being too closed can be seen as hypocrisy. Sometimes a key tattoo also has such a negative connotation. However, if you have difficulty keeping your mouth shut, then a key tattoo can be a talismanic reminder for you that silence is golden.


The key can also represent freedom and an unbridled desire for knowledge. The desire to discover new horizons is one of the motives for applying such tattoos. Often the key is filled after serious life realizations or accomplishments as a reminder of something important. This tattoo will inspire you to ever new victories. “I received the key to happiness” - this affirmation most accurately describes the philosophy of this tattoo.

Places and styles

There are two main questions - where to type and in what genre? Here you are given complete freedom of action. First you need to decide whether you want a color or monochrome tattoo. Single-color keys look especially harmonious. The key is far from the most successful subject for a color tattoo. But, like everywhere else, there are exceptions here too.

As for styles, the most suitable for such a tattoo are:

  • Minimalism;
  • Blackwork;
  • New school;
  • Trash polka;
  • Ornamental.

The most interesting location ideas in our opinion:

  • Wrist;
  • Leg;
  • Ribs;
  • Breast;


Some celebrities have gotten a key tattoo. Despite the dominance of bad taste, we still managed to find successful tattoo ideas among celebrities. Among them:

  • Ashley Greene with a very small tattoo behind her ear;
  • Portia Freeman with a monochrome key on inside forearms;
  • Gigi Gorges with a multi-colored key in the ribs area.