Alphabet at the ophthalmologist for verification. Systems and rules for determining visual acuity

October 5, 2015

Everyone is familiar with Sivtsev’s table from the ophthalmologist’s office. It was once the only tool for diagnosing visual impairment. Nowadays, the waiting room of any ophthalmologist is equipped with special equipment for identifying eye pathologies. Paper tables have faded into the background, but are still sometimes used for superficial diagnostics.

For those who doubt whether it’s worth paying a specialist for an vision test or simply don’t have time to go to the doctor’s office, we suggest using the tables right from home. They will help you understand whether you need to see an ophthalmologist.

1. To test visual acuity

Sivtsev table

Sivtsev’s table is the most familiar to each of us. On the left is the distance in meters from which a person with perfect vision can see the letters in each line. The numbers on the right indicate the visual acuity of a person who clearly sees signs in a line from a distance of 5 meters.

To test your vision:

3) Move 5 meters away from the table;

4) Cover one eye with your hand;

Don't tilt your head or squint your eyes.

6) Stop at the one that you do not see clearly;

7) Look at your result to the right of the last line you saw clearly;

8) If the V value is different from 1.0, then you should contact a specialist.

Orlova table

Using the table, vision is checked in children under 7 years of age. On the left and right, as on Sivtsev’s table, the distance from which a person with perfect vision should see this line and visual acuity when clearly seeing pictures from 5 meters are indicated, respectively.

To test your vision:

1) Print the table on white paper in A4 size (download the file at the end of the article);

2) Glue the sheets together and hang the table on the wall so that the tenth line is at your eye level;

3) Take the child to the table, ask if he knows all the items in the table and explain what is required of him;

4) Take the child 5 meters away from the table;

5) Ask him to cover one eye with his hand or a thick sheet of paper;

6) Let the child name the images he sees. Point to one picture from each line so that your baby doesn't get tired. Start with the top row;

Make sure your child does not squint or tilt his head.

7) When the child says that he sees the picture unclearly, point to another icon on this line. If he again cannot recognize the image, then ask him to name the objects above the row;

8) “Move” up the lines until the child names all the objects in the row;

9) To the right of the line in which the child recognized all the pictures will be the result;

10) If a baby sees the tenth line with each eye from a distance of 5 meters, then his vision is fine. If not, you should take him to the doctor.

2. To check the contrast of vision

Golovin table

The rows of the table contain rings with breaks at the top, bottom, left and right. The principle of working with the table is to correctly determine the location of this gap.

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul,” said the classic. And this statement does not require proof. The ability to see well is the main indicator of overall physical health. However, constant use of computer technology and a sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that the condition of the eyes gradually begins to deteriorate. Then you need to visit an ophthalmologist, where a standard table will help the doctor make a verdict about the condition of your eyes.

How to check your eyesight?

What do we mean by visual acuity? This is an indicator of human vigilance, which allows us to measure its quality. A sharpness of 1.0 is considered normal.

There are many modern diagnostics in the world, but vision tests using tables remain popular today.

Sivtsev table: definitions and features of use

Each ophthalmology clinic has at its disposal means with which visual acuity will be determined and the number of diopters will be calculated if you have poor vision. Sivtsev’s table is included in the arsenal of tools of any ophthalmologist. It got its name from its creator - a Soviet ophthalmologist developed it at the beginning of the last century.

The Sivtsev table is one of the most famous tools for checking the condition of the eyes today. It looks like a poster with letters of different sizes and consists of 12 lines. It uses only certain characters of the Russian alphabet: Ш, Б, М, Н, К, У, И. They are arranged in a special order, decreasing from top to bottom. That is, the largest ones are in the first row, and the smallest ones are in the last row. To the left of the lines is written the Latin letter V (visus), which corresponds to the level of vision. The norm is considered to be the ability to read the tenth line from five meters. On the right is the letter D. With its help, you can find out the distance, calculated in meters, from which a person with excellent vision can name the letter.

If visual acuity is 0.6, this means that a person sees 60%, that is, up to line 6. In this case, the doctor will prescribe glasses or lenses with certain diopters, because we are talking about myopia. The higher the number of diopters, the greater the nearsightedness or farsightedness.

It is very important to use lighting when checking, the level of which should be 700 lux.

Sivtsev’s table suggests checking the eyes in turn: first the right, then the left. One of them is covered with a flap, and the second one reads the letters. If vision is reduced, the doctor suggests trying on lenses with certain diopters.

Golovin table: characteristics, areas of application

Another tool is widely used to test vision, which is also named after its creator - S.S. Golovin.

The Golovin table is made up of Landolt rings (rings torn at one end) and consists of 12 lines. The first row contains rings with a diameter of 70 mm, and the last row has a diameter of 3.5 mm. D and V values ​​are also used to test visual acuity.

The Golovin table is often used in combination with other tables.

Eye test at home

Not always modern man there is an opportunity or desire to visit an ophthalmologist in order to find out the level of health of your eyes. However, everyone now has a real opportunity to perform this procedure at home. To determine eye health, you need to print one of the tables discussed above on three A4 sheets in landscape orientation. Glue them together and fix them on the wall so that the tenth line is at eye level. Be sure to use natural daylight lamps to illuminate the table.

At home, these tools will help determine the quality of vision for everyone: schoolchildren, office workers who spend a lot of time on computers. It will be especially useful for drivers.

Systematically check the condition of your eyes, because according to statistics from the World Health Organization, many ophthalmological diseases can be prevented or cured in time with timely diagnosis. Carry out appropriate treatment and then you will not have to deal with wearing glasses or contacts.

Author of the article: Alina Odintsova

The ability to see well is a gift of fate, and not everyone today can boast of 100 percent. It often happens that vision deterioration occurs suddenly: letters blur before the eyes, objects split into two, etc. A person asks himself the question: how could this happen? Yes, very simple. Our life today can barely get by without a computer or TV. The environment is bad, the food is mostly unhealthy. All this helps to increase the number of users contact optics. But many vision problems can be prevented. According to the World Health Organization, about 80% of all (decreased vision and loss of 100% correction ability) could have been prevented or treated in time. Modern diagnostics allows you to obtain reliable information about the state of the visual analyzer. Today, it is possible to promptly identify a potential threat to vision and determine the extent to which a person needs correction.

Regular vision examinations are carried out in order to prevent and timely identify problems of the visual system.

Regular eye exams – best way protect your eyes. When diseases are detected on early stage the chances of curing them without surgery increase significantly.

How often should you visit an ophthalmologist? It depends on your eye health. For those who do not have significant vision problems, ophthalmologists give the following recommendations:

The Sivtsev table was developed at the beginning of the 20th century.

  • Children under 6 years of age need to have their vision checked at least once every 3 months. During the preschool period, children's eye strain increases, as parents begin to actively prepare the child for school and take them to developmental sections. Children's eyes experience significant strain. That is why it is important to regularly consult an ophthalmologist in order to prevent.
  • Adolescents under 17 years of age should be examined once every six months. Children of this age group love to sit in front of the computer or TV. Radiation from technology contributes to vision impairment. Therefore, parents need to monitor the health of their children's eyes and do not forget about vision testing.
  • People under 40 years of age are recommended to visit an ophthalmologist once a year. People of this age category are not characterized by sudden changes in visual acuity. However, it is important to remember about the prevention of eye diseases.
  • At the age of 40-45 years, it is necessary to have your vision checked by a specialist every six months. It is during this period that the risks of eye diseases increase. Regular vision testing will help to detect and neutralize the disease in time.
  • People from 45 to 65 years old need to have their vision checked once every 3 months. It is known that almost every person develops after 45 years. It is necessary to order glasses on time and maintain clear visibility.
  • People over 65 years of age are recommended to have their eye system examined monthly.

Those who have any visual acuity impairments should contact a specialist as needed, but at least 2 times a year. This category includes people suffering from pathological diseases ( diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc.).

It is also necessary to regularly check the vision of those who work a lot at the computer. 80% of them experience the so-called “ computer syndrome"(redness and irritation of the eyes, pain, headache, burning sensation in the eyes).

Sivtsev table

Each of us has had our visual acuity tested by an ophthalmologist at least once in our lives and remembers that the examination process was carried out according to a table with images. Despite the advent of modern diagnostic technologies, such a simple means of checking visual acuity as visometry still remains in demand among all ophthalmologists.

In ophthalmic terminology, visual acuity is defined as the ability of the eye to distinguish between two points with the distance between them tending to a minimum. There is a generally accepted standard according to which vision is considered one hundred percent (V = 1.0) if the eye is able to distinguish between two distant points with an angular resolution of 1 minute (1/60 degree).

Speaking in simple language, visual acuity is an indicator of a person’s vigilance, which allows one to measure the clarity of vision. Visual acuity of 1.0 is taken as the norm. Ophthalmologists check visual acuity using optotypes. There are several of them, but in Russia, as a rule, Sivtsev’s tables are used.


The Sivtsev table was developed at the beginning of the 20th century and is still used today as the most effective way determination of visual acuity. On its basis, a children's vision test chart has been developed. The only difference between them is that the letters are replaced with symbols that are understandable to small patients. Sivtsev’s table does not use all the letters of the Russian alphabet, but only some of them.

The table has only 12 rows. Each of them contains a certain set of letters, the size of which decreases towards the bottom of the table.
The top line contains the largest letters, the bottom line the smallest. On the left side of each line, the distance in meters is indicated from which the patient must clearly distinguish written letters with 100% vision. For the top row, 5 meters are given, for the bottom row - 2.5. On the right side of the lines are values ​​that determine visual acuity. Vision is considered normal when the patient is able to see the 10th line of the table with each eye from a distance of 5 meters.

The letters used in the table have a clear shape and are depicted in printed format. Each of them is easily recognizable by everyone. Not all letters are taken, but only 7 of them: Ш; B; M; N; TO; Y; I. Why exactly this set?

It can be assumed that in this case it is quite difficult for the brain to remember and reproduce the sequence of these letters. This eliminates the possibility of memorizing the table. In addition, these letters do not form words, which is also very important.

This tests the real ability of the eye, not the brain. After all human brain able to reproduce words even when seeing multiple letters in combination.

The distance between letters also has its own explanation. It is believed that healthy eye is able to see two points separately, with an angular distance of 1.45 mm from 5 meters of viewing. This is exactly the distance between the columns of the letter “W” in the tenth line. The distance of 5 meters was also not determined by chance. It has been proven that with emmetropia (that is, normal) parallel rays from 5 meters are grouped on the retina of the eye.

How is the verification carried out?

Visometry is a standard examination that is carried out under normal conditions. The patient is placed 5 meters from Sivtsev’s table (strictly in a straight line).

The illumination level is very important, which should be 700 lux. The visual acuity of both eyes is checked one by one: first the right eye, then the left eye. The eye not participating in the test is covered with a special shutter to prevent the person from squinting. A joke will be considered complete if no mistakes were made from lines 1 to 3, only one mistake was made from lines 4 to 6, and only 2 mistakes were made from lines 7 to 10.

Quality check

Sivtsev’s table is used not only in our country, but also in many other countries. True, the symbols are replaced by letters of the native alphabet. Almost any ophthalmological examination necessarily involves working with a table. In most cases, after performing visometry, the ophthalmologist accurately determines the degree of visual acuity of the patient.



Visual acuity is human health, which is why special tables are created to diagnose this indicator. It is important to have your eyes checked regularly to prevent serious, irreversible eye diseases. That is why it is worth paying attention to the recommendations of ophthalmologists and undergoing regular examinations in preventive and medicinal purposes. In addition to Sivtsev’s table, there are also views on color perception for drivers and more.

State educational institution of higher professional education "North Ossetian State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development"

Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology






Vladikavkaz 2010

Approved at the meeting of TsUKMS SOGMA

3 dated February 26, 2010


    Study of visual acuity using the Sivtsev table. (3)

    Visual acuity examination is below 0.1. (3)

    Perimetry. (2)

    Determination of the boundaries of the field of view using a control method. (3)

    Determination of color vision using Rabkin tables. (3)

    External examination of the eye and surrounding tissues. (3)

    Eversion of the lower eyelid. (3)

    Eversion upper eyelid. (3)

    Determination of the presence of pathological contents in the lacrimal sac. (3)

    Examination of the eye with focal illumination. (3)

    Examination of the eye in transmitted light. (3)

    Reverse ophthalmoscopy. (2)

    Direct ophthalmoscopy. (2)

    Biomicroscopy. (2)

    Diaphanoscopy. (2)

    Determination of the width of the anterior chamber angle according to Wurgaft. (3)

    Ophthalmotonometry. (3)

    Determination of binocular vision using orientation methods. (3)

    Skiascopy. (1)

    Determination of the type and strength of optical glass. (3)

    Exophthalmometry. (2)

    Rinsing the conjunctival sac. (3)

    Instillation of drops. (3)

    Laying ointment. (3)

    Removing superficial foreign bodies from the cornea and conjunctiva. (2)

    Applying a monocular bandage. (3)

    Application of a binocular bandage. (3)

    Securing young children for eye examination. (3)

    Tubular test. (3)

    Nasal test. (3)

    Examination of intraocular pressure by palpation. (3)

    Determination of corneal integrity. (3)

The number in brackets after the name of a practical skill indicates the level of its mastery:

1 – the student must have a general understanding of the essence of the method and know what it is used for;

2 – the student must know in sufficient detail the methodology for performing this method, the techniques necessary for this, the possible results obtained and their interpretation.

3 – the student must freely practically carry out this practical technique.

  1. Study of visual acuity using the Sivtsev table

TARGET: diagnostic.

INDICATIONS: is carried out to all patients who seek ophthalmological care.


EQUIPMENT: chair, Roth apparatus with Sivtsev table or sign projector for studying visual acuity, pointer, eye shield.

PREREQUISITE: the distance from the patient to the Roth apparatus should be 5 meters.


    Cover his left eye with a shield or palm. Under the flap the eyes should be open. When using your palm, do not put pressure on the eye.

    During the examination, the patient should not squint his eyes.

    Optotypes in the table must be shown with a special pointer, placing it under the required optotype.

    The exposure of each sign should not exceed 2-3 seconds.

    Letter optotypes or Landolt rings in Sivtsev’s table are shown one by one, starting from the top row.

    A line is considered named if the patient makes one error in the first three lines, and two in the subsequent lines.

    To the right of the row of optotypes is written the patient's visual acuity.

    Repeat the procedure by closing your right eye.

  1. Visual acuity test below 0.1

TARGET: diagnostic.

INDICATIONS: performed on all patients with visual acuity below 0.1 who seek ophthalmological care.


EQUIPMENT: chair, Roth apparatus or sign projector for studying visual acuity, pointer, eye shield, Pole optotypes, table lamp, table, mirror or electric ophthalmoscope.

PREREQUISITE: the distance from the patient to the Roth apparatus should be 5 meters, the presence of a dark room.


    Place the subject on a chair at a distance of 5 m from the table.

    Cover his left eye with a screen or palm.

    Bring the patient to the device until he can distinguish the optotypes of the first row.

    Once this happens, mark the distance to the table.

    Calculate visual acuity using the Snellen formula: Visus = d/D, where d is the distance from which the study is carried out; D is the distance from which the normal eye distinguishes the signs of this series.

    If the patient is unable to approach the table, bring it to the patient, calculating visual acuity in the same way as in the previous case.

    A similar study is to demonstrate from different distances different numbers of doctor's fingers on a light background or brightly illuminated fingers on a light background.

    If the patient does not have objective vision, sit him in a dark room.

    Place the table lamp on the table to the left and behind the patient.

    Turn on the desk lamp.

    Close the eye of the patient who is not being examined.

    Ask the patient to look straight ahead.

    Using a mirror ophthalmoscope, direct a luminous beam of light into the patient's eye from different directions.

    Ask the patient to indicate from which side the light enters the eye.

    Instead of a specular one, you can use an electric ophthalmoscope; in this case, there is no need for a table and a table lamp.

What to do if you have vision problems? Or have you started doing eye exercises and want to monitor your progress? In these and other cases, it is convenient to test visual acuity using a computer. For this, for example, you can use an online table named after the Soviet ophthalmologist D. A. Sivtsev. You've probably seen her more than once in the ophthalmologist's office. This is the most popular tool for diagnosing visual acuity.

Description of the table

Sivtsev’s table for testing vision at home, like the printed version, includes 12 lines of capital letters, the size of which decreases in a certain pattern from top to bottom. The value D is marked on the left side of each line. It indicates the distance in meters from which a person with good vision should clearly recognize all the letters in the table. The value V is indicated on the right. This is a conventional unit that indicates visual acuity. It is considered normal if a person sees the tenth line V=1.0 from a distance of 5 meters (respectively, D=5.0). It is worth noting that only 7 letters are used in the table (M, K, N, Sh, Y, I, B). With normal refraction, the point of clear vision is located at infinity, which for the human eye begins precisely at a distance of 5 meters. Therefore, visual acuity diagnostics are carried out at such a distance from the table itself.

How to test your eyesight

Click on the image of the table for testing Sivtsev’s vision so that it is available to you in full size, then move away from the computer monitor 5 meters, cover your right eye with your palm, but do not press it too hard. Try to read all the lines from top to bottom. Then do the same exercise with your left eye. In both cases, you need to define a table row whose letters you can easily distinguish. To the right of this line you will find a number (for example, V = 0.9), which will indicate visual acuity for each eye. It should be noted that sometimes they try to convert the results of a table check into a percentage. However, this is not entirely correct. So, we can say that if V=1.0, then we are talking about 100% vision. However, at V=0.2 the acuity is not 20%. It is equal to 49% of normal value. Therefore, only ideal visual acuity at V = 1.0 can be expressed as a percentage.

Norms and deviations

Write down your vision test results on a piece of paper and then compare them with the letters on the chart. Normally, a person is able to recognize characters on line 10 from a distance of 5 meters. In this case, the severity is taken as a conventional unit of 1.0. The last, 12th row of the table, with normal vision, is recognized from a distance of 2.5 meters. In other cases, disorders such as farsightedness or myopia occur. In medical practice, there are people with telescopic vision (V>2). They can even distinguish the rings of Saturn and inscriptions on distant road signs. In addition, there is the concept of microscopic vision. It allows you to see very small objects without special optical instruments.

If an online vision test using the Sivtsev table shows a deviation, you can take a duochrome test. With its help, you can determine what kind of refractive error you are developing: farsightedness or nearsightedness. More accurate results information regarding visual acuity can be obtained by visiting an ophthalmologist in person.
