Subtle mechanism of fate and karma. The fate of a person - what does it depend on and how to change it? What does a person's fate depend on?

For many millennia, philosophers of different schools and directions have been trying to find an answer to the question: is the fate of a person predetermined or can it be changed? The concept of “fate” is one of the main ones in all philosophical schools. True, until now, despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, there is no clear answer to the question “what is fate.”

Doom, fate, script?

As soon as a person learned to think in abstract categories, he became extremely interested in what fate is. There are dozens of synonyms for this word in any language. Fate, destiny, fate, life script, predestination, karma... The concept of fate is very ancient, like man himself. It changed over time, and the more a person comprehended the world, the more bizarre it transformed. The ideas of fate have never left the stage of civilization.

Can a person change his destiny or should he not even try? This issue was discussed by ancient Greek philosophers, and they still argue on this topic today.

Does a person have a choice?

Many religious leaders, reflecting on what life and destiny are, assured that all events were destined for every person even before his birth. While the human embryo is in the womb, every day of his life is already written in the Book of Fates - when he gets sick and who he will become, how many years he will live and how many children he will have, whether he will be a genius or an ordinary member of society. It is difficult to argue with such statements, because indeed, some people are given excessive talent, health or beauty from the very beginning. Others are born with average mental abilities. Is this fate or coincidence?

It is clear that this explanation did not suit the person too much. Because it turns out that you have no right to change anything in this life. So why make the effort?

Then the concept of freedom of choice appeared. Many philosophical movements are based on the fact that every person has a choice - to go left, right, straight, or not go anywhere at all. This idea took on a more tempting interpretation because a person could change his life.

On your own or not on your own?

But then another, no less important question arose: does the person himself make the choice of fate, or is this also destined for him from the beginning? Many philosophers, scientists, and religious leaders broke their spears in heated debates about this cornerstone. Let's say a person decided not to walk across the bridge, but to swim across the river. Did he make this decision himself? Is this fate? No, say those who believe in destiny from above, this was already written down for him in heaven. But how can people, especially modern people, agree with this?

Atheists deny fate

Those who do not adhere to any religion believe that every person has free will. All human actions are performed under the influence of his own desires and beliefs. True, here’s the problem: a person cannot always predict the consequences. Sometimes it seems that you acted 100 percent correctly and correctly and made this decision yourself, but for some reason it did not lead to the consequences that you expected.

It’s not for nothing that there are two concepts - life and fate. Life is about the choices you make, the plans you make, the goals you strive for. And if you couldn’t achieve something, then you can always throw up your hands - well, that’s fate.

Self-hypnosis technique

Since the fate of man occupies the minds of not only philosophers, but also scientists, the latter approached the study of this concept from a scientific point of view. And we made an amazing discovery: everything is in our hands! With the help of certain technology you can radically change your life!

According to scientists, a person’s fate is nothing more than the totality of his thoughts, desires and actions. Therefore, if you use a technique such as self-hypnosis, you can reprogram yourself from a negative scenario to a more positive one. Psychologists especially often use this method in their practice. It has been proven that if a person thinks positively and sets himself up for the good, he will pay less attention to life’s problems or begin to learn an important lesson from them.

There are a lot of methods of self-hypnosis: meditation, psychological lessons, mantras, the art of relaxation, prayer, and attitudes. Something will certainly suit every person, it is only important to choose the most appropriate technology for yourself and practice regularly.

Does a country have its own destiny?

However, scientists were not only interested in the question of what human destiny is. They wondered whether there was a destiny in the history of different countries. The fate of Russia - what is it, for example? Let's say right away - it's not easy. And here we need to take into account the fact that the Russian state combines two principles that are opposite in their mentalities: eastern and western.

In addition, Russia is one of the youngest civilizations on the globe, and has not yet fully revealed its potential.

The great Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev, who devoted many works to studying the fate of Russia, called Russian history discontinuous. He identifies five main periods, which, in turn, present us with completely different images of Russia. This:

If Berdyaev had lived to this day, he would have described another period - post-Soviet Russia. Studying our history, one cannot help but note that the Russian state has faced many serious trials. This is the Tatar-Mongol yoke, and the Time of Troubles, and the split of the united church, and the violent reforms of Peter I. Serfdom and the regime of Nicholas I, the Great October Revolution and the most terrible in the history of the modern world, World War II, greatly influenced the course of history in Russia. war.

But be that as it may, in all battles, battles, wars, the Russian people always emerged victorious. What is this - a gift of fate or certain character traits of the Slavic nation that helps to survive in battle? People are still arguing about this, looking for answers, drawing parallels.

Out of the blue

But quite often it happens like this - it seems that a person does not make any efforts, does not try, does not try to get rich or become famous, and then suddenly the inheritance falls. Or a girl was walking down the street, a famous director saw her and invited her to play the main role. What if I walked along a different street?

Such situations, which cannot be explained in any way from a logical point of view, are said to be a gift of fate. Well, how else can you call such things? Millions of people play lotteries, but only dozens win large sums. Mathematicians will explain this fact by the theory of probability and the coincidence of random numbers. But people who believe in mysticism will say unequivocally: this is the fate of man.

And you can buy a lottery even every day, but the winnings will go to those who are programmed from above. It's somehow unfair...

To go to fortune tellers or not to go?

Throughout the history of mankind, people have tried not only to find out their fate, but also to predict any events by external signs. It is no coincidence that different nations have their own signs and superstitions. A black cat, a woman with an empty bucket, a fallen spoon, spilled salt - all this happens for a reason, but has its consequences.

But if signs can be believed or not, then finding out your fate was considered a very sinful thing. It’s not without reason that they say that if you go to a fortune teller, you change your karma for the worse. Because a future is being revealed to you, which should be hidden from every person. No one is allowed to look into their tomorrow, because everything must go as usual.

True, every nation has small exceptions when it was possible to play with fate. In Rus', for example, after Christmas, the period of Christmastide began, which lasted until Epiphany. It was on these days that people were allowed to guess, find out their future, look out for suitors and ask how many more centuries were left. On other days, fortune telling was considered a terrible sin.

What is fate is a question that has troubled the minds of mankind throughout the history of civilization. What choice of fate you make, how you answer this question, depends only on you.

Perseverance softens fate.

Gustav Flaubert

Courage makes the blows of fate insignificant.


The chariot will not run on one wheel. So fate is unlucky until a person himself begins to help her.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Wisdom predominates in advice, and fate predominates in events.

Claude Adrian Helvetius

The driving force of Heaven is incomprehensible. She bends and straightens, straightens and bends. She plays with heroes and breaks heroes. A noble husband is submissive even to adversity. He lives in peace and is ready for the vicissitudes of fate. And Heaven can't do anything about it.


Fate leads the willing, and drags the unwilling.

Latin proverb

We must courageously endure everything that happens, because what we consider an accident actually happens naturally!

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

The strongest part of the body is the one that is used most often. We must expose ourselves to the blows of fate, so that when it fights with us, it makes us stronger; gradually, she herself will make us equal to herself, and the habit of danger will give us contempt for danger.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Fate gives nothing as eternal property.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Love only what happens to you and is predestined for you. For what could be more suitable for you?

Marcus Aurelius

In misfortune, fate always leaves a door to escape.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Fate is most favorable to those enterprises where success depends solely on us.

Michel de Montaigne

Everything planned can be achieved through human effort. What we call fate is only the invisible properties of people.

Wisdom of Ancient India

Each person's destiny is created by his own morals.

Nepos Cornelius

He who firmly knows what to do tames fate.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay

It is possible, I think, to believe that it is true that fate controls half of our actions, but it leaves the other half or so to us ourselves.

Nicollo Machiavelli

Learn to remain yourself, and you will never become a toy in the hands of fate.


For their disasters, people tend to blame fate, the gods and everything else, but not themselves.

Always strive to conquer yourself rather than fate, and change your desires rather than the order in the world.

Rene Descartes

Every person is the creator of his own destiny.


Life gives nothing for free, and everything that is presented by fate has its own price secretly determined.

Stefan Zweig

The sage creates his own destiny.

Titus Maccius Plautus

Fate is not an accident, but a matter of choice; it is not expected, but conquered.

William Bryan

Sow a habit and you will reap a character; sow a character and you will reap a destiny.

William Makepeace Thackeray

People are the masters of their own destiny.

William Shakespeare

None of us says, living without troubles, that he owes his happiness to fate; when worries and sadness come to us, we are now ready to blame fate for everything.

Philetus of Kios

Everything that fate sends us is given a price by our disposition of spirit.

It is more difficult to behave with dignity when fate is favorable than when it is hostile.

Our whims are much more bizarre than the whims of fate.

A person's happiness and misfortune depend no less on his morals than on fate.

Every event in the present is born from the past and is the father of the future... the eternal chain of causes can neither be broken nor confused... - inevitable fate is the law of all nature.

Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire

Virtues free us from the dominance of vices, but only courage frees us from the dominance of fate.

Francis Bacon

At every moment we must embody destiny and, in the short time allotted to us, take on maximum responsibility.

Everyone's life is subject to their own fate,
No one can avoid making mistakes...

Qu Yuan

If a person says: “This is predestined”, goes and stands under a sheer wall, and the wall falls and crushes him, then this cannot be attributed only to fate. In human affairs, when a person has done everything in his power, we can talk about fate.

Zhu Xi

Fate rarely interferes with the wise.

Many people are convinced that there is nothing accidental in their lives, and never was: all meetings led to some results, all acquaintances gave rise to some actions, all decisions led to some turns, and most importantly, everything goes like this as it should be, but nothing can be changed. Is this true or not? It is unlikely that anyone can answer this question authoritatively. No, of course, everyone can answer, but will everyone, or at least the majority, agree with this point of view? There are a lot of doubts here, because as many people there are as many opinions.

What is fate

This is nothing more than all the events put together, as well as the circumstances that occurred in a person’s life. They have a huge influence on the entire existence of a person. That is, every step, every action led to another, which subsequently created a chain of events called life of a specific person. And she turned out to be what she is now. In addition, fate is called a certain predetermination, that is, a previously known or decided outcome of events. People often use the word “fate” with some of its synonyms: “fatum”, higher powers, fate. But in reality these are not the same concepts.

Fate and history

The fate of man can be assumed both in nature and in the Divine. For example, as everyone knows, in many religions it is implied that God is the creator of human destiny. It is he who knows all his actions, and it is he who leads the entire line of life or destiny of every inhabitant of the Earth and can cut it at any moment. Such beliefs are very common in Islam and Christianity. But, if we take the earlier manifestations of belief in fate, then the ancient Greeks also believed in a divine principle that predetermines and directly influences human life. For example, in Greece, people believed in many gods: harvest, war, family, and so on, and if a person was unhappy in some area of ​​life, then he prayed and made sacrifices to the Gods. On the one hand, one might think that at that moment it was the Gods who changed the fate of man, but, in fact, something else appears: the Greeks believed that they had the right to decide whether to change fate or not. After all, a person may not pray, right? And this is already something on the path to self-knowledge.

The word “fatum” is used very often - this is, to some extent, the personification of fate. It began in Latin, by the ancient Romans. In addition, it was customary to call deities with this word. Fatum was something incomprehensible, a process or concept that determined what a person’s fate would be and this was done from birth. The Stoics generally believed that fate rules the world. And the Romans believed in Jupiter as the main arbiter of fate. In addition, an interesting fact is that the seers were called fate, only in the plural, or rather what they predicted, and they predicted nothing more than God’s will. And this, of course, meant that the seer was telling you your fate - fate.

Also, I would like to pay attention to Indian religion and philosophy, on which another term close to fate was based - karma. It is not an Indian “fate”; it is a more distant concept, resembling it only in features. The thing is that fate does not imply any action to get some result. A person will live his life this way, because such is fate, or because fate decreed otherwise. That is, in our culture, fate is essentially a lottery; you cannot guess what kind of life you will live and cannot influence your choice in any way. Karma is a completely opposite phenomenon, which implies such a connection: cause, effect and retribution. Thus, for every action there is a reaction, and the action itself affects how a person will live his next life. Everyone is bad and good actions are deposited in karma as in some kind of chest or maybe on the scales. If bad deeds outweigh good ones, this means that the person did not live according to the laws of Buddhism and he will be punished. And since Buddhists believe in the reincarnation of the soul, he will spend his next life, for example, in the form of a stone. If a person was honest, never did bad things and did not want bad things to people then he can hope to live better life. In any case, the awareness that karma exists and how you live, what you think and do directly affects your next life leads to the fact that Buddhists are very disciplined. These people are kind and cheerful, always in a good mood, they do not allow themselves to be upset if they live in poverty, by the way, our compatriots can cry with bitterness at the slightest failure in life and turn the tables on a bad fate.

The most interesting thing is that when studying the concept of fate, you understand that the main thing is not its meaning itself, as a definition. That is, you see that different cultures and time periods have their own names, which to a greater extent form one whole concept. What matters is what people take away from this knowledge. Do they accept their life path as it is without unnecessary movements or are they trying to change something. Do they get upset at small troubles, believing that these are tricks of fate, do they create troubles for others, thus deciding the fate of another person? Probably, the beliefs of Buddhism and karma, in particular, will gather the largest number of fans here.

How to influence fate

If you look at Indians, no matter what conditions they live in, there is always an unburnable fire in their hearts, their eyes glow with joy and the knowledge that life is a good thing, and they live according to the right principles. If each of us accepted life's failures, then there would be a lot less negativity in the world, and people would be happier and always in a good mood. So, the main tag of Buddhism is that man himself is the creator of his own happiness; how he will live and whether he will have harmony depends solely on his actions and thoughts. If each of us thought that all of our actions are weighed and will subsequently determine our fate, then, for sure, many would change their lifestyle.

I would like to devote a few more words to such an interesting and peculiar phenomenon as the principle or butterfly effect. Probably everyone has watched the famous film of the same name, but in reality, this phenomenon has a place in modern science, culture and our consciousness. Can you imagine that the flapping of a butterfly's wings can create a tsunami on the other side of the world? How? Let the experts deal with these issues. And from this we can only take one circumstance that is closer to the realities of life: any human gesture, action, word spoken in the hearts, or unspoken, can significantly change his life and the lives of other people.

If a person could travel through time, it would be completely impossible to know how a person’s fate would have turned out if he had acted differently in one situation. But while we don’t have such opportunities, we can only guess, but the fact that the butterfly effect exists and affects our lives is indisputable.

Create your own destiny. And remember that all thoughts, deeds and actions are of great importance for achieving harmony with yourself and for your good mood!

People can be roughly divided into two categories: those who believe that a person lives according to a predetermined scenario, and those who are sure that everyone chooses which path to follow. Many people are interested in what a person’s fate depends on, whether it can be recognized and changed, so let’s try to figure it all out.

The fate of a person - what is it?

A certain trajectory of movement towards the fulfillment of the Lord's destiny is called fate. The script of life has its end, but not everyone can recognize it. The huge interest in the future explains the popularity of various fortune telling, palmistry and other methods of discovering the secrets of the future. It is believed that human destiny is reflected on the hand, on. Man exists in the material and spiritual world and it is important to achieve harmony in these areas.

Each person’s destiny is made up of a chain of certain life accidents, and when he deviates from the right path, many problems and troubles arise in his life. At birth, several options are offered for building your own life, and everyone can choose which path to follow. Another interesting fact, which is worth emphasizing - the word “fate” stands for “I will judge,” that is, depending on how people exercise the resulting freedom of choice, they acquire a certain value that is important for the universe.

Psychology of human destiny

Experts in the field of psychology prefer not to use the word “fate” and they use a neutral phrase - life scenario. This term refers to the path that a person subconsciously chooses for himself. Psychologists believe that a person who believes in the inevitability of fate often lets everything take its course, assuring that he is still unable to change anything. The opinions of some experts deserve special attention:

  1. Psychologist Bern assured that in childhood a child chooses his own life scenario, and this is influenced by his close environment and general environment. The specialist believes that people consciously strive for one thing, and subconsciously for another. To live happily, it is important to understand your own life scenario.
  2. An interesting view was suggested by Swiss psychologist Leopold Szondi. He believes that a person's fate is linked to heredity. The specialist introduced the concept of “ancestral unconscious,” which indicates that the experience of ancestors affects all aspects of life.

Does a person have a destiny?

To verify or refute the existence of a written life script, it is worth considering different versions:

  1. In Vedic culture, it is believed that at birth a person is given a certain number of years, children, money and other aspects.
  2. In finding out, it is worth remembering the numerous predictions of the future that came true.
  3. In Indian culture it is said that there are two karmas that mix and change life for better or worse. The first is a script destined from above, and the second is a person’s actions.

What does a person's fate depend on?

There are several factors that, according to many, can influence fate:

  1. Date of birth. If you know not only the year and day of birth, but also the time, you can find out a lot of information about a person and even look into his future. There are different horoscopes that reveal accurate information. By date of birth, you can determine favorable and unfavorable events.
  2. Name. When understanding what influences a person’s destiny, it is worth mentioning the importance of the name, which is a certain information code. It helps to talk about behavioral patterns and habits. Psychics believe that a person has a soul name that will reveal hidden potential and help him find his purpose in life.
  3. Place of birth. It is believed that the magnetic field of the place where there was a man is born, leaves an imprint on his life. This information must be taken into account when drawing up a horoscope.
  4. Upbringing. A child’s close environment not only leaves an energetic imprint on his life, but also gives impetus to psychological development. There is an assumption that the life program is built on the basis of the experience of ancestors, which is why it is said that the karma of the family influences the fate of a person.
  5. Social norms. Society forces people into certain frameworks and often, in order to change their destiny, it is necessary to go against the flow and get out of them.

How does character influence a person's destiny?

Many people believe that there is nothing in common between these two concepts, but in fact this is not the case. Fate is a specific program for a person’s earthly incarnation, which influences life events and the formation of his qualities. It is believed that by changing your lifestyle, you can adjust the future scenario. To understand whether a person’s character and fate are connected, we can consider the following examples of the fate of famous people:

  1. Dostoevsky was a gambling man, so he spent huge sums money and often had conflicts with people. Who knows what his fate would have been like if he had not changed after his marriage.
  2. Another example is Chekhov, who had a hot temper. To overcome his vices, he created an entire educational program “squeezing out a slave.” As a result, the man’s fate changed, and the world recognized a gentle and kind humanist.
  3. It is believed that even one character trait can radically change one’s fate; an example is the hero of the movie “Back to the Future”, who found himself in different situations because of his own pride.

Is it possible to change a person's destiny?

People facing different problems, wondered if there were ways to make adjustments to the life scenario. Esotericists and many psychologists, answering the question whether a person can change his destiny, give a positive answer, believing that everyone himself determines which path to choose from among numerous options. This can be done in different ways, for example, using magical practices and techniques. A person who believes in fate, by adjusting his life, according to the advice of psychologists, can change his future for the better.

How to change fate?

In order to rewrite the script of fate, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. Life circumstances are shaped by a person's worldview. You can’t escape fate, but you can make adjustments to it:

  1. Learn , which should inspire, delight and motivate.
  2. Engage in self-development, for example, read books, go to courses, trainings, and so on.
  3. Change your lifestyle and, if necessary, your social circle, as this all affects your mood and worldview.
  4. Think positively and discard what is not at all necessary.
  5. Accept your life as it is.

The fate of man is esoteric

People who are associated with esotericism are sure that the life scenario has a direct connection with thoughts, since they, although many do not believe, are material. Without realizing it, a person can become a slave of his thoughts, which will predetermine life. If people have dark thoughts, then their fate will be filled with various problems and sad events. It is necessary to learn to think positively and immediately respond even to signs of the appearance of thoughts that can disrupt the harmony in the soul.

How does a tattoo affect a person’s destiny?

Esotericists and psychics claim that a design applied to the body can change a person’s life, since it has energy, so before going to the master, you need to find out about the meaning of the chosen tattoo. The influence of a tattoo on a person’s fate also depends on the place where it will be tattooed:

  • neck - helps to become more restrained;
  • hand – makes one uncompromising and a person loses flexibility in decision-making;
  • breasts – leads to isolation and lack of communication;
  • back - with such a tattoo a person will strive to prove his uniqueness;
  • buttocks - gives.

The influence of planets on human destiny

Even in ancient times, people believed that the planets influence a person, revealing and filling his personality. Knowing the time and place of birth, you can find out how the planets were located at that moment. There is an opinion that you can fully understand how a person’s fate develops thanks to the planets:

  1. Mars. Gives a person a warlike character and forces him to develop willpower.
  2. Sun. The celestial body is responsible for energy. Under the influence of the Sun, it is necessary to learn not to become discouraged.
  3. Venus. Represents the relationship between a man and a woman. Lesson from Venus - it is important to learn to build relationships and let go of the past.
  4. Saturn. This planet is considered a karmic teacher, so it teaches how to survive and cope with difficulties.
  5. Jupiter. Patron of luck and prosperity. The lessons that can be learned from this planet are poverty, fanaticism and addiction.
  6. Mercury. She is responsible for communication and helps to establish contact with people.

Signs of fate on the human body

It is believed that numerous moles, birthmarks and even acne are, thanks to which you can learn a lot of information. Large dark or bright spots in most cases indicate the need to work off karma. If they have just appeared on the body, then this indicates certain life changes. All signs in a person’s fate have their own meaning, for example, a mole on the bridge of the nose indicates untapped talents, and if it is on the nose, it means that the person will be favored by good luck in life.

Films about the fate of man

Cinema regularly delights the public with interesting films that tell interesting and sometimes unusual stories about the destinies of people. Among the worthwhile films are the following:

  1. "Desert Flower". This is the story of a girl from Somalia who ran away from home at the age of 13 and after some time life brought her to London. Defying fate, she became a famous model who was eventually appointed as a special UN ambassador.
  2. "12 Years a Slave". Main character This film had everything a person needs: a job, a home, education and family, but fate destined him for something completely different. One day he was offered an attractive job in another state, but ended up being kidnapped and forced into slavery.

Books about people's destinies

In many literary works, at the center of the plot is a person with a difficult or interesting fate, which the author talks about. Examples include the following books:

  1. "Companion" L. Moriarty. This work tells the story of two different women, which are opposite to each other. The difficult fate of each brings them together and in the end they prove that everyone can change.
  2. "Dyatlov Pass, or the Secret of the Nine" A. Matveeva. The tragic story, which remained unsolved, interested many. From this book you can understand that life and fate are unpredictable.

Most people are sure that fate exists and that it is impossible to deceive it. But the real question is how one understands it as a whole. Can a person control his own destiny? Some answer this question in the affirmative, arguing that a person does not depend on fate, that fate depends on the decisions and choices of the person himself. Not everyone will agree with this, and for good reason.

Fate is a kind of line that every person chooses for himself. If this were not so, and fate were predetermined, then all a person’s aspirations to achieve his goals would be useless. Many, however, try to justify their own failures and mistakes by saying that this is fate. But this is not true, because fate develops throughout life. No one can guess about their fate, and certainly no one can know this for sure.

There are many facts that prove everything said above. Many tried to change their own destiny and achieve something in life, and those who really strived for this succeeded. So, for example, the writer J. Rolling, the author of the Harry Potter character, is well known to many. But few people know how difficult it was for the woman. She was a simple teacher French, and her first literary experiments were unsuccessful. Moreover, many times she was refused the publication of the same Harry Potter, but Joan did not give up, revised and finalized her book. It's hard to say that this was fate. After all, if the woman had not chosen such a difficult path, her book would hardly ever have seen the world. Joan herself decided to become a writer and persistently pursued this goal.

You can take an example from life. So, a person decided to buy a lottery ticket for fun or for the sake of interest, without at all expecting to win. But he won a significant amount of money. This is not fate, it is a choice, albeit a very minor one.

There are a great many similar examples. But they all make it clear that blaming fate for everything is wrong.

If you imagine fate in the form of a tree, it turns out that when you make a decision, a branch of the tree branches and goes further. If a person had made a different decision, then the tree would have looked different. In this case, the tree is human life, destiny.

Perhaps, it is possible to say definitely about what a person’s fate is only after his death. Only then can you consider and analyze all his actions, good and bad. And based on this analysis, draw conclusions about the person’s personality and his fate.

Some paranormal researchers, however, take a completely opposite point of view. So, in particular, according to Lazar Model, the lives of all people are completely different, some have a holiday every day, others suffer from birth to the last minutes of life, some are hardworking and talented, others are poor and unknown. And all because every person has his own destiny, which is given to him from birth. As proof of its correctness, the Model talks about prophecies and predictions. The future exists in space and time long before it occurs.

History knows many cases when people saw their future in a dream. For example, the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, dreamed of a funeral in the White House several nights before his own death. To the question “Who is being buried?” they answered him “President”. And indeed, Lincoln was soon assassinated. The dream turned out to be prophetic.

According to historians Plutarch and Arrian, shortly before the death of Alexander the Great, the predictor Pythagoras (who was the namesake of the famous mathematician) predicted his imminent death. When the Macedonian arrived in Babylon, soothsayers came out to meet him and persuaded the emperor not to enter the city.

According to historians of antiquity, in particular Tacitus and Suetonius, most Roman emperors were well aware of all the details of their death, but no matter how hard some of them tried to deceive fate, no one succeeded.

The famous modern writer Daria Dontsova also received a prediction from an Arab soothsayer. While still an unknown translator, the woman got into a car accident. After this, the clairvoyant predicted that Daria would soon earn big money by moving her hand from right to left. Dontsova did not immediately understand what this meant, and only when she started writing books did she realize that they write from right to left in Arab countries.

The most common methods of predicting the future are fortune telling using coffee grounds and cards, clairvoyance, and astrology. The ancient art of palmistry, palmistry, is very popular. This occult science was well known back in Ancient Egypt. Many famous thinkers, including Pythagoras, were interested in it. The first treatise on fortune telling that has reached our time was written by Aristotle back in 350 BC.

There are, according to some experts, many other examples that confirm that each person has his own destiny. These, in particular, include cases of miraculous salvation.

As Lazarus Model notes, there are a number of so-called occult sciences that came to us from ancient times, and which are specifically concerned with predicting fate. But, the researcher notes, this is far from safe. If a person, for example, was predicted that he would live to be 75 years old, then getting into a shipwreck at the age of fifty is not at all scary, because the person believes that he will remain alive. But, at the same time, having learned his fate, each person, as it were, signs his own death warrant with a delay. A person loses the feeling of immortality, and the hands of his death hour begin to count down.

But the soothsayers are not always right, are they? Even Vanga made mistakes sometimes. Meanwhile, the prediction falls on a person’s subconscious like a dead weight, projecting the wrong program for life and setting up for death. In ancient times, it was not for nothing that the anecdote about the astrologer of Louis XI was well known. The king decided to execute him for bad prophecies, but before the execution he decided to ask if he knew the day of his own death. The astrologer turned out to be a very good psychologist and answered that he would die three days before the death of the king himself. Louis never decided to execute him...

At the same time, Lazar Model is confident that fate can be changed. And yogis are generally confident that the destiny given at birth can be exchanged for another. But even if this fails, within the framework of one destiny there is a certain freedom of choice left to the person.

According to Model, astrologers divide a person’s fate into three vectors: horoscopic karma, the structure of karma and the vector of will. Thus, a person’s fate is determined one third by the stars, one third by karma, and another third by the person himself.

Horoscopic karma can be calculated using numerous predictive systems, in particular, the Tarot system. Thanks to these calculations, many outstanding individuals were able to prevent fatal turns of fate. So, for example, the greatest adept of France, Louis Constant, was able to prevent the death of his little child.

Indian palmists hold similar views, who are confident that fate is like a thread, one end of which is in the hands of God, and the other in the hands of man. The end of the thread that is in the hands of God is incomprehensible to man, it is a mystery, so man must focus on what depends directly on him. A person must develop his mind, strive for perfection, while observing moral standards. Only there can you influence fate.

Thus, the opinions of experts regarding the existence of fate, the veracity of all kinds of prophecies and the ability to change one’s fate differed. Each person must decide for himself what fate means to him. But be that as it may, everyone must live morally, honestly and act according to conscience and justice, no matter what...
