Loan from Gazprombank for salary card holders. Gazprombank loan calculators - calculate consumer loans

Gazprombank loan calculator will help calculate a consumer loan in cash in 2018 - 2019: the amount of monthly loan payments and payment terms for early repayment. You can use the official online calculator on the website for free!

Living on credit is convenient and practical. Consumer loans have become a part of the lives of Russians. Cash loans are especially popular among borrowers. Lending in 2017 - 2018 will delight you with a variety of offers for individuals.

To choose the most interesting and profitable of them, to plan early repayment of the loan, you need a financial instrument. This is exactly what the Gazprombank loan calculator is: convenient, visual, free.

Credit terms

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount: 5 million rubles;
  • Duration: from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Loan issue fee: none;
  • Security: guarantees from individuals – citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2).

Loan interest rate

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Gazprombank serves key sectors of the Russian economy and is indirectly controlled by the state. The bank offers 3 consumer lending programs: for owners of shares in OJSC Gazprom, for military personnel and the “Consumer Loan” program.

The loan repayment calculator allows you to calculate online the payment amount, interest and overpayment for loans with early repayment, with partial early repayment.

The loan loan calculator will calculate:

  • For salary card holders
  • For legal entities.
  • For individuals.
  • For pensioners.
  • For individual entrepreneurs.

The terms of the loan depend on the purpose of the loan and determine: the required package of documents, interest rates, and the amount of allocated funds. You can take out a bank loan:

  • Cash.
  • For the development of small business.
  • To buy a car.
  • To buy a home, to build a house.
  • For refinancing.

Consumer loans from Gazprombank in cash in 2019: how favorable interest rates and convenient conditions the bank offers to individuals, read on this page.

Gazprombank (GPB) today is one of the largest banks in the country. He finances the development of the Russian gas industry. It also provides loans to individuals to pay for gas equipment and services, such as project development, construction, installation and commissioning works, execution of as-built documentation and much more.

But in the line of Gazprombank loans in 2019 there is a whole range of loans for individuals for a wide variety of purposes:

  • Consumer is a loan on standard terms;
  • Easy – loan without collateral;
  • Secured by an apartment - for a large amount;
  • For military personnel - a special offer;
  • Consumer with security - under the guarantee of individuals.

Also today you can get money on special terms - the bank has a seasonal promotion to reduce loan rates. However, we’ll tell you about everything in more detail.

Gazprombank 2019: consumer loans to individuals

Let's consider under what conditions and at what interest rates Gazprombank (GPB) issues consumer loans in cash to individuals in 2019.

1. Consumer loan 9.99%

This is a profitable loan from Gazprombank at a reduced interest rate. Money is issued for a short period of time - up to 1 year, but the amount you can get is quite decent.


> Duration: from 6 to 12 months;

> Minimum amount: 1 million rubles;

Interest rate

from 9.99% per annum.


3% in the absence of a voluntary insurance contract/

Collateral requirements

Not required.

Calculate payment and overpayment on a credit card

2. Consumer loan

This is a Gazprombank loan for individuals for various consumer purposes. Its peculiarity is that money is issued without collateral or guarantors. At the same time, the loan term is very long - up to 7 years.


> Duration: from 13 months. up to 7 years.

> Maximum amount: 3 million rubles.

Interest rates

from 12.4% per annum.


1.00% for clients who have no credits wages to accounts opened with Gazprombank;

Collateral requirements

Not required.

Doesn't fit? See the terms of consumer loans in

3. Easy loan

This is a consumer loan from Gazprombank for individuals, which can be obtained without guarantors or any other security. In this case, the loan term is no more than 5 years.


> Duration: from 13 months. up to 5 years;

> Minimum amount: 50,000 rubles;

> Maximum amount: 3 million rubles.

Interest rates

from 12.4% per annum.


1.00% for clients who do not have wages credited to accounts opened with Gazprombank;

3.00% in the absence of an insurance contract / termination of its validity;

Collateral requirements

Not required.

Not profitable? See cash loan rates at

4. Consumer loan secured by an apartment

Using Gazprombank as collateral for an apartment, you can get a loan for a large amount and a long term. But by the amount interest rate the deposit will not affect.


> Duration: from 1 year to 15 years.

> Minimum amount: 500,000 rubles, but not less than 15% of the value of the property;

> Maximum amount: 30 million rubles;

Interest rates

from 11.9% per annum.


0.5% for clients who do not have wages credited to accounts opened with GPB.

Collateral requirements

Pledge of real estate or car / guarantee of third parties.

No good? See interest rates on loans

4. Consumer loan for military personnel

This is a Gazprombank loan for individuals, which can be obtained by security forces. Another feature: the borrower’s age must be from 25 to 45 years (at the time of repayment).


> Duration: from 6 months. up to 3 years.

> Minimum amount: 50,000 rubles;

> Maximum amount: 500,000 rubles.

Interest rates

from 12.9% per annum.

0.50% for clients who do not have wages credited to accounts opened with GPB.

Doesn't fit? See the terms of cash loans at

5. Secured consumer loan

This Gazprombank loan for individuals allows you to receive a fairly large amount for a long period - up to 7 years. Its peculiarity is that money is issued under the guarantee of individuals. You can attract one or more guarantors, depending on the required amount.


> Duration: from 13 months. up to 7 years.

> Minimum amount: 3 million rubles;

> Maximum amount: 5 million rubles.

Interest rates

from 12.4% per annum.


1.00% for clients who do not have wages credited to accounts opened with Gazprombank;

3% in the absence of an insurance contract / termination of its validity.

Collateral requirements

It is mandatory to provide a guarantee from at least one solvent individual.

Gazprombank loan for pensioners in 2019

Gazprombank today does not have any special conditions lending for pensioners. Working pensioners under 70 years of age can take out a consumer loan from Gazprombank on standard terms.

See also the terms and rates of loans for pensioners in

How to apply for a loan at Gazprombank

If you decide to try to get a consumer loan for individuals from Gazprombank, then you will have to do several standard steps.

  1. Fill out an application on the official website or at any Gazprombank office.
  2. Within 1-5 business days, GPB will notify you of the results of consideration of the loan application. Moreover, if you submit an application not at your place of permanent registration, the review period may be increased to 10 working days.
  3. If the decision is positive, then you will have to go to the bank office to sign the necessary documentation.
  4. After this, the bank will transfer cash to your account.

Requirements for borrowers

The bank has simple and clear requirements for potential borrowers.

  • citizenship: Russian Federation;
  • registration or permanent residence in the Russian Federation;
  • age of at least 20 years (loan repayment period until age 70);
  • work experience in the last place of at least 6 months (at least 3 months for holders of Gazprombank salary cards);
  • total experience of at least 1 year;
  • no negative credit history.

It is also important that the borrower’s income allows him to receive and service the requested loan amount. In order to convince the bank of your solvency, a whole package of documents is required.

See what interest rates the bank offers on loans

Documents for a loan from Gazprombank

When applying for a Gazprombank loan for individuals, you must submit a whole bunch of certificates and documents:

  1. Application form;
  2. original and copy of all pages of the passport;
  3. SNILS;
  4. document confirming income. This can be a certificate in form 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank. An original statement of an account opened in any bank containing information about salary transfers is also suitable.

When applying for a loan online, you must print and sign the Consent Form for requesting history from the Credit History Bureau.

If necessary, the bank may request a copy work book, certified by the employer company.


Gazprombank offers clients accident insurance. At the same time, the bank notes that the client has the right to purchase insurance protection from any insurance company.

Insurance is voluntary. The client’s desire to join the insurance contract does not affect Gazprombank’s decision to issue a consumer loan. However, as we can see, the interest rate on a loan without insurance will be higher.

Repayment methods

Gazprombank is one of the few banks in Russia that allows the client to decide for himself how to repay the loan: annuity (equal) or differentiated payments. And, of course, you will have to repay the money with interest monthly, according to the payment schedule received from the bank.

Full or partial early repayment of the loan is also possible. There is no moratorium on early loan repayment or any penalties for this.

See also the terms of consumer lending in

Contacts for inquiries

For detailed lending conditions at Gazprombank, contact bank employees.

Phone: +7 495 913 7474, *0701 (the service is available to subscribers of MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, Motiv). The call within the Russian Federation is free.

The information is not a public offer. General license of the Bank of Russia No. 354

Gazprombank's loan calculator is constantly used by clients of financial institutions in order to determine the most favorable lending conditions. Today the bank offers individuals several different loan programs, including:

  • “Easy loan” in cash;
  • loans for holders of Gazprombank salary cards;
  • consumer loan;
  • refinancing of consumer loans from third-party banks;
  • loan for military personnel;
  • loan for pensioners;
  • car loans;
  • different types of mortgage loans

The parameters of any of the listed loans can be obtained using the online service in question. However, most often the client uses the consumer loan calculator for private individuals from Gazprombank, since this banking product is deservedly considered the most popular in today's conditions.

  • sum. Depends on the financial needs and plans of the potential borrower;
  • term. Determined based on the capabilities of the Gazprombank client to repay the loan;
  • interest rate. The value of this indicator is determined by the rules of Gazprombank for each specific loan product.

Table of payments for a consumer loan

After performing the necessary calculations, Gazprombank’s online loan calculator provides the user with the following set of results:

  • the amount of the regular payment. When calculating, an annuity scheme is used to repay obligations to the bank, which provides for equal payments throughout the entire term of the loan agreement;
  • the amount of the total overpayment on the loan being issued. This important criterion is calculated by summing up the interest accrued for the use of borrowed funds from Gazprombank;
  • payout table. Includes the following data about the loan - the dates of all regular payments, the dynamics of the debt to Gazprombank and the direction of spending the client's funds - to repay the loan or to pay interest.

Conditions for individuals

Gazprombank's consumer loan calculator has several obvious advantages. The main ones are ease of use, which is complemented by the clarity of the data obtained. The functionality of the online service is clearly demonstrated in the examples of calculating loan terms given below.

Online payment schedule calculation

In order to make the decision on choosing a loan option even easier for a potential borrower, the calculator automatically creates a payment schedule. It contains the information already listed above about the terms of the loan, but presented in a more visual format.

How to calculate a mortgage? How to assess your chances of successfully repaying your mortgage loan? How much will you need to pay monthly? These questions concern almost every young family. After all, only a few people can afford to buy their own home today with sufficient money on hand. In such a situation, a mortgage loan becomes the only way out.

Our Gazprombank mortgage calculator will help you calculate your mortgage online. With its help, you will find out the preliminary amount of monthly mortgage payments, the amount of overpayment, and the total loan amount. For a successful calculation, you need to know the approximate cost of the desired property, the amount of the down payment, the interest rate and the loan period.

Currently, JSC Gazprombank offers the following mortgage lending conditions for individuals:

If you:

  • citizen of the Russian Federation
  • your age is at least 20 years (the maximum age on the date of the last loan payment is 55 years for women and 60 years for men, respectively)
  • your work experience at your last (current) place of work is from six months, and your total work experience is from a year or more
  • you have a good credit history

You can take out a loan to purchase an apartment, townhouse or non-residential apartment in an amount ranging from:

  • 500 thousand rubles (please note that the loan amount cannot be less than 15% of the value of the selected property)

And before:

  • 60,000,000 rubles – if the apartment or townhouse is located in Moscow and St. Petersburg
  • 45,000,000 rubles – if the apartment or townhouse is located in other localities in Russia

If you apply for a mortgage using two documents, the loan amount for you will be:

  • 10,000,000 rubles - if the apartment or townhouse is located within Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region
  • 7,000,000 rubles - if the apartment or townhouse is located in other localities in Russia

For the purchase of non-residential apartments, the loan amount will be as follows:

  • 30,000,000 rubles – for the head office of Gazprombank JSC, the Central branch and the St. Petersburg branch
  • 10,000,000 rubles – for branches of Gazprombank JSC in Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg

The interest rate will be from 9.5% to 11%

If you are a salary client of Gazprombank JSC and choose an apartment from the bank’s partner company, the interest rate will be the lowest for you.

The initial payment will be:

  • 10% of the cost when purchasing an apartment
  • 20% of the cost when purchasing a townhouse
  • 30% of the cost when purchasing apartments
  • 40% of the cost of any of the above real estate when applying for a mortgage using two documents

Credit period:

  • from 1 year to 30 years

In addition to the above conditions, today the bank can apply for a mortgage loan using maternity capital. The conditions for issuing a loan may differ depending on whether you are a bank client, a public sector employee, a military personnel or a pensioner.

You can find a complete list of necessary documents, as well as current requirements for obtaining a mortgage loan, on the official website of Gazprombank JSC -

So that you can easily determine the best offer for yourself, use the online search engine Vyberu.Ru. In the menu on the left you need to set the basic (amount, payment term, currency) and additional loan conditions:

  • for certain categories of citizens (pensioners, military personnel, students, etc.);
  • using collateral/guarantee;
  • for payroll clients, etc.

If no loans match the parameters you specified, select the desired program from the list. The best deals are located at the top.

Gazprombank offers to borrow funds for various needs:

  • consumer - for any purpose;
  • refinancing of other loans;
  • purchase vehicle; business development;
  • acquisition of real estate;
  • to build a house.

If you choose a loan from Gazprombank for favorable conditions, you can proceed to the online application. Use a credit calculator to preliminarily estimate the financial burden you will face when paying off your debt. The program is available on the website of the financial institution itself, as well as on the page of Vyberu.Ru.

How to use the Gazprombank loan calculator

Using the program is very simple. In the tab of the offer you are interested in, you need to click on the “Detailed calculation” button - the loan “in section” will open. The Gazprombank loan calculator makes it possible to see and analyze the following data:

  • the amount of the total payment (full cost of the loan),
  • interest rate,
  • amount of overpayment,
  • monthly payment amount.

This is called the loan summary. Initially, the calculation will be made using the default parameters. But you can change the loan amount and repayment period to whatever you need. The loan calculator (Gazprombank and Vyberu.Ru use only real parameters in calculations) makes calculations literally in a second. You can combine various options for the loan amount and repayment period to determine the most favorable interest rate and acceptable amount of overpayment.

The graph is presented in numbers and diagrams. In accordance with the conditions under which Gazprombank operates, the calculator shows the procedure for paying interest on the loan and the principal debt. The table shows how much money will be deposited each month. Payments throughout the entire loan repayment period are approximately equal to each other, but differ in their structure. So, in the first months, the bulk of the money deposited goes to pay interest on the loan. This should be taken into account if you decide to deposit more than necessary. First, the funds will be used to repay the overpayment, and only then – to repay the principal part of the debt. The same procedure must be taken into account when repaying a loan early.

Early loan repayment

Gazprombank, like other financial organizations, does not prevent early repayment of debt. In this regard, a credit calculator will become a convenient tool to determine the deadline when closing a loan will be profitable. To find out how the schedule will change taking into account early payments, on the website Vyberu.Ru in the “Loan Calculator” tab you need to click “Add repayment +” and indicate its amount and the date of deposit. You can add early payments for settlement an unlimited number of times (you can deposit funds either in parts or at a time).

When there is enough money in the account to repay the debt, you should write an application to Gazprombank demanding that the loan be closed. Only in this case will a recalculation be made - taking into account the shortening of the payment period, the interest will be less, which means the total amount of debt will decrease. Moreover, if you do not write an application, the funds will be debited month by month in accordance with the schedule and the rate will not be recalculated.

Online application

If you have decided what kind of loan you need, you can use the calculator to proceed directly to applying for a loan. To do this, click the “Online application” button.

Most easy way To find out whether Gazprombank will approve a loan for you, send a request via the Internet. On the page that opens, you will need to fill out a form, indicating your personal data, select a method for depositing funds and wait for a response from the bank. If the decision is positive, you will receive an SMS to the phone number specified in the application with a decision from the bank. The maximum amount of funds you can receive will also be indicated there.

For salary and regular clients of Gazprombank, conditions may be more favorable than for ordinary borrowers - this applies to both the maximum amount of funds and the interest rate. The latter also largely depends on the loan repayment period: the shorter it is, the less the overpayment will be.

When you sign the agreement at a bank branch, you will receive one copy of it in your hands, and along with it a payment schedule. In the future, if you want to close the debt ahead of schedule, you can enter this data into a loan calculator to calculate the date by which it will be profitable to repay the loan.
