Klein degree of comparison is German. Degrees of comparison of adjectives

IN German There are three degrees (degrees) of comparison of adjectives (adj.) - positive (Positiv), comparative (comparative) (Komparativ) and excellent (excellent) (Superlativ).

Positive step. adj., as in the Russian language, is a derivative from which the rest of the steps are formed. comparisons.

Adj. in comparison step. (Komparativ) are formed using the suffix –er. For example:

Die erste Stunde ist sehr wichtig - The first lesson is very important. - Die letzte Stunde ist noch wichtiger - The last lesson is even more important.

Adj. V excellent step are formed using the definite article, the suffix –(e)st and the ending –e.

Es ist der wichtigste Tag in meinem Leben.

There is another form for adj. in excellent step.:

am adj. -(e)sten.

In this form adj. stands at the end of a sentence and in some cases takes on the character of an adverb. For example:

Heute ist es am kältesten. - Today is the coldest.

Most monosyllabic adjs. with the vowels a, o, u at the root of the word in compare. and excellent step. the umlaut will arrive. For example:

Adj. do not receive umlaut in comparison. and excellent step., if:

1) At the root of the word there is a diphthong au:

laut (louder) – lauter (louder) – der lauteste (loudest)

2) Adj. end with suffixes –ig, -bar, -er, -et:

teuer (expensive) – teurer (more expensive) – der teurste (the most expensive)

fleissig (diligent) – fleissiger (more diligent) – der fleissigste (most diligent)

dankbar (grateful) – dankbarer (more grateful) –der dankbarste (most grateful)

3) Monosyllabic adj. are an exception:

froh (joyful)–froher (more joyful)–der frohste (the most joyful)

klar (understandable) – klarer (clearer) – der klarste (most understandable)

voll (full) – voller (fuller) – der vollste (most complete)

There are a number of adj., which in comparison. and excellent step. are formed according to their own rules, different from the general ones. They can serve as both adjectives and adverbs, and their form of formation is comparable. and excellent step. should be remembered.

Comp. step. adj. used in a sentence most often with the conjunction als (than). For example:

Dieses Maedchen ist juenger als seine Freundinnen. – This girl is younger than her friends.

However adj. in comparison step. can also be used as a definition. In this case, before adj. the article is put.

Ich brauche eine genauere Bescreibung dieses Mannes. - I need more detailed description this person.

Adj. in excellent step. most often used as a definition.

Dieses Kleid ist das beste im Geschaeft.

Du siehst heute am besten aus.

You should pay attention to the use of adj. in excellent step. in the phrase “one of (the most)…”.

In this case, the following construction is used: einer (eine, eines) + Genitiv Plural.

Sie ist eine der schönsten Sängerinnen in der Welt. – She is one of the most beautiful singers in the world.

Das ist eines der besondersten Bücher, die ich gelesen habe. – This is one of the most unusual books I have read.

Declension adj. in comparison and excellent step. is carried out in the same way as the declension of adj. to a positive extent. There are also strong and weak endings here.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German are represented by several forms: positive (Positiv), comparative (Komparativ), superlative (Superlativ) and absolutely superlative (Elativ).

Table 1 “Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German.”

Name Grade Example
Positive Grundstufe Same degree groß, gering
Comparative Hochststufe Higher level größer, geringer
Superlativ Hochststufe Higher level größte, geringste
Elativ absoluter Superlativ Very high level größte, geringste

Thanks to the table, you can understand that degrees of comparison of adjectives in German online can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • The basic (positive) form (der Positiv), is characterized by a neutral definition without a pronounced attribute or quality. For example, a high level - ein hohes Niveau - this level is simply high, and not the highest or unsurpassed height.
  • Comparative degree - the quality of an object or phenomenon is superior to similar properties or qualities of the object with which the comparison is being made, they may also be inferior to them. For example, a higher level - das höhere Niveau - this level, when compared, is higher than the original one.
  • Superlative degree (der Superlativ) - the properties of an object or phenomenon are unsurpassed, that is, there are no analogues. Used to compare three or more objects or phenomena.

Comparative degree of adjectives in German

Comparative degree of adjectives in German language is formed with the suffix -er, which is added to the positive form. We suggest that you familiarize yourself in tabular form with the basic rules for the formation of a comparative degree.

Table 2 " Comparative degree of adjectives in German».

Features of formation Example
Suffix -er + form der Positiv klein (small) – klein (small), schnell (fast) – schneller (faster), weit (far) – weiter (further)
Monosyllabic adjectives with root vowels a, o, u take comparative umlaut groß (large) - größer (more, larger), lang (long) - länger (longer, longer), kurz (short) - kürzer (shorter, shorter)
Comparative degree of adjectives in German translated into Russian as a nominal part of the predicate Dieses Bild ist schöner – This picture is more beautiful (more beautiful). Jenes Gebäude ist kleiner – That building is smaller
When comparing objects, the conjunction als is used Dieses Buch ist interessanter als jenes – This book is more interesting than that one. Blei ist schwerer als Eisen – Lead is heavier than iron.
The comparative degree is strengthened with the help of such adverbs immer (here: everything), noch (yet), viel (much, much), bedeutend (significantly) Die Tage wurden immer kürzer – The days were getting shorter. Dieser Sportler ist jetzt noch stärker – This athlete is now even stronger. Gestern war es bedeutend wärmer – Yesterday it was much warmer
If an adjective comes before a noun, it is declined like an adjective in the positive degree Der kleinere Tisch steht dort – A smaller table stands there. Dort scheint eine hellere Lampe – There is a brighter light bulb shining there.

Superlative degree of adjectives in German

The superlative degree is formed by adding the suffix (e)st to the positive degree. Let's take a closer look at the superlative degree of the adjective.

Table 3 "Excellent" degree of comparison of German adjectives».

Features of formation Example
Adjectives that have taken umlaut to the comparative degree retain it to the superlative degree. Formed using the particle am and the suffix -sten Klein – am kleinsten (smallest, least of all). Schön – am schönsten (the most beautiful, the most beautiful of all). Groß – am größten (biggest, most)
The adjective agrees with the noun it modifies in case, number and gender. Der kleinste Tisch, die hellste Lampe, das größte Fenster – des kleinsten Tisches, der hellste Lampe, des größten Fensters
The superlative adjective is translated into Russian. Formed with the pronoun “most”, the suffix -eysh- or the prefix most- In diesem Klassenzimmer stehen die kleinsten Tische – In this class there are the smallest (smallest) tables
As in Russian, the qualified noun can be omitted Mein Freund ist der stärkste in der Klasse – My friend is the strongest in the class

Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German: exceptions

Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German have such exceptions that do not obey the above rules. It is necessary to memorize such degrees of comparison.

Table 4 "Exceptions in degree adjective in German».

Positive Comparative Superlativ
gut besser am besten
groß größer am größten
hoch höher am hochsten
nah näher am nächsten

Exercises for degree of comparison of adjectives in German

To consolidate the material covered, we suggest testing your knowledge. Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German exercises

Die Steigerungsstufen der Adjektive

Stellen Sie Adjektive in Klammern in der richtigen Form.

I. Comparative
1. Dieses Haus ist ___ (hoch), als jenes Haus mit rotem Dach.
2. Die Hunde sind ___(freundlich), als die Katzen.
3. Das Märchen ist ___ (interessant), als das Gedicht.
4. Der Weg aus Sankt-Peterburg bis Moskau ist ___ (lang), als bis Novgorod.
5. Diese Kirche ist ___ (alt), als dieses Museum.
II. Superlativ
1. Diese Schule ist ___ (modern) in unserer Stadt.
2. Die Kunstkammer ist ___ (alt) staatliche Museum in Sankt-Petersburg.
3. Ich habe ___ (schön) Mädchen unserer Klasse gern.
4. Der Hund ist ___ (gut) Freund des Menschen.
5. ___(kalt) Winter war in diesem Jahr.

III. Positive, Komparativ oder Superlativ
1. (hoch) Gebäude der Welt befindet sich in der (schön) Stadt Dubai. (The tallest building in the world is located in the beautiful city of Dubai.)
2. Das Haus, wo mein Mitschüler wohnt, ist ___ (hoch), als mein Haus. (The house where my classmate lives is higher than my house.)
3. (klug) Junge in der Klasse bekamm eine (gut) Note. (The smartest boy in the class received a good grade.)
4. ___ (gut) Lehrerin in der Schule ist unsere Klassenleiterin. (The best teacher at school is our class teacher.)
5. Dieser (hoch) Mann ist (dick), als mein Vater. (This tall man fuller than dad sing.)
6. Dieser Supermarkt ist ___ (groß), als jenes Geschäft. (This supermarket is bigger than that store.)
7. Dieses (nett) Mädchen ist meine (gut) Freundin. (This sweet girl is my best friend.)
8. Das Geschenk meiner Schwester ist ___ (gut), als mein Geschenk. (My sister's gift is better than mine.)
9. Dieser Fluss ist ___ (tief) in dieser Gegend. (This river is the deepest in the area.)
10. Dieser Junge ist ___ (stark), als sein Freund. (This boy is stronger than his friend.)

Degrees of comparison of adjectives

I. Comparative degree.
1. höher (This house is higher than that house with the red roof.)
2. freundlicher (Dogs are friendlier than cats.)
3. interessanter (A fairy tale is more interesting than a poem.)
4. länger (The road from St. Petersburg to Moscow is longer than to Nizhny Novgorod.)
5. älter (This church is older than this museum.)

II. Superlative.
1. modernste (This school is the most modern in our city.)
2. das älteste (Kunstkamera is the oldest state museum in St. Petersburg.)
3. das schönste (I like the most beautiful girl our class.)
4. der beste (A dog is man's best friend.)
5. der kälteste (The most cold winter was this year.)

III. Positive, comparative or superlative comparison
1. Das höchste Gebäude der Welt befindet sich in der schönen Stadt Dubai.
2. Das Haus, wo mein Mitschüler wohnt, ist höher als mein Haus.
3. Der klügste Junge in der Klasse bekamm eine gute Note.
4. Die beste Lehrerin in der Schule ist unsere Klassenleiterin.
5. Dieser hocher Mann ist dicker, als mein Vater.
6. Dieser Supermarkt ist größer als jenes Geschäft.
7. Dieses nette Mädchen ist meine beste Freundin.
8. Das Geschenk meiner Schwester ist besser, als mein Geschenk.
9. Dieser Fluss ist am tiefste in dieser Gegend.
10. Dieser Junge ist stärker, als sein Freund.

This presentation will be a good help as visual material in German lessons devoted to this grammatical topic. It contains not only the rules for forming degrees, but also a number of pictures that children will enjoy, as well as exercises for each stage of explaining the topic.



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Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs in the German language Author Eliseeva Natalya Yuryevna, German language teacher at Gymnasium No. 1, Vorkuta

Faster, higher, stronger! (Olympic motto) Citius, altius, fortius! Schneller, höher, stärker!

Positive (der Positiv) Indicates the property of an object without comparing it with others: modern - modern bequem - convenient schnell - fast

Comparative (der Comparativ) Shows that the object described by the adjective has a more pronounced, more intense property compared to another object

Formation Formed by adding the suffix – er, as well as the particle als, which translates as “what”. modern - modern er bequem - bequem er schnell – schnell er Dieter fährt schnell er als Thomas.

Superlative (der Superlativ) Indicates that the object qualified by the adjective has the most intense property

Formation Formed by adding the suffix - st and the ending depending on the type of declension of adjectives, used with the definite article modern - der modern ste bequem – der bequem ste schnell – der schnell ste

Education If the superlative degree is not used as a definition, then it has an invariable form with the preposition am: - am ... (e) sten modern - am modern sten bequem – am bequem sten schnell – am schnell sten

Education Adjectives starting with – d, - t, - tz, - z, - sch, - ss, - ß form the superlative degree with – e st: mild - am mild e sten heiß - am heiß e sten interessant - am interessant e sten

Exceptions Monosyllabic adjectives with the root vowel a, o, u receive an umlaut: lang - l ä nger - der l ä ngste (am l ä ngsten) alt - ä lter - der ä lteste (am ä ltesten) jung - j ü nger - der j ü ngste (am j ü ngsten) dumm - d ü mmer - der d ü mmste (am d ü mmsten)

KURZ LANG Vergleiche

Exceptions Without umlaut, adjectives with the diphthong au remain: l au t - l au ter - der l au teste (am l au testen) f au l - f au ler - der f au lste (am f au lsten) schl au - schl au er - der schl au ste (am schl au sten)

Exceptions The following adjectives also remain without umlaut: Blank, brav, bunt, und matt, froh, falsch, flach und platt, hohl, kahl, klar und satt, knapp, plump, rasch und sanft, roh, schlaff, schlank und toll, starr, stolz, stumpf und voll toll - toller - am tollsten

Exceptions Adjectives ending in – er, - el have the following forms: dunk el - dun kl er - am dun kel sten teu er - teu r er - am teu er sten

Exceptions Positive Comparative Superlative gut besser am besten der beste hoch höher am höchsten der höchste groß größer am größten der größte nah näher am nächsten der nächste gern lieber am liebsten viel mehr am meisten

GROß KLEIN Vergleiche

Riddle proverb Guess the Russian equivalent of this proverb Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten.


DUNKEL HELL Vergleiche


Put the adjective in the comparative degree 1. Der Herbst ist (kalt) als der Sommer. 2. Mein Vater ist (alt) als meine Mutter. 3. Ich stehe (früh) als meine Schwester. 4. Berlin ist (groß) als Bonn. 5. Die Wolga ist (lang) als die Oka. 6. Der Löwe ist (stark) als der Hase. 7. Die Jacke ist (billig) als der Pelzmantel.

Place the adjective in the superlative degree 1. Der Winter ist die (kalt) Jahreszeit in Russland. 2. Das Flugzeug ist das (schnell) Verkehrsmittel. 3. Der Montblanc ist der (hoch) Berg Europas. 4. Die Lomonossow - Universität ist die (alt) in Russland. 5. Die U - bahn ist das (bequem) Verkehrsmittel in der Großstadt. 6. Februar ist der (kurz) Monat im Jahr.

Sources O. V. Dyakonov “Neskuchnaya German grammar", "Eksmo", 2013 V.V. Berezhnaya “German language in diagrams and tables”, “Eksmo”, 2010 S. Peltz “Entertaining grammar of the German language”, “Phoenix”, 2012 G. Romanova, E. Lipka “German grammar in jokes” “East” - West", 2007. L. A. Lysakova, E. M. Karpov “German: exam answers”, “Phoenix”, 2002.

Internet resources: http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/2/71/974/71974274_multik309.png - slide No. 16 (picture of a dog) http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach /c/4/78/423/78423712_0_51395_832f12e4_XL.png - slide No. 16 (picture of a cat) http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4709/89635038.621/0_6fc98_34ea9c1d_XL - slide No. 16 (picture of a mouse) http:/ /stat17.privet.ru/lr/ - slide No. 19 (picture of a candle) http://joyreactor.cc/post/260738 - slide No. 19 (picture of the sun) http://www.galo-kontur.ru/node/ wiki/lamps - slide No. 19 (picture of a light bulb) http://mbuy24.ru/pics/big/radios/vitek/Vitek_3582_45583_65022.jpg - slide No. 18 (picture of a radio receiver) http://s.amur.net/images/ blog/208/ff349c669956725c65df21366590413f.jpeg - slide number 18 (picture TV) http://wiki.iteach.ru/images/a/ac/11%D1%83%D0%BA.jpg - slide number 18 (picture computer) http://savepic.net/2097009.gif - slide No. 11 (picture pencil) http://www.officepro.com.ua/files/big_image/38850.jpg - slide No. 11 (picture marker) http:// www.artantique.ru/images/small/23/22572-2-P1280568.JPG - slide No. 11 (picture pen) http://www.zagony.ru/admin_new/foto/2009-5-21/1242904303/fotopodborka_chetverga_170_foto_136 .jpg - slide No. 17 (picture emoticons) http://deserty-moloko.ucoz.ru/photo/20_konfety_molochnye_pudingi_i_deserty_0_610_0_0/1-0-81 - slide No. 20 (picture candy) http://mirvselennoi.ucoz.ru/publ /neobychnye_veshhi/eda/3-1-0-37 slide No. 20 (picture of a hamburger) http://allday2.com/index.php?newsid=600489 slide No. 20 (picture of a cake) www.pedsovet.su - presentation background ( author Ekaterina Goryaynova)

There are two degrees (degrees) of comparison of adjectives (adj.) in German: comparative and superlative. The basic form is positive step: schön – schöner – am schönsten (beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful); jung – jünger – am jüngsten (young – younger – youngest).

Comparative step. is the form that indicates the difference. After adj. in a comparative degree stands als (wie can only stand after an adj. in the usual degree). The comparative degree is formed using the suffix –er: Er springt höher als sein Bruder. – He jumps higher than his brother. Er springt so hoch wie sein Bruder. — He jumps as high as his brother.

Comparative step. as a definition it has the suffix –er and the ending depending on the type of declension: Heute ist der stärkere Wind. - The wind is stronger today. Eine ältere Schwester - older sister.

Comparative step. only the suffix –er serves as a circumstance: In Hamburg regnet es stärker als in Hannover. – It rains more in Hamburg than in Hannover.

To strengthen the comparison adverbs are used: viel (many), weit (far), bedeutend (considerably, much) and others: Er ist viel jünger, als ich gedacht habe. – He is much younger than I thought.

To weaken the comparison they use adverbs: etwas (several, a little), ein wenig (a little) and others: Dieses Auto ist etwas billiger. – This car is somewhat cheaper.

Excellent step. means the highest level according to the situation and is always used with the definite article. Excellent step. formed using the suffix – (e)st: stark – am stärksten (strong – strongest); schwach - am schwächsten (weak - the weakest).

Excellent step. as a definition it has a suffix - (e)st and an ending depending on the type of declension adj. in German: der längste Tag des Jahres - the longest day of the year, die wichtigste Prüfung - the most important exam.

Predicative superlative step. always formed with am... sten: Toni war in unserer Classe am höchsten. – Tony was the tallest in our class.

Some monosyllabic adjs. with the root vowel a, o, u get an umlaut:

Lang – lä nger – lä ngst-, am lä ngsten long – longer – the longest

Alt – ä lter – ä ltest -, am ä ltesten old – older – the oldest

Jung – jü nger – jü ngst-, am jü ngsten young – younger – the youngest

Dumm – dü mmer – dü mmst-, am dü mmsten stupid – stupider – the stupidest

Without umlaut remain adj. with the diphthong au and adj. indicated in the example: blank - brilliant, brav - good, bunt - colorful, froh - happy, falsch - incorrect, flach - flat, hohl - empty, kahl - bare, klar - clear, knapp - close , matt - matte, platt - flat, plump - rough, rasch - fast, roh - raw, sanft - soft, satt - well-fed, schlaff - sluggish, schlank - slender, starr - motionless, stolz - proud, stumpf - stupid, toll – crazy, voll – full.

Some adj. form a steppe. comparisons are wrong:

Hoch – höher – höchst-, am höchsten high – above – the highest

Nah – näher – nächst-, am nächsten close – closer – nearest

Gut – besser – best-, am besten good – better – the best

Adj. on -d, -t, -tz, -z, -sch, -ss, -ß form a superlative with –est:

sanft – sanfter – sanftest-, am sanftesten soft – softer – the softest

süß – süßer – süßest-, am süßesten sweet – sweeter – the sweetest
