Fighting spider mites on eggplants. Spider mites on eggplants: signs of the problem and methods of control Spider mites on eggplants what to do

Indoor soil is a good help for amateur gardeners in central Russia, but if there are spider mites on eggplants in a greenhouse, then the crop is in danger of being completely destroyed. Its favorite habitat is the lower surface of the leaf, which it entwines with a thin web (hence the name of this representative of arthropods). The size of adult individuals does not exceed 0.4 mm, and the color of the body almost completely merges with the color of the foliage, so they can only be seen through a magnifying glass.

The food for spider mites is cell sap, which he obtains by piercing a leaf and sucking out the contents with his proboscis. Countless punctures resemble a scattering of white dots, which then turn yellow, and the leaf itself gradually dries out. This leads to disruption of the process of photosynthesis and increased transpiration, which adversely affects the formation of fruits and their taste.

Moreover, it is capable of producing up to one and a half dozen generations in a year. Cold, dampness and wind force the tick to hide under the web. Dispersal over tens of meters around occurs by the migration of young generations on spider webs on fine days and warm nights of Indian summer.

With the arrival of cold weather, fertilized females form orange-colored lumps covered with poutine, in which they overwinter under fallen leaves, in bark cracks, in greenhouse crevices, etc. With the warmth of spring, they lay eggs on the lower surface of the leaves of the first weeds, and after 2-4 weeks a new generation of sexually mature individuals appears, continuing to colonize plants grown indoors.

Any occurrence is easier to prevent, so it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  • disinfection of greenhouses before the start of the season using sulfur bombs;
  • compliance with microclimatic parameters;
  • regular ventilation of greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • timely watering of beds;
  • weeding and removal of dead parts of plants.

This simple set of agrotechnical measures, feasible for any grower, will help preserve the harvest.

How to get rid of spider mites

The modern pesticide market offers amateur gardeners a wide range of products designed to control pests, including spider mites. The right to choose remains with the owner of the personal plot and greenhouse:

  • quick effect at an affordable price with possible negative consequence for health when using chemicals;
  • safe products without a guarantee of long-term effect from the use of biological agents and agricultural practices.

Methods for controlling spider mites are conventionally divided into several categories, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The use of specialized, narrowly targeted acaricides helps to quickly get rid of adult individuals. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out repeated treatment every 3 weeks until the pests completely disappear, and the fruits can be picked no earlier than 5-7 days after spraying.

Biological means of control include the use of natural enemies of ticks, which destroy not only adult ticks, but also the eggs they lay.

Spider mites and measures to combat them (video)

How are plants treated after spider mites are detected?

If preventive measures do not help, then you should immediately spray the plants in the greenhouse with one of the following solutions, and if necessary, repeat the treatment after 2 weeks:

  • 80 g of colloidal sulfur per 10 liters of water;
  • 10 ml of fitoverm per 10 liters of water;
  • 100 g of bitoxybacillin per 10 liters of water;
  • spray 3-4 g of dry sulfur per square meter of plants.

The spider mite does not want to let go of the eggplants from its tenacious paws? It's time to use pesticides. The most preferred are drugs with a pronounced acaricidal effect such as “Neoron” or “Sunmite”. Both of them have a detrimental effect on the eggs of the pest, and “Sunmite” also kills adult individuals.

Opponents of chemical measures can go to a plant protection station or a biological laboratory at a greenhouse and acquire the natural enemies of our mite - its fellow subclasses: amblyseius, phytoseiulus, phytoseids, stigmaids, etc.

In a day, one such predator is capable of destroying up to 6 adult individuals and up to 10 eggs. After the pests are destroyed, they will die due to lack of food supply.

Folk remedies are designed to strengthen the arsenal of the greenhouse owner; here are a few recipes:

  • a glass of crushed garlic cloves is poured into a bucket of water and left for 24 hours, then filtered and used to treat infected plants;
  • 300 g of a mixture of dandelion leaves and horse sorrel roots in equal parts is poured into a bucket of water, and after 3 hours it is used to spray eggplants in greenhouses;
  • half a bucket of tightly packed onion peels is poured with a bucket of warm water, left for 3 days, after filtering, 2 g of laundry soap is added to each liter of solution, diluted clean water in a ratio of 1:2 and begin processing.

Spider mite control measures (video)

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Nightshade crops are often subject to pest attacks. In this case, it most often appears. Determining its presence is quite simple based on its characteristic features.

External signs of a problem

Spider mites are microscopic in size, making them very difficult to detect. Summer residents often suspect the presence of a pest only after the leaves begin to be affected. They take on a marbled color and a cobweb forms on them. After 2 weeks the plant dies.

Spider mites have 4 pairs of legs, but they lack antennae and wings. Females are larger than males. The size of the pest is 0.5 millimeters. The length of the larvae is 0.2 millimeters. The eggs are spherical and have a yellowish tint.

Mites often live on eggplants. Among other things, they can settle on peppers, cucumbers and other crops. There are pests in the greenhouse in different ways. They are carried on clothing, seedlings, and animals. Females, once in a building, survive the winter well, gathering in groups.

Determining the presence of infection in a greenhouse is quite simple: light dots appear on the leaves of plants near the main vein of the leaf. Eventually the dots become discolored and a spider web stretches across the leaf. First, the spider mite settles on the foliage, and then moves to the fruits.

Consequences for plants

When a pest appears in a greenhouse, the loss for the crop can be colossal. The crop can be destroyed in 2 weeks. If no action is taken, spider mites will overwinter well in building crevices and plant debris. And next year he will again begin to destroy planting material and grown crops.

Folk methods of struggle

A flea remedy for animals will help get rid of eggplant disease. It is added to water and sprayed on plants.

Spider mites are afraid of treatment with the following agents.

  • Tobacco leaves and stems. There are 45 grams of dry matter per liter of water. Before starting treatment, the product must be diluted with water in a ratio of one to two.
  • The fruits of bitter pepper (100 grams of raw weight per liter of water).

Plant pests: spider mites (video)

Other recipes will help against larvae in the greenhouse.

  • Potato tops - 120 grams of raw mass per liter of water.
  • Bulbs - 270 grams of mass per liter of water.
  • All parts of the tomato (400 grams) are crushed and diluted with a liter of water. Before starting treatment, the product should be diluted.
  • Dandelion roots and leaves - take 30 grams of raw mass per liter of water.
  • Take 80 grams of dry yarrow and dilute with a liter of water.

Against eggplant disease, it is recommended to add soap or washing powder to the decoctions so that the product adheres well to the plants. A soap-alcohol solution is excellent against larvae. They are used to process stems and leaves. To destroy eggs, treatment is carried out once every 7 days.

Use of purchased funds

Various medications help control pests in a greenhouse. They differ in price and range of action. Since spider mites are classified as arachnids, although the resemblance to a spider can hardly be seen in the photo, insectoacaricides must be used against them.

  • "Fitoferm". It is characterized by low toxicity. The treatment should be carried out indoors, and after spraying it is necessary to use personal hygiene products. Treatment is carried out 3 times a week.
  • "Aktellik". Helps against eggplant disease this remedy. Open areas should be treated.

Of the acaricides it is worth noting:

  • "Sunmite"- works great against both eggs and adults;
  • "Neoron"- helps get rid of the pest on eggplants in two treatments.

Biological control methods also help against eggplant disease. They are harmless to animals and humans. The remedies are represented by phytoseiulus and amblyseius - predatory mites that eat spider mites. You can buy them at flower shops. During the day, mites eat approximately 10 spider mite eggs.

Another effective method is disinfection by burning sulfur briquettes. If the pest population increases, it is necessary to spray with colloidal sulfur: 70 grams of product per bucket of water.

Preventive measures

Following preventive rules will help prevent the pest from appearing on eggplants.

  • Mites occur due to low air humidity, so plants should be periodically sprayed from the outside. This prevention will protect you from the appearance of all types of herbivores. But high humidity only reliably protects against spider mites.
  • When spraying, it is important to ensure that water does not stagnate in the core of the plant, otherwise it will rot. It is especially important to observe this nuance in winter, when the light is low, the temperature is not high enough, and therefore moisture evaporates slowly.
  • Since pests often breed under fallen flowers and leaves, plant debris should be removed in a timely manner. Infection can also be prevented by removing dust from the leaves with a brush.
  • Neem tree oil also has an excellent effect. In this case, the effect is achieved by exposure to special substances in the oil to which ticks are not immune.

How to get rid of spider mites (video)

The tick will go away if you actively fight it. For this, folk or store remedies can be used. Among other things, biological and mechanical techniques can be used. In any case, it is better not to make the problem global, but to take preventive protective measures. Then the plants will look great in photos and in reality.

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The main cause of spider mites is dry air. For him, these are the most comfortable conditions for reproduction and existence. Frequently ventilating greenhouses and spraying plants with plain water will help reduce the number of unpleasant individuals.

What harm does
The damage caused by spider mites on eggplants can be colossal: in 2 weeks it can destroy the crop irrevocably. Failure to take action can lead to the pest overwintering in the cracks of the greenhouse or under the remains of plants, and the next year it will again begin to destroy the crop.

Signs of mites on eggplants
Due to the microscopic size of the spider mite, it is very difficult to detect it on the plant. Suspicions creep in only after the leaves are affected. You can see slight discolored dots on their surface. After some time, they acquire a “marbled” appearance, and the cobwebs are barely noticeable at the bottom of the leaf. After 2-3 weeks the plant dies.

Due to the fact that spider mites are classified as arachnids, ordinary insecticides (preparations for insect pests) will not help here. We need products of a completely different composition - acaricides or insectoacaricides.

Insectoacaricides. This group includes preparations of chemical and/or biological origin intended to kill insects and ticks.

  • Actellik. Recommended for massive plant damage. Treatment is desirable in open areas. Hazard class 2, toxic to humans. Price - 2000 rubles per 1 liter.
  • Fitoverm. Less toxic, unlike Actellik. Processing can also be carried out indoors. After spraying, for safety, perform personal hygiene measures. Treatment is carried out 3 times every 7-10 days. The cost for 1 liter is about 2000 rubles.

Acaricides. Chemical preparations are toxic.

  • Neoron. It has an ovicidal effect (destroys spider mite eggs on eggplants). Two treatments are enough for complete extermination. The price of the ampoule is 75 rubles, which, in principle, is inexpensive.
  • Sunmite. It also has an ovicidal effect, and therefore equally effectively destroys both adults and their eggs. The price for 1 kg is about 4,000 rubles.

Biological control method
This method is harmless to humans and animals. Its essence lies in the use of Amblyseius and Phytoseiulus (predatory mites that eat spider mites). They are sold in garden centers and some flower shops in paper sachets. During the day they eat about 4-6 spider webs and about 10 eggs laid by them. If they are completely exterminated due to lack of food, Phytoseiulus and Amblyseius die.

Folk recipes also help in the fight against spider mites on eggplants. Many summer residents use just these, more gentle methods. And if you have children and animals, you can protect yourself from poisoning with toxic drugs. In this group, the following most effective solutions can be distinguished:

Onion peel infusion

  1. Pour 100 g of onion peel into 5 liters of water.
  2. Leave for 5 days. Strain.
  3. Spray the plants, do not rinse.
  1. Pour two heads of chopped garlic into a liter of water.
  2. Place in a dark place for 5 days. Then dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Spray the affected eggplants, do not rinse.
  1. Lather the sponge with laundry soap (you can use any other soap).
  2. Wipe the leaves or spray; the more foam the better.
  3. Be sure to wash off after 4 hours.

Most effective method The best way to control spider mites on eggplants is to get rid of them with the help of a pest control service. Specialists take into account everything necessary, the type of infection, the required drug, location and other important factors. It's convenient, fast and efficient.

The rapid reproduction and development of spider mites is accompanied by warm and dry air. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often or water the garden, spray with water or insecticides. You need to make it a rule to regularly weed eggplants and remove their plant debris. Use bleach in a ratio of 150 g per 10 liters of water to disinfect after harvesting the remaining crop.

Spider mites on eggplants can cause enormous damage to the crop. When it is first detected, it is necessary to take immediate action. The processing may need to be repeated to fully ensure its destruction. And if you follow preventive measures, your garden and harvest will only bring joy.

Indoor soil is a good help for amateur gardeners in central Russia, but if there are spider mites on eggplants in a greenhouse, then the crop is in danger of being completely destroyed. Its favorite habitat is the lower surface of the leaf, which it entwines with a thin web (hence the name of this representative of arthropods). The size of adult individuals does not exceed 0.4 mm, and the color of the body almost completely merges with the color of the foliage, so they can only be seen through a magnifying glass.

The spider mite feeds on cell sap, which it obtains by piercing a leaf and sucking out the contents with its proboscis. Countless punctures resemble a scattering of white dots, which then turn yellow, and the leaf itself gradually dries out. This leads to disruption of the process of photosynthesis and increased transpiration, which adversely affects the formation of fruits and their taste.

Moreover, it is capable of producing up to one and a half dozen generations in a year. Cold, dampness and wind force the tick to hide under the web. Dispersal over tens of meters around occurs by the migration of young generations on spider webs on fine days and warm nights of Indian summer.

With the arrival of cold weather, fertilized females form orange-colored lumps covered with poutine, in which they overwinter under fallen leaves, in bark cracks, in greenhouse crevices, etc. With the warmth of spring, they lay eggs on the lower surface of the leaves of the first weeds, and after 2-4 weeks a new generation of sexually mature individuals appears, continuing to colonize plants grown indoors.

Any occurrence is easier to prevent, so it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  • disinfection of greenhouses before the start of the season using sulfur bombs;
  • compliance with microclimatic parameters;
  • regular ventilation of greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • timely watering of beds;
  • weeding and removal of dead parts of plants.

This simple set of agrotechnical measures, feasible for any grower, will help preserve the harvest.

How to get rid of spider mites

The modern pesticide market offers amateur gardeners a wide range of products designed to control pests, including spider mites. The right to choose remains with the owner of the personal plot and greenhouse:

  • quick effect at an affordable price with possible negative health consequences when using chemicals;
  • safe products without a guarantee of long-term effect from the use of biological agents and agricultural practices.

Methods for controlling spider mites are conventionally divided into several categories, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The use of specialized, narrowly targeted acaricides helps to quickly get rid of adult individuals. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out repeated treatment every 3 weeks until the pests completely disappear, and the fruits can be picked no earlier than 5-7 days after spraying.

Biological means of control include the use of natural enemies of ticks, which destroy not only adult ticks, but also the eggs they lay.

Spider mites and measures to combat them (video)

How are plants treated after spider mites are detected?

If preventive measures do not help, then you should immediately spray the plants in the greenhouse with one of the following solutions, and if necessary, repeat the treatment after 2 weeks:

  • 80 g of colloidal sulfur per 10 liters of water;
  • 10 ml of fitoverm per 10 liters of water;
  • 100 g of bitoxybacillin per 10 liters of water;
  • spray 3-4 g of dry sulfur per square meter of plants.

The spider mite does not want to let go of the eggplants from its tenacious paws? It's time to use pesticides. The most preferred are drugs with a pronounced acaricidal effect such as “Neoron” or “Sunmite”. Both of them have a detrimental effect on the eggs of the pest, and “Sunmite” also kills adult individuals.

Opponents of chemical measures can go to a plant protection station or a biological laboratory at a greenhouse and acquire the natural enemies of our mite - its fellow subclasses: amblyseius, phytoseiulus, phytoseids, stigmaids, etc.

In a day, one such predator is capable of destroying up to 6 adult individuals and up to 10 eggs. After the pests are destroyed, they will die due to lack of food supply.

Folk remedies are designed to strengthen the arsenal of the greenhouse owner; here are a few recipes:

  • a glass of crushed garlic cloves is poured into a bucket of water and left for 24 hours, then filtered and used to treat infected plants;
  • 300 g of a mixture of dandelion leaves and horse sorrel roots in equal parts is poured into a bucket of water, and after 3 hours it is used to spray eggplants in greenhouses;
  • half a bucket of tightly packed onion peels is poured with a bucket of warm water, left for 3 days, after filtering, 2 g of laundry soap is added to each liter of solution, diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:2 and processing begins.

Spider mite control measures (video)

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Eggplant is a fastidious vegetable, sensitive to external conditions, susceptible to diseases and pests. The harmful spider mite also loves it. The insect feeds on the juices of the foliage of young plants. If you do not take measures to combat spider mites on eggplants in the greenhouse, it can completely destroy them.

Biological characteristics of the pest

The insect, true to its name, is a member of the mite family of spider mites. In size, females are slightly longer than males, whose size does not exceed 0.45 mm (females - up to 0.6 mm). Color varies from milky to orange-brown.

The pest feeds on many plants, including eggplants. Having settled on the underside of the foliage of plantations, it absorbs their juice, piercing the skin and at the same time, as if enveloping it in a thin web. The biological characteristics of the insect help resist measures to destroy it. If necessary, adult females can long time go without food, hiding in secluded places. They go deep into the soil over the winter, but in greenhouses they can remain on the surface of the frame or on the tops of the remaining plants.

Causes and signs of plant damage

The difficulty of detecting the pest is due to its small size. The presence of spider mites is judged by signs of harmful activity:

  • light dots appear on the leaves and gradually become even more discolored;
  • over time, the color of the foliage becomes marbled;
  • a very thin web becomes visible under the underside of the leaves;
  • The eggplant tops gradually dry out.

Having entangled the leaves, the mite switches to the fruits. Two weeks are enough for the complete death of an eggplant bush.

Favorable conditions for insect life are air temperatures of 28ºC and above and humidity below 55%. In cold, damp, windy weather, it hides under its web. In a year it produces more than a dozen generations, which are spread tens of meters away by the flight of cobwebs.

Consequences for plants in the absence of pest control

If you do not act decisively, the destruction of eggplants can be total:

  • the mite pierces the skin of the leaves and drinks the juice;
  • zones deprived of chlorophyll acquire a marble pattern and subsequently darken;
  • the foliage, deprived of juices, becomes covered with a very thin cobweb and withers, curling and drying up;
  • losing leaves that perform the function of photosynthesis, eggplants slow down their growth and development;
  • The mite, having laid eggs under the web, captures new shoots for its own nutrition. In hot weather, its offspring appear after 3 days (in any case, a maximum of two weeks), and after another week, the mature larvae will be able to lay eggs themselves;
  • an additional disadvantage is that a plant weakened by a spider mite invasion becomes more vulnerable to other diseases and insects.

Fighting methods

Due to the small size of the insect, it is difficult to notice the presence of spider mites on eggplants in the early stages. You have to start fighting it when its presence is evidenced by clear signs of harm caused to the plant. In this situation, measures should be taken immediately.

Sometimes agrotechnical techniques or application are enough folk remedies. In complex, neglected situations, when the spider mite has managed to multiply and take over a large number of plantings, it is necessary to use biological and chemical options. The best way- combine various methods in order to clear the plantings of the pest and keep the crop healthy and intact.

When using any of them, severely affected leaves should be carefully collected and burned or buried deeper in the ground outside the garden beds.


This set of measures is at the same time effective prevention of pest intensification:

  • timely digging of soil. Usually it is carried out in the fall with the application of the necessary fertilizers and in the spring - immediately before planting;
  • cleaning of vegetation residues - tops, carrion, weeded weeds, fallen leaves, etc.;
  • removal of weeds and their disposal (in compost, for livestock feed or burning);
  • regular and complete watering of plantings - eggplants need it, but mites, on the contrary, cannot tolerate moisture;
  • If mite webs are found on plants in a greenhouse, both the plants and the greenhouse elements should be treated.


Special preparations- acaricides - effective against any vegetarian mites, including spider mites. We should not forget that the most effective of them are the most toxic. When using them, you should strictly follow the instructions, since an overdose can harm both the plant and human health.

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The list of chemicals is wide - the Plant-Pin and Ethisso preparations are produced in the form of sticks, which are inserted into the soil near the eggplant bushes affected by the pest and, dissolving after watering, saturate it with the active substance, Actellik is dosed in ampoules, which are diluted in water before use, Anti-mite is produced in bottles and ampoules.

Chemical mite control agents include colloidal sulfur. The product cannot be used at the flowering stage of the crop, and the last treatment is carried out no later than 3-5 days before harvesting the fruits. The first results of the treatment can be seen after 3 days, and the action of sulfur lasts up to 10 days.

The tick may have tolerance to some of the drugs - if there is no result, you should replace it with another one.


This option for insect control includes several methods:

  • the use of special biological preparations made from fungi and having a detrimental effect on the pest. They are environmentally friendly, the toxic substance acts selectively without causing harm to the human body;
  • the use of natural enemies of herbivorous mites - predator mites. They feed on vegetarian mites without touching the plants. This method is used for industrial-scale eggplant cultivation. In the conditions of a personal plot or greenhouse, it can hardly be used;
  • planting repellent plants next to eggplant bushes. Their smell is specific and repels spider mites.

Folk remedies

For small lesions, you can use one or more folk remedies aimed at destroying the insect pest:

  • In greenhouse conditions, eggplants are sprayed with infusions of tomato tops, garlic, and potatoes. The liquid will stick to the leaves better if it is made using a solution of laundry soap. Three hours after treatment (completely wetting the leaves), it is advisable to give the eggplants a shower of warm water;
  • an infusion of hot pepper helps (per liter of water - 100-120 g of crushed pods);
  • effective remedy- garlic infusion. Two crushed heads are poured with a liter of water and left for 4-5 days, after which they are again diluted by half with water;
  • to treat both plants and greenhouses, use a solution of ammonia - 30 ml of tincture of the drug per bucket of water.

Preventive measures

These include almost all agrotechnical methods of pest control. Their timely implementation is the key to preventing spider mites from “taking root” on eggplant foliage. The main ones:

  • maintaining sufficient humidity in the greenhouse - at least 85%;
  • maintaining sufficient distance between rows of eggplants;
  • regular watering of plantings;
  • systematic removal of weeds, loosening and mulching of vegetable beds;
  • inspection of bushes for timely detection of ticks.

There are many means of combating spider mites on eggplants: depending on the degree of infestation of the crop, you can choose one or combine several. The most effective chemicals are those that can eliminate the problem quickly. It is preferable to use preventive measures to prevent a tick invasion, keeping the eggplant harvest healthy and full.
