Instructions for electric meter Mercury three-phase 230. Instructions and operating manuals for electric meters Mercury

The three-phase meter Mercury 230 is a new release device. This device has telemetry outputs and a special interface designed for information exchange. An electronic seal is installed on the device, the device can automatically diagnose various faults. The manufacturer of electricity meters is the company "NPK Incotex".

Device Description

The Mercury 230 direct-flow meter is installed for metering electricity in three-wire and four-wire networks. The device can be connected either directly or using a transformer method. If you connect a transformer to the device, then it will be possible to take into account electricity at sites with high loads.

The device, which has three phases, has a liquid crystal display. Data in kilowatt-hours appears on this screen. The display has 8 digits. The first 6 digits show whole kW/h values, the last 2 digits show decimal places, hundredths of kW/h. The error in the readings of this device is 1.0. The devices are installed indoors, where the air temperature can be -40…+55ºC.

If the device is connected via a transformer, then the current can be measured moreover, for which the device is designed. Meters are installed in the domestic and industrial sectors. Household appliances are installed in residential buildings. Industrial devices are used in the industrial sector, in factories, factories and factories. Counters are induction and electronic. Electronic ones have a high quality certificate, are more accurate, they do not have rotating parts and convert the signal that comes from the measuring elements.


The Mercury 230 electronic meter is distinguished by increased accuracy and high reliability. The minimum operating time is 150 thousand hours. The operating life of the device is 30 years. The verification period for electric meters (verification interval) is 10 years. The warranty period is 3 years from the date of manufacture.


  1. The rated current for the transformer connection is 5 A.
  2. The basic current when connecting the device directly is 5 A or 10 A.
  3. The highest current rating is 60 A.
  4. The phase voltage indicator is 230 V.
  5. Frequency - 50 Hz.
  6. 2 pulse output modes: main, testing.
  7. The permissible error limit of the device belongs to accuracy class 1.
  8. Dimensions, dimensions: 258x170x74 mm.

When there is no current in the series circuit, the test output of the device when measuring active and reactive energy does not create more than one pulse per 10 minutes. These devices have increased strength and reliability. Previously, they were installed at manufacturing plants. Now they are often used when wiring electricity in country houses. This is explained by the presence of a large number of electrical household appliances that require high power from the electrical network.

Basic and additional functions

Nowadays, electric meters, in addition to the main function of metering electricity, have various additional properties, with the help of which it is possible to control some characteristics of the electrical network and the modes of the device itself. You can take data from this device not only on site, but also remotely through some types of interface. The two-tariff Mercury meter is a device that has increased capabilities.

Standard Connectivity three-phase meter Mercury 230:

  1. Measuring electricity data, storing it and visualizing it on the display for the following time interval: from the last reset, for 24 hours, for 30 days, for a year.
  2. The device can take into account current according to two tariff plans for 16 time zones.
  3. The device can be programmed every month to a new tariff.

The device records the following characteristics:

  • instant power calculation;
  • determination of potential difference;
  • current determination by phases;
  • network frequency indicator;
  • power by different phases and general.

The device has maximum protection. If the limit is exceeded, the device notes this, and the exact time when the excess occurred is also indicated. The digital output allows you to control the load.

The device has an event log. It indicates the following indicators:

  • time of connection of the device to the network and disconnection from it;
  • phase accounting;
  • correction of the tariff schedule;
  • accounting for meter opening;
  • exceeding the limit.

Let's consider additional features device. The counter has additional functions:

  • metering of electricity in forward and reverse directions;
  • it is possible to transmit electricity consumption data for each phase;
  • Availability of power data archive with intervals from 1 to 45 minutes;
  • The archive data storage period is 85 days;
  • the highest rate of morning and evening power;
  • loss accounting;
  • accounting for magnetic influence with recording of data in a special journal;
  • power quality control.

Connection diagram

Let's look at how to connect the device. The meter can be connected using different schemes, in which current transformers will be used as a data source. Here is a diagram for connecting the Mercury 230 meter. The most common is the ten-wire connection diagram for the device. Its advantage is the presence of power circuits and measuring instruments. The disadvantage is the large number of wires.

The sequence of connecting the meter and transformer:

  • terminal 1 -- input A;
  • terminal 2 -- input of the end of the measuring winding A;
  • terminal 3 - output A;
  • terminal 4 -- input B;
  • terminal 5 -- input of the end of measurement winding B;
  • terminal 6 -- output B;
  • terminal 7 -- input C;
  • terminal 8 -- winding end input C;
  • terminal 9 -- output C;
  • terminal 10 -- zero phase input;
  • terminal 11 - zero phase on the voltage side.

To install the meter in a break in the transformer circuit, use terminals L1 and L2. You can connect the meter using a semi-indirect circuit. In this case, the current transformers are connected in a star. This makes installation of the device easier and fewer wires are needed. The accuracy and quality of the data is not degraded.

A seven-wire CT connection method is also used. Its disadvantage is the lack of galvanic isolation of circuits. This scheme is considered dangerous to use and is now almost never used.

Connecting the Mercury 230 electric meter has much in common with installing a single-phase device. But there are also many differences when installing the installation. The connection diagram is available on the meter body, with reverse side covers.

When installing, you must follow the color sequence. Even wire numbers correspond to the load, odd wire numbers correspond to the input. Connection diagrams for a three-phase multi-tariff meter are used.

When the meter is connected to three-phase consumers, the process is carried out through current transformers. This scheme makes it possible to reduce the cost of electricity and increase the reliability of its supply. Direct connection meters do not make more than 100 A. This is due to the limitation of conductor sizes. The higher the current, the larger the cross-section of the wire required to pass it. Current transformers eliminate such limitations.

Let's consider the diagram for connecting the meter through a test terminal box: the terminals in the block are designated by the letters A, B, C. A wire comes to these terminals, which is connected to the 380 V power buses, and then goes to the meter through jumpers.

If necessary, the jumpers are untwisted, moved, and the chain is broken. This will relieve the mains voltage and ensure safe operation of the device connected to the test box. The IKK has a protective cover and a device for a seal, a screw with a hole. The seal is installed together with the installation of the meter.

Let's look at how to take readings from an electricity meter. The device has a 6-digit dial. You need to write down all the numbers up to the decimal point. To calculate energy consumption for a month, you need to subtract from the new readings those that were last month.

Let's find out how to take readings from a multi-tariff meter (article Mercury 230 ART-01). To do this, you need to write down the following data: T1 - current consumption during the day, T2 - current consumption at night. Before recording data, you must make sure that the device is in ready mode.

There should be a line near mark A. If it is not there, then press the right button. Then press the Enter button. In this case, the display will indicate current consumption data during the day T1. Press Enter a second time and rewrite the value of T2 (at night).


There are such modifications of Mercury meters:

  1. Single-tariff three-phase, multi-tariff and multifunctional: Mercury 230 ART, Mercury 231 AT.
  2. Three-phase active and reactive electrical energy, single tariff, article number: Mercury 230 AR.
  3. Three-phase active energy single tariff: Mercury 230 AM, Mercury 231 AM.
  4. Single-phase active energy single-tariff and multi-tariff: Mercury 200, Mercury 202, Mercury 201.

The SIKON controller is installed in Mercury meters with active and reactive energy with an internal tarifficator; the devices can be bidirectional or unidirectional.

To take readings from the meter, write down all the numbers up to the decimal point or period.

Electricity meters of the Mercury 230 model (three-phase) may differ from each other. In terms of the number of tariffs, there are single-tariff and multi-tariff models (two-tariff, three-tariff) such as day-night and peak semi-peak night.


The meter is designed to account for active electricity. The measurement accuracy class of the device, regardless of the model, is 0.5 or 1. Manufacturers provide a 3-year warranty on the meter. As a rule, the service life of electricity metering devices is about 30 years. The inter-verification interval for Mercury 230 is 10 years. That is, every ten years it is necessary to check the meter to detect faults in the account, if any.

Let's consider taking readings using the example of a three-phase electric energy meter of a single-tariff and two-tariff type.

We take readings from a single-tariff meter Mercury 230

Popular types of single-tariff electricity meters:
Mercury 230 AR/AM1
Mercury 230 AR/AM02
Mercury 230 AR/AM03

In order to record the readings of a single-tariff Mercury meter, look at the 6-digit dial and write down the numbers to the decimal point.

To determine the meter readings for the last month, subtract the readings that were a month ago from the current latest meter readings.

Taking readings from a multi-tariff meter

Popular types of multi-tariff electricity meters:

    Mercury 230 ART-01
    Mercury 230 ART-02
    Mercury 230 ART-03

In order to take and transmit readings from the meter, you will need to record the following indicators
T1 - electricity consumption during the daytime
T2 - electricity consumption at night

The energy that is used to power electrical appliances and various types of equipment, as is known, is rapidly becoming more expensive and requires accounting and control of consumption. For this purpose, electricity meters are installed in the premises.

This article will discuss the advantages of using and the characteristics of the Mercury 230 ART 03 meter. However, before you begin to analyze this equipment, you should understand some points.

Which counter to choose

A single-phase electricity meter is installed in a two-wire network with alternating current and a voltage of 220 volts. Three-phase controls flow and takes into account electricity, but operates on the basis of three-wire (and four-wire) networks with a frequency of 50 Hz, with alternating current and a voltage of 380 volts.

A much more complex device is a three-phase meter. It is installed to control energy consumption in industrial buildings, factories, factories and other enterprises where large amounts of electricity are consumed.

If the building does not have a neutral wire, you should use a three-wire meter; if there is a neutral wire, use a four-wire meter.

Three-phase measuring instruments of the Russian company “Mercury” are produced by the well-known company “NKP”Inkotex”. Among the 120 varieties, there are both simple single-phase and the most complex multi-tariff devices, with the ability to control the load and transmit measurements to remote devices.

Some analogues of modifications Mercury 230 ART - 03

  • Mercury 230 ART -00 PQRSIDN — Mercury 234 ART -00 P;
  • Mercury 230 ART -01 PQRSIN — Mercury 234 ART -01 P;
  • Mercury 230 ART -02 PQRSIN - Mercury 234 ART -02 P;
  • Mercury 230 ART -03 PQRSIDN — Mercury 234 ART-03 P.

Multi-tariff unidirectional electronic active-reactive electricity meter of transformer connection Mercury 230 ART -03 CN (R) (230 ART -03 CN - CAN communication interface; 230 ART -03 RN - RS-485 communication interface)

  • Mercury 230 AR -01 CL;
  • Mercury 230 AR -02 CL;
  • Mercury 230 ART -01 CLN;
  • Mercury 230 ART -02 CLN.

Three-phase meter Mercury 230 single tariff

One of the most uncomplicated devices can be called a single-tariff three-phase meter Mercury 230. Such an electrical meter is offered for use by users who have three- or four-wire AC networks.

It works well in conjunction with equipment designed for automatic regulation of electricity. The 230 ART 03 series meter is one of the devices for metering electricity consumption in AC networks. It is used both for savings and convenience.

The operation of electric meters is based on the conversion of signals from current and voltage recording devices into numbers on a liquid crystal screen. Data from such devices can be taken both through direct contact and at a distance using built-in programs.

Application of the Mercury 230 counter

Mercury 230 ART 03 is used both in industry and production, and in everyday life. It can be found in private homes and cottages where electrical appliances operate that consume large amounts of energy, such as boiler rooms, underfloor heating, outdoor lighting and other energy-intensive systems that consume this resource.

Additional tasks

In addition to electricity metering, this device performs many additional configurations, including recording and storing data on used electricity for a specific time period, taking into account the tariff schedule in a multi-tariff mode.

Connecting a multi-tariff or two-tariff mode guarantees cost savings using different tariffs over a 24-hour period. It is not always necessary to use tariff 4; for home needs it is enough to install a two-tariff electricity meter.

Electricity meter design

Elements of the apparatus structure:

  1. Frame.
  2. Contact block.
  3. Protective cover.
  4. Measuring and indicating device.

Features of the device

This resource metering tool is capable of processing data simultaneously at four tariffs, which allows you to save electricity costs at night. The device is equipped with a liquid crystal screen that displays large numbers and therefore will be easy to use for people with poor vision.

The reliability of the accounting tool is indicated by the period of its use - it is 30 years. The interverification interval is 10 years from the date of the previous verification. It is possible to take into account the active energy of the forward direction separately in each phase of the network.

The device operates uninterruptedly at low and high temperatures. The temperature range of use of the device is from -40 to +55, allowing it to be used in the most whimsical and unpredictable conditions, which makes the device multi-directional.

The device allows you to inspect various types readings, keep track of forward active and reactive energy for different time periods, record voltage in all phases of the network, set the level of active, reactive and apparent power, control power factors, network frequency and much more.

The presence of an electronic seal will protect the device from unauthorized use for the purpose of stealing electricity by strangers.

Instructions for setting up the Mercury-230-03 counter

They configure the equipment using the “Configurator” program through a CAN-RS232 converter or an optical port, if the device has one.

First, you should set the last three digits of the device number, click “communication test” to check the connection, and receive a notification about the quality of communication on the equipment screen itself.

Any device that has received the request will respond to a network address equal to zero.

After the data exchange has been successfully completed, you need to familiarize yourself with the important characteristics of the device - parameters and settings. After entering the second level password in the “connection parameters” window, select the “open” function.

If the device has not been turned on before, set the time and seasonal change on the meter, initialize the power profile and set the integration time for half an hour, then wait a while and allow the program to complete initialization of the profile.

When reading the power profile (the “show” button), you must specify the date and time interval for which the data is needed. After this, you need to set a password for the first access level and check the opening of the communication channel. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the first level password must be obtained from the owner of the equipment.

Additional data provided by the meter

In addition to the above data, you can obtain momentary values ​​of phase powers, each separately and their sum, data on the direction of the total power vector.

You can request effective values ​​of phase currents and voltages, network frequencies, power factors for each phase and for the total sum of phases.

The meter has the ability to set active power limits and turn off the consumed object if the resource acceptance limit is violated.

Device verification and maintenance

According to the instructions, the meter is verified once every 8 years by the State Metrological Service or accredited metrological services of legal entities.

Maintenance work is carried out by employees of the company that operates the meters. Previously, the above-mentioned workers must study the manual for using the device and undergo safety training; these persons must have a safety qualification of at least III.

The warranty period for the meter, according to the instructions, is 36 months from the date the meter was put into operation.

Error e01 on the meter

No matter how high-quality the equipment is, it is exposed to contact with external objects and phenomena that can adversely affect its condition and quality of work. In case of failure or emergency situations, an error code in the format “E-xx” appears on the indicator. Errors include memory malfunction, power limit, and so on.

Error E-01 occurs when the battery voltage is less than 2.2. To fix it, it is recommended to replace the battery.


The Mercury meter has exceptional data accuracy, does not require a high power supply, its calibration interval is 10 years, it is possible to save money according to the tariff schedule, the device has an impressive list of programs that make it possible to manage and monitor the actions of the device. In other words, the device combines the parameters of good quality, durability, multitasking and reasonable cost.

Product in stock!

Conditions for ordering and delivery of adapters for communication with Mercury meters
(requests by email [email protected] or by phone 8-909-283-34-16)

1) Cost 6000 rubles. Buy. Miniature SPD for polling lists of Mercury meters via any of the connected USB-RS485/CAN/IRDA/optoport interfaces. It can independently poll 10 three-phase Mercury meters, or create an end-to-end tunnel through itself for polling by external programs of an unlimited list of meters.

2) Ethernet-RS485 (VR-008.1) Cost 3600 rubles. Buy. A complete hardware device for transmitting data between an Ethernet local network and a wired RS485 interface. Widely used to automate readings from metering meters, including Mercury electricity meters. Works with all types of TCP/IP protocols in server and client modes. Can be connected to the Internet for remote monitoring of ASKUE metering objects.

3) USB-IRDA (model VR-001) Cost 1950 rubles. Buy. Interface converter for electricity meters Mercury-230, 231, CE-102 containing IRDA interfaces. To connect to an electric meter, it does not require opening the terminal box.

4) USB-RS485/CAN (model VR-002) Cost 1950 rubles. Buy. Universal converter of wired interfaces RS485/CAN. Can supply power to the electric meter interface. Suitable for Mercury-200, 203.2T, 206, 230, 233, 234, 236 containing RS485/CAN. Connection requires opening the terminal box. It is possible to connect highways with meters.

5) USB-RS485 (model VR-004) Cost 850 rubles. Buy. Suitable for Mercury electricity meters that do not need to power the communication interface. It has only output terminals D+ and D-. Can be used with Mercury-203.2T, 206, 230, 233, 234, 236, containing RS485. It is necessary to open the terminal box for connection.

6) USB optical port (model VR-005) Cost 1950 rubles. Buy. Suitable for electricity meters Mercury-201.8TLO, 203.2T, 206, 233, 234, 236, containing an optical port. Connection does not require opening the terminal box.

8) JTT-A (RS485/CAN) (433 MHz radio modem, 100 mW) Cost 4000 rubles. Buy. Miniature radio modems with a transparent communication channel, allowing you to work with electricity meters in radio extender mode. They have the ability to connect to industrial RS485/CAN interfaces and allow you to create group or single electricity metering units in hard-to-reach places.

9) Automation unit - WiFi router (model VR-007.3) Cost 5000 rubles. Buy. A smart home element that allows automated polling of a three-phase Mercury meter through any of the connected USB-RS485/CAN/IRDA/optoport interfaces. It has its own adaptable Web interface, a database, and can conduct a minute-by-minute survey of instantaneous values ​​of currents, voltages, powers, and build energy graphs by month and day. It has the ability to broadcast a webcam and weather stations through itself, and is an element of a smart home capable of transmitting consumption data to the user’s email and sales. Can output data to the server and report critical situations.

Delivery (added to the cost of the product):

1) Russian Post - first class registered parcel. Price 300 rubles. Delivery time is 3-5 working days. A track number is issued.

The Mercury 230 counter can be used with equal success in everyday life and for industrial purposes. This device is a frequent guest in luxury cottages containing a large number of various electronics, from refrigerators, washing machines to heated floors.

You may also be interested in what methods exist to transmit electricity readings. And if the numbers obtained are too large, it’s worth thinking about saving, which you can read about.

There is a special modification for transformers that can operate autonomously or in conjunction with an automated control system for electricity consumption.

Description of design

The Mercury 230 direct-flow meter works on the same principle as other devices of this kind: it receives signals from special sensors and translates them into the language of power and energy.

The user can, at will, read data either directly from the device itself or remotely.

The design of the device includes the following elements:

  • frame;
  • measuring device;
  • terminal block and cover.

Current transformers and resistive dividers are the first to detect incoming signals. The information is then received and converted into digital code by a microprocessor. Thanks to this, the equivalent of the consumed power is displayed. Another function of the processor is to control the electrical components of the meter.


It makes no sense to list the characteristics of the model in full, as it will take a lot of time. It is worth noting particularly important parameters:

  1. Accuracy class. This indicator determines the percentage of instrument error. The larger it is, the less reliable the mechanism is considered. The Mercury 230 electricity meter has an accuracy class of 0.5, which is an excellent indicator.
  2. Rated voltage - 3 * 57.7 per 100 V. Maximum current - 5 A.
  3. Dimensions - 258 by 170 by 74, weight does not exceed 1.5 kg.
  4. Operating temperature - almost any, from -40 to +55 Celsius.
  5. Additional features. The device is tamper-proof; there is a seal on the front panel. The meter can diagnose its own problems and generate an error.

Many technical specifications(nominal voltage, max current, etc.) depend on the specific model. Description Mercury 230 is noticeably different from simpler models.

Basic and additional functions

The set of functions also depends on the selected modification (see below for more information). In this case, the list of basic and additional functions is given in the form that is typical for the Mercury 230 ART models:


Descriptions of Mercury 230 meters would not be complete without mentioning modifications. The series is distinguished by a large number of modifications, since different areas of application require additional functionality. It is not possible to fit them into one model. And the cost of such a device will be exorbitant.

Here are some modifications to the model:

  1. Mercury 230 AM. The device offers accounting in a single tariff mode, suggesting only an increase in data from the moment the device is put into operation. The device can be used in standalone mode and in the ASKUE system.
  2. Mercury 230 AR. The model offers consumption accounting for a separate phase or as a whole. The meter “cooperates” with CAN and RS-481 interfaces. Another advantage of the model is the programmable phase summation mode, which will prevent cases of electricity theft.
  3. Mercury 230 ART. In this case, there are several modifications, among them the Mercury 230 ART 01 electric meter. It features a wide range of additional functions that will allow you to buy what the user specifically needs.
