Are there any benefits for large families when entering a university? Federal and regional benefits for large families Forum of parents with many children

Upon admission, the applicant provides:

  • documents proving his identity and citizenship;
  • information about the education received;
  • documents giving the right to benefits upon admission.

The last category includes information: about disability, about victory or a prize place in a regional, all-Russian or international Olympiad, about inclusion in the Russian national team in the subject, etc.

Benefit denied: what to do

When an applicant is sure that he is entitled to a benefit when entering a university (for example, he is disabled) and at the same time he successfully passed the entrance examination, but was not enrolled in studies on a budgetary basis, this is a reason for a complaint. You can contact the supervising educational institution (for example, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), the prosecutor's office or the court. You can submit a complaint to the first two instances in person or leave an electronic appeal on the official websites of the departments.

Higher education. Orenburgsky state university(specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
August 17, 2018.

Currently, there is only one legal act that gives an advantage to large families for admission to a university. Legal act was issued by the President in 2003, the effect of which is current. In 1999, a bill was developed that was adapted to large families, but unfortunately was not signed; a small part of the project, which was present in the bill, began to be implemented.

Which families are considered large

Those families raising more than 3 children. To receive benefits, children do not have to be their own; the state also supports children who have been adopted.

Until what period of time does the state provide support?

Currently, there is legislation in force from 2003, which states that assistance in the mental development of children is carried out until they reach 23 years of age. After one of the children reaches a certain age, the student ceases to receive support from the state in terms of material costs; the legislation does not apply to other children.

What benefits does it support children when entering a university?

The state took care of children who are not alone in the family, and provided benefits for easy entry into a higher educational institution; the list of such state norms includes:

  • low score for admission;
  • entrance exams have been simplified;
  • instant budgetary basis, without considering a high school diploma or college diploma.

After enrollment in a university, it is possible to transfer to another educational basis, therefore, from a budgetary basis to a commercial one, but this is conditioned by successful studies.

Special payments

The heads of the country are constantly developing projects to improve families; based on assistance from the state, material items are produced, such as:

  • receiving financial assistance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles annually by September 1, provided that parents are raising ten or more children;
  • receiving 10 thousand rubles for International Family Day, subject to the obligation that there are ten or more children in the family.

Regional benefits

Due to the fact that the federal level no benefits have been developed for large families when entering universities, benefits are accepted at a subjective level Russian Federation, which will not in any way affect the continuation of studies and support from the state.

What benefits are available to support

The government has taken everything into account possible problems for the period of study, such problems include travel to the place of study, food, purchase of things necessary for life. Not the entire financial amount is covered, but part of the costs will be covered; such amounts from the state can replenish the student’s wallet, or the family’s budget.

How to use benefits for admission

When submitting documentation to the desired university, along with all documents you should attach an official certificate stating that you are allowed to use this privilege upon admission. This certificate is reviewed by the legal department of the location of the desired institution, and then a decision is provided, positive or negative.

Where to go to file a complaint in case of refusal

Universities do not always make positive decisions in favor of the applicant, what to do if there is a refusal to enroll. The list of documents for admission must not be a fake, but the person’s official documentation; if, with full compliance with the rules, a negative answer is received, then a complaint should be filed with the following government authorities:

  • Department of Education;
  • Ministry of Education and Science;

Benefits for large families are a form of state support for certain categories of citizens. Let us determine which family has the right to receive the status of a large family and, accordingly, the right to some preferential conditions in various areas. Let us list which categories of citizens can receive.

Federal regulations do not provide a clear answer to this question. According to the Presidential decree, the authorities of a particular subject of the Russian Federation independently decide how many minor children there should be in a family in order for it to have the right to be considered large.

In most cases, spouses with more than two minor children are considered to have many children. There are exceptions: for example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory a family with at least five children is recognized as large, and in the Republic of Mari El - at least four.

Important: if the child has already reached the age of majority, but is a student full-time training, then before it
The 23rd birthday is taken into account when determining the status of a large family. However, in some regions this rule is not valid and requires clarification from the relevant authorities.

List of benefits for large families

The list of benefits provided to families with many children is listed in the relevant presidential decree:

  • discount on payment for housing and communal services in the amount of at least 30%: for electricity, gas, sewerage, water and heating;
  • if the place of permanent residence is a premises where there is no central heating, they are provided with compensation for fuel for heating their home;
  • issuing free medicines for children under six years of age: this refers only to medicines prescribed by a doctor's prescription;
  • privileges: children from large families are accepted there first of all;
  • free school lunches, breakfasts;
  • free issuance of a school uniform or a set of clothes necessary for attending school classes;
  • free issuance of sports uniforms for the full period of study at school;
  • free tickets to exhibitions, recreation and cultural parks, museums: provided once a month;
  • the right to free travel: on public transport (city buses, metro, trolleybus, tram), on intra-district and suburban buses;
  • providing assistance to those wishing to organize a farm, peasant enterprise, small enterprise and other commercial structures: in this case, they can be allocated land plots and benefits were provided for land tax, rent, financial assistance was provided, and interest-free loans were issued to reimburse the costs of developing this economy;
  • partial/full exemption from registration fees (for entrepreneurs);
  • priority allocation of gardening areas;
  • issuing subsidies, interest-free loans, preferential loans for the purchase of building materials and for the construction of real estate.

About government support for single mothers.

Regional benefits

This list of benefits must be clarified with local authorities to determine their availability in a particular region. We list possible regional benefits:

  • transport tax benefits for large families;
  • allocation of free land;
  • payment of an additional monthly allowance for the third child and subsequent ones until they turn 3 years old (the amount of payments will correspond to the regional subsistence level);
  • a mother of many children has the right to receive an early pension (not from the age of 55, but from the age of 50);
  • parents with many children can get a job with a flexible schedule;
  • free retraining and training of parents in areas that are needed by the regional economy.

Benefits that you are entitled to receive:

  • monthly (5153) for care: for the second and subsequent children;
  • compensation payment that reimburses expenses associated with an increase in the cost of living (600): for families with 3–4 children;
  • compensation payment that reimburses expenses associated with an increase in the cost of living (750): for families with 5 or more children;
  • compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods (900): for families with 5 or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment covering the costs of rising food costs (675): for children under 3 years of age;
  • monthly compensation payment to cover payment costs utilities and housing: 522 - for families with 3–4 children, 1044 - with 5 or more;
  • monthly compensation payment that reimburses expenses for paying for the telephone (230);
  • monthly compensation payment (750) for families with 10 or more children;
  • compensation payment to a mother receiving a pension and giving birth to more than 9 children (10,000);
  • annual benefits (10,000): for families with 10 or more children;
  • awarding parents with many children an order, a medal, coupled with a one-time payment (100,000): for families with 7 or more children.

Benefits for large families when entering a university

Children of parents with many children do not have the right to count on some benefits and privileges when entering a higher educational institution. At the federal level, legislation does not provide for any such benefits for such children. Is it possible that the priority right to transfer to a budget-funded place upon release may be given to a minor member of a large family.

In any case, there are chances, because benefits can be received by:

  • winners subject olympiads international, all-Russian levels (enrolled out of competition);
  • “Chernobyl survivors”, participants in hostilities (preferential right to enrollment);
  • orphans, disabled people (enrolled according to quota).

Thus, the fact of coming from a large family does not provide privileges when enrolling in a university.

But the applicant should check the availability of benefits in his region or specific university.

Admission to a university opens up wide opportunities for a former applicant in the future. After graduating from the educational institution, he will receive a diploma and will be able to try to find a job in a well-paid position. Good prospects contribute to the growth of those willing to sit at a student desk. However, there are not enough places for everyone. Only the best will be able to enter. Not only knowledge, but also the availability of preferences will help facilitate enrollment. From this article, the reader will find out whether there are benefits when entering a university for large families, how to use them and what laws regulate them.

Which categories of citizens are classified as having many children?

Speaking about the benefits for entering a university provided to children from large families, it is impossible not to mention the moment of registration of this status. There is no definition of this concept in current laws. It can only be found in the National Standards. After reading them, we can conclude that a family raising three or more children is considered large.

A large family can raise:

  • Biological (natural) children.
  • Children taken into care.
  • Adopted children.

It is important that children are fully dependent on their parents. If they are raised in an orphanage, the family cannot be recognized as having many children.

A family is considered to have many children until the eldest child reaches 18 years of age. In case of admission to a university as a full-time student, the period is extended to 23 years.

Giving a family the status of a large family occurs on an application basis. After its confirmation, parents have the right to take advantage of a number of preferences. Among them you can find priority enrollment in kindergartens and schools. However, nothing is said about entering universities on a non-competitive basis. Laws adopted at the regional level can clarify this issue.

Standard conditions for admission to a university

Enrollment in a university occurs on the basis of internal regulations. It specifies the requirements for applicants and the conditions for accepting their documents. The internal rules of the educational institution are developed on the basis of federal and regional laws. This means that each region has its own regulations, on the basis of which it is possible to provide benefits for admission to children from large families.

Typically, admission to a university occurs in the following order:

  1. The deadline for recruiting applicants is established.
  2. Applicants' documents and applications are accepted.
  3. Selection is carried out based on the results of the Unified State Exam and internal exams.
  4. Students are enrolled in the first year.

Applicants who show the best results are admitted to the university; the rest will have to look for a place in other educational institutions. As a rule, the organization must allocate some places for preferential categories of citizens. They are accepted on a non-competitive basis.

If a beneficiary does not have enough space at a university, the administration of the institution has the right to refuse admission to applicants applying on a general basis.

Beneficiaries are not exempt from taking the Unified State Exam; despite this, they do not need to take part in the competition among applicants. They are enrolled in available places without additional examinations, unless this contradicts the internal rules of the educational institution.

The number of preferential places at the university is limited. The educational institution enrolls applicants who enjoy preferences on the budget. The rest of the students will have to pay for their education. This means that providing more free places is not possible for financial reasons. If upon admission there are many beneficiaries, only some of them will be enrolled in the university. The rest will have to enroll on a general basis, or choose another educational institution.

It has already been said above that the list of preferential categories of citizens who can count on non-competitive admission to a university is determined on the basis of federal and regional laws. Unfortunately, most of them do not give children from large families special preferences for entering a university.

On a non-competitive basis, the following are enrolled in universities:

  • Orphans.
  • Disabled children.
  • Children raised by a single disabled parent.
  • Chernobyl victims.
  • Children of military personnel.
  • Demobilized conscripts.
  • Participants in combat operations.

However, this does not mean that children from large families cannot enroll on a preferential basis. The university administration has the right to admit applicants on a non-competitive basis if this is permitted by the regional government. Therefore, you should contact the management of the educational institution in advance and clarify the availability of benefits.

If there is no benefit, a child from a large family will have to enroll in a university on a general basis. If a minor belongs to one of the preferential categories (for example, has the first or second disability group), he will be enrolled in the educational institution on a non-competitive basis.

How can a child from a large family enter a university on a non-competitive basis?

Parents with many children should take care of their children’s education in advance, long before entering university. This will allow you not to be afraid that the child will not be able to enroll without benefits. It should be remembered that with good academic performance and participation in competitions, enrollment will be carried out without selection. The following will be able to take advantage of these preferences:

  1. Winners and prize-winners of the last stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren.
  2. Prize-winners and winners of the Olympic Games.
  3. Medalists of the European and World Championships.

Parents should support their child’s participation in all kinds of competitions and Olympiads. Showing good results, he will not go unnoticed and will be able to enter any university in the country without competition. This may require attending paid courses and tutors. However, such investments will pay off after graduation.

If your child does not belong to the categories that are enrolled in a university on a preferential basis, do not worry. He will be able to act on his own. This will require good knowledge and preparation. If you are unsure of the success of independent admission, you should give preference to less popular universities with a small number of people willing to enroll in one place.

Most universities in the country do not provide benefits for children from large families upon admission. Therefore, when submitting an application to an educational institution, you must bring with you a standard list of documents:

  • School certificate.
  • Passport.
  • 4 photographs, size 3x4.
  • Medical certificate 086-U.
  • Certificate of external independent assessment.

The applicant must provide both originals and copies of documents. If there are awards received for participation in olympiads or competitions, they can also be provided. Here we are not talking about victories in intra-school or city competitions. For admission, only all-Russian competitions and olympiads are important.

Entering a higher education institution on a budget is not easy, and paid tuition is quite expensive. Therefore, parents with many children are faced with the question of whether their children will have benefits when taking exams.

It is the direct responsibility of every young citizen to take advantage of them, because his future employment and prosperous life depend on it.

Who is entitled to

By presidential decree, the criteria for large families are determined by local regional authorities. At the same time, the cultural and economic characteristics of the subjects are taken into account.

Basically, this status is assigned to parents raising more than two children. But in some republics where large families are a national feature, for example, in Ingushetia, families with many children become large only after the birth of a fifth child.

IN recent years in some regions, which include Tyva and Mari El, the threshold for large families has decreased from four to three children.

But to obtain the status, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. A certain age. In some regions, children are considered to be persons under 16 years of age, and in case of full-time education, up to 18 years of age. In others, those who have not yet turned 18, and when studying full-time or undergoing military service, up to 23.
  2. Living together in the same area with parents. If, during a divorce, one child remains to live with the father, and two with the mother, such a family will lose the title of large family.
  3. In most regions, adoptive parents, guardians, and citizens who have taken care of children are considered parents. But in some of them, for example, in the Astrakhan region, children under guardianship and trusteeship are not taken into account when determining their status.
  4. Parents should not be deprived of rights to children taken into account when assigning status, adoptive parents should not have their adoption cancelled, etc., restrictions on rights are not allowed.
  5. Children who are given full support to the state (to boarding school, etc.) are not taken into account.

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But even if all points are met, the family will not be able to enjoy the benefits it is entitled to. One of the parents must apply to obtain a certificate of large families at the social security authorities at the place of registration or actual residence.

If the average income in a family is below the minimum subsistence level established in a given region, social security will issue a certificate stating that the family is low-income. In some regions, it is precisely this that guarantees receipt of local benefits.

What benefits can children from large families expect when entering a university?

Regional authorities must locally explain to parents with many children their rights and the benefits that they are entitled to enjoy:

The letter of the law states that when a child reaches 18 years of age, the status of a family with many children is removed. But if he continues his full-time studies, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s paid or free, this title will be retained.

Children from such families are admitted without a waiting list to schools at their place of residence, to kindergartens, but federal law does not provide any benefits for admission to universities.

Not only gifted children can study at a Russian university on a budget basis. Some applicants have special rights upon admission, which they have the right to use.

Benefits are provided for young people from socially vulnerable families and are of the following types:

  • admission without participating in a general competition and without passing an exam;
  • enrollment of certain categories of beneficiaries according to allocated quotas;
  • preferential admission with the same scores as other applicants.

There are several preferential categories of persons for non-competitive enrollment in higher education institutions:

  1. Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads can apply without Unified State Exam results, ahead of schedule. Recently, each leading university has been holding its own competitions in which everyone can participate. Diploma holders of 1-3 degrees can receive benefits All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren or competitions from the List of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  2. Children with disabilities of groups I and II, disabled children. They enter according to quotas, which each university is required to allocate by law. After enrollment, they retain full support from the state, and also receive compensation for paying for the hostel.
  3. Children of participants in military operations, citizens who took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident and some other categories of persons. Preferential receipt due to budget funds and provision of hostel accommodation if necessary.
  4. Young people under 20 years of age who have only one disabled parent of group I or II (quota).
  5. Children of military personnel and prosecutors who died in service, children of testers nuclear weapons. Enrollment by priority right.

These individuals can take free preparatory courses before enrolling.

If a child from a large family does not have the above factors, then he will be admitted on the same basis as other applicants.

But, depending on the region of residence, he may receive compensation for travel to the place of study, purchase of clothing, and free food. This kind of support helps students significantly.

In some universities, the documentation regulating their activities provides for the right to transfer children from large families from a paid form of education to a budget-funded one, subject to good academic performance. When a budget space becomes available, this category of students will have an advantage.

How to use

In our country, anyone can enroll in different specialties at several higher educational institutions at the same time. But if he has a benefit, he can only use it once. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the place of study.

Upon admission, an applicant with benefits must admissions committee provide a package of documents that contains confirmation of the right to preferential enrollment.

If he is disabled, then a conclusion from a medical commission with a specific diagnosis. If the child is a deceased serviceman, then a certificate from his place of work. Children of a disabled parent - a certificate of his illness.

The legal department of the university considers each candidate for a benefit separately. The applicant can learn about the results of admission from the list of freshmen. If his name is not there, then he did not enroll. If you disagree with the decision of the commission, you can contact the administration of the educational institution for clarification.

If the results of the proceedings do not satisfy the applicant, he should submit a petition to review the results of admission to the Ministry of Education, and then a statement of claim to the court.

Required documents

Documents required to be submitted to the university to confirm benefits:

  • Russian passport of the applicant;
  • photos;
  • paper confirming the disability of the child or his parent (first or second disability group);
  • certificate of family composition (one of the parents is missing);
  • paper from the parents’ place of service;
  • Olympiad winner diploma;
  • gold medal, certificate with honors;
  • champion certificate, gold insignia;
  • rehabilitation program individual for each disabled person;
  • documents on family income;
  • Chernobyl certificate;
  • paper from the military registration and enlistment office.

Benefits for entering universities help young people with difficult life situation become students and make their lives easier. The legislation is silent regarding children from large families entering universities.

The law on education does not contain a list of persons who may have special rights upon enrollment, members from large families. Consequently, if they have no other reasons for receiving benefits, then they will do so on a general basis.
