What is a preliminary medical examination? Preliminary medical examination


When hiring an employee, in certain cases it is mandatory to undergo a primary medical examination.

This procedure is called preliminary.

This procedure is mandatory for positions in an organization carrying out activities with hazardous, harmful, chemical and biological substances.

For such workers, certain health indicators are provided, as well as the absence of certain diseases and prerequisites for the manifestation of occupational diseases.

Are initial examinations required?

The employee’s obligation to undergo preliminary medical examinations is provided for by labor legislation.

Federal legislation also provides for the employer’s obligation to send such a specialist to a medical institution before concluding an employment contract.

At the same time, the fact of undergoing the procedure and its results must be documented.

An employee who has been examined by doctors receives a certificate in a standard form, which he subsequently presents to the employer.

Not all employees are required to undergo a primary medical examination. If the employee's work includes harmful and dangerous factors affecting human health, then this procedure is mandatory when applying for a job.

Monitoring the implementation of such standards is carried out by the state labor inspectorate. If violations or non-compliance are detected, the employee will be removed from the activity performed, and sanctions in the form of an administrative fine will be imposed on the organization.

In case of systematic non-compliance with legal requirements, the company’s activities may be suspended.

When should it be carried out for employees?

The preliminary medical examination of the employee is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302N.

According to this act, such a procedure is carried out before hiring.

After passing an interview for a certain position, the employer is obliged to send the worker for a medical examination before signing the employment contract.

As usual, this a medical examination is the final procedure before applying for a job, as it entails a waste of company funds.

This event takes place after all approvals and interviews have been completed, when the employer is confident in the specialist’s work skills.

Who is required to undergo a medical examination upon placement?

Federal and industry legislation has established a certain list of professions that When applying for a job, you are required to undergo a preliminary medical examination:

  • Law enforcement officials and military personnel. Having good health and the absence of chronic diseases and pathologies is one of the important conditions for entering this type of service.
  • State civil servants are also required to undergo an initial examination by doctors before joining an institution and provide the appropriate information.
  • all types of education.
  • Employees of public catering establishments who are directly involved in serving the population. In this case, officials are responsible for the health of other citizens and should not have certain types of transmitted diseases.
  • Medical workers and employees of other medical institutions are required to undergo these procedures when entering work, as well as.
  • Workers of enterprises that use hazardous, flammable, chemical and other pathogenic substances in their activities. This category of personnel is subject to special control, since due to the nature of their activities they are exposed to negative factors. Thus, occupational diseases are not uncommon among workers in this sector. When applying for a job, candidates should not have the beginnings or predisposition to the manifestation of such occupational diseases.
  • (drivers, employees of railway institutions). In their daily activities, such workers are responsible not only for elements of the production complex, but also for the lives of others. Therefore, when undergoing a preliminary medical examination, special requirements are imposed on this category.

Who pays the costs under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

In accordance with federal legislation, full material support for all actions of the medical support and conducting medical examinations is the employer's responsibility.

The preliminary examination takes place on the initiative and at the expense of management’s own funds by sending the employee to a medical institution.

At the same time such events fall on the company management.

Even in the case of a negative conclusion, the administration of the organization does not have the right to claim funds from the worker.

If an employee, on his own initiative, underwent a medical examination, regardless of its results, the employer has the right not to compensate for losses incurred by the specialist.

The specialist, in turn, has the right to apply to another medical institution to undergo a second medical examination, but at your own expense.

The procedure is similar, with the exception of concluding an agreement, which is registered on behalf of the worker himself.

Procedure for hiring

The procedure for sending an employee to undergo a periodic medical examination when applying for a job consists of several stages and is characterized by:

When an economic entity employs a certain category of workers, or has special working conditions, then, in accordance with the law, it must ensure that a procedure such as a preliminary medical examination is carried out when hiring. It is carried out at the expense of the company before the future employee begins to perform his labor functions.

A medical examination at an enterprise is carried out by sending candidates to a specialized institution to study his health in order to ensure its safety, early detection of deterioration, the emergence of occupational diseases in the future, as well as determining suitability for this profession.

For this purpose, the Ministry of Health and Social Development establishes:

  • A list of factors recognized as harmful or dangerous when carrying out activities, for which preliminary and subsequent medical examinations must be carried out;
  • A list of types of work, the implementation of which requires medical examinations of employees involved in them;
  • The procedure for conducting preliminary (before employment) and subsequent medical examinations in hazardous and hazardous work.

In what cases is a preliminary medical examination carried out during employment?

Current legal norms prohibit the admission of employees to work without them undergoing a preliminary medical examination, if necessary. For violation of this rule, an economic entity may be subject to penalties established in the relevant regulations.

In addition to such medical examinations, there are periodic and extraordinary medical examinations, as well as medical examinations before each start of work for certain categories of employees.

Periodic medical examinations are also established at the legislative level, and are carried out to monitor the dynamics of the condition of workers to identify occupational diseases and confirm professional suitability. They should be carried out when working with harmful and dangerous factors.

Attention! The frequency of conduct can be set from one to two years. It is also determined by regulations. As a rule, they are carried out after preliminary medical examinations after a certain time.

Extraordinary ones can be initiated by both the employee and the employer in order to determine professional suitability. They are carried out as the need arises for the appearance of factors of deteriorating health.

Medical examinations before starting work are carried out for certain categories of workers whose health status is an important component of their work activity.

This primarily includes persons operating various modes of transport, in particular drivers. The ability to drive, the safety of passengers and other road users depends on their condition.

A medical examination before hiring can be carried out by any medical and preventive institutions of various forms of ownership that have the necessary licenses and certificates for this. In addition, an agreement must be concluded between the company and the institution for the provision of such services.

Attention! The list of doctors who will be required to examine a future employee may vary depending on the position for which he is applying.

Usually the following specialists carry out a mandatory inspection:

  • Oculist;
  • Neuropathologist;
  • Otolaryngologist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Therapist (to draw up a conclusion).

Also, samples are usually taken for laboratory analysis, a cardiogram and fluorography are taken.

Sending an employee for a preliminary medical examination

In order for a future employee to undergo a medical examination, the responsible person of the employer issues him a referral, which indicates:

  • The name of the company where he is applying for work;
  • Form of ownership, as well as activity code according to OKVED;
  • The name of the medical organization where the medical examination will take place, its address;
  • Type of medical examination (upon hiring - preliminary);
  • Full name a person who is sent for a medical examination;
  • His date of birth;
  • The name of the structural unit in which the employee will perform his duties;
  • Title of position or type of work;
  • Harmful or dangerous factors that may be present in the workplace.

Attention! The referral must be certified by the responsible person indicating his full name. This sheet is given to the future employee against signature (for this you can use a questionnaire or a registration book).

The form for the referral form for a medical examination is not established by law. Therefore, each company develops it independently, based on its own characteristics.

Procedure for conducting a preliminary medical examination

An employee who has been sent to a medical institution to undergo a medical examination presents there a referral from the organization and a document confirming his identity. If previously a health passport was also issued for him, then this form must also be submitted.

In this case, the medical organization is obliged to issue a medical card, and, if a health passport has not been opened before, then this too.

Doctors record the results of the employee’s examination in the medical record, the results of laboratory tests are also entered there, and, in conclusion, the result of the examination. The card is kept at the medical institution at all times.

A passport must be issued for each employee. During the medical examination, it is kept together with the medical record, and then handed over to the employee.

Medical examination must be carried out by all medical specialists of the medical institution. They must carry out the full scope of surveys that are established in labor regulations.

What do you get after the examination?

After the medical examination is completely completed, the employee is given a conclusion.

It must contain the following information:

  • Date of its registration;
  • Full name, date of birth, gender;
  • The name of the company where the person is going to work;
  • Name of the position to be worked in, structural unit, type of work;
  • Name of harmful factors that may occur in the workplace;
  • The result of the examination (whether contraindications to this work were identified or not).

Important! The conclusion must be written out in two copies. It is signed by the chairman of the medical commission, putting down his last name and initials, and then certified with the seal of the institution. One copy is handed over to the employee, and the second is pasted into his medical record.

Who pays for the pre-employment medical examination?

The company is obliged to enter into an agreement with a medical institution, and on its basis conduct medical examinations and psychological examinations of its employees. This is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes a situation arises when a company asks a future employee to undergo the necessary examinations on his own, but then fully compensates for the costs incurred by him.

The latter must be confirmed by checks or certificates. If the employer subsequently refuses to pay for the doctor’s examination, the employee has the right to go to court and thus get his money back.

Important! If the performance of duties requires obtaining a medical record, this must also be at the expense of the company. Moreover, even if an employment contract has not been concluded, the company does not have the right to demand compensation from the employee for the funds spent on him. This is also established by labor legislation.

It explains how often an annual medical examination at work takes place (labor code, art. 213). And Article 214 describes the responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection.

You should also point to Article 185 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, the time spent by the employee undergoing medical examinations must be paid.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 214. Responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection

The employee is obliged:

  • comply with labor protection requirements;
  • correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;
  • undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructions on labor protection, on-the-job training, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);
  • undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations, other mandatory medical examinations, as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 185. Guarantees for employees sent for a medical examination

During the period of undergoing a medical examination, employees who are required to undergo such an examination in accordance with this Code shall retain the average earnings at their place of work.

What documents are needed to pass a medical examination for work?

  • passport of the citizen who has been assigned a preliminary medical examination;
  • , where the citizen is employed. Typically, the direction indicates those examinations that are necessary for a citizen to obtain employment;
  • outpatient card.

When applying for employment at a food industry enterprise or an enterprise where communication with children occurs, the employee must fill out a form.

To complete it you need provide a 3x4 photo. Upon initial application, you will also need to provide SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy and receipt about paying for a medical examination in this clinic.

We also note that if the medical examination takes place in a paid clinic, then SNILS and compulsory medical insurance no need to provide.

Certificate of completion

After all the doctors have passed, a certificate of completion of the medical examination upon employment is issued. The certificate states whether the employee passed the medical examination or not. In some cases, a certificate of medical examination upon hiring is not issued, but a medical book is provided. But the medical book is not issued immediately.

If the position requires the issuance of a medical record, then before it is issued, a person who has passed all the doctors is given a certificate stating that his personal medical record is in the hospital, he has passed the doctors, and the document itself will be issued on a certain date.

To be hired, you usually need a certificate to pass a medical examination form.

Since 2009, in order to be employed in the civil service, it is necessary to present a certificate.

It should be noted that the validity period of such a certificate differs from the period of periodic examination of personnel already working at the enterprise. Certificate 086/у has a validity period of 6 months. Certificate 001-ГС/у is valid twice as long, namely 12 months.

I didn’t pass the medical examination at work – what should I do?

You may not undergo the examination if diseases are identified that cannot be treated in this area. For example, this is an open form of tuberculosis or other diseases that are detected through research.

If this happened, need to undergo treatment. In this case it takes place suspension from work who have not undergone a medical examination until it has been completed and provided to the employer.

List of diseases for which a medical examination certificate is not issued:

  1. Eye diseases. If this is work on a computer or activities related to driving vehicles, then it is unlikely that people who have vision problems will be allowed to do it.
  2. Contagious skin diseases.
  3. In some cases, these are alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness.

For example, You can't work as a driver in that case if a person suffers from seizures in any form or is quite serious hearing impairment, and also mental retardation.

But workers whose work is related to computers usually undergo all examinations. There are no special diseases identified for them.

If the driver has not passed the pre-trip inspection, he is not allowed to take the shift. The employee must be sent to a clinic.

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring. But some employers are trying to violate the labor code and do not want to pay for a medical examination. If employer does not want to pay for a medical examination, then he violates labor laws.

Validity period and frequency

When it comes to employment, they are different. For example, certificate 086/у is valid for six months. The health certificate is considered valid for a year, after which it is necessary to undergo the examination again.

Medical examinations are carried out at intervals from Once every 6 months to Once every 2 years, depending on the enterprise.

For example, employees whose work involves working on a computer (if they spend more than 50% of their working time on a computer) must undergo a medical examination once every 2 years if they are over 21 years of age.

Car drivers must also undergo a medical examination once every 2 years. In addition, drivers must undergo a medical examination at the beginning of each shift. This inspection is called pre-trip inspection and all those who drive vehicles are required to undergo it.

Individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to transportation must also undergo a pre-trip inspection.

Can I be fired if I don't pass the examination?

If the employee does not pass the examination, he will be suspended from work(Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is likely that the employee will be given a vacancy in which to work.

If there are vacancies positions that an employee can occupy in an enterprise No, and he did not pass the medical examination at work - dismissal at the enterprise.

If according to the results of the medical examination the period of suspension from work is less than 4 months, then after this time the employee is reinstated and continues to work at the enterprise. If the period of suspension from work exceeds 4 months or is not indicated in the results of the medical examination, then the employee will be fired.

Employer's liability

The employer has no right allow employees who have not been tested to work. The employer is subject to administrative responsibility for this (admission to work without a medical examination).

This applies to those workers for whom a medical examination is mandatory.

According to article Art. 11.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the administrative responsibility of the employer for allowing an employee to work without a medical examination. In case of such an offense, the employer will be required to pay a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 11.32. Violation of the established procedure for conducting mandatory medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) or mandatory preliminary, periodic, pre-trip or post-trip medical examinations

Violation of the established procedure for conducting mandatory medical examinations of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) or mandatory preliminary, periodic, pre-trip or post-trip medical examinations shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Note. For administrative offenses provided for in this article, persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity bear administrative liability as legal entities.

Failure to undergo medical examination when necessary violates labor laws and Rospotrebnadzor requirements.

In addition, such a lack can cause serious consequences, such as the occurrence of epidemics and other negative consequences. That is why rules were created for undergoing a medical examination when applying for a job.

A mandatory condition for interaction between employers and employees is the organization of preliminary and periodic medical examinations for personnel by the enterprise. The difference between these types of medical examinations in accordance with the provisions of Order 302n is that a preliminary examination is carried out upon entry to work and can be carried out on an individual basis.

At the same time, periodic medical examinations are aimed at dynamically studying the health status of personnel, early detection of occupational diseases, as well as symptoms/pathologies incompatible with working conditions. Such a medical examination can be carried out collectively.

According to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development 302n dated April 12, 2011, periodic examinations must be carried out at least once a year. Moreover, if there are no hazardous production factors at the enterprise, examination of employees can be organized in any medical institution that has a license to carry out this type of activity.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 302n dated April 12, 2011 also determines the procedure for organizing medical examinations at enterprises where factors harmful and dangerous to specialists are observed. The personnel of such companies must undergo examination for at least 5 years in specialized Occupational Pathology Centers or medical institutions licensed to examine professional suitability.

The compilation of lists for periodic medical examinations, as well as the approval of their calendar plan, is carried out by the employer together with the medical organization. By contacting our clinic, you can arrange a medical examination at any convenient time at an affordable price.

Registration of a driver's medical certificate and EEG

The procedure for obtaining a driver's license or opening a new category changes regularly. Moreover, for some categories, in particular:

  • C, C1, CE, C1E;
  • D, D1, DE, D1E;
  • Tm, Tb,

A prerequisite is to undergo an electroencephalogram of the brain.

If you have a question: “Where can I get a daily EEG in Moscow at an affordable price?”, our clinic offers to sign up for diagnostics. With us you can get the results of a 24-hour electroencephalogram quickly and inexpensively.

How much does a medical examination cost for work?

Answer to the question: " How much does a medical examination cost at work??" - Prost: " A medical examination for work costs 2,400 rubles.".

Depends cost of medical examination from occupational hazard? - No, it doesn’t depend.

The procedure for undergoing a preliminary medical examination when hiring.

For an employee to pass preliminary medical examination or medical examination for work, it is necessarySubmit the following documents to the medical institution:

  • Referral for a medical examination at work , issued by the employer;
  • Passport (or other standard document proving his identity);
  • Employee health passport (if available) (registration form N 125/u-PZ approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 18, 2013 N 382n);
  • Medical report of the medical commission that conducted the mandatory psychiatric examination (in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Within up to 3 working days, after receiving all the data about the employee, our medical commission makes a decision on his professional suitability for the type of activity specified in the referral.

Final package of documents:

  • Health passports;
  • Conclusions on permission to work;
  • Medical books (for certain categories of workers);
  • Final Act;
  • Invoice (original);
  • Certificate of completed work in 2 copies.

When applying for a job at an enterprise or organization, each applicant is required to undergo a medical examination. The list of doctors from whom you need to undergo examination and obtain an opinion may differ. It all depends on the type of activity, on what exactly needs to be done in the workplace.


On the one hand, passing a medical examination allows the employer to make sure that he is entrusting a responsible task to a person who is physically and mentally healthy. On the other hand, the applicant himself will know whether he is ready to complete the tasks assigned to him. Annual medical examinations will also help track the dynamics of your health.

When is a medical examination required when applying for a job?

The mandatory requirement for people of certain professions to undergo a medical examination is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (set out in Article 69, , , , 348.3.)

An employer does not have the right, according to Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to hire a person who has not passed a medical examination. It is necessary to obtain a medical report in the form of a certificate or medical book before concluding an employment contract.

Additional information

A medical examination is required when applying for types of work that involve driving transport, interacting with children, with a large number of people, where there are special working conditions, where life-changing decisions are required or the use of weapons is required.

Who is required to undergo a preliminary medical examination?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires certain categories of workers to undergo a medical examination when hiring:

  • under 18 years of age:
  • whose profession involves harmful and dangerous work;
  • who works in the food industry;
  • who provides medical services;
  • sales workers;
  • involved in transport;
  • teachers, counselors, educators, teachers;
  • working in extreme conditions;
  • service personnel, for example: waiters, hairdressers, cosmetologists, athletes;
  • judges, law enforcement officials, other employees of government agencies;
  • who works in the Far North or in those places that are equivalent to it.

This pre-employment medical examination is called a primary medical examination. It allows you to determine whether a person, due to health reasons, is ready to perform the job for which he is hired, whether he has chronic and hereditary diseases that can affect his health in the future and interfere with the performance of assigned tasks. Such a medical examination also protects the team from infectious diseases that a new employee may bring.


When accepting a new employee, the manager, against signature, gives him a referral form for a medical examination by doctors. The document is issued by an employee of the enterprise in which the applicant plans to work. There is no single sample of a medical examination form for employment. But there are certain requirements for its design. It should contain:

  • name of the organization, enterprise;
  • type of activity and form of ownership;
  • the name of the clinic where you need to undergo a medical examination, indicating contact numbers and addresses;
  • type of medical examination;
  • Full name of the person being sent and his date of birth;
  • the name of his future profession;
  • risk factors at the enterprise.

The timing of the medical examination is agreed upon in advance.

Employer's liability

The manager is obliged, according to the law, to send the employee to undergo a medical examination if the position and specifics of the work provide for such a need. This is a requirement of Labor legislation (paragraph 12, part 2, article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), otherwise the head of the enterprise will be subject to penalties for hiring a person who did not check his health before starting work.

Medical examinations are now receiving close attention. Supervisory authorities (Rospotrebnadzor, Labor Inspectorate) monitor compliance with the procedure for hiring citizens and impose penalties on violators of Labor legislation. The fines provided are not small (part 3 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Employee Responsibility

An applicant does not have the right to refuse to undergo a medical examination upon hiring or any part thereof. He must undergo examination by all required specialists, attend all necessary diagnostic tests, take tests and receive appropriate vaccinations, if required. Otherwise, the contract with him will not be signed, and he will not be hired. Women additionally need to visit a mammologist and gynecologist.


The fact that the applicant for the position has not yet been hired or is not on staff is not grounds for refusal. WITH Article 69 of the Labor Code provides that the medical examination is carried out simultaneously with the conclusion of the employment contract.

It is necessary to undergo a medical examination within the time limits established by law. A person referred for a medical examination has the right to undergo examinations in any medical institution. But, as a rule, the employee is sent to the outpatient department at his place of residence.

Step-by-step instructions for passing a medical examination when applying for a job

If the applicant receives a positive response to his resume, then the place of future work will issue him a referral to undergo a medical examination. What should the employee do next:

  1. At the designated time, you must go to the clinic and go to the office where the medical examination begins (usually this is the therapist’s office).
  2. On the same day, the person receives a referral for diagnostic studies and tests. You can complete them on the same day (if you have time in the morning).
  3. Decide on visiting other doctors (as a rule, the therapist gives a recommendation on how to quickly undergo a medical examination without wasting time, which doctors to visit and at what time).
  4. Obtain a medical report or medical record. The medical book takes some time to complete, but you can get a certificate from the medical institution stating that the medical examination has been passed, and the medical book itself is being issued.
  5. Bring the completed conclusion to the employer. One copy remains in the employee’s personal file at the enterprise. Another copy is in a medical facility.
Additional information

As practice shows, a medical examination when applying for a job can be bypassed in two to three days. There is nothing complicated in this procedure.

What doctors do I need to see?

The standard list of doctors who must be examined when applying for a job looks like this:

  • therapist (they start with him and end with him, receiving a final certificate);
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist.

You will also have to take a blood and urine test, undergo an ECG and fluorography, and for women, an additional visit to a mammologist and gynecologist.

This is the standard. But in addition to these doctors, some types of professions require examination by other specialists. This could be a narcologist, a psychiatrist, a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist, or an allergist.

Sample certificate

A certificate confirming that the future employee of the enterprise has passed a medical examination is the final conclusion of the therapist, issued on the basis of the conclusions of other specialists of the medical institution.
Most often, the certificate is issued in form 086/у.

Validity period of the certificate

If a person is for the first time, then certificate 086/у is usually issued. It is good for six months. For civil servants, the certificate is different - 001-ГС\у. Its validity period is one year.

However, the employer may require you to undergo the medical examination again, even if the certificate has not expired. The fact is that sometimes a person passes a medical examination for one enterprise, and then decides to go to work for another organization. And there may be their own requirements.


Do not confuse the certificate required before starting work and the annual preventive examination of employees. These are different documents and different requirements. As well as additional medical examination for some professions.

Payment for medical examination upon hiring

The law requires the employer to pay the costs associated with medical examinations upon hiring, in accordance with Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Orreturn to the employee the funds spent on the medical examination. Moreover, within a period of no more than 10 days from the date of provision of all supporting documents on receipt of a medical report. Most often, people undergo a medical examination at their own expense in order to later receive compensation for the money spent. Although this path is not entirely legal. The company must pay immediately, and not compensate for the costs later.


Sometimes in practice, people are faced with the fact that no one returns their money for a medical examination when applying for a job. This is a violation of the law. And we are talking about an amount that for some is quite significant. Moreover, when a person has not yet managed to earn a single ruble, but is just getting settled. Depending on the region, this amount ranges from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

You can try to get your money back by writing a complaint to the Labor Inspectorate or the prosecutor's office. But job seekers rarely take such a step. However, such integrity sometimes allows them to feel better and more confident in the workplace.

What to do if an employee does not pass the medical examination?

Sometimes such a nuisance happens that the applicant has not passed the medical examination. He will be given a conclusion about certain medical contraindications, which can be either temporary or without specifying a time.


If health problems are temporary - no more than 4 months, then the employee may be offered another vacancy for a certain period, and then transferred to the desired position. If the contraindications are more serious, then the employer does not have the right to hire such an employee (). He can only give him an alternative vacancy if there is one.

For the applicant himself, medical contraindications are a warning that this job is not suitable for him and will lead to even greater health problems. So, you should not neglect the medical opinion - not only by force of the law, but also in your own interests.

Can you be fired if you fail a medical examination upon hiring?

According to the law, an employee who has not passed a mandatory medical examination upon hiring... It all depends on the duration of the contraindications specified in the medical certificate: more than 4 months or less than 4 months. In case of short-term health problems, the employee may be offered temporary work in another position. In case of long-term problems, they may be offered a position that allows the employee to work for medical reasons and professional reasons. Or they are fired, since medical contraindications are a serious reason for this.


If an employee is transferred for health reasons to another position with lower pay, but without a change of manager, then he must be paid his previous salary within a month. And if he is fired, then he must be paid everything that is due by law, including for unused vacation.


If a medical examination when applying for a job is not required by law, but the applicant passed it anyway, then no one will compensate him for the costs of this. However, sometimes the employer requires an examination by doctors even despite the fact that this field of activity does not provide for a mandatory medical examination. The manager may have his own requirements and criteria for selecting employees. But in this case, the employer is obliged to pay the applicant’s expenses when hiring him.

Additional information

A person does not have to undergo a medical examination at any particular medical institution. The employer can send him to the organization with which the company has an agreement. Or a person chooses where to go. The main thing is that this medical institution has all the licenses to operate and conduct certain studies and analyses.

Health information is, as we know, a medical secret. But in case of passing a medical examination, the employer can and should be aware of the health status of the applicant. This is not a violation of the law.

The list of doctors and necessary studies can be adjusted to suit a specific region or documented in the organization where the applicant is looking for work.
