Competition dedicated to International Walking Day. Everything you need to know about World Walking Day

MOSCOW, October 3 — R-Sport, Elena Sobol. All-Russian Walking Day will be celebrated in all regions of Russia on October 3; 11 cities from each time zone of the country will take part in the sports festival.

Eleven cities will take part in the All-Russian Walking DayThe marathon, which will gather more than 200 thousand participants, starts in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Through a teleconference, the baton will be transferred to the city from the next time zone.

The first All-Russian Walking Day will be held as part of the International Walking Day, which has been celebrated all over the world for 23 years. More than 12 million people from 150 countries participate annually. International Walking Day in Russia was first held in October 2014 during the opening of the “Russia - a Sports Power” forum in Cheboksary.

Every hour via teleconference, the Walking Day relay will be passed to the next region, so the event will last 11 hours, “rolling” from east to west throughout Russia through Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Srednekolymsk, Vladivostok, Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Moscow and Kaliningrad. However, All-Russian Walking Day will be celebrated in other cities throughout the country. More than 200 thousand people are expected to take part in the festival to show the benefits and accessibility of active and healthy image life.

Moscow will become the central site of the sports festival, the start of this stage will be given by the President of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) Alexander Zhukov on Sparrow Hills near the main building of Moscow State University. Famous athletes will also come to congratulate the guests of the holiday, including Olympic champions gymnast Elena Zamolodchikova, wrestler Khadzhimurad Magomedov, synchronized swimmer Natalya Ishchenko, figure skater Adelina Sotnikova and biathlete Anton Shipulin.

Mutko: there is no need to dramatize the situation in Russian athleticsAt the World Athletics Championships, which is being held in Beijing, the Russian team has two medals so far - Sergei Shubenkov won gold in the 110 m hurdles, and Denis Kudryavtsev won silver in the 400 m hurdles.

The capital and other cities in this time zone will receive their “relay baton” from Izhevsk via teleconference. Anyone can take part and go to the start of the special 2 km long distance; to do this, they will only need to register and arrive at the site two hours before the start. At the start, participants will receive pedometers, the indicators of which will be taken into account and summed up to produce a total count of steps, which will be completed at the end of the stage in Kaliningrad. It is expected that participants in the All-Russian Walking Day will walk about 500 million steps and cover a total of 350 thousand kilometers.

“This year we will hold the first All-Russian Walking Day, which, I hope, will become a popular mass sports festival and will unite tens of thousands of people from different regions of our country. The main goals of the project are to popularize a healthy lifestyle and physical activity, to involve as many people as possible in playing sports, promoting the ideas of social cohesion and national unity,” Zhukov noted.

For the fifth autumn in a row, our country is hosting the All-Russian Walking Day - a sports festival that everyone can join.

Millions of people around the world gather in city parks in early October to celebrate International Walking Day and support worldwide action and show by example that our country chooses a healthy and active lifestyle.

How did Walk Day come about?

This event is held as part of the World Walking Day, which has been organized with the support of TAFISA (International Association of Sports for All) around the world for 28 years. At the same time, about 15 million people from more than 200 cities around the world participate in it.

World Walking Day was first held in 1991 in Germany.

In 2014, Russia also decided to support the initiative to hold a world holiday. So in Cheboksary, during the opening of the “Russia – a Sports Power” forum, the first official Walking Day was held. Then Sochi, Krasnoyarsk, Belgorod, Ulyanovsk and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky joined the action, which amounted to about 125 thousand Russians.

In 2015, the event took on a larger scale and took place throughout the territory Russian Federation from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Kaliningrad, covering all time zones of Russia. Thanks to an organized video broadcast, 11 cities passed the baton to each other from east to west. Thus, the event began at 11 o'clock local time in each of the cities and lasted 11 hours.

Since 2016, Walking Day has been held under the auspices of the international movement “Sport for All”.

In 2017, 50 regions of Russia wanted to take part in the sports festival. The city of Cherkessk was chosen as the central site of the All-Russian Walking Day due to its victory in the “Flagship of the Olympic Country” competition, which was held last summer on the initiative of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Purpose of the event?

The purpose of the event is to popularize walking as one of the most accessible and natural types of physical activity that allows you to stay fit and promote a healthy lifestyle among the population. In addition to this, Walking Day has several other goals:

  • promotes the Olympic movement and the values ​​of Olympism;
  • improves forms of organization of mass physical culture and sports work;
  • attracts young people to regular physical education and sports;
  • promotes the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO).

Who is the organizer?

The initiative of the international association TAFISA, which is the leading organization in the global mass sports movement, is supported by the International Olympic Committee and the executive authorities of Russian constituent entities. All-Russian Walking Day is held within the framework of the “Olympic Country” program to promote the development of mass sports. Thus, the Russian Olympic Committee invites residents to take care of a healthy lifestyle, support the city and country in the Russian start of World Walking Day, and simply enjoy the weekend with the whole family.

Who can take part?

Everyone is allowed to participate, regardless of gender, age and level physical training. Routes are developed taking into account the characteristics of each region, as well as the interests, abilities and physical capabilities of the participants.

When is it held?

International Walking Day is held annually in the first week of October.

What's included in the program?

  • registration of participants;
  • distribution of participants according to starting pockets;
  • opening ceremony;
  • start of participants;
  • passing the route;
  • official closing ceremony, presentation of memorable prizes, souvenirs and diplomas.

Also, as a rule, each venue tries to include in the standard program the organization of concerts and flash mobs, master classes, “Fun Starts” and relay races.

Thus, Walking Day becomes more interesting and varied every year, turning into the largest mass sports event in the country.

When: September 23 (Kemerovo, Stavropol); September 29 - 30; October 6 (Lipetsk region); October 7 (Udmurtia); October 10 (St. Petersburg) Registration . From September 29 to 30, Russia will join a large-scale event - World Walking Day. For the fourth year in a row, thousands of active lifestyle enthusiasts will take to the streets of their cities to inspire others by personal example to take up the most accessible sport. Last year, 250 thousand participants walked across the country. But why walking? Currently, the crisis in routine physical activity has reached incredible proportions. Popularity and demand office work have a negative impact on human development. Return physical activity to daily life every person - here main goal International Association of Sports for All - TAFISA. That is why in 1991 it was decided to create a cultural and sports holiday - World Walking Day.

Developing community open events is an untapped resource for personal growth, world exploration, a great way to make new friends, spend time with family and just have fun. As part of World Walking Day, TAFISA invites everyone to join the active image life in the most accessible way - walking! Every year since 1991, millions of people from 150 countries take to the streets of their cities in late September and early October to inspire others to exercise and show that walking is an integral part of everyday life.

This year, World Walking Day will be celebrated from September 29 to 30, but you can officially join the event throughout October. There are also innovations: now event organizers can invite fans of cycling, roller skating - any forms and types of physical activity. It’s worth noting that participation is absolutely free - you don’t need money to attend!

World Walking Day is part of TAFISA's Take Back Your Streets program to promote community-based physical activity initiatives. In 2016, the event is part of the European Sports Week. In Russia, the organization of events within the framework of World Walking Day is carried out by the Russian Olympic Committee. This year, 50 regions of the country will take part. Register in your city

Can . The list of participating cities is growing.

On September 29, a big celebration took place in the Moscow region, at which thousands of people united out of love for race walking and a healthy lifestyle.

Russia has followed the example of 160 other countries in the world and now participates annually in World Day walking. The concept of the holiday involves covering eleven time zones. In the Moscow region, walkers took to the starting line in Shchelkovo.

The highlight of the holiday in 2018 was Nordic walking. A sport that is gaining popularity among older Russians. Walking with sticks originated in the middle of the last century in Finland, but became widespread in Europe in the late 90s.

More than a thousand participants gathered in Shchelkovo for a friendly competition. “I Live by Sports” tells how World Walking Day was celebrated in Shchelkovo.

Age is not a hindrance to sports

Ordinary passers-by were perplexed. “What is going on here?” At the central site of the city park, hundreds of elderly women and men stood in line to register.

The holiday around the world is celebrated under the motto “Go outside and prolong your life.” Indeed, such old age is the envy of everyone. Elderly people gathered in the company of like-minded people and felt like real athletes. What’s at stake is not just prestige, but the GTO badge. Nordic walking is one of the disciplines required to receive the coveted badge.

Friendly companies came from several cities in the Moscow region. Here, the team from Ivanteevka happily poses for our photographer.

Nordic walking in Russia is mainly for older athletes, but young people also enjoyed participating in the tournament. They came with their families, some simply tried a new sport.

Nordic walking is not as easy as you thought

At first glance, this sport seems very simple, but there are a lot of nuances. On the occasion of this significant event, the head of the Nordic Walking Association, Alexander Mamontov, visited Shchelkovo. On the eve of the competition, the main specialist in this sport in Russia held a master class for the participants.

Athletes learned how to hold poles correctly, yield to opponents at a distance and avoid collisions. Yes, yes! Nordic walking is a contact sport. For some, it's better not to stand in the way.

“When a person is without sad thoughts, he is cheerful, cheerful and focused on creation”

After the master class, Alexander Mamontov, especially for the portal “I Live by Sports,” told how Nordic walking is developing in Russia.

– Alexander, how did you come to Nordic walking? How do you manage to develop this sports discipline?
– I myself have been involved in sports all my life. Candidate for Master of Sports. He was engaged in kayaking, canoeing, and skiing. For some time I worked in another field, but then I returned to what I like.

On one of my business trips I was in Estonia. I was very interested in walking with poles.

The main point is that many people are depressed. I occupied a big post and it turned out to be some kind of vicious circle. I, like many others, drank Afabazol while attending work meetings. Walking with poles helped me understand that I need to change my life. Gradually the hobby grew into something more...

Today I head the development department of the Russian National Nordic Walking Association. I am a national coach of an international federation in Russia.

– What are your main tasks?
– Our task is to teach people the correct walking technique. Explain to them that walking correctly is not someone’s whim, but this is necessary for proper biomechanical movement. You need a routine, regularity.

If a person begins to move regularly, then his hormonal levels become positive, and this leads to the absence of depression. When a person has no sad thoughts, he is cheerful, cheerful and focused on creation. When we are under stress, I can say from my own example that we are constantly struggling for survivability.

Walking with poles is good from childhood. I am sure that this sport will help children develop so that they reach heights in life and occupy leadership positions in our country.

– As I understand it, the sport is only gaining momentum in Russia now?
– I would like to say a big thank you, first of all, to the Ministry of Sports of the Moscow Region, which promotes and popularizes our discipline. Gradually, together we attract more and more people to Nordic walking.

– Is Nordic walking a sport more for older people or can young people really be interested in it?
– Here we proceed from the fact that in old age, unfortunately, not all sports disciplines are available, therefore Nordic walking – optimal choice. For older people, opportunities decrease, we should not forget about this.

At the same time, if we are talking, for example, about training for a young body, then Nordic walking with the right program can provide decent aerobic exercise to people of any age.

Let's start!

While young people are just taking a closer look at the mysterious sport, grandparents are preparing for the start. Passers-by were asked to move away, otherwise they would be hit. The distance is three kilometers, they start in a friendly group, but their leaders are already being determined. Someone immediately takes a place at the end of the peloton. There is no goal here to win at any cost - all participants are entitled to a certificate...

…Twenty minutes of waiting and the first finisher is already on the horizon. An older man is vomiting to the envy of the walking youth. The task is to complete it in twenty minutes! Succeeded. The champion completed the distance in a little over 19. There is a suspicion that he would give the juniors a head start.

The main participants, unlike the champion, are still not aimed at world records. They walk calmly and enjoyably. The oldest participants are over eighty years old. The main winners - the years have no power over them.

The last grannies finish in a friendly group in 45 minutes. The sports festival was, without a doubt, a success.

After the finish, it’s time for memorable photos. A vigorous but tired elderly woman poses for three minutes for a man who chooses the best angle. “Send me the photo on WhatsApp.”

After sixty, life is just beginning. The main thing is to just go towards the goal and never stop.


Walking Day in the Voronezh region is part of the All-Russian Walking Day, held within the framework of the Program of the Russian Olympic Committee and the International Walking Day, which is supported by the International Association TAFISA (International Association for the Promotion of Mass Sports, whose activities are aimed at encouraging physical activity “for health, joy , social interaction, integration and communication of people around the world"). In 2018, All-Russian Walking Day is held on September 29-30.

Historical background: This action was first carried out in 1991 in Germany by the international organization TAFISA.

Russia joined the countries participating in this event in 2014. during the opening of the “Russia – a Sports Power” forum in Cheboksary.

For thousands of years, people subsisted on hard physical work. All this time, the body developed and adapted precisely to such conditions. However, over the past 150 years, with the advent of progress and subsequent automation, human physical activity has noticeably decreased. Since this period for the occurrence of evolutionary changes is insufficient - the corresponding modifications have not occurred in the body - it, as before, is configured to ensure high physical activity, but does not have such activity.

Physical inactivity leads to disruptions in the functioning of the body, which manifests itself primarily in cardiovascular, respiratory systems, metabolic disorders. In addition, immunity decreases and the risk of developing colds and infectious diseases, A frequent illnesses reduce the already low physical activity - the spiral unwinds with increasing force. In addition, the modern flow of information and the accelerating pace of life increase stress, emotional and psychological disorders, and limited physical activity deprives a person of the possibility of a natural form of realization. mental stress.

There is a way out! Physical activity should be a basic component of a healthy lifestyle. The relationship between a person’s level of physical activity and the risk of developing diseases has been established in observations of millions of people around the world. This relationship translates into a decrease in the likelihood of getting sick as your level of physical activity increases. Various studies have found that physical activity reduced the risk of heart attack by 14%, diabetes by 30%, and colorectal cancer by 40%.

Physical education classes are a powerful tool prevention of many diseases, including the most dangerous ones, can eliminate existing risk factors for the development of diseases, reduce the likelihood of risky behavior, and will contribute to the abandonment of bad habits, and increasing the level of motor skills reduces the risk of injury.

And physical activity itself does not have to consist solely of going to sports clubs or exhausting sessions with trainers. According to the classification of physical activity healthy people, it is enough to take 10,000 steps a day to assign the status “active” to your lifestyle (less than 5,000 – “sedentary” lifestyle, 5,000-7,499 – “ineffective”, 7,500-9,999 steps per day – “somewhat active”) .

According to WHO, the minimum daily physical activity should be 30 minutes of walking. The optimal pace is around 100 steps per minute. 30 minutes = 3000 steps – about 2.25 km (at medium length step 0.75 m). 30 minutes is the minimum to start with. You can increase your daily physical activity through evening walks before bed, housework, gardening, active games, walking up the stairs instead of the elevator, regular 5-minute breaks for gymnastics, and walking while working. By taking stock of your entire day, it is absolutely possible to increase your daily physical activity.
