Why does pus accumulate? Why does pus form? Causes and types of suppuration

Today I want to discuss the topic of why people get sick, as well as the topic of treating diseases. Moreover, if in youth it is natural for us to be healthy, then in old age we also perceive illnesses as the natural course of things. By the age of 60, a person acquires an impressive bouquet of diseases and lives with them, eating them up with handfuls of pills, being confident that everyone lives like this and that an extra pill will never harm, but only help and give vitality. Is it really intended by nature that after a certain age (and not the most significant one), almost all vital organs and systems become ill?

I'm sure NO. You can and should live to a ripe old age being healthy and, therefore, happy. All human diseases come from violating the laws of nature - unfortunately, the current rhythm of life is detrimental to our health. After all, the health of any person lies on three “pillars” - nutrition, ecology, genetics. We do everything to ensure that our diet has a detrimental effect on our body - we eat fried, boiled, salty food, food instant cooking, significantly flavored with chemical preservatives and dyes. We pollute our environment in every way available to us. By the way, about what each of us can do right now to protect surrounding nature you can read in my article

After we get sick, doctors begin to treat diseases with drugs. But drugs only pollute the internal environment. Medicines accumulate in the kidneys, liver, bone marrow. After all, when taking medications, a person takes a foreign product that is not natural for him. As a result, one disease develops into another. After all, everyone knows the expression “You cure one thing, you cripple another.” No medicine is completely eliminated from the body. This means that it accumulates inside a person, settling on blood vessels, kidneys and other internal organs.

No, I'm not against drugs. Modern medicine has recently reached incredible heights. Of course, there are cases when medications are simply necessary. But in most situations, each person can help himself by simply cleansing the body.

Why do people get sick? In my opinion, the answer is obvious - from violating the laws of nature. Let's say that as a child you often had a sore throat and snot. Doctors constantly diagnosed you with ARVI, actively treated you with pills and even antibiotics. Modern doctors prescribe antibiotics for any reason. As a mother of three children, I know this first hand. If a child coughs for several days - antibiotics, fever - antibiotics. Naturally, it’s easier for doctors. No one will bother to find out the reason; your local doctor simply does not have the time for this, and, to be honest, there is no desire either.

So, as a child, you were often given pills and antibiotics. You have grown up and everything seems fine, but suddenly at the age of 30 your kidneys become ill. What is it, where does it come from, you think and sin that you are simply very unlucky. You begin to treat your kidneys by actively taking medications. Well, you understand, right? If you have a sore throat, it means your kidneys and joints are at risk.

The cause of disease is contaminated body. Why do people get sick? - Because they have a contaminated body - intestines, liver, bronchi clogged with pus. Pus that accumulates in any organ (for example, pus from the bronchi) penetrates into other tissues, and purulent toxins are carried by the blood throughout the body. After all, all organs are washed by the same blood, which means that through it microbes and viruses enter all cells and organs of the body. For example, pus from the bronchi passes through the blood into mammary glands. Hence breast cancer. Pus from the bronchi enters the intervertebral cartilage. Hence - osteochondrosis. Pus from the bronchi enters the stomach. Hence - gastritis, ulcer. Pus from the bronchi enters the kidneys. Hence - pyeloniphritis. Pus is carried by blood and lymph - especially to organs in the head area. Hence - headaches, ear inflammation, blurred vision, sinusitis (a real accumulation of pus).

Where does pus come from in the body, you ask? - again from violation of the laws of nature by man - from eating meat, because man is a herbivore. Gastric juice does not have enough enzymes to digest foreign protein. The meat passes undigested into the intestines and cannot be broken down there, continuing to rot. And so on - until all the fat and small intestine, and this is 5-6 hours. During this time, a lot of other food will be sent after him - cakes, fried potatoes, sweet tea. This whole food mixture creates a mass in the intestines that rots and ferments, polluting the body with purulent toxins that spread throughout the body, clogging our body with pus. Have you noticed that many people suffer from such a disease as snot? - This is the body trying to get rid of pus, removing it through possible routes.

What do doctors do? — Doctors treat diseases with pills. Moreover, they treat the effect, not the cause. And at the same time, tablets further pollute the human body, crippling others. internal organs. The symptoms of the disease cannot be cured; they can only be temporarily relieved. Remember what we said at the beginning of the article - pills treat some organs, but at the same time cripple others.

In the treatment of diseases, it is important to remove the cause - to cleanse the body of pus. Then the headaches go away, vision improves and all diseases recede, tissues are renewed, the person becomes younger, lives long and fully and brings joy to his loved ones.

A healthy body looks great and healthy mind lives in it. For me, the girl I admire is Mimi Kirk.

This beautiful girl is 75 years old! Precisely a girl, because I simply can’t call her anything else. Mimi Kirk is a raw foodist. In her interviews, she shares that she feels 20 years old. She began to experience joint inflammation, but after she became a raw foodist, all this went away. Jumps out of bed in the morning and feels great! Mimi's secret is to eat as many raw foods as possible: fruits, vegetables, wheatgrass, nuts, seeds, coconut milk and green drinks. She is a big fan of green smoothies.

Are you still sure that after 60 years a person should spend most of his time in clinics and pharmacies?

Don’t pollute your body, and if you do, cleanse your body and be healthy!

Suppuration is a form of inflammation that is accompanied by the formation of pus, consisting of living and dead bacteria, protein-rich fluid and dead leukocytes (white blood cells).

Inflammation is the body's protective reaction to various tissue damage. If the damage is caused by an internal bacterial infection, inflammatory process(during which white blood cells fight pathogens) is usually accompanied by suppuration. Most often, suppuration is caused by so-called pyogenic bacteria.

Reasons for the formation of pus, or why does suppuration occur?

A cold usually begins with a sore or sore throat and nasal congestion; they are followed by sneezing, runny nose and general malaise.

In this case, thick yellow discharge from the ear or nose, which are often accompanied by pain in the eyes, headache and fever.

This occurs due to penetration into the body first viral infection, affecting the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, and then bacterial, causing it to suppurate. For treatment bacterial infections antibiotics are used.

Suppuration can result from pathogens entering the wound during surgery. Although sterile instruments are used in operating rooms, bacteria are still present in environment, and, despite the use of antibiotics, the wound suppurates. Sometimes it appears one to two weeks or even several months after surgery. The pus is usually removed surgically.

Complications of suppuration, or consequences of the formation of pus

The accumulation of pus in the body often leads to undesirable consequences. The patient feels general malaise, loses his appetite, and gradually loses weight. As a result, anemia may develop, the cause of which is severe exhaustion of the body.

Maintaining sterility in operating rooms significantly reduces the risk of wounds festering during surgery.

Is prolonged wound suppuration dangerous?

If a person is healthy and able to resist infection, suppuration usually goes away fairly quickly. However, when the patient's body is weakened (for example, by illness), prolonged suppuration can lead to general malaise, weight loss and even anemia.

What are abscesses?

Abscess - limited purulent inflammation fabrics. The body's protective reaction is manifested in the formation of a capsule, which prevents the further spread of microbes into healthy tissues of the body. Moreover, the stronger the body’s defenses, the more pus is formed. In the case of a weak immune system, only a small abscess is formed.

An abscess located close to the surface of the skin or mucous membrane is characterized by redness and painful swelling. With deeply located abscesses, the functions of the affected organ are disrupted, body temperature rises, and pain occurs. An undetected deep abscess is often a source of infection throughout the body.

Abscess treatment: abscess drainage

As a rule, the patient's condition improves after removal of the pus. Often the abscess goes away without any treatment: it ruptures on its own and its contents pour out. Sometimes, to speed up “ripening,” compresses are applied to the damaged area. To reduce pain and speed healing, the abscess is opened and drained. This procedure is performed by a surgeon in a hospital and, if necessary, under local anesthesia.

Abscesses can develop in any organ, including the lungs, mouth, rectum, and muscles. Sometimes, when pus stagnates, the abscess becomes chronic or cold (without manifestations of an inflammatory reaction) and puts pressure on nearby organs. This condition requires surgical treatment. After draining a large abscess, there is an empty space in which the doctor temporarily places a gauze pad. Sometimes, to completely remove the pus, it is necessary to introduce temporary artificial drainages (thin plastic tubes).

In our other publications, read more about an abscess (abscess) - the main factor in the formation of pus.

Purulent inflammation is a fairly relevant topic for discussion, since recently more and more people have begun to turn to doctors with similar problems. The reasons for such a sharp deterioration in the health of the population may be various factors. We want to talk about them and much more in our article. The information collected is aimed at helping those affected by this disease.

What is inflammation

Purulent inflammation is one of them, and before we begin to understand its types, we need to understand what it is. Even ancient healers determined that this is a protective reaction of the human body to an irritant. Both a virus and a splinter can act as an irritant. There are many terms that characterize this process, but the most basic is phagocytosis, which the famous Mechnikov spoke about, that is, the process of destroying an irritating agent inside a cell.

Causes of purulent inflammation

There are several known in medicine possible reasons when rotting begins. Among the most common options are:

  • entry of infections and their toxins into the human body;
  • consequences of exposure to external factors such as burns, radiation, frostbite;
  • consequences of bruises or other types of wounds;
  • exposure to chemical irritants;
  • internal processes in the body, such as salt deposits.

What happens at the moment when purulent tissue inflammation begins? To understand the essence, let's take the simplest example: getting hit by a splinter. When it just gets into the skin, it can be absolutely impossible to get it out, but after a while we can easily remove it from the skin along with the pus, which manages to collect during this time. What happened, and why did the pus accumulate, how did the purulent inflammation begin? A splinter that gets into the skin is perceived by the body as a foreign body and a threat. How does the body react? It increases blood flow to the affected area, the blood brings with it many useful elements that work like a clock, and each of them performs its task:

  • the platelet sticks together with its own kind and thus forms a protective layer on the wound;
  • the red blood cell supplies the affected area of ​​the skin or organ with oxygen;
  • plasma brings nutrients for speedy wound healing;
  • white cells (leukocytes) enter into battle with the foreign body directly.

Where does pus come from? The fact is that in the process of struggle, white blood cells die; their role is to grasp foreign body, absorb it and destroy it. But, destroying the enemy, the leukocyte itself is destroyed, acquiring a yellowish color, this is pus. If, in the process of fighting an irritant, certain parts of the skin or organ die, then the leukocyte also clasps the dead parts to prevent them from developing the process in the body. Thus, leukocytes make way for the pus to emerge upward. If you have pain when pressing on a purulent inflammation, it means that nerve endings, of which there are a huge number in the body, have been affected. In this case, you need to carefully examine the affected area to avoid complications.

Forms of inflammation

Considering where the process began and how strong or weak a person’s immunity is, we can identify the following forms of purulent inflammation:

  • An abscess is the name given to a purulent formation that forms in the tissue, and it is separated into a separate capsule. The formation of an abscess indicates a good situation. A protective crust immediately begins to form around it, preventing the spread of infection. This is often how purulent inflammation of the tooth is characterized.
  • Phlegmon - characterized by a looser consistency of formation, which most often occurs in the space between the muscles. It is an indicator that a person does not have very good immunity. Most often, the patient is admitted to the hospital to resolve the problem.
  • Empyema is a collection of pus in organs with a hollow structure. In this case, the boundaries of the abscess are the natural tissue of the organ.

Course of purulent inflammation

There are two types of this kind of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute purulent inflammation spreads quite quickly, and soon we can observe a surge of exudate outward, either onto the surface of the skin or into the adjacent organ cavity. A large amount of pus can lead to intoxication of the body, and, as a result, to its depletion. Chronic purulent inflammation changes the composition of the cell, and lymphocytes and microphages begin to appear in its composition. This form is also characterized by the formation of scars and hardening, but all this is only possible with the wrong decision.

Outcome of the disease

Of course, the outcome of the disease, like any other disease, depends on the correct treatment and the nature of the wound. What should you be wary of first?

  • Scarring. Rarely do people have scars after an unsuccessful fight against inflammation.
  • Bleeding. If the disease has reached lymph nodes, then this may be exactly the outcome.
  • Gangrene. This is one of the most terrible options; tissue death begins, that is, necrosis.

Purulent inflammation of the skin

Most often, we all encounter this type of inflammation. In what variants can we see it?

  • Pyoderma - appears as a result of improper handling of insect bites, small cuts in the skin, etc. On the skin it looks like small blisters around the wound.
  • Follicle - in this case, the hair sac is under threat, it begins to fester.
  • A furuncle is a melting of the hair follicle. The dangerous factor is that it very easily develops into the disease furunculosis, when many such formations are already observed.
  • Carbuncle - also but large in size, usually treated with surgical methods, after which a large empty cavity remains in the skin, then scars appear at the site of the wound.
  • Hidradenitis is a purulent formation in the groin or armpit area where the sebaceous glands are located.


How the rotting process ends depends on several important factors:

  • degree of aggression of the irritating element;
  • depth of penetration of infection;
  • the quality of the victim's immunity.

After the treatment has ended and the cavity with pus has emptied, it remains in its place soft fabric, which is then replaced by fresh skin, but scars may appear. If the treatment was not carried out correctly, then a complication process may begin, which does not have a very good effect on the person’s condition:

  • pus can spread to other tissues and organs;
  • during the process of decay, infection can enter the bloodstream, and, as a result, sepsis, bleeding and thrombosis can begin;
  • death of skin and organ tissues;
  • weakening of the immune system and general condition human body, which can lead to underdevelopment of organs.


Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Both treatment at home and surgical intervention, as well as treatment in a hospital, are allowed.

Let's consider possible treatment options:

  • in case of an abscess, an incision is made in the person and the cavity where the pus was washed out, the wound is closed from environmental influences;
  • for phlegmon it is necessary to use medicines after opening the abscesses and deep cleaning;
  • in case of epiema, surgical intervention is necessary, when the organ tissue is opened, pus is removed, the cavity is cleaned, then enhanced treatment, aimed at boosting immunity and wound healing.

It is important to know that when treating various kinds of ulcers, it is necessary to avoid contact with water; you should not do any compresses or massages, so as not to provoke the spread of infection. The skin must be treated with special products for the same purpose. Zelenka and iodine are the most common alcohol solutions used for this purpose.

If you are faced with a simple splinter, then, of course, you can deal with it at home, but you also need to be very careful. Before removing a splinter, you need to carefully treat both the affected area of ​​the skin and the tool you will use to remove it. After extraction, you should immediately treat the skin with alcohol and cover the wound with a band-aid until it heals or forms a protective crust.


The use of antibiotics is allowed only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication is not allowed, as this can significantly worsen the patient's condition. Before you start taking a medicine, you need to determine a person’s sensitivity to its components. Of course, it is not recommended to use antibiotics unless they are urgently needed. It is important to remember that the use of antibiotics, especially uncontrolled, can harm the normal functioning of the body. Once you suspect the presence of purulent inflammation, immediately contact a specialist for help. If you have undergone surgery and there are scars left, then modern plastic surgery can correct any shortcomings.

A skin abscess is an intradermal inflammatory process caused by bacterial flora, most often a combination of various microorganisms. Purulent melting affects the hair follicle, the sweat and sebaceous glands next to it, and the surrounding connective tissue. Moreover, it is clearly delimited from healthy structures by a capsule, without a tendency to spread to the sides, causing a deterioration in the general condition of a person when the products of inflammation and pyogenic flora enter the blood. Most often, abscesses develop in the scalp, armpits, neck, lower limbs, the area around the anus, and in women also on the labia majora.

Attempts to treat skin abscess on their initial stages can be produced at home. But this is possible if the purulent cavity is not located on the face or neck. With such localization, as well as in the case of a violation of the general condition of a person or the presence of diseases such as diabetes mellitus or various types immunodeficiencies, treatment is carried out in a surgical hospital.

How does a skin abscess appear?

To imagine the processes that lead to disease, consider the structure of the skin.

Human integumentary tissue is a two-layer organ. On top is the epidermis - a series of cells that protect against microbes, thermal and chemical damage. The lower layer is the dermis.

In the lower layer of the dermis, at the border of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, lie hair follicles formed connective tissue and blood capillaries. They give rise to hair roots that pass through the dermis and epidermis, protruding outward in the form of hair shafts. In the place where the root passes into the shaft, 2-3 sebaceous glands flow into the area between the outer and middle hair coats. Near the place where the hair comes to the surface, the mouth of the sweat gland opens. All this glandular tissue works to form a protective film on the surface of the skin.

In light of this knowledge, what is a skin abscess? This is a purulent inflammation that develops immediately in a large volume of tissue, which affects the follicle, the sebaceous glands, and the nearby sweat gland. This process develops in stages:

  1. Bacterial flora enters places where the integrity of the skin is compromised. A focus of inflammation forms around this place, accompanied by swelling and redness, resulting in a raised area around the follicle.
  2. The flow of lymph and tissue fluid into the infected area increases. These fluids attempt to clear the infection from the site.
  3. Activated immune system, which tries to simultaneously kill bacteria and separate the source of inflammation from healthy tissue. As a result, pus is formed - a mixture of leukocytes and other immune cells, dead bacteria, and proteins.
  4. Increasing in volume, this content increases interstitial pressure, and when it reaches a critical value, the abscess breaks through. At this stage, complications associated with the entry of foreign proteins and infections into the blood may develop.
  5. After opening the abscess, a crater remains, which gradually closes. If purulent inflammation has penetrated into the layers below the skin, a scar will form as a result of healing.

Why does skin purulent inflammation develop?

A skin abscess develops when it gets into the skin tissue. pathogenic microorganisms. This occurs due to injury, friction or severe contamination of the skin. This situation especially often occurs in men when shaving their face and armpits. In women, the cause of infection in the skin is also shaving the legs, as well as removing hair or frequent rubbing when performing hygiene measures in the genital area. Pathology can be caused by festering hematomas and cysts. Often, skin abscesses appear at the site of intradermal (less often) or subcutaneous (more often) injections performed inappropriately.

Local and systemic factors increase the likelihood of infection penetrating the skin. Local ones include:

  • increased sweating ();
  • hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands (this is typical for conditions accompanied by an increase in the content of male sex hormones in the blood);
  • penetration of a foreign object under the skin.

Systemic risk factors are mainly those that cause a decrease in immunity:

  • long-term treatment with steroid hormones (dexamethasone, prednisolone, for example, for lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • after chemotherapy;
  • against the background of hemodialysis sessions for chronic renal failure;
  • for HIV infection;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • hypothermia;
  • Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

The infection that is the actual cause of a skin abscess is the flora that is in the air, on human skin, in the secretion of sweat or sebaceous glands, vaginal secretions or particles of physiological waste remaining on the skin. Most often it is Staphylococcus aureus. It is the most dangerous microbe: it tends to quickly spread into the blood, and from it into the internal organs, causing the appearance of abscesses in them. An abscess can also cause:

  1. streptococcus;
  2. Protea family;
  3. coli;
  4. most often - a combination of staphylococcal, streptococcal flora and E. coli.

Skin abscess symptoms

In its development, the disease goes through several stages, which differ in their external manifestations.

At the first stage, redness, dense and painful, appears at the site of injury, injection or former hematoma. At first it is small, but gradually increases in size, reaching even 3 cm. There is always hair in the middle of this infiltrate (compaction).

After 3-4 days, the center of the compaction softens and a yellow or white abscess appears in its place, the redness around which no longer spreads, but is still hot to the touch and painful. At this stage, the condition may worsen: the temperature rises (sometimes up to 40°C), appetite decreases, and weakness appears.

Most often, the abscess spontaneously opens and purulent masses are released from it. This is accompanied by an improvement in the condition of both the tissues at the site of formation (they lose pain), and a decrease in temperature, and the disappearance of symptoms of intoxication. If complications develop at this stage, then even after spontaneous opening of the purulent cavity there is no improvement.

When the pus is rejected, the wound remaining in this place heals. If the inflammation has affected only the skin layers, after healing, a small light or dark spot remains, which soon disappears. If deeper layers are destroyed, or if the abscess was located at a site above the bone, a scar remains due to healing.

Features of the localization of some skin abscesses

Facial skin abscess occurs very often. This is the most common location of the abscess, since the skin of the face is richest in sebaceous glands. Most often, abscesses appear on the lip, nose, and in the area of ​​the ear canal. Located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, they are dangerous for the spread of infection into the cranial cavity. Like an abscess of the scalp, its facial localization is often accompanied by headache, fever, and general malaise. Here, such symptoms, unlike abscesses of other localizations, do not always mean the development of complications, but still require an examination.

Local symptoms of a skin abscess on the leg correspond to those described above. In addition to them, inflammation of the lymph nodes often develops and lymphatic vessels, through which lymph flows away from the source of infection.


The fact that a formation on the skin discovered by a person is a skin abscess can be said by a surgeon, therapist or dermatologist already during the initial examination. But for the purpose proper treatment the doctor will need to open the formation and culture its contents on various nutrient media in order to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Simply performing a puncture (puncture) of the abscess for the purpose of sowing is impractical - this can spread the infection to the underlying tissues.

If there is a general disturbance in the condition: an increase in temperature, a cough, a decrease in appetite or a decrease in the amount of urine, diagnostics (ultrasound, X-ray and laboratory) of the condition of the kidneys, liver, and lungs are carried out.


Therapy at home

Skin abscess can often be treated at home. To do this, it is recommended to first test with the drug “Dimexide”, diluting it four times with boiled water and applying it to the skin inside forearms. If there is no visible redness, blister or itching after 15 minutes, this medication can be used to treat purulent process. To do this:

  1. Dilute “Dimexide” (“Dimethyl sulfoxide”) 3-4 times with boiled water.
  2. Wet sterile gauze with the solution (it will be hot).
  3. Apply gauze to the abscess and cover with polyethylene on top.
  4. Secure the compress with a bandage or gauze bandage.

To improve the effect, and in the absence of an allergy to antibiotics, you can sprinkle the gauze with Penicillin, Ceftriaxone, Gentamicin or Ampicillin before applying cellophane.

You can do similar manipulations with:

A) saline solution: 1 tsp. salt per glass of boiled water;

b) peel of baked onion;

c) fresh grated raw potatoes;

d) grated laundry soap, which is mixed with 2 parts of warm milk, boiled for 1.5 hours over low heat until the consistency of sour cream. After cooling it can be used.

Similar compresses, except for the one with baked onion peel, are used throughout the whole day, changing the composition to a new one every 3-4 hours. Onion is applied for 1 hour 3 times a day.

Attention! Compresses should not be warm!

Surgical removal

Treatment of a skin abscess by a surgeon is carried out in cases where:

  • a skin abscess appeared in a patient with diabetes mellitus;
  • an abscess appeared on the face, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • the boil does not go away within 3 days or there is a tendency for it to increase;
  • body temperature increased;
  • the abscess does not open;
  • new skin abscesses have appeared;
  • localization of the abscess - on the spine, in the buttocks or around the anus.

In these situations, the doctor resorts to opening the abscess with a scalpel, under local anesthesia. The abscess cavity is washed out of pus with antiseptics, but then not sutured to prevent re-suppuration, and a piece of sterile glove is inserted into it, through which the pus will come out. After such a minor operation, antibiotic tablets are prescribed.
