What are the best vitamins for the eyes for adults? Vitamins for effectively improving vision

Vision problems in modern people are becoming more and more common. This is due to the fact that there is huge amount techniques that cause visual strain. Many people work at a computer, which negatively affects its quality and sharpness. Therefore, a pressing issue is the use of special vitamins to improve vision. Eat , vitamin complexes for eyes that have a positive effect on vision, making it better. You should try to take care of your eyes throughout your life.

What vitamins will be beneficial for the eyes?

There are certain substances that are beneficial specifically for vision. Their intake into the body guarantees a reduction in fatigue, as well as the necessary visual acuity for as long as possible. Among the most popular are ascorbic acid, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, and PP vitamins.

When a person receives the right amount of these vitamins, he will not have any problems with vision. The functionality of the eyes will be stable and clear. The risk of developing certain eye diseases, for example, cataracts, etc. If you have a disease, taking vitamins can slow it down significantly and make the symptoms less pronounced.

To provide your eyes with the necessary components, it is advisable to carefully monitor your diet. Some vitamins may be destroyed due to heat treatment. For example, vitamin C and B2 are destroyed during boiling. Therefore, it is worth considering the use of vitamin complexes, drops and other drugs to improve vision.

Important for purpose necessary vitamins for eyes, consult an ophthalmologist. This is the only way to guarantee the desired effect.

Products to improve vision

To get enough potassium, you need to consume honey, apples, celery and oranges. To meet the need for this substance, it will be enough to drink a cup of water with honey dissolved in it. To this you need to add a portion of vegetable salad with apple cider vinegar.

Vitamin A is found in cream, fish oil, cheese, etc. It is also present in rose hips, apricots and other products.

List of products for good vision:

  1. Cabbage.
  2. Meat.
  3. Nuts.
  4. Leguminous plants.
  5. Dairy products.
  6. Seafood, etc.

Vitamins necessary for normal vision

LuteinMost specialists in the field of ophthalmology consider drugs with this substance to be extremely useful and productive for improving vision. The substance is not produced by the human body. It can only be obtained through food or special drugs. Lutein acts as an antioxidant that protects the eyes from various pathological changes. It can inhibit the development of age-related degeneration and ensure normal functioning of the eye. It is advisable to consume at least five milligrams of lutein per day
Vitamin AA lack of vitamin leads to disturbances in color perception, the inability to see objects normally when poor lighting. The vitamin is found in some foods, for example, carrots, cabbage, fish oil, and pork liver. You need to consume 2 mg of vitamin per day
Vitamin CIts deficiency leads to disturbances in the structure of tissues in the eyes. Muscles and blood vessels begin to weaken, causing visual acuity to decrease. Therefore, it is important to maintain normal vitamin levels in the body. It is found in cherries, currants, citrus fruits, etc. During the day, an adult needs to consume one hundred mg of vitamin
B2B2 allows you to improve color vision, as well as improve quality in the dark. Due to the lack of this component, a person can develop diseases such as conjunctivitis, fear of light, etc. A lot of the vitamin is contained in sunflower seeds. It is also found in eggs and dairy products. A person should consume about 2 mg per day
B1Thiamine can ensure normal functioning of the nerve pathways in the eyes. It's in pasta beef liver etc.
B6B6 relieves eye fatigue. Due to a lack of vitamin, the eyelids may twitch involuntarily. The substance is found in vegetables, fruits, fish and meat. A person should consume about 2 mg per day
B12B12 allows for normal blood supply to the eye tissues. The vitamin is found in fish, liver and milk. You need to eat about 4 mg per day

Choosing effective vitamins to improve vision

At the moment, pharmacies offer a large variety of drugs for these purposes. They usually contain lutein. Each drug is characterized by the presence unique properties. It is important to make sure it is safe before purchasing. To do this, you need to make sure that you have a special certificate that confirms testing in the laboratory. It is necessary to pay attention to the materials that are used in the production of the drug. The body can only absorb some active ingredients in a specific form. The amount of useful components in the drug is also important. For example, some heavily advertised supplements actually contain some anthocyanins. Therefore, they will not be able to effectively improve vision.

Confirmation of the quality of the drug is the ISO9001 mark. She says that the vitamins will be of the proper quality and also as effective as possible. But it is better to contact a specialist to select the optimal drug, because independent choice can sometimes give undesirable results.

Video - Eye vitamins to improve vision

Drops and vitamins for eyes

The drugs are designed so that each component complements the other. There are several main drugs on the market:

  1. Drops " Visioned", which are manufactured by a German company. Thanks to them, it is possible to relieve fatigue and prevent many diseases. The drug contains blueberry extract, beta-carotene, as well as vitamins E and B.
  2. « Mirtilene Forte"made in Italy, characterized by effective therapeutic effects. It can also be used as a prophylaxis in case of damage to the muscles of the eye, retina, myopia, etc. The drug is able to have a restorative effect on the receptors in the retina. It improves vision.
  3. « Okovit with blueberries» used to maintain the structure of the eye. When muscles weaken, it restores them and can inhibit lens clouding. The drug also contains riboflavin, which helps improve vision for those who read a lot and work at the computer.
  4. « Adruzene zinc"is a complex of vitamins with antioxidants that can help vision in many diseases.
  5. Vitamins " Vitrum», « Duovit", which contain beta-carotene, can be an effective assistant in improving twilight vision. With the help of these drugs, additional amounts of vitamin A are supplied to the body.
  6. « Biofit parsley"Helps restore visual acuity. Anyone whose eyes are constantly under strain should pay attention to the drug.
  7. "" helps improve eye condition. It minimizes fatigue and improves vision in myopia. The complex is suitable for students and workers who experience serious eye strain.

Vitamins for eyesDescriptionAverage price
Vitalux plusIt is a reliable source of vitamin E, zinc, copper and other beneficial components. It is available in capsules. Adults should take a couple of capsules per day1.525 rubles
Strix ForteCreated on the basis of blueberry extract. It also contains excipients, zinc, selenium and vitamins. It will be useful for the treatment of myopia and other similar problems. Adults can take up to six tablets per day with meals2,480 rubles
MirtikamThe drug is based on herbal ingredients. It is produced as a syrup. It is characterized by a good disinfecting effect. If your eyes are constantly under stress, this drug will become optimal options. Should be taken twice a day, a teaspoon3,230 rubles
Vitrum visionContains zinc, vitamins and other useful components. Used in case of deterioration of vision, after surgical interventions, etc.4,520 rubles

With the help of a competent choice of vitamins, you can improve the condition of your eyes and restore visual acuity. You just need to choose the right drug, which is best done with the help of an ophthalmologist.

*Instructions for dietary supplement Okuwait® Forte

Choosing good vitamins to improve vision

The comparison of the most expensive thing with the apple of an eye, invented by our ancestors, does not lose relevance today. Moreover: the apple itself acquired special value and began to require increased attention to one’s own health.

Prolonged work at a PC, watching TV, physical inactivity, rare and meager portions of fresh air - all this has led to a decrease in visual acuity and ophthalmological diseases seriously “rejuvenating”. You can help maintain eye health with the help of the best modern vitamin complexes designed specifically for this.

Complivit Oftalmo

Photo: otcpharm.ru

The cost of a package containing 60 tablets is about 400 rubles.

Advantages. Distinctive feature This vitamin-mineral complex is that it provides an impact on all functions responsible for visual acuity and eye health. The product contains 9 vitamins, 3 minerals, lutein and zeaxanthin. Together, these substances help not only to replenish the deficiency of nutrients needed by our visual organs, but also strengthen the walls of the blood vessels in the eyes, protect against the negative effects of UV rays and radiation from electronic gadgets, activate regeneration processes in the tissues of the eye, etc.

Perhaps the most accurate way to describe the benefits of Complivit Ofthalmo is this: the drug is designed for people exposed to constant and excessive visual stress. It will help both prevent complications of this lifestyle and restore vision with complex treatment.

Flaws. The drug cannot be taken by persons under 18 years of age, so it is not suitable for the most vulnerable category of “computer-weary” children – children.

Conclusions. Complivit Ophthalmo is definitely worthy of a crown spot in your home medicine cabinet if your eyes are the main “working tool” that bears the main load. Practically, the best eye vitamins for people who work at a computer. 10 points out of ten!

Reviews. « I have been taking them for three years now (once a year in a course) and I can say that these are one of the the best vitamins for the eyes. They help well, there is no dryness in the eyes, no redness, fatigue, “sand” and other things, too.”.

Vitrum Vision

Photo: irecommend.ru

The cost of a package containing 60 tablets is about 1000 rubles.

Advantages. The composition of the drug is not overloaded with vitamins and microelements, but includes everything essential for visual health. This “minimalistic” formulation allows children over 12 years of age to take Vitrum Vision. This is an important factor: the prepubertal period is one of those stages at which the development of visual impairment is most likely. The body of a child growing very rapidly is unable to effectively supply the eyes with nutrients, leaving everything necessary to support vital organs. And the eyes of a teenager who does not take his eyes off the screen of a smartphone or tablet suffer from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals and are gradually losing ground. Vitrum Vision, taken for prophylaxis, will help prevent vision complications, and as one of the components of complex treatment, it will accelerate the restoration of visual acuity to healthy values.

Flaws. The price can scare you away. But only if you are not afraid of the prices for optical glasses and contact lenses. In addition, given the content of vitamins in Vitrum Vision that can accumulate in body tissues, creating “reserves”, this complex is not recommended to be taken together with other multivitamins, without the consent of a doctor.

Conclusions. One of the best, reliable and proven means for the prevention of visual acuity disorders in adults and adolescents. 10 points out of 10.

Reviews. « I take it as prescribed by an ophthalmologist. A little expensive. But for the eyes (especially in old age) vitamins are simply necessary».

Blueberry Forte with lutein

Photo: krv.com.ua

The cost of a package containing 50 tablets is about 140 rubles.

Advantages. People have known about the healing properties of blueberries for a long time. How our ancestors learned about the ability of this plant to restore vision is unknown. But laboratory and clinical trials conducted over the past decades have confirmed: blueberries contain substances that activate regenerative processes in eye tissues, normalize the permeability of cell membranes, and even stimulate the regeneration of a special pigment, which is responsible for the quality of vision in different conditions illumination Additional substances - lutein, vitamins C, B and zinc, produce an additional effect that strengthens vision.

Flaws. Apart from the traditional possible intolerance to the components of the complex, no shortcomings have been identified. Some of the best vitamins for the prevention of visual impairment in adults and children.

Conclusions. 10 points out of ten is a well-deserved rating for a drug that is recommended for strengthening eye function in adults and children, starting from 3 years of age.

Reviews. « Excellent dietary supplement. I have slight vision problems and periodically drink a course of blueberries. Eye fatigue disappears (I sometimes work at the computer for 12 hours), of course I not only drink Blueberries, I also drip drops, and overall the effect is excellent».

Star eyebright

Photo: www.evalar.ru

The cost of a package containing 30 capsules is about 120 rubles.

Advantages. Another phyto-vitamin complex for those who trust the healing powers of nature. And they should be trusted: medicinal eyebright is a plant known for its ability to positively influence the regeneration of eye tissue. Just what is needed for people who have to spend a lot of time at the computer and driving - in conditions of frequent changes in lighting intensity or in insufficient lighting of the workplace.

The healing effects of eyebright are supplemented with a complex of vitamins, which helps prevent deficiency of nutrients involved in metabolic functions.

Flaws. The manufacturer indicates that no side effects have been identified, but given the plant origin of the main component of the drug, it should be taken with caution by people with hay fever and other forms of allergies.

Conclusions. The best plant-based eye vitamins - effective remedy with a thoughtful composition and not “burdened down” by an excess of components of synthetic origin. 10 points out of 10.

Reviews. " Almost a week after I started drinking Eyebright, I felt an improvement in my vision at night. I work as a driver, and after a night shift I felt a strong pain in my eyes, which gradually disappeared when I took a course of this dietary supplement».

Biorhythm Vision 24 day/night

Photo: www.evalar.ru

The cost of a package containing 32 tablets is about 230 rubles.

Advantages. Our visual organs, working tirelessly during the day, want good rest at night. But under load and “inaction” they require a different complex of substances. If in daytime eyes need antioxidants to prevent the negative effects of factors environment, and vitamins that support visual acuity, then at night they need vitamins and microelements that help restore damage.

This feature was taken into account when developing the Biorhythm Vision 24 complex. “Day” tablets contain vitamins that prevent the formation of free radicals under the influence of radiation from electronic gadgets, damage to cells by ultraviolet radiation and help replenish the reserves of light-sensitive pigments. "Night" tablets include vitamins and minerals necessary for full-fledged recovery processes in the tissues of the eye, blood vessels and optic nerve.

The distribution of tablets into daytime and nighttime allowed to reduce the dosage of some vitamins (in particular, A and E - which can cause negative side effects in case of overdose) and at the same time maintain effectiveness.

Flaws. There are no downsides as such. If you follow the requirements for taking the drug, no complications are expected.

Conclusions. The balanced composition, created taking into account the biorhythms of our body, is worthy of the highest rating. 10 points out of 10.

In the modern world, the eyes can withstand a lot of overload. Such factors include ultraviolet radiation, working at a monitor, stress, etc. Our vision gradually “deteriorates,” and we have to go to see a doctor and spend considerable sums on treatment. But any disease is much cheaper and easier to prevent than to treat. Vitamins for vision will help with this. Good vitamins for vision are a way to prevent eye diseases or stop the process that has begun.

What vitamins are necessary for vision

  • Vitamin A. One of the most necessary for vision. It must be constantly supplied to the body, otherwise ophthalmic diseases will not take long to appear.
  • Vitamin D or calciferol. It is involved in the transport and absorption of calcium, which is necessary for adequate muscle contraction. With a deficiency of this element, myopia may develop.
  • Vitamin E or tocopherol acetate. Stabilizes cell membranes, has an antioxidant effect, protecting the eyes from the influence of bright lighting and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Vitamin B. Helps transmit nerve impulses, normalizes intraocular pressure.
  • Vitamin B2. It is part of the visual pigment, determining eye color. It also protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Nicotinic acid. Improves the condition of glaucoma, regulates blood flow in the eyes.
  • Vitamin B6. Prevents inflammation of the optic nerve and relieves eye strain.
  • Vitamin B12. Renders positive influence on all processes in the eyes, does not allow glaucoma to develop.
  • Vitamin C. Excellent for strengthening blood vessels.
  • Lutein. Helps the eyes be more resistant to light. Lutein reserves accumulated in the retina of the eye create a kind of light filter that protects the pigment epithelium from the negative effects of light rays.

On video: the best vitamins for eyes

List of the best, inexpensive but effective



This drug comes in drops with high content taurine He will tell you about the instructions for use and description of the drug Clonidine.

A doctor may prescribe Taufon for various injuries to the mucous membrane or cornea, for burns, to neutralize discomfort after a long and traumatic exposure to the sun without dark glasses.

The main active ingredient has a powerful restorative effect and saturates the eye tissue with oxygen. The drug is placed in glass or plastic bottles with a capacity of 20 and 5 ml.

The approximate price is from 40 to 115 rubles for a small container. About eye drops Oftan Katahrom find out.

Hypersensitivity to the components is indicated as a contraindication. produced in different countries.

In capsules

Focus - a corrective system for vision

This medicine contains a set of vitamins and blueberry extract.

Blisters with 20 capsules are placed in a cardboard box.
Contraindications: children under 4 years of age, individual intolerance to the components.

Focus is a corrective system for vision.

The cost of the drug Focus is about 300 rubles per package. Manufacturer: Akvion.


The effectiveness of the drug is achieved due to two main substances: vitamin A and vitamin E. Ujala will tell you about Indian eye drops.

It is prescribed for age-related and congenital disorders of the retina, for atherosclerotic vascular diseases, and prevents the process of melting the retina.

The medicine should not be taken without appropriate doctor's instructions.
Use by pregnant women and people with chronic glomerulonephritis and cholecystitis is prohibited. Also, these vitamins should not be prescribed to children under 14 years of age. Packages vary and contain from 10 to 30 tablets.

One package costs from 40 rubles.

For those who work at a computer

Strix with blueberries to improve eye function

The vitamin complex in tablets also contains blueberry extract and carotene. Recommended as a prophylactic drug for. Helps with myopia, farsightedness and glaucoma.

When used regularly, they neutralize unpleasant sensations in the eyes of those who work with welding or spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor.

The package contains 30 tablets, the cost of which ranges around 600 rubles.

The drug has no contraindications, except hypersensitivity to the components. Manufactured by Ferrosan in Denmark.

Strix with blueberries.

American tablets Vitrum Vision Forte

This multicomponent American drug has gained very wide popularity among patients, because its effectiveness has long been confirmed. The tablets contain not only vitamins, but also blueberry extract.

Doctors recommend taking Vitrum Vision Forte during constant exercise near the computer. It will be very useful for people suffering from diabetic retinopathy and night blindness. An excellent result comes from taking Vitrum after surgical intervention before our eyes.

For ease of use, the tablets are packaged in different containers of 30, 60, 100, 120 pieces.

The average cost is 1130 rubles.

These vitamins are not prescribed to children under 12 years of age, or to those who have allergic reaction on the components of the drug.

Vitrum Vision Forte.

For children

Vitamins “Alphabet”

This vitamin complex perfectly regulates the activity of the entire visual apparatus. Thanks to the presence of vitamins B2 and E, the membranes of the eyes are reliably protected.
The package contains three types of tablets, which consist of different substances:

  • lutein tablet protects the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, has a preventive effect on the formation of retinal dystrophy;
  • the “blueberry+” tablet normalizes the condition of the eyes after prolonged exercise and increases visual acuity in the twilight;
  • A tablet with vitamin A helps restore vision and strength throughout the body.

The cost is about 300 rubles.

For myopia

Blueberry Forte

This is a dietary supplement recommended for use only after consulting a doctor. The composition contains lutein, blueberry extract, carotene, B vitamins and components that promote the absorption of these valuable substances by the body. He will tell you how to distinguish myopia from farsightedness.

The complex normalizes the condition and activity of the lens, helps with farsightedness and myopia.

Not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age. Capsules are packaged in packages of 50 - 150 tablets.

Stabilizes the functioning of the lens, is indicated for myopia and farsightedness (other drugs for farsightedness and nearsightedness). Not prescribed for children under 14 years of age. Manufacturer – Evalar (Russia).

The average cost is 110 – 260 rubles.

Blueberry Forte.

For farsightedness

Does Slezavit help correct vision?

This is a multicomponent drug Russian production. Contains blueberry extract.

Slezavit well prevents the development of age-related degenerative processes in the eyes, so it is often recommended for use by elderly people. Helps correct vision in case of farsightedness and other ophthalmological problems.

Produced in packs of 30 capsules.

Price - approximately 500 - 600 rubles.


With lutein

Doppelhertz Active

This is a dietary supplement that contains sufficient amounts of retinol, lutein and blueberry extract. Can be taken as a preventive measure for eye diseases.

The drug shows very good efficiency when used after surgery on the organs of vision. With constant use, blood circulation in the eyes improves and recovery processes are accelerated.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation and individual sensitivity to the components of the product.
Vitamins are produced in Germany.

Approximate price – 300 – 400 rubles per pack of 30 pcs. Find out about drops to improve vision for farsightedness.

  • Vitamin A is found in abundance in rose hips, dill, fatty fish, red carrots, rowan fruits, pumpkin, prunes, butter, cottage cheese, milk, liver and sour cream.
  • To regularly replenish vitamin C reserves, you need to eat berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, greens, apples, sauerkraut and bell peppers.
  • Vitamin E is found in sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive, flaxseed and corn oil. It is also present in small doses in meat, liver, milk and eggs.
  • B vitamins should be found in legumes, nuts, liver, dairy products, meat, mushrooms, grains, bran, vegetables, eggs and fish.

On video: products for good vision

Why do people need vitamins for their eyes? To improve vision! After all, they, along with microelements, without any doubt, play a huge role in the proper functioning of this important organ for us.

Unfortunately, the lifestyle modern man sitting at the computer, occupying all his free time watching TV and not spending enough time outdoors negatively affects eye health. That is why it is very important for everyone to pay attention to drugs that could eliminate the problem of vision impairment.

And, of course, here many of us are faced with a choice. What vitamins are best to purchase to maintain vision, since the pharmacological industry produces a huge range of these drugs? The answer to this question can be found in this article. It will also look at the best eye vitamins to improve vision, a list of the most popular drugs that the pharmaceutical industry offers us, as well as reviews from people who have taken them.

Selection of vitamins for the eyes

What are the best eye vitamins to buy to improve vision? When answering this question, it is necessary to clarify the opinion of ophthalmologists. Experts recommend to their patients who want to improve the quality of vision, as well as implement preventive measures, which help prevent the occurrence of pathologies, approach this issue comprehensively. They advise using not only fortified preparations available in tablet form, but also eye drops. You need to replenish your reserves with elements useful for our body by paying attention to your diet. The daily menu should contain products that could improve the functioning of the organ of vision.

What has nature created for our eyes?

There are vitamins necessary for vision. Their deficiency in the body causes disruption of the functioning of the eyes. Every person who pays attention to their health should know what eye vitamins exist to improve vision.

List of these useful substances consists of:

1. Vitamin A. Its deficiency impairs the clarity of vision. This becomes especially noticeable at night.

2. Vitamin C. This organic element promotes the supply of oxygen to the eye tissues. It participates in the processes of regeneration of corneal cells, reduces the likelihood of glaucoma and cataracts. In addition, vitamin C maintains normal tone of the eye muscles.

3. Vitamin B1. Its second name is thiamine. This is a vitamin that is good for vision. Its action normalizes intraocular pressure; it takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses to the eyes. Thiamine is also able to resist the development of pathologies such as glaucoma.

4. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). This organic element has a positive effect on the functioning of the pupils and strengthens the walls of the capillary vessels of the eye. Taking riboflavin helps prevent the occurrence of glaucoma and cataracts.

5. Vitamin B6. His work is aimed at improving the conductivity of nerve impulses and activating metabolic processes in the tissues of the eyes.

6. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Taking it helps strengthen the optic nerve and prevent such a negative process as fiber exfoliation.

7. Vitamin E is also included in this list. It is good for vision because it is a powerful antioxidant. This organic element protects cell membranes from free radicals and enhances rejuvenation processes in eye tissues.

Which of these lists are the best vitamins for the eyes? To improve vision, you will need their comprehensive intake. The more different nutrients your body receives, the greater the effect they will have on vision.

Let's look at the most popular complexes that are offered in our pharmacy chains.

Okuwait Forte

To slow down the aging process of the eyes and maintain their health, it is recommended to take complexes containing essential carotenoids, enzymes and antioxidants. For example, the biologically active food supplement Okuwait® Forte. Its components - lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc - help cope with eye fatigue and also prevent a decrease in visual acuity.


Judging by user reviews, these are wonderful eye vitamins for improving vision. The highly effective drug “Lutein-Complex” is available in tablet form. According to reviews of people who have taken this drug, it significantly increases visual acuity.

This wonderful complex contains vitamins C, E and A. Among its components that have a positive effect on vision are lutein and blueberry extract. The drug also contains various microelements.

According to ophthalmologists, this multivitamin especially helps those who experience severe eye strain. Patients who have been diagnosed with glaucoma, as well as cataracts or retinal dystrophy also speak well of the drug.


These are excellent eye vitamins for improving vision. Reviews from experts indicate the high effect achieved by taking this drug. Multivitamin product provides excellent warning age-related changes eyes, which can cause not only vision deterioration, but also its loss.

The drug "Optics" is available in tablet form. It contains vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids. plant origin(lutein and zajusanthin). The drug not only protects the eyes, but also replenishes the deficiency of organic substances in the body.

"Doppelherz Active" with blueberries and lutein

This ophthalmic drug is available in capsules. This multivitamin is a true source of vitamin A, lutein, anthocyanins and zinc. It also contains powder made from blueberries. The drug is intended to improve blood circulation in the eye tissues and provide them with adequate nutrition.

"Strix Forte"

These vitamins are also available in tablet form. They contain such valuable components as vitamins E and A, lutein and blueberry extract, selenium and zinc.

According to reviews from people who took it, this vitamin complex perfectly eliminates the discomfort in the visual organs that occurs when working for a long time at a computer or with a welding machine, as well as when frequently exposed to bright sun or artificial lighting.


This drug is produced by the domestic pharmacological industry in the form of capsules. It contains various components that are very beneficial for the eyes. These are vitamins such as B1, 2 and 6, as well as C, E and A. Among the active elements of the multivitamin product “Slezavit” are selenium and chromium, zeaxanthin and lutein.

Do These Eye Vitamins Help Improve Vision? Reviews from people who took them confirm the effect in preventing fatigue. This complex also helps maintain visual acuity.

"Focus Forte"

According to patient reviews, this multivitamin complex is especially good during periods when a person experiences high visual stress. In addition, the drug "Focus Forte" is recommended for prophylactic purposes. It is good for preventing visual problems. Taking this wonderful remedy is recommended for long-term exposure to bright sun and for retinal dystrophy. The drug contains beta-carotene, as well as lutein, vitamins A, C, E and B2, zeaxanthin, zinc, copper and selenium. These components of the ophthalmic product are designed to improve blood supply to the eye and restore vision after significant stress.

"Vitrum Vision"

This combination product, which is available in tablet form, contains vitamins C, E, B2, P, as well as beta-carotene, zinc oxide, lutein and selenium, zeaxanthin and blueberry extract. Reviews from patients who have taken this ophthalmic drug confirm its high effectiveness in solving problems with myopia, impaired twilight vision, retinal damage and diabetic retinopathy. The drug "Vitrum Vision" is also recommended for those who experience heavy visual stress.

"Blueberry Forte"

The active components of this drug stimulate and regenerate visual pigment. The result is increased visual acuity and the ability of the eyes to adapt to low light conditions. This effect is confirmed by numerous patient reviews.

When using the drug "Blueberry Forte", fatigue of the visual organs is eliminated and the retina is renewed. The product improves blood circulation in the eye tissues and normalizes intraocular pressure. Its formulation includes vitamins C, B1, 2 and 6, as well as blueberry extract, rutin and zinc lactate.


This is one of the most popular vitamin complexes for vision. Ophthalmologists recommend its use to those patients who have atherosclerotic vascular pathology or negative changes that have occurred in the retina. The drug "Aevit" includes vitamins A and E.

According to user reviews, when taking it, visual functions improve. The eyes begin to adapt faster during twilight. Taking Aevit capsules is a means of preventing diseases such as retinal dissection.

For young patients

The pharmaceutical industry produces special vision vitamins for children. They are especially recommended to be given in the autumn and winter periods. Vision vitamins for children contain all the substances necessary for the eyes. Moreover, they taste good. For the safety of children's health, you should adhere to the rules of administration and recommendations given by the ophthalmologist.

Polivit Baby is considered the best vitamin for the eyesight of newborns. This product is released in the form of drops. They can be added to food or drink.

For children over one year old, ophthalmologists recommend a wider range of medications. Their list includes “Pikovit”, “Sana-Sop” and “Alphabet. Our baby."

Those who are already four years old can be given Vita Bears, Classic and Multi Tabs. For older children, Vitrum Vision (after 12 years) and Alphabet Optikum (after 14 years) are recommended.

The form of release of these vitamin complexes for children may be different. The preparations are in the form of syrups and powders, capsules and gels, as well as drops intended for topical use. For children from 3 to 6 years old, products are available in the form of chewable tablets.

Eye drops

The release form of vitamin complexes for adults is not necessarily capsules or tablets. The pharmaceutical industry also produces drops. Eye vitamins for improving vision in this form also deserve a lot positive feedback consumers. The most popular is the drug "Taufon", which contains taurine. These eye drops are recommended in cases of damage to the mucous membranes and cornea, and for burns, including sunburn. According to consumer reviews, Taufon restores visual acuity, which becomes possible thanks to its ability to saturate the tissues of the visual organs with oxygen.

Riboflavin drops are also considered a good drug. They contain aqueous solution such an important vitamin for the eyes as B2, which provides excellent support for the functions of the visual organs.

Often, ophthalmologists recommend to their patients such products as Optikrom and Ifiral, Opatanol and Vizin. These drugs help cope with redness in the eyes, and also help eliminate conjunctivitis in its various forms.

Today, consumers are offered dozens of types of Japanese eye drops. They contain a variety of vitamins and amino acids, as well as other useful elements. According to consumer reviews, such drugs can quickly eliminate visual fatigue and give pleasant freshness to the eyes. Also, Japanese drops have proven to be highly effective in solving problems such as dryness and redness, irritation and inflammatory processes in the eyes.

Vitamins for myopia

Many people suffer from vision impairment. And if it is expressed in the progression of myopia, then you should pay attention to eye medications, the formulation of which contains lutein and zeoxanthin, lycopene and vitamins B, as well as C and A. What recommendations do ophthalmologists give in this case? The best vitamins for vision with myopia, according to experts, are “Slezavit” and “Aevit”, “Vitrum Vision” and “Focus Forte”, “Lutein Complex” and “Complivit Oftalmo”.

To those who for a long time looks at the computer monitor, it is necessary to take vitamin ophthalmic preparations with a wide range of action. These include “Vitrum Vision”, “Doppelhertz Active” with blueberries and lutein, “Focus Forte”. According to user reviews, drops from Japan are excellent for helping with prolonged eye strain.

Thanks to vision, we receive up to 90% of all information. Is it possible to increase its severity and prevent the development of eye diseases? Of course, if you include in your daily menu foods that contain certain vitamins.

Night blindness storm

Vitamin A (retinol)

Why is it important?

This valuable substance is part of the visual pigment of the retina - rhodopsin, thanks to which we can see objects in the dark or in dim lighting. With a deficiency of vitamin A, there is a decrease in visual acuity in low light, up to its complete loss at dusk - night blindness.

Also, a lack of vitamin can cause conjunctivitis, glaucoma, and xerophthalmia. In the latter case, the membrane of the eye - the cornea - gradually turns into a cataract, and the function of the lacrimal glands is also impaired.

Where can I get it?

If problems have already arisen, the doctor may prescribe special eye drops and medications that contain vitamin A. For prevention, you need to take vitamin complexes, as well as increase your intake of the vitamin from food. They are rich in beef, pork and cod liver, chicken eggs, butter, milk, sour cream, and cream.

IN plant products contains provitamins - carotene and carotenoids, which are converted into vitamin A in the intestines. Large reserves of carotene are found in all fruits and vegetables of red, orange and yellow, and also in greenery.

Carotene is better absorbed with fats. From carrots grated on a coarse grater, only 5% of carotene is absorbed, from finely grated carrots - 20%, and if you season a carrot salad vegetable oil or sour cream, the body will receive about half of this “sighted” vitamin. By the way, carotene is easily destroyed upon contact with air: cut vegetables and herbs immediately before serving and do not leave them chopped in reserve.

For the eyes - top class

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Why is it important?

This vitamin has a beneficial effect on vision: the eyes become sharper, see better in the dark and perceive colors. With a deficiency of riboflavin, there may be complaints of pain in the eyes, rapid visual fatigue, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis) and eyelids (blepharitis).

A lack of riboflavin can occur not only due to insufficient dietary intake, but also due to certain diseases gastrointestinal tract. For example, with chronic enteritis and enterocolitis, the absorption and assimilation of this vitamin is impaired.

Where can I get it?

All dairy and fermented milk products are rich in vitamin B2. There is a lot of it in chicken, beef, and lean pork. Riboflavin is also found in fish: cod, herring, mackerel, tuna. The vitamin can also be obtained from peas, spinach, cauliflower, green onions, dill, liver, and chicken eggs. On average, 60% of the daily intake of this substance comes to our body from products of animal origin, 40% from plant origin.

Riboflavin hardly accumulates in the body, so foods that contain it should appear on your table every day. Eat enough protein foods - it is necessary for the absorption of the vitamin. By the way, riboflavin does not tolerate bright sunlight. For example, milk left on the table will lose approximately 10% of the vitamin every hour.

Milk soups and porridges will turn out much tastier and will almost completely retain riboflavin if you cook the cereal in water and only then add warmed milk.

Cataract management

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Why is it important?

Ascorbic acid strengthens blood vessels, including the capillaries of the eye. With a deficiency of vitamin C in the body, hemorrhages occur under the conjunctiva (mucous membrane) eyeball, in the retina, are created favorable conditions for the development of conjunctivitis.

Vitamin C also prevents and reduces the risk of developing cataracts. The main manifestation of this disease is partial or complete clouding of the lens with a decrease in visual acuity, up to its complete loss.

Clinical studies show that ascorbic acid slows down the clouding process.

Where can I get it?

The main sources of this vitamin, essential for the eyes, are fresh and freshly frozen vegetables, fruits and berries. Among them are cabbage, sorrel, radishes, green onions, black currants, blueberries, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, strawberries, as well as parsley leaves, dill, sauerkraut, sprouted wheat grains, dried rose hips.

Steam food more often - this way vitamin C is better preserved. When cooked, products lose about 50-60% of ascorbic acid. To ensure that ascorbic acid is destroyed as little as possible, place the products in boiling, slightly salted and acidified water.
