October horoscope for Leo woman. October horoscope for Leo woman Astrological forecast for October Leo

The month does not foretell worries and worries because of love. October 2017 is a time of development and stabilization, especially for married unions and long-established love couples. If you are already in a relationship, things will move in the direction of strengthening the connection. Shared interests, social or financial, are the driving force. This trend is emphasized by the presence of Venus, the planet of love and partnership, in Leo’s house of money.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter, known as the planet of luck, moves into the Leo family sector, where it will remain until November next year. The influence of Jupiter is favorable for everything related to family. There will be more harmony and mutual understanding with your spouse and family. Issues related to repairs, major purchases, purchasing real estate, moving to another city or even abroad can be successfully resolved.

If you are still single and looking for love, your chances of success increase. Pay attention to the second half of the month. During this period, Venus is in Leo's house of communications, promising romantic opportunities and new acquaintances. Love stories, which began at this time, have every chance of developing into a long-term relationship. In addition, you are supported by Saturn, which will help strengthen relationships, give you wisdom and responsibility, which is also important for finding happiness in love.

Leo career and financial horoscope for October 2017

Mid-autumn will be a successful period for career and finances. Creativity and entrepreneurship remain your strengths, giving you an edge in a competitive environment.

The Sun and Mercury in the third house of Leo speak of travel and meetings, negotiations, communication, intellectual development, as well as success in matters related to dexterity or mobility. The work of those representatives of your sign who work in sales, transport, speak in public, write articles and other materials will be more active.

Venus is located in the house of money of your sign until October 14, 2017 and Mars until October 23. Expect activation financial issues. In a positive version, the dynamism of Mars will be expressed in the emergence of new ideas and the adoption of energetic measures to increase income. However, under the influence of the impulsive energy of Mars, you may be tempted to take risks. Restrain such impulses so that they do not lead to losses.


Health issues cannot be ignored, since the period is potentially risky. Pluto in your house of health forms tense aspects with other planets, and troubles are possible. If you feel signs of any disease, do not delay visiting your doctor. The stars advise to lead healthy image life, then you will feel good all month.

Stand up for your opinion, but do it through diplomacy!

The autumn month of October brings a lot of interesting and educational things for Leo representatives. At this wonderful moment, the zodiac constellation will be able to resolve all previously accumulated matters. The Leo horoscope for October will advise slightly selfish zodiac signs to be more active and strive to achieve the best benefits. Not only old and somewhat forgotten cases can be resolved now, major opportunities and real achievements await Lviv. The only thing that needs to be observed at this moment is positivity and determination everywhere and always. The stars confidently promise the zodiac sign great luck, but only if the latter themselves actively strive to obtain their own benefits.

After about the 10th day, the character of a zodiac representative may increase in aggressiveness, and such a harmful mood will affect almost everyone nearby. It is important for star representatives to learn to control the storm of their own emotions, otherwise such behavior can attract the activity of enemies and enemies. In general, in October, many Leos should be wary of slander, which can even come from close people. You cannot be led by emotions and it is strictly forbidden to follow the thoughts and desires of other people. Despite the fact that Leos are selfish natures, they can often succumb to completely alien influence. The negativity of time can also come from the increased sensitivity of the sign’s representative. The latter simply needs to carefully control his emotional urges, otherwise the corresponding attitude in his life can turn a prosperous fate into a negative misfortune.

The love horoscope for Leo for October 2018 will advise the star representative to pay more attention to his own desires. Perhaps the latter lack positive communication, since they are completely busy solving everyday problems. The time will simply be filled with interesting acquaintances and exciting dates, but Leos can only learn to get maximum pleasure from the benefits offered by the stars. This month may become not so much a loving month for the star representatives, but a friendly one. Probably, many Leos will find interesting partners or true friends with new communication. In no case should you give up the pleasure of communication; positive moments in life can significantly improve your mood.

For almost the entire autumn month, women will be preoccupied with searching for either flirting or a serious relationship. At the same time, married women will be more inclined to look for romantic, albeit short-term relationships. But single ladies will be more pleased with a serious and long-term family life. Such searches can be crowned with precise success, because the stars this month are favorable towards Leo.

In search of romance and true love, it is important for ladies to remember about their own health. It is the health horoscope for Leo that reminds us that all the slightest symptoms of illness urgently need to be subjected to immediate and appropriate treatment.

Horoscope for October 2018 for the Leo man

But courageous and strong representatives of the star half of the constellation will prefer to open the hunt for fans and beautiful ladies. They will definitely be lucky in this, but there is a possibility that Leos will soon get tired of such a romantic and stormy sphere of life, and they will want to switch to their own career or a positive vacation.

By the way, this month’s vacation will be a “Hurray” for men. Choosing holiday options will not be difficult. Gambling and extreme men can go to a ski resort, and lovers of tranquility will be interested in having a personal free time in a cinema or billiard club.

Love horoscope for October 2018 for Leo

The romantic mood of lonely representatives of the sign will encourage Leos to be active in finding a partner for their own family life. But you shouldn’t really hope for anything serious; the month, of course, is good for love affairs, but it certainly won’t bring seriousness and constancy.

Family zodiac representatives simply need to show attention to their other half more often. Perhaps the couple has accumulated everyday problems that can no longer be resolved by the spouses alone. It is Leo who should become a bright initiator in the pursuit of resolving the problems that have arisen.

Health horoscope for October 2018 for Leo

Star representatives should not expect any special problems with their own health. The only thing is that you need to be extra careful on the road, as there is a risk of injury.

This month it is important for Leos to try to use effective and reliable methods of prevention against the activation of colds. The winter season is coming very soon, where the risk of colds reaches the epicenter. Hardening is ideal as an effective prevention. In addition, Leo needs to remember the basic rules and basics of only healthy and wholesome nutrition.

Financial horoscope for October 2018 for Leo

A very positive and fast-paced time is coming for representatives of the star constellation in terms of their careers. Many Leos will be able to rise sharply up the career ladder, while the latter will not have to work too hard or jump “over the heads” of their colleagues. But relationships with partners or colleagues may show a slight crack; the main reason for the possible destruction of relationships lies in Leos themselves, or rather, in their selfish character.

The financial horoscope for October 2018 for Leo reminds you that you should not make sudden expenses in the autumn period. Now it is best to take an accumulative position, but in further period When the required amount of banknotes has already been accumulated in your wallet, you can spend your free time getting absorbed in shopping.

Leo horoscope for October 2017.

In October 2017, Leos and Lionesses need to be a little drunk! And it’s best without alcohol, and most importantly, A LITTLE. Remember how Omar Khayyam taught:

It's better to please your heart with a cup of wine,
Why mourn and praise the past.
A sober mind puts shackles on the soul.
Intoxicated, she breaks the shackles.

So to the Lions and Lionesses in October 2017 “ better heart to rejoice” than to mourn and praise the past. And wine, of course, has nothing to do with it. The main thing for Leos and Lionesses in October 2017 is not to look back, but to look a little forward, breaking the shackles of doubts about the past. Follow the advice of Omar Khayyam: “A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed…”. So in October 2017, both Lions and Lionesses need to get together as much as possible and finish what they started or start something new. As the horoscope shows, if you allow questions to drag on next month, then later you will not only bite your elbows, but also gnaw at yourself, right up to your shoulder. Try to complete any planned work. Don't say you don't have time: everything that can be done tomorrow should be done today! Don't make your existence difficult by trying to find answers to metaphysical questions. Find another time for philosophical discussions. In October 2017, you simply shouldn’t have time for them. Therefore, remember the phrase from the video about “Louboutins” - “suck in your stomach, MAXIMUM”, that’s how Leos and Lionesses in October 2017 need to pull in their stomachs MAXIMUM and pull themselves together. As in the situation when a trainer with a circle of fire stands in front of Leo and shouts: “Stop blowing! Jump, you damned cat!” So both Leos and Lionesses need to stop blowing and jump into October 2017.

But this does not mean that Leos and Lionesses in October 2017 need to get together as much as possible and give up the usual pleasures of life. As the same wise Omar Khayyam taught:

You say, this life is one moment.
Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.
As you spend it, so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

Therefore, create your life. But, do not put off “until tomorrow” what needs to be done today. Try to get rid of infantilism for one month and live like an adult and relax “like an adult.”

To make it clearer, October 2017 for Leos and Lionesses will be similar to the day of the written exam. Moreover, even if you are already well over 40, and not over 20. Therefore, remember these sensations. And the fact that this is the night before the exam, two questions become relevant: is it possible to learn everything in one night and why the hell didn’t you learn before. But on the day of the exam it doesn’t matter – you have to go and take it. So go in October and submit it. Well, what do they do after they have passed the written exam, but do not yet know the results? They go and relax. So in October 2017, go and relax, but only after you pass the exam.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo favorable days – 1, 3, 7, 10, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 30, 31.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leounfavorable days– in fact, in most cases these are unfavorable days, they are like relatives – persistent creatures who simply need something from you and urgently!

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo work, career and business.

Since we're talking about the exam. Then remember that the most terrible part of the exam is not the one when you pull the ticket, but the one where you pull out the spur. This is exactly what October 2017 will be like in the professional sphere. Next month you will need some tips, information, notes, or other people's thoughts. In October 2017, feel free to use any “cheat sheets” or someone else’s help.

Another career horoscope for October 2017 for Leo and Lionesses shows that the next month is a great time for all your professional meetings and negotiations. They will be satisfactory and will help resolve your issues. Therefore, if you have a choice - send a letter, call or meet in person, choose personal conversations. And to give yourself the best chance, take care of your appearance, especially your clothes. It’s not for nothing that an old Indian proverb advises: “Always be well dressed, even when asking, especially when asking for something.”

The fact is that October 2017 will most likely make serious changes in the professional sphere of most Leos and Lionesses. So, most likely, you will not have a choice: you will need to find a way to look at your professional field in a new way, build a new solid foundation, adapt, trying to retain as much as possible your previously acquired positions or experience.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo Finance.

Since we quote Omar Khayyam all the time, the following quote will be useful to Leos and Lionesses in the financial sphere: “What God once measured out to us, friends, cannot be increased and cannot be decreased. Let’s try to spend the cash wisely, without coveting anything else, without asking for a loan.”

Let us add that in October 2017 you need to reduce possible risks. And don't forget to save. In October 2017, even if you have the opportunity to save a couple of pennies, don’t be shy, you won’t regret it.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Leo. Horoscope for October 2017 Leo Love.
Love and romance will await Leos and Lionesses not only in bed and at home. The two most favorable planets of the Zodiac - Jupiter (fortune) and Venus (Goddess of Love) - will pamper your heart. These planets will be favorable for those who live together and for lonely Leos and Lionesses.

Family representatives of your zodiac sign will strengthen their sensual and intellectual connections. Married couples will feel solidarity and participation in each other's lives also under the favorable influence of Mercury (especially in joint purchases). Leos and Lionesses born in the first ten days of August will feel this more than others. True, from the outside, it will be similar to the situation when it was endless vanilla rain outside the French window of New York in London. She had a rose in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other, and with ANOTHER arm she was hugging him. Well, so be it. The main thing is that you will have a hand and someone to hug. What kind of counting hand is it, what difference does it make.” The question “What will people think?” - should be in the very last place. Basically, no one cares. Life is yours" - Omar Khayyam

Single Leos and Lionesses will feel a great desire to love and be loved. Favorable Venus will definitely provide you with the opportunity to fall in love in October 2017, so it is your task to take advantage of these chances, or chances, because no one knows how many there will be. In any case, enjoy flirting and possible amorous adventures even without ulterior motives, knowing that our life on earth is very short. Remember when you were a child? You swing on a swing, close your eyes, and it’s like you’re flying. And nothing more is needed for happiness. This is what you need in the amorous sphere in October 2017 - swing on a swing, close your eyes and fly.

At the end horoscope for October 2017 Leo suggests that in the next month you need to pay less attention to common values, and more to your own personal life. There is a possibility that your lofty motives and impulses will, for the most part, remain misunderstood. Like in a situation when the lead singer of U2, a Greenpeace activist and fighter against hunger, goes on stage and starts snapping his fingers at 20-second intervals: - Just imagine, every time I snap my fingers, 1 person dies of hunger in Africa. And then a cry from the audience: “Stop doing this, you dirty bastard!” Therefore, in October 2017, it is better for Leos and Lionesses to turn away from the public towards the personal, at least for a while.

And one more thing. Try to avoid companies where you are envied, remember another wise thought of Omar Khayyam: “A dolphin and a flounder splashed in the sea: “What a beautiful fish,” thought the dolphin, “What a freak,” thought the flounder...” Lions and Lionesses, of course dolphins...

Have you read our horoscope for October 2017 LEO?

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Those born in the zodiac sign of Leo in October 2017 can count on quality support from their heavenly patrons - the Sun and Pluto. Both planets will be, so to speak, in a good mood, therefore critical situation you will have someone to rely on. In general, the second month of autumn will be quite dynamic for your sign, although perhaps not to the extent you expected. You will definitely have to reconsider your plans, there is no doubt about it, the need will take place, you will feel it already in the first ten days. But there is nothing terrible here; moreover, you will quickly understand that you really needed it, and as a result you will only benefit from a radical change in vectors. In terms of business, ambiguous situations are likely to arise, which, however, will not be to your detriment. And the “love front” will generally delight you with unexpected but pleasant events. In any case, each situation will have an option for a positive outcome, you just need to identify and implement this option. Although in certain situations, the unfavorable placement of Uranus can significantly affect your plans, and, of course, this influence will not be positive. So it makes sense to double-check your every step, try to look a little further than usual. Myopia and connivance will now become your worst enemies, which will easily negate your achievements.

In terms of work direction, October 2017 for Leo, as already noted, will be an unusual, but definitely successful time. The dynamics of the period will be largely characterized by some internal processes. At the same time, it makes sense to pay close attention to your colleagues or subordinates if you work for yourself. For those Leos who have their own business, the stars recommend acting a little more carefully. Look around more often and don’t think that your decision can be the only correct one, no matter how ideal it may seem to you personally. Those who do not have their own business must act in accordance with the circumstances. That is here we're talking about about flexibility and multitasking, you will have to often change your position and learn to use new techniques. But there is nothing complicated or negative about this, everything will proceed within your capabilities, you won’t even need help at any stage. The main thing is not to doubt the correctness of the decisions you make. They need to be assessed objectively, and self-doubt is a sure way to failure. More precisely, to strengthening the position of Uranus. Narrow-mindedness and a formulaic approach will also not lead to a favorable result, so be careful.

The “love front” in October 2017 will be for Leo the area of ​​life on which all the funniest moments will be concentrated. Yes, that’s right – funny! That is, you can immediately prepare for the fact that at the zenith of the autumn season you will have to smile a lot. You will probably be pleased not only by your loved ones, but also by your friends and acquaintances. By the way, it is friends who need to pay special attention now. No, it’s unlikely that any of them will need your help, but some joint actions, even frankly adventurous ones, will come in very handy. This is not an area of ​​your life where it makes sense to try to figure everything out in advance. Just act, do what you like (without forgetting, of course, the comfort of those around you). Single Leos may meet someone who will change their life. Or they may not, it all depends on the combination of your desires and probabilities. But you will definitely be able to strengthen family ties, you can be sure of that. Just don't try to take an overtly superior position. Now even a hint of selfish tendencies will strengthen the position of Uranus. Also, you should not focus on cunning, creating ambiguous situations. This will lead to adverse consequences.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2017 for the zodiac sign Leo, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Leo. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Leo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Leo sign:

In October, a fair wind promises to fill your sails, and therefore - Full speed ahead!

Love, Leo family in October 2017

Romantic relationships this month are very closely intertwined with work. An unexpected crush on a colleague or the beginning of an office romance is possible. All this is not bad and even at first can stimulate you to work hard. However, the infatuation is unlikely to last long; love tension can fade away as quickly as it flared up. However, now there is no need to look into the future, let everything go as it goes. For some, the stars may give a chance to continue the relationship.

Many people will be concerned about housing issues this month. On the agenda are repairs, exchange or purchase of housing. These activities will keep you busy for a long time, and eventually you will achieve your goal.

Relationships with relatives are complicated: most likely, problems related to the past will arise again. In this case, try to be calmer, especially since it is unlikely that you will be able to prevent the situation.

Relations with children are generally calm, but a large sum may again “float away” from the family budget for their needs.

To look charming in October 2017, the Leo horoscope recommends cutting and coloring your hair according to Lunar calendar of haircuts for October 2017.

Career, finances of Leo in October 2017

Throughout the month you will be distinguished by high efficiency in almost any matter. Entrepreneurs and bosses can count on successful deals and good profits from work done in the past. The employee will also perform well and earn good money.

However, life is structured in such a way that problems cannot be avoided. In October, most of the troubles may be associated with partners living in another city or another country. There may be several reasons for this: partners may not agree with how the work process itself is progressing; On the way to cooperation, you will have to face legal problems, and, finally, the international situation will become more complicated or some force majeure circumstances will arise.

Nevertheless, you should not give up; continue to make efforts to achieve your goals - their implementation is just around the corner. The movement of Jupiter on October 10 will force you to come to grips with organizational issues, construction, and real estate transactions. This is a new stage of your work, more stable and calm than the entire previous period.

An employee may encounter intrigues from colleagues and think about changing jobs, but this should not be done, since the search for a new place may take several months. It seems more logical to go into a family business or engage in some kind of individual work.

IN financially October is very good. Money will arrive regularly, and its quantity will increase noticeably. The approximate dates for receipt of the most significant amounts are October 3, 7, 8, 15-17, 24-26.
