Pregnancy: what to do so that the baby is born healthy Video. Neural tube defect of the fetus: causes, diagnosis, how to prevent Neural tube development defect

When an expectant mother finds out that she is pregnant, her life takes on a completely different meaning. Now you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of the little lump that already lives under your heart. The first thing a woman should do is register with a good specialist whom she trusts in order to be sure of the normal course of pregnancy.

Of course, the last thing young parents want is to think that their child may not develop properly. But if problems are still discovered, do not despair. Gather all your will into a fist and do everything possible to ensure that the child is born healthy.

Neural tube in the fetus - what is it?

Many expectant mothers who are just learning the good news about pregnancy rush to study all the available literature about the upcoming birth. That’s when they come across the information that on days 19-22 from conception, the neural tube in the fetus begins to form. What is it? After all, an adult simply does not have such an organ. The answer is simple: the fetal neural tube is the primary form of development of the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. The open nerve compartment is the platform for the formation of the anterior, middle and posterior bladder.

Terrible diseases that are incompatible with life

As we understand, one of the most important stages in the origin of life that occurs during pregnancy is the formation of the neural tube, from which the baby’s brain and spinal cord will very soon develop. But sometimes it happens that the process of closing the upper section is disrupted, resulting in anencephaly (absence of the brain in the fetus). If there are disturbances in the closure of the lower part of the neural tube, unfortunately, both of these pathologies are incompatible with life, but they are very rare. Statistics confirm that this disease affects one fetus in a thousand.

Sometimes there are situations when the neural tube in the fetus begins to develop incorrectly. What does this mean and should I worry about it?

What are the types of neural tube defects?

Neural tube defects are a range of individual defects that can develop in the fetus. Fortunately, such deviations are quite rare.

It is important to understand that fetal neural tube pathology is not a modern disease that is caused by current human living conditions. As confirmed by the records of paleontologists who conducted relevant research, defects in the development of the spinal cord or brain (this confirms the incorrect development of the skull and spine) were found in the remains of a person who lived 7,000 years ago.

The first mentions in scientific medical works, on the basis of which, one might say, neurosurgery began to develop, were noted in the works of Hippocrates. The Italian anatomist Morgagni Batista was perhaps one of the first to give approximate descriptions of neural tube defects. At that time, of course, such pathologies were not subject to treatment, because medicine was still at a very low level of development.

Reasons for the development of such problems

Unfortunately, sometimes there is a defective neural tube in the fetus. What kind of pathology is this and what causes it? Let's find out the reasons for the deviation from the norm.

So, on the 19-20th day after conception, a specific plate is formed in each fetus - the very first form of development of the human nervous system. On days 20-22, it should begin to close, resulting in the formation of the neural tube in the fetus. The fact that everything is going according to plan is confirmed by the absence of pathologies of the nervous system in the child who is born. If, on the 23rd day from conception, the neural plate has not completely closed into a tube, the fetus will develop problems with the spine. This can lead to high blood pressure larkspur, which was observed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

One of the most common causes of such pathologies is considered viral infections, radiation received by the future mother who has cancer, as well as environmental factors. But more often such deviations occur in pregnant women who also had a neural tube defect. High risk is caused by genetic inheritance.

External factors that can become the root cause of the development of the defect

Yes, a genetic predisposition to such a defect significantly increases the risk of its occurrence. But today is very common cause Doctors believe that the development of such a pathology is due to radiation (the expectant mother can receive radioactive exposure not only during treatment, but also simply while living in an area contaminated with radionuclides). Pesticides, petroleum products and various types of synthetic fertilizers also cause the neural tube in the fetus to develop incorrectly.

Today, many people know that consuming genetically modified food is very dangerous for human life. However, not everyone knows that if an expectant mother abuses such products, she thereby increases the risk of developing a fatal pathology in her baby. Even a hot bath that a woman takes at the beginning of pregnancy can trigger the occurrence of such a defect.

Doctors also attribute unbalanced maternal nutrition to the root causes of the development of a neural tube defect. A woman should pay special attention to herself throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In the case when several of the above factors are found in life expectant mother, you should be prepared for the fact that a pregnant woman will be included in a high-risk group for giving birth to a child who will have a neural tube defect.

Is it true that overweight moms have an increased risk of developing a neural tube defect?

Not long ago, the results of studies became known, according to which it was confirmed that women who are overweight during pregnancy have a risk of developing a neural tube defect in the fetus that is twice as high as women with low body weight. Interestingly, a similar trend was not observed among expectant mothers who were underweight.

The data were compiled from medical records of California women who had a neural tube defect in their fetus. Cases from 1989 to 1991 were taken into account. The results of such a study showed that in women with excess body weight, the risk of developing the disease increases several times. But, interestingly, these data are not affected in any way by increased consumption of folic acid, the deficiency of which is considered one of the reasons for the development of neural tube pathologies in the fetus.

What happens to the fetus when it has such a disorder?

In order to understand how a neural tube defect develops in a fetus, it is necessary to at least general outline understand what the process of embryogenesis is.

So, the first week of pregnancy ends with the formation of the embryonic nodes. The second is the period of formation of axial organs in the fetus, when extraembryonic parts are actively developing. As already mentioned, the third week is the time when the neural tube is formed from a special plate. The first three weeks are the period of primary neurulation. The secondary one occurs within 4-7 weeks from the moment of conception.

Already during this period of time, disorders, that is, spinal dysraphism, may occur. Pathology of the fetal neural tube, which develops into malformations of the lumbosacral part of the future spine, can occur only during the period of secondary neurulation. It now becomes clear that improper development of the neural tube in the fetus begins in the first weeks of pregnancy, which is why treatment of such diseases occurs in the form of preventing the development of serious defects. Thus, therapy should begin before pregnancy and continue during the first weeks of gestation.

Neural tube defects have their own symptoms

Like any disease or disorder of proper development, defective formation of the neural tube in the fetus has its own symptoms.

Signs of spinal dysraphism modern medicine includes the following concepts:

An interesting fact is that the location of such hernias in 90% of cases falls on lumbar region, and very rarely it is observed in the chest or cervical region. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that if a defect develops in the fetus, then the pregnancy most often ends in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). Such embryos simply die, since their further formation is practically impossible.

How to diagnose a neural tube defect or pathology?

You can only see a neural tube defect on an ultrasound, but before that there is still a lot of chance to detect a similar pathology.

To begin with, as already mentioned, it is necessary to perform a preliminary diagnosis, which is recommended during the planning period for a future pregnancy. You should also visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist and geneticist. If possible, it is worth undergoing tests that will show the level of risk of having a child with a neural tube defect. In addition, it is recommended to read a lot of specialized literature. This will help you understand what the fetal neural tube is, and will also allow you to study all the recommendations of specialists that will be useful to you in the future.

After conception, there is no way to do without a monthly examination by an obstetrician. pregnancy must be accompanied by regular blood tests for the expectant mother. It is already possible to conduct an ultrasound examination of the fetus. Don’t be shy about asking a specialist about your baby’s condition, especially if you are in a group of women with an increased risk of neural tube pathology.

In the third trimester, it is already possible to see through ultrasound a congenital deformity of the fetus, which arose as a result of the incorrect formation of the neural tube. A photo of the embryo in the womb can also be shown to another specialist to confirm the diagnosis.

If at one of the stages a defect in the formation of the neural tube was confirmed, this serious reason to raise the issue of termination of pregnancy. However, first you need to find out the degree of the disorder, because with some of its forms a completely normal life is possible. Today, improper formation of the neural tube, which results in the development of deformities in the fetus, can be corrected through surgery. Additional diagnostics are required after you have been given a similar diagnosis, because termination of pregnancy is the very last option.

Treatment of neural tube defects

Treatment for problems that arise due to the formation of the neural tube being disrupted can begin immediately after the birth of the child. As soon as doctors eliminate all threats to the baby’s life, that is, restore independent breathing and check the newborn’s body temperature, the surface of the hernia should immediately be treated with disinfectant solutions and covered with sterile napkins. After a conversation with the parents, if they agree to surgery, the newborn is transferred to the neurosurgical department, where all the necessary studies are carried out, because without them the operation will not be successful.

If there is a threat of hernia rupture, excision is performed immediately. Otherwise, you can wait a little until the child gets stronger. This decision is justified by the fact that ruptures are “open gates” for any type of infection. Often after removal of hernias, purulent-inflammatory processes are observed. According to statistics, approximately 78% of young patients experienced such complications. It should be noted that within a day after the operation, the children’s health status returns to normal. However, 5% of children still remain at risk.

It is also important that if a similar operation is performed on a newborn, the integrity of the meninges can be completely restored. That is, the child after the operation will develop absolutely normally, and a normal life will await him. full life. It is necessary to understand that preliminary studies before surgery are carried out very quickly. They do only the most necessary tests to save the child and not allow him to remain disabled for life. It is important to take the postoperative period seriously. In order for rehabilitation to proceed easily and without complications, all recommendations of the attending physician must be strictly followed.

On days 19–22 from conception, the fetal neural tube– the primary form of development of the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. The open neural tube is the platform for the formation of the anterior, middle and posterior bladder. If the process of closing the upper section is disrupted, anencephaly develops - the absence of a brain in the fetus. If there is a disturbance in the closure of the lower part of the neural tube, spina bifida occurs. The pathology is incompatible with life, but fortunately it is very rare, occurring in one fetus out of a thousand.

Neural tube pathologies are not modern diseases, provoked current living conditions. According to the records of paleontologists, defects in the development of the spinal cord and brain (improper development of the skull and spine) were recorded in people who lived 7,000 years ago.

The first information from which neurosurgery essentially began to develop was noted in the works of Hippocrates. The Italian anatomist Morgagni Batista was one of the first to make approximate description of such pathologies. Of course, the defects could not be treated, because medicine was at a low level of development.

Most common The causes of neural tube malformations are considered to be viral infections, radiation received by the expectant mother during treatment oncological diseases, other environmental factors (pesticides, petroleum products, synthetic fertilizers, GMOs, etc.). Most often, such deviations occur in pregnant women who also had a similar defect in their history, that is, a high risk is provoked by genetic predisposition.

According to new research, an interesting fact has been confirmed - women with excess body weight have a risk of developing neural tube defect in the fetus twice as high as in women with normal or low body mass index. The data were compiled from medical records of California women from 1989 to 1991, in which fetal neural tube deficiency was discovered. In overweight women, the risk was increased by 2.1 times. It is interesting that the results obtained were in no way influenced by an increase in the dose of folic acid, the deficiency of which is considered one of the causes of the development of pathology. Gynecologists advise consuming 5 mg of folic acid daily during the planning period and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During embryogenesis, germinal nodes are formed in the first week. In the second week, extraembryonic parts actively develop. In the third week, the neural tube is formed from a special plate, that is, the first 3 weeks are the period of primary neurulation. Secondary neurulation occurs at 4–7 weeks of pregnancy; during this period, disorders may occur - spinal dysraphism, most often in the form of hernias of the lumbococcygeal part of the future spine. That's why preventative Therapy should begin before pregnancy and continue throughout the first trimester.

Diagnose The problem can be determined by performing an ultrasound; after confirming the diagnosis, a decision is made to terminate the pregnancy or, if the degree of the disorder allows, to carry the pregnancy to term and perform surgical intervention after childbirth. If the operation is performed in time, then in most cases it is possible to completely restore the integrity of the brain membrane, that is, the child after the operation will develop normally and live a full life.

The most common complication after removal of a hernia is purulent-inflammatory processes; they occur in 78% of young patients. It should be noted that within a day after the operation the child’s condition returns to normal and only 5% of children still remain at risk.

One of the main anatomical structures of the fetus is an element called the neural tube. All human neurological organs are subsequently formed from it. During embryogenesis, the fetal neural tube can be damaged under the influence of various factors. This leads to serious illnesses in the child.

Nervous tissue ensures the coordinated functioning of all human organs. It consists of two types of cells:

  • neurons - perform specific functions and are the main structural element nerve tissue;
  • neuroglial cells - provide protection and nutrition to neurons, provide a support function, and delimit clusters of neurons with different functions.

Nervous tissue begins to develop from the moment the embryo is formed. On the 18th day of its existence, a collection of cells called the ectoderm increases and the neural plate is formed from them. This is the rudiment of the entire future nervous system of the body. The fetal neural tube should then form - what is it?

Gradually, rollers are formed from the edges of the plate, between which there is a groove. In the anterior part, the plate is slightly expanded - this is the future brain.

The rollers move closer together over several days until they finally connect. As a result, a hollow tube is formed. Subsequently, this cavity forms the cerebral ventricles and a canal in the spinal cord. The development of the neural tube in the fetus continues during the first weeks of embryogenesis.

Some parts of the plate become unlaced and form small clusters on both sides of the tube, called a ridge. The main part will form the central nervous system. The following elements will develop from the ridge:

  • peripheral nodes;
  • meninges and part of glial tissue;
  • nerve fiber sheath cells;
  • adrenal medulla;
  • skin pigment cells;
  • carotid bodies and the APUD system.

At the initial stages of embryogenesis, the neural tube is represented by a continuous neuroepithelium. Gradually, it differentiates into several areas.

  1. The ventricular zone is formed by cylindrical cells. They are the ancestors of the main cells and macroglia.
  2. The subventricular zone is actively reproducing cells. It is a growth zone and almost completely disappears by the end of the embryonic period.
  3. The intermediate zone is cells without the ability to divide. Form gray matter spinal cord.
  4. The marginal zone is the beginning.

Reasons for the formation of pathologies

What is a defect? This concept refers to any abnormal structure of tissues and organs. A neural tube defect is an anomaly in its structure, formed in embryonic period. In a normal pregnancy, the neural plate folds join by the 23rd day. If this does not happen within the prescribed period, defects form in the fetus.

The causes of fetal neural tube defects are quite varied:

  • an increase in liquor pressure in an already formed tube;
  • viral infection, especially rubella;
  • genetic predisposition - a similar defect in the anamnesis of the parents, cases of children born in the family with such pathologies;
  • pollution environment— radiation, pesticides, chemical waste;
  • taking antiepileptic drugs immediately before and at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • prolonged fever in a woman in the early stages;
  • obesity with diabetes;
  • unhealthy diet with vitamin deficiencies.

If at least one of these conditions is detected, a woman is at increased risk of having a child with a neural tube defect.

Consequences of damage

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are called spinal dysraphisms. They are divided into several groups:

  • spina bifida, not visually detectable;
  • obvious spina bifida in combination with;
  • splitting of the spinal column and surrounding soft tissues, leading to flattening of the spinal cord.

The first variant of the pathology is more often localized in the lumbar or sacral region. Clinically, this defect of the neural tube in the fetus does not manifest itself in any way, so if it is detected, it is by chance, when radiation methods research. Externally, the skin over the area of ​​the nonunion appears healthy; an increased amount of age spots, wen are formed.

With extensive non-union, the following symptoms may appear over time:

  • pathology of trophism and sensitivity of the skin;
  • pathology of posture and improper formation of the foot;
  • formation of chronic pain;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

With open clefts, spinal cysts and hernias form. Depending on the level of spinal cord damage, they are divided into groups.

  1. Damage to the membranes, or meningocele. In this case, protrusion into the defect of the dura mater occurs. At the exit from the hernia opening, the dura mater atrophies. The covering of the hernia is a thin film. The skin over it is thinned. Inside the hernia are the meninges and cerebrospinal fluid. Clinical symptoms usually not observed.
  2. Damage to the roots, or meningoradiculocele. In addition to the meninges, roots extend into the opening of the defect. Some of the roots end blindly in the hernial sac. Depending on the number of such roots, manifestations will vary from sensory disturbances to severe paresis and paralysis.
  3. Brain damage, or meningomyelocele. The spinal cord along with the membranes and roots emerges into the hernial defect. The hernia is extensive, occupying several vertebrae. The condition of the child in such cases is severe, there is no motor and sensory function below the site of the lesion, and the function of the pelvic organs suffers.
  4. Formation of cysts, or myelocystoceles. In this case, the spinal cord in the final section expands, forming a cyst. The roots blindly end in the hernial sac, as a result of which the same symptoms are observed as in the brain form.
  5. Complicated forms - any of the above forms in combination with benign tumors hernial sac.

Complete nonfusion, or rachischisis, is in most cases a condition incompatible with life. A newborn can survive if this defect extends to no more than 5 vertebrae. This non-closure looks like a gap in the vertebral and spinal canal. The skin and muscles are atrophied; deep in the defect you can see nervous tissue with small underdeveloped blood vessels.

The vast majority of cases of this pathology are localized in the lumbosacral spine. This has biological significance. A group of Japanese researchers spent some time studying material obtained as a result of spontaneous abortions. Among the embryos, scientists chose those who had spina bifida. It was found that in almost all embryos this pathology was localized in the cervical and thoracic region. Based on these data, it was established that severe developmental pathologies, incompatible with the life of a child after birth, lead to his death even in the embryonic period.


Detection of such defects is carried out in the prenatal period. Biochemical techniques and various methods of intrascopy of the fetus are used. All pregnant women are divided into several risk groups for developing neural tube defects in the fetus. What does this mean? Diagnostic measures in each group differ.

  1. For women at low risk, examinations by obstetricians and gynecologists are carried out once a month. After the 15th week of pregnancy, the content of fetoprotein in the woman’s blood and amniotic fluid is examined. If its level is significantly reduced, a repeat examination and ultrasound of the fetus is performed. In the third trimester, another ultrasound is performed.
  2. In high-risk groups, examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist is also required - already several times a month. After week 15, fetoprotein levels are repeatedly examined. Sonographic examination of the fetus is also carried out regularly. If there are difficulties in diagnosis, tomographic methods are indicated.

Ultrasound examination can be carried out in the usual way or with a three-dimensional image. This image allows you to examine the fetus from all sides and more accurately identify pathology.

Diagnostics only establishes the presence of a neural tube defect, but does not determine the degree of its severity. Therefore, the issue of maintaining or terminating a pregnancy is decided jointly by the obstetrician-gynecologist and the woman. After the presence of such a developmental defect is established, a conversation is held with the woman. Everything is explained to her possible options the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. The child may be born severely disabled.


If a woman nevertheless decides to continue her pregnancy with a reliable diagnosis of pathology of the development of the neural tube in the fetus, she is prepared in advance for surgical delivery and emergency measures to save the life of the child.

In this case, childbirth is contraindicated through the natural birth canal. Requires scheduled C-section. A few weeks before the expected due date, a woman is admitted to a hospital for pregnancy pathology. After delivery, the child is cared for by neonatologists and pediatric neurosurgeons.

The operation consists of eliminating the hernial defect, restoring the physiological structure of the spinal cord and suturing soft tissues and skin. Surgery It is preferable to carry out in the first days after the birth of the child, since there is a high probability of infection of the nervous system through the existing hole.

Preventing the development of neural tube defects

Preventive measures for the development of neural tube defects in the fetus include full preparation for pregnancy. Every woman planning to become pregnant should contact a family planning center. Here, consultations are conducted by obstetricians-gynecologists, specialized specialists, and geneticists.

Doctors will calculate the risk of pathology and prescribe preventive measures. The main one is taking B vitamins and folates. A woman should take these medications several months before the expected pregnancy and during the first 12 weeks. Folate intake is especially important in the first weeks, since this is the period of formation of the fetal neural tube.

The preparations must have a certain content of folic acid. The optimal dosage is 800 mcg. The frequency and duration of administration is determined by the doctor. There are several vitamin complexes designed specifically for pregnant women.

  1. Vitrum prenatal is a complex drug containing all the vitamins necessary for a pregnant woman’s body. The folic acid content is 800 mcg.
  2. Elevit prenatal is a multivitamin complex with the addition of microelements. Used as preparation for and during pregnancy. The folic acid content is also 800 mcg.
  3. Natures Bounty folic acid- a preparation of natural origin containing folic acid in an optimal dosage. Does not contain preservatives or dyes. Available in capsules of 100 pieces per package.

In addition to drug prevention, other methods are required that a woman should use both before and during pregnancy. What they include:

  • maintaining stable emotional balance;
  • being in a clean ecological environment;
  • timely treatment chronic diseases and foci of infection in the body;
  • correct good nutrition.

Compliance preventive measures and proper pregnancy planning will allow you to avoid pathologies in the development of the neural tube of the fetus and disability of the child.

Based on the results of extensive research, scientists have concluded that women who consume folic acid during the first 6-12 weeks of pregnancy, and ideally 1-2 months before conception, significantly reduce the likelihood of a number of fetal abnormalities. In particular, the likelihood of having a child with a neural tube defect is reduced by 70%.

Neural tube defects occur when problems occur with the development of the baby's brain, skull, and spinal cord, mostly during the first 6 weeks of pregnancy.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, nature lays the foundation for the baby's spinal cord and brain. Cells of a certain type form along the back of the embryo first something like a long groove, which then transforms into a hollow tube (the so-called “neural tube”). The neural tube closes between 21 and 28 days (or 3 to 4 weeks) after conception.

Normally, the brain and spinal cord grow and develop within the neural tube. However, if the neural tube does not close completely, the previously mentioned defect or hole in the neural tube occurs. For some reasons that are not fully understood, low levels of folic acid in a woman’s body stimulate the occurrence of pathology, while sufficient levels can in most cases prevent it. Taking folic acid in the early weeks of pregnancy can also help prevent some other intrauterine abnormalities, such as cleft lip or palate.

The causes of neural tube defects are not fully understood. However, cases studied suggest that they are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors (eg, folic acid deficiency in the mother's diet). Doctors pay close attention to this particular problem, because it is widespread in many countries, and there is no direct dependence on geographical location or standard of living. For example, neural tube defects are more common in Northern Ireland and Scotland (4-6 per 1000) than in the south of England (less than 1 per 1000) in the UK, and are 6 times more likely to be diagnosed in the northern provinces of China (6 per 1000) compared to the southern provinces (1 per 1000). In the USA it is fixed relatively low rate-from 1 to 1.5 per 1000, as in Japan - less than 1 per 1000 births. New Zealand states about 1.7 cases per 1000 (and much lower among the Maori people). In Australia, the sad statistics are about 1.6-2 pathologies per 1000 births.

For a woman whose previous child suffered from a neural tube defect, the chance of the pathology occurring in a subsequent child is 5%. The risk also increases for the expectant mother, among whose relatives there were similar cases.

The risk of having a child with a neural tube defect is also serious for insulin-dependent women with diabetes mellitus, and for women taking certain medications that interfere with the absorption of folic acid. These drugs include drugs that control epilepsy and prevent malaria. If you are planning a pregnancy and are taking these medications, you may need genetic counseling.

Further information describes rare serious illnesses and may seem alarming. Reading this section is not necessary, but, based on common sense, it is useful.

There are two main types of neural tube defects:

spina bifida;

The frequency of recording pathologies of both types is approximately 50/50.

Spina bifida

A condition in which a child is born with a fracture in the spine. In some cases, the spinal cord may “protrude” from this fissure. The cleft can be small or large, and can occur anywhere along the child's spine.

Spina bifida is often life-threatening, with about a third of children surviving. In the future, they will face constant health problems. The severity of the effects will generally depend on where along the spine the opening occurs, the size of the opening, and the degree of injury to the protruding spinal cord.


That's what it sounds like medical term, literally meaning "no brain". In fact, while the embryo is developing in the uterus, with anencephaly the skull and brain are not formed at all. The baby usually remains alive while in the mother's womb, but is not viable after birth. Unfortunately, children with anencephaly cannot be saved.

What to do if you have one of the risk factors?

1. Take folic acid (preferably in advance), after consulting with your doctor.
2. There is a blood test that a pregnant woman can do to detect neural tube defects in the fetus. This test is called maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (or AFP) and is usually performed between 16 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. With an accuracy of up to 80%, if in doubt, AFP will help you dot the i’s.
3. In addition, ultrasound done between 17 and 20 weeks of pregnancy detects up to 90% of neural tube defects.
4. And, of course, genetic testing.
It is advisable to review all options and test results with a gynecologist and/or genetic laboratory specialist.

Many mothers wonder: when does the nervous system of the fetus form? Almost from the very beginning of cell laying. According to medical theories, all body systems develop unevenly in a baby. First, those systems that are most important for the future activity of the baby in the mother’s belly begin to function. The formation of the nervous system in the fetus is one of the first most important processes in the development of the body.

Already at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, gynecologists can see the first signs of the nervous system on an echogram. The second month is marked by the baby making his first barely noticeable movements. Well, at 22-24 weeks you can accurately see a child who is sucking appendages.

At what time does the fetal nervous system develop?

The fetal nervous system emerges from a peculiar formation, which in medicine is called the neural tube. She must subsequently provide correct work the whole body. Before the tube appears, nervous tissue, which consists of several types of cells, must grow. The first type is responsible for the basic specific functions of nerves, that is, these cells (neurons) are actually responsible for regulating the psyche. The second type provides adequate nutrition to neurons and protects them from damage.

Under normal conditions of child development, nervous tissue begins to develop already on the eighteenth day after fertilization of the egg. At 3-4 weeks the neural tube itself is already visible.

At what week does the fetal nervous system develop? Already on the first one! The nervous system is one of the first to develop so that the baby can continue to grow. If any problems arise with the formation of nervous tissue, the fetus soon dies. Therefore, if you find out about pregnancy, try to immediately change your lifestyle.

What is a neural tube?

The formation of the nervous system in the fetus directly depends on the development of the tube. It is formed from a neural plate, which gradually closes into a tube, forming a small process - the rudiment of the future nervous system. If you examine the neural tube in section, you will notice several layers: internal, marginal and intermediate. The intermediate and marginal layers provide the production of gray and white matter spinal cord, which is then located in the spine. Several processes occur in the inner layer at once: cell division and synthesis of future material responsible for the baby’s genetics.

It takes the first weeks of pregnancy for the baby's neural tube to develop.

Development of the nervous system at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy

So, we found out at what period the fetal nervous system is formed. But what happens to her next?

The neural tube has some extensions called medullary vesicles. When the fetal nervous system is established, three brain vesicles appear. One of them turns into the forebrain (it includes two hemispheres), the other into the visual center of the head, and the third into the rhombencephalon, which includes several more sections.

The marginal part of the neural tube also produces a new organ, the neural crest, which is responsible for the development of several systems. At 4-5 weeks only visible on ultrasound black dot. So far, this is all that has managed to grow. However, this is already a lot for a child, because at that moment the cells responsible for his brain were born. At this point, folic acid is needed for good neuronal development. Under no circumstances should you treat your teeth in the first trimester! Any medications, even local anesthesia, can reverse the normal course of cell division in the nervous system. Because of this, the baby may be born with disabilities.

Development of the fetal nervous system at 6-12 weeks of pregnancy

When the nervous system of the fetus is formed, the mother should be at rest. The first weeks of pregnancy are important because the health of the child depends on them. Already at 7-8 weeks the baby is capable of reflexes. For example, it was noticed that when his lips came into contact with the processes, he tilted his head back, thereby protecting himself from danger. This is how a protective reflex develops. At 10 weeks, the baby is able to open his mouth if something irritates his lips. At the same time, the grasping reflex occurs when something bothers the baby’s hand.

By the twelfth week, the baby can move his toes. From this, doctors concluded that those parts of the brain that are responsible for the lower part of the fetal body begin to function first. Until the child reaches three months of uterine age, he will not be able to fully respond to irritations. His movements will be sharp and short. This happens because excitation is still affecting small areas of the nervous system. But the fetus grows and develops, and over time its systems become more advanced.

Fetal development at 14-20 weeks of pregnancy

The norms of development of the fetal nervous system can only be determined using ultrasound. If you are told that the fetus meets all developmental standards, you don’t have to worry. But what is your child doing at this time? By the fourteenth week the baby becomes quite active. If before he could not move yet, then by the fifteenth week one can already count about 15 new movements the baby has mastered.

When the nervous system of the fetus is formed, the mother feels the first tremors of the baby. They appear at 19-20 weeks. An ultrasound can already distinguish movements of the arms and legs, as well as hiccups, swallowing, yawning and other mouth movements. Between 15 and 20 weeks, the number of synapses, the places in the nervous system to which signals are transmitted, increases. Due to this, the scope of the baby’s activities expands.

Condition of the fetus at 20-40 weeks of pregnancy

After the 20th week, when the nervous system is still developing, the fetal medulla begins to branch. This means that the exposed nerve cells will be covered with a layer of fat and will be able to fully function. The baby's nervous impulses will accelerate, and he will soon be able to add new movements to his range of skills. The fetal limbs are the first to develop. The sense of smell improves a little later (about 24 weeks). In parallel with these changes, the brain also develops, in which a framework for nerve cells is built.

It is noteworthy that the brain mass accounts for up to 15% of the total mass of the fetus. After the main processes in the brain have ended, it is time for another one - the destruction of certain types of cells. According to scientists, there is nothing terrible in this process. This is simply how the body cleanses itself of unnecessary structures that have already done their job. So, when the nervous system of the fetus is formed, the body spends all its energy on its proper development.

Anomalies of the development of the nervous system in the fetus

When the nervous system of the fetus is formed, various kinds of anomalies and factors that appeared spontaneously may arise. For example, a fertilized cell began to multiply incorrectly and as a result it was damaged. Fortunately, the percentage of such defects is very low: up to 1.5 per 1000 births. It is known for sure that the cells of the unborn baby are destroyed both from environmental factors and from genetic nature. The World Health Organization has found that the percentage of development of anomalies also depends on the nationalities and habitat of people. Here is a list of the main fetal development disorders:

  1. Absence of spinal cord and brain. This happens when the neural tube does not close. The skull and spine in this case are greatly exposed.
  2. Tube not closed in the head compartment. This means that the child is deprived of a brain. That is, it does not have hemispheres and subcortex. There is only a midbrain. Children born with this disorder live only the first months.
  3. Hernias brain section . Protrusions of the skull bone or its tissues are found on the baby’s head. Small hernias can be quickly removed.
  4. Spinal hernias. They are very common - 1 in 200. Strong hair growth may be observed at the site of some hernias. Children with this disease cannot walk or relieve themselves.

The only method to combat these diseases is surgery. In some cases, doctors cannot help. The child either lives with this deviation all his life, or dies soon after birth.

Causes affecting damage to the nervous system

Any factors that influence the destruction of the fetal nervous system present a complex picture. After all, it all depends on how long this factor acted on the child, whether it was very negative, etc.

  1. First and main reason of all central nervous system lesions is alcoholism of one of the parents. The toxins contained in alcohol settle in the body of the mother and father. When a woman has a child, all these harmful substances are transferred to new cells.
  2. Some medications (for example, anti-convulsants) should not be taken during pregnancy at all. Therefore, if you have a disease that requires constant medication, talk to your gynecologist about it. He will definitely help you.
  3. Damage to the fetus cannot pass without leaving a trace in the mother’s body. A woman can get sick infectious diseases(herpes, rubella, etc.).
  4. Also, the development of the fetal nervous system can be affected by the mother’s illnesses (diabetes, hypertension) and genetic predisposition. Such troubles lead to chromosomal abnormalities that cannot be cured.
  5. Some defects, whether acquired or hereditary, may have light form. But they affect general development baby: autism, lack of attention, hyperactivity, various types depression.

Try to lead healthy image life, because a child with a disability, born as such due to your negligence, will suffer all his life.

When the nervous system of the fetus is formed, the mother must take full care of proper food, proper rest and peace of mind. Although gynecologists do not take into account the first two weeks of pregnancy, it is at this moment that your baby’s first vital systems are formed.
