Resume template in English online. Tips for writing a resume in English


Every year, while studying at a university, thousands of students begin their careers in various fields. Some students already have work experience through part-time jobs during their studies and summer holidays, while others are just trying their hand at it. In both the first and second cases, when searching for a job, a well-written student resume in English will be an important starting point when applying for a job in an international company. However, writing a student’s resume is somewhat different from the resume of specialists with experience in a particular field.

A resume in English is called “Resume” or “CV” (short for the Latin Curriculum Vitae - “biography”). In your CV you can tell in more detail about your career goals, knowledge, skills, publications and hobbies. Students should pay special attention to personal qualities, provide information about completing courses, participating in competitions, olympiads, seminars, conferences, projects, awards, and certificates. If the student has informal work experience, this is also worth writing about.

As a rule, to a resume on English language The same requirements apply as for a resume in Russian. Therefore, if you already have a resume in your native language, you need to correctlytranslate into English . Do not forget to adjust it to the qualification requirements of the desired position.

When writing a student’s resume, the main thing is not to focus on little or no work experience. Emphasize skills and achievements, i.e.write not about experience, but about what you can do. It is necessary to highlight education and personal qualities, as well as additional knowledge.

Resume structure

An effective student resume in English offers information in a concise manner and includes 6 main blocks and 3 optional ones.


Personal Information(Personal information)

This block should contain: student’s name (First Name), last name (Surname), residential address (Address), contact numbers (Phone: Cell phone, Home phone), email address (E-mail).

Remember the rule for writing a full name in English: first we write the first name, then the first letter of the patronymic, and then the last name. As a rule, contact information is located in the middle of the sheet. The full name is highlighted in a larger, bold font. You don't have to indicate your middle name in English.

The block might look like this:

Svetlana V. Bykova

11-106 Amurkaya str., Moscow, Russia

Phone: +7(495 ) 924-97-32

Email: [email protected]

This section of your resume can be expanded to include: such details (optional): Date of birth(Date of Birth), Age (age), Marital status (marital status), Nationality (nationality).

For example:

Personal information

Name: Victoria Savina


Phone:+ 8-812- 100-38-94

Email:[email protected]

Date of birth: 16 August 1994

Age: 20

Marital status: Single

Nationality: Russian



Here you need to indicate the position for which the student is applying, or the area in which he plans to develop.

There are two options for filling the block:

1) You simply indicate the position for which you are applying. All words in a job title in English are written with a capital letter.

Objective Sales Manager (sales manager)


2) In one or two sentences, write what you would like to do for the company you are applying to and in what position. Here is a list of useful phrases in English that a student can use to start a description:

Objective To obtain a position as… (get a position as...)


To apply skills as... (apply skills as...)


A career in... (career in...)


To provide services… (provide services...)

For example:



(provide smooth administrative services for your company, carry out office management and tasks information management).


If you are making up CV, and not a resume, then this section can be designated in English as"Career goals" (career goals) . In this case, you need to determine the expected place of this position in your career. Students can describe their achievements in their future professional field. State the reasons why you believe you are a qualified candidate for this position.

To show how you are superior to other candidates, can be used English words and expressions emphasizing your activity and achievements:

Directed, managed, supervised (managed);

Achieved (reached), generated (produced), increased (increased), initiated (undertook), established (founded) and launched (started);

Cut (reduced), reduced (reduced);

Created, developed, performed, produced, etc.

In a student’s resume in English, you should avoid such clichés as

dynamic (dynamic), people-oriented ( people-oriented), results-oriented (result-oriented), self-motivated (purposeful), visionary (far-sighted).


Work Experience(experience)

List your work experience in reverse chronological order. Indicate Dates (period of work), Position (position), Title of company (company name), City (city), Major Duties or Responsibilities (responsibilities), Special Projects (special projects), Accomplishments (achievements). Don't forget to correctly translate the company and job titles into English. Please note that if an employer needs a salesperson, then indicate work experience that is at least indirectly related to sales.

If you have no work experience, then this block student resume in English you don't turn it on. Of course, a student cannot fully present his candidacy due to lack of work experience. On the other hand, the employer understands this when he hires a student. So, strengthen your resume with other points: education and skills.

Design example:

Work Experience

May 2011 – September 2011 Receptionist

(LLC) “Tradecontact”, Tver, Russia

Responsibilities: answer calls; negotiations arrangement; office work; business documentary; advertising.


Work Experience

20013 – present Sales Manager

ABC Company, Moscow

Responsibilities: Recommended computerized bookkeeping and supervised all data entry, improved sales projections, advertising and budget planning.

Accomplishments: Organized special holiday sales promotion, which increased sales by 15%.



This part of a student's resume is one of the most important. It is better to arrange the information in this order: Dates (period of study), Major (specialty), Department (faculty), Degree (title/academic degree), Title of educational institution (name of educational institution), City (city), Country (country) . The most important thing is to choose the correct English version of the name of the specialization. Here you can mention additional education (trainings, courses). Indicate in English the name of the courses, the name of the organization, city and country. Years of study at the university or courses (or year of completion) can be indicated at the beginning or at the end.

Example of a student's education:

This section may also include information about your school:


2013 — present time Law Department, 2nd year study, Baikal Institute of economics and

Law, Irkutsk, Russia

2003 - 2013 Secondary school No. 1, Ivolginsk, Russia

Additional education can be taken out as a separate block:

Additional Education


Course of French

Moscow school of foreign languages, Moscow, Russia


Honors(awards) or Achievements(achievements)

Students are not required to fill out this section of their resume. However, if you are a successful student, then this is worth mentioning. Achievements and awards are a great way to demonstrate important qualities. Indicate the following details in English: Title (name of the award), Awarding Organization (organization that awarded), date (Date).



2010 – Moscow Business College – graduated with honours.

2012 — Recipient of the President's Scholarship, Moscow State University



This block is also optional for students to complete. Publications in newspapers or magazines, if any, are indicated here in English. The following points are important: Title (topic of publication) and Type (Note, Article, etc.), Publisher (in which magazine or newspaper it was published), Date (date).



This block is also called Special (professional) or Additional Skills (special skills). This is an important point in student resume in English. Here is the following: fluency in foreign languages ​​(level of proficiency in foreign languages), knowledge of a particular computer applications (level of PC proficiency, knowledge of programs), driving license (availability of a driver’s license).

If desired, the “Languages” section can be selected as a separate block, as in the example. There are such language levels :

native - native language;

fluent - fluent;

basic knowledge - read with a dictionary.

Sometimes a valid option is found - fluent English / expert. If you are writing a resume in English, then your level of English proficiency cannot be low.



Experience of computing: Windows, Linux, Internet, Power Point, Internet, Outlook Express


Russian - native

English - expert



Computer skills: MS Office (Word, Excel), Internet,Outlook Express, 1C, Photoshop


Russian - native

English - working knowledge

French - basic knowledge

Driving License: Category B

In addition to knowledge of English and other languages, the student can indicate other useful skills that he has, depending on the desired position: knowledge of programming languages; budgeting skills; business communication and business correspondence skills; skills in working with office equipment, etc.


Interests/ Activities (hobbies/interests)

Students can fill out this resume block if they wish. Here you can list your hobbies in English. Indicate only the most important thing; this is not the information that interests the employer in the first place. However, if your hobby is learning languages ​​other than English, it's worth writing about!

There is this option for filling this block:

1) Full name, position of the person who can give you good recommendations, name of the organization, its location, address, contact phone number, email address:

Sections of the resume such as Honors, Publications, Personal Information, References are filled out at will, if students have the appropriate data.

An additional advantage when employing a student will be the availabilitycover letter. Read about how to correctly compose such a letter in English in ourarticle.

How to strengthen a student's resume in English

In order to attract attention to a resume, students need not only to fill it out competently and informatively, but also try to follow the following recommendations:

Your resume should not exceed 1 page.

You can place your photo in the top corner of your resume.

For students with little work experience, it is better to place information about education immediately after the Objective section, and then disclose work experience.

A resume in English should be easy to read and clearly structured. The names of sections, companies and positions are highlighted in bold.

Do not underline words or use italics.

Use standard fonts (Times Roman, Arial, Tahoma, Garamond).

Include in your resume only information that is relevant to the position being considered.

And, of course, the English in which your resume is written must be impeccable.

And most importantly: in order for a student’s resume to arouse the interest of a potential employer, treat its writing with full responsibility. Don't forget that a well-written resume in English is the first impression of you. Make it as strong as possible!

Here's the full samplesummary student in English:


Personal information

Name: Victoria Savina

Address: 33716, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Bogatyrskiy avenue 53/3, app. 160

Phone:+ 8-812- 100-38-94

Email:[email protected]

Date of birth: 16 August 1994

Age: 20

Marital status: Single

Nationality: Russian


To provide advanced administrative services for your company, carry out office management and information management tasks as an Executive Secretary


2012 - present time Teacher of History and Social Studies,

Historical Department, 2nd year study,

Moscow State University, Russia

2002 - 2012 Secondary school No. 1, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Work Experience

May 2013 – September 2013 Receptionist

(LLC) “Tradecontact”, Moscow, Russia

Responsibilities: answer calls; negotiations arrangement; office work; business documentary; advertising.


Computer skills:Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), 1C, Outlook Express


Russian - native

English - working knowledge

French - basic knowledge

Driving License: Category B


Letter of Reference is available upon request from:

Irina A. Morozova, Executive Director (LLC) “Tradecontact”,

Surely you have come across two terms: resume and CV [from Lat. Curriculum Vitae - path of life]. In our country, they are used as synonyms to define the concept of “resume in English”. In Europe they use the term CV, in the USA - resume. Recently, the fragile boundary between these concepts has completely blurred, and the terms CV and resume can be regarded as identical.

Structure of a resume or CV in English

Each document has its own structure that must be followed. We will tell you in detail how to write a resume or CV in English. Typically the sections go in this order:

1. Personal information In the upper right corner at the beginning of your resume you need to place a good quality photo of yourself. To the left of the photo, enter basic information about yourself. This section consists of the following items:

Name First and last name in English. If you have a foreign passport, write down this data from it letter by letter.

Address The address is usually written in this order: house number and street name, apartment number, city, postal code, country. Example: 201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia.

Phone number Phone number. Enter your number in international format, because the employer may call you from another country.

Marital status Marital status: married (married), single (single), divorced (divorced).

Date of birth Date of birth. We recommend writing the month in letters, since abroad there are different formats for writing dates. To avoid confusion, write, for example: 25th July 1985. Remember, the names of months in English are written with a capital letter.

Email Email address: [email protected]

In the same section, you can optionally indicate your citizenship (Nationality), and after email write other methods of communication: Skype, social media etc. We offer an example of this part:

Personal information

Name Ivan Ivanov

Address 201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia

Phone number home: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ

mobile: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ

Marital status Single

Date of birth 25th July 1985

Nationality Russian

Email [email protected]

2. Objective

In this paragraph, you must indicate the purpose of the resume - applying for the position for which you are applying. In this case, you can not just write what position you are interested in, but also briefly justify why you should take it, what qualities of yours will help you successfully realize yourself in this position.

Examples of writing a purpose in a resume in English:

Sales manager. Sales Manager.

An office accountant position in the Name company. The position of chief accountant in the company “Company Name”.

A general office position with a focus on wholesaling. Office employee position with specialization in wholesale trade.

To contribute professional skills to achieving your company's goals as an accountant. Contribute to the development of the company using the professional skills of an accountant.

To obtain employment in the field of client support that will allow me to use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. Obtain a position in customer support, which will allow me to use my people skills and knowledge of the English language.

I am seeking employment with a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. I am interested in employment in a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people with the opportunity to use my knowledge of the English language.

I am seeking a competitive and challenging environment where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. I am looking for a challenging and competitive position where I can use my interpersonal skills with the opportunity to apply my English language skills.

I am seeking a position in the banking sector focusing on microcredit. I am looking for a position in banking with a specialization in microcredit.

I want to obtain a position as an accountant in your company. I would like to obtain a position as an accountant in your company.

I am looking for a position as a sales manager for a distributive company. I am looking for a position as a sales manager in a distribution company.

3. Education

In this section you need to write what education you received after school and where exactly. That is, you need to indicate the full name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty and your educational qualification level.

If you graduated from several educational institutions, list them in reverse chronological order, from most recent to first. Look at an example of how you can indicate your education on your resume if, for example, you studied at a college or university:

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economics department, Master’s degree in Marketing (2001-2006) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics, Master’s degree in Marketing (2001-2005)

Krasnodar Marketing College Krasnodar College of Marketing

Marketing analyst – basic Junior marketing specialist

There are several more options for how you can indicate your education on a CV in English. They are all correct, you can use any of them:

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (2001—2005) Moscow State University instrument engineering and computer science, Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2001-2005)

Department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow, Russia Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow, Russia

Bachelor's degree in Computer science Bachelor's degree in Computer Science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow

Master’s Degree in Computer science Master’s degree in Computer Science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Master’s Degree in Computer science Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Master’s degree in Computer Science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, 2001—2006 Degree in Computer Science and computer facilities Master’s degree in Computer science Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, 2001—2006, diploma in computer science and computer technology Master’s degree in Computer Science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, PhD in Computer science (2006—2009) Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Science in Computer Science (2006—2009)

Please note: educational qualifications in our country and abroad differ. To figure out what degree to write on your resume, check out this article.

4. Qualifications (additional qualifications)

In this section you can indicate all the professional courses that you have studied or are studying. If you also attended training seminars or conferences, be sure to indicate this fact:

September - December 2014; Programming in Java courses at the Solution Training Center, Moscow, Russia September - December 2014; Java programming courses at the Reshenie training center, Moscow, Russia

Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2014 up to present Marketing Specialist courses, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2014 to present

Certificate in Accounting Accountant certificate (if you received the certificate outside of the university)

5. Work experience

At this point, you must provide the potential employer with information about your professional experience. You need to list all jobs in reverse chronological order, that is, from last to first, indicating the period of time you worked in these companies. Also, please indicate your job responsibilities. This way, your potential employer will see what skills you have acquired in your previous jobs. We recommend describing job responsibilities using a gerund, for example: writing program codes for mobile applications (writing program codes for mobile applications), preparing business plans (preparing business plans), etc.

For each place of work, you must indicate the full name of the company and your position. Please also indicate which country and city you worked in. You can also indicate the type of activity of the company and the name of the department in which you worked.

If you do not have official work experience, you can indicate in this section industrial practice, internship, part-time work, freelancing, participation in any projects, etc.

In the same section of your resume in English, you can indicate your professional achievements (Achievements). This should only be done if you can be specific about your successes. For example, if you managed to increase sales by 2-5% or attract 100 new clients, be sure to indicate this in this paragraph. To describe achievements, we recommend using the Past Simple tense, for example: attracted 100 new consumers (attracted 100 new clients). Let's give an example of this CV point.

Company Name 1, 2012-present Moscow, Russia Financial analyst

  • Preparing business plans
  • Planning investment activities and budget
  • Analyzing data sets collected through all departments
  • Preparing financial forecasts
  • Preparing reports for the board of management

Excellent resume in English- this is one of the main factors that allows you to get the desired position, and an unattractive resume repels the employer, which means it is a lost opportunity. Considering the modern international spread of the English language and the large number of representative offices of foreign companies in our country, it is important to present your candidacy to the employer at the appropriate level. A resume compiled in your native Russian and English languages ​​will distinguish you favorably from other applicants, and you will also need it when looking for work abroad. In this article we will look at the features of writing a resume (in particular in English) and step by step describe the procedure for compiling it.

So, since the resume itself is the first information that the employer receives about you, it must be compiled accordingly.

The resume should not be longer than one page, otherwise the reader’s attention will be distracted due to the large amount of possibly unnecessary information. In addition, in 90% of cases the following can happen to the second sheet: the second sheet will not be faxed and will be thrown into the trash bin by the secretary; they will forget to pin it to the first sheet and lose it; they will pin him, but on someone else’s resume. If all the information does not fit on one sheet, then at least write your first and last name and contact information on each page.

Main components of a resume in English

The main components of a resume, or bullet points, are:

  • personal data – PERSONAL INFORMATION
  • goal – JOB OBJECTIVE
  • education – EDUCATION
  • work experience – EXPERIENCE
  • skills – SKILLS
  • additional information, hobbies – EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
  • recommendations – REFERENCES

Writing a resume in English

A resume always begins with the provision of PERSONAL DATA: full name (first name is written, then the first letter of the patronymic and last name), address, e-mail and telephone number (sometimes age, date of birth and marital status), which are usually placed at the top of the page.
Then the GOAL is described. From the very beginning, it needs to be thoroughly thought through, since further information in the resume will depend specifically on the goal. The goal should not be general, for example, “To obtain managerial position in an American company.”
Think through your job search and career goals so carefully that the employer will see it when reading.

For example, “Objective: To obtain a position in information technologies that will allow me to use my knowledge of programming and take advantage of my desire to work in IT.”

Please note that in this paragraph there is no need to describe the desire to get a well-paid job, since the emphasis on money in the first sentence of the resume will not leave the best impression on both the Russian employer and the employer in any other country.
The next point is to describe EDUCATION. Here you should list the universities, institutes, and colleges that you graduated from in reverse chronological order (i.e., starting from the most recent). It is also worth including courses taken and foreign internships, if any. If you have diplomas with honors, then this must be indicated (for the necessary terms, see the small glossary at the end of the article). If you have an advanced degree, write about it.

The next point is WORK EXPERIENCE. List your jobs, starting with your most recent (or current). Be sure to indicate the dates from which date you were in this or that position, the position you held and the name of the company. Also, describe your job responsibilities, emphasizing those functions that align with the objective stated at the beginning of your resume. When listing, avoid the words “I” (“I”), “my” (“my”).

After this, you should move on to listing your special SKILLS and ABILITIES: knowledge of languages ​​- indicate the native and foreign languages ​​that you speak and at what level, ability to work on a computer (programs, level of proficiency) and other skills that correspond to the goal.

When indicating your level of foreign language proficiency, you should not overestimate your abilities ( possible options for entries, see the glossary at the end of the article).

Next - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Here indicate your hobbies, favorite activities that will present you as a versatile and interesting person(also don't exaggerate). This could be sports, travel, etc. Do not indicate “reading books” as a hobby, since it is assumed that every person with a higher education is engaged in this type of activity.
In the last paragraph of your resume RECOMMENDATIONS, list at least two people (not relatives) who can provide information about you as an employee. You must write your full name, position, place of work and telephone numbers. If there is no space left on the page, instead of the data you can indicate “can be provided upon request” (see glossary).

The style and format of your resume plays a very important role. The resume must be in printed form (on a computer) and must not contain errors (spelling and punctuation). Only in this case will the employer form an opinion of you as an attentive and careful person.
Make your document easy to read. The top and bottom margins must be at least 1.5 centimeters high, and the side margins at least 2. Leave spaces between individual parts of the resume. Bold item names, as well as company names and names. If your resume is not easy to read, not many people will want to read it, and therefore continue to communicate with you. Do not underline words or use italics to add emphasis - this reduces the overall impression of what you read.

Sample resume in English (translator)

Ivan Ivanov
198, Zelenaya Street, apt. 85
St Petersburg, 191194, Russia
Phone: +7 812 273 10 50

Date of Birth: 08/25/1972
Marital Status: married

Obtain employment in the field of public relations that will allow me to use my ability to work with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.

St.Petersburg State University
1988-1995 Diploma in English and French. Qualified as English interpreter.

Assistant, Interpreter of Director General

Insurance Co.Rodina Ros.

April 1995-till now
Duties: schedules of meetings, appointments and recording of the personnel, interpreting and translation of documents.

January - March 1993
Personal assistant and secretary to Mr. Ron Black at the office of Operation Carelift. Mr. Black, a former member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives supervised the activities of this NGO in distributing humanitarian assistance in St. Petersburg. Duties: interviewing and screening Russian organization which applied for humanitarian assistance, arranging and supervising of deliveries of children's shoes and boots in St. Petersburg, scheduling of the drivers and Russian personnel.

ENGLISH Fluent reading, writing and speaking ability. Qualified as interpreter and translator. FRENCH Good reading and translating ability. GERMAN Rudimentary conversation German acquired during several visits to Germany.

Computers, Microsoft Word and Excel Typing, fax, Xerox. Theatre, music, tourism, tennis.

Mrs. Elena Sidorova, Assosiate Mr.Homer Green, Manager
professor St.Petersburg, Anglo-American School
State University 11, US Consulate General
Universitetskaya Nab. St.Petersburg
St.Petersburg Phone: +7 812 325 63 00
Phone: +7 812 298 90 00

Glossary for writing a resume in English

unemployed - unemployed
talents, abilities
date of birth
additional information, hobbies – extracurricular activities
achievements, successes
fill a position
qualities (education + work experience that the applicant must have) – job qualification
qualified - qualified
personal data – personal information
place of birth
a position that does not require special qualifications - nonskilled position
I am ... years old – I am ... years old
can be provided upon request – applied upon request
make an appointment – ​​to make an appointment
find a job – find a position
apply for a job
responsibilities - responsibilities, duties
graduated with honors – graduated with high honors
department - department
cancel an appointment – ​​to cancel an appointment
to the present – ​​till present
job search
join the company
full-time job – full-time employment
part-time job
work in capacity – work in the capacity of
employer - employer
resume – resume, CV (Curriculum Vitae), the letter of application
recommender - referee
recommendations – reference
head - head
With wages– at a salary of
marital status
single – single
divorced – divorced, separated
strengths, talent – ​​personal strengths
insurance – insurance
arranged meeting – appointment
Full name – full name
the goals that the applicant sets when getting a job - career goals
goal – objective, goal
fluent English
good level French – good French
beginning French – beginning French
intermediate level of German – intermediate German
advanced level of English – advanced English
native Russian – native Russian

Resume in Englishthe content is no different from a resume in Russian. Standard resume in English includes the following items:
1. “Personal Information” - “Personal data”;
2. “Objective” - “The position for which you are applying”;
3. "
Education " - "Education";
4. "
Languages " - "Language proficiency";
“Work Experience”, “Career”, “Occupation”, “Employment” - “Previous places of work»;
6. “Skills” - “Skills” »;
7. “Side Personal Information” - “
Additional Information»;
8. “References” - “Recommendations”.

Personal Information - Personal information

In the “Personal Information” section you must write your first name, the first capital letter of your middle name and your last name (Example: “ Alexander A. Khomich "). Please provide your contact information: postal code, residential address, contact phone number, email address.

Alexander A. Khomich

15, Lenina Street, apt. 14,

Minsk, 200400, Belarus.

Date of Birth: 09/14/1989

Tel.No: +357-29-xxx-xx-xx

E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxx(at)

Marital status: single

Objective - goal

In the “Objective” section, write the position for which you are applying. Example: "Objective: Programmer" - "Goal: Obtaining a position as a programmer."

  • power engineer - Electric Power Engineers;
  • civil engineer - Building Engineer;
  • design engineer - Design Engineer;
  • electrical engineer - Electrical Engineers;
  • system administrator - System administrator;
  • sales manager - Sales Manager;
  • programmer - Programmer, Developer;
  • accountant - Accountant;
  • chief accountant - Senior Accountant;
  • sales representative - Business Representative;
  • driver - Driver;
  • doctor - D octor;
  • nurse - Nurse;
  • dentist - Dentist;
  • musician - Musician;
  • consultant - Consultant;
  • secretary - Assistant;
  • marketer - Marketeer;
  • lawyer - Lawyer;
  • teacher - Teacher;
  • seller - Salesman;
  • psychologist - Psychologist;
  • HR Manager - HR Manager.

E education - Education

In the “Education” section, write the educational institutions you graduated from. Write in the following order:

"Lawyer" - "Specialty";

"Law Faculty" - "Faculty";

educational institution: "University" - "university", "higher school" - "high school"; "college" - "college".

Example: Technician in telecommunications, faculty of telecommunications, “Higher State College of Communications. You can find the correct translation of the name of your university on the official website of your educational institution.

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR).

Belarusian State University (BSU).

Belarusian National Technical University(BNTU) – Belarusian National Technical University.

Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU) - Belarusian State Economic University.

Languages ​​- Language skills

In the “Languages” section, write what languages ​​you speak and at what level:

"fluent" - "free";

working knowledge" - "I read and translate";

"basic knowledge" - "with a dictionary".

Example: English - fluent, Russian - fluent.

Work E xperience - Work experience

In the "Work Experience" section , list your previous places of work in descending order, indicating the period of work (“May 2007 – September 2010”), position (“position ..."), department (“department ...”), company name (“company..."), city(" city ​​...”), country (“country ... ”, and briefly outline your job responsibilities.

Skills - N skills

In the “Skills” section, list your skills and abilities that are important for the position for which you are applying.

Side Personal Information - Additional Information

In the “Side Personal Information” section, indicate your best qualities:

  • adaptable - quickly adapting;
  • active - active;
  • curious - curious;
  • ambitious - ambitious;
  • broadminded - with broad views, interests;
  • good natured;
  • cooperative - open to cooperation;
  • industrious - hardworking, diligent;
  • honest - honest;
  • competitive - capable of competing, competitive;
  • creative - creative;
  • cheerful - cheerful, cheerful;
  • entrepreneurial - enterprising (that is, capable of implementing ideas);
  • determined - decisive;
  • imaginative - having a rich imagination;
  • hardworking - able to work hard, hardworking;
  • energetic - energetic;
  • helpful - useful;
  • intellectual – intellectual;
  • independent - independent;
  • generous - generous;
  • enthusiastic - full of enthusiasm, energy;
  • easygoing - sociable;
  • flexible - psychologically flexible;
  • friendly - friendly;
  • eager - striving.

IN resume in English VAt the end there is a “References” item. In it, write contact details of employers who can give you recommendations. You can also attach a recommendation and
