Detailed horoscope for December Cancer. December horoscope for the sign Cancer

December 2018 will be such a calm month for Cancers that it can even be called boring and monotonous. On the one hand, this is not bad. But on the other hand, the horoscope warns that by the end of it, many representatives of this sign will be in complete apathy, which even pre-New Year’s troubles will not be able to correct.

Main tasks of the month of the Cancer sign

For almost the entire month, the Sun will be in Cancer’s 6th house - the area of ​​work and health. This will endow him in December 2018 with hard work and a willingness to obey the orders of his superiors. It is not surprising that you will be respected in the team - the horoscope says that you will have to work quite hard in order to complete all started projects on time and deliver them on time. But in yours personal life in December 2018, most likely, there will be complete calm. And this is also not surprising - after all, you spent the whole year sorting through your fans, rejecting them one by one. And all because they did not live up to your fictional ideal. Those who managed to find a mate, as well as family representatives of this sign, will be busy with household chores, which usually happen a lot before the New Year holidays. The Cancer horoscope for December 2018 says that you will have to help your relatives - in general, an ordinary, routine and rather boring month.

Horoscope for December 2018 Cancer: studies, business and contacts

At the beginning of December 2018, Mercury enters your 5th house in order to move again to the 6th in the middle of the second decade. Therefore, in the first half of the month, according to the horoscope, you will most likely be busy with contacts with children, and then you will again have to switch your attention to work that will require the fulfillment of assumed obligations under previously concluded transactions and agreements. In general, you shouldn’t expect any new events or contacts this month; everything will go on as usual, as planned. The most important thing now is that you do not slow down and continue to move towards your goal. As the horoscope for December 2018 predicts, Cancer, if he manages to complete everything, he will receive a well-deserved reward. What it will be - profit, business expansion or promotion - depends on the specific situation.

Love and money of the Cancer sign in December 2018

You should not expect any special breakthroughs in your financial sphere just yet. However, most Cancers will not experience any financial difficulties in December 2018. The horoscope advises businessmen to check their counterparties again - it is possible that some of them will not be reliable enough, and because of them you may incur certain losses.

In December 2018, Venus returns to your 5th house - the area of ​​entertainment, children and sex. Therefore, single Cancers, as the horoscope says, can continue to flirt, giving out numerous promises and ardent glances. But it is unlikely that this will end in something serious; it is more likely that everything will be limited to sexual adventures. Although Fate sometimes presents us with amazing surprises and we always need to be prepared for them. According to the Cancer horoscope, December 2018 is a time when family representatives of the sign will enjoy the harmony and peace that has come in relationships with their significant other. And of course, they will devote a lot of time and attention to their children this month.

Horoscope for December 2018 Cancer: activity and health

Mars is firmly established in the 9th house of your horoscope. The stars advise you to move more this month. And it’s possible to go somewhere abroad in December 2018 for the New Year holidays. This will allow you to shake yourself up and get rid of apathy. The horoscope advises paying attention to the work of the heart and blood vessels. If you have any problems in this area, you must definitely carry out all the necessary preventive measures. The liver and throat are also at risk. Therefore, the horoscope encourages you to monitor your diet, do not overindulge in heavy foods, alcoholic beverages, and try not to get too cold.

The end of the year will again be very successful for Aries. In December 2018, they will be full of vital energy, everything at work will go extremely well, and in addition, as the horoscope promises, new love adventures await them.

Main tasks of the month of the Aries sign

The presence of the Sun in the 12th house will make Aries in December 2018 want to indulge in reflection, meditation and a desire for solitude. In general, this is not bad, because this month the stars do not recommend representatives of this sign to embark on any dubious adventures or get involved in adventures. The Aries horoscope for December 2018 strongly advises not to fuss, but simply go with the flow of life and prepare for the upcoming New Year holidays. The situation in the professional field will develop quite well, you will enjoy the respect of your colleagues and the favor of your superiors. Perhaps in December 2018 it makes sense to remind him once again that you are expecting a promotion? As for your personal life, the horoscope also promises you many pleasant moments, but only if you calmly treat the current situation and do not dramatize it. Do not try at all costs to achieve the favor of someone who is indifferent to you, it is better to look around carefully, you will definitely be able to find something more important.

Horoscope for December 2018 Aries: studies, business and contacts

The presence of Mercury in the 11th house at the beginning of December 2018 will give you tolerance and the ability to adapt to the shortcomings of others. Thanks to this, you can make useful contacts and establish good, smooth relationships with others. These business connections, according to the horoscope, will continue to develop after Mercury moves into the 12th house in mid-December 2018. As the horoscope for December 2018 predicts, Aries should not chase career growth, everything will come in due time, and now you can take a little rest and formulate an action plan for the future. If you have some unfinished business, the horoscope recommends devoting your time to their calm completion. In December 2018, there is no need to start anything new, schedule any business meetings or important negotiations. This year you have already worked quite successfully, so the horoscope recommends just relaxing and turning to other areas, for example, your personal life.

Love and money of the Aries sign in December 2018

No matter how hard you try, this month you will not be able to earn extra money or make additional profit. Therefore, in December 2018, simply accept the situation as it is, especially since the horoscope promises that it will develop relatively well and remain stable. If you don’t have enough money for some purchases, find the courage to refuse them.

The presence of Venus in the 8th house of the horoscope in December 2018 will endow representatives of the Aries sign with extraordinary sensuality and an almost irresistible desire to finally find, if not a soul mate, then at least a couple for the upcoming holidays. In itself, this is not bad, but the horoscope recommends that you not be too frivolous and not try to throw yourself on the neck of the first person you meet. According to the Aries horoscope, December 2018 is a time when it is not recommended to impose your feelings on a person who does not want this at all, especially when you should not make matrimonial proposals to him. They will not be met at all as you expect. As for the family representatives of this sign, according to the horoscope, they will finally be able to relax. Complete harmony and mutual understanding will reign in your relationship with your partner; there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Horoscope for December 2018 Aries: activity and health

The only thing that will bother Aries in December 2018 in the area of ​​health is their not very stable emotional state. The presence of Mars in the 12th house of the horoscope recommends that you engage in some kind of spiritual practices, meditation, and possibly yoga. This will allow you to preserve and accumulate energy, as well as get rid of many pains that were of purely psychological origin. For example - headaches or pain in the back and legs.

This month, Cancers will be able to reconsider their views on life and find new paths to their cherished goals. Thanks to the gift of persuasion, you can not only win other people over to your side, but also try to fulfill your promises and repay your debts. Thanks to this, you can get ahead and end a relationship that has exhausted itself. The first month of winter will force Cancers to again analyze their problems and sources of trouble. You will be surprised that you have screwed up a lot of things for yourself, and the path to your success turned out to be much easier than you thought. December will be the ideal month for introspection, changing the rules of the game, finishing old things and being active.

You will be able not only to realize the hidden sources of your troubles, but also to set the record straight in your relationships. Those who prevent you from moving forward will be left behind. Those you need for communication and personal growth will remain. This month you will easily achieve the desired success if you don’t come up with anything unnecessary, but set your goal exactly and achieve it. In addition, you will be able to find new sources of enrichment that will allow you to do what you previously lacked the strength and means to do.

How can Cancer make the most of the financial horoscope for 2018?

Since Cancer is an unusual sign, unhurried, does not always believe in mysticism and horoscopes, he needs to follow some recommendations: One way or another, you need to pay attention to signs. Don't neglect them. A black cat crossed the road - it’s better to turn, which means fate warns of danger on this path. Salt has spilled - there is no need to look for reasons for a quarrel. Whether there will be a conflict or not will depend on Cancer. According to the horoscope for 2018, Cancer will benefit from taking warm baths. This is necessary to restore psychological balance, due to which the chakras for monetary energy will open. Cancer should also listen to his intuition. If there are any doubts, they need to be taken out from the depths of the soul, and not hidden. Otherwise, it may disrupt the karmic arrangement of the stars. Cancer is not recommended to offend animals, especially dogs. In 2018, animals will take on a lot of the energy around people. For mistreating our smaller brothers, fate can turn away from cancer, and indeed from any sign. It is better for Cancer to treat an animal, especially a street one, if there is such an opportunity. It is not recommended for Cancer to indulge in alcoholic beverages in 2018. The energy of the cosmos will stop flowing, as the energy paths will be blocked by clouding of consciousness.

Cancer woman financial horoscope for December 2018

Despite the opportunity to earn additional income, the representative of the sign will decide to enter saving mode. All expenses and expenses will concern only the needs of the family. But for personal purposes, buying new things and going to beauty salons, you will stop wasting your own savings. And this is a good decision that will allow you to accumulate an even more significant amount by the end of the month. In the middle of the month, minor financial difficulties and unexpected expenses may arise. And because of this, you may feel very in limbo. In this regard, you will not be able to quickly respond to emerging work tasks, which will negatively affect wages. Therefore, the stars advise you to just relax, as very soon the situation will stabilize again. Money will start coming from sources that you have completely forgotten about. Therefore, you should not be surprised if there is a former classmate or a distant relative who wants to give back money borrowed long ago. And thanks to such income, already at the end of December you can pamper yourself and spend a little money on purely personal needs.

Cancer man financial horoscope for December 2018

The Cancer man will plunge into work at the beginning of December. And all his undertakings and affairs will be able to bring tangible profits if they were carefully planned before. At the same time, the stars recommend that you take into account all possible costs in advance. And if you are unreasonable, then you should not start such a project during this period. In the middle of the month, some representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to spend the money they earned in early December. But such a spontaneous idea should also be abandoned. Available cash you will still need to increase your income. Those men who are accustomed to testing their luck by purchasing lottery tickets will need to be more careful. The excitement will increase in December, but there will be no winnings. So all your savings will be wasted, and you will have to meet the end of the year with an empty wallet and internal annoyance.

Finance horoscope for December 2018 Cancer

The horoscope for December 2018 advises Cancer to rest a little and take a break from work. You've been working hard all 12 months, so it's time to relax. You have responsibility and a serious approach to business issues almost from birth. Well, even you cannot redo everything that is planned for the five-year period. Naturally, it is still too early to be lazy and rest on your laurels, but a temporary respite will only be beneficial. The horoscope does not advise Cancer to torment himself with doubts about work. You think that you haven’t done enough and haven’t fulfilled your plan. In fact, you are not just a wonderful worker, but a shock worker. Even small tasks were done in such a way that no one would find fault. The opinion of others is just as important for Cancer as their own assessment of their work. The December 2018 horoscope recommends Cancer to strive upward in their career. Keep up the pace and increase your self-esteem to achieve the desired results. Why is your confidence at zero?

Cancer gets along well with the team, and with management too, which means there is a chance to become a project manager or deputy of a company. By respecting yourself and not forgetting about your direct responsibilities, you can make a leap forward. On the Full Moon (December 22), Cancer should not enter into contracts or sign documents. The day is psychologically difficult and threatens failure. It is advisable not to take on serious or new business at all, and also not to invest money in enterprises. If you make such a mistake, you will be left without a ruble before the New Year. The financial horoscope for December 2018 for Cancer promises an unpleasant clash with business partners. They can deceive you so easily that you don’t even have time to open your mouth. There will also be plenty of scammers and adventurers around you. Check everything you want to do a hundred times. Collect new and useful information so as not to be captured by illusions. Savings and a rational approach to shopping should be in the first place for Cancer in December. You cannot be called prudent and greedy, but this is exactly what you need to be at the end of the year in order to preserve the accumulated funds. The only thing worth shelling out for is gifts for loved ones.

  1. Favorable days: December 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 19, 20, 25, 29, 31
  2. Unfavorable days in December for Cancer: 4, 12, 16

Financial horoscope for the sign of CANCER for December 2018

You should not expect any special breakthroughs in your financial sphere just yet. However, most Cancers will not experience any financial difficulties as of December 2018. The horoscope advises businessmen to check their counterparties again - it is possible that some of them will not be reliable enough, and because of them you may incur certain losses. for December 2018, Venus returns to your 5th house - the area of ​​entertainment, children and sex. Therefore, single Cancers, as the horoscope says, can continue to flirt, giving out numerous promises and ardent glances. But it is unlikely that this will end in something serious; it is more likely that everything will be limited to sexual adventures. Although Fate sometimes presents us with amazing surprises and we always need to be prepared for them. According to the Cancer horoscope, December 2018 is a time when family representatives of the sign will enjoy the harmony and peace that has come in relationships with their significant other. And of course, they will devote a lot of time and attention to their children this month.

In general, December 2018 for Cancers will be devoid of major sensations and dramas. Even the planetary alignment regarding the representatives of your sign will be quite predictable. So, your traditional leader, the Moon, will continue to control your life, who will have to fight with your only antagonist, Venus.

Both Venus and the Moon are responsible for the sensory-emotional aspect, and therefore they will not actively invade other areas of your existence. That is, in everything related to your career and financial affairs, you have to rely solely on yourself. As soon as emergency situations arise in your professional life, please do not panic. You will withstand every emergency with dignity if you do not stop believing in yourself and in your professional worth.

Now let's talk about how Venus and the Moon will affect your life in December. Each of these planets will have its own “policy” regarding you and your love life. So, Venus will try to instill in you the idea that love is a minor point, not worthy of much attention.

It's good that your constant leader, the Moon, will be next to you. She will do everything so that in the stream of endless work worries you do not forget about the interpersonal sphere (more precisely, about the people who expect approval, love and moral support from you).

A difficult period regarding love and feelings awaits Cancer in December. A lot will depend on the actions and actions of the representatives of this sign themselves. Therefore, if they want real change, they will have to make incredible efforts to achieve this.

All Cancers, regardless of their status, will begin to analyze their relationships and experience some kind of internal dissatisfaction. Therefore, their significant other should be more attentive to such mood swings.

By the middle of the month, lonely representatives of the sign will experience an incredible desire to love and be loved. Therefore, they will look for any reason to meet. However, the stars warn against such fleeting acquaintances, as some of them will not end well. Self-interest will appear on the part of your partner and they will simply start using you for personal purposes. And in order not to suffer from frustration later, you should initially treat a new acquaintance without much seriousness, but simply as a flirtation.

Family representatives of the sign should learn to enjoy the little things this month. Remaining eternally dissatisfied, they can provoke a deterioration in their relationship with their partner. It will seem to the other half that Cancers are dissatisfied with them. Because of this, everyone will hold grudges and understatements within themselves until someone simply decides to leave.

Cancer Woman: Love Horoscope for December 2020

Cancer women will be surrounded by attention in December. But initially they will take this attention for granted. Because of this, such behavior will seem cold and even arrogant to the opposite sex. And having lost such attention, representatives of the sign will experience an extreme need for it. They may start to rage inside and look for the reason within themselves. For some, this can go so far that you develop inferiority complexes and withdraw into yourself. To prevent this from happening, the stars advise initially changing your behavior tactics.

Those Cancer women who have not yet found their soulmate may quite accidentally receive a marriage proposal. This will be a surprise to them and may take them by surprise. In this regard, such an exciting moment can throw them off balance and provoke a wrong decision. Therefore, the stars advise you to think carefully about such a proposal and take time to think about it.

Married women need to be vigilant towards their partner. This will help protect him from rash steps.

Cancer Man: Love Horoscope for December 2020

Cancer men will have to go through a difficult period in December. Some representatives of the sign will face strong betrayal from their partner. They will be very worried and nervous about this. But they will never be able to forgive their loved one.

However, the stars advise not to make a final decision. Because it will be difficult to find a similarly congenial person. And if you find the strength to forgive your loved one and close your eyes to all grievances, then soon the relationship will again reach a new, normal level.

Single Cancer men have to do a lot of work on mistakes in order to avoid them in a new relationship. And if everything again develops according to the already familiar and familiar pattern, then again nothing serious will come of such communication. And this will hit your pride even more. Therefore, if you want to finally find peace of mind and find your true love, you should change your tactics and your perception of the female gender. Otherwise, you will be single for a long time.

This month, Cancers will often make decisions that directly depend on their mood. Such actions can lead to quite dire consequences. Based on this, the astrological forecast advises representatives of the sign to pull themselves together, and when making especially important decisions, be guided by common sense, and not by sharp emotional impulses. In the first month of winter, representatives of the sign will be quite active in making various important decisions, but at the same time overly impulsive and frivolous.

Such behavior is unlikely to really help them resolve their internal differences and contradictions. Suffering from boredom, representatives of the sign will periodically complicate their own lives, involving friends and relatives in their problems. In the second half of the month, Cancers will be busy organizing their personal lives, but even here they will chaotically grasp at any opportunity to get rid of the loneliness that oppresses them.

Horoscope for December 2018 Cancer - women

According to the Cancer horoscope, December 2018 is a time of transformation of feelings. At this time, you will see new features in the person you have loved for a long time; you will be surprised by his words and actions. It's a great time to start a new page in your relationship. If you are currently single, then the stars promise you interesting romantic acquaintances; attend various events more often. Quarreling spouses can take advantage of the influence of children - this is the only thing that will really promote reconciliation. in December 2018, Cancer may resume relations with his former passion - he will be able to understand that “an old friend is better than two new ones” and look at the relationship from the other side. Love will inspire you, and you will begin to look more boldly into the future. You may be given a long-awaited marriage proposal, and you will begin an independent life. Some Cancers in romantic relationships will seek deep kinship of souls and strive for mutual understanding without words.

For others, dating will bring joy, but they will want more intense sensations and experiences. For many Cancers in December 2018, love will provide powerful potential for personal development, which must be realized and realized. In your marriage partner, you will see a mature and reliable person who can provide peace of mind and protection. You will strive to make your union harmonious and durable, paying attention to your partner’s interests and offering your help. In order not to spoil the Christmas holidays for yourself or your children with disagreements, look at the world more often through their eyes, and not just through the prism of your own experience and feelings. You are sure to discover something interesting!

Cancer woman - horoscope for December 2018

They may be able to draw up a specific action plan that will help you correct the situation and achieve internal balance. By the end of the month, representatives of the sign may experience significant changes in their personal lives, which can be both positive and negative. Loose women They won’t be particularly burdened by their loneliness. On the contrary, being in this state, they will feel free and self-sufficient. While married representatives of the sign will be too squeezed within the framework of their own insolvency, which, by the way, they will come up with for themselves.

Horoscope for Cancer women December 2018

Cancer women will be able to prove themselves and prove that they are right. In December, your gift of persuasion will sharpen, which will allow you to set all priorities and points in relationships. It is for this reason that representatives of the sign will feel freer than ever, enjoy life, flirt, and even allow themselves to cheat or have an affair. However, try not to go too far, otherwise your overconfidence may lead to adverse consequences and conflicts. It is for this reason that women can overestimate their strengths and get themselves into trouble.

Therefore, try to act simply in some situations, without unnecessary fuss, or let the situation go. Before the New Year, try to make inquiries about your acquaintances and friends. You can go on an interesting journey, communicate with acquaintances and find new friends among those with whom you simply greeted before or studied together. Show kindness in your communication, even if you don’t like the person outwardly or for some other reason you don’t accept him. Your feelings may change if you allow the other person to open up. Only in this situation will you be able to correctly assess those around you.

Horoscope for Cancer women in December 2018

You should not expect any special breakthroughs in your financial sphere just yet. However, most Cancers will not experience any financial difficulties in December 2018. The horoscope advises businessmen to check their counterparties again - it is possible that some of them will not be reliable enough, and because of them you may incur certain losses. In December 2018, Venus returns to your 5th house - the area of ​​entertainment, children and sex. Therefore, single Cancers, as the horoscope says, can continue to flirt, giving out numerous promises and ardent glances. But it is unlikely that this will end in something serious; it is more likely that everything will be limited to sexual adventures. Although Fate sometimes presents us with amazing surprises and we always need to be prepared for them. According to the Cancer horoscope, December 2018 is a time when family representatives of the sign will enjoy the harmony and peace that has come in relationships with their significant other. And of course, they will devote a lot of time and attention to their children this month.
