How to disable subscription to emoticons in Odnoklassniki. How to disable paid services in Odnoklassniki

Functional social network is very wide. There are even free gifts that sometimes appear on our page. However, often we don’t have enough of all this and we add additional functionality for money. Everything would be fine, but OK has a subscription renewal system that, without any notifications or requests, withdraws money from your bank card and extends the paid service. Naturally, this does not suit everyone. Today we will tell you how to disable paid services in Odnoklassniki completely and thereby prevent the leakage of our finances.

What are they?

In order for you to understand what you have to pay for and what we lose by turning off the services, we have provided a short list of them.


The function allows you to visit any social network user without appearing as their guest. We described it in more detail.

Private profile

When activated private profile Only friends will be able to see his information. Accordingly, a stranger will not be able to follow you or send a message. Read more.

The service is provided for a month and allows you to give a 5+ rating to any photos. By default, you can only rate a photo 5 points.


There are free gifts in Odnoklassniki, but they are few. If you pay a certain amount, you will get much more. You can also buy souvenirs individually for OKi.

Paid emoticons

In OK there are a lot of stickers and emoticons that can be bought for money. Well, that's the majority of them.

Opening additional groups

By default, you can register only 5 communities. Want more? You'll have to pay.

All inclusive

This is a collection of free gifts, themes, stickers, etc.

Disabling paid services

Let's get down to business and disable features we don't need. In order to do this, follow our step-by-step instructions:

  1. So, open your page and click on the item (located in the side menu under the main profile photo).

  1. A list of all paid services will appear. If one of them is active, you will see the following message: "Unsubscribe". In this case, “Invisible” and “All inclusive” are included. Click on the label of the function that you want to disable.

  1. We confirm deactivation by clicking on the button indicated in the screenshot below.

  1. Naturally, Odnoklassniki does not want to lose such a profitable subscriber as you. Therefore, they will once again ask why we decided to refuse the service. Select any reason and click “Confirm”.

  1. We will be notified of successful cancellation by a message that you see on your screens.

Ready. We've sorted out the desktop version OK. Let's look at mobile Odnoklassniki.

Disabling paid features from your phone

Since the site can be accessed through its mobile version or application, we will describe both methods.

Mobile version

So, let’s begin to consider the process for telephone browsers and, accordingly, the mobile version of

  1. Open the menu of our page (we have highlighted it in the screenshot below).

  1. Scroll through the list and find an item in it called: "Paid features".

  1. As you can see, “Invisibility” is enabled here using a trigger, but other functions are enabled differently. First, turn off invisibility by moving the switch checkbox to the “Off” position.

  1. Invisibility has disappeared, then we disable other paid functions. In order to do this, click “Unsubscribe”.

Ready. We completely deactivated everything that could “eat” our money in the future. Next, let's move on to the application.

Mobile application

The process of disabling paid functions in OK (including “All inclusive”) is carried out in a manner similar to the mobile version.

It looks like this:

  1. Open the application's main menu.

  1. Select the item marked with a red frame in the picture.

  1. Disable the switch shown in the screenshot (this way we will “kill” the invisible person and thereby its tendency to “eat” money).

  1. Then unsubscribe from other paid modes.

That's all. Now you know how to remove paid subscriptions in Odnoklassniki not only from a computer or laptop, but also from mobile phone or smartphone.

Results and comments

We hope you have learned how to disable paid services in Odnoklassniki. We'll finish. But before we do this, let us remind you that if you still have questions, there is nothing easier than asking them in the comments and receiving a comprehensive answer.

Video instructions

More and more, text instructions are being turned into videos. This is especially evident in post-computer topics. We also did not stand aside and recorded a video for you in which we describe the process of removing paid functions in

Probably everyone likes to give gifts to their friends. And, if there is an opportunity to please a loved one not only in reality, but also on social networks, is it worth refusing it? It is for such people that a special service has been created on the website, which is called “all inclusive”. If you want to learn how to enable or disable an all-inclusive subscription in Odnoklassniki, then our article is just for you - we will help you figure out the settings for this function in order to turn it on and off as you wish.

If you want to know what vip status means, read our other article on the same site.

“All inclusive” option in Odnoklassniki: what does it give and how to connect it?

If you like to give virtual gifts to your interlocutors, then you can safely connect this service to your account: with it, almost all the gifts from the huge assortment of the site will be available to you completely free of charge. The only exceptions are music and some animated pictures. You can activate this function for the following period:

  • For one day - forty OK.
  • For thirty days – one hundred and ninety OK.

Also, there is currently a promotion on the site - you can activate the option for three days free of charge, provided you link your bank card to your account. After three days (or even earlier), you can turn off the auto-renewal of your Odnoklassniki subscription to the all-inclusive service. Then money for using it will not be withdrawn from your bank card.

How to connect this option to your profile?

Now, if you go to “Gifts”, you will see that almost all of them are available to you completely free of charge!

How to disable the all-inclusive service in Odnoklassniki?

But don’t forget that subscribing to this option costs money. And, if suddenly you no longer want to use it, then you need to turn it off, otherwise the money will continue to leave your card.

It's no secret that each of you loves to give gifts to loved ones and friends, even in the virtual world of social networks. It is for this purpose that Odnoklassniki has a special function called “All inclusive”. But unfortunately, the service here does not work entirely honestly and withdraws funds from your bank card without your knowledge. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you how to properly disable “All Inclusive” in Odnoklassniki.

Why is the service needed at all?

When you activate the function, you get unlimited access to almost any gifts in Odnoklassniki. Only some music and animated stickers cannot be given as gifts. At the same time, such a function costs a lot (115 rubles per month).

There is currently a promotion running on the social network. You can order an “All Inclusive” subscription for free for 3 days. But here several pitfalls await us. When a person finds out that he can give gifts for free, he without hesitation activates such a promotion, but after three days, it turns out that without his knowledge, almost 2 hundred rubles are withdrawn from his bank card.

It is precisely in order to protect you and prevent the cunning administration of from taking away your money that we created step by step instructions to disable such a profile. After all, finding the right item is not so easy; the shutdown settings are cleverly hidden so that not everyone can find them right away.

How to disable All Inclusive

We proceed directly to disabling the function that has been worked for three days, in order to save our money, we do this:

From computer

The easiest way to disable this service is on a PC; the functionality of the browser version of Odnoklassniki is the most extensive.

  1. Go to your Odnoklassniki page and select the item in the left side column.

  1. On the next page we look for the function and disable it.

After this, the subscription will be canceled and no money will be withdrawn from your account.

From phone

We looked at disabling the service from a computer or laptop, but what should phone owners do? On mobile devices you can also deactivate “All Inclusive”. Moreover, this can be done from a regular browser. To disable the function from a mobile browser, follow our step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the website and expand the side menu. Here you need to go to the point “ Full version". This is the only way to unsubscribe from a function we don’t need.

  1. Next, in the side menu, click on the line VIP status.

  1. Here we knock out the point

  1. And we turn off what we wanted to turn off by clicking on the line that we circled in red.

Attention! The main thing is not to miss it and not to allow 3 days to pass from the moment the service was activated. If this happens, you will not get your money back.

How to remove an All Inclusive subscription from your phone: video

To make the material even more understandable, we offer you to watch a video dedicated to this topic.

Ready. The answer to the question: how to disable the service in Odnoklassniki has been received, and we can finish. But if after reading you still have questions or comments, write them in the comments, we will definitely respond.

You most likely remember that earlier in Odnoklassniki you could activate the “All inclusive!” service. for the corresponding number of OKs (50 - it seems, and with a discount - up to 12). And after connecting - we freely correspond in the chat with any emoticons, stickers and give left and right: except Vip and music. You will have to pay extra for music. Also, If you want to wrap a gift, you will have to pay extra.

Well, now, you can easily earn the All Inclusive service in the "" application in To do this, you only need to score 2000 points for photo and video moderation👇. This can be done in literally 7-10 minutes. However, in the new moderator, gifts change daily (emoticons, rating 5+, etc.) and in order to get the one you need, you will have to log into the application for several days. It’s possible that you’ll get lucky right away.

After you earn 2K points during moderation, a message will appear on the application screen stating that “The task is completed” and as a reward for completing it you can use the “All inclusive!” service. within 24 hours (from the moment the service is activated👇).

All! You can enjoy all the benefits that the service offers! But, be careful and do not forget to control its duration. We won at 12:00, which means that the next day after 12 o’clock allinclusive will no longer be valid and you will have to pay for everything that happened after.

Well then - go ahead! We give free gifts to all those whom we value and whom we love and appreciate!

By the way, if you just want to activate for OK" and "All inclusive!", then you can do this from the page
