How to delete a saved login in Odnoklassniki. How to delete a password and login on Odnoklassniki? How to delete old log and password in Yandex

The lion's share of all users who visit Odnoklassniki do so from a computer browser. The most popular programs are: Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex Browser Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer. All of them are capable of saving user authorization data, but today we will talk about the opposite - how to delete a login in Odnoklassniki when logging in.

People most often log into Odnoklassniki from a computer at home. But if you had to log into your account from another location, be sure to cover your tracks later. Now we will tell you how to pass it correctly.

Quickly remove tails in the browser

Our instructions are based on the Google Chrome browser due to its greatest popularity. But you must understand that approximately the same thing can be done in other browsers.

So, in order to clear our history, we do this:

  1. Press the Ctrl + Shift + Del button combination in the active browser window. This combination works on almost all browsers.

Now you need to specify the period for which you want to delete traces (for example, if you worked for a couple of hours, then there is no point in deleting all the data of the PC owner. Simply select “day”). You can also specify what exactly needs to be erased.

The following items are present:

  • browsing history;
  • download history;
  • cache and images;
  • Cookie;
  • passwords;
  • autocomplete data;
  • data of hosted applications;
  • media licenses.

Select the traces that you want to erase and press the button marked “3”.

  1. Cleaning will begin, the duration of which will entirely depend on the clutter of the PC or laptop, user activity and the speed of the disk subsystem. In any case, we are waiting for the operation to complete.

Ready. Now it is impossible to determine your presence, but there are other traces that the browser cannot erase. We will talk about them below.


Uncheck the box!

Here's where the function is:

If you log into Odnoklassniki from someone else's computer, never activate this mode. Deleting saved data is not that easy. Below you will find out how to do this.

Deleting data saved by the browser

If the browser has already saved your username and password, you will have to force it to forget the data. This is done like this:

  1. Open Google Chrome settings by clicking on the button with the image of three dots. It's in the upper right corner. In the menu that opens, select the item: “Settings”.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the opened page and click on the inscription that we marked in the screenshot. It will open additional settings.

  1. Next, you need to open the item “Customize”, which is located in the section "Passwords and Forms".

  1. Now you should enter the query ok in the search field. ru, thanks to which we will filter out passwords only for Odnoklassniki and, having found your login (phone number), click on the button with three dots. From the pop-up menu, select Delete.

After this, the data will be deleted from Google Chrome or another browser, and no one will be able to access your page.

Incognito mode

If you want to go to “My Page” in Odnoklassniki, but you don’t want to tinker with the settings and delete anything, just switch to “Incognito” mode for a while. This function does not save anything and provides complete anonymity. You can launch it by opening the Chrome menu and selecting the desired item there.

The same can be done using the hotkey combination Ctrl+ Shift+ N.

Approximately the same mode is available in other browsers. It’s just called a little differently there and launched a little differently. For example, in Firefox this is "Private window".

That's all. Now we have figured out how to remove the unnecessary login and password when logging into Odnoklassniki and make sure that it is not even saved. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, write them in the comments, we will definitely respond.

Modern browsers have a feature that allows it to remember data from social networks. On the one hand, this is very convenient, since you do not need to constantly enter your username and password, but on the other hand, this option is unsafe, since personal information can become accessible to strangers. Modern browsers have a function that allows it to remember data from social networks. On the one hand, this is very convenient, since you do not need to constantly enter your username and password, but on the other hand, this option is unsafe, since personal information may become available to strangers.

How to delete Odnoklassniki data in Google Chrome?

You can delete a login in Odnoklassniki when logging in, if a person uses the Google Chrome browser, as follows:

1. You must open the program and press the button combination CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE.

2. The following window will open:

3. You will need to check three boxes: “Cookies”, “Data for autofill”, “Passwords”. You also need to select the “All time” item at the top, and then click on the phrase “Clear history.” After waiting a little until the information is deleted, you can go to OK. There will be no data in the login input fields. But when using this method You must remember that it will not be possible to remove information only about Odnoklassniki; the system will delete data from all sites.

Read with this Ways to remove friends from classmates

Deleting information in Internet Explorer

Open the browser, find the “Service” item at the top, click on it.

In the menu that opens, click on the first phrase “Clear browsing history.”

In the new window you will need to check the boxes where it says “Passwords” and “Cookies” and click on the “Delete” button.

After a few seconds, all data will be removed from the program.

How to avoid memorizing data?

In order not to perform the above actions, you can immediately make sure that the login was not remembered by the program. To do this you will need the following:
Go to the Odnoklassniki website.
Enter your username and password to access your profile.
Be sure to uncheck the box next to the phrase “Remember me.”

Remove password in Odnoklassniki

Users of the social network need to delete their password quite often. The main two reasons are changing the password when the old version remains saved in the browser’s memory, or accidentally saving the password on someone else’s computer, which is in no way acceptable.

Removing a password in Odnoklassniki is not difficult, but the procedure differs for individual browsers. You might be interested topic: "Odnoklassniki": accessing the page from a computer"

Removing a password in Mozilla

How to quickly remove a password in Google Chrome?

To understand how to remove an old password in Odnoklassniki in Chrome, you will also initially need to click on the Settings menu in the appropriate browser. In the window that appears, select the “show additional settings” function - as a result, another section called “Passwords and forms” will open. In this menu we are interested in Password Management, where in the list the elimination of the required password occurs according to a procedure almost similar to Mozilla.

Removing passwords in Internet Explorer

Few modern users use the Internet Explorer browser, however, even here there may be a need to quickly decide how to remove a password and login on Odnoklassniki. Removing the password here involves clicking the following tabs: Tools - Internet Options - Contents - Options. In the window that opens, select “Delete autofill log” and uncheck the box next to passwords.

Passwords in Yandex

Along with Mozilla, Yandex is an equally popular browser today, so the question of how to remove a password in Odnoklassniki in Yandex is also quite relevant. You can solve the problem of how to remove a password in Odnoklassniki in Yandex almost like in Chrome, because these browsers work on the same engine.

Once you open your browser settings, expand advanced settings and go to the “Passwords and Autofill” section, where we will be interested in “Manage Passwords”. By selecting the desired address, you can view or completely remove the password.

Now you know how to remove your old Odnoklassniki password from any browser with a minimum of time. Let using your favorite social network no longer cause you inconvenience! Read also about how to restore your Odnoklassniki page if you forgot your password by going to

Modern browsers are equipped with a rather convenient function - to remember the login, and along with it the password. It’s quite convenient, because if you are using a home computer or laptop, you don’t have to constantly manually enter your password, but just click on your login when logging in. But sometimes there is a need to remove this function or to prevent the username and password from being saved on the browser.

If you are logging in through someone else’s device, then before the first login you should uncheck the “remember me” signature at the bottom, or after logging in, at the top there will be an inscription: “Remember this password for this browser?” and next to this inscription, click on the inscription “never”. But, there are other cases when the password has already been saved, but for some reason you needed to urgently delete it. Then there is a more complex plan of action.

How to delete a login when logging into Odnoklassniki

To remove the login and password from Odnoklassniki, it will be enough to simply delete it from the saved browser memory, where all saved data is stored.

You must simultaneously hold down the CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE keys.

ATTENTION. This keyboard shortcut for opening history does not work for all browsers. If the history window does not open after this combination, then you need to go to the history through the browser menu or right-click on the back arrow on any of the pages, and then on the “show all history” inscription.

After the “history” tab appears, click on the inscription “Clear history”. The history will need to be cleared for all time by checking the “cookies” and “passwords” checkboxes. With this method of deleting a saved password, the saved login will be deleted from all visited sites.

If you need to delete an unnecessary login only for the Odnoklassniki website, the path is a little different.

Through the menu, go to the settings section, then to the privacy section and select “delete individual cookies” there. Then enter the address of the Odnoklassniki website in the search.

But this method does not work on all browsers. Then you have to go another way. Open the settings, then find the personal data tab and click on “content settings”. Next, select “cookies and site data” there. In the search, enter the full address of the site, delete everything associated with it by clicking on the cross.

To prevent passwords from being saved at all on any site, you can disable the auto-save password feature.

Open the settings, find the “passwords and forms” tab, where we click “autofill settings”. These settings are responsible for the fact that the password appears when you click on the login. Then you just need to turn off autofill.

Some browsers have the ability to disable autofill for a specific site. In this case, there will be an inscription “offer to save passwords for sites”, next to which there will be an inscription “configure”, which you should click on. Next, enter the site address into the search engine and delete passwords by clicking on the cross.

If a page on Odnoklassniki opens without a password, you will need to log out of your page before taking the actions described above

How to delete a login on Odnoklassniki?

Before a user gets to his personal page on the Odnoklassniki website, he must identify himself using a login and password. Often, the two main fields are automatically left filled in, which saves the user from having to fill them out during subsequent logins. However, sometimes there are cases when the question of how to delete a login when logging into Odnoklassniki becomes relevant for the user. This need arises if he is the only one who uses classmates in the family, and in permanent shift no login required. Read also topic: "Odnoklassniki": accessing the page from a computer.

Solving the problem of how to delete a login on Odnoklassniki is possible today in many ways. We bring to your attention the main ones among them.

If you are interested, how to delete a login on Odnoklassniki so that automatically for such a site it is never displayed again, the key task is to clear the browser cookies. To do this, first go to your browser settings, where you will find the “delete individual cookies” function. For example, for Mozilla such an item can be found in the “privacy” menu. In the list provided, find a link to social network Odnoklassniki, then activate the “delete cookies” task.

If your most frequently used browser is Chrome, in the “Settings” - “Advanced settings” menu, find the “personal data” item, where the content settings also contain information about cookies. This procedure allows you to clear not only specific selected files, but also the entire history of using the browser, which is very convenient.

Another way to delete an old login on Odnoklassniki is to stop saving it altogether. When you first enter data on the site, the browser prompts you to save it. It is enough to refuse this function.

If none of the methods for deleting a login when logging into Odnoklassniki helped, try to achieve results by deleting the entire browser history. Typically, this is the method that is most often used when deciding how to delete an old login on Odnoklassniki, because this procedure is the easiest and fastest, and it can be done without unnecessary hassle in absolutely any browser. We hope that with our tips you will quickly solve the problem of deleting your login on the website! You may be interested in the following: “How to remove a password in Odnoklassniki.”
