Psychologist's help for drug addicts. Psychological assistance for drug addicts and alcoholics

Professionally provided assistance to drug addicts and their families can help in hard time and not fall into despair in a difficult situation. By turning to a good rehabilitation center, a drug addict will be able to get rid of his addiction, and his loved ones will be able to improve their lives and get rid of the feeling of guilt for what is happening.

Codependency in the family

Drug addiction as a disease has a detrimental effect on all members of the patient’s family, so everyone who cares about the drug addict should receive psychological help. Without sessions with a psychologist and self-analysis, it will be impossible to achieve complete recovery.

Typically, an alcoholic or drug addict does not realize the severity of his situation and does not want to admit that he is sick. Therefore, the patient refuses treatment and perceives any persuasion or request to go to a rehabilitation center negatively. So what usually comes to the clinic is the family of an addicted person, who has already tried all the methods in the hope of overcoming the disease.

The parents, husband or wife of a drug addict stop living their own lives and devote themselves entirely to the patient. Gradually they become codependent and fall into a neurotic state, taking the position of a victim or a persecutor. Only properly designed rehabilitation will help them get out of this psychological state, go through this difficult path and establish trusting relationships in the family. The drug treatment center offers the most effective programs for getting rid of codependency free of charge for family members of the patient.

Free help

Relatives of the patient can receive anonymous psychological help in our Priority clinic, where qualified psychologists work. They will help identify and solve the problem that caused the development of drug addiction. Solution complex issues and accumulated problems with all family members allows the patient to return to a normal and active life.

After working with a psychologist, relationships in the family of our patients move to a new level as soon as the process of recovery from addiction and codependency begins. Relatives of the drug addict get a chance to become happy again and subsequently can behave adequately in difficult situations, such as the threat of a relapse with a relative. To do this, every week our center conducts free classes and psychological courses online. Our specialists help you find the answer to questions about how to behave correctly with a drug addict, what to do in a given situation, how to persuade him to undergo treatment and help prevent a relapse in the future.

Anyone who wants to undergo treatment for drug addiction or receive psychological help can call the hotline and receive a free consultation on all issues of interest. In our very rehabilitation center relatives of the patient will be able to attend groups in which they will find psychological support and a way out of difficult situations. Here they will be able to communicate with people in similar situations and get rid of loneliness. If necessary, you can always consult a lawyer about questions and nuances that interest you (in our rehabilitation center, legal consultations are provided free of charge).

To ensure that a drug addict avoids relapse after completing a rehabilitation course, the family can count on free post-rehabilitation support. Our clinic will provide assistance in finding employment and help convince a drug addicted patient to undergo treatment if he does not want it. Psychologists-narcologists will be able to come to your home and motivate the patient to take a comprehensive course of rehabilitation in a hospital.

You can recover from drug addiction only if you undergo a full course of therapy using various techniques and procedures. These include a detoxification procedure, socialization of the patient, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Some of these methods require expensive equipment. Treatment of drug addiction is a rather complex process that requires the mandatory participation of many specialists. Each of the doctors solves part of his task and contributes to the restoration of the personality destroyed by drugs.

Therefore, quality care for drug addicted patients cannot be completely free. Our clinic uses the most effective rehabilitation programs that are popular all over the world. Among them is the “12 steps” program, the essence of which is the gradual and step-by-step restoration of the psyche and health of a drug addict. It enables a person to realize his addiction and helps him find the strength to return to normal life. Residents go through each of these stages, which allows them to achieve a radical transformation of their personality.

By undergoing treatment under this program, the patient will be able to set realistic goals and objectives, admit powerlessness over the disease and begin to lead a drug-free life. We use the following types of therapy: Gestalt therapy, Rogerian psychotherapy and group therapy. The course of treatment is completely anonymous (neighbors or work colleagues will not know about the addiction). The therapy package is selected for each patient, taking into account the degree of addiction, length of drug addiction and the presence of other diseases.

Stages of drug addiction treatment:

  • detoxification;
  • rehabilitation;
  • psychological assistance;
  • outpatient program;
  • socialization;
  • Lifetime support.

All patients of our clinic follow a strict daily routine and are always engaged in useful activities. When entering treatment, the patient must have essential items, a photocopy of his passport and insurance card with him. medical insurance. At the end of the rehabilitation course, we guarantee that the patient will be able to completely stop taking drugs and will no longer have the desire to take them. In addition, a person will acquire new interests and goals in life, and learn to cope with difficulties independently.

Modern techniques There are many ways to get rid of drug addiction. Each of them has its own advantages and features. But, in any case, the treatment takes place in stages. Initially, all systems and organs are cleared of accumulated narcotic substances and their decay products. Then the body gradually recovers. The final stage is rehabilitation, which can take several months or years.

Every drug treatment clinic must have professional, experienced psychologists. Without their work, drug addiction treatment is impossible. Psychological help for drug addicts is needed at every stage.

The impact of narcotic substances on psychology

Any negative addiction brings a lot of harm to a person. The insidiousness of drug addiction lies in the fact that the addicted person himself does not want to part with the illusions that narcotic substances give. In the family or work team, changes in behavior are not immediately noticeable. Therefore, relatives turn to specialists late, when narcotic substances have already caused serious harm to the physiology and psychology of the patient.

One of the most attractive factors drug intoxication are illusions. In this state, the world seems much brighter and richer. Often creative people come up with new ideas. They are then embodied in books, paintings, songs, which become masterpieces. But such an impact is typical only for the first stage of addiction. The person still controls himself and returns to reality easily and without consequences.

Perhaps for creative individuals such escapes into the unreal world bring positive results, but in adolescence this is extremely dangerous. If parents pay enough attention to their children, they can notice the formation of dependence at this stage.

In this case, professional psychological assistance to drug-addicted adolescents can eliminate the need drug treatment. It is enough to convey to them information about all the dangerous factors of drug addiction so that the child loses the desire to plunge into a fantasy world again.

In the second stage, addiction develops. It is no longer the drug addict who controls the illusions; they begin to exist independently. A drug addict cannot rejoice or have pleasure in the real world; these sensations arise only in the narcotic dope.

Outside of it, life seems gray, the world is dull and unattractive. At this stage, relatives already notice inappropriate reactions. To get a high, more drugs are needed, so a person spends all his money on purchasing them. There are often thefts and the sale of things from home.

At this stage, the addict himself does not always show a desire to get rid of addiction. He is satisfied with the illusory world. Professional psychological assistance to drug addicts makes it possible to convey to them an understanding of the danger of the condition and the need for treatment.

If the patient does not get rid of addiction at the second stage, complete degradation gradually occurs. Man can no longer exist without his illusory world. There is not enough strength for vivid experiences, only primitive emotions remain.

The importance of psychological assistance for drug addicts

The psychological aspect of drug addiction treatment is important at all stages. IN specialized clinics More often than not, dependent people themselves contact us, but rather relatives who are concerned about their illness. Experts know that the desire of the addict to begin treatment plays an important role in the effectiveness of the process. But close people are not always able to reach him and convince him of this. The patient and family members simply do not understand each other.

Psychological assistance to the relatives of a drug addict at this stage consists of detailed, competent recommendations. They will allow loved ones to understand the addicted person and find the right words that stimulate interest in treatment.

Professional psychologists in the hospital begin communicating with patients immediately after their admission. A drug addict may develop fear of treatment and doubts about his abilities. Specialists have all the information about the characteristics of drug addiction, so they can provide effective assistance. They not only instill confidence in a positive result, but also convince of the attractiveness of a new life without drugs.

Psychological assistance for drug addiction is provided both individually for each patient and in groups. An open discussion of problems associated with taking drugs and plans for the future makes it possible to strengthen the desire to get rid of addiction.

Psychological assistance during rehabilitation

High qualifications and experience allow the psychologist to find an approach to each patient. During consultations, the doctor determines the patient’s individual abilities and preferences. This makes it possible to make plans for a new sober life.

One of the difficulties that is typical for addiction treatment is a kind of vacuum that forms in the patient after staying in the clinic. When using drugs, a certain social circle is usually formed. But you have to part with these “friends” forever to avoid breakdowns.

It is quite difficult for a person to create new acquaintances. The patient got used to the illusory world and lost the skills to behave in reality. Qualified psychological assistance is required for former drug addicts.

The doctor understands the patient’s fears and doubts, so he can find a solution to all existing problems. He will help to identify the main causes of anxiety, explain how you can overcome the obstacles that have arisen, and find the right models of behavior in society and in the family.

The period of psychological rehabilitation requires effort not only from the former drug addict himself. The behavior of relatives and family members also plays an important role at this stage. They require spiritual support and faith in the patient’s ability to get rid of addiction. A former dependent person should feel important, feel that his loved ones need him.

You are not alone!

When problems become global, it seems that there is no way out. And the worst thing is that with all this you are left alone - without support, without help and advice. Many drug addicts sooner or later come to the conclusion that they need to stop using and it’s time to start new life. But for them this step is like a leap over an abyss...

Anonymous help for drug addicts

Our drug addiction help center maintains confidentiality:

  • Does not collect statistics;
  • Does not transmit information to other authorities;
  • Does not register;
  • Doesn't judge, but helps.

Help center for drug addicts and their loved ones

If in your case the drug addict does not show any desire to seek help, this can be called the norm. Most drug addicts do not accept outside help. Therefore, help for drug addiction is needed not only by the addicts themselves, but also by their loved ones. Your call to our center is the first step towards change. You perceive information and try to convey it to the addict. This type of family therapy is very important. We will tell you how to create primary motivation so that a person wants to start treatment or simply agrees to a conversation with a psychologist.

Psychological assistance to drug addicts at all stages

The help of a psychologist is needed at all stages.

  • If this is your first time encountering a problem with drug use;
  • If you have already completed a rehabilitation course;
  • If you have gone through the coding process;
  • If you have undergone detoxification.

Helping drug addicts is especially important during the period of cleansing the body. When physical dependence is removed, at the psychological level the desire to return to the world of illusions intensifies many times over. Timely support from a psychologist will prevent the vicious circle from ending.

Another point in the need for help for drug addicts is the period of social adaptation. When a person has completed a rehabilitation course and got rid of cravings, he returns to a world where no one is waiting for him. A psychological imbalance sets in - I have changed, but the world around me has not. It is at such a moment that the drug addiction help center will guarantee the absence of breakdowns.

“When I spent 16 months in rehab, the desire to use drugs disappeared. I was busy with daily work - training, sports, therapy, helping new drug addicts. I was needed. But after returning home, those around me did not perceive me differently - I was the same drug addict about whom no one cared. I really wanted to start a new life - decent job, new friends, acquaintances, prospects. But instead there were the same people. Thoughts about drugs began to appear more and more often..."- Ruslan, 32 years old.
