Names starting with the letter D for men and women. Russian male names starting with the letters g, d

What is characteristic is male names Letter D, Russian or foreign, always shows their strong character. Such people often grow up to be real fighters and are not afraid to take risks. On the other hand, by nature they are very kind and merciful, they will not be able to leave anyone in trouble.

What is typical for men is that they can strive for prosperity in life, but even with good financial opportunities they can limit themselves in certain benefits. Such people often associate their lives with professions that require responsibility not only to themselves, but also to society. Often the most important thing in their life is to be able to realize themselves in what they love.

Popular boy names starting with D

The names of boys starting with D are quite extensive, so it is worth analyzing the most popular among them today:

  • Daoud, Muslim and Hebrew name. Literally translated, the name means “beloved,” analogues of this name are David, David. These boys are very active, but can sometimes be insensitive and unable to sympathize. Very ambitious in adulthood;
  • Denis, Slavic name. Such a child is quite active and extremely curious. Very smart, easily perceives information, such a person will not be afraid to take on even the most difficult work
  • Dmitry, a Greek name, is used in some countries as Dimitar or Dmytro. Comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of fertility - Demeter. Such a person is very kind and it is difficult to break him through a series of failures. He values ​​his own opinion and independence;
  • Damir, Muslim name. Translated from Arabic it means “iron man”. It is interesting that such a person has a thirst for knowledge with early age. The man is very determined and has great willpower;
  • Darius, Muslim and Catholic name. This name is translated as “good”, but some interpret it differently – conqueror. This man is very talkative and easily wins the hearts of ladies. His enthusiasm often helps him in life;
  • Jim, English name. The original version was James, but today it is used in two versions. Such people are very active in life, they like to do complex things, but they cannot tolerate it when someone controls them from the outside.

There are also other names with a capital letter D, which are considered quite rare in the world today: Damian, Dula, Dositheus, Davlet, Dar or Diomedes. Therefore, when choosing a name for a child, you need to be especially careful and choose one that suits him.

For a girl whose name begins with the letter "D", nothing is impossible, at least theoretically - she is a strong personality, she is ready to take on any task and, regardless of the chances of success, she will persistently move towards her goal. Fortunately, such outbursts happen rarely; generally, the girl is family-oriented and has fairly traditional values. She is characterized by some inconsistency - so she can be active and sociable, or she can withdraw into her inner world. In general, owners of names beginning with this letter are united by cheerfulness, healthy optimism, activity and energy.

  • Daina - may have come from the name Diana. An emotional, impulsive person who, nevertheless, completes everything she starts. -35
  • Dana - Slavic name, means “gifted” (literally - “given”). A determined, stubborn, slightly contradictory, sensual girl. 9
  • Daniela - (Daniella). Feminine form of the name Daniel (Daniil). The name is of Hebrew origin and means “God is my judge.” Impulsive, energetic, impatient girl. -19
  • Darina - the exact origin of the name is not known; there are versions about Irish, Slavic or Jewish roots. Darina is a capricious, complex, impatient girl who knows her worth. (3) 24
  • Daria - (Dasha). The origin of the name is Greek or Slavic. There is always a little child in this woman. She attracts people to her because she is very easy to communicate and non-conflict. It is important for her to constantly be in society, and loneliness is unbearable for her. 40
  • Daryana - according to one of the many versions, comes from the word “gift”. A sociable, rather demanding girl who knows how to use her charm very well. -8
  • Dekabrina - winter, December (Russian post-revolutionary name). A reserved, serious girl with a good sense of humor, who knows how to achieve success and is not fixated on material issues. -31
  • Deya - (Diya) A euphonious and poetic name, derived from the ancient Slavic “to do” - to work, toil. This is a girl you can rely on in everything. -21
  • Jenny - (Jennifer, in English - Jennie) means “white sorceress”, “fair”. A strong girl with a difficult character, an idealist at heart, striving to be the first in everything. -32
  • Julia - (related name Juliet). The name is of Latin origin (meaning “from the Julius family”). It is very popular in the USA and Italy. Julia is self-confident, proud, she is a clear extrovert with an almost masculine character, capable of coping with any problem. -41
  • Diana - means - divine (name of Greek origin). For an energetic girl with this name, nothing is impossible, although she slightly lacks some ease of communication. 27
  • Dina - a name that came to us from antiquity; this name was borne by the only daughter of Jacob. A practical, hardworking girl who does not miss out on her benefits, but is not very happy in her marriage due to her character traits. 3
  • Dobrava - means kind, this is a Slavic name. The soul of the party and a good friend, practical and successful, prone to rash, impulsive decisions. -35
  • Share - an original name of Slavic origin, meaning “fate, share.” Calm girl, loving peace and comfort, not too self-confident and inclined to attach great importance to little things. -47
  • Dominica - (Domina) Name of Latin origin - “God's day”, “lady”. A strong, bright, independent personality with the appropriate character. -10
  • Dorothea - (Dorothea) - C Greek language, means “Given by God.” A happy girl who thinks through all her actions and actions, which invariably leads her to success. -58

On this page: Gabriel, Gabriel, Gavrila, Guy, Galaktion, Gideon, Helium, Gennady, Heinrich, George, Gerard, Gerasim, Herbert, German, Hermogenes, Gleb, Gordey, Gostislav, Gremislav, Gregory, Gradislav, Gury, Guryan, Gustav // Davyd, David, Dan, Daniel, Danil, Danila, Dey (Diy), Dementiy, Demid, Demyan, Denis, Diomid, Dmitry, Dobromysl, Dobroslav, Dobrynya, Dovmont, Dominic, Donat, Dormidont, Dorofey, Dragoslav

Gavri i l, Gavri l, Gavri la
Godfather Orthodox name: Gavrii L

“Divine warrior”, “fortress (power) of God” (from ancient Hebrew.gever - “husband”, “strength” and El - “God”). In Christianity, Gabriel is one of the archangels, the mainGod's messenger to people, he brings good news. In Western European countries the nameGabriel sounds like Gabriel
Middle name formation: Gavriilovich, Gavrilovna; Gavrilovich, Gavrilovna
Conversational options: Gavril, Gavrila, Gavrilka, Gavrya, Gavrik, Gavr, Gavrisha, Gavryusha,
Gavryushka, Gavrish, Gavrenka, Gavryukha, Ganya, Ganka, Ganechka, Gavsha, Gasha, Gashka,
Gashik, Gavrilo
- Hieromartyr Gabriel of Adrianople, January 22 / February 4
- Archangel Gabriel, March 26 / April 8; July 13/26; November 8/21
- Rev. Gabriel Lesnovsky, January 15/28
- Rev. Gabriel the Svyatogorets, July 12/25
: Gabriel
: Gabriel // Gabby, Gabe, Gabey
The names Gabriel and Gavril are rare, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 births
boys; Gavrila - less than 1 in 10,000

Guy, Kai
Godfather Orthodox name: Gay
Meaning, origin of the name: Guy (Gaius) and Kai (Kai) - two variants of one and
of the same name. The name Guy was a “prenomen”, that is, the first part of the full
named after Roman emperors: Gaius Julius Caesar, Gaius Suetonius
Paulinus (Gaius Suetonius Paulinus), etc. After many years, it became an ordinary personal
name. In Germany, Holland, USA, Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway,
Denmark, Finland) such a variant of the name as Kai (Cai, Caj,
Kai). The fact is that in the original alphabet of Ancient Rome there was no letter G, and
the name Gaius was spelled Caius for some time. And for the same reason the Pope,
was on the throne from 283 to 296 AD, today also known as Gaius
(Guy), and as Caius (Kai)
Note 1: What the name Guy (Kai) itself means is not known for certain, but most
researchers agree that the word gaius is related to the Latin verb gaudere -
"to rejoice", "to rejoice", "to triumph"
Note 2: A detailed article on Roman names is at the internet link:
Middle name formation: Gaevich, Gaevna; Kaevich, Kaevna
Conversational options: Guy // Gay, Gaenka, Gayusha, Gayushka, Gayasha, Gayka, Gesha, Geshka,
Ganya, Gayanya, Gayan, Yanik; Kai // Kaichek, Kaik, Kaichik, Kayusha, Kayushka, Kayushek
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Hieromartyr Gaius of Alexandria, October 4/17
- Holy Apostle Gaius, Bishop of Ephesus, November 5/18
- Saint Gaius (Caius), Pope, August 11/24 (Gaius, Caius)
- Martyr Gaius of Sadon, June 23 / July 6
- Martyr Gaius of Sebaste, March 9/22
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Gaius
Modern English analogues: Gaius, Kai // Guy, Gai, Kye, Kay, Kai-Kai, Kai-Guy
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The names Guy and Kai are very rare (less than 1 per

Galaxy He
Godfather Orthodox name: Galactio n
Meaning, origin of the name: "Milk", "milky" from the Greek galaktos
- “milk”, from the same word comes “Galaxy” (Milky Way). Wide
a common Russian form of the name was Laktio n
Middle name formation: Galaktionovich, Galaktionovna
Conversational options: Galanya, Galan, Galanka, Galanechka, Galasha, Galash, Galasya, Galakha,
Laktion, Loktion, Laktya, Laktenka, Laksha, Loksha, Ganya, Gelya, Lanya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Martyr Galaktion of Vologda, September 24 / October 7
- Martyr Galaktion of Emesa (Phoenician), November 5/18
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Galacteon
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Galaktion is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Gede He
Godfather Orthodox name: Gede He
Meaning, origin of the name: “Ruba ka”, “one who wields weapons”, “mighty warrior” (Heb.)
Middle name formation: Gedeo novich, Gedeo novna
Conversational options: Gedya, Gesha, Geshenka, Geshka, Geka, Gidunya, Gidulya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- righteous Gideon, judge of Israel, September 26 / October 9
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Gideon
Modern English equivalents: Gideon (more common variant), Gedeon
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Gideon is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

G ely
Godfather Orthodox name: Elly
Meaning, origin of the name: Helium (“solar”), dedicated to Helios -
Greek god of the sun
Middle name formation: Gelievich, Gelievna or Gelievich, Gelievna
Conversational options: Gel, Gela, Spruce, Gelka, Gel
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Ellius of Egypt, monk, July 14/27
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Hellius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Helium is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 male births)

Genn a diy
Godfather Orthodox name: Genna diy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Noble” (from the Greek gennadis - “noble,
well-born"). The word “noble” in Russian is understood in two senses: 1)
well-born, from a good, noble family, 2) highly moral, honest,
Middle name formation: Gennadievich, Gennadievna or Gennadievich, Gennadievna
Conversational options: Gena, Genka, Genya, Genka, Gesha, Genasha, Genyusha, Genulya, Genusya,
Genochka, Genushka, Gennadik, Genadka, Ganya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Rev. Gennady Vazheozersky, February 9/22
- Saint Gennady of Constantinople (Constantinople), August 31 / September 13
- Rev. Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd, January 23 / February 5
- St. Gennady of Novgorod, archbishop, December 4/17
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Gennadius, Gennadii
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Gennady is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9th on
10,000 newborn boys)

G e nrich
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: The German name Heinrich means "master of the house", from
Old German words heim (house) and rihhi (master). For hundreds of years it was the name of the highest
European nobility - more than 20 kings and emperors, as well as counts, dukes...
The feminine form of the name is Henrietta
Middle name formation: Genrikhovich, Genrikhovna
Conversational options: Genya, Genka, Henry, Genrichek, Henrik, Garik, Harry, Hera, Gena,
Rick, Rikk, Rico, Hank, Heinz, Henri
Modern European analogues: Henry, Harry (He nri, Gen nri, Harry - in England, USA),
Heinrich (X ainrich, Heinrich - in Germany), Henri (Henri - in France), Enrique (Henri ke - in
Spain), Enrico (Enri ko - in Italy), Henrik (He nrik - in Denmark, Sweden, Norway),
Hendrik (X e ndrik - in Holland), Jindrich (Andrich - in the Czech Republic) // diminutive forms
V English: Harry, Henny, Hank, Hens, Henz, Hen, Huck, Ren, Hal, Ry, in German
language: Heinz (Heinz, Heinz), Heini, Henne, Henner, Ory
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Borrowed European name, rare, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 births
boys; Our most famous bearer of the name is Genrikh Vasilievich Novozhilov
(born 1925), academician, general designer of the Ilyushin Aviation Design Bureau

Ge o rgy, Ego r, Ego ry, Yuri
Godfather Orthodox name: Georgy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Farmer”, “farmer” (from ancient Greek
Georgos). This is one of the epithets of the god Zeus, who patronized agriculture.
Egor, Egor, Yuri - Russian name transformations (made under the influence
Varangian princes), which over time became completely independent names. Since in
There were no saints, many were baptized with Georgies, and in everyday life they were called Egors and Yuri,
however, now the name Yuri is in the month's word - see blgv. book Georgy (Yuri) Vsevolodovich.
The name is common all over the world - George (English), Georges (French), Jurgen (German), Jorge
(Spanish), Jiri (Czech), Jerzy (Polish)
Middle name formation: Georgievich, Georgievna; Egorovich, Egorovna; Egorievich, Egoryevna
or Egorievich, Egorievna; Yurievich, Yurevna
Conversational options: Georgy // Gera, Gerochka, Gora, Grief, Gorochka, Gorushka, Garya, Garik,
Garechka, Georg, Zhora, Zhorik, Zhorochka, Zhoronka, Georges, Zhorzhik, Zhorenka, Gosha,
Goshenka, Gesha, Geshenka, Goga
Conversational options: Egor, Egor // Egorka, Egorik, Egorchik, Egorchenka, Egosha,
Egoshka, Egoshenka, Egonya, Egoronka, Egorushka, Egorsha, Egorshenka, Egunya, Ega
Conversational options: Yuri // Yura, Yurik, Yurochka, Yurenka, Yurka, Yurok, Yusha,
Yushka, Yushenka, Yurasha, Yurchik, Yuranya, Yurasya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- St. George of Amastrida, bishop, February 21 / March 6
- St. George of Antioch (Pisidian), April 19 / May 2
- Righteous Prince Georgy (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, Vladimirsky, February 4/17
- Holy Confessor George of Constantinople (IX century), May 13/26
- St. George, Patriarch of Constantinople (683), August 18/31
- Martyr George the New (Bulgarian), May 26 / June 8
- Great Martyr George the Victorious, April 23 / May 6; November 3/16; November 10/23;
November 26 / December 9
- Rev. George Svyatogorets, Iversky, June 27 / July 10
- Rev. George Chozevit, January 8/21
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: George
Modern English analogues: George, Georgius // Georgie, Georgy, Geordie, Geo, Jorge,
Jody, Dod, Doddy, Doddie
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Georgiy is in 35th place in the popularity ranking of male names (74 per 10,000
newborn boys); Egor - in a very high 10th place (297 per 10,000); Yuri - 52
place (43 per 10,000). This form of a name like Yegoriy is rare (no more than 1-2 per 10,000)

Ger a rd
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: The name Gerard is a Russian variant of German
named after Gerhard, Gerhart, Gerhardt (Gerhard, Gerhart). This name means "brave warrior with
spear", from the ancient German words ger (spear) and harti (brave, strong, strong)
Middle name formation: Gerardovich, Gerardovna
Conversational options: Gerd, Gert, Hera, Gerek, Gerka, Gerusha, Gerush, Gardi, Gardek, Gardik, Garik
Modern English analogues: Gerard (Gerard) // Garret, Gerry, Jerry, Gerd, Gert; in
France - Gerard (Gerard), in Italy - Gerardo (Gerardo)
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

boys. Among the famous bearers of the name Gerard Vasilyev (born in 1935),
singer and actor of the Moscow Operetta Theater, People's Artist

Ger and sim
Godfather Orthodox name: Hera sim
Meaning, origin of the name: “Dear”, “worthy” (from gerasmios - “venerable”,Greek), i.e. person deserving of deep respect or commanding deep respect
Middle name formation: Gerasimovich, Gerasimovna
Conversational options: Hera, Gerka, Gerasya, Gerasechka, Gerasenka, Geras, Geraska, Geras,
Garya, Garik, Gesha, Geranya, Geranka, Gerasha, Gerochka, Gerushka, Garasya, Garanya, Garasha,
Garsha, Gasha, Rasya, Raska, Raska
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Reverend Gerasim Boldinsky, May 1 / 14
- Saint Gerasim of Velikoperm, Ustvym, January 24 / February 6; January 29/
February 11
- Rev. Gerasim of Vologda, March 4/17
- Venerable Gerasim of Jordan, March 4/17
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Gerasimus, Gerasim
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Gerasim is rare, no more than 2-3 per 10,000 newborn boys; This
a good name was “ruined” by the writer I.S. Turgenev with one of his stories

G e rbert
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: The German name Herbert means "valiant warrior"
“glorious warrior”, from the ancient German words heri (army, army, warrior, fighter) and beraht
(bright, brilliant, illustrious, famous)
Middle name formation: Herbertovich, Herbertovna
Conversational options: Gerber, Hera, Gerka, Gesha, Gekha, Bert, Bertik, Gert
Modern English analogues: Herbert // Bert, Bertie, Herb, Herbie
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Borrowed European name, very rare, less than 1 in 10,000 births
boys; Our most famous bearer of the name is Efremov Herbert
Aleksandrovich (born 1925), outstanding rocket and space designer
technicians, general designer of NPO Mashinostroeniya

G e rman
Godfather Orthodox name: Hermann
Meaning, origin of the name: The ancient Germanic name Hermann is known, meaning
“warrior, combatant” (heri - army, army; man - person). It is possible that modern
the name Herman comes from him. But there is a version according to which the meaning of the name is “brother”
(germano, hermano - in Romance languages ​​this is how they usually talk about their native
Middle name formation: Germanovich, Germanovna
Conversational options: Hera, Geronka, Gerochka, Gerchik, Gerka, Gerunya, Gerusya, Gerusha,
Gerushka, Gerasha, Germushka, Gema, Genya, Gesha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Rev. Herman of Alaska, July 27 / August 9
- Rev. Herman of Valaam, June 28 / July 11; September 11 / 24
- Martyr Herman of Dyrrachium, July 7/20
- Saint Herman, Archbishop of Kazan and Sviyazhsk, June 23 / July 6; September 25/
October 8; November 6/19
- Martyr Germanus of Caesarea (Palestinian), November 13/26
- St. Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople, May 12/25
- Rev. Herman Solovetsky, July 30 / August 12; August 8/21
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Germanus, Herman
Modern English analogues: German, Herman
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Herman is in 62nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (23 per 10,000
newborn boys); the most famous German - Soviet cosmonaut No. 2, Titov
German Stepanovich (1935-2000)

Germog e n
Godfather Orthodox name: Ermoghen
Meaning, origin of the name: “From the line of Hermes”, “born of Hermes”, “descendant
Hermes" (Greek). Hermes - messenger and messenger of the Olympic gods, patron of travelers
and shepherds, god of eloquence, trade and profit, gymnastic competitions
(Greek Hermes corresponds to Roman Mercury)
Middle name formation: Germogenovich, Germogenovna
Conversational options: Ermosha, Gena, Genya, Gesha, Hera, Gerka, Gerunya, Gerusya, Geronka,
Gerochka, Gerushka, Germ, Erm, Ermiy
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Hermogenes of Alexandria, December 10/23
- Hieromartyr Hermogenes of Moscow, Patriarch, February 17 / March 2; May 12 / 25
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Hermogenes, Germogen
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Hermogenes is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys); most
famous bearer of the name - Pospelov Germogen Sergeevich (1914-1998), Soviet
scientist in the field of automatic control and artificial intelligence, academician

Godfather Orthodox name: Gleb
Meaning, origin of the name: The Russian name Gleb is based on
the Old Norse name Gudleifr and the Old Germanic name Godleib, consisting of
elements gud, god - “god” and leifr, leib - “descendant, heir, successor”. In Russians
in chronicles this name first appears as Uleb and only later takes on the form Gleb
Middle name formation: Glebovich, Glebovna
Conversational options: Glebka, Glebchik, Gleba, Glenya, Glenka, Glesha, Gleshka, Glebych,
Glebushka, Glebonka, Glebochka, Lebka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Righteous Prince Gleb Vladimirsky, June 20 / July 3
- Righteous Prince Gleb of Murom, martyr, May 2/15; July 24 / August 6; September 5/18
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Gleb
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Gleb is in high 24th place in the popularity ranking of male names (120 per
10,000 newborn boys)

Proud to her
Godfather Orthodox name: Gordy
Meaning, origin of the name: Gordias, Gordius (Greek) - this is the name of the Phrygian king
G about Rdia (Phrygia is an ancient country on the territory of modern Turkey; King Proud to us
known mainly from the Greek myth, according to which he tied a knot, and
Alexander the Great cut it with his sword - “Gordian knot”)
Middle name formation: Gordeevich, Gordeevna
Conversational options: Denya, Dey, Deyka, Diy, Mountain, Gor, Gorka, Gordya, Gordik, Gordeyka,
Gordyunya, Gordechka, Gordyusha, Gosha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Gordius of Cappadocia, January 3/16
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Gordius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Gordey is in 74th place in the popularity ranking of male names (11 per 10,000
newborn boys)

Gostisle and in(see Slavic names)
Gradisl and in(see Slavic names)
Gremisl and in(see Slavic names)

Grieg oh riy
Godfather Orthodox name: Gregory
Meaning, origin of the name: “Wakeful”, “vigilant” (Greek)
Middle name formation: Grigorievich, Grigorievna
Conversational options: Grisha, Grishka, Grinya, Grishanya, Grishanka, Grishunya, Grishutka,
Grishatka, Grishenka, Grishechka, Grin, Grinka, Gridya, Gridka, Grigor, Grigorka, Grigorchik
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- St. Gregory of Acragantia, bishop, November 23 / December 6
- Venerable Gregory of Akritsky, January 5/18
- St. Gregory of Alexandria, Archbishop, November 5/18
- St. Gregory of Antioch, Patriarch, April 20 / May 3
- St. Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, January 25 / February 7
- St. Gregory Dvoeslov, Pope of Rome, March 12/25
- Rev. Gregory Dekapolite, November 20 / January 3
- St. Gregory of Cyprus, bishop, March 4/17
- St. Gregory of Omirite, bishop, December 19 / January 1
- Rev. Gregory of Sinaite, August 8/21
- St. Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neocaesarea, November 17/30
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Gregory
Modern English analogues: Gregory // Greg, Gregg, Grig, Gregor
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Gregory is in 42nd place in the popularity ranking of male names
(59 per 10,000 male births)

G u rii, Gurya n
Godfather Orthodox name: Guriy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Son of a lion”, “young lion”, “lion cub” (from ancient Hebrew gur,
guria, gurion)
Middle name formation: Guryevich, Guryevna or Gurievich, Gurievna; Guryanovich, Guryanovna
Conversational options: Gura, Gurya, Gur, Gurik, Gurka, Gurenka, Huronka, Gurechka, Gurushka,
Gurey, Gureyka, Guryan, Guryanka, Guryasha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- martyr and confessor Gury of Edessa, November 15/28
- Saint Gury, Archbishop of Kazan, June 20 / July 3; October 4/17; December 5/18
- Martyr Guri Maccabeus, August 1/14
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Gurias, Gury
Modern English analogues: Gurias, Guria
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Gury and Guryan are very rare names (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

G have become(see A August)

Dove y d, Davi d
Godfather Orthodox name: Davi d
Meaning, origin of the name: “Beloved”, “beloved”, “beloved” (Hebrew)
Middle name formation: Davydovich, Davydovna; Davidovich, Davidovna
Conversational options: Davydka, Davydok, Dava, David, Davidka, Vidya, Vidka, Vidyok,
Vid, Videnka, Vidka, Vidik, Videchka, Doda, Dodya, Davydushka, Davydochka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr David of Aragvet, Prince of Georgia, October 2/15
- Venerable David of Thessalonica (Thessalonian), June 26 / July 9
- Righteous Prince David of Yaroslavl, miracle worker, March 5/18; September 19 / October 2
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: David
Modern English analogues: David // Dave, Davy, Davey, Davie, Davo, Vida, Daw
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name David, together with Davyd, is in 49th place in the popularity rating
male names (50 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name David is especially popular
among Russian Armenians, and the name Davyd among Russian Germans

Dan (see Bogda n)

Dani i l, dani l, dani la
Godfather Orthodox name: Denmark l
Meaning, origin of the name: “God’s court”, “my judge is God” (from ancient Hebrew A neither - “my
judge" and El - "God")
Middle name formation: Daniilovich, Danilovna; Danilovich, Danilovna
Conversational options: Danilka, Danil, Danya, Dan, Dan, Danka, Danek, Danilchik,
Danilo, Danilok, Danilushka, Danilochka, Danechka, Danko, Danusik, Danuska, Danisha,
Danyusha, Dansha, Donya, Dashko
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Righteous Prince Daniil of Moscow, March 4/17; August 30 / September 12
- Rev. Daniel of Pereyaslavl, April 7/20
- Holy Prophet Daniel, December 17/30
- St. Daniel of Serbia, Archbishop, December 20 / January 2
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Daniel
Modern English analogues: Daniel // Dan, Danny, Dannie, Dani, Danno, Dank
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The names Daniel + Danil + Danila together occupy 4th place in the popularity ranking
male names - 419 per 10,000 newborn boys (of which Daniil is approximately 200,
Danil 150, Danila 70)

Dey (see Diy)

Dem e ntii
Godfather Orthodox name: Dométius
Meaning, origin of the name: Dometius, Domitius, Domice - name, widely
common in Ancient Rome, meaning “tamer”, “taming” (lat.)
Middle name formation: Dementievich, Dementievna or Dementievich, Dementievna
Conversational options: Dema, Demochka, Demushka, Demka, Demesha, Demeshka, Demsha,
Demsha, Desha, Demenya, Demenka, Demenechka, Dementechka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Martyr Dometius the Persian, March 8/21; August 7/20
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Dometius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Dementiy is rare, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 newborn boys

Dem i d, Diomi d
Godfather Orthodox name: Diomi d
Meaning, origin of the name: Greek name meaning "care of God"
“one who is protected by God” (from dios - “divine”, medo - “to take care,
patronize") or "Thought of God" (from dios - "divine", medomai -
"think"). This name was borne by the Greek legendary hero Diomedes (Diomedes), king of Argos,
military leader, participant in the Trojan War
Middle name formation: Demidovich, Demidovna; Diomidovich, Diomidovna
Conversational options: Dema, Demesha, Demushka, Demochka, Demka, Demidka, Demidushka,
Demurka, Desha, Dyosha, Dima, Denya, Minya, Mitya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Diomedes of Caesarea, July 3/16
- Martyr Diomedes of Tarsus, physician, August 16/29
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Diomedes
Modern English analogues: Diomede
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Demid is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000
newborn boys), Diomede is less common (approximately 1 in 10,000)

Dem I n
Godfather Orthodox name: Damia n
Meaning, origin of the name: “Dedicated to Damia” (Damianus, lat.). Damia -
ancient Italian and Greek goddess of abundance and fertility
Middle name formation: Demyanovich, Demyanovna
Conversational options: Dema, Demochka, Demushka, Demka, Desha, Demesha, Desha, Demyasha,
Demyanochka, Demyanushka, Demyanka, Demyan, Denya
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- martyr unmercenary Damian of Arabia, October 17/30
- Venerable Damian of Pechersk, healer, October 5/18
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Damian
Modern English analogues: Damian, Damien
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Demyan is in 72nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (13 per 10,000
newborn boys)

Den and with
Godfather Orthodox name: Dioni siy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Dedicated to Dioni su” (Greek). Dioni s - god
viticulture and winemaking, vital forces of nature, fun, poetic
inspiration and happy folk holidays
Middle name formation: Denisovich, Denisovna
Conversational options: Denya, Deniska, Denechka, Denka, Dan, Denechek, Denyasha, Desha,
Deshka, Denisik, Denisonka, Denisochka, Denisushka, Denisok, Dion, Denisiy, Dionysus
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Hieromartyr Dionysius of Alexandria, bishop, October 5/18
- Apostle, Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite (Bishop of Athens), October 3/16
- Rev. Dionysius Glushitsky, June 1/14
- Saint Dionysius of Ephesus, August 4/17; October 22 / November 4
- Martyr Dionysius of Perga (Pamphylia), April 21 / May 4
- Venerable Dionysius of Radonezh, May 12/25
- St. Dionysius of Suzdal, Archbishop, June 26 / July 9
- Hieromartyr Dionysius of Trebius, August 18/31
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Dionysius, Dionisi
Modern English analogues: Denis, Dennis, Denys, Dionysius // Den, Denny
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Denis is in high 21st place in the popularity ranking of male names
(172 per 10,000 male births)

Diy, Dey
Godfather Orthodox name: Diy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Divine”, “Zeus” (in Greek it sounds “Dios”)
Middle name formation: Dievich, Dievna; Deevich, Deevna
Conversational options: Denya, Deyka, Diyka, Dick, Deya, Deechka, Deyushka
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Dius of Constantinople, July 19 / August 1
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Dius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Diy and Dey are very rare names (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys); wife
Marshal Zhukov - Alexandra Dievna (her father was Diy Alekseevich Zuikov)

Dm and triy, Dimitriy
Godfather Orthodox name: Dimitriy
Meaning, origin of the name: “Dedicated to Deme tre” (Greek), goddess of the earth,
fertility, patroness of farmers. Demeter literally means
"Mother Earth"
Middle name formation: Dmitrievich, Dmitrievna; Dimitrievich, Dimitrievna
Conversational options: Dima, Dimka, Dimochka, Dimushka, Dimulya, Dimusya, Dimasya,
Dimok, Dimon, Dimchik, Dim, Dmitr, Dmitrenka, Dimitar, Mitya, Mitenka, Mityasha,
Mityusha, Mityushka, Mitka, Mityai, Mityanya, Mityukha, Mitriy, Mitrik, Mitrechka,
Mithrya, Mitryasha, Mithrey
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Demetrius Dabudsky, November 15/28
- Righteous Prince Dimitry Donskoy, May 19 / June 1
- Martyr Demetrius of Constantinople, August 9/22
- Rev. Demetrius of Prilutsky, Vologda, February 11/24
- Saint Demetrius of Rostov, September 21 / October 4; October 28 / November 10
- Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, October 26 / November 8
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Demetrius, Dimitry, Dimitri
Modern English analogues: Demetrius
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Dmitry is in fifth place in the popularity ranking of male names
(419 per 10,000 male births). The name Dimitri is much more
rare (5-6 per 10,000)

Good y sl, Dobrosla v, Dobry nya(see Slavic names)

Dovm about nt
Godfather Orthodox name: Dovmo nt
Meaning, origin of the name: “Much-wise” is the name of the Lithuanian prince Daumantas
(Daumantas), who converted to Orthodoxy and became the successor of the Pskov prince
Yaroslav (XIII century)
Middle name formation: Dovmontovich, Dovmontovna
Conversational options: Dovmon, Dovmonya, Dovmosha, Houses, House, Domochka, Domka, Domosha,
Domon, Domosh, Monya, Mosha
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Righteous Prince Dovmont of Pskov, May 20 / June 2
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Dovmont
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Dovmont is a very rare name

Domin and to
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: European Catholic name, derived from
from the Latin word Dominicus and means “belonging to the Lord God”, “of the Lord”,
"born on God's day." In the old days the name Dominic was often given to boys,
born on Sunday
Middle name formation: Dominikovich, Dominikovna
Conversational options: Domi, Domin, Domka, Doma, Dom, Nick, Nika, Nikusha
Modern English analogues: Dominic // Dom, Domie, Domers, Dominicky, Doc, Nic,
Nick, Nicky, Nico
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Borrowed European name, very rare

Don a t
Godfather Orthodox name: Dona t
Meaning, origin of the name: “Given”, “bestowed”, “given away” (Donatus, lat.)
Middle name formation: Donatovich, Donatovna
Conversational options: Donya, Don, Donka, Donatka, Danya, Dan, Danechka, Danka, Donechka,
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- St. Donatus of Europe, bishop, April 30 / May 13
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Donatus
Modern English analogues: Donat, Donatus
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Donat is rare, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 newborn boys

Dormid about nt
Godfather Orthodox name: Dorimedo nt
Meaning, origin of the name: “Chief of the spearmen”, “spear leader” (Greek)
Middle name formation: Dormidontovich, Dormidontovna
Conversational options: Dora, Dorya, Dor, Dorka, Dorka, Doronya, Dorenka, Doronka,
Doronka, Doron, Don, Dorechka, Dorosha, Dosha, Dormidosha, Drone
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Martyr Dorimedont of Sinad, September 19 / October 2
Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Dorymedon
Modern English analogues: Dorymedon
Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Dormidont is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Dorof to her
Godfather Orthodox name: Dorofey
Meaning, origin of the name: “Gift of God”, “gift of the gods” (Greek); the name is built from
the same elements as Theodor (Fedor): doron - “gift”, theos - “God”
Middle name formation: Dorofeevich, Dorofeevna
Conversational options: Dora, Dorya, Dor, Dorka, Dorka, Dorenka, Doronya, Doronka,
Doronka, Dorokh, Dorokha, Dorosh, Dorosha, Doroshenka, Doroshka, Dorofeyka, Drone
Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):
- Venerable Dorotheus of Egypt, September 16/29
- Venerable Dorotheos of Palestine (from the monastery of Abba Serida), June 5/18 E, F, Z I, J K, L M, N O, P R, S T, U, F X, C, E, Yu, I

Future mom and dad, when they first found out that they are having a baby, begin to imagine what he will be like and who he will be like. And they dream - who will be? Boy or girl? They are discussing what the heir will be named. You need to approach your choice seriously, and especially for a newly minted man. The name of a representative of the stronger sex contains character and attitude towards life. Most male names starting with “D” bear the traits of a solid and reliable person, but the meaning of each is special.

Characters of men starting with "D"

Everyone knows the expression: whatever you name the ship, so it will sail, in the case of determining a name for a boy with the letter “D” it is very important. This consonant is sonorous, significant, and names beginning with it are effective and beautiful. General features The personalities of men named with “D” are similar, but, depending on all the constituent sounds, time of year and month of birth, they have a certain originality.

How to name by month of birth

It’s good if the parents chose the name for the child without controversy, by mutual agreement.

But when the discussion drags on and does not lead to a consensus, the decisive point may be the calendar month of the baby’s appearance.

Today's popular Russian names starting with “D” for a boy and their characteristics:

  • David- origin from Hebrew, translation “beloved”, “favorite”. IN Orthodox Church There are many known saints called Davids. In Russia, the popular version is Davyd. This name with a noble sound is suitable for those born in February, April, May, July, August, September, October. From early childhood, these are obedient, balanced, self-confident boys with the makings of leadership. They easily find contact with both classmates and the older generation. If desired, they achieve success in their studies without any problems, especially in the exact sciences. They have quite good health and enjoy playing sports. Adult men have a proud disposition, are hardworking, and persistent in achieving their goals. They are always sociable and have many friends. They can be quick-tempered, but they quickly move away. In marriage, they do not always immediately reach mutual understanding, but with age they create a strong family.

Rare and unusual

There are, if not the largest number of male names starting with the letter “D” in the Russian language, then quite a lot.

This, in addition to the four most popular for recent years, Slavic names that are not used so often: Demid, Dementy, Demyan, Dorofey, Darius, Dobrynya, Donat, Dormidont. Nowadays, you can also find boys with extraordinary names: Democrat, Didim, Jazz, Dolphin.

Foreign names

Outside Russian borders, the number of male names starting with the letter “D” increases even more: Daniel, Dominic, Dauren, Dick, Danton, Darson, Devin, Demarkis.

Especially a lot of “J”: George, Jake, Jack, John, Jacob, James, Jamie, Joseph, Joshua, Jayden, Johnson and others. The list could go on forever.

Secrets of sound

Bearers of male names starting with the letter “D,” Russian and foreign, are characterized by a penchant for reflection, a philosophical attitude to life, self-sufficiency and family orientation.

Basic qualities owners of male names starting with “D”, list:

  • independence;
  • pride;
  • willingness to help;
  • hard work;
  • determination.

Sages at all times have thought about the relationship between building a person’s life line, his destiny and his name. From birth, a child, hearing his name, reacting to the vibrations of sounds, as if tunes his “I”. The first sound of a name is especially acutely perceived, and if it is bright and sonorous, like “D,” then the emotions and reaction in the mind are correspondingly stronger.

Of course, these are all hypotheses, but research confirms the undoubted connection between the formation of a person’s personality and the sounds of his name.

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