If there is not enough voltage in the network. Sample complaint about poor quality of the electrical network

Category: Voltage stabilizer support Published 03/23/2015 09:41

One of the most common power supply problems in Ukraine is a mismatch in the input voltage level; in the vast majority of cases, low voltage is observed. This article will help you find out the causes and effect of low voltage on electrical appliances, and also suggests optimal methods for eliminating this problem.

1. Reasons for reducing network voltage

In accordance with GOST 13109-97 “Quality standards for electrical energy in power supply systems general purpose» a long-term deviation of ±5% and short-term maximum deviations of ±10% are allowed. Currently, a significant decrease in voltage, up to 50% downwards, is often observed, most often this is a seasonal phenomenon, but there are cases when the network level constantly does not correspond to GOST.

What causes the seasonal and permanent decrease in voltage levels:

    Power lines. One of the main reasons lies in old power lines, which have a large number of so-called “strands”, where there is often weak contact. As a result, quite natural losses occur.

    Transformer substations. The power of substations was laid down back in the USSR, of course, engineers of that time tried to anticipate the increase in the number of consumers and total power consumption, but the time for this equipment is long gone, but even now in a huge number TPs operate without complete updating or even partial modernization.

    Unbalanced power. In the vast majority of cases, a single-phase network is introduced into houses and apartments, but this is only one of the three arms of a three-phase network. If the load is incorrectly balanced in each phase, phase imbalance will occur, which leads to increased or decreased voltage.

The above reasons are very often observed simultaneously and eliminating only one of them leads to only partial improvement. Electricity consumers who are located at the end of the TP line are particularly affected; consumers who are located closer consume more power and may experience best level voltage.

2. Effect of low voltage on electrical appliances

    Deterioration in starting characteristics of engines and compressors;

    Increase in current when starting engines and compressors;

    Overheating of wires and insulation failure;

    Reduced lighting quality;

    Reduced service life;

    Irregularities at work;

    Reduced performance.

Of course, when the power supply is of poor quality, electrical consumers are the first to suffer. Refrigerators and air conditioners, which contain compressors, as well as washing machines and all sorts of other devices with engines, also receive significant damage when starting up. Electronic consumers may suffer somewhat less, but in any case, malfunctions or incorrect operating modes may occur.

A person, as a user of household appliances, also notices the effects of reduced voltage, heating equipment takes longer to reach the required temperature, when a refrigerator or air conditioner is operating, extraneous sounds may be released, but a person suffers especially strongly from dim lighting, which is very often observed in such situations.

3. Methods for stabilizing network voltage

    Complaint to an energy saving organization. To prepare a claim about poor-quality energy supply to a facility, it is highly desirable to have a confirming fact that can be recorded using a special device - a recorder of electrical parameters of the network. This device must be certified and installed directly at the site where the problem occurs. Recording occurs by recording data onto a memory card or hard drive of a personal computer, after which the graphs can be printed and used as evidence. A lawyer will help you draw up a letter of claim to the organization with which the contract is concluded, and if you refuse to solve the problem, you can file a lawsuit. Drawing up a collective claim by residents of a street, block or apartment building can speed up the process.

The reasons for filing claims can be varied: failure to provide (full or partial) services provided for in the contract; failure to provide reporting on the part of the management company; failure to hold housing meetings; delays in performing work required by regulations; poor-quality service, etc. How to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office about energy sales sample Resident(s) at the address: Z-th street, no. N, apt. 0 After these details, at the bottom in the middle we write “COMPLANT”. Energosbyt owed me 1,700 rubles over the past months, but only 500 rubles were sent towards future payments. After which I again wrote a complaint, to which there was no response, but it is worth clarifying that further bills were received in accordance with regional standards and were completely true.

Low voltage (poor power quality)


In general, what does “poor quality electricity” mean and what parameters exist for its assessment. According to GOST 13109-97, the main quality parameters can be divided into three main subgroups:

  • deviation of frequency and voltage from specified values;
  • voltage non-sinusoidality, voltage asymmetry;
  • Voltage dips, voltage pulses, temporary overvoltage.

All of the above quality indicators are important in the stable and durable operation of consumer electrical receivers. Consequently, if there is a deviation of quality parameters from those established by GOST, this can lead not only to a decrease in the service life of electrical receivers, but even to their failure.

Low voltage in a private house. I don't want to pay. court with energy sales

Emergency power systems operate from 140 Volts, which is perfect in our case. The only drawback is the high cost. For a model with a power of 5 kW you will have to pay at least 80 thousand rubles (price for 2017). The operation of the stabilizer is shown in the video: Some experts also recommend dealing with low voltage in the electrical network using transformers or additional grounding, but we advise you to avoid such measures.
The fact is that the consequences of such manipulations can be disappointing - overvoltage up to 300 Volts or a short circuit in the network! Where to call and complain? When the reason for the low voltage is the insufficient cross-section of the main power line or the weak power of the transformer at the substation, things are worse. Millions of rubles are needed to modernize the substation and power lines, so complaints have no effect, even if they have been written for years.

Low voltage in the electrical network - poor quality service

For a written response, please include your return email address. Within a day, the lawyer will respond to you by email explaining the situation and recommendations on what to do next. In the final recommendations, the lawyer will tell you what documents need to be drawn up and their recipients.
After receiving a list of required documents from our lawyer, go to our free legal document archive and find the one you need. Insert personal data, postal details, recipient's address and send to its destination. A lawyer will answer all your questions for free A lawyer will answer all your questions for free How to correctly write a complaint about an electrical network sample The site provides examples and recommendations for drafting them on various topics.
From complaints to a government agency to complaints to the post office, to kindergarten, to an insurance company, etc.

How to deal with low voltage in the network?

Thus, if the quality of electricity does not meet established standards, and the contractor utilities does not take prompt measures to correct the situation, the consumer may demand a recalculation of the cost of electricity, incl. and in court. It is worth mentioning that recently electricity metering devices with the function of continuously measuring the quality of electricity, the so-called “electricity quality meters,” have become available for sale. However, for now only this function is available three-phase meters electricity, which cannot be installed in ordinary apartments.

P.s. The rules for the provision of utilities also assume a 0.15% reduction in the cost of electricity per month in the event of interruptions in the supply of electricity (power outages) exceeding 24 hours in a row for each hour the 24-hour mark is exceeded.


In this case, you will have to attract independent experts, and in our time there are enough expert organizations of various directions. After an independent examination, you will be able to submit an application to the court with a request to recalculate the cost of consumed electricity for the time period from the date of the examination to the date of the court's decision. The court's decision will be in your favor. In addition, according to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights (clause 6 of Article 13), if the court makes a positive decision in your favor, the defendant will be charged an additional 50% of the amount of your claims (this is a fine from the defendant for violating consumer rights).
The amount of the claim consists of the following components: the amount of electricity charges presented in the claim for recalculation, the cost of an independent examination, the cost of a lawyer or legal services and other legal costs.
It will also be useful to other readers who are not at all immune from quite possible conflicts, and not only with electric grid companies. The technical details of the procedure for sending claims and complaints disclosed here are universal and can be used in complaint correspondence with any enterprises and organizations. This knowledge will also not be superfluous in the correspondence of citizens in conflict with each other.

Regarding the importance of technical details (and remembering that “the devil is in the details”) of the process of sending or serving claims (complaints, requests, applications, applications, etc.), it must first be noted that any incorrect action in this procedure is fraught with very serious negative legal consequences. To avoid them, it is necessary to remember the main criteria for assessing the actions of the person filing the claim. This is the timeliness and precise targeting of its submission.


How to write a complaint correctly? Examples, samples, recommendations However, there are general requirements to the preparation of papers of this kind, which should be observed when conducting business correspondence: These are all the conditions that should be observed when writing. An example of how to correctly write a complaint can be found below. Volgograd, st. Lenina, 1 The traffic police officers called to the scene of the traffic accident drew up a report (a copy of which is attached).

Where can I complain about low voltage in the network 3) to the district or city administration 6) to the Commissioner for Human Rights Where can I complain about the electrical network? Question: Good afternoon. I am the owner of a house in a rural area. The quality of the supplied electricity is not satisfactory. written communication with networks did not yield any results. Recommendations: write a complaint Fill out the feedback form.

Describe your question in as much detail as possible in simple words.

Sample complaint about poor quality of the electrical network

If anything, then you can leave the documents just like that, verbally notifying that there is already an appeal to the prosecutor's office (antimonopoly service). In any case, the management of the electric grid company will already see the documents left behind. And this will be quite enough, since the electric grid company will undoubtedly rush to its post office for correspondence. Such a sophisticated (let’s hide it) system for delivering claims is the result of my long practice. As they say, “the charter is written in blood.” In order not to repeat the previous mistakes of my clients, I outlined the entire procedure in as much detail as I could and, I hope, understandably. CONTACTS: Safin T.
I never imagined that I would have to devote an entire publication to such a seemingly purely technical detail - sending a claim to the electric grid company. Until very recently, I expected to cover this topic in another article, which I plan to devote to the general procedure for filing claims and complaints to electric grid companies. But not everything, as they say, is in our hands; the current situation has made forced adjustments to my plans. Due to the numerous similar and simultaneous requests from applicants who entered into a claim correspondence with electric grid companies (there were too many applicants to give each individual explanations, there is simply no time for this), it is necessary to rationalize the consultation process and give everyone one general explanation with such a publication at once - recommendations.

With the onset of cold weather, many areas are faced with an unpleasant situation - the network voltage drops. In this situation, the operation of household appliances becomes impossible, and even the lighting equipment works at half capacity.

With the onset of cold weather, many areas are faced with an unpleasant situation - the network voltage drops. In this situation, the operation of household appliances becomes impossible, and even the lighting equipment works at half capacity. If this happens to you, you can notify the dispatcher of the relevant service (the energy supply company with which you have a contract). However, in most cases, verbal appeals have no effect, and residents are forced to file a complaint.

Inappropriate behavior by dispatchers can also complicate the situation. The question often arises that the technology that for a long time was kept at insufficient voltage, it simply fails. Is it possible to recover such waste?

In this case, the details of the contract concluded between you and the company play a decisive role. By contacting a lawyer (possibly a private one), you can consider all the necessary points from the appropriate angle, and later draw up the text of the complaint. It’s better if your neighbors support you in this - ask them to sign your complaint. It is also necessary to ensure that after sending the complaint, you have in your hands a document confirming that the act of transmitting the message actually took place. The number of copies of the complaint can be unlimited, and it is better to make sure that there are at least four of them, since it is quite possible that you will have to apply to other authorities more than once - in case they do not show proper attention to you, or for more confidence. It is also possible to go to court, but for this you must take care of significant evidence of the points of your appeal.

Various services (from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station to Fire safety) can help you and measure the voltage level, confirming the readings in writing. To be more convincing, testimony should be taken in different days and time of day.

  • Below is a list of documents that you may find useful.
  • Federal-level law from the provision “On the Electric Power Industry”, date of adoption March 26, 2003.
  • Government Decree No. 530 provides for energy management.
  • Provision concerning the supplier (meaning the Guaranteed Supplier).
  • Government Decree No. 861
  • Government Decree No. 307 ( we're talking about on the provision of utility services to private individuals)

    These documents may be mentioned in the text of the complaint.

    Basic complaint form

    due to the low quality of public services
    To the manager (full name and organization name) ______________________________
    from (full name, residential address)_____________________________________________

    Since ____ I have lived in a house that uses the services of your organization. (you should indicate the numbers and details of contracts and orders confirming your property).
    As a utility provider, your company must provide consumers with quality services that meet all mandatory standards, as well as the terms of our agreement.
    In relation to my duties, I comply with all conditions - I make payments on time. However, there is no such execution on the part of your company. Specific conditions: (essence of the appeal)
    There is a law of the Russian Federation that ensures the protection of consumer rights, and according to it, the contractor must adhere to his obligations regarding the concluded contract.
    (further you can indicate several legislative documents cited above).
    Please, within (specify the period), bring the supply of utilities in the appropriate order.
    If my request is not considered and satisfied, I will have to appeal to other authorities, demanding compensation for the harm caused to me both morally and financially.
    Signature ____________________
    Date: ___ _________

    If you decide to go to the magistrate’s court, then it is also useful for you to know the following points of legislative documents.

    Art. 401. Will be needed if you want to get measures taken for violated terms of the contract.
    Art. 402. Provides for the work of the contractor with his employees.
    Art. 426. Considers cases of public contracts.
    Art. 427. Presumably general conditions.
    Article 428. Cases of contracts with adhesion
    Art. 547. Cases of violation of contracts related to electricity supply

    It is better to keep correspondence and all materials involved in its course in perfect order, as this may be necessary for the procedure of so-called pre-trial control of the situation, when the parties are trying to resolve issues without going to court. It is also possible that these documents will become one of the evidence.

    Low voltage complaint


    These Regulations determine the procedure for interaction (a list of organizations is indicated) when considering consumer complaints about inadequate quality of electrical energy. These Regulations are approved by the management bodies of energy sales and network organizations, as well as by an agreement between them and, by agreement, with the providers of utility services.

    1. General provisions

    1.1. The Regulations determine organizational measures and the procedure for considering complaints from subscribers (the name of the organization is indicated) regarding inadequate parameters of the quality of electrical energy by services (the name of the organization is indicated).

    1.2. The quality of the electrical energy transmitted by the network organization must comply with the standards established by state standards and other mandatory rules or stipulated by the electricity supply contract.

    Interstate standard GOST 13109-97 “Standards for the quality of electrical energy in general-purpose power supply systems” establishes the following indicators and standards for the quality of electrical energy (PQE):

    — voltage fluctuations, characterized by the magnitude of the voltage change and the flicker dose (the impact of fluctuations in light flux on a person);

    — voltage asymmetry, characterized by voltage asymmetry coefficients for the negative and zero sequences;

    — 1.2.1 This regulation defines the procedure for considering complaints about the following parameters of power quality:

    — Voltage deviation

    — Frequency deviation

    The normally permissible and maximum permissible values ​​of the steady-state voltage deviation at the terminals of electrical energy receivers are equal to ±5 and ±10%, respectively, of the rated voltage of the electrical network. Normally acceptable and maximum permissible values frequency deviations are ±0.2 and ±0.4 Hz, respectively.

    1.3. When considering complaints, you should be guided by the organization’s Standard “Customer Service Standard”, approved. the date and number of the decision of the Board of Directors, the “Instructions on the procedure for registering consumer complaints about the quality of electrical energy”, the Instructions for issuing technical specifications for connecting consumers, the Instructions for connecting consumers in terms of power quality, the Instructions for concluding contractual terms in terms of ensuring the quality of electricity, are indicated, List of energy-distorting consumers, Copies of protocols of automated records of consumption parameters from smart electronic electricity meters or the AIIS KUE system, as well as other instructions (a list of documents is indicated).

    1.4. A complete set of documentation for consideration of a claim includes:

    1.4.1 Application in any form indicating the amount of damage (provided by the consumer).

    1.4.2 Copies of documents confirming ownership of the damaged property. Such documents include cash and sales receipts, guarantees issued upon purchase of property. If the above documents are lost, it is necessary to provide other evidence confirming ownership of the damaged property

    1.4.3 An inspection report of damaged property drawn up by an organization authorized by the manufacturer of the damaged property to perform warranty and post-warranty servicing of an electrical household appliance (service center), indicating the cause of damage and the cost of repairs (provided by the consumer)

    1.4.4. An inspection report signed by a representative of the organization with which the applicant entered into an energy supply contract, indicating the cause and time of damage to the property, with a note indicating the applicant’s agreement with this report (drawn up by an energy sales organization)

    1.4.5 An inspection report signed by a representative of the grid organization regarding the absence of consumer electrical receivers that affect the distortion of power quality parameters, with a note indicating the applicant’s agreement with this report (drawn up by the grid organization at the request of the energy sales organization).

    1.5. The period for consideration of a complaint about the quality of electrical energy is 30 working days from the date of receipt of the documents specified in clauses 1.4.1-1.4.3. In cases where it is necessary to obtain additional materials, conduct a special inspection, or additional measurements, the review period can be extended by decision of the supra-departmental organization, indicating the reason, up to 60 working days. In this case, a notice is sent to the consumer indicating the reason for the extension of the review period.

    1.6. Complaints from legal entities are accepted for consideration if there is an energy supply agreement drawn up in the prescribed manner. If there is no agreement, a refusal to consider the complaint is sent. Complaints from residential subscribers are accepted for consideration regardless of the existence of an energy supply agreement.

    1.7. In accordance with the Federal Law of February 7, 1992 N 2300-I “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (as amended on June 2, 1993, January 9, 1996, December 17, 1999, December 30, 2001, 22 August, November 2, December 21, 2004, July 27, 2006, November 25, 2006) consumers have the right to compensation for material damage caused to power receiving devices as a result of deviation of electrical energy parameters from the established ones, in the full amount.

    1.8. The energy sales organization provides the network organization with copies of the complaint and all accompanying documents with a proposal, in accordance with the contract for the provision of electricity transmission services, to compensate for losses caused to the consumer. Losses caused to the energy sales organization (customer), including the customer's consumer, as a result of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the grid organization of the terms of the contract, are subject to compensation by the grid organization. If the network organization does not admit its responsibility for inadequate quality of electrical energy and damage to consumer property, the issue is resolved in court.

    How to deal with low voltage in the network?

    Main causes of malfunction

    First of all, we will briefly consider why the voltage in the electrical network is low, and then we will separately consider how to eliminate each of the faults. So, the main reasons for low voltage in a private house or apartment are:

    1. Insufficient cross-section of the input cable branched from the main power line to your home.
    2. Poor branching of wires from power lines.
    3. Incorrect connection of the circuit breaker in your input panel.
    4. Transformer overload at the service substation.
    5. Insufficient cross-section of the main power line.
    6. Phase imbalance - the load on each phase of the transformer is uneven (for example, one phase is overloaded, the rest are underloaded).
    7. These are the most common causes of very low voltage in the network of private houses and apartments. As you understand, the first 3 reasons apply only to you, and you will have to solve the problem yourself. As for the last three situations, they need to be resolved collectively with neighbors, by writing complaints to the relevant authorities. Next, we will tell you what to do to increase the voltage yourself and where to call so that higher authorities can help eliminate the cause of the malfunction.

      Ways to solve the problem

      In order to list the causes of low voltage in the network, we will also consider ways to troubleshoot the problem.

      The first thing you should check is whether there is low voltage in your neighbors or whether low voltage is present only in your area. If it turns out that there are no problems in the neighboring houses (or apartments), we begin to look for a problem in the home electrical wiring.

      First you must turn off the input circuit breaker and measure the voltage at the input. If it is already below the norm (according to GOST ±5 and ±10% of the nominal - 230 Volts, i.e. 207-253 V), it’s time to complain to the energy sales office. If the input values ​​correspond to the standards, and after connecting the load the voltage drops, the power supply has nothing to do with it and you need to fix the problem yourself.

      According to what was written above, there can be 3 reasons, if only you have low voltage. Start troubleshooting by checking the circuit breaker connections. If the top terminal has poor contact with the wire, this may well be the cause of low voltage. Visually inspect the body of the machine; if it is melted (as in the photo below), it must be replaced. After this, do not forget to connect the new circuit breaker properly - tighten the wires in the clamps thoroughly.

      Is the machine connected correctly and there is no visible damage? Make sure that the cross-section of the input wire is sufficient for the operation of consumers in your house or apartment. We talked about how to calculate the wire cross-section by power in the corresponding article. The fact is that if the cross-section of the conductors is insufficient, the voltage drops when an increased load is connected.

      If the cross-section of the home wiring cable is sufficient, check how the line is branched from the main line to your input. If this is a twist, then we can say with great confidence that the low voltage in the house is due to a poor-quality branch wire. With poor contact, the resistance in the problem area increases, which entails a decrease in voltage. Even if the branch is made with special clamps, inspect them too (the condition of the body). You can also check the clamps by connecting the load - if it starts to spark in this place, or the clamp body starts to heat up, you need to replace the product.

      Things are worse if the low voltage in the electrical network is not your fault, but the fault of the electricity supplier. In fact, troubleshooting in this case is quite difficult. Next, we will tell you where to call and complain to solve the problem, and now we will provide a measure that will help increase the voltage in the home electrical network.

      You probably know that it is best to connect a stabilizer that can increase the value from 140-160 Volts to the required 220. From personal experience I can say that this is best option troubleshooting, because Most often, the voltage is low in the autumn-winter season due to the use of electric heaters. The stabilizer is not that expensive and can protect your household appliances even during overvoltage, which is also very important. If you have the money, we also recommend purchasing an uninterruptible power supply, which can eliminate the problem during a voltage drop, because will supply electricity in autonomous mode. Emergency power systems operate from 140 Volts, which is perfect in our case. The only drawback is the high cost. For a model with a power of 5 kW you will have to pay at least 80 thousand rubles (price for 2017).

      The operation of the stabilizer is shown in the video:

      Some experts also recommend dealing with low voltage in the electrical network using transformers or additional grounding, but we advise you to avoid such measures. The fact is that the consequences of such manipulations can be disappointing - overvoltage up to 300 Volts or a short circuit in the network!

      Where to call and complain?

      When the reason for the low voltage is the insufficient cross-section of the main power line or the weak power of the transformer at the substation, things are worse. Millions of rubles are needed to modernize the substation and power lines, so complaints have no effect, even if they have been written for years. However, you are still required to state that you are dissatisfied with the quality of electricity in order to move the issue of reconstruction forward.

      If you don’t know where to call and write a complaint if there is low voltage in the network, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following list:

    8. Write a written complaint to the energy sales company.
    9. If no action occurs within 30 days after registering your written request, the prosecutor’s office will help you attract energy sales, which we also recommend contacting.
    10. Rosprotrebnadzor.
    11. Administration of the city (district or village).
    12. Energy supervision.
    13. Public Chamber.
    14. We draw your attention to the fact that all these bodies have their own official websites, which are not difficult to find on the Internet. It is not at all necessary to hang around the walls and stand in queues; it is enough to simply write an email to the relevant authority that you have low voltage in the network, and that you have already tried to solve the problem with energy sales. It will be better if you present all available evidence in an email.

      Another useful advice– when you write a collective complaint to the energy supply, refer to GOST 13109-97, according to which the deviation from 230 Volts should not exceed 10%.

      We hope that now you know what to do when the voltage in the network is low, where and to whom you need to complain so that the fault is fixed! Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the process of resolving a conflict with energy sales can take a long time, so you need to immediately buy a stabilizer so that all the household appliances in the house do not burn out.


      How to deal with low voltage in the network

      Low voltage in the network is serious problem, due to which all household appliances in the house can burn out. As a rule, low voltage appears with the onset of cold weather, but here the situations are different. If you are faced with the fact that the voltage in the house is less than 200 Volts, then you need to quickly solve the problem in order to keep the equipment in the house. In this article we will tell you what to do if the voltage in the network is low, we will consider where to call and how to eliminate the cause.

      Why is the network voltage low?

      Now we can identify several reasons for low voltage in the network of a private house or apartment:

    15. Incorrect cross-section of the input cable that is connected to the house.
    16. Incorrect circuit breaker connection.
    17. Reboot of the service substation transformer or its partial failure.
    18. Insufficient cross-section of the main line.
    19. Phase imbalance, when one is loaded and the rest are underloaded.
    20. The branching of wires from the power lines to your home was carried out incorrectly.
    21. Above are only the most common reasons when the network voltage may be minimal. If you understand that your problem is 1,2 and 6, then you need to fix everything yourself. All other situations should be corrected by your service providers; then we will tell you where to call and what to do.

      How to solve the problem

      Initially, you should check who has low voltage in the network. To do this, write down your data and compare it with your neighbors. If there is a difference, then the problem needs to be corrected. But, if the low voltage in the network is the same, then this is a problem for the service organization.

      If you have a problem, you need to turn off the input circuit breaker and measure the Voltage at the output. Voltage standards are 230 Volts, but the permissible threshold is 207-253 Volts. If it’s lower, you need to complain; if it’s normal, then you’re the only one with a problem.

      First of all, check that the circuit breaker is connected correctly. Everything must match, if you don’t understand it, it’s better to call an electrician or a friend who understands this.

      You also need to check the cable cross-section calculation, which we have already talked about. The conductors must match, because if the cross-section is smaller, then the Voltage drops first. If everything is in order with the cross-section, then you need to look at the branch wire. The wires may also be twisted incorrectly. This is not difficult to notice, the place should heat up, sparks may come from it and the case or wall will turn black.

      To correct the situation, just connect the circuit breaker. Our article will help you choose it: what types of surge protection circuit breakers are there. The cost of such devices is not high, but they will become a real salvation in your home.

      Surge protection circuit breakers work as follows:

      Where to complain and call

      If you realize that there is no problem in your home, then you need to start taking action.

      Now you can write a complaint to the following authorities. Please note that you need to start only with the service organization, and then follow the list. Don't try to start from the end, you'll only waste your time. So, where can you complain:

    22. Initially, you should write a complaint to the service organization.
    23. If nothing happened within 30 days, you can write to the prosecutor's office, which should help resolve this situation.
    24. Then you can write to Rosprotrebnadzor and contact the local administration.
    25. The complaint is also accepted by Energonadzor and the Public Chamber.
    26. The most extreme body is the court, you go here, where there is evidence. But we do not recommend bringing the case to court, because you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.
    27. Pay attention! Many of the above bodies have their own websites. Using them you can write a complaint. This will allow you to avoid standing in line and waiting in the wings. And your complaint will be considered in any case, because they are obliged to do this by law.

      The voltage in Belavino 57 drops to a value of 198. It is not clear why.

      Contact your service organization. How else? We don't see anything. Or try calling an electrician, we have this option on our website.


      Low voltage (poor power quality)

      What to do if the quality of electricity does not meet the required parameters

      Many consumers have faced the problem of poor-quality utility services or unacceptable interruptions in their supply. What to do in this case, as well as what measures the consumer can take to receive quality services. It’s worth mentioning right away that in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services, in the case of the provision poor quality services, or exceeding the permissible interruption in their supply, the consumer has the right to demand a recalculation of the cost of utilities, down to 0. In other words, if the consumer is supplied with low-quality utility resources and the utility service provider refuses to take measures (or does not take measures) to bring their quality into line, then the consumer can consume these low-quality utilities, but is not obliged to pay for them in full.

      In general, what does “poor quality electricity” mean and what parameters exist for its assessment. According to GOST 13109-97, the main quality parameters can be divided into three main subgroups:

    28. deviation of frequency and voltage from specified values;
    29. voltage non-sinusoidality, voltage asymmetry;
    30. Voltage dips, voltage pulses, temporary overvoltage.
    31. All of the above quality indicators are important in the stable and durable operation of consumer electrical receivers. Consequently, if there is a deviation of quality parameters from those established by GOST, this can lead not only to a decrease in the service life of electrical receivers, but even to their failure. Especially often, with various deviations of parameters from established quality indicators, washing machines and refrigerators break down, and the service life of lighting equipment (incandescent lamps, etc.) is significantly reduced. Those. The reasons why a consumer’s refrigerator, washing machine or other electrical appliances burned out may very well be the supply of low-quality electricity

      In addition, the deviation of some electricity quality indicators from the specified parameters can even affect human health. This indicator is called the “flicker dose” - the degree of flickering of the light flux on the “fatigue” of a person’s vision due to the influence of voltage fluctuations.

      Signs of poor quality electrical energy

    • Periodic flickering of lamps,
    • Rapid failure (burnout) of lamps,
    • Irregularities in the operation of office equipment,
    • Malfunctions of devices and equipment (especially sensitive electronic equipment),
    • So, what actions can a consumer take if he is supplied with low-quality electricity?

      It is proposed to consider two options:

      1. At a certain point in time, the consumer was supplied with low-quality electricity, which led to the failure of the consumer’s electrical appliances.

      2. The supply of low-quality electricity is regular, periodic and recurring. Most often, there is low voltage in the network or slightly reduced voltage in the network. As a result, the service life of electrical receivers is reduced, difficulties may arise in their operation, which ultimately affects the life of the consumer. (for example, daily voltage drop in the evening hours).

      Option 1. For example, consider the situation that for some reason the consumer’s refrigerator burned down or washing machine presumably due to a short-term increase in voltage (overvoltage). What should the consumer do in this case:

      Firstly, if the warranty period for household appliances has already expired, or the warranty has not yet expired, but the warranty card states that the manufacturer is not liable to the buyer in the event of failure of the household appliance due to violation of the rules of its operation, then When constructing a household appliance, it is necessary to submit it for examination to an authorized service center, which can indicate in the report drawn up the reasons for the failure (for example, a sharp increase in the voltage level not provided for by the manufacturer).

      After receiving such an act, you can safely write a claim for voluntary compensation for the cost of a failed household appliance to the guaranteeing supplier with whom you have an energy supply agreement (which may not be in writing). The claim is written in two copies and one copy is transferred to the guaranteeing supplier, the second copy is marked with receipt. If the claim is not satisfied, go to court with an application for compensation for the cost of failed metering devices. It is worth noting that the court, in the presence of all the necessary documents (receipts, acts, copies of the claim), as a rule, takes the side of the consumer and recovers from the electricity supplier not only the cost of the metering devices that came out, but also the cost of the examination, the services of a lawyer (if they were resorted to ), etc.

      Option 2. For example, consider a situation where the consumer’s power quality is long time does not meet the standards. For example, the voltage level in an apartment, instead of 220V throughout the day, does not exceed 200V, and on winter evenings it can even drop to 190V. That is. the fact of low voltage in the network is obvious. What should the consumer do in this case:

      Both as amended by the “new” rules for the provision of utility services, which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 and come into force on September 1, 2012, and as amended by the “old” rules for the provision of utility services approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2012. 2006 No. 307, currently in force, Appendix 1 to the rules states that in the event of a voltage deviation from the requirements of the legislation on technical regulation, for each hour of supply of electricity that does not comply with the standards, the amount of payment for electricity supply is reduced by 0.15% of the amount payment determined for such billing period. It is worth noting that the amount of payment for electricity can be reduced to 0. The main normative document, which describes the parameters of power quality is GOST 13109-97 “Electricity quality standards in general power supply systems.” Thus, the maximum permissible standard for steady-state voltage deviation should not exceed 10% of the standard level.

      Thus, if the voltage is established at a level of 198 V or lower, it is necessary to request a recalculation of the cost of supplied electricity.

      The Rules for the Provision of Public Utility Services have a corresponding section that defines the procedure for establishing the facts of the provision of public services of inadequate quality. Thus, if a fact of provision of utility services of inadequate quality is detected, the consumer must report this in writing or orally to the Provider of utility services (homeowners association, management company). Of course, it is better to do this in writing in two copies, on the second copy put a mark on the date of sending the notification). After this, if the Utility Service Provider was unaware of the provision of services of inadequate quality, the date and time of verification of the fact of a violation of the quality of electricity is agreed upon with the consumer, i.e. measuring the quality of electricity. The inspection time is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receipt of the message from the consumer, unless another time is agreed upon. If the utility service provider insists that the electricity is of adequate quality, but the consumer does not agree, then an examination of the quality of electricity may be initiated, which must be carried out by an independent organization.

      If the quality of electricity does not meet the standards, the consumer has the right to demand a recalculation of its cost every month until its parameters are restored to the required level. In this case, as mentioned above, after recalculation, the cost of electricity may even be equal to 0.

      For example, if the voltage below 198 V was installed for 666 hours in a row or in total for a month, its cost for the month should be reduced by 100% (0.15% for each hour of discrepancy).

      Thus, if the quality of electricity does not meet established standards, and the utility service provider does not take prompt measures to correct the situation, the consumer may demand a recalculation of the cost of electricity, incl. and in court.

      It is worth mentioning that recently electricity metering devices with the function of continuously measuring the quality of electricity, the so-called “electricity quality meters,” have become available for sale. However, so far only three-phase electricity meters have this function, which cannot be installed in ordinary apartments.

      The requirements regulated by GOST 13109-97 apply to electrical networks. These requirements are standard Russian Federation, according to which the voltage can fluctuate from 198 V to 242 V in short-term mode. In a long period of time, with a 220V standard - no more than 209-231 V. In electrical networks, there is often a strong decrease in voltage, in some regions reaching 140 V.

      There can be quite a lot of reasons for the “sagging” of the electrical network, the main ones and the most common ones are:

      1. Deterioration of electrical networks, the main lines cannot withstand the load.
      2. Transformer overload, which for the most part were installed a long time ago and are simply not designed for the amount of energy consumed.
      3. Phase imbalance, which occurs when the load is unevenly distributed in a three-line circuit, and given that only one phase is supplied to the residential premises, then in such conditions the network becomes unstable.
      4. Small cable cross-section, thanks to which the connection was made.
      5. The input machine is connected with errors, bad contact.

      Having checked the last 2 options and not finding any shortcomings, you should turn your attention to the first 3. These errors cannot be eliminated on your own, and therefore you need to contact the appropriate person to resolve the problem.

      Why low voltage is dangerous for household appliances

      High voltage in the network is dangerous due to the possibility of the wiring catching fire and, as a result, a fire. Moreover, if the wiring holds up, then the household appliances will most likely burn out. has a less radical effect on technology, but also causes irreparable harm. The main problems that arise with electrical appliances at low voltage:

      1. Motors and compressor units suffer due to overheating of the windings due to increased starting current. Such equipment may include, for example, .
      2. Low network power changes performance Thus, the boiler will take much longer to heat the water.
      3. , equipped with a filament, shine much worse, while energy-saving and LED ones do not change brightness, but their service life is significantly reduced.
      4. Electronics can react by failing its components.

      Some electrical appliances simply will not turn on at low voltage. Those devices that are equipped with switching uninterruptible power supplies will perform best.

      Which organization is responsible for network voltage?

      If network problems are detected in an apartment building that are not related to the wiring in a particular apartment, the issue should be resolved by the whole house together with the neighbors. You should contact, in other words, where payment for electricity is made.

      The first thing you need to do is write, and it will be better if it is signed by the vast majority of the residents of the house. You should definitely receive the incoming registration number, and keep a copy of the letter for yourself with the registrar’s note.

      By law, the period for such a letter is 30 days, after which the organization is obliged to provide any or notify about the extension of the consideration period.

      If there is no answer, then you should send a letter to with a description of the problem and an indication that no response has been received from the management party, preferably with a copy attached, which will include the registration number of the letter to the management company.

      Depending on the decision of the issue by the prosecutor’s office or in parallel with the sent letter, you can submit requests to the administration of the locality. The Public Chamber can also have a certain impact. A request to Energonadzor will help clarify the situation at what stage the electricity sags.

      The final authority in this matter will be, for which it will be necessary to collect additional documents.

      If household appliances fail during a power surge, then you should:

      1. Notify electricity about the incident to record the fact and draw up an act.
      2. Receive a document from the service center indicating the reason failure of equipment.
      3. Submit a claim to the supplier damage caused.
      4. In case you need to go to court.

      How to write a complaint

      The application is written in free form; it is better to do it in printed form to avoid questions about illegible handwriting. Collect signatures of all concerned, if this

      Many people have encountered the phenomenon of low voltage in the power grid, especially for residents of the private sector. However, city apartments are not immune to this problem. To solve it, it is necessary, first of all, to find out whose fault the voltage drop occurred - the electricity supplier or the consumer? After which you can take appropriate measures.

      Why does undervoltage occur?

      When the voltage is below normal, a lot of troubles arise. Lighting may become extremely dim. Washing and cooking on an electric stove are impossible, the refrigerator does not function well.

      This picture is observed during critical falls. But even at 180 V, despite the fact that the equipment continues to work, it copes with its tasks extremely slowly.

      The responsibility of the electricity supplier is to provide services in accordance with the following standard: the input network voltage must be 220 V with permissible deviations up and down by 22 V.

      Violation of standards occurs due to various circumstances. One of the most probable is the fact of aging power lines. In addition, poorly executed maintenance, irregular renovation work cause equipment wear.

      Sometimes errors and inaccuracies occur when planning a line, as a result, one phase is overloaded, the other does not provide the required voltage.

      Consumers can also create voltage shortage situations. This is explained by the fact that modern household appliances collectively require a lot of power.

      Previously, under electricity consumption meters there were 6.5 A fuses, therefore, for each apartment on the staircase there was an average of 1.5 kW. Today, such indicators are clearly not enough.

      Voltage dips can be observed when electricity consumption increases sharply in winter when a significant number of electric heaters are turned on. During the summer, consumption in the dacha sector increases on weekends.

      Where is the source?

      When living in an apartment building or in the private sector, the possible source is determined as follows. First, neighbors are surveyed to see if they have the same problem. If there is one, then most likely the culprit is the supplier. If not, then you should look for the reasons for the low voltage yourself.

      It is worth trying to turn off all electrical appliances and measure the input voltage with a voltmeter. A car tester is quite suitable for these purposes. If the indicators return to normal, and after turning the devices back on, the voltage drops again, you should look for the reason in yourself.

      It is possible that the cross-section of the wire at the input of electricity into the house is insufficient. At extreme loads, thin wiring will cause a lack of voltage.

      Poor contacts on the twist and its burning at the entrance to the house are also the cause, since additional resistance arises. Any drop in voltage will generate heat. In the future, this fact may promise a wiring burnout and even a fire.

      If the fault lies with the supplier, then there is little guarantee that the indicators will quickly return to normal. Often the issue remains without progress, since its solution is associated with very expensive measures on the power line: replacing wires on the line or the entire transformer at the substation.

      Possible solutions to the problem

      When energy companies ignore complaints from citizens regarding voltage drops, do not install a powerful transformer and do not change the cross-section of wires taking into account the level of consumption, you have to make a decision yourself.

      One solution is to install a three-phase power supply system, which will require permission from the sales company. After approval, a switch is installed at the electricity input, which makes it possible to use the least loaded phase.

      Let us indicate other ways to solve the low voltage problem:

      Purchasing and installing a stabilizer will help cope with the task, provided there is a slight drawdown. It is worth remembering that the stabilizer is not cheap, and if neighbors use similar equipment, its functionality may be useless.

      Installation of a step-up transformer with the appropriate parameters. If the voltage is unstable, a situation may arise when the step-up transformer brings its value to critical levels, which will certainly lead to damage to household appliances. To prevent such an outcome of events, a protective relay is installed that breaks electrical circuit when the limit is reached.

      Purchase of a voltage converter with energy storage devices. The equipment can be very expensive, but is highly effective.

      Capable of providing optimal current parameters and power supply to any consumer during a power outage. The essence of the converter's operation is similar to a regular uninterruptible device for a PC, but it has more power.

      The incoming voltage values ​​can be monitored using a low voltage current sensor. U different devices There are differences in the indicators of the upper and lower thresholds, so when choosing a specific model it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of your own electrical network.

      It is important to remember that an independent solution to the issue of lowering the voltage in the network, provided that the transformer is weak and the cross-section of the wires is insufficient, is hardly possible.

      In this situation, it is better to act together (one entrance, house or even street) and submit a collective application to the company supplying electricity. You can try to solve the question of what to do when the voltage in the network is low using the methods indicated above, provided that the culprit of the fall is the consumer himself.

      Photo of low voltage in the network
