Composition on the topic: How Mitrasha got into trouble in the fairy tale Pantry of the sun, Prishvin. M

Sour and very healthy cranberries grow in swamps in summer and are harvested in late autumn. But not everyone knows that the very best cranberries, sweet, as we say, it happens when she spends the winter under the snow. This spring dark red cranberry is hovering in our pots along with beets and they drink tea with it, like with sugar. Who does not have sugar beets, then they drink tea with one cranberry. We tried it ourselves - and nothing, you can drink: sour replaces sweet and is very good on hot days. And what a wonderful jelly is obtained from sweet cranberries, what a fruit drink! And among our people, this cranberry is considered a healing medicine for all diseases. This spring, the snow in the dense spruce forests was still there at the end of April, but it is always much warmer in the swamps: there was no snow at all at that time. Having learned about this from people, Mitrasha and Nastya began to gather for cranberries. Even before the light, Nastya gave food to all her animals. Mitrasha took his father's double-barreled gun "Tulku", decoys for hazel grouse and did not forget the compass either. Never, it happened, his father, going to the forest, will not forget this compass. More than once Mitrasha asked his father: “All your life you have been walking through the forest, and the whole forest is known to you like a palm. Why do you still need this arrow? “You see, Dmitri Pavlovich,” replied the father, “in the forest this arrow is kinder to you than your mother: it happens that the sky will be covered with clouds, and you cannot decide by the sun in the forest, you go at random - you make a mistake, you get lost, you starve. Then just look at the arrow and it will show you where your house is. You go straight along the arrow home, and you will be fed there. This arrow is truer to you than a friend: it happens that your friend will cheat on you, but the arrow invariably always, no matter how you turn it, always looks to the north. Having examined the wonderful thing, Mitrasha locked the compass so that the arrow would not tremble in vain on the way. He well, in a fatherly way, wrapped footcloths around his legs, adjusted them into his boots, put on a cap so old that his visor was divided in two: the upper leather crust lifted up above the sun, and the lower went down almost to the nose. Mitrasha dressed himself in his father's old jacket, or rather, in a collar that connected the strips of once good homespun fabric. On his tummy the boy tied these stripes with a sash, and his father's jacket sat on him like a coat, to the very ground. Another son of a hunter stuck an ax in his belt, hung a bag with a compass on right shoulder, double-barreled "Tulka" - to the left, and so it became terribly scary for all birds and animals. Nastya, starting to get ready, hung a large basket over her shoulder on a towel. Why do you need a towel? Mitrasha asked. “But how,” Nastya answered. “Don’t you remember how your mother used to pick mushrooms?” - For mushrooms! You understand a lot: there are a lot of mushrooms, so the shoulder cuts. - And cranberries, maybe we will have even more. And just as Mitrasha wanted to say his “here's another!”, he remembered how his father had said about cranberries, even when they were gathering him for the war. “Do you remember that,” Mitrasha said to his sister, “how our father told us about cranberries, that there is a Palestinian woman in the forest ... “I remember,” Nastya answered, “he said about cranberries that he knew the place and the cranberries were crumbling there, but I don’t know what he was talking about some Palestinian woman. I still remember talking about the terrible place Blind Elan. “There, near the elani, there is a Palestinian woman,” Mitrasha said. “Father said: go to the High Mane and after that keep to the north, and when you cross the Zvonkaya Borin, keep everything straight to the north and you will see - there will come to you a Palestinian woman, all red as blood, from only one cranberry. No one has been to this Palestinian yet! Mitrasha said this already at the door. During the story, Nastya remembered: she had a whole, untouched pot of boiled potatoes from yesterday. Forgetting about the Palestinian woman, she quietly darted to the stump and dumped the entire cast-iron into the basket. “Maybe we’ll get lost,” she thought. “We have taken enough bread, there is a bottle of milk, and potatoes, maybe, will also come in handy.” And the brother at that time, thinking that his sister was still behind him, told her about a wonderful Palestinian woman and that, however, on the way to her there is a Blind Elan, where many people, cows, and horses died. “Well, what kind of Palestinian is that?” Nastya asked. "So you didn't hear anything?" he grabbed. And patiently repeated to her already on the go everything that he heard from his father about a Palestinian woman unknown to anyone, where sweet cranberries grow.

>Compositions based on the pantry of the sun

How Mitrasha got into trouble

In the fairy tale, there were M. M. Prishvin “The pantry of the sun”, we get acquainted with two charming heroes - twelve-year-old Nastya and ten-year-old Mitrasha. Children were left orphans early, having lost their mother due to illness, and their father during the war. They quickly matured, became independent. Nastya, like a big girl, collects a basket of food for herself and her brother. Mitrasha already knows how to hunt and does not go into the forest without a gun.

Neighbors jokingly called him "the man in the pouch." At first, they helped the orphans with the whole village, and then the children learned to manage the household themselves. Outwardly, Nastya looked like a "Golden Hen with high legs", and Mitrasha looked like a short, thick man. Once they were going to the forest to find a clearing strewn with cranberries. Their father once told them that there was such a place near the Slepaya Elani. The path, however, lay through the swamp, besides, there were wolves in the forest, but this did not stop the brave kids.

About halfway through, Nastya and Mitrasha quarreled. He said that you need to go north along a barely noticeable, untrodden path. And Nastya argued that you need to go the beaten track. As a result, both turned out to be right, since both paths led to the Blind Elani. Only Nastya's path led around, while Mitrasha's path turned out to be shorter, but dangerous. On the way, the boy got stuck in a swamp and could not get out of it for a long time. If it were not for the faithful dog of the forester Antipych, he would have touched.

Nastya, carried away by picking berries, completely forgot about her brother, and remembered it was already dark, when it was time for a bite to eat and she thought that Mitrasha was probably hungry too. Weed was a smart dog. She was used to helping her master during the hunt, but two years ago Antipych had died and now she lived alone in his lodge. The children were lucky that she, having smelled the food, went out in the direction of the elani. At the same time, an evil and terrible wolf named the Gray Landowner did not doze in the forest. Hearing the howl of Grass, he also went hunting.

Thus, not only did Mitrasha get stuck in a quagmire, he also found himself face to face with the Gray Landowner. Thanks to the kindness of Antipych's dog, the boy managed to get out. By that time, he was terribly hungry and dreamed of shooting a hare. But then a wolf face appeared next to him. Mitrasha, without delay, fired at point-blank range. Grass has since become his best friend, and in his native village he was known as a hero.

The writing

Ten-year-old Mitrash - the hero of M. Prishvin's story "The Pantry of the Sun" - was inexorably sucked in by the swamp. He was saved by the dog Grass, who, in pursuit of a hare, ended up in a swamp where the boy was dying. But how did a ten-year-old boy end up alone in the Fornication Swamp? With sister Nastya, who was two years older, they went for cranberries. The children lived alone: ​​the mother died of an illness, the father died in the war. On the way to the Fornication swamp, where, according to the father's stories, there were a lot of cranberries, they found themselves at a fork in two paths - a large one and a small one. There was a dispute between brother and sister about which path to take. The children quarreled, and Mitrasha went along the small path, his sister along the big one. And everything would be fine, the children would eventually meet, but Mitrasha lost sight of the sign - white-bearded grass - and ended up in a dead place. The swamp began to suck him in. The boy would surely have died if it weren't for Grass. But his dangerous adventures did not end there. Grass chased the hare and led Mitrasha to a huge old wolf named Gray Landowner, who terrified the whole district. Seeing the muzzle of a wolf in front of him, he shot at point-blank range and killed the beast, which even experienced hunters could not shoot. Nastya heard this shot. She instantly ran up to Mitrasha. So brother and sister met again. Then they got home safely with a heavy basket full of cranberries. Grass ran beside them. The village could not believe that Mitrasha could have shot the cunning old wolf. However, they had to believe it when the dead Gray Landlord was brought in. Since then, Mitrasha has become a hero for his fellow villagers.

What do these two paths mean - small and large in the lives of children? Probably, if Mitrasha had listened to his sister and they would have gone for cranberries along the big path together, Mitrasha would not have killed the wolf and would not have been known as a hero. But if he had not gone along the small path, he would not have met the dog Grass, he would not have found a new friend who saved his life. And at the same time, the small path is a kind of symbol of the mindlessness of Mitrasha's actions. He left his sister, not thinking that trouble could happen to her, he himself fell into a swamp. Nastya also took risks. She was in danger when she stumbled upon a snake, she was frightened by an elk, and then a hungry Gray Landlord could deal with her. A lucky chance once again brought brother and sister on the same path. There is a lot of meaning hidden in the story of the two paths. Sometimes ridiculous disagreements separate people. And not always, as in the story with Mitrasha, a friend will come to the rescue. Therefore, when you want to make a decision, mentally imagine two paths and think: will these paths not separate you from someone who is very dear to you?

Other writings on this work

Mitrasha and Nastya nature and man You have to be friends with the forest. The unity of man and nature in the fairy tale was Prishvin's "Pantry of the Sun" Analysis of the fairy tale-were M. M. Prishvin "Pantry of the sun" What did M. M. Prishvin’s fairy tale “The pantry of the sun” teach me The heroes of M. Prishvin's story "The Pantry of the Sun" Nastya and Mitrasha

MM. Prishvin said that his books are not addressed to children, but to that inner child that is preserved in the soul of every adult. Prishvin lovingly describes the children - the heroes of his work. He gives them poetic nicknames: Nastya - "a golden hen with high legs", Mitrasha - "a little man in a bag".

The children lost their parents early. Their mother died of an illness, and their father died in World War II. They, who have matured so early (Mitrasha is 10 years old, and Nastya is 2 years older), manage to run the household themselves: look after the cattle, work in the garden. They are serious beyond their years, and naive, like all children.

Of course, they have disputes. Sometimes, when Mitrasha, suddenly remembering how his father instructed his mother, also decides to teach his sister, she only smiles condescendingly, and her brother is ready to be offended because he is not taken seriously. Even very friendly people should be compliant, attentive to each other. Stubbornness, unwillingness to agree almost led to irreparable trouble. Wishing to find the treasured "Palestinian" with sweet cranberries, the children quarrel without choosing one path. They leave each other, as if forgetting that the ruthless wolf Gray landowner is wandering in the forest, that there is a fatal place in the swamp - Blind spruce. Pride, the desire to insist on their own take over.

Everyone gets into trouble. Mitrasha, not wanting to go around the swamp, falls into the Blind Elan. He, so serious and resolute, suddenly becomes completely defenseless. Nastya forgets about her brother for a long time, having found a “Palestinian woman”, she picks everything and picks berries, seeing nothing in front of her but this abundance of cranberries. Then she herself is surprised at her greed.

We do not see, but we feel the presence of another hero of the work - the forester Antipych. By the time the story is about, he has been gone for two years. However, his words about the ability to live among people, his wise attitude to life remained. It is Antipych's dog, the almost feral Grass, that saves the boy from inevitable death. She, also orphaned by the death of her master, finds a new happiness to be needed, loved. Thanks to her, Mitrasha was also killed by the Gray landowner - an evil hardened wolf, who mercilessly slaughtered the cattle of the villagers.

"Pantry of the sun" - the name is poetic. The narrator calls such a pantry the Fornication swamp, which has huge reserves of peat. Each blade of grass, each bush was grown by the sun, and, dying, turning into fertilizer, they transferred their vitality to new plants. Peat goes to a person as an inheritance of great value. The title of the work has another, deeper meaning. All the love, wisdom of the people does not go away irrevocably with each person, but remains in the world, helping to maintain warmth in souls, nourishing friendship, mutual understanding and the ability to forgive.

M. Prishvin loved nature,
was observant and attentive.
Traveled a lot.

Portrait of Mitrasha

Age: ten years old with a ponytail.
Appearance: short but very
dense, forehead, occiput
wide, golden freckles, nose
the clean one looked up.
Author's attitude
emphasized by such
artistic methods,
like ... Metaphor - a peasant in
bag, ten years with a ponytail,
spout looked up, golden
freckles. Hyperbole - eat well
more than twice his height.
Hardworking: learned from
father to make wood
Skillful at work.
Obstinate (stubborn).
Loves parents: remember
how his father taught his mother,
and decides, imitating his father,
teach your sister; paternal

ch.4 2 paragraph "When the first rays of the sun ..."
Let's imagine that you and I found ourselves in a forest on an early spring morning with
Mitrasha and Nastya, who went to the forest for cranberries.
With what feeling does the author describe the morning?
Did Nastya and Mitrasha see the beauty of nature at that moment? Why?

The children sat on the stone
waiting for them
the rays of the sun will come and
warm them up a little.
They are motionless as
"statues" and nothing
notice. Not by chance
the author calls here
heroes "hunters for
sweet cranberries.

Disturbing notes in the description of nature.

grouse fight with
cloud movement,
moan of pine and spruce.
- What is this related to?
anxiety? What is nature about

Pine and spruce

Why a writer
pine history and
Is it by chance a quarrel
Nastya and Mitrashi
a parable precedes
about pine and spruce?

Antipych and Grass

What brings together
Antipycha and Grass,
man and dog?
Why was Travka
hard to get used to
wild life?
What is the truth
Antipycha, which he
whisper to Grass?

Dangerous path of Mitrasha

How it goes
path of Mitrasha?

Dangerous path of Mitrasha

"Fairly wide
swamp path diverged
Due to stubbornness, I went along
weak path
Ended up on Bludov
If not for Grass, then he died
would be in a swamp
Met with Gray
Landlord, shot him

Grass saves Mitrasha

Why Grass
came to the rescue

"Pantry of the Sun"

Prishvin finishes
your work
with the words: "These are
riches are hidden in our
swamps." Calls them
pantries of the sun.
What meaning does
the author in the words "Pantry
What wealth
bought Nastya and
Mitrasha in the forest, on

"Pantry of the sun" is ...

peat, medicinal cranberry
(i.e. huge
pantry of nature with its
wise master
man with his best

How did Prishvin want to see a person?

The writer talked about what he writes about
nature, but he only thinks about people.
How did Prishvin want to see a person?

MM. Prishvin wrote:
"Everything beautiful in
earth from the sun, and
everything good from
Is he right?


1. How old is Mitrasha? 2. What is the definition
Gave to the fornication swamp
A) 10
B) 11
A) black place
AT 12
B) Lair of the Gray
B) the pantry of the sun


3. How Moose reacted to
Nastya, who collected
A) The elk did not take her for
B) He immediately
B) Almost hit her
4. Who is Antipych?
A) a casual friend
B) Forester
B) military


5. Why did Nastya give it to the evacuees?
Leningrad children all their healing berries?
A) Sick children need help, Nastya
"I tormented myself for my greed"
b) She didn't like cranberries
C) Because quarreled with Mitrasha

Homework. Composition "Comparative characteristics of Nastya and Mitrasha." Plan.

1. “Pantry of the Sun” is an amazing work.
2. Comparative characteristics of Nastya and Mitrasha:
1) Why children became orphans.
2) Appearance of children.
3) Character:
a) diligence
b) Mitrasha's stubbornness
c) the courage and cunning of Mitrasha,
d) Nastya's greed,
e) love for brother won.
4) Not a peasant, but a hero, the former "Golden
3. What did the fairy tale make me think about?