The dog ate a bone - what to do? Foreign body in the dog's intestines If the puppy swallows a foreign object

Dogs are very curious animals, this can especially be noticed during walks, when the animal tries to taste an unknown object. Foreign body in a dog, which somehow ended up in the body, causes discomfort. In some cases, such items can have serious consequences, including death.

In most cases, dogs with foreign bodies that do not cause blockages have a good prognosis. However, it all depends on the case and the object that ended up in the body. Only a doctor can adequately assess the danger of the situation.

Situations are often observed when a dog, after swallowing an object, begins to choke. Due to lack of oxygen, the animal may die.

Esophageal ruptures are also possible, leading to internal bleeding. In this case, it is quite difficult to save the dog, especially if the doctor’s help was not provided on time.

The most common areas of the digestive canal in which foreign bodies become “stuck” are: the thoracic part of the esophagus immediately before the sphincter into the stomach, the body of the stomach and pyloric canal, and the duodenum.

The following items are particularly dangerous for dogs:

  • cat litter;
  • batteries;
  • cotton swabs;
  • sharp objects (needles, knives, scissors, nails);
  • elastic bands;
  • threads;
  • tinsel;
  • magnets.

The most important thing is to pay attention to the well-being and behavior of your pet in a timely manner. It is the owner who knows all the habits of his pet. Any deviations should alert you and cause you to contact a specialist. veterinary clinic.


In most cases, the owner may not notice how and when a foreign object ended up in the dog’s mouth. Signs that indicate possible obstruction should alert you:

  • Vomit. It occurs immediately after eating or drinking. This is due to obstruction and blockage. The most important thing that should really alert you is the regularity of vomiting and the very eruption of food eaten.
  • Diarrhea. You can often see streaks of blood in liquid stool. If your dog's stool turns black, this may indicate damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines. Black stool is a sign of internal bleeding. This symptom is especially observed if the dog has swallowed a needle.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen. You can find out about this by looking at your pet. As a rule, the dog assumes a hunched position. The dog begins to whine when his belly is touched.
  • Lack of appetite. When a dog feels unwell, it cannot eat normally. It is especially worth paying attention to those dogs that have previously had increased appetite. Most often, the animal may not even approach the bowl and may not respond to its favorite treats.
  • Weakness. Of course, loss of fluid leads to dehydration. The owner knows his dog's behavior very well. The previously playful dog becomes lethargic. The dog constantly lies and does not even want to go outside.
  • Behavior. There is a lack of interest in those things that previously gave pleasure. The dog no longer wants to play with his favorite toy or is not active.
  • Cough. A healthy dog ​​never coughs. This can only occur if a foreign object is stuck in the throat and interferes with breathing.

The main thing to remember is that the dog's behavior will change in any case. This factor is difficult not to notice.

Foreign body in a dog's esophagus

Walking your dog can be a challenge. Anything can be scattered on the ground. A dog can taste any object.

ATTENTION! Foreign objects entering the esophagus can cause many problems.

Most often, pet owners are faced with the fact that their dog has eaten chewing gum. Look at the composition of any chewing gum. It presents almost the entire periodic table, which affects the health and well-being of the pet. The greatest danger is the sweetener xylitol. If this substance is present in the composition, then you must immediately take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Small breeds of dogs most often encounter foreign bodies in the esophagus. Fragments of bones, sections of teeth, branches and other objects that cannot be digested may become stuck. A characteristic feature Esophageal blockage in dogs causes severe pain.

Foreign body in the stomach of a dog

Sometimes eaten objects can remain for months without showing any signs of themselves. Sharp edges can easily injure the thin walls of the stomach. This threatens not only the health, but also the life of the dog.

Lipsticks, which can be on the shelves of many women, are often treats for dogs. If your dog eats lipstick, it can cause an upset stomach.

Foreign body in the intestine of a dog

Insertion of an object into the intestines causes the most severe symptoms. As a rule, they appear almost immediately after a foreign body enters the body.

Often there is a lack of stool, which should alert the owner. Weakness and lethargy are often observed. The dog may also try to go to the toilet, but nothing will work. In this case, the help of specialists is required.

In the throat, larynx, trachea

Foreign bodies in the throat of dogs can be bones, glass, needles, hooks, burrs, pins. Excessive salivation may occur. To make a diagnosis, rabies must first be ruled out.

Often the dog suffers from severe cough, difficulty breathing, suffocation.

A small operation is performed using local anesthesia, which is aimed at removing the foreign body. After surgery, the dog must follow a special diet.

If help is not provided in time, the animal may die.

What to do: first aid at home

The main problem is the small amount of time allotted for timely consultation with a doctor. As a rule, the owner has only a couple of hours after he notices the symptoms of a foreign body entering the animal’s body.

Eaten objects often compress blood vessels and block breathing, which causes the dog’s death before first aid is provided.

If the object is stuck shallowly and is clearly visible in the throat, you can try to remove it with your hand or tweezers. This must be done carefully so that the foreign body does not pass further.

If the owner witnesses his dog eating something, it is worth trying to induce vomiting using a 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution. The peroxide irritates the stomach walls, allowing the object to pass out.

In the event that the dog has eaten a needle, it is necessary to allow the pet to swallow ordinary cotton wool. It will cover sharp edges, which will prevent damage to internal organs.

If your dog has eaten mouse poison, the first thing to do is induce vomiting with salt. It would also be a good idea to give a cleansing enema. It is advisable to give your dog a laxative. It will work well if it contains salt.

If the dog ate mercury thermometer, then first of all you need to try to induce vomiting. A laxative is also a good solution. After all the measures taken, you must immediately visit a doctor. Many veterinarians advise feeding with milk.

Removal of a foreign object in the clinic

In order for a correct diagnosis to be made, the doctor first conducts a diagnosis. The following methods are used for this:

  • X-ray;
  • palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • radiographic examination;
  • endoscopy;
  • laboratory research.

It is worth noting that X-rays are the best way diagnostics Thanks to this procedure, you can see stones, various objects and other foreign bodies that are in the dog’s body.

If the owner doubts the diagnosis, then it is worth seeking help from another veterinary clinic.

Only after diagnosis should treatment begin. Often, the entry of a foreign body requires surgical intervention in order to save the life of the animal.

Often pieces of rubber are found inside the animal. This happens if the dog played with his favorite toys. Typically, the rubber is found in the stomach or may become lodged in the larynx. In this case, a minor operation is performed to remove the object.

Dogs chew various objects throughout their lives. These may include polyurethane foam, which accumulates in the stomach or intestines. It can be removed with regular cleaning or special medications.

If a dog has swallowed a nail or other sharp object, then only surgical intervention will help. An operation is underway. During the operation, the veterinarian opens the intestinal wall and removes the object. If necrotic areas are detected, part of the stomach or intestine is resected.

As soon as a puppy appears in the house, the owner is responsible for him and his health. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary items, especially small ones. This is done in order to prevent and prevent the entry of foreign objects. If your dog does swallow something, you should not put off going to the veterinarian, even if your beloved dog feels better for a while.

Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract in domestic animals, particularly dogs and cats,This is not a rare and quite unpleasant problem, both for the animal and the animal owner. Our younger friends cannot always distinguish the line between what should be eaten and what should not be eaten at all.suitable. Cats often swallow threads and needles, hair bands, rain, tinsel, and toys. A dog can swallow a bone, a ball, clothes (socks, mittens)and, gloves, rags), poro womb from a sun lounger and other items. All this, getting into oral cavity and further in Gastrointestinal tract may cause serious problem at your pet.

Which clinical signs may indicate the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract of an animal?

Long term here comes the nausea after feeding and drinking, depressed stateanimal (little active, lies more, whines), sometimes acute pain (many foreign objects injure the wall of the organ, thereby causing acute pain).

Some are viral and infectious diseases may have a similar clinical picture, so the question arises in differential diagnosis.

What does differential diagnosis include?

  1. X-ray abdominal organs With radiopaquesubstance (Barium sulfate). A certain amount of barium is given inside, then a series of x-rays are taken (there is a special protocol); the foreign body is stained, and the passage of the substance through the gastrointestinal tract is visible. Using this method, you can accurately determine the presence and location of a foreign body.In order to obtain accurate information using X-rays, it is necessary to take them correctly: in the lateral projection, the images are taken strictly on the right side, in the direct projection - on the back.All foreign bodies can be divided intoradiopaque(which are clearly visible on x-rays), and onX-ray non-contrast(which are not visible on x-rays). Numerous processes occur in the animal's body that can make visualization of a foreign body difficult. Therefore, it is important to understand the significanceradiopaquea substance that makes it easy to find a foreign object ingastrointestinal tract animal.
  2. Abdominal ultrasound (Using ultrasound, you can detect the presence of pendulum movements in the gastrointestinal tract, which may indicate the presence of foreign bodies);
  3. Palpation. Most often, this method is used very rarely, because does not have much information content, and may be dangerous to the life of the animal(sharp objects: glass, needle can injure the wall of the organ).

With what consequences Is it possible to encounter this problem?

Gastritis, ulcerative gastritis (due to damage to the stomach wall); “pockets” in the esophagus; necrosis of the intestinal wall, in placefinding a foreign body, intestinal rupture (in one or more places); peritonitis, as a consequence intestinal rupture with all its contents; lethal outcome.

What to do if a dog or cat swallows a foreign object?

There are several ways to remove foreign bodies from your pet’s gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Endoscopic removalforeign bodies from the esophagus and stomach, using gastroscope. Without cutting abdominal cavity, the foreign body is removedthrough the mouth (pharynx and esophagus).This method is less traumatic for the animal, and allows you to examine the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach) of the animal, without surgery, i.e. without cuts.
  2. If the foreign body is in a hard-to-reach place (small intestine), then its removal is possible only with the help of laparotomy (an incision is made in the abdominal wall, visual inspection abdominal organs, finding a foreign body with its subsequent removal). It is important to note the importance of further therapy (starvation diet, proper dietary food, courses of IVs and antibiotics) - all this is very important for the speedy recovery of your pet.

Despite the high and rapid development of veterinary medicine in the world, it is not always possible to save the life of a pet. As a rule, most owners, when any of the signs (listed above) appear, often do not go to veterinary clinics, hoping that “everything will go away with time, it’s a cat/dog”, or due to lack of information. Late visit to the veterinary clinic, when the first ones appear signs of disease, may lead to great consequences. Every owner, future owner needs to know this, that we are responsible for those we have tamed, and the life of the animal directly depends on our actions. Changes in behavior, refusal to eat, vomiting and many other signs are the first warning signs for you, the owners., that your four-legged friend may be seriously ill and urgently needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

Having an animal in the house requires the owner not only to treat his pet with care and provide food in a timely manner, but also to comply with basic home safety rules:

  • No sharp, piercing or small objects on the floor
  • Lack of household chemicals freely available
  • Handicraft items (needles, threads) at an unattainable height
  • The dog should not see nuts, crackers, seeds

But, unfortunately, despite all the precautions, everything cannot be foreseen.

If you see that your dog has swallowed a foreign object, you must provide prompt assistance.

The sooner you seek help, the greater the chance of removing a foreign object from the stomach or esophagus without surgery using only the endoscopy method, provided that the foreign object is suitable for removal using an endoscope.

Symptoms of swallowing a foreign object

Oral cavity

  • swallowing dysfunction
  • profuse drooling
  • gagging
  • lack of appetite

Laryngeal area

  • lack of appetite
  • swelling of the larynx
  • breathing problems
  • bleeding from the mouth

Esophagus area

  • inflammation of the esophageal wall followed by wall necrosis
  • Trauma to the esophagus (wall rupture) is possible
  • the dog begins to stretch its neck
  • after eating - vomiting foam or food

Stomach and intestinal area

  • serious condition with a tendency to worsen
  • lack of appetite
  • thirst
  • nausea/vomiting
  • defecation with blood

What should you do if you suspect that your dog has swallowed a foreign body? It is necessary to carry out ultrasound examination abdominal cavity of the animal and x-ray examination. Sometimes an X-ray examination with contrast may be required. In this case, the dog is given a contrast agent and a series of photographs is taken to confirm or exclude the presence of a foreign object.

If a foreign body is confirmed in the intestine, surgery is prescribed to remove it. The operation consists of access to the abdominal cavity of the animal, examination of the intestines with further removal of the foreign object from the intestinal lumen. As a rule, after such an operation the animal can be fed within a few hours, which, in turn, affects more early dates recovery of the animal after surgery.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to once again warn the owners that they should not scatter foreign objects around the apartment, nor should they leave any objects within the reach of the animal. If your pet swallows an inedible object, you should not count on “maybe it will slip through... this has happened before and everything was fine...”, it is always better to consult a doctor and help the animal. Untimely assistance sometimes results in resection of part of the intestine or death.

Take care of your pets!

The article was prepared by S.V. Kryzhanovsky,
veterinary surgeon, orthopedist "MEDVET"
© 2015 SEC "MEDVET"

One of the reasons for the defeat gastrointestinal tract in dogs it is a foreign body that, for various reasons, was swallowed by the animal. This often happens during active play (small toys, chewing large objects into pieces), eating (large bone fragments, eating packaging), as well as when a dog eats inedible objects on the street. A variety of foreign bodies are found in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs - from pieces of polyethylene and fragments of toys to items of clothing of the owners.

Signs that may indicate that an animal has swallowed foreign objects:

  • The urge to vomit or vomiting of varying severity.
  • Diarrhea, often mixed with blood.
  • Pain in the abdominal area, which manifests itself as hunching and soreness when touched.
  • Decreased appetite up to complete absence.
  • Visible straining when trying to defecate.
  • Dehydration.
  • Apathy, lethargy.

Other symptoms of foreign bodies in a dog depend on their location in the gastrointestinal tract.

Foreign body in a dog's esophagus

Objects entering the esophagus often lead to blockage. Complete obstruction is characterized by restless behavior, neck stretching, drooling, retching, and frequent attempts to swallow. Palpation determines a limited area of ​​swelling with severe pain.

With incomplete obstruction by a foreign body in the esophagus, the dog may maintain appetite, but vomit during meals. Sharp objects can cause a rupture in the wall of the esophagus, which leads to the formation of an abscess or cellulitis in the affected area. Dehydration and general depression develop.

Foreign body in the stomach of a dog

If foreign object passed the esophagus and entered the stomach, the leading symptom is irritation of the mucous membrane. Perforation of the walls is possible from the impact of not only sharp, but also blunt objects with large mass or volume. When the stomach is perforated, its contents exit into the abdominal cavity, leading to the development of peritonitis.

Gastrointestinal obstruction syndrome and necrosis of the affected areas develop. A foreign body in a dog’s stomach leads to a general deterioration of the dog’s condition, loss of appetite, and weakened peristalsis.

Additionally, there is severe thirst, accompanied by vomiting. Characteristic is the absence of bloating, which occurs when a foreign body enters the intestines. Possible defecation disturbance. Small objects can remain in the stomach for several years without symptoms.

Foreign body in the intestine of a dog

The entry of objects into the upper intestines leads to uncontrollable vomiting (and resulting dehydration), severe pain in the abdominal area.

Foreign bodies in the lower parts ( large intestine, rectum) appear depending on the sharpness of the edges. Blunt objects can cause pain, intestinal obstruction, bloating, and ischemia of nearby areas due to compression. The presence of acute foreign bodies in a dog’s intestines is manifested by constant attempts to hunch over, loose stools mixed with blood, and, less commonly, constipation. Symptoms of general intoxication and dehydration may occur.


Public precise methods does not exist for detecting foreign bodies. Ultrasound can only suggest their presence. X-ray reveals x-ray contrast objects (metal, bones). The most accurate information about the presence and location of foreign bodies is provided by an X-ray contrast image with barium evaporation. Sometimes, if a foreign body is suspected and its diagnosis is difficult, they resort to diagnostic laparotomy.

What to do if your dog swallows a foreign body?

If there are symptoms of upper gastrointestinal blockage, an oral examination should be performed. Often long objects (threads, ropes, hair) are wound around the root of the tongue and can be removed.

Small foreign bodies in the esophagus are removed using emetics. Sometimes used Vaseline oil, which helps push the object into the stomach. Large objects are removed using forceps or an esophagoscope under local anesthesia.

They try to remove objects with smooth edges from the stomach using emetics; if this fails, then surgically. Revealing sharp objects requires urgent surgical intervention.

If the dog has eaten a foreign body, additional symptomatic medications are prescribed:

  • Intravenous infusion of saline solutions to correct dehydration and acidosis.
  • Gastroprotectors.
  • Antibiotics.

In case of severe pain, the veterinarian prescribes painkillers. For the first 2-3 days after surgery, a strict fasting diet is observed.

In our veterinary center, all animals suspected of having a foreign body or intestinal obstruction undergo strict preoperative diagnostics. In some cases, a council of doctors gathers to decide on the operation. As a rule, after surgery, animals are left in an inpatient clinic, under the supervision of doctors, to monitor recovery and rehabilitation.

Foreign body in a dog symptoms

Dogs are very curious by nature. but sometimes their curiosity leads to trouble. This is especially true for dogs - “vacuum cleaners”, who eat a lot of strange things. What kind of items did the doctors of our clinics take out from the gastrointestinal tract of dogs - socks, panties, bags, ropes, threads, needles, toys, bones, sticks and many other finds!

The symptoms of a foreign body in a dog depend greatly on where the object is located - in the mouth, throat or esophagus, stomach or intestines.

A foreign body in a dog's mouth is usually sticks or bones that are stuck between the dog's back teeth. One of the first signs is frequent movement of the jaw, profuse salivation, the dog rubs its face with its paws, and there may also be slight bleeding from the mouth. Do not try to remove a stick or bone yourself! Even if you manage to loosen the object, it may move into the throat. Contact the nearest veterinary clinic "Your Doctor", a doctor's examination is necessary, and sedation may also be required to remove a foreign body from the dog's mouth.

A foreign body in a dog's throat often causes signs of sudden suffocation and nausea. This condition often requires immediate intervention! As first aid, the owner can lift the dog by hind legs and shake it in emergency You can sharply squeeze the chest from the sides several times.

A foreign body in a dog's esophagus: signs - vomiting after eating, dehydration. To check whether your animal is dehydrated or not, collect a fold of skin on the dog's withers and release it, it should return to its normal position quickly.

When a dog has a foreign body in the trachea and lungs, the general depression of the animal increases at an alarming rate. You must consult a doctor immediately!

A foreign body in a dog's stomach is more difficult to diagnose. Some foreign bodies can remain in the stomach for several years without visible problems. But if the foreign body moves, it can lead to periodic vomiting.

Foreign body in a dog small intestine usually causes uncontrollable vomiting, dehydration, and severe pain in the abdominal wall.

A foreign body in the dog's rectum: if it is sharp objects - sticks, bone fragments, needles, etc. - the dog repeatedly hunches over, possible constipation, blood in the stool. It is important for owners to follow the rule: never pull on a foreign object that is protruding from your pet's rectum! This can be very dangerous, even leading to intestinal rupture. Contact the nearest veterinary clinic "Your Doctor".

Foreign body in a dog. Causes and symptoms

Almost all foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract are objects that are consumed by the animal. One exception is trichobezoars (hairballs). Threads and strings swallowed by your dog often become wrapped around the root of the tongue. Carefully examine your pet's oral cavity!

Symptoms that require you to contact a veterinarian:

  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain (the dog does not allow himself to be picked up, his back is hunched)
  • Anorexia (lack or decreased appetite)
  • Straining during bowel movements, constipation
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration

Foreign body in a dog. Diagnostics

Required for diagnosis general analysis blood, biochemical analysis blood, urine test. These findings help rule out other causes of vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and abdominal pain. It is necessary to take x-rays using a contrast agent.

A foreign body in a dog that causes intestinal obstruction, prolonged vomiting, or diarrhea can lead to significant metabolic changes in the body. In addition, a foreign body can cause perforation of the organ wall and exit into the chest or abdominal cavity, leading to profound complications such as peritonitis, sepsis and death. Many foreign bodies consist of toxic materials that are absorbed by the body - this leads to profound systemic diseases.

Foreign body in a dog. Treatment Options

There are several treatment options depending on your dog's condition. If you have recently swallowed foreign objects, you may try to induce vomiting. It is also necessary to remove mineral oil, which facilitates the passage of foreign bodies through the gastrointestinal tract within 48 hours.

Some objects can be removed using an endoscope. If the animal has symptoms such as vomiting blood or severe pain, then intravenous infusions and painkillers are necessary. Your veterinarian will suggest admitting your dog to the clinic for observation. The decision to operate is usually made on the basis of x-rays and ultrasound results. A blockage in the intestines or stomach can reduce blood flow to the GI tissues, which can become necrotic. If the foreign body is in the stomach or intestines, the object is removed by making an incision in the intestines or stomach. If there are necrotic tissues and parts of the intestine, they are also removed.

After the operation intensive care with intravenous fluid administration, painkillers and antibiotics are administered. Feeding the dog after surgery begins 1 to 2 days later. It is advisable to use special diets for nutrition at first.

Foreign body in a dog. Forecast

In most cases, dogs with foreign bodies that do not cause blockages have a good prognosis. However, in general, the prognosis depends on several factors:

  • object location
  • duration of obstruction caused by the object
  • size, shape and characteristics of the object
  • whether or not the object will cause secondary diseases
  • general condition the dog's health before a foreign body enters

Foreign body in a dog. Prevention

  • eliminate bones from the diet
  • Don't let your dog chew sticks
  • Keep an eye on the animal during games and walks; if the dog is prone to wandering, put a muzzle on it
  • Ask your veterinarian for advice when choosing harmless toys for your dog.
  • if your dog often eats strange objects, consult the doctors at our clinics; there may be a general metabolic disorder

And remember - your pet's life is in your hands.
