Russian initial letter with images and numerical values ​​of initial letters. Ancient Slavic initial letter Download decoding of syllables in the initial letter

There is a rune RAT- a mighty and bright army. Perun - The Path Is Our Military Joy. Perunov Runes on Veles Strings.

p.s. It is worth realizing that everything stated will not be clear right away. The material concerns those things that lie far beyond the abilities and capabilities of imagination and presentation of most modern readers. Therefore, repeated reading is required. And the reason is simple: repeated reading consistently activates the structures of the mind. In other words, deep immersion in the material introduces the reader into a state, the result of which is the activation of the mind and ancestral memory. You must make an effort and reproduce in your imagination all the images presented as vividly and in detail as possible. Then the result of reading will please you very much. Without dedication and a teacher, there can be no talk of any SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. Read the information below. Light, Love and Harmony! Previously, in the good old days, all children received initiations at 9, later at 12 years old into the right life, apprenticeship, all of this, in addition to the efforts of parents, grandparents, also requires the help of the Forces of Light, this is a prerequisite for proper upbringing and further DEVELOPMENT!
Life also shows knowledge about energy bodies that at the same time we live in different worlds, not only in the physical world! Initiation gives the opportunity to be “full citizens” in other worlds, but to achieve this there must be a Mentor.
It is especially necessary to take care of children (receive initiations, apprenticeship - school, university, etc., into life) education should be not only on the physical level, but also on the Spiritual.
When setting out on the difficult path of Spiritual growth, you should think carefully when choosing your teachers.
Choosing a Teacher is a very important step, no matter what practice it relates to, so you must make sure who the Master’s Teacher was, what tradition of practice, the line of Teachers! If this is not the case, no matter what level of knowledge he has, run away from him. The faster the better!

Why is it important to receive initiation?
To the court of SANE. 1. This will save your health, first of all, I think this is very important.
I'll explain why: We live in the world of spirits, for every action (practice), we must receive permission (initiation). If you don’t do this, then you can pick up the wrong ones that the practice of Spirits requires and have very big problems! You need to Know and Remember this!
2. You are only a conductor, between you and the Source - the “Owner”, and the Forces of Light (Gods and Goddesses, Guides) give you Knowledge - Information! In the process of spiritual practice, we go beyond our five senses and ask for advice from the spiritual world that surrounds us and permeates everything around us.
What is remarkable is that over almost 20 years of my practice and more than 50 years of practice of my Teacher Raslav, not everyone was allowed to conduct sessions and initiation! This happens today with Zhiva techniques, with everyone, but this is also a good clue that something is wrong with a person, spirituality is poorly or not developed at all, this is a signal.
During initiation, a change occurs in the entire energetic structure of a person. Everything unnecessary and artificial goes away - a person becomes what he should be by nature. His inner potential is revealed, a rethinking of life and the Spiritual Path occurs. Dedication to Living is the Power that breaks the shell of contradictions, problems and neuroses and fills the heart with Light, Love, Harmony. It helps to discover your inner Powers, feel your potential and fill your life with the Energy of joy. Duality gives way to Unity. This is the Knowledge of our Ancestors! The connection with the Ancestors is being restored well!
Sessions and Initiations are conducted both in contact and without it, it doesn’t matter where you are in what city, country, continent!

A few words, I want to say about the practices of Zhiva, these are very strong and powerful energies, at the moment, I do not know stronger and more effective than the Energies of our Light Gods and Goddesses.
Which help not only to heal but also to harmonize a person with the surrounding space and nature.
This is the Knowledge of our Ancestors! The connection with the Ancestors is being restored well!
At our Academy we provide training and initiation into Slavic Childbirth practices

In person or remotely, it doesn’t matter where you are in what city, country, continent! If available, please contact

The initial letter is the name of one of the Slavic alphabets, which were used in the vast territory that belonged to the Rus. There were also runitsa (priestly writing), Glagolitic (trade writing), traits and rezes (the simplest of writings)... The largest was the Vseyasvetnaya charter - 147 characters. Each symbol carried an image - regardless of the system, initial letter or Glagolitic alphabet, the designation of the same sound carried one semantic load, as well as a numerical value, which was justified by Faith and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bheavenly and earthly Laws (not to be confused with laws, although now this is exactly what the word conveys the meaning of a concept that is initially opposite). The initial letter is known to us best - under the name of the Cyrillic alphabet, trimmed and cleaned of unnecessary letters, sounds, and "to the heap", and Images.

The Ancient Slavic Initial Letter had 49 Initial Letters. Modern - only 33, and even then only 32 is used in writing.

To translate the Bible into our language, Byzantine monks (originally from Bulgaria, a close neighbor of the Roman empire) Cyril and Methodius remade our ancient Slavic initial letter, and removed letters they did not understand (those that were not in Greek). These letters were also incomprehensible because the sounds they denoted were not found in Greek words. The Greeks still have only 24 letters. Yaroslav the Wise, with his wisdom, removed another letter - foreign policy demanded...

The reformer Peter I, introducing a “civil” font, removed five - under the plausible, as they now say, pretext of facilitating book printing with a single standard of writing.

Karamzin introduced the letter E to replace the long-killed Yota - his contemporaries still wrote, as they said: “iolka”, “serious” (remember the English serious - tracing paper!), “sliozy” (redundancy of writing for the sake of conveying sound). Thus, many participles in “-en” became obsolete and lost their true meaning - for example, “amazed” meant “mad”... Pushkin also wrote with “-en”: for example, in “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

A sorcerer, encouraged by a witch,
Having cheered up, I decided again
Carry the captive to the feet of the maiden
Mustaches, humility and love.

Nicholas II eliminated three more - among them, however, were the Greek “xi” and “psi”, which were used less frequently in the language and only in words of Greek origin.

After the revolution of 1917, Lunacharsky removed three (Yat, I, Fita) and seriously demoted Er (Kommersant). Revolutionary sailors confiscated from printing houses all letters with objectionable letters, as symbols of the hated tsarist regime. Instead of Er, it was proposed to put an apostrophe... Reprint editions of books from the early 1920s contain these same apostrophes in memory of the rape of the alphabet. The Soviet linguist L. Uspensky in “A Word about Words” described this event from a truly communist point of view, and even supported it with the calculation that Americans now practice: he calculated the average number of letters Ъ in the pre-revolutionary edition of “War and Peace”, from which he concluded that 3.4% of the book is littered with an unnecessary sign at the end of a word, but imagine how much paper was wasted on writing just these damned hard signs... In fact, this sign denoted a linking sound after a hard consonant, a kind of aspiration that completed the word , neither "o" nor "a". We still pronounce it now, but we don’t designate it in any way. And the Image of the letter was Creation. That is, words were thus given nature, material weight.

Studying in the royal gymnasiums also did not contribute to the love of their native alphabet: the children languished, learning “words in Yat”, no longer understanding their meaning and the need for an additional letter... And the saying “Fita and Izhitsa - the rod is approaching the body” speaks for itself . Words with “Izhitsa”, by the way, in the Russian language there are very few, not even a dozen, and mostly these are words where Izhitsa replaces the Greek Upsilon: svmvol, mvro, svnod, vssop, smvrna, Svmeon, Evgeniy (Yes, this is " Eugene" is a Greek name, the same letter is written in the Greek word "Gospel"). Izhitsa was used only in church books; in secular literature it became obsolete a long time ago.

In fairness, let us mention: some clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church preserve fragmentary knowledge of pre-revolutionary spelling and the old alphabet. That last one, of the 36 signs remaining from Nicholas II. However, they do not put images into this - it is displeasing to God. But the spelling of the words was preserved.

Finally, Lunacharsky removed images from the Initial Letter, leaving only phonemes, i.e. the language has become unimaginative = ugly. This castration of language leads to the degradation of not only the language, but also the minds of the people who use this language.

Nowadays, in children's books describing the old ABC, the teaching of Figurative, pre-revolutionary literacy seems to be a complex, unpleasant matter:

The student sits and spells: “Thinking-az-thinking-az.” What happened? It turns out it's "Mom". Oh, it's hard to learn the alphabet!<...>Try to remember when to write “like” and when to write “and with a period”; when you need “fita” and when you need “fert”. (I explore the world "Culture", M., AST, 1996, p. 21)

Cute, isn't it? By the way, the “I Explore the World” series is distinguished by the most terrifying superficiality of all the popular publications for children of that time.

Do you know what this means - "Az-Buki-Vedi"? “I know the letters,” the smart book tells us. Imagine - three letters hide a whole phrase! And if you dig deeper... and “Buki” is not Buki at all, but GODS... it turns out - “Az Gods Lead” - “I Know the Gods”! The figurative disclosure gives an even more stunning, spiritualized text: “I, the God Incarnate on Earth (a person who is aware of himself) of the Gods (higher entities and worlds) Know (I understand with my heart, soul, I feel my unity with them).”

In the series of films "Games of the Gods" the following meaningful phrases are also given (now you understand why the Drop Letter is written in a 7 by 7 square):

Az Gods Lead The Verb Good Is Am - As God Knows The Verb Good That Is Life (being, existence) (That’s the meaning of life)

You live in the Village of Earth Izhei Init Herv - Abundant Life on Earth, Harmonizes both with the Universe and with the Community, creating the Tree of the Universe (but the basis of worldview - remember the Scandinavian Yggdrasil?)

Az Live Like the Word Qi Yat Yota - As Lives Like the Whole Word Descended and Established Everywhere (proclamation and justification of customs)

There is Init Peace Her Ery En Izhitsa - Community Existence Rests on the Paths Connecting All Nature (nature) (the basis of the social order)

Az Selo Myslete Ouk Er En Izha - As Very Wise, Creating Ancestral Foundations in Time (and this is the justification of the goals and objectives of the life of the ancestors)


Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter - the oldest treasure of the Slavic people

The initial letter or Slavic Alphabet is the greatest storehouse of worldview wisdom, which is the perfect form of conveying the deep essence of the Universal processes interacting in all their diversity of life forms. This is a special programming language of our universe, written by Rod and used by Him as a world-forming and world-ordering tool.

The initial letter is wisdom for the Slavic people too! The Letter contains a huge number of visible and invisible processes that weave the fabric of existence and connect all the many-sided variety of forms in which the Almighty comes.

For example, let's take the pantheon, where each name of God is a specially structured alphabetic code that programs or, in other words, directs the owner of the name given to him by the Family in the right way. And the name “Rod” itself is a kind of alphabetic and numerical matrix that forms the essence of its manifestation in the Universe.

An initial letter can be imagined as a set of paints consisting of forty-nine colors, and our world is a kind of canvas on which their interaction takes place, giving rise to more and more new combinations of colors and shades. You can also draw an image of an orchestra of forty-nine musical instruments played by the Almighty, where each instrument has its own special purpose and is responsible for filling the amplitude of sound allotted to it.

One of the main features of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter is its irreplaceable applied and constantly functioning readiness, which can be applied right here and right now. Let's take a look at the Initial Letter, the symbols of which are located in a seven by seven square, where each of the lines is a multivariate matrix of Universal processes. These rows and columns, located both vertically and horizontally, contain the basic truths of the universe, and their main feature is naive simplicity and elementary ease of understanding for Slavic people. This letter code can be used by anyone, regardless of their chosen field of activity, since the Initial Letter is universal and can harmoniously accompany in any craft, whether you are a God or a Magus, a Storyteller or a Programmer, a Carpenter or a Machinist.

First, let’s put on the guise of God and look at the Bukvitsa from this high bell tower. For example, let’s take God Svarog and imagine him in the Heavenly Forge forging a new World. Pay attention to the first line of the Initial Letter, located horizontally; now we will look at the image through the prism of this line. The very source and primordial space, or the first blow on the anvil or even Svarog himself, can be designated by the letter “Az”. Our “Gods” will be Fire and the Free Wind that fans it, Charmed Living Water and Dense Matter from which forging is made. The letter “Vѣdi” can denote the wisdom and depth of knowledge of his craft, which Svarog carries out, and the letter “Verb” is his ability to apply this knowledge in practice, that is, “Verb” is “Vѣdi” in motion. “Good” is the action itself created by Svarog. The initial letter “Is” will denote the manifestation and external visual and tangible readiness of the newly forged World, and the initial letter “Ԑsmъ” can be represented as a multidimensional and multifaceted structure of the newly created World, like all the tangible and intangible forms and mental images that Svarog put in during the creation process .

Now let’s look at the Magus through the prism of the Drenlesloven Initial Letter and designate him with the letter “Az”. “Gods” will be structures of a higher order, to which the Magus turns and draws wisdom from the Gods, that is, “Leaders”. “Verbs” are a way of transmitting wisdom and knowledge, because when people come to the Magus, he tells them verbs or conveys the knowledge he has received, and this in turn is “Good” and so on.

You can also give a more modern example. Let's say a programmer created his first application for a smartphone (Az), basing his works on the example of programmers of the highest level of development (Gods), the basis for the creation was their knowledge (Vѣdi), which they conveyed in a book dedicated to one of the programming languages ​​(Verbs), and the programmer made by him was simply posted for free on GooglePlay (Dobro), which over time gained demand and contributed to the sponsorship of the release of paid content (Yes), on many consoles including Apple (Ԑcm).

From the above examples it follows that our Initial Letter is the living language of the Universe, which can be used at any convenient time and succeed in any matter that is important to us, based on the truisms of the Rod. Moreover, this worldview system is capable of miraculously putting brains, shifted by a narrow-minded modern system, into place and thereby promoting the development of imaginative thinking. As well as the development of sensory connection and empathic contact with the ongoing processes of constant transformation and improvement of the Universe.

The Initial Letter is also capable of awakening the sleeping facets of the Spiritual awareness of oneself, one’s life path and destiny, which forms a pattern on the tablecloth of the Universe, woven by the Fate-Weaver Goddess Makosh herself. In order to live harmoniously, develop and move towards set goals, a person must be healthy both Spiritually and physically. The spiritual facet completely depends on the model of a person’s worldview, which in turn is subordinated to Family, Tribal or even social norms and moral characteristics of the people. The people are the language, and the language is the people. It follows from this that the spiritual wealth of a people is directly proportional to its linguistic heritage.

Many people know that writing has existed among the Slavs since ancient times and that Greek figures have absolutely nothing to do with it, except for cutting off the existing language model. But we won’t focus on this, because our Initial Letter is alive and well again. We will only draw the conclusion we need that linguistic and symbolic density can influence all aspects of the life of a people, and its cutting off and the loss of key truths contributes to a decrease in the Spiritual potential of the speakers of a given language system.

I propose to analyze this situation using the example of a comparison and an equal sign between a healthy human body and a full-fledged Initial Letter, with all forty-nine images. Let's imagine that one of the images has been removed from the Initial Letter - this is identical to the fact that a kidney has failed in the body. They removed the other one - the hand went numb. The third one is that the man is blind. And so on. The same thing happens in a person’s spiritual worldview and his moral characteristics, and the Initial Letter in this case can act as a visual aid for identifying dormant and atrophied facets of the worldview that affect the quality of a person’s Spiritual development. That is, ignorance of the figurative and semantic content of any of the initial letters directly indicates that this aspect of the universe is not recognized by us, forgotten and lost, although it was given to us from the beginning!

See for yourself, the letter “I” (Izhei), which is responsible for the downward flow of the Ancestral connection, has disappeared from circulation, and this flow has disappeared along with it. Or the letter “Ѣ” (Yat), the image of which is the harmony of Spiritual aspirations and Earthly Explicit life, the disappearance of which led to an exclusively material perception of reality. Another example would be the letter “Ѳ” (Fita), its figurative content is a merging with the world of Nature and in fact we have a reduction or, in some cases, a complete absence of spending time in unity with Nature. And so on, as many as sixteen key disappeared images of the worldview that directly influence the way of life and the Spiritual path of the Slavic person.

Fortunately, you can easily improve your Spiritual health by awakening the sleeping letters, and it is best to fully master this worldview system of our Ancestors. After all, it contains everything that our people now need for a quality awakening after the Night of Svarog, acclimatization in the new era of the Wolf and simply the beginning of a real happy life.

And now, my dear Relatives, Brothers and Sisters, I propose to familiarize yourself with and revive the entire letter series, remember the figurative and semantic meaning of each of the initial letters, or rather, each of the facets of this Magic World, inherited by us from Our Gods and Ancestors:

Ancient Slavic Initial Letter - brief description and meaning

Az- the figurative meaning of this initial letter is the source, the origin, the root cause, the first step or the beginning of any action; Perhaps this article will serve as a starting point for someone in learning a new and well-forgotten Native language.

Gods- in this letter the highest level of development entities are agreed upon, surpassing us in their power; whoever discovers the Initial Letter is able to better understand the Native Gods, whose names contain enormous powers available only to those who know.

Lead- this letter contains all the wisdom and depth of knowledge; this is the entire information space of the Universe, including the knowledge that will be revealed to you as you dive into the Bukvitsa.

Verbs- this is a way of transferring accumulated knowledge; including the text that you now see in front of you; This is a technique for the ability to exchange information that a student of a given knowledge system is able to obtain.

Good- this initial letter is the action itself; these are deeds that improve karma; This is a higher quality level of creation for someone who is able to apply the Initial Letter in practice.

Eat- this letter is the existence of the Explicit World; it is a container for Good deeds; this is the clearly manifested text of this article visible to you; This is your successful materialization of the intention to master this language system.

Ԑcm- this letter shows the versatility, multi-manifested multi-dimensionality of space; these are many variations in the use of fonts for writing this material; this is the expansion of consciousness and your ability to multidimensionally use the Initial Letter located in many spatial and extra-spatial dimensions of this Universe.

Belly- this is life in all its diversity of life forms; this is the revival of all possible manifestations of the forgotten language of our Ancestors; This is a living letter, walking, running and flying around us.

Sѣlo (Zelo)- this is the unknown, the unknown, something beyond the limit of understanding; For many, this is the Initial Letter itself and what is currently unknown and unfamiliar to you about it.

Earth- this is a cosmic form of consciousness created for the passage of experience and our learning; this is our home, our Motherland; Arriving on Earth, you can read my article or even master the Initial Letter.

Izhe- this is a state of balance necessary to be in peace and in harmony with the space around us; The initial letter is capable of aligning and bringing to balance the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, necessary for both the figurative and logical use of this language system.

Izhei (Izhei)- the image of this initial letter is the flow of Universal knowledge or the Ancestral connection; The inclusion of this initial letter in the consciousness helps to restore the lost connection with the Family.

Init (Init)- this is the connecting link; this is a thread that permeates the entire universe; knowledge of the Old Slovenian Initial Letter unites us with generations who lived thousands of years ago.

Ћѣрвь (Гервь)- this is an emotional explosion; this is the moment of awakening after the Night of Svarog and finding the roots of one’s people; this is a state of absolute jubilation and emotional ecstasy from the images of the Native Letter reborn inside.

Kako- this is the volume; This is a colossal archived amount of knowledge contained in each of the initial letters and partially revealed by me for the reader’s understanding.

People- this is the world of people or society; this is the cosmic consciousness for which the secrets of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter are intended.

Thinking- this is a way of knowledge or even the basis of knowledge; this is your comprehension of what you read, which contributes to assimilation, because in order to assimilate food, we chew it, and in order to assimilate the Initial Letter, it needs to be comprehended.

Ours- this letter carries the image of what our Ancestors bequeathed to us; this is Our language and Our Initial Letter, with the help of which you can qualitatively and fully perceive the world inherited from the Ancestors.

He- this is the transcendental Divine form; This is the Supreme Family, united and multi-manifested. He created this Initial Letter, He taught the Initial Letter to others, He wrote an article about this Initial Letter, and now he is reading what he wrote and created.

Chambers- this is a state without movement, rest, sleep; this is a stop of all motor processes, necessary in order to calmly concentrate on reading the article dedicated to the Bukvitsa.

Rѣtsi- the image of the initial letter is the structuring and ordering of space; this is our craft; The initial letter can tighten up and put in order many aspects of our lives.

Word- this letter carries the image of the birth of thought and its manifestation in the Explicit World; whoever masters this system of knowledge will discover the power contained in the Word.

Firmly- the image of this initial letter is the firmness of convictions, or the hardness of stone and any other material; this may be the unchanging point of view of a person who stands firm in his positions; this is a firm commitment to the need to master the linguistic heritage of one’s people.

UK- this letter calls for unity or approach to something; for example, Ukraine, which is located on the edge and, most interestingly, has recently been or has been close to the edge of the abyss; this is the internal call of the roots, calling for the study of the Initial Letter.

Ɣкъ (Окъ)- the image of the initial letter will be a sensual connection, a premonition; you can also consider the initial letter as Conscience, “As it looks, so it will respond”; this is the purity of thoughts and the strength of your intention necessary for a full sensory immersion in the Initial Letter;

Firth- this letter denotes a feeling of pride and nobility; this is what the reader experiences at the moment of realizing the depth and greatness of his native language, its significance and personal ability to master and be a full-fledged speaker of this language system.

Dick- this letter paints a beautiful and harmonious image of the coexistence and movement of many life forms; this is the movement of cosmic bodies without interfering with each other; this is the movement of cars at an intersection; This is my personal vision of the Initial Letter, which fully coexists with yours, harmoniously complementing it.

Ѿ (From)- the image of the initial letter is the achievement of a certain limit, after which new horizons open; this is the ability to achieve a given task and complete all tasks to the end; this is your knowledge of this worldview system, from the first to the last Letter, after which higher degrees of Spiritual immersion and mastery of the higher capabilities of our language will be opened.

Tse- this letter carries the image of goal setting, correct formation and successful achievement of the tasks set for oneself; this will be the choice of movement vector for those who decide to master this system of knowledge and set off with a confident, regal gait to achieve their goal.

Chervl- one of the facets of the initial letter is pristine beauty, and the other facet will be the very selection of the facets as such; These are beautiful features; This is the versatility of the Initial Letter which will gradually be revealed to you and will manifest itself as an opportunity to examine this system of knowledge from different angles, from different applied facets of existence.

Sha- the image of the initial letter will be the ability to interact with space-time structures; this is a shaman calling on Spirits and fumigating the area around the fire; this is the ability to tune in to interaction with the Initial Letter, which will be revealed to the heir of this language.

Shta- this initial letter carries the image of the initially approved space; this is 1 hectare for a family estate; these are the approved dimensions of A4 sheet format; this is the return of the initially approved capabilities of human consciousness, which were given to us by the Almighty and spelled out in the Initial Letter.

Kommersant (Єръ)- this letter paints an image of the creative process; it is creation itself happening right now; This is the approach to learning the Initial Letter that will allow you to most harmoniously master your Native language system.

Y (Yory)- the image of this initial letter is joint collective creativity; this is an opportunity to study and master the Initial Letter together with people close to you; These are comments that you can indicate below this article and thereby provide co-creation, complementing my vision of the capabilities of our Great Language.

b (Єр)- the semantic and figurative content of a given initial letter is something that has already been created; This is the Initial Letter, it already exists, it was created by the Higher structures and no longer needs to be created anew.

Ѣ (Yat)- this letter denotes the harmonious union of the Heavenly and the Earthly; this is the ability to live and enjoy Earthly blessings, while developing Spiritually and learning the Universal foundations of the universe; awakening the letter Yat will allow you to see and apply Divine wisdom in the conditions of the Earthly incarnation.

Yun- the image of the initial letter is that it falls out of the main flow; this is the ability to move by finding roots by studying the Native language, while the main stream of the population quickly forgets or puts the study of foreign language systems at the head of the table; another facet of the image of the initial letter is the basis of the Slavic world, a society that can rightfully be called the face of our people, these are masterpiece people who follow the Law and live in harmony with Conscience, and a society that prefers to live in ignorance, simply falls out of the Generic Stream.

Ҩрь (Ar)- the image of a given initial letter is a homogeneous space; this is the feeling of homogeneity and unity with our Initial Letter that you already feel and which, as you dive into the depth of the images, will become more and more vivid.

Ѥdo (Edo)- this initial letter contains the image of touching the original; this is a special gift for those who master the Initial Letter and will be able to draw knowledge from the primordial space around us.

Ѡ (Ohm)- the image of the initial letter is responsible for enlightenment; this is a creative insight and an opportunity to shed light on previously unknown areas of existence; this is guaranteed enlightenment through the knowledge of the disappeared images of our Initial Letter.

Ѧ (En)- this letter is responsible for figurative perception; this is a long-awaited return to figurative thinking, without which full knowledge of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter is impossible, but at the same time our Initial Letter is a way of awakening the vision of the World of Images.

Ѫ (Одь)- the image of this initial letter is the wisdom passed on to us by inheritance; this is that sacred storehouse of the accumulated experience of our Ancestors, which awaits its heir and copyright holder, living according to Conscience and in harmony with Nature, capable of increasing and passing on the dowry to his descendants.

Ѩ (Yota)- this letter indicates the possibility of reading and transmitting knowledge through the development of imaginative thinking; this is the ability to master mental images or even telepathic interaction with the universe, which one who knows the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter is able to acquire.

Ѭ (Ota)- the image of the initial letter contains the ability to refuse things that are known, but at the same time unacceptable to us; this may be a refusal to eat meat while comprehending and understanding the fact of eating corpses; this is the ability to give up bad habits and confidently walk through the expanses of a sober consciousness, in which the letter and, in general, the entire Native culture opens up in brighter and more rainbow colors.

Ѯ (Xi)- the image of the initial letter is Spirituality; this is a necessary manifestation of strong-willed qualities and the power of the Spirit in the desire to master the deep images of the Native language.

Ѱ (Psi)- the initial letter carries the image of Soulfulness; this is the ability to open up to new knowledge, show sociability and establish Soul contact between you and the Souls of Letters.

Ѳ (Fita)- the image of the initial letter contains the ability to merge with the world of Nature into a single whole; this is a real reward for those to whom the Nature of the Drop Letter opens its arms and shows the true integrity of the language.

V (Izhitsa)- this initial letter, ringing with white light, paints a beautiful image of sublime states of happiness and true bliss, because mastery of the language of the Universe and the ability to think in the same lofty and at the same time naive categories, gives the bearer of the capital truths of the Ancient Slovenian Initial Letter the highest manifestation of divine pleasure from being in this Magic World.

Ӕ (Izha)- the image of this initial letter stores knowledge about temporary elements and the ability to work over time; this is the effect of immersion in the Initial Letter, when time loses its usual flow. In such cases, they say that time flies unnoticed and it’s true what they say, because the very process of writing this article was like a light flight of thought, in which time changed its usual course and the whole process of transferring knowledge about the Initial Letter seemed to me equal to one moment. I sincerely hope that the reader also felt this effect from being in the space-time flow of Native thought images and knowledge close in Spirit.

Slavic Initial Letter - video lessons by Andrey Ivashko

The Old Slovenian Initial Letter is an axiom consisting of forty-nine facts that encourage the study of the Mother tongue. Of course, some will pass by and not everyone has enough internal willpower and character to master the Shrine of our people, but those who dared to look through all forty-nine images and are still reading this article are quite capable of taking the next step, and maybe even going into the most fascinating a journey called the Old Slovenian Letter.

And in this case, you can just a little orient and direct these brave men and discoverers to one of the real Aces of this knowledge system. This man’s name is Andrey Ivashko and we tried to collect his lectures and video lessons in this article. This video course is dedicated to mastering the basics of a full-fledged Native language and will be very useful for a quality awakening after the night of Svarog.

Basic truths of the ancient Slavic Initial Letter

The Ace of the Gods Knows the Verb Good, which is Life (existence)
Ace Lives as the Whole Word Descended and Established Everywhere
Ace is Very Wise, Creating Ancestral Foundations in Time

Thank you for your attention and wish you success in mastering the deep heights of the Ancient Slovenian Letter!

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Name: Initial letter (a manual on the Old Russian language)

Annotation: The proposed manual was created on the basis of video lectures on the Old Russian language for students of the Asgard Theological School (Omsk) and is intended for true lovers and adherents of our native speech.

We will study the Old Russian language and, in comparison with it, Old Slovenian. Otherwise, plunging into the element of Old Slovenian without relying on Old Russian, we simply will not understand a lot or will understand it incorrectly. The main emphasis will be on instilling the rudiments of imaginative thinking, and not on phonetics and morphology, as in academic textbooks on the Old Church Slavonic language. Why is this so? Phonetic reading of ancient initial letters does not provide access to an understanding of the information (image of meaning) embedded in the text being read. After all, ancient languages ​​are not so much a system of reading, but mainly a system of extracting hidden meaning from these texts. The uninitiated perceive everything written literally, but those who know the “keys”, what is encrypted. Therefore, phonetic reading is not a “key” to comprehending depth, but only a sound designation of readable symbols, giving us an existential understanding of the ancient text and nothing more.

Title: A manual on the Old Russian language. Initial letter Download in pdf: A manual on the Old Russian language. Initial letter

Title: Manuals on Old Russian literacy Abstract: The Vedic tradition of Ancient Rus' has preserved for us the knowledge that for many thousands of years

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Title: PERSPECTIVE SYSTEMS IN FINE ARTS. General theory of perspective

Do not clutter up your native rumors with verbs and adverbs of a foreign language.
Only the words of Relatives live in the hearts, and other voices are dead to the Soul.

In accordance with the obtained numerical dependence, we connect the images of the initial letters in the following order: Az And Lead give us Verb: A(1)+B(2)=G(3); B(2)+G(3)=E(5); G(3)+E(5)=I(8); E(5)+I(8)=GI(13); I(8)+GI(13)=KA(21).

When I (a) cognize the Wisdom of the Ancestors (c), then I begin to Verb (d), i.e. convey it to others. Wisdom (c) and Verb (d) combined give Genesis (f) ours. Being, connecting with the Verb, creates Balance, Harmony (and). Harmonious Existence generates balancing information that eliminates conflicting causes (gi). And all this happens only in those cases when a person acts like God living on earth (ka).

Well-known expression world of darkness in Slavic interpretation means: world 10.000(darkness=10.000). Image: wisdom (m) universal (i), i.e. not earthly (not ours), demarcated (p) created (b) solid (t) existing (b), thinking (m), but embodying (s) not in our understanding. Now let’s move on to the numerical images of initial letters: M=40, I=10, P=100, b=0 (40+100+10=150= 1+5= 6 ). T=300, b=0, M=40, N=0 (300+40=340=3+4= 7 ). 6=S- unknown, unknown. 7=Z- land, territory, space. That. world of darkness - uncharted space earths - planets where existence is not given from the Vedas, alien (dark).

Let's look at examples of how the essence of the image will change when using actions with numbers according to the rules of X-Aryan arithmetic. As we can see, there are 27 numerals in the Initial Letter, which corresponds to the number of Earths in the Solar System. There is no zero in this system, because zero is emptiness , or rather the border. In principle, the zero is present, but somewhat isolated, as a point of connection with implicit structures.

1+2=3, ·A· + ·B· = ·Г- az + wisdom = embodiment of thought (the verb-word is a materialized thought).
1+3=4, ·A· + ·G· = ·D·- az + embodied thought = accumulation, development, divine determination.
1+4=5, ·A· + ·D· = ·E·- az + development = being.
1+5=6, ·A· + ·E· = ·S·- az + being = beyond measure (multidimensional being).
1+6=7, ·А· + ·S· = ·Z·- az + unknown = earth (some result of actions).
1+7=8, ·A· + ·Z· = ·И·- az + earth = balance, harmony.
1+8=9, ·А· + ·И· = ··- az + balance = nature.
1+9=10, ·А· + ·· = ·I·- az + nature = universe (small)
2+2=4, ·В· + ·В· = ·Д·- wisdom + wisdom = good.
3+3=6, ·Г· + ·Г· = ·S·- verb + verb = extra-long verb (chatter).
4+4=8, ·D· + ·D· = ·I·- good + good = harmony (things should be in harmony, not interfere with each other).
1x1=1, ·А· x ·А· = ·А а·- multiplying race, parent, creator.
1x2=2, ·A· x ·В· = ·А в·- a person who increases his knowledge; knowledgeable person.

We looked at examples when the world around us is influenced by the person himself, and now let’s change the conditions.
·D· · ·D· = I4I · I4I= 16- “circle” (completeness, prosperity). 16 = ·SI·(six over ten, i.e. six over ten).
·D· x ·D· = I4I 3 · I4I = 32 (·LV·)- people in charge.
·D· x ·· = I4I 3 · I9I = 72 (·OB·)- the wisdom of the ancestors.
·В·х·С· = I2I 3 · I200I = 1600 (··) - multiplied word of wisdom spreads across all areas.
·В· ·С· = I2I · I200I = 400 (В·) - multiplied word of wisdom transmits information only to one of the human mental structures (consciousness, subconsciousness, preconsciousness, etc.).

Examples were given with addition (+), multiplication - multidimensional penetration (·), multiplication - three-dimensional multiplication (x), and now we will apply the rules of subtraction (-).
·D· - ·G· = ·A·- good without a verb is simply a person (we remove (subtract) information from development, accumulation, divine determination and get a savage).
In modern science, the question of the extraterrestrial origin of life and, in particular, humans on our planet is increasingly being discussed. Let's remove (subtract) man from nature:
·· - ·A· = ·I·- we get equilibrium state which shows human alienness to a given natural ecosystem. It is a destabilizing (extraneous) factor in achieving an equilibrium state, harmony. We remove goodness from nature:
·· - ·D· = ·E·, i.e. only the form of being remains (good, earth, being - forms of nature) “bare desert”, figuratively speaking (remember the outline of the letter D: something rising above a flat surface).
The Vedas say that our land Midgard used to have three satellites (): Lelya, Fattu, Month. Small moon Lelya more than 100 thousand years ago. Let's remove (subtract) the earth (minor planet) from nature and see what we get.
·· - ·Z· = ·В·- all that remains is the knowledge (information) that previously one of the natural forms of the earth was present in the nature of Midgard - the moon Lelya. Now let’s ask ourselves the question: what will a certain structure become, for example, if one of its constituent parts is subtracted from it?
·KZ· - ·D· = ·KG·- What is the earth without good? - communication at the level of information exchange.
·КZ· - ·В· = ·КЭ·- What is the earth without wisdom? - empty existence.
·KZ· - ·G· = ·KD·- what kind of land is there without a verb? - accumulation.
·КZ· - ·А· = ·КS·- What is the earth without people? - super-stable connections in nature, humans either strengthen or destroy them.
When subtracting and working with negative numbers, you can use shadow images of drop caps.
·A· - ·B· = - ·A·- without wisdom = denial of connection with the original, the divine in oneself.
·В· - ·Д· = - ·В·- wisdom without good = ignorance, unsystematic knowledge.
·K· - ·M· = - ·K·- volume without a mental matrix = unsystematic, fragmented.
60 - 700 = (-640) - spirit in the absence of soulfulness = dissatisfaction from obscured meaning, discord due to self-deception.
Let's move on to the division or correlation of spheres of influence on Earth. More broadly: the ratio of what is above to what is below.
·KZ· ·Г· = ··- dividing the earth with a verb, we get a part of nature.

Comparison of figurative forms to identify correspondence () (not equality but correspondence) between them: “balanced man” and “land of wisdom” what structures correspond to?
(·A· + ·I·) (·Z· + ·B·) (·G· + ·S·) (·D· + ·E·), because the sum of numbers in all cases is 9 , i.e. correspondence of figurative forms is harmonious.

Let us note that some religions have always been and are afraid of the so-called. “number of the beast” (although in earlier editions it was written “number of the living”), consisting of three sixes - 666 . Let's convert the number 666 in the initial letter, according to the Old Russian language: 600 - HIER, where is the image of the initial letter X - world balance, the highest positive meaning; 60- KSI, image - spirit; 6- DZELO, image - unknown. We got the following: . Preview image: the unknown of the spiritual level - the highest positive meaning of the World Understanding. For the very presence of something unknown, not discovered, stimulates man’s eternal need to learn and develop. But now everything unknown and incomprehensible to a person who has forgotten his lesson, frightening. It - evil, in a modern modified understanding, originates from phobias of foreign religions. Evil in Vedic understanding not absolutely, it is ignorance, ignorance.
6+6+6=18=1+8=9 - number of harmony: unity of Spirit and energy, personified in the initial letter FITA. The numerical value of this initial letter is 9 .

Now let's convert the number 666 into numbers according to a modern primer, adding the number of letters in each word:
six hundred(8) sixty(10) six(5). Open the ABC book and find 8th, 10th and 5th letters. As they say, please consider all coincidences to be random...

There is one more nuance. As you may have noticed, for numbers from 11 to 19 the letters of ones are written in the first place and the letters of tens are written in the second place. For example ·AI· is eleven. In principle, this is what it sounds like - one-in-twenty, in the old way - one-in-ten. This writing is explained by the images of the initial letters themselves, since the flow of English (I) is the control structure from which the first initial letter came:

·AI·- from the stream of England, a source, a person, arises; cognizing his essence, he accumulates grains of information;
·ВI·- from the flow of English, grains of information arise, the knowledge of which gives rise to an orderly flow of information (verbs);
·ГI·- from the flow of English there arises a purposeful, ordered flow of information (the number of transformation and change), through the knowledge of which good deeds are created;
·DI·- from the flow of inglia light arises, manifested in the form of good deeds, giving rise to the manifested world;
·ЕI·- from the stream of English the Explicit World arises, through the knowledge of which the worlds of Slava are understood;
·SI·- from the flow of English the element of the unknown arises, through the knowledge of which Earthly existence is cognized;
·ZI·- from the flow of English the Earth arises, through the knowledge of which the harmony of the manifest world is understood;
·ИI·- from the flow of English a harmonious flow arises, through the knowledge of which the beauty and spirituality of nature is understood;
·ѲI·- from the flow of English the world of nature arises, through the knowledge of which we return to the source on a new turn of the spiral.

And one more thing. Don't you think the coup is not accidental? According to D. Larson's theory, space and time are two interdependent and reciprocal aspects of movement. And movement is life. Space and time, matter and energy, gravity and levitation, Reality and Nav. So what can the flow of English be compared to and what is the control structure? This is the versatility of the images of numbers.
Or so. 2+3=5, ·B· + ·G· = ·E·- wisdom + verb = being. But the verb is also movement, flow. It turns out information in motion. But information in motion is energy. And the Explicit World is a certain state of information and energy. But if energy is information in motion, then information is energy in statics or an energy crystal. To put it another way, the Manifest World is the place where wisdom is conveyed by the verb.

Knowing the numerical values ​​of 27 initial letters, you can better understand the image and the word itself or an entire sentence by literally calculating them. It is enough to obtain numerical values ​​by adding together the numerical values ​​of the initial letters in the word. If the number turns out to be multi-digit, addition can be continued to a single number. In this case, each stage of addition will add new characteristics of the word. For example, consider the sentence “AWARENESS WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING.” WITHOUT can be replaced with a mathematical minus.

AWARENESS - 70+200+70+7+50+1+50+50+70+200+300=1068 (҂ AI- the highest source of spiritual balance); 1+6+8=15 ( EI- the flow of English of the Explicit World, through the awareness of which the elements of the unknown are understood (1+5=6));
UNDERSTANDING - 80+70+50+8+40+1+50+10+5=314 (TDI– approved all-pervasive action); 3+1+4=8 ( AND- leading to harmony);
1068 - 314 = 754 (IND- our soul is kind).

So it turns out: no matter how bright our Soul may be, without Understanding we cannot achieve Awareness.


There are many ways to perceive images. One of them is tabular. Filling squares of various formats ( 3x3(image), 5x5(energy), 7x7(being)) symbols that carry information hidden in them, makes it possible to look at the created image in a three-dimensional and multifaceted way. Let's start with the simplest thing: fill the square 7x7 with forty-nine characters of the Initial Cap, and then, using figurative developments, we will learn to read the connected text.

The basic rule: when interpreting, do not get attached to specific words or concepts. All interaction takes place in images. To facilitate understanding of the semantic image, we will introduce additional verbal connectives that are not directly related to the image itself.

This form of recording stores certain texts, the so-called. elementary truths, which are read if we begin to connect the images of neighboring initial letters, moving in in any direction. In principle, the entire worldview of the Slavic-Aryan peoples is embedded here.

- I am very wise when creating ancestral foundations in time.

- I (God living on Earth) live as a whole word descended and established itself everywhere;
- the gods very (many times) told people: go and return to your origins (roots, foundations);
- the earth knows the wisdom that comforts the entire expanse and leads to growth of the spirit;
- you say our original for the development of the soul;
- true goodness descending from above conveys to us the limit of holiness created together with mother nature;
- communal existence rests (is based) on creation which reflects the essence of God and leads to certain results.


I know God, saying good, which is life (multidimensional existence);
For physicists, it can be formulated in other ways using the example of an electron:
- an electron with a minimal (original) charge (Azъ) senses a stronger charge (Gods) and wants to receive (Vѣdi) its energy by flowing charge (Verbs). He wants this, striving for energetic stability (Good) in all manifestations (Is), wanting to become multidimensional (Is) (meaning to have not only a material form, but also a wave (spiritual); for a photon this is to be both a particle and a wave);
This line can be correlated with the Explicit body of a person. On a deeper level: alive + causal body;

Abundant life on earth is in harmony with both the Universe and the community, creating the tree of the universe (life on earth only develops when everything is in harmony: communal and individual);
- energy is received (Zhivot) through the flow of a new charge (Sѣlo) in the energy system (Zєmlya), and with each new electron the charge approaches energy stability (Izhє). As the energy of a stronger charge (Izhєi) flows out, it penetrates into the original charge and a new type of charge (Init) is created. New properties of a charge rich in energy appear (Gerv);
This line can be correlated with the hot body of a person;

The firm word consoles and calms, conveying the basis of the path to the noble light from our fathers.
- Having learned that energy exchange (Word) adds power, the new charge makes a clearly defined (Firmly) plan for energy exchange in order to change the surrounding structure (Uk), achieving global stability in the system where it exists (Ouk). Then the charge strives to gain even greater power (Fert), penetrating into the higher system (Хѣръ), where it reaches its boundary and at the same time the starting point of the beginning of the next stage (Ot);
This line can be correlated with the club body of a person;

A goal is a line upon reaching which we go beyond this line, ending up in a new space limited by our boundary; continuing to confidently create and interact with multiple forms created under Rod (nature);
- he sets a goal (Tse), and, according to his understanding of wisdom (Chervl), enters the spaces (Sha) and secures them (Shta) for himself. First he creates (Єръ) as a new charge, and then he creates as a higher energy system. (Єры) and completes this process by obtaining natural power (Єрь);
This line can be correlated with the cobalt body of a person;

Communication with the divine makes it possible to come into contact with something whole, located outside a certain circle of things, while perceiving only part of this homogeneous structure, existing regardless of whether we have fully cognized it or not, left to us as an inheritance;
- Having become the highest energy system (Yat), it leaves the general flow (Yun), separates from the homogeneous essence of charges (Ar), and penetrates (transforms) (Edo) into radiance (Om), becoming an image (Yen) (light), from which other charges feed and transfer its energy to derivative charges. (Od);
This line can be correlated with the marvelous body of a person;

Knowledge of what is unknown or unacceptable to us leads to the development of the spirituality of the soul, enhancing fusion with nature, leading to the harmonious movement of the stream of time of our consciousness;
- The higher energy system, coming out of the light (Iota), cools down (gives off heat, chaos), is freed from its power (Ota). She becomes a spirit (Xi) and, united with the soul (Psi), merges with mother nature (Fita), acquiring a state of goodness (harmony) in earthly conditions (Izhitsa). This leads to dissolution in time (Izha) in order to be able to return again with a new minimum charge (Azъ).
This line can be correlated with the light body of a person.

Let's extract a deeper image from the horizontal, since it corresponds to one well-known expression: "AZ AM". Let's read it from left to right, from right to left and in a double row (spiral from left to right).
1. interpretation of the image:"having emerged from his source, a person begins to perceive divine categories, which for him are the source of wisdom, cognizing which he begins to convey it with a verb. By transmitting knowledge, a person confirms this knowledge in life experience with good deeds that help him to cognize the Explicit World. Cognizing the Explicit World and by embodying good deeds in it, a person comes to expand the measure of his World Understanding.”
2. figurative control:"the more multidimensional worlds of Slavi determine the processes that take place in the Explicit World. The Explicit World is the basis for the creation of good deeds. Good deeds are the basis for the transfer of knowledge. By transferring knowledge, a person understands the knowledge itself more deeply, coming to divine knowledge, to God, thereby returning to To the source."
3. double strand:"man appears at the Source (A) and the Gods (B) are the cause of the emergence of the Source (A), which man himself perceives. The first to whom man (A) turns his gaze are the Gods (B), who created the Source. The Gods (B) are perceived by us as a colossal source of knowledge (C). Wisdom (C) is the language in which the Gods (B) speak to man. The basis of wisdom (C) is the transfer of (D) knowledge. (B), a person passes them on. The basis for the transfer of (D) knowledge is deeds (D), that is, a person’s ability to correspond to what he does, a person deepens it through good deeds (D), which. take place in the Explicit World (E). The Explicit World (E) is the basis for human actions (D) and the embodiment of knowledge is carried out taking into account the Laws of the Explicit World (E). The causes of many events in the Explicit World (E) lie in the worlds of Glory (I Am). Through actions in the Manifest World (E), a person approaches the worlds of Glory, that is, he begins to perceive more and more deeply, more multidimensionally, he begins to understand the essence of what is happening (I am).”

Below, we will only list, letter by letter, figurative management, starting from AND:
- life is the basis for the perception of diversity;
- the unknown begins to open through life;
- earth is the basis for the perception of the unknown;
- balance is the basis of earthly and heavenly structures;
- divine flow is the basis of harmony and balance;
- collective form is the basis for the perception of the divine flow;
- emotional uplift is the basis of people’s unity;
- deep perception is the basis of emotional uplift;
- people are the basis for perceiving the depth and volume of flow;
- thought is the basis of people’s perception;
- heritage is the basis for thinking;
- heavenly categories are the basis of heritage;
- peace is the basis of the perception of the divine;
- differentiation as creativity is the basis of peace, contemplation of what has been created; regularity;
- the word is the basis of speech, the embodiment of thoughts;
- hardness is the basis for the embodiment of the word;
- aspiration, call - the basis of firmness;
- foundation - the basis of aspiration;
- nobility is the basis of our foundation;
- harmony is the basis of nobility;
- the limit is the basis of harmony, after which new goals open up;
- the goal is the basis for the existence of the limit;
- edge - the basis for goal formation;
... (try it yourself, personal experience is necessary)
- unacceptable, but existing - the basis of knowledge;
- spirit is the basis of the unknown, but existing;
- the soul is the basis for the development of the spirit;
- merging with nature is the basis of the soul;
- harmonious movement is the basis for merging with nature;
- the measure of time is the basis of harmonious movement.

Circled- this is when unified images give rise to new unified images, which, in contact with new ones, give rise to even newer ones, etc. (levels and orders). Interesting analogies can be traced in, especially in its “garbage part,” as modern scientists say. That is, figuratively, they circled - this is a self-propelled, rotating (circling) Universe. This form is a circle or square filled with a certain set of iconic symbols. Circles can be digital, alphabetic, or numeral.

Drawing a square 5x5 and fill it with numbers from 1 to 25 . The filling principle is as follows: the upper left corner (the beginning of the circle) is marked with the number 1. Numbers 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 squares are marked where the direction of movement changes and a loop is obtained (vortex zone, if desired, you can see the solar symbol by connecting these numbers). The remaining numbers are placed in the same order (the same letter G as in chess), but without changing the direction of movement. The end of the movement is the center of the square (25). Based on this principle, where numbers are serial numbers letters in the Drop Cap, fill in the square of letter circles. Only half of the initial letters (sounds that came from a single divine beginning) will fit. The remaining letters make up the second square.

- I will be consoled by our communal existence; I strive for unity in the diversity of our multidimensional existence.
- this universe lives according to the affirmation from above; enlightenment from this diversity of life affirms the spirit manifested in matter.
- very divine foundations exist in wisdom; unknown divine foundations fill existence with wisdom.
- peace as a verb of the true word; a stable state of peace as a path to conflict-free harmonization of voiced thoughts.
- He who knows earthly things speaks good things to people; knowledge of the wisdom of the multidimensionality of Earthly existence delimits and organizes human affairs.

- when I create, I will experience great peace (I worked well - I rested well); I, admiring the perception of the unknown, returns to a state of stable peace, realizing the connecting link with the previously unknown.
- its approach to the divine as to the earthly (striving for the divine, do not reject the earthly); the aspiration to the divine foundation given from above expands the spectrum of perception of the Earthly plane of existence.
- community life is defined by the verb that we speak (community life is based on the transfer of information from generation to generation). Speaking with a verb determines the life of the community (how we speak is how we live); the awareness of unity in the many diverse forms of life determines the inviolability of the direction of the process of creation through differentiation and ordering.
- what we have approved into existence is truly human; our heritage, embodied in existence, is the path of conflict-free harmonization of relationships between people.
- existing divine (universal) wisdom, stream (word) of good. A good word of wisdom is a form of true multidimensionality of existence; the multidimensional flow of divine wisdom passes into matter through good deeds.

- the divine verb is life.
- I know the development of existence.

- It is this foundation that collects this good. Good unites the foundations of this ace (az).
- in contact with life, being continues (“flow”).
- the community affirms wisdom.
- our Divine, which gives perfect life.
- the Gods spoke well to people.
- greatly explaining your speech (commandments, instructions).
- the peace of the earth was in charge.

And now we read the entire square, circling in a spiral from the central one, up and down - this abutment collects, and this is good. In contact with life, Existence continues like a stream. The community affirms our Divine wisdom, which gives perfect life. The Gods spoke well to people, and, moreover, explaining their speech with commandments and instructions, they knew the peace of the earth.

You can also walk along other edges of the images:

- I, given from above by harmonizing with good deeds, approaches the understanding of the diversity of life forms, which manifests itself through creation with words, leading to a unified order in diversity, affirming (stabilizing) the process of understanding our (divine) flow of light from multidimensionality.
- a foundation given from above, harmonizing with good deeds, enters a state of enlightenment from the divine flow, which leads people to expand the depth of perception of the accumulated, ordered and delimited binary spheres of existence in a state of stable (calm) contemplation (understanding) on ​​the earthly plane of the connecting link between two separated systems.

You can walk the entire square and spin around Lead to I am. At the same time, at the beginning we have a connection between two systems (B), at the end - multidimensionality, multistructure. Let’s go through this facet of the image:

The connection (interaction) of two systems, which has a depth of original information, brought to a stable state on the Earthly plane, but which is beyond deep understanding and hidden by the process of creation, illuminated by the divine flow, is united into the likeness of a single one, and becomes the reason that the one given to it from above, manifesting and harmonizing with good deeds, approaches the understanding of the diversity of life forms (based on binary), which manifests itself through creation with words, comes to a single order in diversity, affirming (stabilizing) the process of understanding our (divine) flow of light (path) in multidimensionality.

In a similar way, let us circle around the other diagonal - we know how the foundation of created life creates us (I am), while our calm divine life only with the predominance of the communal form, and all the good things united in the universe are embodied in us. The earthly verb will tell about the subsequent life, which is the true wisdom of the people of the word (Slavs), embodied in goodness.

As you can see, we are back again to vibrational (energy) and
