Useful vegetables and fruits in winter. Edged weapons: what fruits and vegetables should you buy in winter? Safe vegetables in winter

How to replenish the vitamin supply in the winter, when the choice of fresh is limited? There are, of course, greenhouses, but, as experience shows, they solve the problem of vitamin deficiency somehow sluggishly.

It is not surprising - overseas fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits), as a rule, are not rich, and besides, they are stuffed with fertilizers and all that sort of thing. Yes, they look like the picture. But the benefits are debatable.

No matter how trite it may seem, your eyes in winter should be turned primarily to vegetables containing phytoncides.

Onions and garlic, when used regularly, can protect a weakened body from colds, boost immunity and help “hold out” until the first spring greenery.

Onions, especially green ones, are a real storehouse of useful substances in off-season times. It is a living source of vitamins C, E, B, carotene, thiamine, nicotinic and folic acids, as well as mineral salts. In addition, both onions and garlic are excellent anti-sclerotic agents that can suppress cholesterol synthesis and regulate blood pressure. The anti-cancer activity of onions is also known. According to the recommendation of the State Educational Institution of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the consumption rate of onions per year for an adult is 10 kg, of which 2 kg is in the form of fresh herbs.

Just do not forget: fresh onions and garlic in large quantities are not recommended for peptic ulcers, diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. For those who cannot tolerate onions, you can offer leek, it does not contain many essential oils and is considered dietary.

White cabbage is another indispensable crop in winter. In pickled form, it is the leader in the content of ascorbic acid among vegetables. The anti-ulcer vitamin U was first found in cabbage, and the leaves contain tartonic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Carotene, despite the fact that it is most in carrots, is absorbed better from leafy vegetables (which include cabbage).

In addition, this vegetable is rich in sugars, fiber and potassium. Therefore, cabbage can rightly be considered a medicinal crop. To get the maximum benefit, it should be consumed fresh or pickled, since after heat treatment, some of the vitamins are destroyed.

You should not get involved in a cabbage diet with an exacerbation of peptic ulcer and kidney diseases. In other cases, it is advisable to eat 300 g of cabbage per day. As an alternative to white cabbage, Beijing, or Chinese, cabbage is suitable.

“Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage will not allow dashing” - says a Russian folk proverb. Horseradish, although it refers more to spices, can rightly be attributed to the most useful winter vegetables. Rhizomes are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2 and PP, have a pleasant burning taste, stimulate appetite and are a proven antiscorbutic and bactericidal agent. Horseradish activates the secretion of gastric juice, so it is used as a seasoning for fatty protein foods.

Radishes are useful all without exception. In winter, most often you can find the traditional black radish, Margelan radish with dark green pointed roots and daikon. Root crops contain many vitamins C and B1, they are rich in potassium and magnesium, phytoncides and essential oils (especially black radish).

Good "rare" cuisine for gout, kidney stones and high cholesterol in the blood. And black radish juice with honey is a well-known folk recipe for coughs and colds. You should not get carried away with radish only for diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and heart.

With proper storage, vitamins are stored for a long time in the roots of carrots, beets, celery, and also in pumpkins.

The ten most useful vegetables and fruits in winter.

The orange color of its pulp indicates a large amount of beta-carotene. This substance, a derivative of vitamin A, strengthens vision, stimulates the renewal of lung and bronchial cells.

A milkshake with persimmons will help alleviate a cough (whisk half a liter of milk with two peeled ripe fruits in a blender).

Also, persimmon contains a lot of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which helps fight fatigue and is involved in the production of the hormone serotonin, our natural antidepressant.

But the main “trick” of persimmon is vegetable sugars, which are good for the heart and do not harm the figure. Scientists from the University of Munich found that persimmon helps to normalize blood pressure without the use of drugs in the initial stage of hypertension.


On a cold morning, the body will wake up faster if you drink tea infused with Antonovka slices. In the baked form, apples improve the functioning of the stomach. Apple juice stimulates metabolism.

Green apples of sweet and sour varieties contain a lot of iron. This trace element is very important for blood, fights fatigue and anemia.

In the seeds of "winter" apples, for example, antonovka, there is a lot of iodine: 5-6 apple seeds cover the daily requirement. Iodine helps to overcome hypersensitivity to cold.

Antonovka has long been used as a remedy for winter beriberi: by spring, it retains up to 90% of vitamin C, while in other fruits its content drops to 40-30%!

On the day you need to eat 2 large apples or 3-4 smaller ones.


Eating one pomegranate or drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day is a great way to “cleanse” the blood after a cold and flu. It contains enzymes that help the production of erythrocytes - red blood cells.

Pomegranate contains four essential vitamins: C - strengthens the immune system, P - blood vessels, B6 - the nervous system, and B12 improves the blood count.

Pomegranate astringents help to get rid of a painful cough in bronchitis, and also stimulate the pancreas. But with increased acidity of the stomach, pomegranate juice in its pure form is contraindicated - it is better to dilute it with carrot juice.

But the cores in a concentrated form should not drink this juice - it increases blood clotting and can damage if prone to thrombosis.

On the day you can eat one ripe pomegranate or drink a glass of pomegranate juice.


Grapefruit juice helps to gently lower blood pressure. For hypertension, it is recommended to take 1/4 cup of grapefruit juice 20-30 minutes before meals. Also, this fruit contains the substance bromelain, which enhances lipid metabolism, in other words, helps to “burn” fats.

Orange juice lowers cholesterol levels.

Out of breath on the subway? Buy a bottle of grapefruit essential oil at the pharmacy - it relieves attacks of lightheadedness and dizziness.

Oranges, tangerines and grapefruits contain: beta-carotene or vitamin A, which is important for skin and digestion, B6, which fights derpessia, ascorbic acid, and also a lot of folic acid, which is important for hormonal metabolism.

Immunologists advise eating half a grapefruit a day or two oranges a day in winter to prevent colds.


Scientists call it the "snow queen" among berries. Still: if it is hit with frost, there is only more vitamin C in the marsh berry!

So when frozen, it does not lose any useful properties.

Cranberries contain acids that act like real antibiotics. Cranberry juice helps fight inflammation of the kidneys, recover faster after the flu and SARS.

Cranberry juice is useful for preventing the formation of kidney stones. And soaked cranberries relieve fever, quickly relieve fever. So be sure to keep a bag of frozen cranberries in the fridge in case of winter colds.

In addition to ascorbic acid, it contains a lot of potassium, which is important for vitamin H, which is necessary for immunity, and phosphorus, which gives muscle tone and strength to bones and teeth.

It is advisable to drink half a liter of cranberry juice a day, made from

a couple of glasses of fresh or frozen cranberries.


Cabbage 2-3 day salting, which is most often sold in stores, is not very useful. But real sauerkraut has the most vitamin C and antioxidants among winter preparations. It is better to eat sauerkraut not earlier than 10 days after salting (during this time, harmful compounds - nitrites - break down in it). There is more vitamin C in sauerkraut than in fresh!

And scientists also call white cabbage a “minus-calorie” product. This means that the body spends more energy on its processing than it receives calories from it!

Also in cabbage (and in ordinary white cabbage and broccoli) there is a lot of unique vitamin K, which helps our immunity to defend against cancer. But this vitamin is fat-soluble, that is, it is absorbed by the body only with fats. So cabbage salad is best seasoned with vegetable oil.

To get your daily requirement of vitamin K, you need to eat about 250 grams of fresh or sauerkraut per day.


Its freshly squeezed juice is good for metabolic disorders, diabetes. A glass of juice drunk on an empty stomach will help get rid of cardiac or renal edema. There are a lot of zinc salts in the pumpkin, and they increase male potency (so treat the missus with pumpkin pancakes more often). Vitamin E smoothes and moisturizes the skin.

Pumpkin seeds are a recognized choleretic agent. Helps the liver if you overeat or drink too much. In addition, the pumpkin pulp contains a lot of vitamin D, which is especially valuable in a short daylight hours. It is needed for the strength of bones and teeth and is produced by the body only under the influence of sunlight.

Eat up to 250 grams of pumpkin pulp per day or drink 2 glasses of pumpkin juice.

Tomatoes and tomato juice

The best source of the antioxidant lycopene. Moreover, it is better absorbed not from fresh fruits, but from stewed, baked, and also from tomato paste. The daily preventive dose of lycopene is 10-15 mg. It can be obtained from a choice of: 200 g of tomatoes in their own juice, 2 glasses of tomato juice, or 3-4 tablespoons of natural tomato sauce.

Tomatoes in all forms are very rich in potassium, and this is good for the cores (the daily requirement of potassium is contained in a glass of tomato juice).

Tomato juice gently reduces arterial and intracranial pressure, it is useful to drink it in case of hypertension and glaucoma.

But tomatoes are high in fiber and acids. Therefore, you should not eat a lot of tomato dishes with gastritis with high acidity and inflammation of the gallbladder.

Drink a glass of tomato juice a day or eat two or three tomatoes in their own juice.


Our natural "antibiotic" - it is rich in antimicrobial substances. The bitterness contained in it has an anti-sclerotic effect, that is, they are involved in the breakdown of “bad” cholesterol. The radish is well stored and holds the title of champion among vegetables in terms of preservation of vitamin C over the winter. It also has diuretic properties, which is useful for vascular edema and high blood pressure.

Grated radish with honey is one of the best cough recipes. Green radish (daikon) salad with sunflower oil and will help to cope with winter asthenia (loss of strength).

But because of bitterness, radish is contraindicated in inflammation of the stomach, pancreas and kidney stones.

To maintain immunity during the beriberi season, it is enough to eat 150 grams of radish salad per day or take two tablespoons of radish juice with.

Green pea

In addition to magnesium, zinc, proteins (there are more of them, by the way, than in), nicotinic acid PP, which is important for heart function, there are a lot of two important B vitamins in green peas.

- B1 (thiamine) strengthens the nervous system, is involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline.

– B2 (riboflavin) provides cells with energy. This is important for maintaining normal thermoregulation, including our response to cold. Its lack causes chilliness, a feeling of lack of air.

These vitamins are lost during long-term storage, but are preserved during conservation. So if you are frozen and come home from work on your nerves, open a jar of your favorite peas from Soviet times, but under a glass. This is where it gets warmer.

Because of our harsh climate, two myths have developed among the people. The first was born in the era of Soviet shortages: fresh vegetables and fruits can only be eaten in season, and at other times of the year, home-made stocks are better - pickles, jams, compotes. The second myth sounds more scientific: since our distant ancestors ate only what they got in their native lands, then human metabolism is closely related to the area of ​​​​residence. Since there were no fresh gifts of nature in winter (especially tropical ones), it means that they are harmful to us.

Potato is not ours

If you think so, then first of all you need to give up not bananas and citrus fruits, but the main national product - potatoes, - explains Viktor Konyshev, nutrition expert, MD. - It began to be planted, like coffee, only under Peter I, that is, only 300 years ago. From the point of view of evolution, this is an insignificantly small period of time during which no adaptation of the metabolism to the product can occur.

On the other hand, even if you eat only what your 6 acres bring, then such food will not be ideal. Why?

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend at least 400 g of vegetables, fruits and berries daily for disease prevention, explains Viktor Konyshev. - Each fruit is endowed with beneficial substances inherent only to it, therefore it is better to combine different gifts of nature. Cranberries, for example, are inferior to blackcurrant, sea buckthorn and kiwi in terms of vitamin C content. But it has a lot of resveratrol (protects against atherosclerosis). Sea buckthorn and avocado, unlike other fruits, contain many useful unsaturated fatty acids. It is often believed that fruits are the source of all vitamins. But it's not. Basically, they contain only vitamin C, folic acid and beta-carotene (from which vitamin A is formed). The need for other vitamins must be replenished through food of animal origin and cereals. For example, in winter, vitamin D is especially important for us - there is not enough sun for its production in the body. This vitamin is not found in fruits; eggs, butter, cod liver, and caviar will help to fill the need for it.

On the recommendation of the WHO, information campaigns promoting fruits and vegetables have been carried out in many countries. If Russia heard this call, then our slogan would sound like this: “5 times a day!”. This means that everyone needs to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day, each serving is 80-100 grams. But in some countries they increased the recommended dose to 6-12 times a day. In addition, people were taught to eat fruits of different colors. The "game" of colors has a serious scientific basis - the most useful substances with a powerful antioxidant effect give color to fruits and vegetables. They protect us from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, even many types of cancer.

Can we live without pineapples?

What to look for when going to the store?

Carrots, beets, cabbage, turnips, radishes and onions are the only Russian vegetables that can be preserved all winter without preservation. But they alone are not enough. You also need tomatoes, colored peppers, zucchini, eggplant, salads, etc. Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato juice.

Domestic fruits do not survive the winter. Therefore, do not disdain gifts from warm lands. Of course, you can do without pineapples and mangoes. But the body needs the usual oranges and tangerines.

Pickles, jams and compotes are no longer useful gifts of nature, but ... to put it mildly, their imitation. But there is one exception - sauerkraut. True, it is more correct to attribute it not to pickles, but to fermentation products like kefir and wine. After fermentation, useful substances from it are absorbed much better. When stewing cabbage, they are partially destroyed.

Freeze summer berries, vegetables and fruits in the freezer. So, unlike jams and pickles, useful substances will be preserved. Strawberries and cherries should not be considered seasonal delicacies - they are useful all year round. But pickles, on the contrary, are elevated to the rank of a special delicacy - this is really yummy, but it is better to eat it less often.

Add dry greens a pinch to different dishes. In terms of useful properties, it is not inferior to fresh.

Potatoes are almost the only plant product that is not considered healthy. Vitamins, antioxidants and other necessary substances in it “the cat cried”, and there is a lot of starch. Replace it with vegetable side dishes.

It is impossible not to say about greenhouse vegetables and herbs grown by hydroponics - in pots or on artificially simulated soil. Of course, ground is better. But these will fit.

Avocado like gloves?

In fact, there are no harmful vegetables and fruits - there are only individual contraindications to them.

For example, an allergy to citrus fruits. It often happens in early childhood, so breastfeeding mothers should also avoid these fruits, Konyshev continues his story. - Many people like to lower blood pressure with chokeberry. But due to the high content of vitamin K, these berries increase blood clotting, which is undesirable for older people, and in fact they are more likely to suffer from hypertension. This feature of chokeberry is important to take into account for those who take drugs that lower blood clotting (warfarin and other vitamin K antagonists), their usual dose may be ineffective. With many diseases of the digestive system, sour fruits will not work. People who are allergic to the material of latex gloves, due to the similarity of latex protein to the protein of some fruits, often have the same reaction to avocados, pineapples, bananas, melons, figs, kiwi, papayas, peaches, tomatoes and chestnut fruits.

AT winter time our body needs vitamins more than ever, but the choice of fresh vegetables and fruits that are really beneficial is very limited. The question arises: what to eat in winter, because most of them are greenhouse, brought from afar, which implies excessive use of fertilizers, early harvesting of fruits and processing with various chemicals.

How to be in such a case?

Doctors advise choosing ripe and juicy vegetables and fruits, giving preference to domestic seasonal products, and from imported ones, you should choose the one whose road from the place of growth to the store was as short as possible. This guarantees the minimum use of preservative gas, thanks to which grapes, apricots, etc. are stored for up to six months, and fruits in hard skins for a year. Goods imported from countries such as Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, chemistry, as a rule, is not processed.

In general, all vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed before use, and to get rid of accumulated nitrates and chemicals, soak for half an hour in boiled water.

And now we present to your attention winter food list from which you can and should get the most out of it.

Fruits and vegetables to eat in winter:


This fruit is not in vain called the fruit of health, because it contains a large amount of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, E, as well as iron, potassium and manganese. Useful properties of apples are preserved until the end of winter, so they are a good tool for the prevention of beriberi and colds. A variety such as Antonovka retains up to 90% of vitamin C until spring. Thanks to fiber, apples satisfy hunger for a long time, and the pectin contained in them improves complexion and prolongs youth.


Pears are a good source of nutrients such as fiber, glucose, carotene, folic acid, iron, iodine, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. The fruits also contain a lot of such vitamins C, E, vitamins of group B, R. The antibiotic arbutin effectively fights microbes, and pectin has a positive effect on bowel function and helps to remove unwanted substances from the body.

Important: pears should not be eaten with heavy food and washed down with raw water. Do not eat this fruit on an empty stomach.

Daily intake of pears: 2 fruits.


It is well known that oranges, tangerines, kiwis are an excellent source of vitamin C, the sufficient intake of which is especially important in winter. In addition, they contain folic acid (without which the normal functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems of the human body is impossible), potassium (lowers blood pressure) and flavonoids (have anti-cancer, antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties).

Important: people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, citrus fruits are contraindicated.

In winter, you should eat 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit or 4-5 tangerines and 2 kiwis per day.


In this storehouse of useful substances, potassium, magnesium and β-carotene are present in large quantities, which are considered an excellent anti-cancer agent. Persimmon also contains iodine, iron, cobalt, sodium, copper, calcium, glucose and fructose, and is not inferior to green tea in terms of antioxidant content.

Important: persimmon should not be used by people who have recently undergone surgery, as well as those suffering from diabetes and adhesive bowel disease.

Daily intake: 2-3 medium sized fruits.


This versatile product contains all the essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan and valine) necessary for the healthy functioning of our body. Monounsaturated fats in its composition help fight bad cholesterol, and vitamin E protects cells from the destructive attack of viruses. The use of this fruit in winter improves memory, restores the nervous system and relieves fatigue, drowsiness and irritability.


In winter, this fruit supplies our body with essential vitamins and minerals such as A, B1, B2, B6, E, iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, chromium, manganese and copper. One pomegranate contains 40% of the daily value of vitamin C. Thanks to the antioxidants that make up the fruit, it is a good antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. The use of pomegranate is recommended for low hemoglobin levels.

Important: pomegranate juice should be diluted with water in proportions of 1:3

Enough to eat per day 1 fruit.


Due to the high content of organic acids, this berry is rightfully considered the leader among products, the use of which is necessary for beriberi. Particularly in winter.

Cranberries are rich in vitamins such as C, K, E, A, and also contain a lot of potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus and manganese. The antioxidants that make up the berry help to remove radionuclides from the body, lower cholesterol levels, and also heal wounds and prevent the formation of malignant tumors.

Curious fact: cranberries have a long shelf life due to benzoic acid, a natural preservative contained in it.

Onion and garlic

Regular use of onions and garlic helps to boost immunity and win the fight against colds. These products are just a living source of nutrients in the off-season. From them you can get vitamins C, E, carotene, thiamine, folic and nicotinic acids.

Important: in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as well as peptic ulcer disease, it is not recommended to get carried away eating these vegetables.

White cabbage

Another indispensable vegetable in the winter. Contains anti-ulcer vitamin U and tartaric acid, which prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats. A rich source of vitamins A, C, K, B, as well as fiber, carotene and rutin - a flavonoid that strengthens blood vessels.

For maximum benefits, it is best to eat cabbage fresh or sauerkraut, as heat treatment destroys some of the vitamins.

Sauerkraut is an excellent source of vitamin C in winter. When fermented, it contains beneficial cultures of lactic acid bacteria that promote proper bowel function and resist inflammation and the growth of harmful bacteria.

Important: excessive passion for cabbage is not recommended for kidney diseases and exacerbations of peptic ulcer.

Daily intake of cabbage - 300 g.


In winter, this vegetable helps to strengthen the immune system and restore energy. Possessing strong cleansing properties, beets help improve the condition of the blood and remove harmful uric acid from the body. In addition to glucose, fiber, potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and pantothenic acid, it contains cesium and rubidium, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Curious fact: the substances contained in beets are not destroyed by heat treatment.

Important: people with diabetes, as well as urolithiasis and a predisposition to osteoporosis, should avoid eating this vegetable.

Everyone else can eat 250 g of beets every day.


In winter, we can get vitamins such as C, B1, B2, PP from this vegetable. And, like all orange fruits and vegetables, pumpkin is rich in carotene (vitamin A). It contains a lot of iron, calcium, zinc, copper, potassium and magnesium, as well as phosphoric acid, which is responsible for the metabolism in the body.

Pumpkin juice is also useful, which helps to restore strength after a hard day's work.

Curious fact: due to the high content of zinc, pumpkin is the best natural remedy for increasing male potency.

The daily dose of pumpkin consumption is 250 g of pulp or 2 glasses of juice.


This natural antibiotic is rich in antimicrobial substances that help increase the body's resistance to infections. Radish is a storehouse of vitamin C, retinol, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, essential oils and phytoncides. It is simply indispensable in the treatment of beriberi. And if you grate radishes and carrots and fill with sunflower oil, you will get an excellent tool to combat the winter breakdown.

Important: the bitterness contained in the vegetable is contraindicated in kidney stones and inflammation of the stomach.

According to experts, in order for nutrition to be complete and enough vitamins to enter the body, vegetables and fruits should be present in our diet in an amount of at least 5 servings, each of which is 80-100 g.

text: Karna Kruchina

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Winter is the time when the body needs vitamins. Someone drinks supplements, someone just consumes more vitamin D, and someone - nothing, relying on internal reserves, writes "MK Estonia".

But it is believed that no synthetics can replace natural natural vitamins. Which can only be found in vegetables and fruits. But does it make sense to buy store-bought watermelons in December and hope for their benefit? And what is really useful from the assortment offered now?

According to doctors, it always makes sense to hope for fruits and even get real vitamins. You just need to buy fruits that are in season and, of course, ripe. Then there is a chance that the body will receive not a set of fertilizers and chemical protection, but substances that are useful and necessary for health.
Not talking about age

“You know, this, of course, is only my subjective opinion, but if you want something really healthy and tasty, buy local,” says the doctor. - You just think about where all these beautiful vegetables and fruits come from. How much time do they spend on the road? How long do they stay on the counter? During these weeks, they lose all the useful substances that they contained. ”

The second important point that the doctor draws attention to is that growing vegetables and fruits is a serious business. Therefore, tons of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are poured onto the fields. To grow better, bigger and bigger. And then all this in an unripe form is collected and sent for sale. Green - so that it does not deteriorate along the way and, if possible, lies on the counter for as long as possible, while maintaining its presentation. And how much in such unripe vitamins is a big question.

“God forbid buying now, for example, strawberries,” warns Dr. Adik Levin. - It's one kind. It tastes like plastic. It crunches on the teeth like a cucumber. Be patient until the summer, when the season of ours, the local one, begins. It's not much, but it's real! Freeze for the winter and enjoy. No need to buy fruits and vegetables that are out of season.”

The only trouble is that in local stores now there are only cabbage, potatoes and rutabagas. And this is not quite the same when the soul asks for raspberries or, say, plums. But the doctor warns that precisely because of the early collection, long transportation, there is nothing useful in such bright and beautiful fruits. Therefore, let's still try to choose seasonal fruits, even if they are overseas, but which you can now buy. And at the same time find out what useful substances can be found in them.

Overseas, eggplant

Mozambique, South, and Peru are the countries where most of the vegetables come from. And if there are almost no delivery issues with the “nearby” countries, then overseas fruits seem a little more doubtful.

Well, it looks strange - the height of winter, and here we have watermelons, melons, plums and other exotics, which are just the same better to use in season. Then they are the most delicious and healthy. Now such non-seasonal “semi-finished products” are brought to us - collected unripe, left to ripen in the store and often spoil very quickly. For example, the same plums or mangoes - ripe and juicy now cannot be found in the afternoon with fire. Green mango tastes like pine needles (by the way, the case when it can even be eaten like this, because it has a huge amount of fiber and starch), but plums are sour and hard.

But in the winter season, you can safely buy persimmons, all varieties of citrus fruits, pomegranates, kiwi and avocados. With avocados, it’s generally simple - its season lasts all year round. We were also lucky with year-round availability in terms of pineapples, pitahai, lychees. It is worth abstaining from “summer” fruits. Plums, watermelons, strawberries, melons - they all look beautiful, but the taste is far from ideal. Well, unless you are lucky to find strawberries from either (February-April season) or the right melon - soft and fragrant. But the chances are slim. What is on the shelves now is just a picture. You can forget about vitamins here.

Well, we offer you a more detailed description of seasonal (late autumn-winter) and year-round fruits that can be found with us in a more or less edible form: how useful they are, what they should be, where they are imported from, and approximate prices (local supermarkets as of on 30 November).


Season: November to April.

Vitamins: A, B, C in large quantities, D and PP. Of the trace elements, it is rich in iron and copper. Enhances intestinal motility.

Countries: The top importing countries are Spain and Israel. It is here that the sweetest fruits are grown. Very tasty - Navel variety (there are varieties of it).


Season: January-February. The first fruits that appear in our stores in the fall can be very upsetting - there will be a lot of peel and a nut of unripe pulp.

Vitamins: A huge and very tasty variety of grapefruit. Contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B5, minerals: calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium.

Countries: imported from China and . The fruit is good because it is not too sweet, it is easy to peel, it can easily replace either breakfast or dinner. Or just have a snack.


Season: November to January.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E. A huge amount of dietary fiber and minerals.

Country: Spain. We have mainly a species called "clementine". It is easy to clean, tasty and cheap, you can buy in boxes. Come across Maroc, with the familiar black rhombus sticker. It is also a tasty variety, but it has a thin peel and is sometimes difficult to peel. But the taste and aroma are amazing.


Season: Winter is considered the best time.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C and E. Doctors recommend eating half of this fruit daily. And now is the time for them - only in winter you can buy really tasty and healthy grapes.

Countries: Israel, South Africa. Red grapefruits are sweeter than white ones. And in total there are more than 20 varieties.


Season: from October to the end of February.

Vitamins: vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3. Contains cartoin, iodine, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron. Very useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system. But this fruit is not suitable for diabetics.

Countries: and Spain. Spanish persimmon is considered one of the most delicious, because it is picked already ripe. But at the beginning of the season on the shelves, most often it is hard-stone, which is impossible to eat - it knits in the mouth. Ripe persimmons are soft, juicy and very, very tasty. If the fruit is hard to the touch, it is better not to buy. Or let him lie down at home for a few days.

A pineapple

Season: all year round, but for some reason they are the most delicious with us in winter.

Vitamins: B1, B2, B12, PP, provitamin A, minerals, iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iodine. Stimulates digestion, cleanses the intestines, reduces blood viscosity, lowers blood pressure, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Attention! This is a very strong allergen, so use with caution.

Vitamins: one pomegranate contains 40% of the daily value of vitamin C. Also vitamins K and B6. Rich in thiamine, niacin, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. It is recommended to use with a low level of hemoglobin.

Countries: the main supplier is . In the markets you can find pomegranates from the Black Sea coast - Turkish, Azerbaijani. All of them are delicious, but it is better to choose fruits with a barely dried peel, which slightly fits the grains. The peel should be bright red - in unripe fruits it is pale, and in overripe fruits it is burgundy with dark spots. Large fruits have more juicy grains.


Season: from June to September, but can be found in stores now.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, PP, E and beta-carotene. Among the important minerals in figs are iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. Figs can relieve sore throats and coughs, and also act as an antipyretic. It is recommended to use figs with a predisposition to thrombosis, tachycardia, as well as people suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Figs help with increased heart rate and bronchial asthma.

Countries: Central Asia, Turkey


Season: the best in winter.

Vitamins: a daily supply of vitamin C in one fruit. Most of the kiwi is water (about 84%). Dietary fiber, nicotinic acid, mono- and disaccharides. Kiwi is low in calories, but very rich in vitamins and useful trace elements. And the biggest plus is that they do not collapse during conservation, due to the acidity of kiwi. The fruit reduces the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, improves digestion.

Countries: New Zealand

There were few on the shelves in the summer, but now there is none left at all. Appetizing-looking foreign fruits travel to our stores from the farthest corners of the world. Which of them is more useful and safer for health?

The general rule for all vegetables and fruits is the same - it is better to buy those fruits, the way of which to the store counter was as short as possible. This means that a minimum amount of preservative gas was applied to them, which helps to store grapes for six months, and fruits in hard skins - up to 12 months.

Vegetables and fruits from Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, as a rule, are not treated with chemicals - they can make a short trip to Ukraine.

By the way, it is generally accepted that in vegetables grown in greenhouses, there are fewer vitamins than in their counterparts from open ground. This is not true! The amount of vitamins is the same. But the taste qualities are different: for those that grew under the sun, the taste is richer and more multifaceted than for fruits that are forced to be content with a light bulb.

Imported fruits, as a rule, are removed a little earlier than natural ripening in order to bring them in good condition. Because of this, most of them contain too much nitrate. The leaders in the content of nitrates in winter are greens and green onions, followed by cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, potatoes. To get rid of nitrates, greens and vegetables should be washed with soap and soaked in boiled water for 30-40 minutes.

It is optimal to leave them soaked in a transparent three-liter jar standing on the windowsill. Under the influence of daylight, the output of nitrates will be maximum. It would be useful to first remove the skin from potatoes and cucumbers. Do not cook potatoes in the same water in which they soaked!

By the way

Buying dried fruit is even more difficult than buying fresh fruit. It is necessary to choose the most nondescript samples, dry, with a matte surface. Wet dried apricots, prunes are soaked in different solutions - from harmless soda to toxic chemical. Brilliant fruits are rubbed with oil. The right dried fruit knocks on the table, it must be soaked before eating. Pay attention that there is no black mold on the dried fruit - this is Aspergillus, which causes severe poisoning. It is impossible to cut it. Less dangerous penicillin gray-green mold. If it is, it is enough to choose fruits that are not affected by the fungus - they can be eaten.

Before eating, thoroughly wash all citrus fruits - oranges and those with red barrels are often ... washed! If so, do not give them to children without peeling - a dye prohibited for human consumption may be applied to the peel. Imported apples always need to be cleaned - most often they are treated not with expensive wax, as we used to think, but with cheap synthetic paraffin. Not a single detergent composition is able to erase this paraffin from the peel. And once in the stomach, chemicals can cause poisoning. It is also important to wash thoroughly - in hot water and with soap: before selling, their green skins are treated with the notorious banana gas - a mixture of nitrogen and ethylene, so that they turn yellow.

Where are you from to us?


The main suppliers are Israel 1, Egypt 2, less often potatoes come from Europe (France 3, Belgium 4) and Pakistan 5.

Important: If the potato does not germinate for a long time, the eyes of the tubers are sunken in, closed, which means that it has been treated with anti-growth chemistry. If the tuber does not darken at the incision site, most likely the vegetable is genetically modified.


Its main suppliers are Poland 6, China 7.

Important: It is definitely better to choose domestic heads of cabbage, especially since they are stored all winter. The longer the cabbage lies, the less nitrates it contains. In addition, all imported varieties are not suitable for sourdough.


The sweetest tangerines are red-skinned fruits from Morocco 8, followed by Abkhazia 9, followed by Spain 10. In the backyard - from Egypt 2, Turkey 11 and South America 19.

Important: You need to rub the ruddy barrel of citrus with a damp cloth. If it is painted - the seller is deceiving you.

Cucumbers, tomatoes

Israel 1, Poland 6, Turkey 11, Greece 12, Holland 13, Spain 10 and other European countries.

Important: If there are no Ukrainian ones, it is better to choose fruits from Israel: there the warm season lasts the longest. Guaranteed sweet cherry tomatoes and small brunch tomatoes from any country. Among cucumbers, a win-win option is small European cucumbers with soft skin without pimples. Run your fingernail across the peel and choose the thinnest ones.


They come to us from all over the world. It is best to choose fruits from nearby places - Israel 1 or Lebanon 17. Behind them - Turkey 11 and Europe.
