Meat Kremlin diet. Kremlin diet: menu for working people

The question of how to look slim has worried women at all times. It is not for nothing that women today know more about diets than any nutritionist. It is for this reason that diets are so popular today. Just some time ago, people had no idea about all the food abundance that is available to us today. It is for this reason that questions did not arise about limiting oneself in food. Moreover, a couple of centuries ago it was fashionable to be overweight, as it indicated a person’s level of wealth. And while most of the country's residents could not afford sumptuous meals, wealthy citizens ate everything that was on their table.

Today, almost anyone can afford to go to a store and buy exactly what they want. We are in no way limited in our choices. However, being overweight is not fashionable today. Moreover, fat people are considered people unable to control themselves and their desires. And against the backdrop of general enthusiasm in a healthy way They don't look very good in real life. Everyone has long known what terrible consequences are fraught with overweight. In addition to visible manifestations such as shortness of breath, constant fatigue, difficulty walking, such people are often exposed to diseases of the internal organs.

Yes, there is no doubt that every person should have a certain percentage of fat in their body, but this does not mean that fat is good for us. Its content should not be great. Otherwise, problems with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach, skin and hair begin. All this suggests that if you are already overweight, or you have finally decided to take charge of yourself and your health, you should not put it off until later, as then it may be too late. And first you need to regulate your diet.

Among all the variety of diets, it is difficult to choose one that would be approved by doctors. However, this is exactly the Kremlin diet.

Leading Russian cardiac surgeon, director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. N. Bakulev Leo Antonovich Bockeria.

By following the Kremlin diet, you can lose 5-6 kg in 8 days, and in just a month and a half you can lose as much as 8-15 kg.

So, the more excess weight you have, the more intensely it comes off. As you can see, this diet did not count on some unrealistic result, as a result of which you will become as slim as an aspen tree. However, this diet is proven and approved by doctors. And this means that you may end up losing pounds that you won't be able to get back anytime soon.

Naturally, it is also necessary to introduce sports into your life, and the reason for this is this. The fact is that when you lose weight, the condition of a person’s skin changes. As a result, it may sag a little. If your plans do not include such a scenario, then in parallel with the diet you need to start toning your body so that it is not only slim, but also fit.

A little history of the Kremlin diet

“The Diet of American Astronauts,” which is also known under another pseudonym “the Kremlin diet,” is surrounded by an aura of unprecedented mystery, and today it has already become very popular among all diet lovers who also want to take care of their health.

The Kremlin diet is called a secret for the simple reason that for quite a long time the main recipe for this very diet was not disclosed to anyone. That is why there were all kinds of rumors among the people about its results, which were considered miraculous.

Initially, this diet was used during the development of the diet of US astronauts - hence the “diet of American astronauts”. As for the second name of the diet, which also became known as the “Kremlin diet,” this name appeared due to the fact that for a long time Senior party workers and officials lost weight on this diet. By the way, the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, managed to lose weight on this diet. That is why, thanks to the presence of such eloquent examples, the Kremlin diet is extremely popular in Russia today.

The essence of the diet

Kremlin diet works on this principle:

The intake of carbohydrates into the body is sharply limited due to the fact that the consumption of carbohydrates is limited in the diet. After this, the body begins to use up its internal reserves, which are stored in fat deposits.

Thanks to this, weight loss occurs. The more reserves the body has, the faster it uses them up. It is worth considering that during the diet, eating meat in large quantities is allowed, and at the same time it does not slow down the process of losing weight.

In the first week, your diet should contain up to 20 grams of carbohydrates, and after that you can increase it to 40 grams.

There are exceptions - food products that are strictly not recommended for consumption. These are products such as potato dishes, flour and sweet products, bread, sugar and rice. For the first two weeks, the consumption of foods such as fruits, juices, and vegetables is also prohibited. The basic rule to follow, and which is the key to success in losing weight, is not to sweeten anything. By the way, you are allowed to drink tomato juice.

It is allowed to eat foods such as fish, cheese, meat, low-carbohydrate vegetables, as well as other foods that are low in carbohydrates. In order to correctly navigate how many carbohydrates are contained in which product, there is Kremlin diet table. Each product has its own cost. One point equals 1 gram of carbohydrates.

Kremlin diet table


(conventional units)


(conventional units)


Wheat 50 Cream crackers 66
Rye 34 Rye flatbreads 43
Borodinsky 40 Wheat flour premium 68
Rizhsky 51 Wheat flour first grade 67
Armenian lavash 56 Seeded rye flour 64
Diabetic 38 Corn flour 70
Grain bread 43 Soy flour 16
Butter buns 51 Potato starch 79
Bagels 58 Corn starch 85
Drying 68 Pasta 69
Sweet straw 69 Egg noodles 68


Buckwheat 62 Millet 66
Buckwheat (done) 65 Barley 66
Manna 67 Rice 71
Oatmeal 49 Peas 50
"Hercules" 50 Beans 46
Pearl barley 66


Beef, veal 0 Beef sausages 1,5
Lamb, pork 0 Pork sausages 2
Geese, ducks 0 Milk sausages 1,5
Rabbit 0 Sausages 0
Chicken 0 Doctor's sausage 1,5
Meat in breadcrumbs 5 Korean 0
Meat with flour sauce 6 Salo 0
Heart 0 Pork tongue, beef tongue 0
Beef liver 0 Pork feet 0
Chicken liver 1,5 Eggs in any form (piece) 0,5
Steak 0


Fresh, frozen fish (river, sea) 0 Oysters 7
Boiled fish 0 Squid 4
Fish in breadcrumbs 12 Lobster 1
Smoked fish 0 Shrimps 0
Crabs 2 Black caviar 0
Fish in tomato 6 Red caviar 0
Mussels 5 Sea kale 1


Pasteurized milk 4,7 Kefir, curdled milk 3,2
Baked milk 4,7 Yogurt without sugar 3,5
Cream 4 Sweet yoghurt 8,5
Sour cream 3 Cheese of different varieties 0,5 - 2
Fat cottage cheese 2,8 Butter 1,3
Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8 Margarine 1
Diet cottage cheese 1 Table mayonnaise 2,6
Sweet curd mass 15 Vegetable oil 0
Glazed cheese curds 32


Watermelon 9 Leek 6,5
Eggplant 5 Onion 9
Beans 8 Green onion 3,5
Swede 7 Parsley (greens) 8
Green peas 12 Parsley (root) 10,5
Melon 9 Radish 4
Cauliflower 5 Radish 6,5
White cabbage 5 Turnip 5
Kohlrabi cabbage 8 Leaf lettuce 2
Red cabbage 5 Beet 9
Green beans 3 Celery (root) 6
Carrot 7 Celery (greens) 2
Pumpkin 4 Asparagus 3
Zucchini 4 Horseradish 7,5
Daikon (Chinese radish) 1 Cheremsha 6
Tomatoes 4 Garlic 5
Sweet green pepper 5 Potato 16
Sweet red pepper 5 Spinach 2
Fresh cucumber 3 Sorrel 3


White 1 Dried boletus 14
White dried 7,5 Fresh boletuses 1
Fresh milk mushrooms 1 Dried boletuses 13
Fresh chanterelles 1,5 Saffron milk caps 0,5
Fresh boletus 0,5 Morels 0,2
Fresh honey mushrooms 0,5 Russula 1,5
boletus 1,5 Champignons 0,1

SOUPS (per 500 g)

Chicken and meat broth 0 Goulash soup 12
Tomato soup 17 Mushroom soup 15
Vegetable soup 16 Green cabbage soup 12
Pea soup 20


Fish 0 Squash caviar 8,5
Green peas 6,5 Eggplant caviar 5
Beans 2,5 Beet caviar 2
Corn 14,5 Salad with seaweed 4
Olive 5 Pepper stuffed with vegetables 11
Tomatoes 4 Tomato paste 19
cucumbers 3


Granulated sugar, refined sugar 99 Milk chocolate 54
Honey 75 Bitter chocolate 50
Paste 80 Chocolate with nuts 48
Halva 55 Chocolate candies 51
Sponge cake 50 Fudge candies 83
Almond cake 45 Marmalade 76
Cream cake 62 Caramel with filling 92
Butter cookies 75 Condensed milk 56
Custard gingerbread 77 Apple jam 66
Fruit waffles 80 Strawberry jam 71
Regular waffles 65 Raspberry jam 71
Fruit ice cream 25 Jam 68
Ice cream popsicle 20 Diabetic jam 3
Ice cream 22 Apple jam 65
Lollipops 70 Diabetic jam 9


Apricot 9 Peach 9,5
Quince 8 Nectarine 13
Cherry plum 6,5 Rowan 8,5
Pineapple 11,5 Rowan chokeberry 11
Orange 8 Plum 9,5
Banana 21 Dates 68
Cherry 10 Persimmon 13
Pomegranate 11 Cherries 10,5
Grapefruit 6,5 Apples 9,5
Pear 9,5 Raisin 66
Figs 11 Dried apricots 55
Kiwi 10 Prunes 58
Dogwood 9 Dried pear 49
Lemon 3 Dried apples 45
Mandarin 8 Dried apricots 53


Cowberry 8 Cloudberry 6
Grape 15 Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Blueberry 7 White currant 8
Blackberry 4,5 Red currant 7,5
Strawberry 6,5 Black currant 7,5
Cranberry 4 Blueberry 8
Gooseberry 9 Fresh rosehip 10
Raspberry 8 Dried rose hips 21,5


Walnuts 12 Cashew 25
Cedar 10 Coconut 20
Peanut 15 Sesame seeds 20
Hazelnut 15 pumpkin seeds 12
Almond 11 Sunflower seeds 18
Pistachios 15


Mineral water 0 Plum juice with pulp 11
Tea, coffee without sugar 0 Cherry juice 11,5
Apple juice 7,5 Apricot juice 14
Orange juice 12 Carrot juice 6
Grape juice 14 Apricot compote 21
Tomato juice 3,5 Grape compote 19
Grapefruit juice 8 Cherry compote 24
Tangerine juice 9 Pear compote 18
Pomegranate juice 14 Apple compote 19
Plum juice 16 Compote with xylitol 6


Dry red wine 1 Vodka 0
Dry white wine 1 Cognac, brandy 0
Beer 250 g 12 Rum 0
Liqueur 60 g 18 Tequila 0
Whiskey 0


Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) 0,5 Horseradish (1 tbsp) 0,4
Ground chili pepper (1 teaspoon) 0,5 Ketchup (1 tbsp) 4
Vinegar (1 tbsp) 2,3 Soy sauce (1 tbsp) 1
Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) 1 BBQ sauce (1 tbsp) 1,8
White wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 1,5 Sweet and sour sauce
Red wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 0 (1/4 cup) 15
Mustard (1 tbsp) 0,5 Tomato sauce(1/4 cup) 3,5
Cranberry sauce (1 tbsp) 6,5 Tartar sauce (1 tbsp) 0,5
Capers (1 tbsp) 0,4 Meat gravy (broth based, 1/4 cup) 3
Ginger root (1 tbsp) 0,8 Spicy herbs (1 tbsp) 0,1

As for products such as sausage, frankfurters, sausages, they must be consumed with great caution. The fact is that in modern production these products very often do not correspond to the content of meat and meat products declared in them. Increasingly, these products are being replaced by soy products, which is unacceptable during the Kremlin diet. Starch is also very often added. Thus, since these supplements contain a huge amount of carbohydrates, their use should be avoided. Of course, if you really want to benefit from the diet.

Although the diet does not limit the consumption of foods such as meat and cheese, this does not mean that you can eat kilograms of them and still lose weight. To increase the effectiveness of the Kremlin diet, it is necessary not only to count points, but also to adhere to a daily routine and sleep pattern. So, if you don’t eat 3-4 hours before bedtime, the effectiveness of the diet will only increase.

When people turn to a nutritionist, they are usually given an approximate diet plan. However, you can do it on your own. The main thing is to follow the principle of diet. In the first two weeks you need to score 20 points, and then less than 40 points. Since on this diet you can eat a lot of meat and fish, you need to make sure that they are well absorbed. And for this purpose they are best consumed with vegetables.

Sample menu for the week:


fried eggs from 2 eggs with ham - 1 c.u.
cheese, 100 g - 1 unit. units
coffee or tea without sugar - 0 conventional units. units

vegetable salad with champignons 150 g - 6 units. units

beefsteak - 0 arb. units
tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

Afternoon snack:
walnuts, 50 g - 6 units. units

boiled chicken, 200 g - 0 arb. units
medium tomato - 6 conventional units. units

Total: 28 conventional units


cottage cheese, 150 g - 5 conventional units. units
2 boiled eggs stuffed with mushrooms - 1 standard unit. units
tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

vegetable salad with oil, 100 g - 4 units. units
cabbage soup with meat and sour cream, 250 g - 6 conventional units. units
kebab, 100 g - 0 arb. units
tea, coffee without sugar - 0 conventional units. units

Afternoon snack:
cheese, 200 g - 2 units. units

boiled cauliflower, 100 g - 5 units. units
fried chicken breast - 0 arb. units
tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

Total: 23 conventional units


3 boiled sausages - 0 conventional units. units
fried eggplants, 100 g -5 arb. units
tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

cabbage salad with butter, 100 g - 5 units. units
processed cheese soup with vegetables, 250 g - 6 conventional units. units
lean pork chop, 100 g - 0 arb. units
coffee without sugar - 0 arb. units

Afternoon snack:
10 black olives - 2 units. units

medium tomato - 6 conventional units. units

a glass of kefir - 6 conventional units. units

Total: 36 conventional units


cauliflower salad, 100 g - 5 units. units

tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

vegetable salad with champignons, 150g - 6 units. units
chicken broth, 250 g (piece of chicken, greens, onion) - 5 conventional units. units
lamb lula kebab, 100 g - 0 arb. units
coffee without sugar - 0 arb. units

Afternoon snack:
cheese, 200 g - 2 units. units


fried fish, 200 g - 0 arb. units
tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

Total: 25 conventional units


omelet of 4 eggs with grated cheese - 3 units. units
tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

grated carrot salad, 100 g - 7 units. units
celery soup, 250 g - 8 units. units
escalope - 0 arb. units

Afternoon snack:
peanuts 30 g - 5 conventional units. units

dry red wine, 200 g - 2 conventional units. units
cheese, 100 g - 1 unit. units
boiled fish, 200 g - 0 arb. units
leaf lettuce, 200 g - 4 units. units

Total: 30 conventional units


cheese, 100 g - 1 unit. units
fried eggs from 2 eggs with ham - 1 unit. units
green tea without sugar - 0 conventional units. units

cabbage and beet salad with sunflower oil 100 g - 6 conventional units. units
ear, 250 g - 5 conventional units. units
fried chicken, 250 g - 5 units. units

Afternoon snack:
pumpkin seeds, 50 g - 6 units. units

leaf lettuce, 100 g - 2 units. units
boiled fish, 200 g - 0 arb. units

Total: 31 conventional units


4 boiled sausages - 3 conventional units. units
squash caviar, 100 g - 8 units. units

salad with cucumbers, 100 g - 3 units. units
meat solyanka, 250 g - 5 conventional units. units
grilled chicken, 200 g - 0 arv. units
tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

Afternoon snack:
walnuts, 30 g - 4 units. units

medium tomato - 6 conventional units. units
boiled meat, 200 g - 0 arb. units
a glass of unsweetened kefir - 10 conventional units. units

Total: 31 conventional units

Indications and contraindications

Like any other diet, the Kremlin diet has its indications and contraindications. As we have already found out, indications for using the diet are excess weight, as well as the diseases caused by it, the spectrum of which is unusually wide. Accordingly, the patient is advised to reduce carbohydrate intake.

As for contraindications, they are chronic diseases heart, kidneys and blood vessels. Diet is also contraindicated pregnant women who decided to follow it without a doctor’s testimony.

Today, every third person has urolithiasis in a varying degree. So, with this disease, consuming fats in such quantities as prescribed by the Kremlin diet is prohibited. The same applies to the influence of proteins on sick kidneys.

Therefore, if your health is important to you (and this diet is designed for a long term), you need to initially undergo an examination in order to then go on a diet with a clear conscience. However, if this diet suits you in all respects, you can supplement your reduced protein intake by adding vegetables, which are allowed to be consumed according to the Kremlin diet table.

Features of following the Kremlin diet

As with any diet, during the Kremlin diet it is necessary to take into account some of its specific features.

Thus, close attention, as mentioned earlier, should be paid eating sugar. It is especially difficult to limit sugar consumption for those who have a sweet tooth in life. Nutritionists have long called sugar the white death, since its consumption does not contain anything beneficial for humans. Thus, the Kremlin diet is not compatible with the consumption of sugar.

If you pay attention to the carbohydrate table, you can see that sugar contains 99 c.u. per hundred grams of product. And the daily carbohydrate diet should be no more than 40 USD. Thus, if you consume only 40 grams of sugar, you will use up your entire daily ration. However, if you eat a whole chicken, it will not harm your diet.

That is why, if you cannot imagine your life without sweets, this diet will be very difficult for you, which means you should look for a more suitable diet. But, if fruits are able to compensate for your consumption of sweets in small quantities, then it’s worth a try, since the diet is very effective.

The Kremlin diet also pays special attention to drinking water. Since it is water that maintains the correct water-salt balance, it reduces the load on the human body. In addition, water removes toxins from the body. Every day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water.

Another feature that often accompanies the Kremlin diet is constipation. This unpleasant phenomenon can easily be eliminated if you consume bran during the diet. Just one tablespoon of bran can return digestion to its normal state.

The main mistakes when following the Kremlin diet

People who are used to eating little and not often make the same mistake during the Kremlin diet. Meanwhile, during this diet you need to eat nutritiously and in large portions. You need to eat a full meal twice a day, and you also need to have a snack twice a day.. It is regular consumption of food that contributes to normal digestion, as well as saturating the body with energy. Under no circumstances should you skip breakfast, otherwise your entire diet regimen will be ruined. Since fruits should be excluded from the diet as much as possible, the ones you eat should be rich in fiber.

During the Kremlin diet fats should not be excluded from the diet. For example, if you introduce olive oil into your diet, it will only benefit your weight loss. If you are invited to a restaurant or cafe, you should not give in to your diet. The Kremlin diet is a way of life, not a temporary solution.

By the way, a huge advantage of the Kremlin diet is that there is no need to count calories. The main thing is to create a balanced menu.

When going on a diet, many women begin exercise yourself, because they believe that the more load, the better they will be able to lose weight. However, this does not apply to the Kremlin diet. This diet is not designed for intense sports. All you need in order to lose weight is either to exercise in the same mode that you maintained before, or to introduce small physical activities. Sports in mild form can improve metabolism and also help cope with digestive problems. You may not even have to consume the bran.

A very important point when maintaining the Kremlin diet is getting out of it. This should be done gradually, as extra pounds can easily come back. However, many people accept the Kremlin diet as a new way of life, because you can easily get used to it. Due to the balanced diet, as well as the fact that it is quite long, addiction is very easy. Therefore, after finishing the diet, many continue to adhere to it for the rest of their lives. And this is the optimal solution, because it will help consolidate the achieved results.

Gradually, your weight will be completely fixed at the desired level and will no longer increase, delighting you with a good figure and excellent health.

The sensational Kremlin diet is one of the most controversial modern techniques weight loss. On the one hand, nutritionists call it dangerous and harshly criticize it due to the imbalance of the menu. On the other hand, the efficiency of the system is literally legendary. They say that even high-ranking government officials and pop stars use it. What exactly is this weight loss program? About this - in our material. A complete table of the Kremlin diet, printable version, has also been prepared here.

This diet immediately had an unusual trail in Russia. Information about a certain new super-effective method of losing weight quickly spread by word of mouth. However, for a long time no one really knew what the essence of the diet was. Such mystery has given rise to a lot of versions about the origin of the miraculous method of body correction.

Mystery diet for the elite

It was rumored that this nutritional scheme was a secret program of overseas scientists, which was developed specifically to keep American astronauts in good shape. Further, if you believe the rumors, by hook or by crook, officials from the Russian government managed to get hold of this nutrition plan. The diet was rewritten only for “our own people”, so try it new technique At first, only people close to power could. Hence the name - the Kremlin diet.

But you can’t hide a pig in a poke: a secret method of weight loss for a select few has nevertheless gone to the masses. And a detailed plan for the Kremlin’s diet was eventually published in one of the Russian newspapers.

What actually turned out to be the secret technique? The Kremlin way of losing weight is a type of low-carbohydrate diet, when flour, pasta, rice and other high-carbohydrate cereals, sugar, desserts and sweet fruits are removed from the diet. Potatoes, carrots and beets are not allowed. Any legumes and sweet dairy products are prohibited.

The emphasis in the diet is on meat, fish, cheese, low-carb vegetables, eggs. Interestingly, alcohol is allowed. But unsweetened varieties and besides beer. And another unexpected twist: you can have sausages and hot dogs. Many call the Kremlin weight loss an analogue of the popular dietary nutrition system of the American cardiologist Robert Atkins.

The essence of the Kremlin diet is simple: without receiving carbohydrates from food, the body, in search of energy sources, uses internal reserves and processes fat accumulation. Basically, the diet is followed for a month. The average “plumb line” of the first week is 5 kg. In all four weeks you can lose up to 15 kg.

Need to count carbs

The results of the Kremlin diet, of course, depend on the diligence of the person losing weight and the initial weight parameters. Let us note that, depending on the circumstances, the duration of the Kremlin can be reduced to two weeks or, conversely, increased to two months.

This technique has its own “zest”. If people who are losing weight are usually told to count calories, then here you need to keep track of the carbohydrates consumed. For convenience, special tables of carbohydrate content in individual products have been compiled and ready meals Oh.

The most dangerous substance for the figure is designated as “cu.” - conventional carbohydrate units. One c.u. equals one gram of carbohydrates per 100 g of product. The total amount of food units eaten per day is summed up into points. For example, in sweet yogurt there is 8.5 USD, in Borodino bread - 40 USD, and in chicken meat - 0 USD.

How much can you eat “cu” to lose weight?

To lose weight, you need not only to remove all prohibited foods from your diet, but also to control the carbohydrate content in other foods. What should be the value of your diet?

  • For intensive weight loss. To start the processes of fat breakdown and adjust the body to the new rules of nutrition, you can eat no more than 20 “points” per day. It is recommended to follow this diet for the first 14 days of the diet.
  • For weight loss without stress. At 40 “points” per day, the weight loss process continues, but with less load on the body. This number of points must be eaten in the second and third weeks of the Kremlin.
  • To consolidate the result. If the desired weight is reached, then you can maintain your shape by eating according to the principle: 60 c.u. per day.
  • For weight gain. Form building occurs when a person eats over 60 “points” per day.

Reviews of the Kremlin diet indicate that the results are visible even with a gentle approach to reducing the value of food. So, if your menu for 10 days is based on the consumption of 40 USD. day, then it’s quite possible to get rid of six kilos of “ballast”.

3 more rules of the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin weight loss method, in addition to the main condition of calculating carbohydrate points, requires compliance with some more rules.

  1. Eliminate sugar. This product, according to the Kremlin, is even more dangerous than bread. A standard piece of refined sugar exceeds the permissible total daily value. At the same time, hunger will only intensify. Salt and other spices are acceptable, but it is better to keep their quantity to a minimum.
  2. Establish a drinking regime. People who are losing weight need a lot of fluids. The standard recommendation to drink at least two liters of clean, still water per day also works here. Tea and coffee are also available. But fruit juices and sweet soda are prohibited.
  3. Do not abuse. The diet does not limit those losing weight to low protein dishes. But you can’t go overboard with steaks, cheeses and seafood. If the body was not particularly pampered with such delicacies before the diet, now it will not work in favor of a beautiful figure. Excess protein provokes nitrogen accumulation. A reasonable approach should also be taken when drinking alcoholic beverages. The green light is given to a few sips of dry red wine, not a bottle of cognac.

The Kremlin diet does not insist on fractional meals. In conditions where all foods need to be weighed and their value calculated, it is difficult to organize five or six meals. That's why best option: divide daily norm c.u. for three “tables”. Using this method, a late dinner is acceptable.

Kremlin tables: print and count points

Despite carbohydrate restrictions, the menu of the Kremlin diet is still varied. Therefore, sitting on the Kremlin is quite feasible. And, by the way, it’s inexpensive. The diet is basically comparable to the usual diet of a losing weight family, and the recipes for the Kremlin diet are quite standard. Like scrambled eggs or borscht.

But what really irritates many people is the need to weigh or measure the amount of food. After all, the Kremlin tables display the contents of currency units. per 100 g of product. Calculations of the amount of carbohydrates in popular foods and dishes can be found below.

Table - Carbohydrate value of individual products according to the Kremlin diet. The calculation is based on the amount of carbohydrates in 100 g of product

This full version tables of the Kremlin diet, which is suitable for printing. It is convenient to work with the printed version if you highlight the least carbohydrate food items in a separate color. Then you can quickly navigate and correctly formulate your menu for a month of weight loss.

How to create a menu: an example of a weekly Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet menu for one week is compiled day by day by the person losing weight, who has all the low-carb meal options at his disposal. Before cooking, check your food supplies with the Kremlin tables.

To avoid starvation, choose the most nutritious foods with the lowest c.u. Below is an example of the Kremlin diet menu for a week for the stage of intensive weight loss, when the daily amount of carbohydrates should be around 20 USD.



  • Scrambled eggs from three eggs - 1.5 c.u.
  • Lettuce leaves with pickles, 100 g - 2 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 250 g of meat solyanka - 3.75 USD
  • 150 g of boiled fish - 0.u.
  • 100 g of zucchini stewed in sour cream - 6 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 250 g boiled chicken- 0 USD
  • 100 g seaweed - 1 c.u.
  • 100 g low-fat kefir - 4 c.u.

Total: 18.25 USD



  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 200 g of borscht without potatoes - 8 c.u.
  • 100 g of fresh cucumbers - 3 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 150 g of boiled fish - 0.u.
  • 200 g of stewed champignons - 0.2 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 19.5 USD



  • Beefsteak - 0 USD
  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • 15 g walnuts - 2 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 150 g of meat okroshka on kefir - 6 c.u.
  • 150 g of salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and stewed champignons - 6 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 200 g of fried fish - 0.u.
  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • 100 g of dietary cottage cheese - 3.3 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 19.3 USD



  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • 200 g milk sausages - 1 c.u.
  • 100 g of Hercules porridge - 10 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD



  • 200 g of boiled fish - 0.u.
  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 20 USD



  • 200 g of fried fish - 0.e.
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with 50 g raspberries - 7.3 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD



  • 200 g of boiled squid with sour cream - 9.5 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 20.55 USD



  • Scrambled eggs from one egg - 0.5 USD
  • 100 g of cervelat - 0.2 c.u.
  • 50 g of fresh apple puree - 4.75 USD
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 200 g of kharcho soup with meat - 11 USD
  • 150 g of boiled tongue - 0.u.
  • 50 g of cheese - 0.75 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 150 g of boiled fish - 0.u.
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese - 3.3 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 20.5 USD



  • 100 g of beef sausages - 1.5 USD
  • 100 g of Russian cheese - 0.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 200 g pickle - 12 c.u.
  • 150 g shish kebab - 0 USD
  • 100 g of fresh tomatoes - 4 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 200 g of fried fish - 0.e.
  • 75 g of salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and stewed champignons - 3 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 20.5 USD

About the risks: problems with immunity, mood and sleep

The Kremlin diet has both supporters and opponents. It is impossible, for example, to deny the positive feedback from celebrities about this technique. Thus, according to the principles of the Kremlin, American singer Madonna, British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, and American screen star Jennifer Aniston adjusted their weight.

But doctors do not share enthusiasm for low-carbohydrate diets, especially long-term ones. And they talk about back side medals. What harm can Kremlevka cause to your health?

  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Possible violations of natural digestive processes. High risk of constipation and problems with gas removal. Problems with operation gastrointestinal tract affect the condition of the skin and hair. Sleep disturbances are recorded.
  • . The Kremlin diet menu is rich in cholesterol, which can cause deterioration in the condition of blood vessels and the heart.
  • Weakening of the immune system. By limiting the amount of vegetables and fruits, we reduce the amount of vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • The condition of a “heavy” head. Lack of sweet foods affects brain activity. There is a feeling of inhibition. In addition, sweets are needed to produce the happiness hormone. Therefore, without receiving them, those losing weight are often in a depressed mood.

There are, however, nutritionists who share the Kremlin’s weight loss strategy. Such doctors say that consuming small amounts of carbohydrates is a natural norm for the human body, which has been disrupted by progress. So, our ancestors ate mainly the meat of animals and birds, and ate seafood. And carbohydrates were “scooped” in modest amounts from berries and plants. Milk, bread, flour products - all this appeared on the table later, and it is quite possible to do without it.

Now you have at your disposal a complete table of ready-made meals for the Kremlin diet, as well as information about the possible results of such weight loss and potential risks. This method works, but is not very convenient and may be unsafe. Therefore, before starting Kremlin, you should definitely consult a doctor. The diet is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as cardiovascular diseases and problems with the stomach and kidneys. Even physically healthy people It is permissible to practice such a dietary marathon no more than once a year.

Low-carbohydrate diet menu for 7 days: table, recipes and pitfalls fast weight loss 14022 Atkins diet: description and detailed menu for 14 days Show more

In Kremlyovka there is a minimal amount of carbohydrates, there are absolutely no sweets, pasta or bread. Instead, natural products are offered, including protein, natural fats,... Research shows: The Kremlin diet (aka: low-carb) promotes rapid loss weight, improved medical indicators more often than any other. Each of you either knows someone who has successfully followed the Kremlin, or has heard a similar name. For the first time described the rules/principles in detail The Kremlin diet Evgeny Chernykh in his book (you can download it for free) and on the pages of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda Kremlin Diet”.

Learn more about low carb. How to use it for your personal purposes? Select a section or continue reading below.

1. Introduction 5. Side effects, myths

1. First acquaintance. " Kremlin diet» .

“Kremlin” means that you consume as few carbohydrates as possible, but as much fat as possible. According to other sources, this is the name of a low-carb, high-fat diet or “keto”.

“Thanks to” annoying advertising, yellow press, second-rate beauty contests, tactless employers, a certain standard has developed in our minds perfect figure. It's not even 90*60*90! Folklore defines this standard unambiguously: “Skin and bones.” Even representatives of such professions as ballerina, top model, etc., such a standard is not applicable. And there is no standard for body weight! There are many individual differences from generally accepted measurements that affect body weight, well-being, and professionalism. In addition, body weight is strongly influenced by age, area of ​​residence, climate, heredity, and nationality. However, we will highlight some average characteristics that will help determine excess body weight based on the main parameters.

Calculating excess weight is quite easy: we will name several methods

First method:

The so-called BMI is the excess body mass index.
How to calculate: Divide your weight (kg) by your height (sq. meter)

* Normal weight: BMI< 25;
* Overweight: BMI > 25;
* Obesity: BMI > 30.

Second method:

Ratio of waist circumference (cm) to hip circumference (cm) (W/H).
There should be FROM/ABOUT women< 0,8, а у мужчин < 0,9. Тогда, если этот индекс выше рассчитанной величины, вес снижаем, так как риск возникновения такого заболевания, как ишемическая болезнь сердца напрямую зависит от объема талии /бедер.

Third method:

It is necessary to evaluate the metabolic standard: the level of triglycerides, blood glucose, total cholesterol. The standard is defined as normal if the blood glucose level is 6.0 mmol/l; total cholesterol 5.2 mmol/l; triglycerides 1.6 mmol/l.

Fourth method:

Nutritionists have developed calculation formulas that determine a certain “Ideal weight”. The name, of course, is conditional. These formulas help determine the body weight to which it is desirable to strive. This takes into account the dependence of gender on age, height, and physique.

On our website we present the calculation using Broca's formula:

For decades we have been told that foods containing fat are bad for your health! Therefore, low-fat “diet” products, often full of sucrose, fructose and other “chemicals,” flooded supermarket shelves. This is what became the main mistake! Similar commercial marketing main goal which is making a profit, gave rise to the obesity epidemic!

The latest research shows that there is no reason to be afraid of eating natural fats! Fat is our friend. By observing Kremlevka, we simply minimize the consumption of sugar / starches. Plus, you can eat a wide variety of other delicious foods until you're full—and still continue to lose weight...

How is this possible? It’s very simple: sugar/starch stops entering the body, while blood sugar levels normalize; the hormone that is responsible for the accumulation and storage of fat falls. There is a sharp increase in the loss of fat mass, so the feeling of fullness will occur much faster with smaller portions of food eaten, the daily menu will be reduced, causing weight loss.

Research Proves: The Kremlin Diet Makes Your Weight Loss Easier and Improves Your Ability to Manage Blood Sugar Levels, Despite Others advantages.

The Kremlin diet is exclusively strange, but at the same time - phenomenal diet, following which

  • feel hungry forbidden!
  • You can play sports, but not necessary!
  • On Kremlyovka you should eat only when you REALLY want to eat and as much as you want!
  • and, most importantly, forget forever that “you can’t eat after six in the evening”! It is possible and necessary!
  • consumption of dry wines, dry champagne, . However, remember: any alcohol catastrophically increases your appetite and negatively affects your health! So: it’s possible, but not necessary.

Let's consider the basic principles and rules of the Kremlin diet. According to the generally accepted opinion, the Kremlin consists of four progressively developing periods. Let's call them steps or stages:

1st step (stage) characterized by the launch of methods for processing fat deposits.

Continue The first step should be at least two weeks. The maximum amount of carbohydrates consumed during this step should not exceed 20 points (remember: 1 point = 1 carbon gram. ( And read the food labels carefully).

The first step of the Kremlin is especially difficult and fundamentally important:
In the first step, use it in one serving. ( will come in very handy!)
By following all the recommendations of the Kremlin diet, you can lose up to 10 kg in the first two weeks.

It is likely that at a certain point in time the weight will stop decreasing or even increase slightly, you will be overtaken by a feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself and the results achieved, then simply extend the 1st step (stage) for some more time (but no more than one week)... Set each step yourself depending on your health, but no more than three weeks.
If everything goes according to plan, the rate of weight loss is acceptable, you are satisfied with everything - proceed to the 2nd step (stage).

2nd step (stage) characterized by functional weight loss.
During the functional weight loss step, the duration of which is directly dependent on the rate of weight loss (approximately four to six weeks), you are allowed to add 5 points/week accordingly until you reach 40 points, and if the weight continues to decrease, then you are allowed to move on to the next stages of weight loss.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget:

  • Drink water often.
  • Five to six hours: the maximum possible break between two meals.
  • You don’t eat up, so to speak, “to satiety.”

If you notice that you have begun to gain weight again, return to the First Step for a certain number of days for 20 points.

3rd step (stage) the body's restructuring begins new system nutrition and a gradual transition to the conservation Fourth Step.
It is better to stretch this step to the maximum long time– two to three months.
It is allowed to add up to 10 points/week to the previous menu accordingly.
In the third step, do not be alarmed if the weight suddenly “froze” in place or decreases very slowly. The slower the better. No matter how much you would like to “speed it up”, refrain.

It is fundamentally important: at this step (stage), using the “trial and error” method, we select how much carbohydrates we can afford so that the weight progressively decreases. From practice: sixty points per day is suitable for the largest number of people.

And finally, the goal has been achieved: you have lost excess weight...

The 4th step (stage) is characterized creating your own unique nutrition system that will guide you for the rest of your life.
You should not conclude from the Fourth Step that this diet is a one-time promotion, after achieving the results of which you will again return to your own former gastronomic hobbies.

At this step it is very easy to break down and return to former addictions. Therefore, take special care of yourself and restrain yourself...
Naturally, from time to time, on holidays, you are allowed to allow yourself a piece of cake, but do not organize holidays every day!

Let's summarize:

  • Allowed to eat: Eggs; meat; aboveground; fish; natural fats (for example, butter).
  • Strictly prohibited: Sugar-containing/starch-containing foods (potatoes, bread, rice, pasta).
  • Eatonly when you feel hungry, until you feel full and at peace. It's that simple! There is no need to “count calories” or weigh each piece of meat. Just forget about industrially produced “diet” foods.

Here are some examples of what we eat:

Contraindications Kremlevka. Harm.

Most people can safely follow the rules/principles of the Kremlin Diet. But the following three categories may require additional consultation or adaptation:

  • Diabetes (for example, do you use insulin)?
  • High blood pressure?
  • Are you breastfeeding?

IMPORTANT! Start losing weight only when you feel good. We also recommend consulting with a nutritionist, because losing weight under the supervision of a doctor is safe. If none of these groups applies to you, calmly plan your diet!

2. What to eat while observing Kremlin Diet

In this section we will tell you what exactly you can eat “on low carbohydrates”. Preferably, of course, visual guides, detailed food lists, delicious recipes... or a simple starter GUIDE.

Let's start with a quick visual guide to small carbs. Here are the basic food groups. You can eat everything here (as long as you like it):

The numbers above are the number of grams of coal. / 100 grams (3.5 ounces)

Everything is here: below 5% angle. By consuming these foods, you can easily follow a strict "low carb" diet by staying under 20 points/day.

Try avoid

The numbers above are the number of grams of coal. / 100 grams (3.5 ounces)

What can you drink

One glass of dry wine is fine.

Check out our complete guides to , .

The fewer carbohydrates “enter the body,” the greater the effect on weight loss and blood sugar levels. We recommend following our nutritional advice as much as possible. When you are already satisfied with your weight and health, you can try to move on to the more liberal stages of the Kremlin (second, third). At the stage of functional weight loss, the duration of which is directly dependent on the rate of weight loss (approximately four to six weeks), we recommend adding 5 points per week accordingly until you reach 40 points. In the case when the weight continues to decrease, then allowed to move on to the next stage of weight loss.

3. Kremlins: benefits

So why should you eat less carbohydrate foods? There are many potential benefits proven by science and experience, such as these four:

Losing excess weight

Most people start losing weight using the well-known and often extremely effective method.

However, the reason many people eat low-calorie foods is most often due to health effects, such as the following:

Reverse type 2 diabetes

  1. Kremlin may normalize blood sugar levels and therefore potentially reverse type diabetes
  2. Reducing carbohydrate intake is also likely to be extremely beneficial in treating type 1 diabetes.

Calm your stomach

Kremlin can lead to a calmer stomach, less (or no) gas, fewer cramps, pain...

For most people, getting rid of such inconveniences is a priority benefit. Typically, normalization of digestion takes only one or two days. Changes for the better begin to be felt in just a few hours.

Reduce sugar cravings

Struggling to stay away from sweets even as you try to limit your sugar intake? Quite a lot of people try, but often “lose this battle”...

Kremlin, on the other hand, reduces/eliminates cravings for sweets.

More general benefits

Less acne Less migraines Normalization blood pressure Less heartburn Increase physical endurance


Breakfast is a great time to eat low carb. Who doesn't love classic scrambled eggs? Even if someone answered “I do,” there are great egg-free options.


Is it difficult to live without bread?

There are good and not so good low carb options. Spoiler (prematurely revealed important information): You should probably stay away from "low carb" bread from grocery stores!

Diet with higher proportion of natural fats

Fats, such as butter and olive oil, go well with almost all foods; they greatly enhance the taste of the dish. But how to get enough healthy fats on Kremlyovka? How much should you eat? Hint: as much as you need to get rid of the feeling of hunger. In other words, until you feel full.

Avoid "specialty" foods

Another common mistake when following the Kremlin: being deceived by the “creative marketing” of special “low carb” foods. Remember: to effectively lose weight while following the Kremlin diet, nutrition should be based on natural foods.

High-carbohydrate treats such as chocolate, candy, pasta, and bread often use all kinds of deceptive marketing, positioning them as diet foods, but in reality: they are junk food - including carbohydrates - in disguise.

How to make the Kremlin diet more cheap

The Kremlin diet, in itself, should not be too expensive. A little guide on how to make it super cheap.

With a little planning, preparation, and awareness, you can save a ton of money:

  1. Try to purchase meat, fish, and poultry from small wholesale stores.
  2. In the recipes of dishes, we tell you how to prepare quite rarely used ingredients, such as, for example.
  3. Actively use the system of discounts in chain supermarkets or cash cards.
  4. Some rare ingredients can be purchased on the website of our partners iHerb.

Breaking the rules

To cheat or not to cheat? That's the question. If you decide to cheat a little, then

5. Kremlin diet: negative manifestations

At the beginning of following the principles and rules dietary nutrition, when the body stops receiving sugar/starch in the usual quantities, some side effects may appear, as a “global restructuring” begins. The so-called “ketosis” (increased levels of ketone bodies in the blood). For most people, this negativity goes away quite mildly, lasting only a few days. Still, it is advisable to minimize it.

An alternative is to start the diet gradually, breaking it up, for example, into decades, and “listening” to your body for several weeks... But Nike’s motto “Just Do It” is probably best choice for the majority! Giving up sugar/starch often leads to losing several kilograms quite quickly: literally in a few days. Although this is just accumulated excess fluid, but for motivation: super-healthy!

Here are the side effects that may occur when you start following a strict low-carb, high-fat diet.


By far the most common side effect is called induction flu. This is what makes some people feel sick 2-3 days after starting to lose weight.

General symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Mild nausea
  • Irritability

Symptoms go away quickly as the body adjusts to burning fat. Usually within a week.

The reason is this: carbohydrate-rich foods slow down the removal of water from the body. When you stop eating foods with high content carbohydrates, you lose excess water through the kidneys. This can lead to some dehydration due to lack of salt in the first week of losing weight before the body fully adapts, leading to the symptoms described above.

You can minimize induction flu by drinking more fluids and temporarily increasing your salt intake. A good preferred option is: drink a cup of broth or soup once/twice a day. Symptoms of induction flu will become minor or not even noticeable and will quickly disappear.

So: drink a little more water than usual. Salt a little more.

Myths Kremlins

Apart from the usual minor and short-term side effects that may occur (see above), there are many myths and concerns that simply do not hold water. For example: the brain will stop working if you do not consume carbohydrates. This is a blatant lie.

There are several other unfounded concerns about low carb balance, which are mainly based on myths and misconceptions.

Brain Vitamin deficiency Cholesterol Thyroid gland

So: our “low carb diet” – as my child calls it – is setting the sails! Let's set off on a long voyage across the endless ocean of possibilities... Fair winds! "Seven feet under the keel"!

(Visited 16 times, 1 visits today)

In the 90s, there were rumors about this nutrition system that with its help, many deputies and high-ranking officials were able to noticeably lose weight, among whom were Yuri Luzhkov (the mayor of Moscow) and Sergei Tsoi (his press secretary). Soon the secrets were revealed - this is how the Kremlin diet appeared, the popularity of which has not fallen for 2 decades.

The essence

It is based on a scientific treatise called “Conditions effective nutrition, which are used in the development of menus for astronauts and the US military” (therefore it is sometimes called the method of American astronauts).

The fundamental principle is the minimum consumption of carbohydrates, at which the body begins to actively consume the energy reserves of fat deposits. The main concern is not how much food you ate, but how many carbohydrates you absorbed along with it.

All products are measured in points, or conventional units (cu): 1 point = 1 c.u. e. = 1 g of carbohydrates. At each individual stage you need to consume no more than a certain amount of these y. e. Therefore, you should always have before your eyes a specially designed table of products and dishes indicating them.

So the essence of the Kremlin diet is its low-carb content. The Atkins and Kwasniewski weight loss systems are very similar to it.

From the life of the stars. According to some sources, the Kremlin diet helped Larisa Dolina, Nikolai Rastorguev, Elena Kukarskaya, Alexey Panayotov and many other celebrities lose weight.

How does it work?

Low-carb nutrition systems always produce the most best results(8-15 kg per month), so losing noticeable weight on the Kremlin diet is quite possible. Changes in diet cause many body systems to work in a completely different direction, which ultimately leads to weight loss:

  • a minimum amount of carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy, leads to ketosis - the breakdown of accumulated fat;
  • accordingly, deposits on problem parts of the body gradually disappear;
  • together with them, the orange peel becomes less pronounced, and with the simultaneous use of anti-cellulite ointments and gels, you can get rid of it altogether;
  • the state of ketosis is characterized by the normalization of metabolism, within which lipolysis occurs - as a result, new fat reserves are not deposited;
  • The level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood decreases, due to which unexpected inulin releases do not occur - merciless attacks of hunger are not felt.

As a result, weight decreases - for some quickly (up to 10 kg in the first 2 weeks), for others more slowly (minus 8 kg per month).

If, after going through all the steps, you do not feel any results, you should seek help from nutritionists (perhaps you did something wrong) or doctors (the problem is often related to health).

Description of stages

The Kremlin diet is a fairly strict nutritional system. Some argue that you cannot simply call it a program, since it represents an entire philosophy of life. To lose weight with its help, you need to go through stages, the sequence and essence of which cannot be changed.

Stage 1. Induction phase

Duration - 2 weeks. The result is minus 10 kg.

The amount of carbohydrates is only 20 grams (=20 points) per day. There is no need to change your previous diet, let it be familiar: 3 times a day + snacks at any time.

Look for recipes for dishes with points - they will reduce the time spent on calculations. Portions are regular in size, you can eat until you feel full, but don’t overeat. You need to drink 2-3 liters of water and take multivitamins.

Constipation is possible - treat it with vegetable fiber (eat more cabbage, lettuce, etc.).

  • meat, meat products;
  • fish, seafood;
  • bird;
  • cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • nuts (sometimes allowed only from stage 2 of the diet);
  • vegetable oils, a small amount of mayonnaise and sour cream, fish oil;
  • drinks: water, tea, coffee;
  • sweeteners: cyclomate, saccharin, except aspartame;
  • green vegetables (about 500 grams per day): lettuce, sorrel, radish, radish, olives, dill, garlic, rosemary, parsley;
  • other vegetables (300 grams per day): asparagus, rhubarb, daikon, eggplant, celery root, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, spinach, onions, peas, beans, turnips, all types of cabbage.
  • sweets, honey, sugar, sweeteners (fructose, maltose, etc.), aspartame;
  • starchy vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets (if only in small quantities);
  • fruits and juices from them;
  • cooking fats;
  • alcohol;
  • caffeinated drinks.

As you can see from this table, breakfast is far from the main meal of the Kremlin diet. Focus on lunch.

Stage 2. Active weight loss phase

Her task is to determine your individual daily portion of carbohydrates to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. If you have already lost as much as needed in the first stage, the number of points to maintain stability is determined. For this purpose, the norm is increased by 5 USD. per week.

This requires constant monitoring of body weight. If you exceed the number of points, break down or begin to gain weight again, you need to return to the first phase. Training at stage 2 will help speed up weight loss. It is advisable to take a blood test to monitor your health status.

As a result, weight loss should stop at one indicator - this will be the end point of the second stage, so its duration is very individual. Count on about a month.

The list of products is supplemented by the following:

  • vegetables: red sweet pepper, tomatoes, avocado;
  • dairy products: heavy cream, processed cheese, fibrous cheese, homemade cheese, fetaki;
  • more nuts: almonds, sunflower seeds, roasted peanuts, cashews, walnut, pecan;
  • fruits and berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, melon;
  • juices without salt and sugar : lemon, tomato;
  • alcohol (some experts strongly recommend abstaining from drinking it).

Stage 3. Transition phase

The amount of carbohydrates in the diet continues to increase by 10 grams per week. The goal is to make the body lose weight further. Physical activity will help. If the indicators have not budged within a week, you will have to reduce the number of points of food consumed by 5 units. e.

Duration - until you achieve the desired result. This usually takes a couple of weeks.

What can be added to the menu:

  • starchy vegetables: potatoes, split peas, spinach, parsnips;
  • nuts: shelled peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds;
  • legumes: beans, lentils;
  • berries and fruits: cherries, grapes, apples, strawberries, peaches, kiwi, watermelon, grapefruit, bananas, plums, mangoes;
  • fruit cocktails diluted with water (1:1);
  • cereals: rice, barley, sesame, bread.

Stage 4. Maintenance (consolidation) phase

Low-carb eating continues - from now on it should become a permanent way of life. You had to find out how much carbohydrates per day you can eat without fear, what foods provoke weight gain.

Weight control continues. As soon as an extra 3-4 kg is gained, the amount of daily carbohydrate intake is immediately reduced. You still need to drink a lot of water and exercise.

Pros and cons

The Kremlin diet has its advantages, which attract so many people to it, and disadvantages, which can negate the desire to use it.


  • Efficiency: the lost kilograms and melting centimeters show that the system is working.
  • No sudden hunger pangs.
  • Diet variety.
  • Possibility of eating meat and alcohol.
  • Getting rid of bad eating habits (sweet cravings, for example).
  • Lasting results: if you go through all the stages consistently, the lost kilograms will not return.
  • The presence of vegetables and fruits will prevent vitamin depletion.
  • Increasing the level of “good cholesterol”.


  • During the breakdown of fats, ketone bodies are formed - highly toxic elements that can damage cells. They cause intoxication, which affects the kidneys, liver, and brain, but it occurs hidden, and the side effects do not immediately come back to haunt you.
  • To create a menu, you should always have scales and a points table at hand - there is too much hassle.
  • A large load on the kidneys due to the abundance of proteins, which can lead to the formation of stones and the development of gout.
  • Animal fats damage blood vessels and can provoke atherosclerosis.
  • Diet serves as a catalyst for male diseases that may manifest themselves later.
  • Deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and calcium.
  • Limiting fiber in the diet leads to disturbances in the intestinal microflora and intoxication harmful products and constipation.
  • “Zombification”: instead of products, a person sees only the “sum of points” and, as a result, becomes a hostage to this type of nutrition that is far from ideal.

The disadvantages of the Kremlin diet are serious enough to ignore. Given its restrictive nature, such weight loss requires taking medications to replenish nutrient deficiencies. Before trying the technique on yourself, you need to consult a doctor.

What does science say? Not long ago, the English print edition of the New England Journal of Medicine published sensational results of research conducted by British experts. They found that the Kremlin diet system increases the level of “good cholesterol” and reduces fatty acid, which provokes a stroke.


To avoid side effects after losing weight, you need to strictly follow the contraindications:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: atherosclerosis, ischemia, hypertension;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • gout and uric acid diathesis;
  • stone formation;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver;
  • frequent constipation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • menopause, pregnancy, lactation;
  • children and old age.

Experts strongly recommend consulting with a therapist before going on a diet. Side effects may appear only after several months and require a separate course of medication for recovery for an exhausted and malfunctioning body.

Required tables

Now we turn on the printer and print all the table options that are necessary to calculate points as part of losing weight on the Kremlin diet. There are a lot of them, but you need to sit with them once, figure them out and then actively use them when creating a menu, taking into account the characteristics of the stage you are at.

These are complete points tables for individual products (per 100g).

You will also need complete tables of prepared dishes. Regardless of meticulously calculating points at the stove, which will take a lot of time, just look for the appropriate recipe - and enjoy the variety of your diet.

Such a table of carbohydrates should hang in the kitchen of everyone who is losing weight, so that the dishes do not exceed the daily allowance. e. (standard units).


It seems to many that the Kremlin diet is intended for the elite, and therefore the products for it are expensive and exotic. In fact, even for ordinary people it is very easy to create a menu for the week at the rate of 20 points for each day.

If you need to create a menu for 10 days or 2 weeks, simply repeat the proposed diet again, which fits perfectly into stages I and II.


We offer perfect recipes for the first stage - dishes with already calculated points (per 100 g)

Chicken in white sauce / 2.5 points


  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • ½ onion;
  • 250 ml low fat;
  • 250 ml low-fat sour cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • green;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.


  1. Cut the chicken into cubes and the onion into half rings.
  2. Separately mix sour cream, mayonnaise, kefir.
  3. Fry the onion, add meat to it, add salt and pepper.
  4. Pour the sauce over them, add herbs and crushed garlic.
  5. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  6. Simmer until done.

Celery soup / 8 points


  • 300 g celery stalk;
  • 100 g celery root;
  • 1 onion;
  • ½ bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 5 liters of water.


  1. Wash and chop the vegetables.
  2. Boil over low heat until soft.
  3. Beat in a blender.
  4. Add a little sour cream.
  5. You can add chicken broth instead of water.

Salad with sauerkraut/ 5 points


  • 500 g sauerkraut;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 100 grams of green onions;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • spices.


  1. Chop vegetables.
  2. Mix with oil.
  3. Add spices.

Many people successfully use the Kremlin diet for weight loss, although this technique has received a lot of criticism. Despite the duration and predominantly protein foods in the diet, it allows you to lose up to 15 kg in a month. The main thing is to count points every day and not fail.

Kremlin diet has been walking around the world for many years. Millions of people around the world have sat and continue to sit on the Kremlin. What does the diet owe its popularity to? Initially, the diet was kept secret and was used American pilots and astronauts to maintain good physical shape.

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Later she received publicity and immediately gained an army of followers. The Kremlin diet is called due to the fact that representatives of the Moscow city administration tried it on themselves and confirmed its effectiveness. One of the famous officials who experienced the miraculous effect of the diet - Yuri Luzhkov.

Principles of the Kremlin diet

Many of our compatriots liked the diet, first of all, because those who are losing weight do not have to deny themselves everything, and can eat permitted foods until you feel full. During the diet you will be able to continue eat sausages, fish, meat, and even drink alcoholic beverages, which is prohibited by the vast majority of well-known diets (see rating of diets by effectiveness 2017).

The Kremlin diet begins to work when the diet of a person losing weight dramatically the number is decreasing coming from food carbohydrates. Since the usual rate of carbohydrates decreases, the body begins to produce energy from the fat reserves that are in the body.


In order for your body to start losing weight, in the first two weeks you will need eat no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day. You can calculate them using a special complete table of the Kremlin diet, which we will present for your convenience below. After 2 weeks you can expand your diet to consumption 40 g carbohydrates per day. And after leaving the diet to maintain weight, use no more than 60 g carbohydrates per day.

The editors of the portal emphasize: the effectiveness of this diet is confirmed only if it increases physical activity. We have prepared for you a set of video lessons for losing weight in problem areas. They are available for free on our server. Click the button below (opens in a new window).


You can eat as much as you like. This point will certainly please the majority of those losing weight. However, in this matter you need to know when to stop. If you eat several kilograms of permitted foods a day, weight loss is unlikely to be effective. Try not to overeat. Eat a small portion of permitted foods and wait a while. If you are still hungry, eat a little more. Do not overstretch or overstretch the stomach wall. Also try to eat no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.


You will need to eliminate certain types of foods from your diet, including potatoes, flour dishes, bread, rice, sugar, sweets. Try not to sweeten anything, learn to drink tea without sugar and sweets. IN as a last resort use sweeteners (see how to choose a sweetener).


Allowed to eat fish, cheese, eggs, meat, vegetables and other low cost products. In the table you can find products that cost the least amount of points.


Sausages, frankfurters, wieners you will have to look for high quality. Cheap sausages contain a lot of soy and chemicals, so you need to eat such products with caution.


If you want to gain weight, then use more than 60 units per day.

Kremlin diet table

Products Points (conventional units) Products Points (conventional units)
Beans 2,5
Wheat 50 Corn 14,5
Rye 34 Olive 5
Borodinsky 40 Tomatoes 4
Rizhsky 51 cucumbers 3
Armenian lavash 56 Squash caviar 8,5
Diabetic 38 Eggplant caviar 5
Grain bread 43 Beet caviar 2
Butter buns 51 Salad with seaweed 4
Bagels 58 Pepper stuffed with vegetables 11
Drying 68 Tomato paste 19
Sweet straw 69
Cream crackers 66 Granulated sugar, refined sugar 99
Rye flatbreads 43 Honey 75
Wheat flour premium 68 Paste 80
Wheat flour first grade 67 Halva 55
Seeded rye flour 64 Sponge cake 50
Corn flour 70 Almond cake 45
Soy flour 16 Cream cake 62
Potato starch 79 Butter cookies 75
Corn starch 85 Custard gingerbread 77
Pasta 69 Fruit waffles 80
Egg noodles 68 Regular waffles 65
Fruit ice cream 25
Buckwheat 62 Ice cream popsicle 20
Buckwheat (done) 65 Ice cream 22
Manna 67 Lollipops 70
Oatmeal 49 Milk chocolate 54
"Hercules" 50 Bitter chocolate 50
Pearl barley 66 Chocolate with nuts 48
Millet 66 Chocolate candies 51
Barley 66 Fudge candies 83
Rice 71 Marmalade 76
Peas 50 Caramel with filling 92
Beans 46 Condensed milk 56
Apple jam 66
Beef, veal 0 Strawberry jam 71
Lamb, pork 0 Raspberry jam 71
Geese, ducks 0 Jam 68
Rabbit 0 Diabetic jam 3
Chicken 0 Apple jam 65
Meat in breadcrumbs 5 Diabetic jam 9
Meat with flour sauce 6
Heart 0 Apricot 9
Beef liver 0 Quince 8
Chicken liver 1,5 Cherry plum 6,5
Steak 0 Pineapple 11,5
Beef sausages 1,5 Orange 8
Pork sausages 2 Banana 21
Milk sausages 1,5 Cherry 10
Sausages 0 Pomegranate 11
Doctor's sausage 1,5 Grapefruit 6,5
Korean 0 Pear 9,5
Salo 0 Figs 11
Pork tongue, beef tongue 0 Kiwi 10
Pork feet 0 Dogwood 9
Eggs in any form (piece) 0,5 Lemon 3
Mandarin 8
Fresh, frozen fish (river, sea) 0 Peach 9,5
Boiled fish 0 Nectarine 13
Fish in breadcrumbs 12 Rowan 8,5
Smoked fish 0 Rowan chokeberry 11
Crabs 2 Plum 9,5
Fish in tomato 6 Dates 68
Mussels 5 Persimmon 13
Oysters 7 Cherries 10,5
Squid 4 Apples 9,5
Lobster 1 Raisin 66
Shrimps 0 Dried apricots 55
Black caviar 0 Prunes 58
Red caviar 0 Dried pear 49
Sea kale 1 Dried apples 45
Dried apricots 53
Pasteurized milk 4,7
Baked milk 4,7 Cowberry 8
Cream 4 Grape 15
Sour cream 3 Blueberry 7
Fat cottage cheese 2,8 Blackberry 4,5
Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8 Strawberry 6,5
Diet cottage cheese 1 Cranberry 4
Sweet curd mass 15 Gooseberry 9
Glazed cheese curds 32 Raspberry 8
Kefir, curdled milk 3,2 Cloudberry 6
Yogurt without sugar 3,5 Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Sweet yoghurt 8,5 White currant 8
Cheese of different varieties 0,5 - 2 Red currant 7,5
Butter 1,3 Black currant 7,5
Margarine 1 Blueberry 8
Table mayonnaise 2,6 Fresh rosehip 10
Vegetable oil 0 Dried rose hips 21,5
Watermelon 9 Walnuts 12
Eggplant 5 Cedar 10
Beans 8 Peanut 15
Swede 7 Hazelnut 15
Green peas 12 Almond 11
Melon 9 Pistachios 15
Cauliflower 5 Cashew 25
White cabbage 5 Coconut 20
Kohlrabi cabbage 8 Sesame seeds 20
Red cabbage 5 pumpkin seeds 12
Green beans 3 Sunflower seeds 18
Carrot 7
Pumpkin 4 Mineral water 0
Zucchini 4 Tea, coffee without sugar 0
Daikon (Chinese radish) 1 Apple juice 7,5
Tomatoes 4 Orange juice 12
Sweet green pepper 5 Grape juice 14
Sweet red pepper 5 Tomato juice 3,5
Fresh cucumber 3 Grapefruit juice 8
Leek 6,5 Tangerine juice 9
Onion 9 Pomegranate juice 14
Green onion 3,5 Plum juice 16
Parsley (greens) 8 Plum juice with pulp 11
Parsley (root) 10,5 Cherry juice 11,5
Radish 4 Apricot juice 14
Radish 6,5 Carrot juice 6
Turnip 5 Apricot compote 21
Leaf lettuce 2 Grape compote 19
Beet 9 Cherry compote 24
Celery (root) 6 Pear compote 18
Celery (greens) 2 Apple compote 19
Asparagus 3 Compote with xylitol 6
Horseradish 7,5
Cheremsha 6 Dry red wine 1
Garlic 5 Dry white wine 1
Potato 16 Beer 250 g 12
Spinach 2 Liqueur 60 g 18
Sorrel 3 Whiskey 0
Vodka 0
White 1 Cognac, brandy 0
White dried 7,5 Rum 0
Fresh milk mushrooms 1 Tequila 0
Fresh chanterelles 1,5
Fresh boletus 0,5 Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) 0,5
Fresh honey mushrooms 0,5 Ground chili pepper (1 teaspoon) 0,5
boletus 1,5 Vinegar (1 tbsp) 2,3
Dried boletus 14 Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) 1
Fresh boletuses 1 White wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 1,5
Dried boletuses 13 Red wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 0
Saffron milk caps 0,5 Mustard (1 tbsp) 0,5
Morels 0,2 Cranberry sauce (1 tbsp) 6,5
Russula 1,5 Capers (1 tbsp) 0,4
Champignons 0,1 Ginger root (1 tbsp) 0,8
SOUPS (per 500 g)
Horseradish (1 tbsp) 0,4
Chicken and meat broth 0 Ketchup (1 tbsp) 4
Tomato soup 17 Soy sauce (1 tbsp) 1
Vegetable soup 16 BBQ sauce (1 tbsp) 1,8
Pea soup 20 Sweet and sour sauce
Goulash soup 12 (1/4 cup) 15
Mushroom soup 15 Tomato sauce (1/4 cup) 3,5
Green cabbage soup 12 Tartar sauce (1 tbsp) 0,5
Meat gravy (broth based, 1/4 cup) 3
Fish 0 Spicy herbs (1 tbsp) 0,1
Green peas 6,5

Sample menu of a standard Kremlin diet for a week with a diet of up to 40 points

Day one:

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs (2 points), 100 g cheese (1 point), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: chicken 200 g (0 points), cucumber and tomato salad 200 g (7 points), tomato juice (3.5 points);
  • Afternoon snack: 200 g cheese (2 points);
  • Dinner: canned green peas (6.5 points), beefsteak (0 points), tea without sugar (0 points).

Total: 22 points.

Day two:

  • Breakfast: fried eggs from two eggs (1 point), sausage (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: mushroom soup(15 points), 2 cucumbers (3 points), tea without sugar (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: pumpkin puree(4 points);
  • Dinner: dietary cottage cheese 150 g (1 point), sour cream (3 points).

Total: 27 points.

Day three:

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette (5.7 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: fried or baked fish (0 points), cabbage salad with sunflower oil (5 points);
  • Afternoon snack: apple (9.5 points);
  • Dinner: kebab 200 g (0 points), 2 tomatoes (4 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 24.2 points.

Day four:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream (4 points), several slices of sausage (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: broth with chicken and egg (1 point), fried zucchini (4 points), tea (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: salad with seaweed (4 points);
  • Dinner: baked meat with flour sauce (6 points), a glass of dry white wine (1 point).

Total: 20 points.

Day five:

  • Breakfast: fried egg(0.5 points), boiled fish (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: pepper stuffed with vegetables and meat (11 points), a portion of boiled shrimp (0 points), tea (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: bowl of raspberries (7 points);
  • Dinner: meat baked with bell pepper and tomatoes (9 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 27.5 points.

Day six:

  • Breakfast: boiled sausage (0 points), 2 boiled eggs (1 point), tea (0 points);
  • Dinner: vegetable soup(16 points), piece of baked pork (0 points), tea;
  • Afternoon snack: dietary cottage cheese(1 point);
  • Dinner: seafood salad: shrimp, oysters, mussels (12 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 30 points.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette (5.7 points), sausage (0 points), glass of milk (4.7 points);
  • Dinner: chicken broth (0 points), chicken liver (1.5 points), watermelon (9 points);
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt without sugar (3.5 points);
  • Dinner: grilled chicken (0 points), lettuce (2 points), glass of dry red wine (1 point).

Total: 28.4 points.

Results of the Kremlin diet. Reviews from those who have lost weight

If you follow the diet correctly, the weight loss process will begin immediately. The greater the initial body weight of a person, the easier it is for him to part with it. In the first 8-10 days of the diet you can lose an average of 5 kg. And in a month and a half you can get rid of 10-15 kg. The results of your weight loss will depend on your willpower and your desire to get a slim figure.

Rita, 29 years old:
Thanks to the Kremlin, I managed to lose a lot of weight. I sat on it strictly for about 2 months. The first week I ate in such a way that I gained 18-19 points per day. These were mainly meat and eggs, cottage cheese and some other dairy products. Then I began to expand the menu, and tried to keep it to 30-35 points a day. The kilograms went off quickly at first, then a little slower, as I began to allow myself a little more varied food. I think the advantage of the diet is that you hardly feel hungry on it. Yes, sometimes I wanted sweets, but I was able to tolerate the lack of baked goods in my diet. Moreover, after 2 months I was already accustomed to eating this way, counting the points. In 2 months I got rid of 15.5 kilograms and I think the result is amazing.

Inga, 35 years old:
I sat on the Kremlin diet with my friend for exactly a month. Both are pleased with the results. I lost 8 kilograms, she lost 6.5 kg. But initially my weight was higher than hers. The nice thing about the diet was that I didn’t have to give up alcohol completely. It was the Easter period and we could afford some wine. They could also eat eggs almost without restrictions. We recommend.

Olga, 51 years old:
Wonderful diet. I found out about it from the newspaper, immediately cut out a table of foods with glasses for myself, and began to lose weight. The first days it was difficult to create a menu and count everything. But after a week I remembered all the symbols and could easily create a menu for myself. If I wanted to treat myself to fruit for lunch, then for breakfast and dinner I tried to eat foods with 0 points. It’s a pity, of course, that I had to completely give up cereals and sweets. But I lost 14 kg in 2.5 months. A year has passed since then, and my weight has not returned. Although even now I sometimes try to count points and, out of habit, eat as if I were on a diet.

The Kremlin diet and the essence of diets:

Book: Kremlin diet. Meat and fish dishes

Pages: 28

The Kremlin diet, the main advantage of which is a minimum of restrictions and maximum effect, is by far the most popular and most effective weight loss program.

In this book you will find the best recipes for low-carb dishes from the Kremlin diet, prepared from meat, poultry and fish. Among them are those that you can easily prepare when you come home from work in the evening, and those that will decorate your holiday table. Each recipe is accompanied by detailed cooking technology and information on the quantity. e. in this dish. Eat healthy and lose weight, and the book “The Kremlin Diet” will help you with this.

Bonus: book from the “Kremlin Cookery” series - “50 most best recipes"in the archive!
