Prayer during fasting by day. What prayers to read during Lent at home

The meaning of fasting is not just a refusal of meat and dairy foods, it is self-restraint, that is, a voluntary refusal of everything that makes up a noticeable part of our earthly life.

During Lent, first of all, you need to take care of cleansing your soul and thoughts, and for this you need to pray daily at home and, if possible, attend church services throughout the seven weeks of Lent.

The prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian is added to home prayers during Lent. Prayer is said daily, with the exception of Sundays and Saturdays.

Venerable Ephraim the Syrian

Lord and Master of my life, do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk. Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant. To her, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for blessed are you forever and ever. Amen.

At the end of the prayer, 12 times in a row you need to say “God, cleanse me, a sinner,” and bow to the waist.

Read the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian two more times and bow to the ground.

Prayers to be read during Lent in the morning and evening

Morning prayers for Lent

Lord, be merciful to your servant (Name) !
Send me your blessing and don’t look away. Give me the strength to resist the evil that tests me, help me cleanse my soul of sins committed willingly and unwillingly. Amen.

Lord Almighty! Lord of my life. Take away from me the spirit of idleness and allow me to spend the time of Lent in humility. Protect from sinful thoughts, do not let everyone stray from the righteous path You have outlined for everyone. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. For the sake of the Virgin Mary, the Most Pure Mother, and all the Saints, have mercy on me (Name), sinner. Glory to Thee, Lord, deliverer and merciful Father in Heaven. Amen.

Evening prayers during Lent

Lord God, creator of all life on earth and the King of Heaven, forgive me for the sins I have committed during the day in word or deed. Even in a dream, I, God’s servant, do not lose faith in You.

I believe that You will save me from sins and cleanse my soul. Every day I hope for Your protection. Hear my prayer, answer my requests. Amen.

Guardian Angel, protector of my soul and my body. If I have sinned this day, deliver me from my sins. Don't let the Lord God be angry with me. Pray for me, God's servant (Name), before the Lord God, ask him for the forgiveness of my sins and protect me from committing evil. Amen.

Prayer for forgiveness of sins for every day

I appeal to you, servant of God (s) (Name), to You, Lord, and with all my heart I ask You to forgive my sins. Have mercy on me, Heavenly King, deliver me from mental torment and self-torture. I will turn to You, Son of God. You died for our sins and You rose again to live forever. I hope for Your help and ask you to bless me. Forever You are my Savior. Amen!

Prayer for the blessing of food and drink

Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, for He is blessed forever and ever. Amen.
(And cross food and drink).

Prayer after eating

We thank You, Christ our God, for You have filled us with Your earthly blessings; Do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as You came in the midst of Your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

Cleansing Prayer

God, my God! Give my heart ignorance of passions and lift my eye above the madness of the world, from now on make my life not to please them and grant me pity for those who persecute me.

For Your joy in sorrows is known, my God, and a straight soul will receive it, but its fate comes from Your face and there is no diminishment of its bliss. Lord Jesus Christ, my God, make my ways straight on earth.

Prayers during Lent before Easter

Prayers for Easter are an integral part of holiday rituals and services. Easter week is believed to have a strong energetic atmosphere. This gives Easter prayers for health and well-being special power and concentration.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ

Icon of Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Icon of the Holy Spirit

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our soul.

Trisagion (angelic song)

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal, be merciful to us.

What prayers cannot be read during Lent?

You can often come across the opinion that during Lent you cannot read akathists, except for one or several days.

On Saturday of the fifth week of Pentecost, in all Orthodox churches the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos is sung and praise to the Mother of God is heard.
Also during special Lenten services - Passion, which are served four times during fasting, the Akathist to the Divine Passion of Christ is read.

But as such, there is no prohibition on reading certain prayers during Lent in the church charter. There is a tradition of paying more attention to prayers of repentance during Lent. But a Christian can read akathists privately (that is, at home).

Lent is one of the main events of the Orthodox year. Believers prepare for the celebration of Easter by cleansing their souls, thoughts and bodies. You will learn from the article what you can eat during this period and what dishes you can prepare during fasting.

in the post?

In order not to break your fast and prepare a dish allowed on a specific day of abstinence, you need to know which foods are allowed and which are prohibited for consumption. Lent is considered the strictest among the rest. The first and last weeks are especially difficult to comply with.

On the very first day you need to completely abstain from eating. During Lent, cold dishes without vegetable oil are allowed from Tuesday to Friday. Such days are called dry eating.

On Saturday and Sunday, fasting is the least strict. So, in the first week of fasting on these days it is allowed to eat hot dishes seasoned with vegetable oil.

During the remaining 5 weeks of Lent, you should eat this way: dry eating should be observed on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and hot food can be eaten on Tuesday and Thursday; on weekends, it is allowed to season food with vegetable oil, and it is permissible to sip a little red wine. You can also prepare festive dishes during Lent, but they also should not contain foods prohibited for consumption.

On Lazarus Saturday you can put fish caviar on the table. And the next day, on Palm Sunday, the consumption of fish dishes is allowed. But here it should be taken into account that if the above holidays fall on the calendar during Holy Week, then during this period the consumption of any food of animal origin is prohibited. On Good Friday it is recommended to abstain from food, and on the day before Easter, dry eating is allowed. Dishes prepared during Lent should not only not contain prohibited foods, but also be charged with positive energy and the pure thoughts of the cook.

During fasting, food is prepared only from products of plant origin. Animal foods are prohibited: meat, dairy products, butter, eggs and all derivatives. You cannot eat fast food, snacks, carbonated drinks, etc. Food must be of natural plant origin. Dishes should not be too spicy, spicy or sweet. Such food is also an excess on the table.

From a nutritional point of view, it can be noted that lenten dishes during fasting are not only not harmful to health. On the contrary, they cleanse the body of deposits and toxins and strengthen it with vitamins and minerals. Proper fasting does not harm health due to the fact that the lack of animal food and all necessary substances is replenished with plant components. Thus, the lack of animal protein is replaced by vegetable protein through the consumption of beans, peas, wheat, nuts and mushrooms. Apples, bananas and buckwheat will cover iron deficiency. Dried fruits with honey will support the immune system. Often the main dishes during fasting are prepared on the basis of various cereals. The latter carry healthy carbohydrates that will saturate the body. All kinds of vegetables and fruits will give energy and make up for the lack of nutrients, microelements and vitamins.

From the permitted products you can prepare a wide variety of simple but tasty dishes: soups, salads, snacks, main hot and cold dishes and even pies. We offer you simple but extraordinary recipes for dishes during Lent.

Italian bean soup

A hearty, rich and unusual-tasting soup will become a decoration. To prepare it you will need:

  • canned beans - 200 g;
  • green beans (can be frozen) - 300 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • garlic clove;
  • half a liter of tomato juice;
  • eggless noodles (you can make your own from flour and water) - 250 g;
  • greens (dill, parsley, green young onions) to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Cook the green beans until tender. Drain it in a colander.
  2. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Simmer in water in a deep soup pan. On days when vegetable oil is allowed, frying can be done.
  3. Pour tomato juice into the onions and garlic. Simmer for 15 minutes with the lid closed.
  4. In a separate pan, boil the noodles in salted water.
  5. Add the rest of the ingredients to the simmering tomato juice with onions and garlic: green and canned beans, noodles. Add salt to taste and boil for 15 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle the soup with fresh herbs before serving.

Vegetable salad with avocado

What dishes to cook during fasting on days of dry eating? Try making an unusual salad with avocado. This fruit is high in calories. Therefore, the proposed salad will not only enrich it with vitamins, but will also saturate the body of a fasting person.
To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • medium onion head;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • radishes - 200 g;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

Making the salad is very simple. To do this, you need to cut all the vegetables and avocados into cubes. Finely chop the onion and soak for 5-10 minutes in lemon juice. Then mix all the ingredients and add salt. You can also season with lemon juice or, on permitted days, with olive oil.


Vegetables can also be used to prepare delicious dishes during Lent. Recipes for vegetable salads, stews and stewed vegetables surprise with a variety of tastes. We invite you to try the original Italian vegetable dish “Ratatouille”. In the classic recipe, all vegetables are deep-fried before baking. We slightly modified the cooking technology and got an equally tasty and even healthier dish.

To prepare Ratatouille you will need the following products:

  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • 1 head garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • blue ones - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • half a liter of tomato juice;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • fresh greens.

How to cook Ratatouille

  1. Peel the eggplants, cut into slices up to 1 cm wide and soak them in cold water for half an hour.
  2. Peel the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them.
  3. Peel the skin of the zucchini.
  4. To prepare the sauce, simmer finely chopped onions and bell peppers with a few cloves of garlic in half a glass of tomato juice until the vegetables are tender. Add some salt. Blend the mixture in a blender until a thick sauce forms.
  5. Place parchment paper in a baking dish and pour the sauce on top to a thickness of about 1 cm.
  6. Lay out the vegetables, alternating eggplant, zucchini, and tomato so that the vegetables closely fill the form, as in the photo below.
  7. Now prepare the dressing. To do this, you need to mash the herbs, sea salt and a few cloves of garlic in a mortar. On permitted days you can add olive oil. Brush the prepared dressing on top of the vegetables.
  8. Place the pan in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for an hour and a half until the vegetables are ready.

Dumplings with sauerkraut

What dish should you prepare during Lent that will surprise your household and even guests? Make dumplings! Few people know that such a traditional dish can be lean and at the same time no less tasty than the original. Only the filling will have to be replaced with vegetable one. For dumplings with sauerkraut you will need the following products:

  • flour - 500 g;
  • a glass of water;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • sauerkraut - 500 g;
  • salt to taste.

Preparing such a dish during Lent does not take much time. First you need to prepare the dough. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make it without vegetable oil - the dough will crumble. Therefore, you can please your loved ones with such dumplings only on certain days of Lent.

In order to prepare the dough, you need to mix flour, water, and add salt to taste. Place the kneaded dough into the refrigerator for an hour. Then roll out the dough into “sausages”. Cut them into pieces, roll out circles. Then you need to squeeze out the excess juice from the sauerkraut. Place the filling in the middle of each dough circle and seal it into a dumpling shape. All that remains is to cook the product in salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Lenten dumplings with sauerkraut are ready!

Pilaf with dried fruits

What dishes to prepare during Lent for the main meal? After all, in Russian cuisine it is customary to consider meat treats as the main decorations of the table. You can offer to cook vegetable stew, porridge with mushrooms in pots, sauté, and on certain days the highlight of the diet will be fish. We also offer you hearty pilaf. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • rice (it is better to choose long-grain varieties) - 1.5 cups;
  • a couple of large onions;
  • carrots - 750 g;
  • dried dates - 150 g;
  • dried apricots - 350 g;
  • ginger root;
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • ground cumin;
  • ground coriander;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • vegetable broth - 3 cups;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mint sprig;
  • salt.

How to cook pilaf

  1. Rinse the rice and soak it in cold water for half an hour.
  2. Peel the vegetables.
  3. Cut the carrots into large bars, the onion into rings.
  4. Finely chop the ginger.
  5. Fry the chopped vegetables in a saucepan. Add all the spices and salt.
  6. Simmer washed and dried dates and dried apricots in a separate pan with honey and lemon juice for 3-5 minutes.
  7. Add the honey mixture to the saucepan with the fried vegetables.
  8. Place the rice in a colander. Then pour into a saucepan, level the surface and pour in vegetable broth. Cover with a lid, reduce heat and simmer without stirring with the lid closed until the rice is cooked (about 20 minutes).
  9. Remove from heat. Release the steam by opening the lid. Place a sprig of mint on top and close the lid. Let the dish brew for another 10-15 minutes. The flavorful pilaf is ready!

Honey gingerbread

You can even prepare sweet dishes for Lent. We prepare honey Lenten gingerbreads at home. You can pamper your household with them at any time. They will also become a worthy decoration for the holiday table. However, do not forget that sweet dishes should not be consumed in excess during Lent.

To prepare them you will need:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • 500 g liquid honey;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • 7 glasses of flour;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 4 cups chilled purified water.

How to cook

  1. Mix water, honey and sugar in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Melt until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then remove from heat. Let the mixture cool.
  2. Knead the dough by mixing the honey mass with flour and soda slaked with lemon juice. Place the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Roll out the dough 2 cm wide. Press out the molds.
  4. Bake gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet at 220 degrees for 20 minutes.
  5. You can decorate baked goods with powdered sugar or jam.

You can create recipes for dishes during Lent yourself, slightly modifying the classic ones and replacing the necessary products. In this way, original Lenten dishes are obtained, which the hostess can safely serve at the festive table.

Fruit cake

What holiday dishes to prepare for Lent? Of course, a real cake! To prepare a delicious sponge-fruit cake you will need the following products:

  • flour - 3 cups;
  • one and a half glasses of fruit juice to taste;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • zest of 2 oranges;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 bags of baking powder;
  • vanillin - 2 packs;
  • salt to taste.

For the cream you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • any juice - 2 glasses;
  • semolina (cereals) - 3 tbsp. l.

To soak the cakes you will need 2 large spoons of sugar and 500 g of juice.

Preparing the cake

  1. Knead the dough from the ingredients needed for the cakes. Divide it in half and bake 2 sponge cakes at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  2. Place one cake in the refrigerator. Leave the other one on the table, covered with a napkin.
  3. Prepare the impregnation by mixing the juice with sugar. Soak the sponge cake with it. Then leave it to cool in the refrigerator as well.
  4. Prepare the cream. To do this, mix the juice with sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then gradually add semolina and cook like regular porridge until tender.
  5. Cool the cream and beat thoroughly with a blender.
  6. Remove the cakes from the cold. Place them on top of each other and coat with cream on all sides.
  7. If desired, you can decorate the top with nuts, coconut shavings or fruit slices.


Even from a seemingly meager list of products you can prepare incredibly tasty dishes for Lent. The recipes we have proposed can, if desired, be improved independently with a little imagination.

Lent is a time of spiritual cleansing. But it is unthinkable without cleansing the body. How to eat while fasting? What recipes should you include on the menu? And how can we help the body overcome this test without harmful consequences?

Food taboos

Dietary rules during Lent require one to abstain from fast food, that is, products of animal origin. We are talking about any meat, eggs, milk, as well as products based on it: butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, and various cheeses. Church canons allow eating fish on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7) and on Palm Sunday (April 9). And on Lazarus Saturday (April 8) you can indulge in some caviar.

Meals by day

How to eat during Lent 2017 by day? The first and final weeks are considered the most strict. These days they eat only vegetables, fruits and bread. On Good Friday you should refuse any food - this is a kind of cleansing of the body by fasting. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, cold food without oil is allowed, on Tuesdays and Thursdays - hot food, also without oil. And on Saturdays and Sundays you can add it to your dishes.

Food for good

To follow the nutritional rules of Lent and not harm your health, try to include as much vegetable protein in your menu as possible. First of all, these are legumes: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans. A lot of protein is found in rice, oats, barley and buckwheat - prepare porridges and soups from them. Mushrooms, broccoli and garlic can boast protein reserves. Don't forget about nuts in all their variety, as well as sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Vitamins to help

What food can you eat during fasting to get vitamins? All available vegetables, fruits and berries. For example, white cabbage can be put in salads and soups, stewed with other vegetables and expressly pickled. Seasonal apples, citrus fruits, grapes, bananas and frozen berries can also be included in the diet, like any dried fruit. To prevent the benefits of fasting from turning into harm for the body, take a suitable vitamin and mineral complex.

Life-giving drinks

Along with food, drinks play an important role during fasting. Give preference to black and green tea, fruit and berry juices, and homemade lemonades. On dry eating days, it is recommended not to drink coffee, compotes and juices. According to the method of preparation, they are considered decoctions, which contradicts the principles of dry eating. But on weekends, drinking Cahors church wine is allowed, of course, in moderation.

Let's hit the salads

Now let's talk in more detail about what they eat on dry eating days. Mainly dry food, cooked without heat or oil. This is where fresh ones come to the rescue. Shred 400 g of white cabbage, add salt, knead with your hands and press with a plate for 15 minutes. When the cabbage gives juice, add a handful of crushed nuts, green onions and parsley to taste. Beat half of the avocado into a liquid puree and pour over the salad. This clever dressing will make it richer and tastier. A delicious salad can also be prepared from broccoli and cauliflower inflorescences: boil 150 g of each type of inflorescence in boiling water for 3 minutes, separate, and place in a salad bowl. Add your favorite spices, chunks of avocado, and the familiar avocado dressing. Pumpkin seeds will also work well in a salad. Bon appetit!

Mushrooms in gold

Delicious and simple food during Lent can be baked in the oven. Cut 4 potatoes and 200 g of champignons (or any other mushrooms of your choice) into slices, add salt and sprinkle with olive oil. Place them on foil in two layers, sprinkle with green onions, cover with foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes at 200°C. For lovers of dressings, we suggest preparing an interesting sauce. Beat 2 peeled tomatoes with 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Pour the sauce over the baked goodies - a hearty lean snack is ready.

Pea joy

How to eat properly during? Prepare different soups from vegetables, grains and beans. Soak ½ cup of peas in water overnight, then drain and boil until tender. Separately, saute the onion with carrots and 300 g of fresh cabbage in vegetable oil. Place the roast with 2-3 diced potatoes into a pan with peas. At the very end, add salt, spices and a bunch of herbs. Rye toast toasted in a dry frying pan is the perfect complement to this soup.

Potato find

Recipes for hot food without oil are irreplaceable during Lent. Like, for example, lean cutlets. We pass 4 potatoes, 2 cups of walnuts through a meat grinder and mix with 180 g of oatmeal. Add a bunch of parsley and salt with spices to the minced meat. We make cutlets and, after rolling them in flour, bake for 15 minutes at 180°C. You can prepare a sauce for these cutlets. Simmer the onion with 3 cloves of garlic in 50 ml of water, pour in a glass of tomato juice and simmer for 5 minutes. Add sauce to the cutlets as desired and enjoy an unusual lunch.

Vegetable messages

Vegetable cabbage rolls will fit organically into the Lenten menu. Take 10-12 cabbage leaves, boil them in salted water and beat off the roots. Sauté 2 carrots into strips and an onion into cubes in oil. Mix them with 200 g of boiled rice, 4 chopped cloves of garlic and fill the cabbage leaves with the filling. We fold them into envelopes, pour a glass of boiling water with 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and simmer until done. You can cook cabbage rolls in vegetable broth and add tomato sauce only at the end. Add your favorite ones to the filling, and the cabbage rolls will become even tastier.

The longest and strictest periods include Lent. At this time, a person is cleansed not only on a physical, but also on a spiritual level. During this period, it is important to turn to the Lord, to the Saints. Therefore, it is necessary to know what prayers to read during Lent.


It is believed that through fasting and prayer a person prepares for the approach of Easter. In this way, a believer can achieve unity with God and be cleansed of sinfulness. It is necessary to pay great attention to prayers at this time. Try to visit the temple more often.

The main meaning of fasting is to cleanse the human body and soul. The Church emphasizes that it is necessary to fast during Lent. During this period, you should limit entertainment and pastime in front of telecommunication devices. After all, the daily flow of information of a different nature clogs our consciousness. It is better to spend this time with your family and people close to you. The clergy advise visiting church and repenting of what you have done.

The time period: 02/19/18 – 04/07/18 is. Throughout the seven weeks, the human body is cleansed.


In the morning, fasting with prayer will warm your heart, help you create a good mood, and protect yourself from unpleasant thoughts or actions. Such appeals are considered traditional. They can be read in church, as well as at home. Their main purpose is to prepare a person for repentance, cleansing, and confession.

“Eternal God and King of every creature, who has made me worthy even at this hour, forgive me the sins I have committed this day in deed, word and thought, and cleanse, O Lord, my humble soul from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. And grant me, Lord, to pass through this dream in peace at night, so that, rising from my humble bed, I will please Your most holy name all the days of my life, and will trample the fleshly and incorporeal enemies that fight me. And deliver me, Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages Amen.”

It is also worth turning to your Guardian Angel. Believers ask him for forgiveness of sins, protection from committing sinful offenses.

Many believers ask what prayers to read during Lent. During this period, a prayer is read for the forgiveness of sins. At this time, they fast and repent of committing sinful offenses. The prayers read are of great importance.


The morning should begin with appeals to Jesus Christ, then to the Most Holy Trinity. These prayers are basic. Their pronunciation means that a believer consciously approaches the process of testing by fasting. The man shows complicity with the passions of Jesus, which he experienced while in the desert.

As gratitude for the bread, prayer lines should be said before and after meals.

When preparing for sleep, you need to turn your heart to the Guardian Angel and Lord. During fasting, it is worth reading prayer lines, cleansing your soul and body.

During Lent, the Church of Christ commands to lead a moderate lifestyle and maintain a certain diet. Set aside days when you need to eat meatless meals. During this period, it is worth thinking about the Lord; a prayer service is needed for repentance and deliverance from sins.

Allowed foods include bread, fruits, vegetables, and cereals. On Wednesday and Friday you need to fast:

  • as a remembrance of the betrayal of Christ by Judas;
  • for the sake of the suffering of the cross, the death of the Savior on Wednesday.

Fast food and dairy products are prohibited. Eating eggs is also prohibited.

Lent is considered the longest and strictest. During this period, you should fast. After all, when you fasted (fasted), your body became light. The desires of the flesh are tamed. Outbursts of anger are suppressed, long-awaited calm sets in, and intemperance gradually disappears.

Saint Basil the Great said that by fasting, a person removes himself from all sins that are committed by the senses. By fasting, according to the Saint, we fulfill the pious duty of an Orthodox Christian.

Prayer of Ephraim the Syrian

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah has a whole section that describes in detail how to behave during this period. The main prayer is considered to be an appeal to Ephraim the Syrian. It helps to free oneself from physical and mental illnesses that are obstacles to communication with the Lord.

The Lenten prayer of Ephraim is considered one of the most powerful prayers during Lent at home. It is also recited at religious services. It is known that St. Ephraim committed a sin. The Lord taught him a lesson for this. After this, Ephraim realized that everything is under the gaze of God, and everyone is responsible for their sins.

“God, Lord of my life! Give me some sense, do not let me live in idleness and laziness. Deliver me from idle talk, sinful thoughts and weakness of spirit. I entrust my life to You, I bow my head in piety before Your all-seeing gaze. Show me, Almighty, all my sins for which I am responsible. Punish with a fair trial and give the opportunity to improve by taking the only true path. Light up the darkness around me, and send down your goodness, so that with your word I can protect myself from injustice and the machinations of the evil one. Give me the strength to get rid of greed, envy and condemnation. Only You can punish the unrighteous. Blessed are You forever and ever. Grant me chastity and humility. Your voice resounds throughout the centuries, leaving neither the sinful Earth nor our souls. Amen".

The fasting person must recite the prayer text 12 times along with waist bends. At the end, you must bow to the ground completely.

You need to read prayer on weekdays. After all, this sacred text contains the main repentances and requests addressed to the Lord. The main thing is that the words of the person praying come from the depths of the heart. During this period, it is worth asking for forgiveness of your sins.


During spiritual communication, it is important to dwell on several main points, that is, on sins that should be cleansed from.

  1. The spirit of idleness must be noted. It has always been considered a vice. After all, the Lord gave each person certain skills and talents, which he can reveal and improve over time, and direct him to perform good deeds. Idleness distracts the believer from the true goal and leads astray from the true path.
  2. A person does not notice any glimpses of kindness or happiness when he is controlled by despondency. In such a situation, the Christian believer is plunged into darkness. In this state he cannot move in the right direction.
  3. The Lord created a man who can speak. Idle talk destroys his soul, because it is used to insult other people and utter curses. In prayer, you need to ask the Lord to protect you from evil, needlessly spoken words.
  4. An excessive desire to control other people can become a problem that will hinder the development of spiritual communication.

To get rid of these sins, it is worth reading prayer lines during Lent. By opening your heart to the Lord, you will cleanse your body and soul from sinfulness.

It is necessary to repent, to cleanse oneself of past misdeeds. If a person cannot understand where he has lost his way, he can ask the Lord for help. During Lent, you need to forgive those who have offended you, help other people, and give alms. The main thing is that your actions and intentions are sincere and have a good purpose.

Video on the topic: How to pray correctly during Lent? What prayers should I read?


Prayers spoken during Lent play a huge role. After all, with their help, a person is cleansed physically and mentally. During the period of Lent, you can rethink your own life and purpose. You have the opportunity to understand what you really want.

The clergy advise to get rid of bad thoughts and forget old grievances. It is also important to attend church, pray, and open your heart to God.

Miraculous words: prayer during fasting by day in full description from all the sources we found.

During Lent, it is customary to read various prayers, but the most important is considered to be the repentant prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian. A chapter in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah is dedicated to this holiday. It describes in detail how to behave during fasting and other nuances. On these days, you can perform various rituals, read conspiracies and prayers. People believe that all appeals to God during this period will certainly be heard.

Prayers read during Lent

As already mentioned, the most important prayer during the days of Lent is considered to be an appeal from Holy Sirin. It lists the most important aspects of repentance, and also indicates what exactly needs to be done and what to work on. The main idea of ​​prayer is that a person must free himself from illness, which is an obstacle to communication with God. The prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian sounds like this:

“Lord and Master of my life,

Do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk.

Grant me the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Your servant.

grant me to see my sins,

and do not condemn my brother,

for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages, amen.

God, cleanse me, a sinner!”

To make the prayer more understandable, you need to dwell on the most important points that are described in it. First, a request is made to get rid of important sins:

  1. Spirit of Idleness. The saint asks God to protect him from wasting his time. Everyone has certain talents and skills that need to be used correctly for the benefit of all humanity. Idleness is considered the root of all sins.
  2. Spirit of despondency. If a person is controlled by despondency, then he does not have the opportunity to see goodness and happiness in life. He simply plunges into darkness and becomes a real pessimist. That is why, in order to move in the right direction and be closer to God, you need to get rid of this sin.
  3. Spirit of greed. In almost every person’s life there is a desire to control people, for example, power in the family, at work, etc. The love of control can become a serious problem that prevents you from developing and communicating with God.
  4. Spirit of pride. Man is the only creation of God who has received the ability to speak. Often words are used for insults, curses, etc. In prayer, the saint asks God to protect him from vain and evil words.

Fasting cannot take place without prayers. You can read morning, evening prayers or the Psalter. It is important to always add the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian.

Other prayers read during Lent:

Of great importance are kneeling prayers, read not during Lent, but on the Great Trinity, which is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. The priest reads them, kneeling and facing the novices. The prayers contain an appeal to the mercy of God; they speak of the sending of the Holy Spirit, as well as the repose of the dead.

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Prayer during fasting by day

Prayer of Ephraim the Syrian

Lord and Master of my life!

Do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk.

Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Your servant.

To her, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother,

for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Take into your prayer rule some additional texts: canons, akathists (akathists are read privately on days of fasting), psalms, etc. (And think for yourself what you can realistically raise, and don’t ask your father, who is always busy and in a hurry. He may or may not approve of your choice, but he cannot decide for you.)

a necessary element of the post. Make it a rule to read the lives of the saints of this day every day.

Or all the texts of the service scheduled for this day.

You can discipline yourself by reading one chapter of the Gospel every morning (the Apostle the next year) and reflect on what you read all day long.

Prevent your thoughts from wandering during fasting: read advertisements in the subway car, listen to the radio in the car, spend time watching TV at home. Let it be spiritual reading or listening to spiritual broadcasts.

Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann writes beautifully about this:

“We must understand that it is impossible to divide our life between Lenten light sadness and the experience of a fashionable film or play. These two experiences are incompatible, and one of them completely destroys the other. However, it is very likely that the latest fashionable film is rather overcome by a light sadness; the opposite can only happen with special efforts. Therefore, the first Lenten custom that can be proposed is a decisive cessation of listening to radio and television during Lent. In this case, we do not dare propose a perfect fast, but at least an ascetic one, which, as we have already said, first of all means a change in “diet” and abstinence. For example, there is nothing wrong with continuing to follow the transmission of information or a serious program that enriches us spiritually and intellectually. But what must be stopped by fasting is being chained to the TV, the vegetative existence of a person chained to the screen, passively absorbing everything that is shown to him.”

Observation of the soul

In general, a person should watch his soul all the time. However, this is especially true for fasting, and for this reason. Experiencing discomfort from fasting abstinence, a person becomes more irritable, picky, and finds it more difficult to keep himself within limits. This can be attributed to temptations from demons. Not without temptations, of course, but the point is, first of all, that all those unhealed moods come out of the soul that do not appear until we are full, tired, satisfied...

Therefore, pastors from ancient times to this day strongly advise a fasting person to pay attention to his behavior, attitude towards his neighbors, etc. “He who believes that fasting only means abstaining from food is mistaken. True fasting is removal from evil, bridling the tongue, putting aside anger, taming lusts, stopping slander, lies and perjury” (St. John Chrysostom).

The same saint says what real fasting should be like:

“Together with bodily fasting, there must also be mental fasting... During physical fasting, the belly fasts from food and drink; during mental fasting, the soul abstains from evil thoughts, deeds and words. A true faster abstains from anger, rage, malice, and revenge. A true faster refrains his tongue from idle talk, foul language, idle talk, slander, condemnation, flattery, lies and all slander... Do you see, Christian, what kind of spiritual fasting?”

The Holy Fathers taught quite definitely that abstinence from food must necessarily be combined with abstinence of the soul from evil. “The toil of the flesh, combined with contrition of the spirit, will constitute a pleasant sacrifice to God and a worthy abode of holiness in the hiddenness of a pure, well-adorned spirit” (Venerable John Cassian).

I will give another quote from the same holy father (his memory is celebrated once every 4 years, on February 29), a great ascetic and ascetic:

“What is the benefit of abstaining from food and being defiled by fornication? You do not eat meat, but you torment your brother’s flesh with slander. What profit is there in not enjoying wine, but reveling in wealth? What is the use of not eating bread and being drunk with anger? What is the profit in exhausting yourself with fasting and at the same time slandering your neighbor? What is the use of abstaining from food and stealing what belongs to others? What is the need to dry up the body and not feed the hungry? What is the use of wasting your limbs and not showing mercy to widows and orphans?

Are you fasting? In this case, avoid slander, avoid lies, slander, enmity, blasphemy and all vanity.

Are you fasting? Then avoid anger, jealousy, perjury and all injustice.

Are you fasting? Avoid overeating, which gives rise to all kinds of wickedness...

If you fast for God’s sake, then avoid every deed that God hates, and He will accept your repentance with favor.”

The holy fathers considered the sin of idle talk to be one of our bad habits that must be eradicated. Russian word chat very accurately, although somewhat rudely, conveys the meaning of this sin - rocking, wagging the tongue from side to side. When, if not during Lent, should we declare war on idle talk?

Saint Gregory the Theologian wrote a wonderful treatise about this, “A Word on Silence during Lent”:

“When, making a mysterious sacrifice to the human suffering of God, so that I myself might die to life, I bound my flesh for forty days, according to the laws of Christ the King, since healing is given to cleansed bodies, then, firstly, I brought my mind into steadfastness, living alone, far from everyone, surrounded by a cloud of lamentation, gathered entirely within himself and unentertained by thoughts, and then, following the rules of holy men, he put the door to his lips. The reason for this is so that, by abstaining from every word, we learn to observe moderation in words ... "

And is it not for deliverance from the sin of idle talk that we pray in the words of the Lenten prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian: “Lord and Master of my life. Spirit... don’t give me idle talk.”

Good deeds

Many Christians ask how specifically they could serve their neighbors. It is clear that we do not leave elderly parents and relatives without care; we try to create peace and love in our own family. But not only their...Love for his, caring for parents is, in general, not an achievement, it is a duty! But the Christian must go further. He should also include other people with his care.

When the Savior (in the 25th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew) speaks of judgment over the righteous and sinners, the only criterion for justification or condemnation here is specific help to one’s neighbor:

“And all nations will be gathered before Him; and will separate one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right hand, and the goats on His left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand: Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry, and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you accepted Me; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.

Then the righteous will answer Him: Lord! when did we see you hungry and feed you? or to the thirsty and gave them something to drink? when did we see you as a stranger and accept you? or naked and clothed? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and came to You? And the King will answer them, “Truly I say to you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did it to Me.”

Then He will also say to those on the left side: Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was hungry, and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me no drink; I was a stranger, and they did not accept Me; I was naked, and they did not clothe Me; sick and in prison, and they did not visit Me.

Then they too will answer Him: Lord! When did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not serve You? Then he will answer them, “Truly I say to you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.” And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into everlasting life.”

In this regard, I would like to say two words about concrete help to our neighbors.

The author believes that every Christian should help those in need. Whether with money, with our strength, with spiritual participation... But we must help. An exception can be made for teachers and doctors. Their professional service, if done honestly and with dedication, is their Christian service. But everyone else must take up and carry out the service of helping their neighbor. What might this look like?

I have dozens of examples of how my parishioners do this.

Help with money a poor family that has a sick child (cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, etc.).

Take an elderly or sick person from a nursing home or shelter to the dacha in the summer.

Participate in the life of an orphanage or shelter.

Simply help a large or needy family with money (priests always have such familiar families);

Take a group of children for a walk (circus, park) from an orphanage at least once a month...

There are a huge number of options, possibilities, you can talk to the priest of your temple, he can suggest something.

The only thing But: This must be done not only during Lent, but throughout the year, throughout our entire Christian life.

To limit our labors to the time of fasting is cruel to those whom we undertake to care for and nourish. Remember: once we have taken up the task of helping, we must always carry it out

What prayers are read at home during Lent 2018

Everyone knows that the Easter fast - from February 19 to April 7, 2018 - is the strictest and longest, and there are many food restrictions during this seven-week period.

However, many of us forget that, in addition to giving up certain foods, during fasting a person must also cleanse himself spiritually, thereby, as it were, trying to “get closer” to God.

There are special prayers for every day during Lent, which should be read by all people who are Orthodox Christians.

What prayers are read during Lent are indicated in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, where an entire section is devoted to how one should behave throughout the entire seven-week period.

The main prayer is considered to be the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, which promotes liberation from the so-called “illness” that prevents a person from communicating with God. This prayer sounds like this:

Lord and Master of my life,

spirit of idleness, despondency, greed and idle talk

The spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love,

grant to me, Thy servant.

To her, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins,

and do not condemn my brother,

for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages, amen.

God, cleanse me, a sinner!

Morning prayers during Lent remain traditional, but their reading is certainly supplemented by the above prayer of Ephraim the Syrian. It can be read not only in church, but also at home, and its purpose is to prepare a person for confession, repentance and purification.

It is important to understand that food restrictions, as well as morning, afternoon and evening prayers during Lent have one common goal - a person must learn to manage himself, control his own feelings and emotions.

The seven-week period of Easter Lent is a time of peace and repentance. Every Christian believer must consciously enter into fasting, observe it, and correctly exit this state.

As a rule, it is quite difficult for an ignorant person to do this, therefore, having decided for the first time to take such a serious step as observing Lent, it is better to enlist the support of church ministers, who will definitely help in everything and tell you how to act correctly.

Seven Commandments of Lent

How to spend Lent with benefit for yourself and others?

Great Lent has begun - a time of renewal, repentance and joy. The joy is not Easter, jubilant, but quiet and imperceptible at first glance, but at the same time somehow deep. Maybe this is because during Lent you once again want to move away from all the unnecessary, superficial vanity that envelops you every weekday, and find your true self.

Lent prepares us for the celebration of celebrations - Easter. This is a real journey. This is the spring of the spirit. And this spring path should lead to us becoming at least a little better by the end than we were at the beginning.

What can you do to truly experience Lent?

1. Eat simply. Before we say anything about the spiritual component of fasting, we need to pay attention to how we will eat. After all, it is the nutritional differences that are most noticeable during fasting. The meaning of fasting is not to avoid eating animal food (food in itself does not make us closer to God or further from Him). Still, we are creatures of flesh and blood, and the issue of our nutrition is extremely important. The general rule: you need to eat so that you feel light. You can burden yourself with lean foods. And don't get hung up on food. It’s hardly worth searching all over the Internet for delicious recipes for Lenten dishes. Spend less time and attention preparing meals. Spend less money on food during fasting. In this regard, let us think about the question of how appropriate it is to purchase during Lent, for example, delicious seafood, which is not prohibited by the charter. By the way, for some categories of people, definitions of food indulgence are acceptable: for the sick, those engaged in hard work, pregnant and lactating women, etc. But for this it is better to consult with your confessor. If this is not possible for some reason, then take responsibility. It is also known that “it is better to underfast than to overfast.” Moderation is the golden rule.

2. Give up any dependence or attachment. Lent is the time of our liberation. Liberation from what enslaves us. At this time, we can accomplish a small feat: give up destructive attachment. Everyone will have their own. During this time, some completely abstain from alcohol, some from smoking, and some from television series. You shouldn’t demand such feats from others, but it’s good to try it yourself.

3. Pray regularly. Fasting without prayer is not fasting at all. It’s convenient for us to attribute our usual “lack of prayer” to the rhythm of city life, family worries, problems, etc. But try to free up at least 10 minutes for prayer in the morning and evening during fasting. You can read the usual morning and evening prayers or something else, for example, the Psalter, but during fasting you need to add one more to these prayers - the short and succinct prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, which sets the “tone” for these weeks.

4. Read Scripture. During Lent, the Church reads three Old Testament books during daily services: Genesis, Isaiah and Proverbs. There is also a pious custom to read all four Gospels on your own during Lent. It is difficult to be a Christian without knowing the Scriptures. If you have not yet read the entire Old and New Testaments, catch up over the next forty days. And if you have already mastered the entire Bible, do not think that this is enough: the property of our memory is such that, unfortunately, we forget a lot. Try to read Scripture regularly, preferably every day, in a quiet environment where you can concentrate. It would be great if, after reading, you took the time to reflect a little on what you read and think about how to relate the Scriptures to your life.

5. Attend religious services. Lent is a special time in the rhythm of church services. But you can feel this if you only come to the temple during the week. After all, on Saturdays and Sundays, practically the same services are held as always. The special mood of Lent, what Father Alexander Schmemann called “bright sadness,” can only be felt in the quiet beauty of everyday services. Try to come to church at least once or twice to read the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. This canon, the longest existing in the Orthodox Church, born from the depths of repentance and imbued with the hope of the paternal love of God, is read in parts in the evenings from Monday to Thursday in the first week of Lent, and then repeated in its entirety on Wednesday evenings in the fifth week. You just need to come to the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at least once during the entire Lent (it’s great if you find a church where it is served in the evening) and take communion, experiencing this day as a time of anxious anticipation of meeting Christ. And it is extremely important to be in church on Holy Days, starting from the evening of Maundy Thursday. But this time is still far away, and it is better to talk about it another time.

6. Clear your mind of clutter. Whether it is worth turning off the TV completely or introducing a moratorium on visiting blogs, forums and social networks - everyone decides for themselves. But what will really be useful is to read at least one good book of spiritual content. This could be a book on the history of the Church, on the basics of doctrine, an interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, or anything else. Since the Orthodox literature market today is replete with not always “spiritually high-quality” publications, you should approach the choice of literature very carefully. You can also read something from the world classics - this will also be useful for keeping your mind away from the hustle and bustle.

7. Do what you have been planning to do for a long time. Determine for yourself something that you have been thinking about for a long time, but never did. The time of fasting is a time of positivity. All restrictive measures (in food, entertainment, etc.) are important not in themselves, but as a means to free up our time and energy for the main thing: growing in Christ. And growing in Christ means doing good. Love God, neighbor and yourself. It’s worth choosing at least one thing that will be good not only for you, but also for your neighbors. Before fasting, we heard the words of Christ: “What you did to one of these little ones, you did to me.” With a little thought, you will probably discover how much you can accomplish in those 40 days. Packing things for the orphanage, cooking dinner for your parents, doing something useful for the house, making a birdhouse, delving into how your children live, and finally, you will probably come up with a lot of ideas.
