Which knee pads are best to buy for arthrosis? Expert advice. Knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to choose the best option How long can you wear a knee pad without removing it

Orthopedic knee pads reduce the load on the diseased joint and help prevent injuries to the healthy knee. But you need to know what types of them exist, for example, they come in 3 degrees of fixation, what to look for when buying them. Otherwise, you may buy a useless item.

The knee has a complex structure, it bears heavy loads, so it is often injured. Orthopedic knee pads allow you to fix the joint and evenly distribute the load on the limb in case of knee pain, gonarthrosis or knee injury. In addition, they prevent the progression of pathology and accelerate recovery. Also, medical orthopedic knee pads can be used for preventive purposes during sports or excessive physical activity.

Types of orthopedic knee pads

The following types of knee pads are distinguished:

  1. Soft fixation. Such orthopedic products may have removable ribs and hinges. They can be used on initial stage arthrosis and after knee replacement. In addition, they are suitable for minor bruises, and they can also be worn after removing the plaster cast. These products are suitable for sports. Typically, elastic knee pads are easy to use, easy to wash, and durable. In addition to their supporting function, such orthopedic products eliminate swelling and pain. They can be worn under clothes, they do not cause discomfort and do not hinder movement.
  2. Medium or semi-rigid fixation. These include calipers and braces. They have tires and hinges made of metal or plastic. Usually they are located on the sides and additionally massage the knee for bruises, pain, sprains of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus. Such products are suitable for pain caused by gonarthrosis. They are usually made of neoprene, but they can be made of knitted fabric. They have fastener straps that allow you to adjust the degree of fit.
  3. Cruel fixation. Such fixation devices may have a mechanism that allows the angle of extension and flexion of the knee. Suitable for severe joint deformation. Such products completely immobilize the joint. They can be worn for gonarthrosis, knee hypermobility, dislocation, paralysis. Models have been developed that can be used for osteochondrosis dissecans and inflammation of the synovial fluid. They are prescribed to prevent the development of knee contracture of mixed etiology. They can be used for injuries and after surgical treatment. Unlike a plaster cast, an orthopedic knee brace prevents the development of muscle atrophy and at the same time maintains a certain degree of freedom of the limb.

In addition, there are several types of medical orthopedic knee pads, which differ in their indications for use. This must be taken into account when choosing knee braces, otherwise it may not only be useless, but may also cause harm.

Let's look at the types of knee pads.


A closed knee pad is made of elastic materials and may have a layer of insulation. It covers the knee and part lower limb from all sides. It provides soft fixation, relieves pain, and facilitates movement. Orthopedists advise using it for pain of unclear localization. Such products can be purchased starting from 400 rubles.


The open knee pad has a cutout in the patella area. It is used to facilitate pain when bending the knee, including when walking up stairs. Such models are made of elastic materials with stiffening ribs; they allow you to fix the product on your leg.

Open with tension adjustment

An open knee brace with tension adjustment; it is attached to the limb using elastic straps. It is prescribed for mild pain at the initial stage of gonarthrosis and during rehabilitation after surgical treatment.


The hinged bandage is equipped with rigid hinges on the sides. They help reduce the load on the joint when moving. It can be worn every day during the rehabilitation period after injury or surgery. Such medical knee pads can be used for arthrosis of varying severity, including when the pathology is accompanied by severe pain and dysfunction knee joint.


A bandage with a built-in coolant (halenic or infrared lamp), which allows you to warm up deep and superficial tissues. This orthopedic knee brace for arthrosis relieves severe pain that is observed in severe forms of the disease.

Tourmaline knee pads with a magnet have a warming effect. When heated, tourmaline emits infrared rays, which reduce signs of inflammation, while smooth muscles relax and expand blood vessels and as a result, the diseased area receives more oxygen and nutrients.

Tendon fixator

Fixator to support the tendon-ligamentous apparatus. It is recommended for pain in the patella.

Knee pad materials

In addition, knee pads differ in materials, which determine the price of orthopedic knee pads. For their manufacture use:


Cotton allows air and moisture to pass through. Such products are pleasant to wear, but they must be washed constantly, so they wear out quickly. Cotton is not elastic and you need to choose those products that contain stretch fibers. The cost of such models starts from 200 rubles.


Wool protects the joint from hypothermia. It absorbs moisture and releases active substances, which stop inflammatory processes, improve blood supply to the diseased area and speed up recovery or prevent the progression of pathology. They are made from dog and camel hair. Such products also have to be washed frequently, and therefore they are short-lived; in addition, wool often causes allergies. Prices for such products start from 250 rubles.


Neoprene products fix the knee well, but they do not allow air and moisture to pass through, and the skin under them constantly sweats. Therefore, it is recommended to wear them on clothes made from natural fabrics. Prices for them can vary from 400 to 3000 rubles.

Elan and polyester

Elan and polyester are durable and products made from them are comfortable to wear. Among the disadvantages of such knee pads, it is worth noting the high cost and lack of a warming effect.

Why are medical knee pads needed?

Orthopedic products are needed:

  • to ensure complete fixation of the knee and ligamentous-tendon apparatus, a properly selected knee pad does not fall off and does not compress the vessels, reduces the load on the sore knee, and prevents progression pathological processes in the joint;
  • warming knee pads made of animal hair provide an additional therapeutic effect, normalize blood circulation in the damaged joint and accelerate recovery;
  • as a means of preventing knee injuries, for example, sports knee pads are indispensable during training, since joints are often damaged during training;
  • tourmaline knee pads improve blood circulation, restore cartilage tissue, promote the production of synovium, stop degenerative-inflammatory phenomena in the diseased joint, in addition, such knee pads affect the biological active points, as a result, the body’s defenses increase, sleep problems go away and resistance to stress increases.

Orthopedic knee pads for arthrosis have the following effects:

  • relieve inflammation and pain;
  • eliminate joint swelling and relax muscles;
  • increases mobility in the sore knee.

Important! Knee pads with magnets cannot be worn during exacerbation of inflammation, when symptoms such as severe pain, redness, swelling, and decreased mobility in the injured knee are observed. Tourmaline knee pads with a magnet should not be used in cases of high bleeding or diseases accompanied by bleeding disorders, high temperature, open wounds at the site where the product was worn, pregnancy and breastfeeding, in the first 24 hours after a fracture, the presence of pacemakers and other implants.

How to choose the right knee brace

Before purchasing an orthopedic knee brace, you should definitely consult a doctor.

It is important to take into account the size of the product, otherwise if it is large, it will not be able to fix the joint properly, but if small, on the contrary, it will compress the vessels and provoke the progression of the pathology. It is worth remembering that each company has its own sizes.

Before purchasing a knee pad, you should try it on; it is important that you feel comfortable in it: it should not slip or squeeze.

Also worth considering:

  • type and indications and contraindications for use (the doctor must decide);
  • the material from which the knee pad is made;
  • check the fasteners, you need to take into account that they wear out the fastest;
  • size;
  • How much does an orthopedic product cost?

Popular manufacturing companies

Many companies are engaged in the production of orthopedic knee pads. The most popular are the following companies:

Firm Characteristic
Orlett German models that follow the contours of the body and securely fix the knee. They are equipped with stiffening ribs and cutting-edge materials that allow a comprehensive effect on the muscular-ligamentous system, resulting in faster recovery, and in addition they prevent re-injury of the knee. All models are made from breathable, hypoallergenic materials.
Medi All models of this company have a therapeutic effect and are designed for long-term use. They are wear-resistant and do not stretch when worn. The knee pads use seamless knitting, silicone drops, and special springs that prevent the knee pad from slipping. The materials from which they are made are breathable and hypoallergenic.
Nebat A Turkish company produces knee pads made from dog hair that not only keep you warm, but also relieve tired legs. They are invisible under clothes.

When purchasing an orthopedic knee brace, you should definitely consult with a specialist, as he can select the product that is suitable in each specific case.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a serious pathology accompanied by severe pain. Besides, medicines, folk remedies Special orthopedic knee pads are extremely popular. The devices have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease, reduce pain, and prevent further development illness.

It is important to choose the right product from quality material. The size and other features of the knee pad play an important role. The following material will help you not to get lost in the huge range of products for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint. Follow useful tips described below, and the recommendations of your attending physician.

General information

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint has been studied in detail by doctors. Research has revealed that the initial stages are best treated with special devices, such as knee pads. The use of drugs and other treatments sometimes entail negative consequences. Orthopedic knee pads protect the joints and prevent them from being damaged.

The main cause of the disease is trauma and wear and tear of the knee joints. Constant overexertion has a negative impact on the musculoskeletal system. That is why the knee brace is aimed at providing support and proper distribution of the load on all components of the knee joint. This aspect ensures the physiological stability of the knee and the therapeutic effectiveness of the device.

The period of use of the knee brace is quite long. Maximum effectiveness is achieved by constantly wearing a medicinal product, this allows you to maintain the functional ability of the knee joint. Only a correctly selected bandage can fully cope with the task.

Pros and benefits of knee pads

Why should you choose an orthopedic knee brace? The main function of the product is to fix the knee joint and all adjacent areas. Knee bandages (another name for the product) are used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes:

  • during professional sports;
  • for better transfer of serious loads on the legs.

If a patient has been diagnosed with arthrosis of the knee joint, an experienced specialist will recommend wearing an orthopedic bandage without fail. The knee brace copes with many problems, and there are no side effects after using it.

How to wear it correctly

Each knee pad comes with detailed instructions for use, When using, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid squeezing the knee or circulatory problems. At the slightest discomfort, be sure to loosen the bandage;
  • It is recommended to wear the bandage for up to three hours a day, be sure to take a break;
  • The product must fit; first measure the fixing knee pad with an orthopedic effect.

In most cases, patients are satisfied with the therapeutic bandage. It is easy to use, the effect is noticeable from the first use. Only a correctly selected accessory will bring the expected effect.

Based on the above material, it should be concluded that you cannot select a knee brace with an orthopedic effect on your own; trust an experienced specialist. Follow the instructions useful recommendations, listen to your feelings.

In the following video, Anton Leonidovich Brovarnik, a rehabilitation specialist and developer of a unique innovative method for the non-surgical treatment of fractures and restoration of the musculoskeletal system, talks about the benefits and harms of knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint:

Arthrosis of the joints is a very unpleasant disease, which often affects older people, but young people are not immune from it. To help those suffering from pain, knee pads are prescribed, how to choose them, how to determine your size, how to wear them correctly - we’ll talk about this today. You should carefully consider this choice so that the benefit of such a means of assistance is maximum.

Risk group

The disease develops in those who regularly expose their legs to excessive stress. These are, as a rule, people belonging to the age category older than old age (they are at risk due to the loss of elasticity of muscles and ligaments with age). The disease is no less common in athletes and people who work in constant motion (the load on the knees exceeds the norm), and people who are overweight and have a sedentary lifestyle, such as sedentary work, often experience manifestations of arthrosis. Active pensioners jogging or race walking, are also susceptible to manifestations of arthrosis, but the joints should be protected a little with the help of a knee brace, and such prevention will be much more significant, the only hope is that over time the pain will stop on its own.

Knee pads for arthrosis: how to choose the right type

An advanced form of arthrosis in the area of ​​ligament damage causes noticeable pain. But its danger lies in the fact that untreated arthrosis can lead to destruction of the ligament and surgical intervention. The symptoms cannot go unnoticed, because the pain intensifies when stress is placed on the damaged joint. And pain relief through external influences (ointments, compresses), internal (taking medications) can provide good therapeutic assistance. But the effect will be noticeably better, and sometimes even necessary, if you resort to the use of knee pads.

There are different knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to choose and not make a mistake? Firstly, you should consult with an orthopedist, it is advisable that he monitors you constantly. Secondly, it is better to imagine how one species differs from another. Such a medical certificate will not hurt. Thirdly, it is important to understand that it is not recommended to profit from the price difference by replacing the knee brace with another product. After all, medical knee pads for arthrosis differ in their operating principle from an elastic bandage, and health is worth preserving. And finally, it would be useful to know how the different materials from which the knee pad is made will behave when worn.

Types of knee pads

Depending on the reasons that influenced the intensity of pain in the knee, on the location, therapeutic knee pads for arthrosis are different types. The degree of fixation depends on how serious the form of the disease is. And choosing tight knee pads for better joint support is not always the best solution. If the leg is pinched due to the knee pad being too small or too tight, blood circulation may be impaired and the knee will experience tissue swelling.

Closed types of knee braces are prescribed by an orthopedic doctor; this solution is resorted to if the diagnosis has not been established and the genesis of the pain is unclear. Such bandages help overcome pain due to the large area of ​​support for the knee.

Open braces are prescribed if the pain is not very severe and episodic, for example when going down stairs or just under the kneecap. Here you can resort to using open knee pads with spiral ones; they will help overcome light loads.

Hinged types of knee pads are quite versatile. Post-traumatic arthrosis can be treated better with the use of such drugs. Pain of various origins goes away faster if such knee pads securely fix the joint.

Warming knee pads

Warm knee pads have a special effect for arthrosis. They come in these types:

With a halogen lamp (or infrared), which warms the joint and relieves pain when the knee moves.

Magnetic knee pads, which tend to relieve overload from muscles and ligaments, thereby providing better uniform heat and providing support for the knee joint, which simultaneously facilitates movement and restores the functionality of the affected joint.

Mineral knee pads with tourmaline in the core, known for its unique property influence tissues with deep warmth, at the cellular level they affect blood circulation and cell restoration. This effect is used in cases where cartilage is damaged to increase the volume of intra-articular fluid. Its unique feature is that after the heat from the sun accumulates in the mineral (and for this it needs to be left in the sun for several hours), the device will release it for up to two weeks.

Wool knee pads. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Knee bandages made of natural wool

It is known that wool knee pads provide an excellent warming effect for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to choose from the variety of options? Knee pads are made from dog, camel, sheep wool and their combinations. In cold weather, such a knee pad will protect your knee from hypothermia.

It is believed that dog hair has the properties of warming up the affected area of ​​the joint. in the best possible way. Possessing maximum hygroscopicity, this type of material, which includes natural dog hair, is optimally relaxing and has an excellent warming effect. During periods of acute pain, such a bandage will the best option- it will help restore blood circulation in the affected area and relieve swelling, and during the rehabilitation period it will continue to gently influence the knee.

Camel hair in a knee pad has a similar effect. Sheep does an excellent job of warming up. But orthopedic wool knee pads for arthrosis do not always have positive reviews. This is mainly due to caring for them. Wool bandages become matted when machine washed. Therefore, it is enough to simply wash it well by hand and dry it flat and not on a radiator, so that the wool inside the knee pad does not get tangled.

Materials from which knee pads are made

Which knee pads are better for arthrosis depends on the situation, but it’s worth knowing a little about which materials will be better and more comfortable to wear and care for directly. From time to time the bandage will have to be washed.

If you are a fan of natural fabrics, cotton and wool knee pads will suit you, but you should be aware of the disadvantages you will encounter: rapid wear and shrinkage when washed in water above 40 degrees.

For better wear resistance, materials with synthetic additives are suitable. neoprene, nylon, lycra, spandex and elastane. But, for example, neoprene will not allow the skin to breathe; the warming process will be accompanied by the release of sweat, which will remain under the knee pad. The way out of this situation is to wear cotton underwear under the device, or at least make a fabric pad between the skin and the kneecap.

Elastane in the material of the knee pad is very comfortable both to wear and to care for. The addition of polyester also makes it durable, lycra and nylon will allow you to use it for a long time, but such knee pads for arthrosis (the photo illustrates what they look like) will not provide a warming effect.

Choosing a knee pad by size

Loosely worn will not bring any benefit or the expected effect. It should be secured so that the fixation is noticeable and tight, but not excessively, so as not to provoke swelling and impaired blood circulation. The sizes of knee pads are focused on the following volumes:

Size S is designed for a knee circumference of 30-36 cm; size M - for knee circumference from 36 to 40 cm; suitable for 40-45 cm and XL - for 45-49 cm.

You should not wear a knee brace all the time. It is enough to wear it for several hours a day, during active walking or exercise. The duration of use of a knee brace for pain should be monitored by an orthopedist: if the pain does not stop or subside, most likely, a different type of brace or additional impact in the form of medical supplies. Such items should be washed in cool water without using chlorine-containing products and by hand, dried by dabbing with a towel.

Knee pads are used in the complex treatment of arthrosis to keep the joint in a calm position. This helps reduce pain and prevents the development of the inflammatory process. Today in pharmacies and orthopedic salons you can see a large number of knee pads from various companies, with different prices and functions. How to choose knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint, we will consider further.

What is a knee brace

An orthosis for the knee joint, a bandage, a brace is a device for providing rest to the knee joint in case of various diseases. They are made of special materials that are elastic, durable, and hypoallergenic. The knee pad is a strip of fabric with strong fasteners.

The device tightly covers the knee joint, preventing its excessive displacement to the sides. Elastic material provides freedom of movement. Knee joint fixators for arthrosis have various shapes and functions are produced by several companies, so they may have different cost options.

Indications for use

Joint braces are used for diseases of the knee joints such as arthrosis, arthritis, trauma and the post-traumatic period. They are also used by athletes for preventive purposes. Medical knee braces for arthrosis are used on different stages diseases, performing corresponding functions.


A knee bandage for arthrosis of the first or second degree performs the following functions:

  • Prevents strong friction of articular surfaces, slowing down the destruction of cartilage;
  • Reduces joint pain when walking;
  • Stimulates blood circulation in the knee, thereby improving the nutrition of cartilage tissue;
  • Reducing swelling;
  • Prevention of the inflammatory process.

At a later stage of gonarthrosis, knee braces are less effective, but continue to be used to support the joint, reduce the load on it and relieve pain.


The sooner the use of knee braces is started, the slower the progression of the disease.


There are many types of knee orthoses, each of them is good in its own way. The most popular types of knee pads:

  • Closed. It completely covers the knee, part of the leg above and below the joint. Provides comprehensive fixation of the knee and evenly distributes the load on it. Recommended for pain of uncertain localization;
  • Open. This bandage has a rounded hole on the front surface. Used to relieve pain that occurs when walking up stairs, bending legs;
  • Open with adjustable tension. Similar to the previous type, but has special straps with which you can change the degree of fixation. Indicated for the initial stage of arthrosis, during rehabilitation after injuries;
  • Articulated. There are metal hinges on the side surfaces of this knee pad. The bandage significantly reduces the load on the knee. Used for severe arthrosis with severe pain;
  • Warming knee pad for arthrosis of the knee joint. Has a built-in heat source. Used for severe pain;
  • Magnetic knee brace for arthrosis of the knee joint. This model has a built-in magnetic field source that improves blood supply to tissues.

All knee braces are made from different materials - wool, elastic synthetic fabrics, some have plastic and metal parts. The most common materials for bandages:

  • Wool absorbs moisture well and warms;
  • Polyester is the most durable material;
  • Cotton is a natural material, but wears out quickly;
  • Spandex is a synthetic highly elastic fabric.

Elastic knee pads provide knee support while maintaining freedom of movement. Orthoses made of camel hair have a pronounced warming effect. Rigid bandages are used when it is necessary to completely immobilize the knee joint.


Products made from natural wool may cause allergic reactions, while synthetic materials are made as hypoallergenic as possible. This must be taken into account when purchasing the product.

Orthopedic knee pads for arthrosis have varying degrees of fixation.

  • Soft. Indicated at the initial stage of the disease;
  • Average. Used in the second stage of arthrosis to reduce pain during movement;
  • Tight. Used in the third stage, when pain appears at rest.

Products also vary in size. There are 4 size ranges in total:

  • Small, or S;
  • Medium, or M;
  • Large, or L;
  • Maximum large, or XL.

How to determine the size of the knee pad, we will consider below.

All of these properties determine the cost of a knee brace for arthrosis. It can vary from 1000 to 20-25 thousand rubles. Where to buy knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint - such products are sold in pharmacies or orthopedic salons, where a consultant will help you choose the most suitable option. There are bandages in various online stores, but purchasing a product online does not guarantee that it will be suitable in size and functionality.

How to choose

Pick up best knee pad for arthrosis it is necessary, taking into account the characteristics of the disease:

  • Intensity of pain;
  • Nature and location of pain;
  • Stage of the disease;
  • The patient is allergic to any type of tissue.

It is best to choose a knee brace based on your doctor’s recommendations. The orthopedist prescribes a certain type of bandage, and the consultant at the pharmacy or orthopedic salon offers the most optimal options.

The size of the knee pad is of great importance. An orthosis that is too small will put pressure on the limb, causing poor circulation. Too large will not provide the locking function. Standard sizes are determined by the circumference of the knee and are indicated on the product packaging:

  • S – 30-36 cm;
  • M – 37-40 cm;
  • L – 41-45 cm;
  • XL – more than 45 cm.

The material of the knee pad is selected taking into account the indications and desired functions of the product. Companies producing the highest quality products:

  • Orlett is a German company that produces elastic and rigid orthoses of various sizes, the average cost is 4000-5500 rubles;
  • Optio is a Lithuanian company that specializes in bandages of varying degrees of rigidity, the cost of their products varies from 2500 to 4000 rubles;
  • M-Polza is a Belarusian company that produces soft knee pads costing no more than 1,500 rubles;
  • Unga-Rus is a domestic manufacturer that produces soft bandages, the cost is around 600 rubles.

If individual tailoring of medical products is required, then such orthoses will cost much more. Sometimes doctors prescribe the use of different types of orthoses - at rest, during movement, during sports.

Before purchasing, you need to try on the selected medical product, see how it will behave when walking, and evaluate the strength of the fasteners. Pharmacies and orthopedic salons provide this opportunity, unlike online stores.

Terms of use

To obtain the most beneficial effect, you must wear the knee brace correctly, following the recommendations for its use:

  • Fixation of the knee joint is one of the stages in the treatment of arthrosis; drug therapy cannot be excluded;
  • The knee brace cannot be worn constantly; it can be used for no more than three hours without a break;
  • The bandage is fixed exactly above the knee joint;
  • Do not tighten it too tightly; too tight a fixation causes tissue swelling;
  • The orthosis is placed directly on the body; it is not allowed to be worn over clothing;
  • If discomfort occurs, remove the knee pad and allow the limb to rest.

Fixation of the knee joint is carried out in a calm state, while walking or doing gymnastics. It is necessary to undergo regular examination by a doctor, because as arthrosis progresses, the bandage needs to be replaced.

To ensure that the product lasts as long as possible, maintaining its medicinal properties, you need to properly care for it:

  • Wash medical products at a temperature of 50-60 ºС, manually;
  • The product cannot be twisted when squeezing; water is removed by gentle squeezing;
  • It should be dried flat on a horizontal surface;
  • Knee pads should be stored flat.

Each product has a service life. After this period, the fabric loses its properties and ceases to perform the required function, so the product must be replaced.

A knee brace should be used if you experience increased stress on your knee joints, during therapy or if you are undergoing rehabilitation. A knee brace can also serve to protect you from injuries if you constantly train or are engaged in physically demanding work. Those who have difficulty moving in icy conditions should also pay attention to it. Indications for wearing an orthopedic knee brace: arthritis, arthrosis, injuries and the postoperative period. Please note that this medical device may have different functionality. Available in various sizes, so it can be worn by both adults and children.

Knee pads used for arthrosis can be made of different materials. Soft components are made from stretch fabrics, cotton, wool, spandex and neoprene. The composition is stitched with copper threads or threads of other metals in order to increase the tension force. To increase rigidity, the manufacturer can strengthen the mechanism with components made of rubber, metal, plastic, as well as other components of high density. The fixative may be reinforced with magnets, minerals and other components that have a healing effect.

For joint diseases, the following types of fixators are used:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • warming (made from wool and having built-in elements for conducting heat);
  • adjustable (the owner can independently change the degree of tension);
  • sports (joint, post-operative);
  • reinforced with rigid ribs.

Orthopedic products are divided into medical And sports.

Medical knee pads are designed to relieve the patient from joint pain. They are used directly during the treatment period or during the recovery period after surgery.

They are products of complex design and have several functions:

  1. serve for temporary immobilization, but with the option of adjusting the knee bend;
  2. the caliper is not only designed to maintain the joint in the desired position, but also helps it function correctly;
  3. has a healing effect.

Sports The knee brace provides the optimal balance between fixing the knee and maintaining mobility, as well as ensuring the integrity of the joint. This support does not constrain the leg, as it contains soft, semi-rigid and hard parts. However, the injury protection function is retained. In addition, if there is inflammatory processes in muscles, tendons and ligaments decrease painful sensations, which is a prevention of arthrosis.

Scope of application

Closed type clamps. Capable of holding a limb in place of a damaged joint, as well as stabilizing soft fabrics near him. Thanks to this, pain is reduced. Closed orthotics should be worn if you are just starting to experience pain. To make a diagnosis, you should visit a doctor.

Clamps reinforced with rigid ribs. Suitable for eliminating pain if you move over difficult, rough terrain, as well as when moving up and down flights of stairs.

Clamps with adjustable tension force. They are used in the postoperative rehabilitation period or directly during the therapy itself.

Sports knee pads. The most versatile orthopedic product. They have a complex structure. They have a higher cost. They are used at any stage of the disease in complex therapy.

Magnetic and mineral knee pads. Use for gonarthrosis

They are therapeutic fixatives designed to immobilize and warm at the same time. The mineral component and magnetic field have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the joints, reduce pain levels and improve muscle nutrition in the damaged area. Magnetic, tourmaline and tourmaline-magnetic fasteners have these properties.

These orthopedic products have a number of contraindications:

  • skin diseases around the knees;
  • temperature rise above 37° C;
  • wounds or loss of sensation in the knee bend.

The wearing time should be changed gradually upward. To begin with, they should be worn for 15 minutes, 2 times every 7 days. The skin may turn red and there may be a burning or tingling sensation. However, there is no need to be alarmed. These processes are the effect of mineral-magnetic influence. The reaction on the skin goes away within 6 hours after removal. After just 30 days, tourmaline magnetic retainers are suitable for longer wear.

If you have intolerance, complications have appeared in the tissues surrounding the joint, the knee pad should be removed and consult a doctor.

The size chart of manufactured orthopedic products depends on the classification adopted in the country of the manufacturer. When choosing calipers, you should look at the unit of measurement. It is indicated either in inches or centimeters. It is better to choose imported knee pads with the assistance of a consultant.

Possible markings of orthopedic products:

  • Small, Medium, Lagre;
  • S, L, JR, M, SR, XL, XXS, XXL, XS, 3XL;
  • numbers from 1 to 18 or I–VII.

A specific knee pad corresponds to a specific joint circumference. To find out the required size, straighten up and stand straight. Have someone use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your knees at the center of the joint. Next - the circumference of the leg 5-15 cm below and above the diseased joint. Height is measured by inside legs.

How to choose a knee brace for arthrosis of the knee joint

For persons under 3 years of age, orthopedic products are manufactured in special orthopedic salons according to individual patterns.

Before purchasing an orthopedic product, you must make sure that it is fits true to size and does not cause discomfort, and also corresponds to the structure of the diseased joint. We should not forget about checking the serviceability of the entire mechanism as a whole.

Arthrosis occurs in 4 stages. For each of them, a knee pad of the appropriate level of rigidity should be used:

  • 1st degree – basic fixation support;
  • 2nd degree – moderate fixation support;
  • 3rd degree – high fixation support;
  • 4th degree – complete immobilization.

Knee brace for gonarthrosis

Follow your doctor's instructions for all necessary functions. Choose a product from the best manufacturer. Evaluate the product's performance, then order what you need. When choosing a size, follow the manufacturer's grid. For borderline indicators, focus on what kind of orthopedic product you need.

Elastic components tend to stretch, so choose a smaller size. Rigid structures do not have such properties. Remember that the product should hold well, but not press in any way.

How to choose a knee brace for arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints and intra-articular tissues. Therefore, before purchasing a product, you should study all its characteristics and pay special attention to the material from which it is made.

Types of fabrics and their properties:

  • wool, cotton, crushed tourmaline– warming effect;
  • neoprene– possible allergy, not breathing;
  • lycra(elastane) – no warming effect;
  • nylon– the most durable material;
  • spandex– the most elastic material.

Magnetic and mineral knee pads, heated knee pads, and medicinal herbs, inserts made of animal wool (camel, dog, sheep). They prevent the damaged area from getting too cold and also eliminate the inflammatory process.

With arthritis, joint deformation occurs, so the orthopedic product must align the joint capsule and help it perform the necessary functions.

If you have varicose veins veins, remember that tight bandages are contraindicated for you. They compress the blood vessels. For varicose veins, it is better to use compression bandages or spandex knee pads.

Pressure dressings are suitable for synovitis. It can be replaced with a fixing knee brace with a low percentage of immobilization.

Patella and sports knee injury

In case of sports injuries to the knee, you should first consult a doctor and then follow his recommendations.

The ratio of injuries and orthopedic products:

  • meniscus, sprain, postoperative period – hinged knee pads with a frame structure;
  • sprains, synovitis, bursitis, joint diseases - moderate fixation supports with reinforced rigid ribs;
  • bruises – elastic knee pads;
  • fractures and cracks – complete immobilization.

Some sports orthopedic products can be used instead of medical ones. Therefore, before purchasing, carefully study all the indicators of the product or check the characteristics with a consultant, but only after a visit to the doctor.

Correct use of knee pads

Some orthopedic products are removed after an hour of wearing, others only under the guidance of the attending physician. The latter are used until the very end of the rehabilitation period or before osteotomy, arthroscopy or endoprosthetics.
