Eye pills for cataracts. What helps with cataracts: drugs for treatment.

Of course, when the clouding of the lens is in an advanced stage, the cataract remedy will be useless. Doctors say that the disease can be dealt with only with the help of surgery. But this does not mean that we should expect the situation to worsen. It is known that due to the progression of the disease, the patient is dealing with various visual disorders. Moreover, a person can simply go blind. Therefore, it is worth starting treatment on time, which involves the use of effective drugs.

During the operation opaque lens can be replaced with an artificial lens implant. Visual acuity decreases and myopia increases, since diffuse refraction occurs as a result of lens distraction. Also, vision is reduced with low contrast, so patients see the world as greyish. Sometimes double images are also perceived, which do not disappear when the other eye is closed.

In the case of gray stars, halos or beacons are observed around light sources. Light-dark adaptation of the eye slows down. Cataract cataract is not a disease in the strict sense: it is an increase in the hardening and opacity of the lens of the human eye in old age. Lens hardening begins as soon as the lens has no flexibility.

Preparations for the treatment of the eyes are necessary so that metabolic processes are established in the lens.

The eyes need vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a variety of drugs prescribed for cataracts contain vitamins in large quantities.

Preparations of domestic manufacturers are much more affordable than imported ones.

In Germany, cataracts are usually between and therefore, with more than 1000 operations per year, cataract treatment has become the most frequent and safest intervention in all medicine. Modern multifocal lenses replace glasses after cataract filing, so many patients can also be separated from their progressive lenses or reading glasses after surgery.

How does a gray star develop?

Focus in Munich about 000 ambulatory cataract surgeries are carried out in Troppfanasti. The most common cause of hardening and opacity of the lens of the eye is natural aging. Typically, both eyes are affected, even if the eye always "precedes" by several months.

Drops are in demand, for example:

  • "Emoxin".

Of foreign analogues, the following are effective:

  • "Quinax";
  • "Catalin";
  • "Katachron" and others.

If the eyes need to be treated, the patient should initially consult a doctor about the use of certain remedies. Self-medication is extremely dangerous.

metabolic disorders, diabetes, circulatory disorders or vascular diseases may accelerate the development of cataracts. Rarely, genetic factors, drugs, or radiation therapy can lead to special forms of dislocation of the lens. As a rule, the lens becomes cloudy very slowly, so that the victim may not notice a decrease in visual acuity.

Therefore, regular examination by an ophthalmologist is very important to control visual acuity. Frequent changes in visual acuity are often a sign of a change in the initial lens. Often, even with new glasses, the best visual acuity cannot be achieved. If the turbidity has reached the so-called core of the lens, visual acuity may actually decrease rapidly. This manifests itself primarily due to poor night vision, increased sensitivity to glare, or a higher requirement for lighting while reading.

You should be aware that when the patient uses any of the eye preparations alone, addiction will occur. Therefore, in order to avoid this in the course of treatment, it is necessary to change the combination of drugs. And only an ophthalmologist can help with this.

Drug therapy only helps to slow down the disease. And during treatment, such drugs are necessarily prescribed, thanks to which the material metabolism and blood flow of the eyes improves. None of the remedies used for cataracts can completely eliminate the disease. Even after successful treatment, a relapse can be expected at any time.

When is the best time to use a gray star?

The eyes often tire earlier, and longer reading is difficult. Until the 1970s, the saying was that "a gray star must mature before it can be operated on." Meanwhile, however, surgical procedures have become more precise and gentle, so that the complete curing of the lens is no longer expected.

The experience of the last 30 years has shown that the faster the stock is produced, the lower the complication rate, the softer the lens can be processed much softer than the already hardened lens. Regarding security traffic, then a visual acuity of at least 70% should always be indicated. Therefore, delivery must be made over time to maintain rideability.

Characteristics of effective means

A patient whose eyes are affected is often recommended for treatment with Taufon, a drug of synthetic origin.

Thanks to him:

  1. eye function improves;
  2. recovery processes are stimulated;
  3. material exchange is established.

The medicine helps in cases where a cataract is diagnosed, a degenerative lesion of the cornea or retina, and also if there are injuries.

Without glasses after Operation Gray Stars?

In cataract surgery, the opaque natural lens is replaced with an artificial lens. The new lens is made of soft plastic with very high resistance and a lifespan of about 90 years. These implant lenses are available in two versions: the classic models do not fully correct, so they always have a pair of glasses at a distance. Modern lenses - the so-called multifocal lenses - are able to provide long range and close range. Corneal curvatures can also be corrected.

To restore the permeability of the lens membrane of the eye and slow down the degenerative process, Pyrenoxine is prescribed. It is used to treat senile or diabetic.

There may be side effects as:

  • blepharitis;
  • itching;
  • allergies.

A solvent is attached to the preparation, and it is necessary to place a tablet in it, in order to drip sore eyes later. If irritation or burning occurs, treatment should be abandoned. You may need other drugs.

Thus, modern lenses often make the use of glasses unnecessary. However, statutory health insurance funds only accept a portion of the most favorable form of classical care. Additional costs for modern implants must be covered by the patient himself. In the case of private funds, the full acceptance of implantation costs is becoming more frequent, but should be applied in individual cases.

How long does an implant last? Can the level of vision change after implantation?

Changes in visual acuity in adults are caused by changes in the natural lens as a result of their aging and hardening, which already begin at the age of one and usually reach their peak between the year and the year of life. If the natural lens is replaced by a corrective artistic lens, it is no longer possible to expect great changes in vision. Artificial lens strength no longer changes after implantation. Implant lenses from well-known manufacturers are very resistant, so today they can even be used as a permanent solution in children with congenital gray star.

At the initial stage of eye disease, some combination drugs are prescribed. Among them is Vita-Iodurol.

Its action is aimed at:

  1. improvement of energy metabolism;
  2. improvement of blood supply and metabolism.

Medicinal components do not allow proteins to accumulate in the lens of the eye. True, allergic manifestations are not excluded.

When should the second eye work?

We currently use an optical stability of about 90 years for modern implants. Very often, the dislocation of the lens in one eye is noticeably earlier than in the other eye. Since the natural lenses of both eyes are of the same biological age, the second eye usually follows in a short time.

In Germany, however, the simultaneous delivery of both eyes is unusual. To give the first eye enough time to rest, the second should be given within the first week after the first eye. Important: if the supply of modern multifocal lenses is required, there should be no more than one week between the supply of two eyes, as the difference between the two eyes can lead to discomfort in perception and getting used to new visual conditions.

The essence of surgery

They try to get rid of the disease, if possible, with the help of various drugs. But most believe that without surgery there will be no real treatment.

No matter how effective the drugs are, they unfortunately do not give an absolute guarantee.

If the doctor decides to perform the operation, then the affected lens of the eye will be removed to the patient. It will be replaced by an artificial analogue. With proper observance of all necessary technologies, vision will be restored. In other words, the surgeon must exercise maximum care in order for the procedure to end successfully.

Green star and cat star?

In the case of classic implants, spectacles can be supplied 6 weeks after the operation. Then the second eye can be placed later. However, the exchange of classical implants against modern multifocal lenses is no longer possible. Green star and cat starter With age, the natural lens is always "thicker" and takes up more space.

Especially under narrow outflow conditions, eye pressure can continue to increase with increasing terror. So a gray star can also lead to a green star. In such cases, the eye pressure depends on the cataract operation, so that the eye pressure is reduced after the operation in the long term, and thus the risk of damage to the optic nerve can be effectively prevented by the green star.

Local anesthesia is used during the operation. It has no effect on the cardiovascular system. Thus, any patient after the operation will feel good.

True, older people still have concerns about the operation. This is due to the fact that they do not know about the lack of load on the body. Such an intervention is microsurgical and does not pose a danger.

Even in patients with a green star - as long as there is no extensive facial deficit on the visual center, it is possible to supply modern multifocal lenses. Thus, these patients could also do without their visual aids after surgery.

Drip to prepare your eyes eye drops 3 times a day for 3 days before surgery. On the day of your surgery, you will receive special eye drops that will dilate your pupil for the next 3-4 hours. Today you lose your defective vision: for preparation, you will receive eye drops that cloud the surface of the eye and, if desired, a mild sedative. During treatment, you lie on a comfortable couch. Your surgeon sits at the head of your couch and explains each step of the lens operation.

Of course, it happens that the operation is not possible to carry out. And then drugs come to the rescue, especially in the form of eye drops.

Good results can be achieved when the patient responds to the problems that have arisen in time. Drug therapy with cataract should not stop, otherwise the painful condition will worsen, and then the operation is inevitable.

Sterile coverage of your eye area. A light paper towel will now cover your eye area sterile. You feel fresh air flow under the fabric. The soft eyelid opens the eyes slightly during treatment and prevents involuntary blinking.

Then the lens of the eye is gradually liquefied with a thin ultrasonic probe and aspirated. During this process, you may feel a light feeling and experience various levels illumination and color. You will not feel pain at any time. You will see the bright light of the microscope lamp above your head. You just feel like your surgeon is moving your eyes back and forth. Once the lens is placed behind the pupil, feel gentle pressure for 2-3 minutes. At this point, your surgeon positions your new lens and flushes the lens cap again.

Faith in strength medicines from various ailments is very high. And no matter how many experts say that the only way to get rid of cataracts is surgery, people try to cure it with eye drops. Of course, these funds cannot be called absolutely useless. And of course, instillation of vitamins and nutritional biologically active substances into the eye will not harm anyone.

Congratulations - you've made it! You will receive an evening dress for one night. A slight burning or scratching sensation for the next 3-4 hours is normal. In addition, you will also receive a pill that will slightly reduce the pressure in your eye in the next few hours to speed up the recovery of your eyes.

Questions and answers about implantation of cataracts and lenses in the center of the eyes in Munich

The aftercare date is the next day. You usually look better the next morning. Visual acuity will improve slightly in the next 7-10 days every day. Here you will find a selection of the most frequently asked questions in our consultation on multifocal lenses and lens implantation.

Medicines in the form of eye drops

Oftan-katahrom (Finland) - a remedy that improves oxidative and energy processes in the lens. The drug Vitafacol (France) has almost the same properties and composition. These agents are mainly used for posterior subcapsular or cup-shaped opacities of the lens media.

What happens when the intensity of my vision changes after implanting a lens with multifocal lenses over the years or the feeling of age increases? As a result, visual strength changes with age. However, by replacing the natural lens with a multifocal lens, this aging process is "frozen": the artificial lens does not change its strength and has a constant effect at all focal lengths for many years. Therefore, a large variation in visual intensity after implantation is very unlikely.

Yes, provided, of course, that the other organs of the eye remain healthy in old age and do not develop poorly or age prematurely. The experience of more than 30 years of modern lens surgery shows that lens implantation itself ensures a stable supply of the optical system of the eye until old age. To rule out any pre-existing eye disease, we carefully examine your eyes from cornea to retina prior to each eye center lens implantation in Munich.

Catalin or Senkatalin (Japan) - drops that inhibit the action of quinone compounds, which are the product of metabolic disorders of the lens. The drug stabilizes membranes, inhibits the processes of lipid peroxidation. Recommended for diabetic and age-related cataracts.

Quinax (Belgium) is a drug that inhibits the formation of quinone compounds and acts on the proteins of the lens in case of clouding of its various layers. According to the method of exposure, it is close to Catalin. May be prescribed for age-related cataracts.

How long does a multifocal lens work well? Does it need to be replaced or renewed? The "service life" of modern multifocal lenses is estimated at 90 years. Theoretically, 90 years after implantation should be detected in transparency. Clouds or other "wear phenomena" have not yet been observed in currently used materials around the world.

No, the development of the terrible star has "spare" you, so to speak: the gray star is the opacity of the eyelid lens. After changing the lens with a multifocal lens, you will not be able to get a cat star. However, due to the natural change of the lens cap, a so-called "starter" can be installed, which can be eliminated by special laser irradiation within a few minutes.

Vitaiodurol (France) - a solution containing 8 different elements, including 10% calcium iodide. It is used for senile, myopic, and contusion cataracts. It is not used in the detection of posterior subcapsular and cup-shaped cataracts.

Taufon or Taurin (Russia) is a very popular drug based on a sulfur-containing amino acid. Improves energy processes in the lens and other tissues of the eye. Activates reparative processes. It is prescribed in the form of a 4% solution for senile, diabetic, radiation, myopic and other types of cataracts.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.02% solution of eye drops, can be prescribed for different types cataract.

Tablet forms of drugs

Medicines or dietary supplements in the form of tablets or capsules, which can be recommended for patients with cataracts, contain various vitamins (A, C, group B, etc.), trace elements (Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium) and biologically active substances(lutein, zeaxanthin and others).

in fabric eyeball the substances contained in the preparations enter the bloodstream, thus, the effect is not only on the lens, but also on other structures of the eye: retina, blood vessels, ciliary muscle, etc. The effect of their use is complex, but, as a rule, not pronounced.
